111308f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 The President's Role in National Security Teams Washington Post Racing to the Summit By David Ignatius Having fouled the global economic nest, America must now work with other nations to clean it up Israel, Syria Talk; U.S. Oddly QuietDavid Ignatius | Bush Administration mysteriously silent about peace talks, but why? | Worldwide Panel Supersize the IMF By Sebastian Mallaby, Try thinking about global finance as you might think about your car insurance. Daily Star Super-sizing the IMF is the wrong way to battle the crisis By Kenneth Rogoff Asia Times Who will finance America's deficit? The US government's hugely increased borrowing needs, even before numerous spending programs promised by president-elect Barack Obama, raise fundamental questions of where the cash will come from. A bizarre jump in the US Treasury's real cost of borrowing - a case of the dog that barked, but shouldn't have - points to severe market disruption if the Treasury deficit continues to rise. The administration's response to the financial crisis, and Obama's probable economic program, will deepen and prolong the economic downturn. - David P Goldman Los Angeles Times In Iraq, violence is on the rise again In Baghdad alone, 58 people have been killed by bombs this week, police say. U.S. military officials dispute the casualty figures and say the attacks don't mean insurgents are staging a comeback At its site here, the Center for Defense Information announces the imminent release of its new book "America's Defense Meltdown." Really this is a guide on how to think about, pay for, reconfigure, equip, deploy, withdraw, modernize, simplify, support, strengthen, lead, motivate, inspire, and in all other ways improve America's military establishment. Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: Russia Rethinks Energy Bullying Poll: U.S. mood has improved after Obama's election Politico Obama's national security team Who should be on it? Chester Crocker, Michael O'Hanlon, Marsha Blackburn, Stephen Walt, Julian Zelizer and more in The Arena. James Wolfensohn: TIME FOR THE G-20 TO SUPPLANT THE G-7 Kishore Mahbubani: OBAMA SHOULD LOOK EAST Yedioth Ahronoth British FM to visit Syria Miliband hails 'new approach' by Damascus, which he says could help stabilize region Guardian · Obama must show the way to a goal set by Russell, Einstein - and Reagan Timothy Garton Ash: Achieving a world free of atomic weapons will require full international control of the nuclear fuel cycle Obama's message to the world: we will act quickly on climate change President-elect keen to make decisive break from Bush administration's environmental policy The slow plod back to sanity Simon Tisdall: An outbreak of pragmatism under Obama could bring results in Afghanistan but things are set to get worse before they get better Strike anywhere at al-Qaida Paul Cruickshank: Barack Obama's vow to hunt Osama bin Laden suggests he won't fully reverse George Bush's approach to fighting terrorism Obama's plan for Iraq about to meet reality USA Today Asia Times Strolling out of Iraq Obama Faces Real Foreign Policy Challenges - Ralph Peters, USA Today · A World War without War - Niall Ferguson, Der Spiegel Containing, deterring Iran The American right’s obsession with Iran substitutes alarmist rhetoric for a serious policy towards Tehran Gareth Porter / IPS Inter Press Service: O'Hanlon: Obama needs an Iraq hawk in his cabinet.» The Imperial Dick New Republic -Ha’aretz – Carter: Obama will waste no time pursuing Middle East peace Peres: Arab peace plan - an opening for real progress IHT Echoes of the Cold War in Russia's new stance The discourse of disarmament and arms control has been replaced by two things: a Kremlin willing to use force against its neighbors and the policies of President George W. Bush that largely discarded multilateral arms control negotiations as a means of curbing proliferation ISLAM'S INTERNAL STRUGGLE King Abdullah and the skeptics By TONY BLAIR The fact that Saudia Arabia's King Abdullah, with his unique position within the Muslim world, is holding an interfaith conference extends an opportunity for the future that we should embrace. Financial Times Quentin Peel: Medvedev lost in reality gap The Russian leader’s big initiatives appear likely to take a backseat as world leaders, including the incoming US president, prioritise the financial crisis, writes Quentin Peel Detroit tries to fool them again Washington should insist GM takes over Chrysler, reducing the big three to two. The US would get a smaller and stronger industry and competitors would be less crowded out by the US taxpayer. For the struggling economy, it would be painful but bearable, writes John Gapper Macroeconomic policy is essential to stability Jean-Claude Trichet: Greater discipline needed Big domestic imbalances must be avoided and expectations anchored towards medium-term sustainability, writes Jean-Claude Trichet Economists argue the bank protection measures – including state-financed capital injections and the acquisition of illiquid assets – could encourage a resumption of irresponsible lending West’s troubled markets attract Middle East The Middle East’s most affluent private investors are seeking to take advantage of collapsing markets by increasing their investments in