20 October 2008
  October 20, 2008

102008f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc

H1 Newsweek The Case for Barack Obama by Fareed Zakaria Obama is pushing to change the parameters of the country's comfort zone . That's leadership.

Meacham: We're a Conservative Country America remains a center-right nation—a fact that a President Obama would forget at his peril.

Christian Science Monitor

A financial new world order?

Bush says reforms must improve, not fetter, the free market; Europeans hint at more robust intervention.

US-Iraqi security pact still unsettled Amid growing opposition, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on Sunday for more time to negotiate a plan that could begin US troop withdrawals in June 2009.

The Speech That Could Close the Deal - David Ignatius, Washington Post opinion

Ha’aretz Israel expects U.S.-Iran talks if Obama elected

ANALYSIS / Israel must adapt to reality of U.S.-Iran dialogue Post-U.S. election, Israel will be expected to toe the line

Barak: Israel giving serious thought to Saudi peace plan

Daily Star What to expect from the 44th president of the United States By Richard N. Haass

Washington Post Brace Yourselves Power's Shifting, But Not in the Way You Expect By Bill Emmott

Bretton Woods, The Sequel?

By Sebastian Mallaby, An economic fix won't come as the result of any international conference.

In Good Times and Bad By Robert J. Samuelson, If things seem splendid, they will get worse. If things seem dismal, they will get better.

Russia Unromanticized

By John R. Bolton, It's Western weakness, not resolve, that's most likely to provoke Moscow.

The Next Administration: Obama

U.S. Pact Hits Snag as Iraq Shiites Seek Changes: (

Arduous Transition Awaits Next President Inherited Problems Bring Crushing Pressure

Is Capitalism Dead? The market that failed was not exactly free.

Foreign Policy Why October Surprises Work

Time In the New World Disorder, Loads of Rivals for America

Guardian Decades of eroded trust and democracy did the damage

Benjamin Barber: The roots of the financial turmoil are a democratic deficit. Restoring civic faith is crucial for market economies to function

A crisis sparked by the world's rich will have the poor paying the highest price Madeleine Bunting: Our worries about jobs or pensions pale beside the fallout Africa and Asia now face in this absurdly skewed global system

New York Times New Doubts Cloud Iraqi Security Pact With U.S.

Donation Record as Colin Powell Endorses Obama The endorsement could lift Barack Obama among independents, and his campaign war chest could help him sell that message.

Paul Krugman The Real Plumbers of Ohio John McCain’s strategy, in this final stretch, is based on the belief that Republicans can still pursue plutocratic policies while claiming to be the party of regular guys.

IHT Russia striving to modernize military, U.S. notes with interest, not alarm Pentagon officials portray a Russian military buildup as an overdue modernization, not a threat

Ground is shifting under empires of Russian oligarchs In the global financial crisis, perhaps no community of the affluent has fallen as hard, or as fast, as the brash Kremlin-connected insiders whose wealth was tied up in the overlapping bubbles of the Russian stock market, commodity prices and easy credi

Guest: Colin Powell - Meet the Press

Sarah Baxter / Times of London:
Barack Obama lines up a cabinet of stars as John McCain struggles on

Roubini A Review of This Week of Macro and Financial Developments and My Latest Project Syndicate Column

Needed: new multilateralism

September and October are shaping up to be hard months in a precarious year. A meltdown in financial, credit, and housing markets. (By Robert B. Zoellick, Boston Globe)

Managing Foreign Policy and National Security Challenges in Presidential Transitions By: Kurt M. Campbel and James B. Steinberg | The Washington Quarterly Presidential transitions are replete with dangers and missteps that bedevil even the most experienced practitioners, but they are also times of opportunity. These ten recommendations can help the candidates, even before either is president-elect, to traverse this course

Strategic Collaboration: How the United States Can Thrive as Other Powers Rise By: Nina Hachigian and Mona Sutphen | The Washington Quarterly Calling for a new G-13 forum would be a bold and useful step that the next president could take, both to convince the world that the United States wants to join it again and to further the collaboration with pivotal powers that will ensure American well-being into the future

A Very European Fudge By: Christopher Bickerton | The Guardian Some say that crisis management is what the EU does best. Rubbish -- its exercise of 'soft power' is worse than useless.

