23 October 2008
  October 23, 2008

102308f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc

H1 New York Times If Elected ... Rivals Split on U.S. Power, but Ideas Defy Easy Labels Radically different experiences in different corners of Southeast Asia have shaped the candidates’ contrasting visions for American power, but both men have been forced into surprising detours. Previous Articles in the Series »

NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Rebranding the U.S. With Obama

In the western industrialized world, the idea of electing a member of a racial minority to the highest office seems an astonishing breakthrough.


Iran’s leadership would pay a high price for a handshake with America. As the 30th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution looms, it’s time to rethink U.S. strategy toward Iran.

Guardian The more Obama is tested, the more he shows his presidential mettle Timothy Garton Ash: Deep fears have been stirred in this election, but the Democratic candidate holds firm to the calm politics of hope

Green routes to growth Nicholas Stern: Recession is the time to build a low-carbon future with the investment vital for economy and planet

Not the death of capitalism, but the birth of a new order Seumas Milne: The free-market model has been discredited and now its champions are panicking at what might emerge in its wake

Robert Draper / New York Times: The Making (and Remaking) of McCain

Financial Times The complexities of a multipolar future Zaki Laïdi on the ‘decline’ of the US

US to host G20 world summit over crisis Global stock markets plunged as the White House said it would invite world leaders to a global financial summit next month, 11 days after the US presidential election.

How the financial crisis is changing China Geoff Dyer points to an economic turning point

Don't Expand NATO: The Case Against Membership for Georgia and Ukraine By: Benjamin Friedman and Justin Logan | World Politics Review
At the upcoming North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in December, U.S. officials will once again make the case for admitting Georgia and Ukraine to the alliance. Our NATO allies, with Germany and France leading the way, already blocked the two countries' path to membership last spring.

Independent Pakistan stares into the abyss A spiralling conflict, economic collapse and blackouts threaten anarchy

Pakistan's hidden war

Leading article: A nation that needs to be handled with immense care

Hamish McRae: The shift to cheap money will not make borrowing it any easier

Time Why Barack Obama Is Winning

IHT A northern neighbor growls, and Azerbaijan reassesses its options Azerbaijan, a small, oil-rich country on the Caspian Sea, has balanced the interests of Russia and the United States since it won its independence from the Soviet Union

The strange defiance of the Iraqi ministers The U.S. must cease being an occupying power in Iraq as quickly as possible and strengthen ties with factions that truly want a pluralist, independent future.

U.S. and NATO to strengthen ties with Baltic states The United States and NATO are updating plans for defending allies bordering Russia, and may increase joint military exercises with those states.

Yedioth Ahronoth 'Assad is the next Sadat'
At Foreign Ministry conference on policy in 2009, signs of change in 'the very fundamentals' of how diplomatic brass sees Syrian president. Citing stagnated talks with PA, officials say Damascus deal may precede Ramallah one

Russia's Resentment of the West Began With a Broken Promise by William Pfaff

Los Angeles Times Obama and McCain in denial about deficits, economists say The U.S. faces huge deficits over the next few years no matter who is president, experts say. A watchdog group says both candidates' plans would add to the national debt.

The Times Crash has brought Keynes back to life It seemed that the great economist was history. But recent events have proved him right Robert Skidelsky

Pakistan asks for help as economy faces collapse Central bank governor travels to Dubai to ask for emergency aid from the IMF in a scramble to raise $4bn to save economy

Guardian A crisis of confidence Joseph Stiglitz: Letting financial markets run wild was risky business indeed. Transparency, oversight and fair competition are needed now

Bretton Woods II, with caveats

Ha-Joon Chang: I broadly agree with Jeffrey Sachs' proposals, but there are flaws in his ideas for trade reform and his development strategies

Wealth gap creating a social time bomb Beijing named most egalitarian city while least equal cities found in southern

NYT Lebanon’s Bloody Sunday By RANDY GADDO Had we stood our ground 25 years ago instead of pulling out after the bombing in Beirut, it is possible that 9/11 would not have happened.

From Beirut to 9/11 By ROBERT C. McFARLANE After the Lebanon bombing, the most telling conclusion was the one reached by Middle Eastern terrorists, that the U.S. had neither the will nor the means to respond to a terrorist attack.

China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump

CFR The Deep Roots of the Financial Crisis

Christian Science Monitor

As US shoppers retreat, can world thrive? Consumers were the biggest engine of global growth. But indebtedness prevents that now.

Afghans to Karzai: You failed us.

Perceived as ineffective and corrupt, the Afghan president faces an uphill battle to reelection

Asia Times Elusive consensus on Iran Neo-conservative groups in the United States are using the presidential transition period to strengthen perceptions of an Iranian nuclear threat and stymie any plans for the next administration to change policy on Tehran. At the same time, the revived international efforts on Iran have exposed a widening split over how to deal with its nuclear program. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi

Washington Post Washington Post Stopping A Nuclear Tehran By Daniel R. Coats and Charles S. Robb, It likely will be the first and most pressing national security issue facing the next president

A New OPEC for Gas?

Editorial Not Out of the Woods

The global financial system needs improvement, but not a radical reinvention

Five Ways to Fix Our Financial Architecture By Howard Davies,

Simpler. Faster. More representative. Some suggestions for redesigning international financial regulation

Newsweek Nobel Laureates on Fixing the Economy

CFR Deterring State Sponsorship of Nuclear Terrorism Sovereign nations should rethink how to engage other states who sell nuclear weapons to rogue actors. Unlike during the Cold War, the threat of nuclear attack now comes from rogue states that receive their weapons from sovereign nations. In this CSR, Michael A. Levi outlines how to discourage sovereign nations from giving their nuclear technologies to rogue actors, how to prevent accidental transfers, and the role that nuclear attribution plays in contemporary proliferation. Download this publication

CFR Sovereign Wealth and Sovereign Power The ownership of the U.S. deficit by foreign powers weakens America's ability to weigh in on global issues. The United States' account deficit is financed by central banks and sovereign wealth funds in nations that do not share many American political values and foreign policy goals. Brad W. Setser argues that foreign indebtedness limits America's economic ability to influence other countries' policies and challenges the assumption that global economic interdependence guarantees prudence.