distressed US and UK real estate US drops plan to buy toxic assets The US government abandoned its plan to buy toxic assets, feeding a gathering sense of gloom as investors fled from risk and US equity markets sank to levels approaching their October lows Christian Science Monitor Brazil becomes antipoverty showcase The country's Bolsa Familia program – which pays poor mothers to keep their children in school and follow healthcare rules – is reducing poverty. Daily Telegraph Rich nations must share power This weekend's summit poses a dilemma for Barack Obama, says David Rothkopf. EU plans new energy deals to cut dependence on Russia The European Union is drawing up plans to cut its dependency on Russian oil and gas supplies by signing deals with dictatorships in Asia and the Middle East. The Times Long-term cures must wait The world economy is suffering from two problems. Sadly they need contradictory solutions Anatole Kaletsky So when did public intellectuals start dying out? With the invention of the Web, or was it in the days of John Stuart Mill – or ancient Athens?... more»Public Intellectual 2.0: More social scientist than humanist, more blogger than essayist, today's breed is different from midcentury forebears, but impressive all the same. Why Syria Cannot Be Flipped by Michael Rubin | H2 'Nalbantyan Türkiye'ye Gelebilir' Nalbandyan geliyor; Gül ile Sarkisyan da maçı beklemeyecek NYT Turkey’s Hero, Behind the Bronze Veneer Globe and Mail: Kirkuk and the ‘grand bargain’ MICHAEL WAHID HANNA AND JOOST HILTERMANN Which Came First, Kirkuk or the Egg? Erdogan struggles to keep image alive Daily Star Needed: a vision of inter-state cooperation SOLİ ÖZEL Demokrasi ve ABD politikası New Violence between the Turkey and the PKK Şükrü Küçükşahin Bask modeli çöktü Dik dur kavga etme Terörle mücadele için ABD modeli mercek altında TURKEY: ATATURK DOCUMENTARY STOKES CULTURE WAR EurasiaNet Documentary challenges Ataturk mythology Washington Times İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national Kürt meselesinde dengeleri kurmak önemlidir (1) Kerkük’te her sonuca saygı duyarız MESUD BARZANİ Ex-Kurdish Leader Takes On Old Allies Institute for War and Peace Reporting Iraqi Kurd Chief Warns of Civil War Over US Pact Barzani says expanding ties with Turkey a priority Kurdistan Is a Model for Iraq? Cevdet Aşkın 'Karayılan MİT'le görüştü' iddiası, DTP'nin İmralı atağı Nasuhi Güngör Devletin rengi ve Erdoğan DTP'S DEMOCRATIC AUTONOMY PROJECT, PART C Turkish President expresses concern over Iraq’s future Erdoğan, Obama'ya arabuluculuk teklif etti Polise taş atmanın cezası 13,5 yıl Gov’t to stop violence through social projects Turkey Could Mediate US-Iran Talks Voice of America DTP geriyor; teröristbaşının iddialarını Meclis'e taşıdılar Yalçın Doğan Cadı kazanları bu akşam devrilir Ahmet Türk hakkında 'soykırım' fezlekesi Tuğluk 'Öcalan’a ev hapsi'ni sordu “Why Should Investors Invest in Kurdistan?” Kurdish Aspect The Voice of Russia Speaks Kurdish Somali korsanları, PKK ve Blacwater 'Devletime karşı geleni vururum' Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık Semih İdiz Yunanistan çağdışı anlayışı sürdürmeye çalışıyor Mustafa Erdoğan AB İlerleme Raporu ne diyor? 'Memurların kıyafeti laiklik gerekçesiyle yasaklanamaz' Fikret Ertan Obama ve Afganistan... Barçın Yinanç Rusya Nabucco'da oyun planını yeniledi Ermenistan'la maçtan önce ikinci buluşma Türban Avrupalı rektörleri de böldü [Yorum - Şahin Alpay] Türk-Japon ilişkilerinin geleceği Defense minister's remarks on nation-state spark criticism Italy: Turkey of strategic importance for EU Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop Can Dündar Turgut Özakman’la dört saatlik ‘Mustafa’ sohbeti Lucescu'dan Zaman'a özel açıklama: Sözleşmemi uzattım, Galatasaray'a gelemem Reyting ölçümlerinin doğruluğu konusunda tereddütlere sahibiz Korsanlar bir Türk gemisi daha kaçırdı | H3Anayasa Mahkemesi kritik kararın gerekçesini açıkladı ’Tehdit, şantaj ve hakaret’ istifası Başbuğ'dan vatandaşlara: Biz siziz, siz de bizsiniz Hayal, farklı ülkelerle yoğun görüşmüş Kılıç’ın sözü demokrasi ile bağdaşmaz Beki: Akreditasyon kriterimiz gerçek haber Ali Balkız taleplerini anlattı: 'İstihbarata rağmen Hrant Dink suikastı önlenmedi' Ergenekon sanığına 'Konsolosluk' sorgusu TRT Genel Müdürü’nden TRT kriterleri Ergenekon'un seyrini değiştiren şantaj... CHP, yeni program taslağında Haşim Kılıç'ı hedef aldı Gülen hakkındaki asılsız ihbara takipsizlik kararı Şemdinli’de Ersöz parmağı çıktı Gaf mı, itiraf mı? ‘Hızır Paşa’ suçlaması AKP’li vekilden şok sözler Baykal: Bu faşist bir anlayıştır AB'de olsa Brüksel'de muhabir kalmazdı TBMM’de TRT ‘Yandaş Medya’ mı tartışması Beki: Yasak gelişmiş demokrasilerde de var Dink’i öldüren zihniyet ve Vecdi Gönül CHP'den Erdoğan'a telekulak sorusu Hayal’in yeni bir cep telefonu ortaya çıktı Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv Cengiz Çandar Devlet "fail" ise, "Derin Devlet" gerekmez... Ahmet Taşgetiren Gül ve Erdoğan arasında nüanslar Ruşen - Çakır Çok yakında, önemli ve şaşırtıcı şeyler yaşayabiliriz Taha Akyol Değişmez maddeler Fikret Bila Başbakanlık’ın keyfi kararı Hasan Cemal Unuttunuz mu, size de bağırdılar, ‘Çekip gidin Suudi Arabistan!’a diye... Murat Yetkin Erdoğan ABD’den IMF anlaşmasıyla mı dönecek? İsmet Berkan Obama ile Erdoğan Fehmi Koru Cumhuriyet bir seçkinler