The Real World: The Russian Navy Back in the Med By: Ariel Cohen | The Middle East Times
The Russian Federation is redeploying a part of the Black Sea Fleet to its Cold War hunting grounds in the Mediterranean. Returning to bases and anchorages in Syria and Libya is a top priority for the Russian admirals.

Pipelines, Politics and Power. The future of EU-Russia energy relations Source: Centre for European Reform Full Document (PDF; 3.15 MB)

Tom Barnett: Post-Caucasian world is not post-American world KnoxNews.

The TimesEurope and US wrestle for control of markets

President Bush will host an emergency summit amid signs that Europe and America are heading in different directions

Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: The World on Hold

Nir Rosen - Rolling Stone - How We Lost the War We Won: A Journey Into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan.

Barak: Israel considering Saudi peace plan (AP)

Der Spiegel Flash Gordon or Super Sarko?: Europe's New Heroes

Newsweek Blame It On Him! How Alan Greenspan lit the fuse of the current credit crisis

CSM US national security's challenge: communication History shows what happens when agencies don't talk.

After summer war, identity crisis grips Abkhazia The war with Georgia may help make the breakaway province more independent.

Pakistan eyes 'peace pipeline' for region It hopes a deal to ship Iranian gas to India via Pakistan can boost its energy supply, regional ties.

An article on Henry Kissinger as the inside-outsider;

Principles for Reforming the Nuclear Order IFRI A 25-page French paper describing the strains besetting the nuclear non-proliferation regime

Iran Options by Shmuel Rosner

ComingAnarchy Iran Assumptions

CFR Academic Conference Call: The September 12 Paradigm (Audio)

Dan Drezner So how’s American hegemonic power doing today?

Newsweek Iran: Meddling Less in Iraq, Afghanistan. But Why?

Financial Times Iraq faction seeks 2011 US exit The Iraq parliament’s biggest political grouping is calling for the US mission to be brought to a definite close by the end of 2011 as a condition for approving a deal

US faces worst recession in 26 years Senior officials at the Treasury and Federal Reserve are confident the rescue plan for banks will prevent a system meltdown, but they know that a sharp downturn is ahead

Wolfgang Münchau: Crisis needs more than one shot Targeted recapitalisation, money market insurance and a stimulus package are all needed as part of a comprehensive strategy, writes Wolfgang Münchau

McClatchy McCain Evolved From Reluctant Warrior to Interventionist

Los Angeles Times Barack Obama for president

He is the competent, confident leader who represents the...

Falling oil prices The effects of falling oil prices are being felt around the world as countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia are forced to reassess strategies and priorities

H2 Ali Bulaç Kürt sorunu: Çözüm için öneriler

Barzani ile konuşun sınırı bile değiştirir

Independent Democracy on trial in Turkey as 86 face coup attempt charge

Türkiye’nin önü açık

Ali H Aslan Muslukçu Joe ve Washington'daki Türkiye muslukçuları

‘Kürtler geçmişte ayrımcılığa uğramıştı’

Winning Turkey BOOK Omer Taspinar, Philip H. Gordon and Afterword by Soli Ozel, Brookings Institution Press 2008 c. 125pp. Sample Chapter

CRS The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq

FT Business urges Istanbul to strike IMF deal Turkish business leaders say a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which helped the country during a 2001 financial crisis, will mitigate the effects of the global downturn

Dogan share value plunges as regulators call for action

Now it is the turn of the emerging banks ...countries are in a better position than others, in part thanks to past caution on their part and on the part of their lenders. Turkey, for example, has proportionately fewer companies over-borrowed in forex.

