120308f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 A Middle East Strategy for the Next President Restoring the Balance: A Middle East Strategy for the Next President Brookings-Council on Foreign Relations project. A series of policy recommendations for Obama.
The Times Experts warn Obama of 'hornet's nest' in Middle East Report claims Iran poses greatest foreign policy challenge to Barack Obama with Tehran on course to produce a nuclear bomb
Charlie Rose Show - A conversation about National Security with Steve Coll, Nic Burns and Fareed Zakaria.
Financial Times Global imbalances threaten the survival of liberal trade Surplus countries must expand domestic demand relative to potential output. Only in this way can the deficit countries realistically hope to avoid spending themselves into bankruptcy, writes Martin Wolf
How to avoid the horrors of ‘stag-deflation’ Nouriel Roubini calls for aggressive action
Economists’ Forum Towards a new financial system: A decades-long transition from bank-domination to market-domination is in reversal. Market-based finance has weakened financial institutions and strained non-bank sectors
Gates ‘less concerned’ about Iraq troop removals Robert Gates, the US defence secretary who will remain as Pentagon chief in the Obama administration, said he was “less concerned” about President-elect Barack Obama’s 16-month timetable to remove combat troops from Iraq
WINEP Decoupling Syria from Iran: Constraints on U.S.-Syrian Rapprochement
By MARK MEDISH Russia has indulged in a series of visceral responses to perceived slights, revealing atavism, not strength. Rage is not a strategy.
Forget State vs. Treasury By ROBERT HORMATS AND DAVID M. KENNEDY Economic policy and foreign policy are not two distinct domains. They constitute a strategic nexus whose interconnections Americans ignore at their peril.
Obama's team of stars: Can he manage it? Some inner-circle conflict can be of help to a president, but building a sense of teamwork will be key.
New template for terror? Mumbai attacks' sophistication shows need for new approach to defenses, experts say.
Washington Post Obama Shows the Instincts of a Large Political Figure In Obama's Cabinet, the Audacity of Moderation By Michael Gerson Obama is doing something marvelously right: He is disappointing the ideologues.
Could a Mumbai-Style Attack Happen in the U.S.? By David Ignatius, And if America is hit with a Mumbai-style attack, how should the country react?
Need cash? Cut nuclear weapons budget A good part of the military budget is still devoted to programs designed for the Cold War, which ended 20 years ago. So why not transfer some of those billions of dollars to conventional military and domestic programs? (By Joseph Cirincione, Boston Globe)
Los Angeles Times Gates on board with Obama's Iraq plan The Defense secretary says the new U.S.-Iraq security agreement changes the conversation from debating a timeline for withdrawal to figuring out how to reduce troops responsibly.
Kenneth Rogoff: This once-in-a-lifetime economic recession requires a unique response. Inflation is needed to combat the crisis
The new West WingEditorial: Obama's main purpose seems to be putting the American political system back on an even keel
The end is in sight John Isaacs: The new US-Iraq security agreement represents the collapse of American designs for a permanent occupation
Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: The Accelerating Crisis on the Subcontinent Even as the United States urges calm after the Mumbai attacks, India likely has decided that the United States will not constrain its response to Pakistan.
Pakistan: Choosing Civil Strife Over War With India Pakistan appears to be leaning toward risking domestic strife rather than risking war with India.
New York Times Clinton’s Welcome Will Include a Plate of Global Crises
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Calling All Pakistanis Who in the Muslim world, who in Pakistan, is ready to take to the streets to protest the mass murders of real people, not cartoon characters, right next door in Mumbai, India?
After Sharp Words on C.I.A., Obama Faces a Delicate Task The president-elect must take charge of the agency in what is proving to be one of the more treacherous patches of the transition
Gates Vows Active Role in Staying On at Pentagon
U.S. Softens Stance on Russia at NATO Summit
Barack the Realist - Rich Lowry, New York Post
Palestinians Shift Position on Peace Accord By: Nicholas Kralev | The Washington Times Top Palestinian negotiators with Israel said Monday that they are prepared to establish a Palestinian state initially in the West Bank, which Gaza can join if the militant group Hamas gives up control of the strip.
RFE/RLRussian Political Elite Get Nervous It has long been an article of faith that if oil prices dropped significantly, Russia's ruling elite could find itself in trouble. Now that oil prices are down two-thirds since their August highs, Russia's rulers are indeed starting to feel the heat
Negotiating with Iran before its presidential election by Steven J. Rosen
Jerusalem PostFreeing Barghouti a Lesser of Two Evils - Joshua Gleis,
IDF opposes plan for NATO in W. Bank General James Jones (ret.), Obama's national security adviser pick, supports the idea.