rejimi değildir Şamil Tayyar Yasemin Çongar Erdoğan, Gönül ve şerlerin en kötüsü Ertuğrul ÖzkökEğer biz milletsek Hasan Ünal Ne var bu sözlerde? Sebahattin Önkibar Gül, Erdoğan'la ayrı düştü, Fehmi'yi konuşturdu! Ahmet Hakan Fehmi Koru’ya teselli kabilinden M Ali Birand Gül gitti, Erdoğan’ın freni fena boşaldı… Cüneyt Ülsever Demokrat Parti kongresi Kadri Gürsel Erdoğan ve Gönül’ün disiplin suçları Mehmet Altan Devletin hayali bombacısı mı? Mustafa Akyol A heretical idea: Atatürk is no god Güneri Civaoğlu Değiştirilemez maddeler değiştirilemez kafalar ERDAL ŞAFAK Bu kadarı ayıp oluyor! Hüseyin Gülerce Davul meselesi ya da AK Parti'yi anlamaya çalışmak... Ekrem Dumanlı Bir kez daha 'Alevi Mitingi' Mümtazer Türköne AK Parti'nin sağduyusu EMRE AKÖZ Bunlar ya ahmak ya sonradan görme Erhan Başyurt Aralık ayına dikkat! Hakan Aygün Hâlâ demokrasiye "akredite" olamadık! [Yorum - Eser Karakaş] Anayasa'nın değişmez maddeleri Reha Çamuroğlu:Eylem, Alevilerin sorunlarını çözmek için yapılmadı Umur Talu Ya öyle değil de böyle ise... HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Hak arayan Aleviler Gizli gündem-açık gündem Obama ile temize çıkmak Milletvekilleri ve gruplar [Yorum - Prof. Dr. Hilal Elver] Bir siyasî intihar aracı olarak başörtüsü MEHMET BARLAS Obama 4'üncü Amerikan Cumhuriyeti'nin başkanı mı? MAHMUT ÖVÜR 'Anayasa neden değişmedi?' Derya Sazak Muhabire yasak Siyasî partilere yapılan Hazine yardımı AİHM yolunda Yusuf Kanlı Predictability problem... Hadi Uluengin Gönül’lü itiraf Ekonomi Güngör Uras İşçi çıkarmakla işler düzelmez Seyfettin Gürsel Dış kaynak mucize yaratmaz Baturalp candemir Krizin reel sektör üzerindeki ilk etkileri beklenenden daha sert Ercan Kumcu Ekonomik büyüme ve kaynaklar Erdal Sağlam G-20 zirvesinden iyi haber gelmesi şart Turkey's Akbank chair sees merger opportunities Kriz derinleşirken çözüm de belirginleşiyor UPDATE 1-Turkish lira drops 4.5 pct on risk aversion Reuters Hurşit Güneş Döviz kuru ne olacak? Meral Tamer Kurşunkalemle yapılan dolar tahminleri Maliye politikasının tam zamanıdır Okunması gerekli yazı... BDDK krize önlemde MB'ye feci çattı Eyüp Can Kriz tepeyi aşıp inişe geçti mi IMF anlaşmayı özel sektörle yapsın! Serdengeçti: Mevduat güvencesinde geç kalındı 'Türk Telekom'da ortak değilim ama yönetime ısrarlı davet var' Krediler ödenmedi, banka otoparkları hacizli araçla doluyor Görevde olduğum sürece şüpheli fonlar bankalara ortak olamaz Kriz doğru yönetilirse 5 yıl uçarız |
H4 New York Times U.S. Shifts Focus in Credit Bailout to the Consumer Henry M. Paulson Jr. is hoping to put in place a major new lending program that would be run by the Fed and aimed at unlocking the frozen consumer credit market. CNBC Video: Paulson Bailout Update - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 For a Washington Job, Be Prepared to Tell All A questionnaire being sent to those seeking high-ranking posts in the Obama administration may be the most extensive — some say invasive — application ever. Questionnaire for Job Applicants (pdf) The Shape of Things to Come? Far more needs to be spelled out in terms of how, once beyond inauguration, the Obama administration will handle modern lobbyists. An English Lesson By JONATHAN FREEDLAND What might panicked Republicans learn from the Tory experience? That apparently the first response to electoral disaster is denial. G.M.’s Troubles Stir Question of Bankruptcy vs. a Bailout General Motors, with dire warnings, is seeking a bailout, but skeptics point to the benefits of bankruptcy, which can offer a new start. Istanbul Journal: Turkey’s Hero, Behind the Bronze Veneer Iran Claims Success in Tests Firing Long-Range Missiles Gates Urges Russian Calm Over Expansion of NATO U.S. Aid Worker Slain in Pakistan Islamist Insurgents Take Somali Port City Without a Fight Iraqi Soldier Reportedly Kills 2 G.I.’s Europe Relaxes Rules on Sale of Ugly Fruits and Vegetables Former Guantánamo Captives Continue to Struggle, Report Says North Korea Limits Tests of Nuclear Site Deadly Gaza Border Clash Threatens Truce Clinton Officials to Lead 3 Departments’ Transition NICHOLAS D. KRISTOFObama and Our Schools President-elect Barack Obama ranked education fifth among his priorities, and if it is being downplayed, that’s a mistake. | H5 Washington Post Racing to the Summit By David Ignatius Having fouled the global economic nest, America must now work with other nations to clean it up Israel, Syria Talk; U.S. Oddly QuietDavid Ignatius | Bush Administration mysteriously silent about peace talks, but why? | Worldwide Panel Supersize the IMF By Sebastian Mallaby, Try thinking about global finance as you might think about your car insurance. Treasury Redefines Its Rescue Program Plan to Buy Distressed Assets Is Abandoned In Favor of Aid to Loosen Consumer Credit Facing Obama, Iran Suddenly Hedges on Talks As an American administration open to negotiations over Iran's nuclear program prepares to take power, its political and military leaders sound suddenly wary. THE TRANSITION Officials Guiding the Process Are Named Obama's Good Start By David S. Broder, The first week of Barack Obama's transition to the presidency has gone about as well as anyone could imagine Many Seats, Agendas At Global Roundtable U.S. Role Caught Between Bush, Obama Europeans Foresee Their Own Obama Emerging One Day Across Europe, the ascent