The Times Turkey puts 86 on trial over planned coup Generals charged with terror plot as members of right-wing group Ergenekon go on trial for 'Deep State' conspiracy

Iraqi Official: Turkey Bombs Rebels Across Border

Dizayi: Türkiye’ye her türlü yardımı yaparız

Geniş çerçeveli bir diyalog istiyoruz

Bakan Babacan yabancı gazetecilere konuştu

Trudy Rubin Worldview: Turks, too, are involved in America's campaigns

Opinion: US could learn a thing or two from Turkey's soft-power ...

Rumeli Observer Taraf, the military and taking sides

Istanbul: Truth, fear and the value of diversity

Boston Globe Editorial A Turkish writer's plea Political scientists evaluate societies with quantitative methods. Literary figures prefer a more telling, qualitative criterion: freedom of expression.

The collector The Guardian,

Orhan Pamuk

'Türkiye AB Sürecinden Bıkar'

Neçirvan Barzani: İlişkilerimiz PKK'ya mahkûm edilmesin

BBC Turkey set for mass terror trial

Özel eğitimli 15 bin asker PKK'nın peşinde

Lincoln McCurdy - Fostering Turkish-American ties

Turkey: Conspiracy Trial Should Probe Military’s Role
Human Rights Watch

Turkey bestrides literary stage, but can't avoid politics - Feature : Middle East World

Turkish court to hear high-profile coup case

Ankara readies for tough calls at un Security Council

Gloomy mood in Cyprus as Turkey elevated at UN

Ömer Taşpınar Dancing with the Kurds

Rıza Türmen Güvenlik Konseyi üyeliğinin getirdikleri

Semih İdiz Türkiye’nin BM’de büyük başarısı

Gül: Kürtler geçmişte ayrımcılığa uğradı

Gül: Türban kargaşası politikacıdan başlıyor

301’den farkı ne

Seçilirse Obama'nın Kıbrıs'a ilişkin tavrı değişecektir

'Obama koltuğa oturunca değişir'

Security Council elections: Turkey at the helm by Joshua W. Walker*

İhracatta Avrupa'yla yaşanan sorun Avrasya ülkeleriyle aşılabilir

Türkiye'nin AB'ye üyeliğinde ekonomik engel yok

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national

Fatih Çekirge Sen hiç provokatör gördün mü

TSK 10 aylık bilançoyu açıkladı

US Presidential Election can Put End to KWP US presidential election is not expected to have a big impact on Turkey-Kurdish Administration relations

Official talks with Iraqi Kurdish leadership

Cevdet Aşkın Şahin 'Kötü muamele yok' dedi, iç barış tehlikede

Öcalan’a kötü muamele yok


'Video'yu izledim 'kurgu' problemli gibi

Ali Bulaç Kürt sorunu: Çözüm için öneriler

Çelik: Söyleyecek sözümüz kalmadı

Kurds of Turkey perturbed by delay of promised Kurdish broadcasting

Ergenekon'u protesto bahanesiyle PKK şovu

Dizayi: “Başkan Barzani, Türk heyetiyle hiçbir anlaşma imzalamadı”

Fırat ve Türk bunları konuşmuş

US Slaps the Kurds; Considers Kirkuk Council Illegitimate

Ardan Zentürk Ordunun kritik görevi: İÇ SAVAŞI ÖNLEMEK!

7 kentte Öcalan gerilimi!

‘Fırat-DTP görüşmesi 1 yıldır sürüyordu’

Kürtler geçmişte ayrımcılığa uğradı

Türkiye'nin zor gündemi

Babacan'dan yorum

In Response to "Friends Like These?"

It is Called “Kurdophobia"

Massoud Barzani. Kurdish Hero or Traitor?

Eski bir teröristten ilginç itiraflar

Barzani'yi Türkiye silahlandırdı!