Obama team promises 'new dawn' The key foreign policy and military picks for the Barack Obama administration who were unveiled on Monday promised to usher in a new era of strengthened United States diplomacy and multilateralism. But veteran supporters feel betrayed with the "hawkish" appointments, notably Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, saying they represent a departure from Obama's campaign stance, particularly on the questions of Israel and Iraq. - Jim Lobe
Daily Star The best course for Iran is a straight one based on its legitimate interests
Will sensible minds prevail in Washington? By Rami G. Khouri
Heritage Moving Forward with Ballistic Missile Defense: A Memo to President-elect Obama
Newsweek Peace Deal May Depend On International Presence Israelis and Palestinians seem to realize that a strong international presence will be critical to any deal.
Salon FDR's bold brain trust versus Obama's timid wonks Roosevelt came into office with a brain trust ready to enact change. Are Obama's brainiacs up to that task -- or are they too beholden to the Clintonian, neoliberal past?
Reflections on Al-Qa’ida from the Management Perspective
Reflections on Al-Qa’ida from the Management Perspective
• 'US Public Diplomacy for the 21st Century' by Kristin M. Lord, Brookings Institution | H2 Obama'nın Atamaları ve Türkiye Obama'nın ulusal güvenlik ekibinin Türk - Amerikan ilişkilerine olumlu olarak yansıyacağı düşünülüyor
GMF Fellow Ian Lesser "Turkey and the Global Economic Crisis"
Soli Özel Ankara`nın ikilemi
EDM Ergenekon’s Alliance with the Eurasia Movement in Russia B Emrullah Uslu
Umur Talu Charles'tan al haberi!
CFR Turkey's Engine Shows Resilience
Turkey at an Energy Crossroads
‘Ankara should be vigilant with Obama cabinet’
IMF'yle anlaşma olmazsa Türkiye resesyona girer
The Ottoman Mystique - The Atlantic (December 2008) In Istanbul, James Fallows encounters an unexpected aesthetic power and harmony. Before going to Istanbul, I barely thought about the place. Now, a year later, it is often on my mind. That is mainly because it provides what is rarest in travel: an aesthetic and even sensual surprise."
Bir dostun ardından: Gündüz’lü yıllar YAMAN BAŞKUT
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM
Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national
Mustafa Akyol AK Parti ve Kürt sorunu (II)
Gülay Göktürk Kürtler ne zaman isyan edecek?
AKP’den aday olan biri Kürt değildir
Ankara, Afganistan ile Pakistan liderlerini İstanbul'da buluşturuyor
Kurdish authorities stand by foreign oil contracts
Kuzey Irak'ın özerkliğinin hukuki düzeyde tanınmasından, Ankara kadar Tahran da korkuyor
Kurdish may get a boost in Turkey
Ahmet Turan Aklan Kerkük'ü gördüm
Kürtler arasındaki mutabakatı hep Apo bozdu –
Mehmet Kamış Türkiye'yi karıştırmak için elde sadece PKK kaldı
Ensarioğlu'na göre Ergenekon'un aydınlatılması bölgeyi rahatlatır
Ayna'dan tuhaf çıkış: DTP'ye oy vermeyen savaşa mühür basar
‘Kahrolsun PKK’ dedi linç ediliyordu
Kurds honor human-rights achievements Iraqi Kurdistan serves as a model for tolerance and respect for diversity, regional officials said, marking the 60th anniversary of a human-rights declaration.
Federal Kürdistan bölgesi hükümetinden Maliki`nin açıklamalarına reddiye-1
AK Parti saldırısını PKK üstlendi
PKK’ya katılacak oğlunu ihbar etti
KRG says 34851 displaced Iraqi families in Kurdistan region
Kurdistan PM says oil minister shouldn’t make decisions alone
PKK'da yolsuzluğun arkası kesilmiyor
Ali Bulaç Neden "İslamî terör?"
Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık
[ANALYSIS] Lesser: Crisis may have dramatic effect on Turkey’s relations
'Mevcut anayasa ile AB yolunda sık sık kaza yaparız'
AB ve BAB’a, PKK ile mücadele için hassasiyet çağrısı
AP Dış İlişkiler Komisyonu'nda Türkiye raporu tartışıldı
Avrupa'dan çarpıcı tespit: Türkiye’de iç savaş yaşanıyor
Türkiye, AİHM'de 7 dava daha kaybetti
Türkiye'yi eleştirdi: Kıbrıs'ta çözüm için yeterince çaba harcamıyor
Mensur Akgün Ukrayna hazır, peki biz hazır mıyız
Armenian Foreign Minister Visits Turkey, Reaffirms Determination for Dialogue
Mustafa Ünal Bakü-Brüksel hattı
Turkish Foreign Minister Defends Thaw with Armenia During Visit to Azerbaijan Agence France-Presse
Türkiye’ye yükümlülük hatırlatması
"Türkiye'den uygulama bekliyoruz"
Nagehan Alçı Avrupa’nın afyonu: Çok kültürlülük
Talat ve Hristofyas Yeniden Görüştü
Bakoyanni: Türkiye çaba göstermiyor
CNN’den gerilim yaratacak ‘Soykırım’ belgeseli
Skopje informs of file against Greece
[Amerikan-AB İlişkileri] AB aradığı muhatabı buldu mu?
Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop
The Ottoman Mystique - The Atlantic (December 2008) In Istanbul, James Fallows encounters an unexpected aesthetic power and harmony. Before going to Istanbul, I barely thought about the place. Now, a year later, it is often on my mind. That is mainly because it provides what is rarest in travel: an aesthetic and even sensual surprise."
Turkey: Female Worker’s Five-Month Sit-In Sheds Light on Workers’ Rights Soft-spoken Emine Arslan doesn’t look like the sort of person who likes to kick up a fuss. But her solitary 150-day sit-in outside a prominent Istanbul factory that supplies leather goods to international brands like Prada and Mulberry has attracted unprecedented domestic and international attention to labor rights issues in Turkey.
Teknoloji, 41 bin suçluyu yakalattı
In Paris, an Apartment Inspired by India and Turkey
| H3
'Ergenekon'un 1 numarası kimseyi şaşırtmasın' VİDEO
Emek: Cephaneyi teslim etmek aklıma gelmedi
Emniyet amiri ve Taraf yazarı Uslu neden ABD'den dönemiyor?
Ergenekon'da Susurluk raporu sürprizi
Ergenekon Susurluk ilişkisi Neden’de tartışıldı
Telekulak komisyonu dinleme tekniklerini dinledi
Deniz Feneri’nde ikinci dalga geliyor - Hürriyet
Ergenekon davasında olaylı gergin duruşma
TSK disiplinden asla taviz vermez
Anayasa ihali var mı?
Yargıtay gizli tanığı dikkate almadı
Karanlık mihrakların tertip ve tahriklerine karşı uyanık olun
Ergenekon critics use Güney as ploy
Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye
Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv
Cengiz Çandar Obama'dan Erdoğan'a: 'Medeniyetler Çatışması'nın açmazında
Ahmet Taşgetiren Baykal’a bir artı bir eksi CHP kimlik mi arıyor?
Taha Akyol
Fikret Bila Baykal: Anadolu Solu’ndan sapmadım
Hasan Cemal Erdoğan sandıkta çöküş yaşar mı?..
Ekrem Dumanlı Tuncay Güney ve Milliyet Gazetesi
Murat Yetkin Yerel seçim siyasi denklemleri değiştiriyor
İsmet Berkan Kırılganlık ve gündelik dalgalanmalar
Fehmi Koru Büyük fiyaskoyu unutmuş değiliz
Taha Kıvanç Yerel seçime doğru
Şamil Tayyar Son yazımdır 1 Numara’ya dair
Ali Bayramoğlu Suskunluk yasası ve Türk derin devleti...
Ertuğrul Özkök ABD’deki Türkiye
Ahmet Hakan Ebu Leheb mi olduk
M Ali Birand Türkiye’yi islamcı ve milliyetçiler yönetecek
Cüneyt Ülsever Krizin Türkiye’ye olası etkileri
Abdülhamit Bilici Sabrina'nın suçu neydi?
Sabahattin Önkibar Medyadaki MİT'çiler...
Bilal Çetin IMF’siz çözüm yok gibi...
ERDAL ŞAFAK Tatbikatta bir ayrıntı
ERGUN BABAHANAydınlar ve AK Parti
Umur Talu Charles'tan al haberi!
MEHMET BARLASKimi dini kimi de devleti koruduğu gerekçesine sığınır...
Güneri Civaoğlu 1 yılda 6 milyon genç yarattık
Ece Temelkuran Erken örgütlenme hayat kurtarır!
Mehmet Altan Ergenekoncu musunuz?
Eser Karakaş İki Türkiye
Oray Eğin Bu komiseri kim koruyor?
Atılgan Bayar Dar çevre siyasetine isyan
Serdar Akinan İşkence havayolları Türkiye seferinde
Burak Bekdil Turkey's power-gang-conspiracy-everything emporium
Bülent Keneş An undersecretariat for religious affairs might be a solution
İsmail Küçükkaya
Kemalists, AK Party supporters share similar view of Erdoğan by EMRE USLU & ÖNDER AYTAÇ*
Avcılar olayı-asıl olarak- bize neyi anlatıyor?
“Türkiye hakkında şok iddia” bu mu?
Hoca Ahmet Yesevi ve izbasarlarında hoşgörü
AK Parti ve demokrasi ilişkisi...
Etyen Mahçupyan Is democracy possible through an unchangeable republic? (1)
Kazanan: Ulagay, Kaybeden: Gökçe
Ege Cansen Paranın piyasa fiyatı yoktur
Osman Ulagay Hayalcinin mumu resesyona kadar yanar
Hurşit Güneş Küresel kriz ne kadar sürer?