of America's president-elect has given new momentum to those pushing for a greater voice for minorities. Showdown Begins Over Lifeline to Automakers White House Opposes Use Of Financial Rescue Funds Republican Governors Meet, Glumly After Election Losses, Many See Bleak Future for Party Experts Volunteer Policy Guidance Think Tank, Green Coalition Issue Reports In India, a World of Hurt Over a Perceived Obama Slight 3,300 More U.S. Troops Sought to Train Afghans U.N. Faith Forum Denounces Intolerance, Extremism Editorial Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged Watchdog Panel Is Empty; Report Is Unfinished The $200 Campaign Finance Fix By Fred Wertheimer The presidential public financing system is no longer viable. Bush Still Draws a Blank By Dan Froomkin | H6 Guardian · Obama must show the way to a goal set by Russell, Einstein - and Reagan Timothy Garton Ash: Achieving a world free of atomic weapons will require full international control of the nuclear fuel cycle Obama's message to the world: we will act quickly on climate change President-elect keen to make decisive break from Bush administration's environmental policy The slow plod back to sanity Simon Tisdall: An outbreak of pragmatism under Obama could bring results in Afghanistan but things are set to get worse before they get better Strike anywhere at al-Qaida Paul Cruickshank: Barack Obama's vow to hunt Osama bin Laden suggests he won't fully reverse George Bush's approach to fighting terrorism · Half-white is an insult Michael Paulin: The debate over how black Obama is obscures the racial reconciliation his election represents One thing should stay the same Matthew Duss: Robert Gates should remain the US defence secretary – at least while Barack Obama establishes himself Grassroots governing Terry Mancour: Barack Obama used the internet to organise an army of supporters. Now he's planning to use the web to run the country · Seeing the light Editorial: As a leading economist, Mervyn King knows that very little in economics changes so drastically so soon Paulson abandons toxic assets buy-up US scraps central element of $700bn financial rescue plan after 'situation worsened' · All the news that's fit to make up - it's not the New York TimesSpoof edition of paper, connected to leftwing Yes Men group, declares end of Iraq war · Sudan's president announces unilateral ceasefire in DarfurOmar al-Bashir says he is launching a campaign to disarm militias and restrict use of weapons Bank warns of deep slump amid fears of deflation The City braces itself for interest rates to be cut to a record low of 1% next year |
H7 Obama Faces Real Foreign Policy Challenges - Ralph Peters, USA Today · A World War without War - Niall Ferguson, Der Spiegel Containing, deterring Iran The American right’s obsession with Iran substitutes alarmist rhetoric for a serious policy towards Tehran Gareth Porter / IPS Inter Press Service: O'Hanlon: Obama needs an Iraq hawk in his cabinet.» Iran, the Taliban, and Saudi Arabia - James Brazier (Diplomatic Courier) Daily Star Kudos to Saudi Arabia for having come this far on religious tolerance The Curious Response to Ahmadinejad at the UN - Matthias Kuntzel (Weekly Standard) How the Iraq War Humiliated the British By: James Denselow | The Guardian With U.S. Attention Elsewhere, Iran Extends Latin American Influence By: Christina L. Madden | World Politics Review Cold War Hawks Terror Groups Pledge to Up Iraq Operations The Media Line Obama's ambiguity | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq Iran tests new long-range missile Iran says it has successfully tested a new surface-to-surface missile capable of reaching targets in Europe. Iran envoy 'in Pakistan abduction' WSJ Falling Oil Prices Threaten Iran's Plans
Tumbling oil prices are posing a threat to Iran's ability to finance expansion plans in its petroleum industry. | H9 Ha’aretz – Carter: Obama will waste no time pursuing Middle East peace Peres: Arab peace plan - an opening for real progress Ari Shavit: Israel needs a successor to Rabin Missed are his responsibility and seriousness. Missed are his good judgment and sobriety. Missed is Rabin's true path, which tried to combine security and peace. Rockets, shells hit Negev as Hamas vows revenge for militants' deaths Some 14 mortar shells and Qassams have struck Israel since IDF troops killed 4 Hamas gunmen in Gaza Some Chicago Jews say Obama is actually the 'first Jewish president' Chicago attorney: Obama's personal story reflects the story of Jewish immigration to the U.S. Truce falters as rocket barrage on western Negev continues Obama wins, Muslims divided Iraqis are intensively divided about Obama's plan to quickly withdraw US troops from their country. We need an ungrateful president President-elect Obama should choose his team based on merit, not gratitude. Fayad: J'lem holy to Islam, Christianity At UN interfaith conference, PA PM neglects to mention Judaism; Peres praises Saudi initiative Analysis: Cairo concludes Fatah-Hamas chasm will not end anytime soon [ MARK MELLMAN AND MICHAEL BLOOMFIELD [ LARRY DERFNER, Yedioth Ahronoth British FM to visit Syria Miliband hails 'new approach' by Damascus, which he says could help stabilize region Experts examine footage from recent missile test, believe it is Shahab-3 with a new logo 'Stop Syrian arms smuggling' Vice premier demands gov't make decision on harsher response to rocket attacks from Gaza Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Independent Leading article: Hopeful in Gaza Shimon Peres: Rabin's example teaches us Israelis that the settlements must go Gaza Under Hamas Rule - Oakland Ross A New Special Envoy for the Middle East - Marty Peretz Unorthodox pick Jerusalem's new mayor - a champion of secular Jews So long, Condi Rice's Mid-East marathon ends without peace prize Splits and barriers Palestinians in a maze of occupation and internal strife Bridging the divide between Fatah and Hamas won't be easy |