DTP, PKK ağzıyla konuştu

EU agency to examine PKK’s drug trade connections

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: AK Party is secular, we are Islamic

Doğu’dan yine kötü haber

Dana Gas postponed launch of the largest projects in Kurdistan

35 Kurd guerrillas killed in clashes with Turkish troops

Conflict Society and the Transformation of Turkey’s Kurdish Question

Millete Kasımpaşalı Barzani’ye içgüveysi

Book about the Yezidi Kurds tribes and clans of south Caucasus

Bölgenin sorunlarını çözecek güçteyiz

Drug Smuggling As Main Source of PKK Terrorism

Serpil Yılmaz Libya’da işler açılıyor, liderler buluşmasına az kaldı

AKP binasına bomba

DTP mitinginde PKK şovu

Kriz diplomasiyi de vurdu

The KurdBaghdad Oil Standoff Continues

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

Kadri Gürsel Türkiye için yeni AB fikirleri

Türkiye'nin AB'ye üyeliğinde ekonomik engel yok

Türkiye’ye tebrik

Solution Of Cyprus Issue More Possible Today, Turkish Cypriot President

Hüseyin Macit Yusuf TC-KKTC Kıbrıs siyasetinde 'çatlak'!..

'Türkiye AB Sürecinden Bıkar'

Mustafa Karaalioğlu 151 oy neyi anlatıyor

Geopolitical consequences of the economic crisis by BALKAN DEVLEN*

Ferai Tınç Hedefe kilitlenince üyelik oluyor

[Yorum - Dr. Cehap Çakmak] Güvenlik Konseyi'nde işler nasıl yürüyor?

Turkey and Secularism: Myth or Reality?

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Haluk Utku] Nükleer santral ihalesine neden tek bir firma katıldı?

[Yorum - Gökhan Bacık] Güvenlik Konseyi üyeliği ne anlama geliyor?

Türkiye sahaya iniyor

‘Soykırım yalan’ diyen üç Türke İsviçre’de hapis

Greek Cyprus disgruntled over Turkey’s UN win

‘ABD hegemonyası bitti’ sanmak...

Pipelines, Politics and Power. The future of EU-Russia energy relations Source: Centre for European Reform

Full Document (PDF; 3.15 MB)

Crisis has hit Turkish contractors in Russia

Soykırımı reddeden 3 Türk yargılandı

Balkanlar'da yetim kaldık

Turkish officials hail Turkey's United Nations Security Council seat

Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop

Eskiden askerler konuşturulmazdı...

İşte en zengin 100 Türk 3

MUSIC; Songs Lifted in Praise of an Armenian Hero

Orhan Pamuk: Still Mad at Turkey The Times

Istanbul, where East smacks up against West Salt Lake Tribun

H3 Gazetelerde bugün

Türkiye’yi üçe bölen davada sonun başlangıcı

Başbuğ Başbakan’ı sınadı

Asrın davası için gözler Silivri'de

Yüzyılın davası başlıyor


Büyük gün

Meclis ‘bütçe hakkı’nı güçlendirmek için İçtüzüğü değiştirmeye hazırlanıyor

Bak burası Aktütün

Prof. Dr. Büşra Ersanlı: Asker eleştirileri bir isyan gibi görüyor

Ergenekon'un Şemdinli gibi olmasından korkuyorum

Medya 'esas duruşunu bozdu!

İşte en zengin 100 Türk listesi .

Mahkeme heyetine yönelik baskılara dikkat edilmeli

Org. Başbuğ’a destek, hükümete yakın medyayı zor durumda bıraktı

Golfçü paşayı 24 saatte azlederdik

Biz içimizi temizledik siz yapabildiniz mi?

Engin Çeber böyle öldürüldü:

Kafasını defalarca duvara vurdular

MONDAY TALK]Retired Colonel Işık: Turkish public says emperor has no clothes

Çapan'dan Ergenekon açıklamaları

'6 yıl önce Kürt, şimdi Türk olmak suç'

Gülen: Stres bitti, teşekkürler

CHP’li Karayalçın'a DSP'den destek yok

TÜSİAD'ı uyardı: Yangına benzin pompasıyla gidilmez, su ile gidilir

'Ergenekon'da hukuk katledildi' iddiası, savcı ve yargıçlara iftiradır

Sol partilerden Ergenekon'a yakın takip

‘Karayalçın’ın asıl gayesi CHP’nin başına geçmek’

İş Partisi'nin ilginç tanığı

Tayyip Erdoğan’a entelektüel rakip

Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye

Video NTV CNNTürk Milliyet

Cengiz Çandar Post-Aktütün ve tarafları...