USIP Iraqi Recommendations to the Incoming Administration Panel I: Institution-building in Iraq
1:40:07 - 18.2MB Panel II: Political Progress 1:42:04 - 18.6MB

MESH The Bush legacy (3)

Latest Roubini Talks and Interviews on the Severe Financial Crisis and Recession

Al-Qaeda Endorses McCain...but Why? by Robert Dreyfuss

It's Been a Short Hundred Years by Gwynne Dyer

Is the Sun Setting on US Empire?

H2 Teröre karşı yeni yapılanma

Obama: Türk-ABD stratejik ortaklığı onarılacak

Interview: Turkish President Abdullah Gul

US seems reluctant to join three-way mechanism against PKK

SETA - Turkish-Syrian Relations: The Erdoğan Legacy Sami MOUBAYED

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Turkey’s intelligence gathering dilemma

Turkey's Diplomacy Wins UNSC Seat World Politics Review

Kıbrıs’ta 'kayıtdışı' müzakere dönemi!

FT Turks ponder rate rise to help lira

A symbolic step for Turkey at UN

Türkiye'de Basın Özgürlüğü

Türkiye'de Basın Özgürlüğü (ingilizce)


Window on Eurasia: Was Moscow Behind a Plot to Overthrow the Turkish Government?

Şükrü Küçükşahin Efkan Ala, terörle mücadelenin başına

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national

Ahmet Türk'e 'soykırım' incelemesi

Cevdet Aşkın Kürt sorununa anayasal çözüm zora girdi

Kürt sorununun engelleri

Serdar Turgut BOP’ta cemaat hamlesi

Olayların amacı askerî vesayete zemin hazırlamak

Semih İdiz Kuzey Irak ile aklın yoluna giriliyor

Osmanlı’dan bugüne Kürtler ve Devlet-3

"Türk heyeti Erbil'i ziyaret edecek"

Mesud Barzani İran’la PJAK’ı konuştu

İçişleri'nde ikinci müsteşarlık

Terörle mücadelede yeni yapı şekilleniyor

AİHM'den Leyla Zana'ya ret

DTP’li Tuncel’den Avrupa’ya şikâyet

DTP: Gösteriler demokratik tepki

‘Soykırım’a inceleme

Kürt sorunu diğer başkentlerde değil, içeride çözülür


Arapların umudu Türkiye

AKİF EMRE Araplar da yüzleşmeli

Terörün panzehiri yatırım

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

Turkey and the EU: slowly but surely by LIAM HARDY*

Vural Öger:Türkiye AB konusunda yakaladığı tarihi şansı iyi kullanmalı

Kıbrıs'ta liderler yönetimi 'paylaşamıyor'

Üyelik dışı seçeneklere hazırlanın

Talat ve Hristofyas Yeniden Biraraya Geldi

US message to Ankara and Yerevan: Don't stop there

US looking forward to working with Turkey on UN Security Council

Almanya'da bir Türk Terörle Suçlanıyor

The new battle zone for global hegemony: the Caucasus

Rus savaş gemileri Türkiye yolcusu

Fikret Ertan Ermenistan- Rusya ilişkileri...

Turks pick Obama over McCain for US president

ANCA: Turkey Hires Lobby Firm to Sway Jewish American Groups

’Müthiş Türk’ ve Obama!


Balkan Sempozyumu ve Türkiye'nin bölgesel/küresel vizyonu…

Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop

Video 'shows UFO, aliens flying over Turkey'

Yeni dünya düzeninde insan yetiştirme düzenimizi sorgulama zamanı SELÇUK PEHLİVANOĞLU

Türkiye basın özgürlüğünde 103. sırada

Af, Meclis’ten geçti

Fener'in Saracoğlu kalesinde Arsenal'in 5-2'sini seyretmek!

All aboard for Istanbul
Members of the Baha'i faith have been singled out for persecution since Iran's revolution in 1979 and many have fled, taking an arduous train journey towards a uncertain future in Turkey. Asha Shahir traveled with one group, finding amid the tales of heartbreak an unexpected love for the homeland they were leaving behind.

H3 Bu gerekçe, Anayasa Mahkemesi'ni bitirir

Yüce Mahkeme’nin 4 önemli gerekçesi

Tarihi içtihat

‘Anayasa Mahkemesi yetkilerini aştı’

Derviş'ten kritik uyarılar

Ergenekon Davası devam ediyor

Eski rektör Yücel Aşkın'dan tarihi bir itiraf! Üniversite istihbarat alanı, ben de parçasıydım. Pişmanım!

Yine türban kavgası

Çocuklar rejime kinlenecek

Yeni kırmızı çizgi icat ettiler

Ergenekon'da şok belge

Susurluk'ta yaşanan kaza Ergenekon'u aydınlatan lambadır

Deniz Feneri, İlerleme Raporu'nda yer alacak

Her sanığa en fazla 3 avukat

Siyasî cinayetler Susurluk dosyasında yoktu

Hukukçulara göre başörtüsü yasağı yok

CHP'li Hakkı Suha Okay: Mutluyuz, ne dediysek gerekçede yer aldı

'Alkole yasak yok amaç tedavi etmek'

‘Smokin’in dönüşü

Akman, bu yılki mal varlığı bildirimini 5 ay bekletmiş

Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye

Video NTV CNNTürk Milliyet

Cengiz Çandar

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun] Yeni Anayasa şart oldu...