H10 Christian Science Monitor Brazil becomes antipoverty showcase The country's Bolsa Familia program – which pays poor mothers to keep their children in school and follow healthcare rules – is reducing poverty. Among Latin leftists, Brazil's moderate Lula leads the way While President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – a former union firebrand – effortlessly bands together with Latin America's left, he just as easily peels away. The trust factor in mortgage bailouts The latest rescue plan for bad mortgages relies on fixing the bond between lenders and borrowers. New bailout focus: how to fight foreclosures The government will help homeowners restructure shaky mortgages financed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but partisan debate looms over how to keep up the aid. The Saudis' dubious interfaith agenda at the UN The country's lack of religious freedom betrays its lofty rhetoric. The real aim of its 'dialogue' is to promote a global blasphemy law. The Saudi King's vision for interfaith dialogue This week's special gathering at the UN can help unite us in the fight against extremism A rare imam who juggles fatwas, interfaith confabs Sheikh Ishaq Abdel-Jawad Taha issues scores of religious rulings every day to average Palestinians and also participates in interfaith dialogue with Israelis. New mayor offers Jerusalem secular turn By defeating the ultra-Orthodox Jewish party, Nir Barkat will bring secular politics. But he will likely take a hard line with Palestinians. ASIA Asia slumps amid bail-out U-turn Stock markets across Asia follow Wall Street down as the US signals a shift in policy on its $700bn bail-out package. A review of Axis of Convenience: Moscow, Beijing and the New Geopolitics by Bobo Lo. Delegates from Central and South Asia have gathered in Dushanbe today -- together with a senior official from the U.S. State Department -- for talks on how regional cooperation can improve Afghanistan's security situation. Hosted by Tajikistan's President Emomali Rahmon, the gathering includes representatives from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. More IHT Philip Bowring: Indonesia: Global barometer Unless the group of 20 nations meeting in Washington act on the predicament of countries like Indonesia, there is little reason for optimism that the potential of developing countries can be harnessed. ASIA'S RACE TO THE MOON By JOHN LEE The Asian space race ties in with China's vision of its past, its present and its future Don't Count on China to Save the World By: Jonathan Fenby | The London Times Bill Roggio / Weekly Standard: Afghanistan and Pakistan: Can Terrorism Be Eradicated? By: Hugh Cortazzi | The Japan Times Taliban Documents Reveal Scale of Operations in Pakistan - Ben Farmer, Daily Telegraph Advent of Obama's Asia Doctrine - Kim Jong-chan, Korea Times · China's Path to World Power - Patrick Buchanan, Human Events · · Saudis Into Pakistan Quagmire - Syed Saleem Shahzad, Asia Times China's Bazooka Beats Henry Paulson's Peashooter By: William Pesek | Bloomberg News China's Stimulus Will Work By: Calla Wiemer | The Wall Street Journal Saudis step into Pakistan's quagmire Karzai in Secret Talks With Ex-Mujahedin Leaders The secretary of foreign affairs of Pakistan's Awami National Party, which heads the coalition government in the violence-plagued Northwest Frontier Province, has been touring European this week, providing insight into the situation in the region. Haider Ali Khan's unique perspective comes from his position as a representative in the region's provincial assembly for Swat, a once-peaceful tourist haven that in the past year has become a center of Taliban insurgency | H11 IHT Echoes of the Cold War in Russia's new stance The discourse of disarmament and arms control has been replaced by two things: a Kremlin willing to use force against its neighbors and the policies of President George W. Bush that largely discarded multilateral arms control negotiations as a means of curbing proliferation ISLAM'S INTERNAL STRUGGLE King Abdullah and the skeptics By TONY BLAIR The fact that Saudia Arabia's King Abdullah, with his unique position within the Muslim world, is holding an interfaith conference extends an opportunity for the future that we should embrace. Political tensions and Beijing's stimulus plan A Chinese New Deal is needed to raise the standard of living for the 500 million Chinese now subsisting on less than $2 a day. Voices against corruption labor in Bulgaria despite dangers By DOREEN CARVAJAL Voices against corruption, including journalists and various organizations, defy physical attacks as signs of organized crime abound amid prospects of EU subsidies flowing into