Ahmet Taşgetiren Başbakan ne yapabilirdi? ( 18.10.2008 )

Ruşen - Çakır Başbuğ Başbakan’ı sınadı

Taha Akyol Diplomatik zafer

Fikret Bila

Soli Özel Bir demokraside...

Hasan Cemal Obama tarih yazacak diyorlar, sahi mi?..

Murat Yetkin Davutoğlu: Güvenlik Konseyi üyeliği ile psikolojik eşik aşıldı ----- Anayasa Mahkemesi Başkanı: ‘Gerekçeli kararların gecikmesinin Ergenekon davasıyla ilgisi yok’

İsmet Berkan Başbakan kriz brifingi aldı mı?

Fehmi Koru Türkiye’ye tebrik

Taha Kıvanç Gözüm onun yazdıklarında

Şamil Tayyar Anketten çıkan reçete

Oray Eğin Büyük planın perde arkası

Ali Bayramoğlu

Yasemin Çongar Böyle başbakana böyle komutan...

Ertuğrul Özkök

Hasan Ünal

Ahmet Hakan Anında satış Kayıtlara böyle geçsin

M Ali Birand

Mehmet Altan Aktütün ve Ergenekon

Cüneyt ÜlseverTürkiye ve kriz

Enis Berberoğlu Sürpriz yemeğin mönüsü Altınova

Ekrem Dumanlı Aktütün hadisesindeki iletişim kazaları

Asker-gazeteci ilişkisi...

Türkiye’nin gündemine hâkimiyet lâzım

Nasuhi Güngör Erdoğan’ın ‘duruş’u

Sebahattin Önkibar Tayyip Erdoğan medyasını çiğneyip askere neden sahip çıktı?

Serdar Turgut Ekonomide sıkıyönetim ilan edilmeli

Mustafa Akyol Herkesin ‘yeri’ kendince doğrudur

Risks and opportunities facing Erdoğan by EMRE USLU & ÖNDER AYTAÇ*

Türkiye niçin kazandı?

Tufan Türenç Asfaltın karasından yolu gören şoföre emanetiz

Oktay Ekşi

Özdemir İnce

Mehmet Y Yılmaz Bir İngiliz askeri ölünce


ERDAL ŞAFAKBir başarı öyküsü ve sonrası

Soner Yalçın Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri neden New York aydınlarının hedefinde

ENGİN ARDIÇOperasyon başarıyla tamamlanmıştır paşam!

Ergenekon Davası Başlarken...

İktidar yeniden yol ayrımında mı?

Gülay Göktürk Aktütün tartışmasından geriye kalacak olan

Nuh Gönültaş Demirelleştiği için millet Başbakan’a çok kızgın!



Umur Talu Vatan sağ olsun!


Marx okumayı bilmek

NAZLI ILICAK AK Parti ve Saadet Partisi

MEHMET BARLAS Çokseslilik sadece müzikle ilişkili bir olgu değildir ki...


YAVUZ DONAT Gittik, gördük, döndük



Yiğit Bulut Mesut Yılmaz açıklamalı; bu mektup doğru mu?