Moody's: IMF'yle anlaşılmazsa resesyon olabilir
Tüzmen: İhracat 2009'da yüzde 17 azalacak
TÜSİAD: KDV indirimi tüketimi canlandırır
Deniz Gökçe
Güngör Uras Bankalar dış borçlarını yenilemeye başladı
Ergin Yıldızoğlu|Dünya Ekonomisine Bakış
Fırtına öncesinde reel şirketler
Aydın Ayaydın Herkesin gözü işçilerin parasında
H4 New York Times Clinton’s Welcome Will Include a Plate of Global Crises
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Calling All Pakistanis Who in the Muslim world, who in Pakistan, is ready to take to the streets to protest the mass murders of real people, not cartoon characters, right next door in Mumbai, India?
After Sharp Words on C.I.A., Obama Faces a Delicate Task The president-elect must take charge of the agency in what is proving to be one of the more treacherous patches of the transition
Gates Vows Active Role in Staying On at Pentagon
Diplomatic Memo: An Uncommon Résumé in an Unusual Time
India’s 9/11? Not Exactly By AMITAV GHOSH Unlike the United States, India’s experience of terrorist attacks far predates 2001. The key to victory against terrorism will be determined by its response
International Retaliations (the Trouble With…) By TOBIN HARSHAWConsidering a hypothetical retaliation for the attacks in Mumbai, India.
Pursuing U.S. Aid, G.M. Accepts Need for Drastic Cuts By BILL VLASIC General Motors said it needed an $18 billion package in loans and lines of credit and that it will cut jobs, factories, brands and executive pay.
U.S. and India See Link to Militants in Pakistan By ERIC SCHMITT, SOMINI SENGUPTA and JANE PERLEZ Officials said they had identified leaders of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, stepping up pressure on Pakistan.
U.S. Softens Stance on Russia at NATO Summit
Bombs Kill 21 Iraqis, Including Children
Editorial The Next Attorney General Eric Holder could be an exemplary choice for attorney general but he must answer serious questions before the Senate votes on his confirmation.
Republican Wins Runoff for Senator in Georgia
| H5 Washington Post Obama Shows the Instincts of a Large Political Figure In Obama's Cabinet, the Audacity of Moderation By Michael Gerson Obama is doing something marvelously right: He is disappointing the ideologues.
Could a Mumbai-Style Attack Happen in the U.S.? By David Ignatius, And if America is hit with a Mumbai-style attack, how should the country react?
Mumbai Attackers Made Sophisticated Use of Technology Mumbai Attackers Had GPS Units, Satellite Maps
Experience Will Be Prime Asset for Obama's Intelligence Chiefs Picks to Face Internal, External Challenges
Editorial Homeland Security Priorities A chilling report highlights the agency's primary purpose . . .
George W. Bush as Today's Herbert Hoover By Harold Meyerson, He's lucky that he was already in the ninth circle of presidential hell.
Next Europe: Germany's Own Obamania
Holbrooke Under Consideration for South Asia Diplomatic Role
Pakistan Offers to Join With India in Investigating Mumbai Massacre
Indian Investigators Reveal Details Culled From Arrested Gunman
U.S. Hopes to Quiet Indian-Pakistani Tensions
Bombings Kill at Least 15 Across Iraq; Chemical Ali Gets Second Death Sentence
The Big Three's Stalemate COLUMN | Neither automakers nor the government will likely emerge a winner in coming shootout.
Rome Burns,
Was Larry Summers Right About 'Intrinsic Aptitude'? By Ruth Marcus, Page A17 He may have cost himself the Treasury secretary job, but he probably had a legitimate point.
Auto Giants Ratchet Up Pleas for Aid As Sales Hit 25-Year Low, Companies Pledge to Unload Brands and Slash Costs
Democrats Should Face the Challenge Immigration reform can't be neglecte
The Twitter Phenomenon -- In Touch, Always, in Cyberspace In the information age, nothing is not worth mentioning. To what end, one can only surmise
Republican Chambliss Wins Georgia Runoff Emphatic Victory Leaves Democrats Without Filibuster-Proof Majority in Senate
Obama to Announce Choice of Richardson for Commerce Secretary
President-Elect's Picks Prove Diversity Is More Than Skin-Deep | H6 Guardian Embracing inflation Kenneth Rogoff: This once-in-a-lifetime economic recession requires a unique response. Inflation is needed to combat the crisis
· The new West Wing Editorial: Obama's main purpose seems to be putting the American political system back on an even keel
The end is in sight John Isaacs: The new US-Iraq security agreement represents the collapse of American designs for a permanent occupation
Pakistan finds unity under fire Fe'reeha Idrees: Pakistan's media response to Indian allegations over the Mumbai attacks is a panicked form of patriotism Pipe dreams Reading the International Energy Agency's latest long-term forecast, the World Energy Outlook 2008
· At last this exhausted region is energised - by its old foe Simon Jenkins: From the Mediterranean to Islamabad, people battered for a decade by dreadful US policies are in the grip of Obamania
· Nato snubs US by resuming Russia contacts West European members stall Nato membership bids from Georgia and Ukraine despite US pressure
US warned India of Islamist attack Public anger grows in Mumbai following disclosure American intelligence warned of sea-borne assault
· Most wanted man named among fugitives Mumbai underworld ruler and jihadist top list of Indian fugitives believed to be in Pakistan