the country Russia calls for inquiry over origins of Georgia conflict Russia has asked the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for an inquiry into the findings of military observers stationed in Tskhinvali on the night of August 7-8, when the separatist capital was shelled by Georgian forces EUROPE European press review DT EU plans new energy deals to cut dependence on Russia The European Union is drawing up plans to cut its dependency on Russian oil and gas supplies by signing deals with dictatorships in Asia and the Middle East. EU Preparing to Upgrade Turkmenistan Relations By: Phillipa Runner | EU Observer EU institutions are preparing to normalise relations with Turkmenistan, laying aside human rights benchmarks in a bureaucratic process marked by apathy and mistrust. EU slices up 'ugly fruit' rules The European Commission scraps controversial rules that prevent oddly-shaped fruit and vegetables being sold in the EU. Czech leader in row over EU pact | Russia has left no doubt in recent weeks that it is seeking to increase its military presence in Central Asia. Russian forces have recently conducted joint military exercises with countries in the region, and Moscow is leading efforts to form an international force to be deployed in Central Asia Dmitry Medvedev's proposal to extend the Russian president's term has set Moscow buzzing. Is Medvedev laying the groundwork for his mentor and predecessor, Vladimir Putin, to return to the Kremlin? More Russia rejects US missile offer New National Security Strategy Coming Kommersant Holed Beneath the Waterline By: Roger McDermott | The Guardian Google News Azerbaijan A review of Axis of Convenience: Moscow, Beijing and the New Geopolitics by Bobo Lo. The Right Way to Rebuild Georgia By: Edmund S. Phelps and Graciana del Castillo | The Moscow Times EU Preparing to Upgrade Turkmenistan Relations By: Phillipa Runner | EU Observer Russia vs. Obama - Washington Times editorial
Realism About Russia - The Times editorial · Ignoring the Truth about Georgia War - Mary Dejevsky, The Independent Medvedev Welcomes Obama With Missiles By: Richard Weitz | World Politics Review Just hours after President-elect Barack Obama's election victory, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev used his first state of the nation address to declare that Russia would deploy short-range Iskander missile systems in Kaliningrad. Constitutional Changes Go to Duma By: Francesca Mereu | The Moscow Times President Dmitry Medvedev submitted legislation to the State Duma on Tuesday to extend presidential terms from four to six years, the Kremlin said, making good on a state-of-the-nation promise to become the first leader to change the Constitution. Putin Threatens to Scrap Pipeline Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin threatened to scrap a planned pipeline that would carry Russian gas under the Baltic Sea to Germany. Outlook in Russia, Ukraine Dims Russia may have to tap into rainy-day reserves of billions of dollars, while Ukraine data showed the country moving quickly toward a recession next year. |
H13 The Times Long-term cures must wait The world economy is suffering from two problems. Sadly they need contradictory solutions Anatole Kaletsky A Very British Crisis The weakness of sterling testifies to distinctively national failures in policy Putin's designs on the Kremlin are shameless and bad for Russia Supergrid energy plan to defend Europe from Russia Huge network of power supplies from North Sea to the Baltic to be unveiled to counter the threat of a Russian stranglehold Syria to be offered sweeteners to come to heel David Miliband is due to promise an end to US sanctions and the return of the Golan Heights to the one-time pariah state Slapped Iraqi soldier shoots dead US troops Iraqi soldier angered by a slap opened fire during joint patrol in Mosul, killing two Americans and wounding others Sudan president's ceasefire call rejected Darfur group says move by man wanted for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity is insincere Japan to offer IMF $100 billion Taro Aso, Japan's PM will make the offer on Friday at a G20 summit in Washington to help boost loans to emerging nations Breaking: Iranian diplomat kidnapped Gunmen have kidnapped an Iranian diplomat and killed his guard in Pakistan's volatile city of Peshawar, police said A former Prime Minister says Labour squandered the economic legacy it was bequeathed John Major The harsh lesson of Afghanistan An account written by the first European to visit his country still has much to teach us Ben Macintyre Wall Street Journal A Barack Market Orde F. Kittrie: How to Put the Squeeze on Iran History Favors Republicans in 2010 By Karl Rove The financial meltdown and the welfare state. By John R. Bolton On this critical issue, the president-elect is not off to a good start China Can Help By Qiao Yu Speculators, Politicians and Financial Disasters By John Steele Gordon From Commentary: How Washington created a financial panic--in 1836, and in 2008. Treasury scraps original bailout plan as economy worsens Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's surprise announcement Wednesday that he'll shift from purchasing troubled assets under the $700 billion Wall Street rescue plan is likely to result in spending taxpayers' dollars to shore up