Şahin Alpay Aktütün debate good for both army and democracy

Eser Karakaş AK Parti’ye samimi bir hatırlatma

Erdai Şafak Kriz politikaları

Proje üretilmediği sürece CHP’nin ve solun sorunu oldukça derin


Serdar Turgut
Hedgistan notları


Osman Ulagay Türkiye için yeni AB fikirleri

Güngör Uras Bizim borsada “hedge fon” tehlikesi yok


Hasan Ersel İktisatçılar krizin şiddetini neden bilemediler

Ercan KumcuEkonomik durgunluk Ercan KUMCU ekumcu@hurriyet.com.tr

İleriye yönelik riskler (1)

Erdal Sağlam Libya’dan daha çok iş almak Başbakan’ın ziyaretine bağlı Sendikasyonlar kasım-aralık'ta yoğunlaşıyor

Türkiye'nin IMF'ye cevabı

Radikal kriz yazıları

Nasıl etkileneceğiz? Ne yapmalıyız? FATİH ÖZATAY

Yerliye stopaj kalkıyor, IMF ile yola devam sinyali

Ekonomi Nobeli’nin yeni sahibi

Halk Merkez Bankası gibi

Libya dersleri

Yaşanan karmaşık bir kriz



Okay Gönensin Bir devri kapatma davası

Krize uzun vadeli çözüm aranıyor

Ne yapmalı? FATİH ÖZATAY

Yaman Törüner 1929 dünya buhranı

Aydın Ayaydın Yastık altına da davet geliyor

Güngör Uras Panik yapmayın, bizde bankalar sağlam, hata bazı bankacılarda

Asım Erdilek Global recession looms

"IMF'den borç al, Anadolu'yu ipotek göster" diyorlar!

Deniz Gökçe Siz ölmüşsünüz, haberiniz yok!

Dogus of Turkey to Halt Some Foreign Operations, Hurriyet Says

Hükümetten 'faiz tedbiri'

H4 New York Times New Doubts Cloud Iraqi Security Pact With U.S.

Donation Record as Colin Powell Endorses Obama The endorsement could lift Barack Obama among independents, and his campaign war chest could help him sell that message.

Paul Krugman The Real Plumbers of Ohio John McCain’s strategy, in this final stretch, is based on the belief that Republicans can still pursue plutocratic policies while claiming to be the party of regular guys.


Here the People Rule

Are we really seeing a vulgarization in our politics? Politics in a democracy are always “vulgar” since democracy is rule by the “vulgus,” the common people, the crowd.

Documents Say Iran Aids Militias From Iraq

Suddenly, Europe Looks Pretty Smart A move to stem panic earns the Old World some self-respect.

Working for the Working-Class Vote By MATT BAI Will gun-toting, churchgoing white guys pull the lever for Barack Obama?

Video: Powell’s Endorsement (via MSNBC)

Endorsement Puts Spotlight on a Legacy Colin L. Powell’s embrace of a Democrat was also an effort to reshape a legacy that he himself considers tainted by his service under President Bush

ROGER COHEN Viva la Dépression!

With plumbers figuring in French and American votes, getting back to basics is in vogue. A relief from sophistication is overdue. It’s time to look forward to the Depression.

Deficit Rises, and Consensus Is to Let It Grow Lawmakers have elected to pay for the bailout mainly by borrowing money rather than cutting spending or raising taxe

What’s Really Wrong With the Price of Oil By ROGER LOWENSTEIN Winter is coming. The economy is in crisis. People are fearful. So why should we hope oil prices don’t fall too far?

Questions for Mikheil Saakashvili

An American Friend

The Georgian president talks about why all the candidates care about helping his country, what you can blame Vladimir Putin for and how President Bush feels about meat dumplings.

Collateral Damage As the world’s powers struggle to save their own financial systems, they must not overlook assisting countries that did not cause this crisis but are its victims.

What Bradley Effect?

By BLAIR LEVIN I worked on Tom Bradley’s campaign in 1982, and to those who keep citing the Bradley effect — not so fast. It’s more complicated than you think.

Political Memo: ‘Spreading the Wealth’ as Both Accusation and Prescription

In the Conservative Commentariat, Unease


Call it the Palin effect or just the fraying of a coalition. But columnists are antsy.

Afghans’ Toll Shakes Generals

By JOHN F. BURNS A lesson from the Soviets’ defeat: Civilian deaths can undermine a strategy.