For Bush - and Obama - a gut check Scott Ritter: George Bush says the failure to find WMD in Iraq is his biggest regret. He should regret trusting his gut over the intelligence
· The shadows of Mumbai Siddhartha Deb: The violent spectacle of terror distracts from the reality of another India long used to suffering
· In this recession, we want comfort culture to go with our comfort food Jonathan Freedland: From Billy Elliot to JK Galbraith, our taste in a downturn satisfies one of two appetites: escape or understanding
Towards a safer world David Miliband and Frank Walter Steinmeier: By signing the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Germany and Britain are taking a strong lead in disarmament
H7 Daily Star The best course for Iran is a straight one based on its legitimate interests
Will sensible minds prevail in Washington? By Rami G. Khouri
Libya's succession question: Questions without answers
Three cheers for historical debate, right or wrong By Chris Patten
Barack the Realist - Rich Lowry, New York Post
Obama's 'Team of Rivals' Also Has Some Rival Ideas
Is Iran Policy Still Up for Grabs? by Robert Dreyfuss and Tom Engelhardt
Next Steps with Iran - Sen. Jon Kyl, RealClearWorld
Obama: Carter's Heir? - Nikolas Gvosdev, National Interest
Obama Urged to Quickly Engage Iran, Syria
Rove: Obama Security Team Represents Continuity
Obama's UN Envoy Got Iraq War Wrong
A strong message from a team of stars President-elect Barack Obama has sent clear messages of magnanimity, pragmatism, and bipartisanism in his appointment of stars for his national security team. (By Scot Lehigh, Globe Columnist)
America Needs a Fleet of Special Envoys By: Nirav Patel and Vikram Singh | World Politics Review
Reactions in the Arab and Muslim World to the Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai IICC
Rand Four Countries in the Middle East Face the Human Capital Challenges of the 21st Century
| H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq
Deputy Premier Discusses Pact with US Ambassador (Voices of Iraq)
Iran Holds Naval War Games in Hormuz
UN finds new clues in Hariri case The UN body investigating the killing of Lebanese ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri says fresh evidence could help identify new suspects.
·WSJ Iraqi Oil Exports Could Fall Iraqi oil exports could fall by as much as 13% next year as maintenance problems and labor shortages undermine the country's export capacity.
U.S.-Iraqi Accord Shows Muqtada Sadr's Diminished Clout By: Tina Susman | Los Angeles Times The Shiite cleric was once key to keeping Nouri Maliki in power but could use his supporters' street credibility against the prime minister. Now his political future is in doubt.
Chemical Ali Sentenced to Death
UNAMI may need separate security deal A new security deal defining the security relationship between U.S. forces and the U.N. mission in Iraq may be necessary once the current mandate expires.
| H9 Ha’aretz – Bradley Burston / The Jihadi as Nazi, from 9/11 to MumbaiThe monsters weren't Nazis because they were Muslims. It was in emulating Nazis, that they betrayed Islam
Experts urge Obama to negotiate with Iran, advance Syria peace
Jerusalem PostFreeing Barghouti a Lesser of Two Evils - Joshua Gleis,
IDF opposes plan for NATO in W. Bank General James Jones (ret.), Obama's national security adviser pick, supports the idea.
US experts: Dialogue with Iran needed Report also says Hamas should be incorporated into PA because Palestinian unity essential for peace
Analysis: Al-Qaida-style extremism gains real power within Hamas
The jihadist- multicultural alliance [ CAROLINE GLICK
According to Jeff Barak, Obama and Bibi won't mix. Yuli Edelstein, however, believes the two can work together.
PA plans to purge West Bank councils controlled by Hamas The move, planned for the coming weeks, could pave way for extension of President Abbas's term of office after January 9.
Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine
Palestinians Shift Position on Peace Accord By: Nicholas Kralev | The Washington Times Top Palestinian negotiators with Israel said Monday that they are prepared to establish a Palestinian state initially in the West Bank, which Gaza can join if the militant group Hamas gives up control of the strip.
Rumour sparks Hebron settler riot Jewish settlers riot in the West Bank city of Hebron, clashing with Israeli troops who normally protect them.
As Israel buries its Mumbai victims, accusations simmer
Jews of Mumbai, a Tiny and Eclectic Group, Suddenly Reconsider Their Serene Existence
Giving Back the Golan Will Not Be Easy,” by Shai
NATO, Israel to strengthen cooperation
The Race Is On For Hot Job as Obama’s Liaison To Nation’s Jews |
Obama's team of stars: Can he manage it? Some inner-circle conflict can be of help to a president, but building a sense of teamwork will be key.
New template for terror? Mumbai attacks' sophistication shows need for new approach to defenses, experts say.
In Guantánamo case, a judge tightens the screws on the US He is insisting that the government disclose any evidence that points to a detainee's innocence in a 'dirty bomb' plot.
Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: The Accelerating Crisis on the Subcontinent Even as the United States urges calm after the Mumbai attacks, India likely has decided that the United States will not constrain its response to Pakistan.