SOLİ ÖZEL Ortak akıl arayışında

Ahmet Taşgetiren Dramatik gerekçe

Ruşen - Çakır

Taha Akyol Yetki gaspı

Fikret Bila Diyarbakır’dan çıkan sonuçlar

Hasan Cemal

Murat Yetkin Anayasa değiştirmek (artık) mümkün mü?

İsmet Berkan Halktan korkanlar ve korkmayanlar

Fehmi KoruSabreden kazanır

Taha Kıvanç

Şamil Tayyar Ergenekoncu genç oğlan dön de arkana bak

Ali BayramoğluDTP, terör, demokrasi…

Yasemin Çongar Aktütün’ün aynasında iki farklı gazetecilik

Ertuğrul Özkök Franco'nun da meclisi vardı

Despotik rejimin bekçileri

Sol partilerin seçim anlaşmasında önemli bir adım ALTAN ÖYMEN

[Yorum - Prof.Dr. Levent Köker] Bir hazin gerekçe

Hasan Ünal

Ahmet Hakan Majestelerinin genç sivilleri

M Ali Birand PKK neden çıtayı yükseltiyor?

Cüneyt Ülsever Ergenekon ve Aktütün

Enis Berberoğlu

Oktay Ekşi Anlamayana anlatırlar

Can Dündar Ergenekon AİHM’ye gider


Hüseyin Gülerce Adım neden geçti Ergenekon'da?

Kadri Gürsel Demokrasi için demokratik Ramazan

In quest of the Turkish 'megalosaur' BURAK BEKDIL

Özdemir İnce

Can Ataklı Çarkın’ın açıklamaları her şeyi altüst edecek

Mehmet Tezkan Türbana yasağı AKP getirdi!

Okay Gönensin Türbana son nokta

Yalçın Doğan Engin Çeber işkencesinde bir ilk

Mehmet Y Yılmaz Müfettişlere de müfettiş gerek


ERDAL ŞAFAK Bir kararın satır araları

ENGİN ARDIÇ Putinciler meğer Duginciymiş!

ERGUN BABAHAN Yönetenlerin yönetilenlerle sorunu var

EMRE AKÖZ 'Askeri vesayet' yetmedi, bir de 'yargı vesayeti' dayattılar!

Umur Talu Huzursuz vicdan, vicdansız huzur!

HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Tarih öncesinde yaşamak

NAZLI ILICAK Anayasa Mahkemesi kararı

MEHMET BARLAS "Kürt realitesi"ni de "Regl gerçeği" gibi cesaretle değerlendirebilecek miyiz?

MAHMUT ÖVÜR AK Parti İstanbul'da çatlak ses


Ekrem Dumanlı Ya Ergenekon, ya kaçınılmaz son!

Mümtazer Türköne Ergenekon'un 16 Mart katliamı

Mehmet Altan Dolar ve türban

Güngör Mengi Sigorta çalıştı ama ömrü ne kadar?



Ercan Kumcu Küresel soruna küresel çözümler gerekir

Seyfettin Gürsel Kur şokunu durdurun

Dolarda tarihi yükseliş

Deniz Gökçe Aslında damarlardaki kanda var!

Hurşit Güneş 2009 yılında cari açık ne kadar olur? 1) İthalat hızla (60 milyar $) düşecek

Güngör Uras Dolar devamlı çıkmaz, çıkar-iner, bir yerde durur

Erdal Sağlam Dolar iki gündür niye artıyor Yabancılar kur yerine IMF’yle anlaşmayı soruyor

Turkey pushes energy projects despite crisis

Hükümetten krize karşı 2-B harekâtı

Eyüp Can Doların olağanüstü hal ilanı

Şimşek: İhtiyati stand-by görüşülüyor

Dolar halkı nasıl vuracak?

Yiğit Bulut Hani 'ekonomik mucize' vardı!

Metin Münir Reel sektör nezle olursa bankalar hapşırır


Türkiye kime muhtaç?

Ey ruh geldiysen..

Balon ve saadet zinciri

Aydın Ayaydın Mevduata 2 yıl boyunca % 100 güvence geliyor

Su akmazsa, fiyatından bize ne!

Ali Ağaoğlu Dolar kurları ve Merkez müdahalesi?

Erinç Yeldan|Ekonomi Politik

H4 New York Times If Elected ... Rivals Split on U.S. Power, but Ideas Defy Easy Labels Radically different experiences in different corners of Southeast Asia have shaped the candidates’ contrasting visions for American power, but both men have been forced into surprising detours. Previous Articles in the Series »

NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Rebranding the U.S. With Obama

In the western industrialized world, the idea of electing a member of a racial minority to the highest office seems an astonishing breakthrough.


Iran’s leadership would pay a high price for a handshake with America. As the 30th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution looms, it’s time to rethink U.S. strategy toward Iran.

Lebanon’s Bloody Sunday By RANDY GADDO Had we stood our ground 25 years ago instead of pulling out after the bombing in Beirut, it is possible that 9/11 would not have happened.

From Beirut to 9/11 By ROBERT C. McFARLANE After the Lebanon bombing, the most telling conclusion was the one reached by Middle Eastern terrorists, that the U.S. had neither the will nor the means to respond to a terrorist attack.

China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump

Russia Backs Keeping U.S. Force in Iraq

A Northern Neighbor Growls, and Azerbaijan Reassesses Its Options

Joint Chiefs Chairman Stresses NATO Defense for Baltic Region

Strike on Village In Pakistan Kills 4; Drone Is Suspected

Pakistan Asks I.M.F. for Aid to Repay Debt

Bloggingheads: Obama and Israel

Daniel Levy, left, of The New America Foundation and David Frum of National Review debate how the next administration will handle the Mideast conflict.