unregulated financial institutions that aren't banks but are vital to consumer lending | H14 Financial Times Quentin Peel: Medvedev lost in reality gap The Russian leader’s big initiatives appear likely to take a backseat as world leaders, including the incoming US president, prioritise the financial crisis, writes Quentin Peel Detroit tries to fool them again Washington should insist GM takes over Chrysler, reducing the big three to two. The US would get a smaller and stronger industry and competitors would be less crowded out by the US taxpayer. For the struggling economy, it would be painful but bearable, writes John Gapper Macroeconomic policy is essential to stability Jean-Claude Trichet: Greater discipline needed Big domestic imbalances must be avoided and expectations anchored towards medium-term sustainability, writes Jean-Claude Trichet Economists argue the bank protection measures – including state-financed capital injections and the acquisition of illiquid assets – could encourage a resumption of irresponsible lending West’s troubled markets attract Middle East The Middle East’s most affluent private investors are seeking to take advantage of collapsing markets by increasing their investments in distressed US and UK real estate US drops plan to buy toxic assets The US government abandoned its plan to buy toxic assets, feeding a gathering sense of gloom as investors fled from risk and US equity markets sank to levels approaching their October lows Treasury chief wins Capitol Hill plaudits The decision by Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, to scrap the asset-purchase side of the $700bn financial rescue plan was applauded by Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill Republicans ready to resist $25bn lifeline for carmakers Obama and Bush teams signal caution Smiles begin to slip amid signs of transfer tensions Russian trading halted after 12% drop Kremlin interference, oil prices and rouble hit home IEA warns of new oil supply crunch Fresh investment already falling short Unadulterated version of China’s growth David Pilling on shaky statistics Coldly efficient predators of loan market Jonathan Guthrie on financial literacy Recession Britain: Grim down south London and its surrounds will be hit harder than usual, but the UK is also likely to have pockets of resilience US drops plan to buy toxic assets Money to be spent on recapitalisation scheme Financial groups’ losses near $1,000bn Further drops in value of debt securities Gideon Rachman’s blog Pros and cons of conferences: It really is work. Promise. Conferences can help to give you a sense of the debate on any given issue Correcting Dubai A pause for breath is no bad thing in the emirate after breakneck growth which has brought congestion, inflation, and financial irregularities | H15 Los Angeles Times In Iraq, violence is on the rise again In Baghdad alone, 58 people have been killed by bombs this week, police say. U.S. military officials dispute the casualty figures and say the attacks don't mean insurgents are staging a comeback U.S. denounces Iran over long-range missile test Officials say the rocket test violates U.N. resolutions and is evidence of Iran's growing nuclear threat Earn your bailout, Detroit By Douglas Olin The Big Three auto giants can have public money when they agree to make the fuel-efficient cars people really want. On big issues, Congress isn't waiting for Obama Lawmakers are unveiling plans to expand health coverage and curb global warming, all as they weigh an auto industry bailout. Paulson's toxic-loan plan never got started The Treasury chief's decision formalizes an October policy shift on the massive bailout fund. Some observers worry about inconsistent signals. Israel-Gaza border clash kills 4 Palestinians Islamic insurgents seize port city in Somalia Marka is the latest city to be overtaken by rebels, fueling concern that the nearby capital, Mogadishu, could be next. Hillary and Arnold in the Obama administration Should Obama recruit Clinton or Schwarzenegger? |
H16 American Politics Los Angeles Times: Barack Obama is looking more like a realist The Shadow President: How John Podesta invented the Obama administration. Palintology Is Sarah Palin the future for the Republican party? About That Anonymous McCain Aide… A Promising Start for Obama - David Broder, Washington Post
Republicans Lack Filibuster Muscle - Joe Conason, New York Observer Anatomy of Conservative Self-Deception - Ed Kilgore, Democratic Strategis Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Andrew Sullivan / The Daily Dish: Ron Paul / CNN: Kevin Drum / Mother Jones: What Just Happened — WHAT JUST HAPPENED....Despite all the grief she's gotten, I continue to think that the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate represents the breaking of a consensual cultural barrier far more fundamental than most people realize. Cheney, Biden to meet privately at VP residence Obama's Energy Policy: Al Gore's Pipe Dream Human Events GOP Governors Look Who Reigns in Succession Crisis? Confusion, Perhaps. Some constitutional-law experts believe the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 is unconstitutional. | H17 Daily Telegraph Rich nations must share power This weekend's summit poses a dilemma for Barack Obama, says David Rothkopf. EU plans new energy