Pakistan: Choosing Civil Strife Over War With India Pakistan appears to be leaning toward risking domestic strife rather than risking war with India.
Indians feel mix of defiance, anger at terrorists, government USA Today
Indo-Pak row may draw US into the fray
Fresh Blood From an Old Wound By: Pankaj Mishra | The New York Times
The Unhealed Wound of Kashmir By: H.D.S. Greenway | The Boston Globe In the aftermath of the attacks on Mumbai, and India points the finger toward Pakistan, it's becoming clear that the unhealed wound of Kashmir is spreading its gangrenous grievance yet again.
Hold Pakistan Accountable - Ram Kelkar, Rediff
Lessons from Mumbai Tragedy - Gideon Rachman, Financial Times
Saving India-Pakistan Relations - Frank Schell, Far East. Econ. Review Pakistan Also a Target of Mumbai Attacks - Daniel Benjamin, Slate
ENGAGING CHINA IN SPACE, Part 1 A fresh start or a protracted showdown? The new administration in the United States will have to deal with China in space at a time when the Europeans, Russia, India and Japan are gaining momentum there as well. Achieving a greater degree of cooperation sounds easy, but if another Chinese anti-satellite test takes place, a more confrontational space warfare agenda will be the driving force again. - Peter J Brown
South Asia Seen As Key Challenge For Obama With India accusing Pakistan of links to the Mumbai terrorist attacks, relations between the nuclear-armed neighbors are at their lowest point since the two countries pulled back from the brink of war in 2002. Experts say this creates a major foreign-policy challenge for the incoming administration of U.S. President-elect Barack Obama -- how to keep tensions between India and Pakistan from derailing the fight against Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants along the Pakistan-Afghanistan borde | By MARK MEDISH Russia has indulged in a series of visceral responses to perceived slights, revealing atavism, not strength. Rage is not a strategy.
Forget State vs. Treasury By ROBERT HORMATS AND DAVID M. KENNEDY Economic policy and foreign policy are not two distinct domains. They constitute a strategic nexus whose interconnections Americans ignore at their peril.
David Brooks: Nation-building, take two Barack Obama and his team should put into action a foreign policy doctrine that builds on some of the ideas developed during George W. Bush's term.
NATO ministers move to resume talks with Russia NATO foreign ministers agreed Tuesday to gradually resume talks with Russia that were frozen after Moscow's invasion of Georgia in August in exchange for accelerating work on preparing Ukraine and Georgia for eventual membership.
As Russia rises, a test for Berlin As the U.S. aims to counter Russia's military assertiveness, Germany favors developing Russia economically and ensure its political stability.
Thousands in Kosovo protest EU mission By DAN BILEFSKY Thousands took to the streets of Pristina to demonstrate against the planned deployment of an EU judicial mission that many ethnic Albanians fear will partition the new country.
EUROPE European press review
'Europe heading to major cultural clash' Jerusalem Post
CEPS Beyond dependence: How to deal with Russian Gas
A Tear in the NATO Bulwark - Walter Mayr, Der Spiegel How should NATO approach Russia? Contrary to Germany, the Baltic countries and Poland want to enlarge the alliance to include Georgia and Ukraine. With NATO foreign ministers meeting this week, the alliance has hardly ever been so at odds.
Don't Rush Georgia and Ukraine Into NATO By: Michael O'Hanlon | The Washington Times
Stratfor Kosovo: A Souring View of the EU Mission Kosovo is losing its enthusiasm for the coming deployment of EU law-enforcement and judiciary officials as the interests of Pristina and Brussels begin to diverge
NATO: The U.S. Push Into Russia's Traditional Turf At an ongoing foreign ministers' meeting, NATO is debating the U.S.-prompted idea of extending Membership Action Plans to Ukraine and Georgia.
Nato 'to resume ties with Russia' Nato agrees to a "graduated re-engagement" with Moscow,four months after talks were frozen over Russia's war with Georgia.
NATO leaders review global operations
EU to operate 'all over Kosovo' EU police and justice officials will start deploying throughout Kosovo next week, including to Serb-majority areas.