Struggling to Keep Up as the Crisis Raced On In an interview, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. said Lehman Brothers could not have been rescued.

Hedge Funds’ Steep Fall Sends Investors Fleeing Hedge funds, the fast money that defined an era on Wall Street, are in the throes of an unprecedented shakeout.

McCain Is Cooked National Journal’s Charlie Cook says it’s over.

Bush Calls 20 Nations to Summit on Markets

$150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image

Obama Chides Biden Over Remark About a World Crisis Testing His Presidency

A Onetime McCain Insider Is Now Offering Advice (Unwanted) From the Outside

H5 Washington Post Stopping A Nuclear Tehran By Daniel R. Coats and Charles S. Robb, It likely will be the first and most pressing national security issue facing the next president

A New OPEC for Gas?

Editorial Not Out of the Woods

The global financial system needs improvement, but not a radical reinvention

Five Ways to Fix Our Financial Architecture By Howard Davies,

Simpler. Faster. More representative. Some suggestions for redesigning international financial regulation

Pakistan Will Give Arms to Tribal Militias Plan Bolsters U.S. Faith In Ally's Anti-Extremist Efforts

PostGlobal: China's Economy: Crash Landing? When the government announces there's no need to panic, it's time to worry.

In Sadr City, a Repressed but Growing Rage Limited by Cease-Fire, Mahdi Army Fighters Increasingly Restless as Iraqi Troops Go on Offensive

A Proud India Launches Its First Mission To the Moon

U.S. Strike Kills 9 Afghan Troops

Coalition Unit Called In Air Support In Apparent Friendly-Fire Incident

U.S. Pressed to Turn Over Detainee Papers British Court Blasts Inaction, Says Documents Are Vital to Guantanamo Case

Job Losses Accelerate, Signaling Deeper DistressEmployers make aggressive job cuts to reduce costs in the face of economic crisis, preparing for what many fear will be a long recession

Blue Sparks in Red Ohio By David S. Broder, Fortunes have changed since George W. Bush beat John Kerry in 2004.

Bush to Host World Leaders at Nov. 15 Economic Summit

Pariah President By Dan Froomkin

Credit-Rating Firms Grilled Over Conflicts Risks Were Known, Documents Show

MOMENTS OF TRUTH | McCain and the Keating Five Senator's Image as Reformer Born in Crisis

Career Eventually Thrived in Aftermath

McCain Tries to Push Past Palin Backlash Campaign Says She Rallies Key Voters

In Ads, GOP Stresses Obama's Ties to Chicago Developer But Nominee's Relationship With Rezko Appears to Be Having Little Impact on Voters, Polls Find

H6 Guardian The more Obama is tested, the more he shows his presidential mettle Timothy Garton Ash: Deep fears have been stirred in this election, but the Democratic candidate holds firm to the calm politics of hope

Green routes to growth Nicholas Stern: Recession is the time to build a low-carbon future with the investment vital for economy and planet

Not the death of capitalism, but the birth of a new order Seumas Milne: The free-market model has been discredited and now its champions are panicking at what might emerge in its wake

A crisis of confidence Joseph Stiglitz: Letting financial markets run wild was risky business indeed. Transparency, oversight and fair competition are needed now

Bretton Woods II, with caveats

Ha-Joon Chang: I broadly agree with Jeffrey Sachs' proposals, but there are flaws in his ideas for trade reform and his development strategies

Wealth gap creating a social time bomb Beijing named most egalitarian city while least equal cities found in southern Africa and Latin America

Campaign costs dwarf millions raised by Kerry and Bush in 2004

Barack Obama's campaign spending alone likely to be more than $1bn by time of election

Confident Obama takes presidential tone in talk of post-election plans

Barack Obama opens himself up to charges of complacency with confident discussion of transition period

Pakistan takes $5bn IMF bail-out after allies refuse funds

Pakistan agree to economic reforms as finance minister describes bail-out as 'plan C'

Data with destiny Editorial: Battle between liberty and power of the state takes turn with plans for state database

Don't cross me again, warns Tory's accuser Millionaire banker warns George Osborne not to challenge his account of Russian donation

Recession alert sends sterling to low Pound falls to lowest level in five years after Mervyn King warns British economy is entering a recession

Who'd be a Keynesian? Meghnad Desai: Divorce prudence and marry profligacy if you like, but remember, Keynes' work emphasised fiscal responsibility

Oliver Burkeman Is Sarah Palin operating from a plane of intelligence so elevated it seems like stupidity?

Truth as collateral damage

Marc Herold: Civilian deaths from US/Nato air strikes in Afghanistan are not accidents or mistakes – they are calculated and predicted

H7 EurasiaNet Iran: Ahmadinejad Making Political Gambit to Enhance his Authority in Tehran BY KAMAL NAZER YASIN Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is risking his political future by striving to decouple his neo-conservative faction from long-standing domestic allies -- traditionalist clergy and small-scale merchants. If successful, Ahmadinejad would gain a greater degree of freedom of action in both the domestic and international arenas.

Towards a Middle East Stalemate? by Eric Trager

Quaker organization posts English translation of U.S.-Iraq military agreement Source: American Friends Service Committee Full Document (PDF; 182 KB)

The Security Tug-of-War By: Max Boot | Commentary Magazine Much of the hullabaloo in Iraq has been about the issue of legal immunity for U.S. forces. On this point, the treaty strikes a fair balance between Iraqi demands for "no immunity" and American demands that service members only be prosecuted by an American court-martial.