Life After the Bubble: How Japan Lost a Decade A warning for Americans: As bad as the bad times were, Tokyo wasn’t a debtor.

Taliban Kill Dozens in Bus Ambush, Officials Say

China Enacts Major Land-Use Reform

Russia Is Striving to Modernize Its Military

An Old Afghanistan Hand Offers Lessons of the Past

Vatican-Israel Tensions Rise Over Pius

Urban Renewal and Partial Amnesia in Chechnya

Iraqis March in Baghdad to Protest Security Pact

I.M.F. Begins Inquiry Into Chief’s Relationship With Employee

Rebuffed by China, Pakistan May Seek I.M.F. Aid

Leaders Move Toward Meetings on Economic Crisis


The Great Iceland Meltdown

Globalization giveth. Globalization taketh away. And now, we have to hope, that globalization will saveth

A Hemline Index, Updated

What do less-curvy pinups, more laxatives and fewer heart attacks have in common? Recessions, quite possibly.


The Downturn’s Upside

The economic misery is numbingly real, but it’s also true that a downturn isn’t uniformly bad and might even be good for you

Swapping Secrecy for Transparency By CHRISTOPHER COX

The volatility in the financial markets has raised important questions about the lack of regulation of financial instruments known as credit-default swaps

The Case Against and for Mikhail Khodorkovsky By SERGE SCHMEMANN

Until one of Russia’s oligarchs, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is freed from a labor camp, he will remain to be seen as a dissident of the government and as a symbol of the lost rule of la


He Just Can’t Quit W

It’s not just the economy. And it’s not just President Bush. John McCain is to blame for his own campaign’s disastrous course


After W., Le Deluge

In this season of darkness, as Charles Dickens described an earlier mob scene, I’m feeling as vengeful and bloodthirsty as Madame Defarge sharpening her knitting needles at the guillotine

Battlegrounds Are we there yet? Well, almost. Four writers file dispatches from swing states about the campaign

Editorial The Bubble Keeps On Deflating The corporate buyout binge has elevated the default risk at a range of businesses. Regulators should be prepared to soften the impact of the inevitable bankruptcy

Another Invitation to Abuse

In the Bush administration’s last months, it continues to violate Americans’ civil liberties and undercut the balance of powers in the name of fighting terrorism.

F.B.I. Struggles to Handle Wave of Financial Fraud Cases

A focus on terrorism and intelligence has limited the bureau’s ability to pursue criminal wrongdoing related to the economic crisis, officials said

If Elected ...: Candidates Agree on Need to Address Global Warming

Building Flawed American Dreams Henry G. Cisneros spent years helping low-income families buy homes, part of a broad national trend with dire consequences.

Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules China places intricate restrictions on Muslims in a vast autonomous region in an effort to control Islam’s spread.

H5 Washington Post Brace Yourselves Power's Shifting, But Not in the Way You Expect By Bill Emmott,

Bretton Woods, The Sequel?

By Sebastian Mallaby, An economic fix won't come as the result of any international conference.

In Good Times and Bad By Robert J. Samuelson, If things seem splendid, they will get worse. If things seem dismal, they will get better.

Russia Unromanticized

By John R. Bolton, It's Western weakness, not resolve, that's most likely to provoke Moscow.

The Next Administration: Obama

U.S. Pact Hits Snag as Iraq Shiites Seek Changes: (

Arduous Transition Awaits Next President Inherited Problems Bring Crushing Pressure

Is Capitalism Dead? The market that failed was not exactly free.

Obama Endorsed By Colin Powell

Democrat Wins Praise From Prominent Republican, Announces Record $150 Million Fundraising Month

Shiite Bloc's Demands Stall U.S.-Iraq Pact

As Fuel Prices Fall, Will Push For Alternatives Lose Steam?

The Next Administration

With Election Day Two Weeks Away, the Candidates Are Sketching Out Who Would Serve In Their Cabinets. Advisers Say Both Favor a Bipartisan Lineup Dominated by Veterans.