Double Win in EU-Russia Relations – Roadmap for a New PCA CAP
What Europe Wants from President Obama CER
The St Malo declaration 10 years on
Leaked notes implicate Spain in transfers to Guantánamo
| H12 RFE/RLRussian Political Elite Get Nervous It has long been an article of faith that if oil prices dropped significantly, Russia's ruling elite could find itself in trouble. Now that oil prices are down two-thirds since their August highs, Russia's rulers are indeed starting to feel the heat
Georgia: NATO Membership, Not MAP, Is the Goal In a sharp reversal from earlier statements, Georgian officials are now playing down hopes that Georgia will receive a Membership Action Plan at the December 2-3 meeting of North Atlantic Treaty Organization foreign ministers in Brussels
Georgia: President Saakashvili Denies That Washington Gave OK for South Ossetian Military Days after a stinging public attack from a former ally, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili testified about his course of action during the August war with Russia. Saakashvili emphatically denied an earlier allegation that he had received a thumbs-up from Washington to use force in South Ossetia
Azerbaijan: Global Crisis Hits Baku Banks and Real Estate Sector Despite the recent sag in oil prices, Azerbaijan’s 2009 state budget is still betting big on potential oil revenues. Some analysts believe the Azerbaijani government is leaving the country exposed to a financial catastrophe by clinging to optimistic revenue projections
Google News Azerbaijan
Hydroelectricity or Irrigation: a Central Asian Dilemma
Double Win in EU-Russia Relations – Roadmap for a New PCA CAP
Georgia Acted in Self-Defense By: Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili | The Wall Street Journal
Germany Aims to Guide the West's Ties to Russia By: Nicholas Kulish | The New York Times
Why Russia Has No Friends
Russia's Caribbean Farce By: Anne Applebaum | The Washington Post
Medvedev Tour Shows Moscow's Latin American Limits By: Richard Weitz | World Politics Review
WSJ Postwar Aid Buffers Georgian Economy As ex-Eastern bloc countries stumble amid the global financial crisis, Georgia has so far largely escaped. The reason: reconstruction aid allocated since its war with Russia.
H13 The Times Experts warn Obama of 'hornet's nest' in Middle East Report claims Iran poses greatest foreign policy challenge to Barack Obama with Tehran on course to produce a nuclear bomb
German soldiers deemed 'too fat to fight' According to official reports 3,500 troops in Afghanistan drink too much beer and wine and fail in their mission to train police
British ‘tortured and jailed Obama’s grandfather’ Harrowing story of Hussein Onyango Obama's survival in prison after he became involved in the Kenyan independence movement
Nato on hold for Ukraine and Georgia Only agreement is help for them to improve their militaries in preparation for eventual membership of the alliance
Report warns Obama to prepare for terrorist attack Joe Biden is being briefed on the study which based its findings on evidence from military, political and academic experts
Iraq's forgotten workers duped into migration Poor and desperate, hundreds of men from developing countries promised work are now stranded in Baghdad with no way out
The merits of “one-club” economics Reopening the debates of the 1980s has no relevance to tackling today's recession
Condoleezza Rice on mission to ease tensions The US Secretary of State will attempt to soothe India-Pakistan friction that could jeopardise America’s War on Terror
· Economists Have Abandoned Principle By Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales Twelve months ago nobody could have imagined government interventions we now take for granted.
Jones Urges Broad Afghanistan Approach James Jones, Obama's new national security adviser, said a U.S. troop surge in Afghanistan will work only if other efforts are made to bolster the government.
Postwar Aid Buffers Georgian Economy As ex-Eastern bloc countries stumble amid the global financial crisis, Georgia has so far largely escaped. The reason: reconstruction aid allocated since its war with Russia.
Gates Seeks to Close Guantanamo Gates said closing the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay is a "high priority" and called on Congress to work with the Obama administration to make it happen.
Blackwater Plans Effort Against Piracy Private security firm Blackwater Worldwide is in talks with potential clients for a new venture -- protection from pirates.
· Let's Give Pakistan the Attention It Deserves By Bernard-Henri Levy
The Strategic Economic Dialogue Works By Wang Qishan
Health-Care Reform Could Kill the GOP THE TILTING YARD
Big Three Seek $34 Billion Bailout Detroit's Big Three presented turnaround plans to Congress that indicate both GM and Chrysler could collapse by the end of December unless they get billions of dollars in emergency loans.
Paulson Debates Second Infusion Treasury Secretary Paulson is debating whether to ask Congress for the second installment of the $700 billion rescue package.
India named a senior leader of a Pakistani militant group as the mastermind of the Mumbai terror attacks, and demanded Pakistan turn him over
Look at the Brighter Side of the Financial Crisis By: Tom Plate | The Japan Times
| H14 Financial Times Global imbalances threaten the survival of liberal trade Surplus countries must expand domestic demand relative to potential output. Only in this way can the deficit countries realistically hope to avoid spending themselves into bankruptcy, writes Martin Wolf
How to avoid the horrors of ‘stag-deflation’ Nouriel Roubini calls for aggressive action
Economists’ Forum Towards a new financial system: A decades-long transition from bank-domination to market-domination is in reversal. Market-based finance has weakened financial institutions and strained non-bank sectors
Gates ‘less concerned’ about Iraq troop removals Robert Gates, the US defence secretary who will remain as Pentagon chief in the Obama administration, said he was “less concerned” about President-elect Barack Obama’s 16-month timetable to remove combat troops from Iraq
Nato seeks to repair divisions over Russia
India needs a clear Pakistan policy Sunil Khilnani on the tough questions ahead
The east’s innovators are no threat to the west The west can only gain, says John Kay
Kiev crunch Political feuding is hampering Ukraine’s leaders as they struggle to revive a debt-ridden economy
Oil prices fall to 3½-year lows Concerns Opec may not cut production as much as promised
India demands Pakistan hand over suspects Government seeks 20 most wanted militants
Somalia’s jihad Ethiopia’s planned withdrawal offers hope that Somalis can unite against an extremist form of Islam and that fellow Muslim states will help them do it
Not a time for hoarding bullets A 0.75 percentage point cut should be the ECB’s starting point. If there was ever a time for shooting first and asking questions later, this is surely it
Ford and GM chiefs offer to forgo salary
| H15 Los Angeles Times Gates on board with Obama's Iraq plan The Defense secretary says the new U.S.-Iraq security agreement changes the conversation from debating a timeline for withdrawal to figuring out how to reduce troops responsibly.