Clipped wings US election makes hawks back down from Iran strike

Wealth gap creating social time bomb, says UN report

Beijing named most egalitarian city while least equal cities found in southern Africa and Latin America

Ahmadinejad's 'Excellent' UN Speech - Nasrin Amirsedghi, Jerusalem Post

Al Qaeda's Propaganda Aims to Affect US Election and future Strategies by Walid Phares

Daily Star Al-Qaeda is watching the US election
By Hady Amr

Serious questions that McCain and Obama both ignore
By Peter Singer

Obama Cowers in the Geopolitical Corner - Nicholas Guariglia, RCWorld

OPEC's Difficult Decision - Randa Takieddine, Al-Hayat

Iran Is Job One - Roger Cohen, Int'l Herald Tribune

Financial crisis to impact on all social strata, says OECD

[ RUTH EGLASH, Oct 22 22:39 ]
Experts predict effects of global financial crisis will impact all levels of society by next year.

Clock Approaching Midnight on Iran - Mark Silverberg, Middle East Times

Mid-East economy Robert Mabro says the region will not escape the crisis


Al hayat Will Obama Save us from War with Iran?

Elias Harfoush - There is a general inclination to see Barack Obama's victory as good news for the Arab region. He is a more lenient politician and possesses a much smarter perspective on things when compared to George Bush.

Obama Swings and Misses on Trade Issues By: Tom Plate | The Japan Times Obama looks to be heading for victory, and if it were a global election he would surely fare even better, but the world should be wary of his protectionist sympathies.

End to Fast Growth for Developing Countries By: Michael Spence | The Moscow Times
The current credit crisis has led to scaled-back projections for growth around the world. Governments and central banks are responding to damaged balance sheets and credit lockups in an attempt to limit extreme harm to their economies outside the financial sector.

When Iran Gives Advice By: Tariq Alhomayed | Asharq Alawsat
Manouchehr Mottaki, the Foreign Minister of Iran, has warned the West of the dangers of dialogue with the Taliban. He said, “The West must not think that it can confine extremism to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia,” and referred to the proverb, ‘They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.’ Leaving the Taliban aside; shouldn’t Mottaki’s words also apply to Iran?

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

Tehran wants Barack Obama in the White House, rules out war

US intelligence: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February 2009

Iraqis hit back at US commander Iraq's government criticises US military chief Mike Mullen's warning of security losses if it does not pass a security deal

US-Iraq troops deal mostly done: White House...

Rice Says Iraqis Can't Yet Defend Iraq Alone

Oil-Rich Iran Faces a Reckoning

Has Nasrallah Been Poisoned?

Iraqi Govt Slams US Statement on Security Pact

Dabbagh Rejects Bush Pressure Tactics on Iraq; Al-Haeri Declares Security Agreement Illicit; Irrelevancy of Al-Qaeda on McCain

Rafsanjani says Israel lacks ‘goodwill’ in talks with Syria

'Dime a dozen' Teenage Islamists fighting coalition forces in Iraq

SOFA needs scrutiny, analysis says

Interview with Grand Ayatollah Hussein al-Sadr

Hezbollah: On the War path or seeking political domination of Lebanon? Defense Update

Khamenei Advisor: Israeli Rhetoric Bolsters Iranian Officials Who Want Preemptive Strike

Oct 22 SD# 2091 - Arab Columnists: The Economic Crisis – A Conspiracy by U.S. Government, American Jews

H9 Ha’aretz

H9 Ha’aretz Editorial: We must not tolerate settler terror against Palestinians

Report: Hezbollah chief poisoned; Iranian doctors saved his life

Security services draw up list of possible targets of Hezbollah attacks List prepared in light of Hezbollah vow to avenge Mughniyeh assassination; some officials receive protection

Iranian official: Tehran proud of its support for Hezbollah, Hamas Larijani rejects claims Iran backs terrorism, also says Obama seems more 'rational' than McCain

Jerusalem Post Israel to send 42,000 election ballots

Around half of registered US voters living in Israel are voting in swing states such as Florida and Ohio.

Syrian envoy: Onus for peace on Israel Ambassador to US calls Hizbullah "a very close ally" of Syria; claims Israel "demonizes" his country

Rattling the Cage: What's McCain doing in the GOP?

Yedioth Ahronoth 'Assad is the next Sadat'
At Foreign Ministry conference on policy in 2009, signs of change in 'the very fundamentals' of how diplomatic brass sees Syrian president. Citing stagnated talks with PA, officials say Damascus deal may precede Ramallah one

Obama the better choice/ Landau McCain would continue America's decline; Obama better for both US, Israel

Obama is coming Obama’s expected victory in US election could signal bad times for Israel

Larijani: Iran prefers Obama

Iranian parliament speaker says Tehran rooting for Democratic candidate 'because he's rational'

Hamas in control

Cleaner, safer streets, cease-fire boost Haniyeh; outlook for peace bleak

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Bloggingheads: Obama and Israel

Daniel Levy, left, of The New America Foundation and David Frum of National Review debate how the next administration will handle the Mideast conflict.

Why Jews Are Voting Obama by Shmuel Rosner

Olmert's Final Mission By: Richard Weitz | World Politics Review
When Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert traveled to Moscow earlier this month, he hoped to achieve three objectives: to ensure that Israel's pre-August military ties with Georgia had not unduly damaged Russian-Israeli relations, to convince Russian policy makers not to provide Syria or Iran with advanced weapons that could be used against Israel, and to induce Russian leaders to pressure Tehran to moderate its nuclear ambitions.

H10 Christian Science Monitor

As US shoppers retreat, can world thrive? Consumers were the biggest engine of global growth. But indebtedness prevents that now.

Afghans to Karzai: You failed us.

Perceived as ineffective and corrupt, the Afghan president faces an uphill battle to reelection.