deals to cut dependence on Russia The European Union is drawing up plans to cut its dependency on Russian oil and gas supplies by signing deals with dictatorships in Asia and the Middle East. Obama to offer Republicans key cabinet roles Colin Powell and Robert Gates among Republicans under consideration for senior posts in Obama's cabine Pakistan acts to stop its money leaving the country | H18 Independent Double agents, car bombs and antics worthy of James Bond A mystery visitor leads Robert Fisk in Beirut to wonder what Syria was up to when it aired a mass confession on TV Leading article: Hopeful in Gaza Shimon Peres: Rabin's example teaches us Israelis that the settlements must go Karzai to brief PM on secret Taliban talks Afghan President to visit London as efforts are made to end conflic Darling predicts short sharp shock Chancellor says recession will be harsh but over by 2010 – and admits tax rises may be needed later. So Mr Darling, how are you going to get us out of this? The domino effect: Road to recession BoE sounds warning on recession and deflation Sean O'Grady: Mr Darling seems to believe our economy will soon enjoy a Lazarus-style comeback Leading article: There is no magic bullet for rising unemployment |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism The Money Trail: Finding, Following, and Freezing Terrorist Finance China's Cyber Spies Infiltrating U.S. - Peter Brookes, New York Post JFQ - Point - Counterpoint - SWJ Early Exclusive Did people who knew about secret, CIA-led coups use that information to game the stock market? Battle in Bush Administration Over Interrogation Techniques - Julian E. Barnes, Los Angeles Times US military: From kinetic to comprehensive Asia Times The US military's painful experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan have forced it to consider a paradigm shift in the way it approaches global security threats. Led by "realist" Defense Secretary Robert Gates, it plans to nip threats in the bud through a comprehensive demilitarization of US foreign policy, rather than killing and capturing its way to security. A review of Targeting Civilians in War by Alexander B. Downes. Homeland Security Blues Rights groups urge Obama to mount Guantanamo probe The commission would systematically examine the U.S. treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and elsewhere since the 9/11 attacks. The groups made the recommendation as they released a two-year study of the impact of U.S. detention and interrogation practices on former captives that was similar to one McClatchy published earlier this year | H20 Slate The Plum Book (United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions): 2008 Edition | H21 So when did public intellectuals start dying out? With the invention of the Web, or was it in the days of John Stuart Mill – or ancient Athens?... more»Public Intellectual 2.0: More social scientist than humanist, more blogger than essayist, today's breed is different from midcentury forebears, but impressive all the same. From The New Yorker, a review of books on overparenting. Are atheists nastier than religious folk? Some believers seem to think so. But maybe they are the very ones who make atheists nasty... more» Take a Trip to Ancient Rome The Big Question: What is nanotechnology, and do we put the world at risk by adopting it? Michael Peters (Illinois): The Global Failure of Neoliberalism: Privatize Profits; Socialize Losses. An excerpt from The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch by Michael Wolff. The Internet vs. books, peaceful coexistence: The instant knowledge provided by the Web is invaluable, as is the deeper communion provided by books From Open Democracy, the financial crisis is not just a result of mis-aligned incentives and bad regulation; a neo-Schumpeterian view suggests that this epochal shift is the start of a re-shaping of institutions and power distribution to fit the world of information technology From AJR, an article on Wikipedia in the newsroom; and what are the guidelines for the personal blogs of journalists who work for mainstream news organizations? Ludwig Wittgenstein was an arresting mix of monk, mystic, and mechanic. His family home in childhood is best described as a madhouse... more» One for All? As Google Deal Is Evaluated, Critics Question Single ... Library Journal Malcolm Gladwell, one critic fears, “has come to his own tipping point, or – to be fuddy-duddy – fork in the road. This way, guru. That way, serious writer”... more» Mortimer Adler and the Great Books. Yes, it was all rather earnest. But with humane studies having fallen to theory and politics, nostalgia is justified... more» An excerpt from The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch by Michael Wolff. Marc Chagall plundered his sexual experience for raw material. Maybe that’s why his artistic style changed every time he changed women... more» Typically full of himself, brilliant, and taking some risks, Leonard Bernstein 22 years ago delivered a rambling late-night talk on terrorism and truth... more» Enquirer: McCain 'Shocker' Ridley Scott to Direct Monopoly · In praise of... the National Geographic Editorial: Little could the creators of the National Geographic have imagined its huge appeal 120 years later |
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