EditorialFor the U.N., a clean break Obama's choice of Susan Rice, a liberal multilateralist,...
Pakistan, India assert right to self-defense The nuclear-armed rivals each touted its military strength on the eve of a visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice aimed at easing tensions after terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, last week
U.S.-Iraqi accord shows Muqtada Sadr's diminished clout The Shiite cleric was once key to keeping Nouri Maliki in power but could use his supporters' street credibility against the prime minister. Now his political future is in doub
Fallout from terror in Mumbai India must not be provoked into a war with Pakistan or permit violence against its Muslims.
Nationalize GM By Dan Neil The federal government should buy GM. We can run it, then sell it at a profit once it recovers.
Mumbai police officers describe nightmare of attack At a Mumbai hospital, one officer recalls a hand grenade rolling toward him. Another, whose colleagues were killed in a police van, survived by lying still among their bodies
Gallup: Obama National Security Picks Get High Marks
Domenico Montanaro / MSNBC: NIXON TAPES: RUTHLESS, CYNICAL, PROFANE — From NBC's John Rutherford — Richard Nixon's reputation takes a fresh pounding every time the National Archives releases another batch of audio tapes from his presidency, and today's opening of nearly 200 hours of Nixon White House recordings is no exception.
Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin
Justin Webb: Obama's team gamble
India calls in intelligence experts to fight terrorists India asks foreign intelligence agencies to help 'neutralise' threat from the terrorist groups thought to be behind Mumbai attacks.
Hillary Clinton is a brilliant choice Anne Applebaum explains why those who thought President-Elect Barack Obama had gone mad are mistaken.
India will find a way to overcome horror Amid all the dire predictions for the diplomatic, commercial and sectarian fallout from the terror attacks in India, it is worth remembering its historical ability to absorb such blows, says Peter Foster.
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H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
The Death of NATO By: Nick Witney | The Moscow Times
NATO’s Comprehensive Approach to Crisis Response Operations DIIS This 50-page Danish report aims to analyse the evolution of the Alliance’s Comprehensive Approach (CA) to date, to identify the principal obstacles standing in the way of further progress and to suggest how they can be overcome or circumvented
WMD Panel Releases Report to Congress: World at Risk: Nuclear and Biological Weapons Pose Greatest Peril
Cam Simpson / Wall Street Journal: Chertoff Pushes Use of ‘Soft Power’
Heritage Moving Forward with Ballistic Missile Defense: A Memo to President-elect Obama
Need cash? Cut nuclear weapons budget A good part of the military budget is still devoted to programs designed for the Cold War, which ended 20 years ago. So why not transfer some of those billions of dollars to conventional military and domestic programs? (By Joseph Cirincione, Boston Globe)
Gates walks fine line between two administrations
100 countries join clamour for global ban on cluster bombs
Cluster bomb treaty to be signed The first of more than 100 countries are to sign a treaty banning cluster bombs, at a ceremony in Norway
Zero tolerance for terrorism - Sanjay Devnani
Reflections on Al-Qa’ida from the Management Perspective
From Conversations with History, an interview with Jane Mayer, author of The Dark Side: How the War on Terror Turned into A War on American Values;
an interview with Philippe Sands, author of Torture Team: The Rumsfeld Memo and the Betrayal of American Values.
Spooky Stuff: Chabad House Loaded With Mossad Connections
Mumbai bombers ‘took cocaine and LSD’ before carrying out attacks
Intel questions Attacks in Mumbai highlight Indian security failings
Psychotic Terrorists Seek Grievance - David Aaronovitch, The Times
In Colombia, paramilitary groups still spreading terror The new gangs, like rebels and drug traffickers, force people from their homes and farms, taking an enormous human toll. Displacement is accelerating in the southwest state of Nariño
Life imitates art in Mumbai The terror attacks unfolded against the backdrop of an acclaimed new film. For moviegoers, the effect is jarring. (Boston Globe)
| H20 Slate Moscow's Empire of Dust For all Russia's imperial ambitions, its thuggish political system is totally unattractive.
Reunderstanding Rupert Murdoch ------
Climate change matters; does the UN? |
John Le Carre in the New Yorker on the madness of spies.
Want less, spend less – wealth is relative to desire It's when we are satisfied with what we have, that we become ric
From NPR, here's a history of museums, "the memory of mankind". |
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