Cash-strapped Pakistan finds few friends in time of economic need

Pakistan asked the IMF for a loan Wednesday, after allies rebuffed its requests for aid.

Surging Obama campaign suggests US racism on the wane

Predujice lingers, but there's evidence it's becoming a thing of the past.

A push for development abroad

Despite economic crisis, Bush urges the US and other wealthy nations to maintain foreign aid.

US Air Force seeks to fix nuclear mission A new command and headquarters are part of the plan to refocus on its nuclear responsibilities.

What golf and the financial crisis have in common Freedom entails the freedom to fail. But instead of taking responsibility, we've grown accustomed to covering up mistakes with mulligans – do overs.


Japan leads Asian shares' plunge

Japan and other Asian stock markets tumble in trading as fears of a global recession rattle investor confidence.

Will Japan Go Nuclear? - Robyn Lim, Far Eastern Economic Review

FT How the financial crisis is changing China Geoff Dyer points to an economic turning point

Hu De-communizing China - China Post

Lehman Dynamic Spreads Through Chinese Economy By: William Pesek | Bloomberg News
What's interesting about China being hurt by Wall Street's meltdown is that its own quality-control woes derive from similar circumstances.

Eastern Premise By: Tim Footman | The Guardian
There may be differences in the way Asians and westerners learn and perceive; but it's a matter of culture, not genetics.

Time How Will China Weather the Financial Storm?

New US leaders need a Japanese 'jolt' Policymakers in Tokyo are scrambling for ways to extend and reinforce the Japan-US security relationship in light of a new American administration. Vocally and visibly presenting itself as an unshakable partner in the fight against terrorism may go a long way for Japan, and help prepare its public for unprecedented deployment of its Self-Defense Forces. - Yukio Okamoto

India's lunar mission is new step in Asian space race

Televised space launch signals Indian intent to match Japan and China as global power

China Not a Campaign Issue for US - Frank Ching, China Post

New President Inherits Afghan Crisis By: Sara A. Carter | The Washington Times
As a U.S.-led coalition races to develop a new strategy to counter growing Taliban and al Qaeda militancy, the next U.S. president will face a crisis that has left U.S. officials walking a tightrope with both Afghanistan and its nuclear-armed neighbor, Pakistan

Asian Alternative to the G7 Bank Bailout By: Abe De Ramos | The Daily Star
The trillion-dollar commitments made so far by governments, with the exception of Britain's, have been biased toward restoring market confidence instead of healing the core of what ails banks

The shadow behind India's dazzling success The country cannot bask too long in its economic, literary, technological and sporting glory

Jeevan Deol

India Over the Moon

An heroic victory over Australia lifts a nation's spirits (among other things)

Paradise forsaken Khaled Diab: With the separatist movement committed to non-violence, now is a good time to visit Kashmir

Rescuing Afghanistan Remains a Noble Mission By: Magnus Linklater | The London Times
The shooting of Gayle Williams in Kabul -- cruel, clinical and cowardly -- reminds us why we are in Afghanistan, and should bolster our resolve to stay.

ASEAN's Regional Cooperation and Multilateral Relations

Parliamentary Library - Australia

A 65-page Australian research paper studying recent developments in ASEAN regional cooperation

Should India Feel Confident?

Lessons From Tokyo By: Heizo Takenaka | The Wall Street Journal
The subprime problem in the United States has triggered global financial market instability. A similar crisis of confidence hit Japan in the 1990s, after the collapse of the late 1980s bubble

H11 IHT Roger Cohen: Iran is job one Iran's leadership would pay a high price for a handshake with America.

A northern neighbor growls, and Azerbaijan reassesses its options

Azerbaijan, a small, oil-rich country on the Caspian Sea, has balanced the interests of Russia and the United States since it won its independence from the Soviet Union

The strange defiance of the Iraqi ministers The U.S. must cease being an occupying power in Iraq as quickly as possible and strengthen ties with factions that truly want a pluralist, independent future.

U.S. and NATO to strengthen ties with Baltic states The United States and NATO are updating plans for defending allies bordering Russia, and may increase joint military exercises with those states.

West pledges $4.5 billion to rebuild Georgia The European Commission president, José Manuel Barroso, said the sum should send a "strong signal to the world" that its members stand with Georgia.

Leaders in Britain say recession is likely And an independent report warned that Britain's economy would suffer more than others among the seven most-developed industrialized nations

EUROPE European press review

Security and Defence Priorities During France's EU Presidency

SDA The 30-page report of a roundtable conference discussing the chief ESDP weaknesses and the impact of France's return to NATO

The EU's Decline at the UN – ECFR

Der Spiegel Berlin Plans to Deter Trade with Iran

Europe Embraces Obama by David Pryce-Jones

Permanent Structured Cooperation and the Future of ESDP Egmont This 18-page Belgian paper addresses the efficiency problem of Europe's armed forces

Switzerland, a Possible Target of Islamist Terrorism? By: Olivier Guitta | The Middle East Times
Once considered the safest country in Europe, if not the world, Switzerland is now a potential target of a terrorist attack. Why?

H12 RFE/RL Top U.S. Official Says Karabakh Deal ’Possible’ By Year’s End A senior U.S. official has said the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave could be resolved within the next two months.




Google News Azerbaijan

Don't Expand NATO: The Case Against Membership for Georgia and Ukraine By: Benjamin Friedman and Justin Logan | World Politics Review
At the upcoming North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in December, U.S. officials will once again make the case for admitting Georgia and Ukraine to the alliance. Our NATO allies, with Germany and France leading the way, already blocked the two countries' path to membership last spring.

The Putin Doctrine - Andre Glucksmann, Forbes

Russia Backs Keeping U.S. Force in Iraq

Geopolitical Diary: Ruble Rumors in Russia

Russia's Big Bang - Marshall Goldman, Moscow Times

Six Perspectives on the Georgia Conflict Chatham House

Six UK briefing notes offering analysis and insight into th conflict in Georgia (single page linking to each paper)

Putin and the Polite Pundits By: Arthur Herman | Commentary Magazine Who were those Russian “peacekeepers,” and what were they doing in South Ossetia? How is it that Moscow was prepared to respond to the Georgian “provocation” with such massive force, and on such short notice?

Feeling the pinch Russians tell BBC how financial crisis is hurting them

Georgia: Despite Foreign Aid, at Risk for Recession? The Georgian government is counting on an October 22 donor conference in Brussels to provide billions of dollars to keep the country’s economy afloat following its August war with Russia. While the European Union and the United States have already announced major aid packages for Georgia, some observers believe the money will not be enough to stop the country’s economic slide.

H13 The Times Crash has brought Keynes back to life

It seemed that the great economist was history. But recent events have proved him right Robert Skidelsky

Pakistan asks for help as economy faces collapse Central bank governor travels to Dubai to ask for emergency aid from the IMF in a scramble to raise $4bn to save economy

Asian markets drop amid unwinding yen carry trade

Major indexes in Japan and Hong Kong plunged by around 5%, while in Seoul the Kospi Index shed around 8%

Leave the Church of England alone It is possible for a multifaith society to accommodate a privileged position for one religion Melanie McDonagh

Nine Afghan soldiers die in 'friendly fire' from US Defence Ministry condemns firefight that 'weakens spirit of forces and has negative effect on men trained by US troops'

World steps in with $4.5 billion for Georgia Money is promised by leaders for reconstruction after war with Russia and will not be used to stifle internal dissent

Destination Moon: India's historic day With the words 'lift off is normal' from mission control, India launched is first unmanned space mission

Wall Street Journal An Obamanomics Preview

Michael J. Boskin: Our Next President and the Perfect Economic Storm

The Tax Argument Still Works

By Karl Rove Obama's plans are giving voters pause.

From the Beirut Bombing to 9/11

By Robert F. Turner
Liberal assaults on the executive branch have made us vulnerable.

Europe Needs Tax Cuts By Holger Schmieding Reducing wage levies would be far better than boosting public spending.

IMF Regains Some Global Clout

US government throws oil on fire The US government, by continuing to misdiagnose the credit crisis, perhaps even purposely, has become part of the problem thanks to flawed responses backed by the people's money. On top of a trickle down of prosperity during the boom phase of the bubble in which wealth stayed mostly at the top, there will be a pouring down of the hot oil of loss on taxpayers. - Henry C K Liu

CFR McKinsey Executive Roundtable Series in International Economics (Audio)

H14 Financial Times The complexities of a multipolar future

Zaki Laïdi on the ‘decline’ of the US

US to host G20 world summit over crisis Global stock markets plunged as the White House said it would invite world leaders to a global financial summit next month, 11 days after the US presidential election.

How the financial crisis is changing China Geoff Dyer points to an economic turning point

Surge in support for Obama

Barack Obama is heading for a landslide victory over John McCain in 12 days’ time if his double-digit poll leads prove accurate and sustained, says a growing consensus of Democratic and Republican political fore­casters

Iran feels pinch of oil price fall

President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad made a crowd-pleasing pledge to bring the oil money to every Iranian’s dinner table but the price decline means he could have less cash to spread around

Europe’s economic weather forecast Map: The latest European economic ‘weather map’ shows the how the forecast for the continent’s economies has changed

Sadly, many do dare call it treason

McCain’s flailing campaign has acquired a new leitmotif – that Obama is a socialist. He has said Obama’s tax proposals are just that. And as we remember the conservative mantra of 1964, socialism is next to communism in the pantheon of dark forces, writes Jurek Martin

North Africa’s prospects dim Officials in Egypt and Morocco have been at pains to send reassuring messages about the health of local financial systems, saying that domestic banks are safe

Go-ahead for £20bn Typhoon sale to Saudis The US has given Britain the green light to sell 72 Typhoon fighter jets to Riyadh, approving the transfer of sensitive American technology on the aircraft after months of debate

Donors find $4.5bn for Georgia

Cuban-American doubts hit McCain in 'must win' state

US cities are among most divided on rich-poor lines Cities in the US are now among the most unequal in the world, rivalling developing-country cities such as Nairobi and Santiago in their disparities between rich and...

Aircraft forced to land in Iran

Sarkozy reverts to type Gideon Rachman’s blog: No sooner had I subtly insinuated that he was going crazy than he gave a speech calling for a European SWF to buy chunks of EU industry

Rate cuts needed to soften blow

While fiscal policy faces heavy headwinds in the coming months, Bank of England monetary policy has to exploit all tailwinds available

The bail-out threat to free markets

Europe must resist rescuing its national champions. Unilateral bail-outs pave the road to protectionism – and a more prolonged downturn

A simple plan to unclog the interbank market Tim Congdon and Brandon Davies’s ideas

The last words of an unrepentant optimist Jonathan Guthrie pays for his professional heresy

German ‘education summit’ criticised Chancellor Merkel lauds meeting over key issue of schools and universities but opponents question where pledged billions of funds will come from

Early voting ‘favours Obama’

Millions of US citizens voting early in the presidential elections are locking in Barack Obama’s opinion poll lead, analysts and commentators say

H15 Los Angeles Times Obama and McCain in denial about deficits, economists say The U.S. faces huge deficits over the next few years no matter who is president, experts say. A watchdog group says both candidates' plans would add to the national debt.


Pakistan asks IMF to help it avoid defaulting on debt High fuel prices, a decline in foreign investment and rising militant violence have hurt Pakistan's ability to make good on its government bonds

Examining Israel's efforts toward building a new government Prime Minister-designate Tzipi Livni has received a two-week deadline extension for forming a ruling coalition. Here are answers to some key questions on how the process might play out

Recession fear cuts 514 more points off Dow The 5.7% drop is the bellwether's biggest loss since last week's 733-point decline

Kuwait-Iraq diplomacy blooms again, 17 years after war

Ambassador Ali Mumin remembers invasion and the Persian Gulf War well, but he blames Saddam Hussein, not the Iraqi people

Coalition friendly-fire incident kills 9 Afghan soldiers Officials say American troops may have been involved in the accidental bombing of an Afghan army checkpoint

Let's elect the vice president we want By Vikram David Amar

Nothing in election law requires voters to choose between unified party tickets. So why can't we vote for Joe Biden or Sarah Palin

H16 American Politics

Robert Draper / New York Times:

The Making (and Remaking) of McCain

Poll: Obama Holds Leads in Key States; McCain Attacks Not Swaying Voters — With less than two weeks to go 'til Election Day, Barack Obama has held or increased his leads in four key states won by President George W. Bush in 2004 — Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia

FOX News Poll: Obama Grabs Nine Point Lead Over McCain

October surprise? Newsweek: Could Bin Laden change election outcome?

The Punditocracy's 7 Biggest Blunders - Mike Madden & Walter Shapiro, Salon

The Obama Enigma - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

McCain's Socialist Delusion - Joe Conason, New York Observer

What If All the Pundits are (Gasp!) Wrong? - Steven Stark, Boston Phoenix

President Obama's Challenge - David Frum, The Week

Liberal tide? Democrats set to dominate key Senate elections

Obama's Liberal America - George Neumayr, The American Spectator

R.I.P. Reagan Revolution - Dan Gerstein, Forbes

Why the Republicans Must Lose - Radley Balko, Reason

realclearpolitics memeorandum Politico ABC’s The Note PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec

AP presidential poll: All even in the homestretch

Chuck Todd On McCain-Palin: No Chemistry, No Trust, Possibly No Chance

Election Day Will Likely Test Voting System, Voter Patience
Source: Pew Center on the States

Obama’s October Surprise: A 60-40 Democratic Financial Advantage?
Source: Campaign Finance Institute

The AP/GFK Poll: Evangelical Surge?

Study: McCain gets more negative coverage than Obama

Joe the Plumber has hurt Obama in Florida, new poll finds

The Mason-Dixon survey found that McCain's numbers haven't improved from 46 percent, but that Obama's support has decreased three points to 45. Not only does the economic crisis — a benefit to Obama — no longer lead the news, Joe the Plumber gave McCain a pocketbook issue to talk taxes, welfare and socialism.

GOP “Death List” Predicts Democratic Blowout in the House

On Al-Qaeda Web Sites, Joy Over U.S. Crisis, Support for McCain

Study: Coverage of McCain Much More Negative Than That of Obama

New Judicial Watch/Zogby Poll: 81.7% of Americans Say Political Corruption Played a “Major Role” in Financial Crisis

H17 Daily Telegraph Republicans eye Palin for president in 2012

Republicans bracing themselves for defeat on Nov 4 are considering running Sarah Palin for president in 2012.

NSA to investigate claims it spied on intimate conversations of US citizens

The National Security Agency is investigating allegations that intimate conversations of US citizens were listened to.

US actions support torture claims of Guantanamo Briton The US government is backing-up allegations that it tortured a British resident at Guantanamo Bay by refusing to hand over crucial documents, High Court judges said yesterday

H18 Independent Pakistan stares into the abyss A spiralling conflict, economic collapse and blackouts threaten anarchy

Pakistan's hidden war

Leading article: A nation that needs to be handled with immense care

Hamish McRae: The shift to cheap money will not make borrowing it any easier

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

Costs of war: War on Bankruptcy By: Shaun Waterman | ISN Security Watch
US defense spending, which has more than doubled since the declaration of the war on terror in 2001, is helping to threaten bankruptcy for the US.

Soaring Cryptography and Nuclear Weapons By: Martin Hellman | Asia Times
In light of the Russian-Georgia crisis and the West's ambition to have Georgia join NATO, the risk of a nuclear war is dangerously underestimated.

International Arms Trade Treaty: Gun Control

Chatham House

A 2-page UK article on progress towards a UN-sponsored arms trade treaty

The Philippines: America's other war on terrorism On a Southeast Asian front that's vital yet largely unfamiliar to most Americans, some 500 U.S. Special Operations Forces and their Filipino counterparts have been fighting a different, unconventional — and seemingly successful — war against Islamic terrorist groups with links to Osama bin Laden's al Qaida.

Bush's boudoir eavesdroppers

Congressional investigators need to get answers after allegations by two former military intelligence officers that the NSA regularly listened in on the calls of US military personnel, aid workers, and journalists in Iraq. (Boston Globe)

Al Qaeda's Propaganda Aims to Affect US Election and future Strategies

H20 Slate Why Do Terrorists Love To Strike Around Elections?
And what can we expect in the coming weeks?
Daniel Benjamin

Nation vs. States
Obama gains nationally while McCain gains at the state level.

A Global Deal for Climate Change

H21 US scientists perfect targeted memory erasure in mice

Faster than a bullet - a 1,000mph car

Without God, there's reason to worry

Chris Sugden: Contrary to what the atheist bus advert suggests, religion can provide an antidote to the anxieties of everyday life

Great voices Rare recordings of 20th Century writers released

Robert Wright & James Pinkerton: Crystal Ball Gazing

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
Orta Doğu'da Durum Raporu 25 Mayıs 2011
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“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
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“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
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ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
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'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
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11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
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Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
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Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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