'I Can't Live Here Anymore'

In a Baghdad District, Scars of Sectarian Violence Run Dee

How to Angle

10 Tips for the Next Vice President

By Barton Gellman, Page B01

Anyone can learn Dick Cheney's methods. Here is an executive summary.

Think the Bailout Is Radical? Just Wait. By Greg Ip,

Let's Play Econopoly! Tim Harford: An updated twist on the Depression-era board game

Has the EU Been Watching Lou Dobbs? Next Europe | Europe's startlingly un-European response to immigration.

Global Summits Planned to Tackle Economic Crisis Bush Seeks Sweeping Oversight Changes

The Speech That Could Close the Deal By David Ignatius, We have completed the "Survivor" phase of the presidential campaign, in which pundits and pollsters waited for one of the candidates to make a gaffe in the debates so they could vote him off the island. Now, with just over two weeks left, maybe we can focus on the issue of leadership for a country...

We Forgot Everything Keynes Taught Us By Robert Skidelsky,

What is in even shorter supply than credit is an economic theory to explain why this financial tsunami occurred

Hitting a Wall on Immigration

By Thomas Wenski, The candidates aren't talking about it, but it's an issue the next president can't ignor

Sadr Loyalists Protest Proposed U.S. Presence

Obama's September Haul Provides Huge Advertising Edge

Amount More Than Doubles Old Record

Editorial Where Georgia Stands

The struggle to ensure that Russia's aggression doesn't succeed has not ended.

Obama Sets Fundraising Record THE TRAIL | Candidate pulls in $150M in Sept., the most campaign dollars raised in a single month.

Financial Rescues Can Set Off New Problems

Turns Out There's Good News on Main St.By Joel Kotkin

It's Fantasy Economy! Some Expert Views on What Should Happen Next.

Cap and Return Fight the recession or fight global warming? Congress can do both.

Taliban Kills About 30 Riding on Afghan Bus Officials Say the Dead Were Civilians

Small Town, Small Experience

By Catherine Iino, Why small-town executive experience would be risky thing to send to Washington.

FDR's Handling of Turbulent Transition Could Guide Next President

Bush's Conservative Socialism By Dan Froomkin

A Faith's Dwindling Following

By George F. Will,

Requiem for a Terrier

By Jim Hoagland,

Oil-Fueled Nation Feels Pinch

As the Price of Crude Plunges, Venezuela Is Poised to Face a Lot of Pain

Just in Case McCain Wins, a Survival Guide for Reporters Who Wrote Him Off

A Survival Guide for Reporters Who Wrote Him Off

By Jack Shafer,

South Korea to Give Banks $100 Billion In Loan Guarantees

China to Allow Land Leasing, Transfer New Law Is Part of Project Aimed at Doubling Rural Incomes

H6 Guardian · In praise of ... Colin Powell Editorial: Colin Powell signals the kind of soul-searching that Republicans must undertake if John McCain loses

· Decades of eroded trust and democracy did the damage

Benjamin Barber: The roots of the financial turmoil are a democratic deficit. Restoring civic faith is crucial for market economies to function

A crisis sparked by the world's rich will have the poor paying the highest price Madeleine Bunting: Our worries about jobs or pensions pale beside the fallout Africa and Asia now face in this absurdly skewed global system

· The Republicans have lifted the lid off their rightwing id Michael Tomasky: Now McCain's supporters are casting Obama as anti-American. This may well scare voters, but not the way they mean to

· Israel considers reviving Saudi peace plan to resolve conflict

2002 plan offered the Jewish nation an end to its conflict with the Arab world, says Israel's defence minister

Response to 9/11 was 'huge overreaction' - ex-MI5 chief

The torture time bomb Philippe Sands


Confidence at record low as slump looms New figures show firms fear for the future as UK slides towards recession

· Obama a friend of terrorists, say McCain phone calls to voters

Democrats angered by automated messages labelling them 'too extreme for America'

· France rallies around head of IMF as alleged office affair investigated Dominique Strauss-Kahn faces inquiry into whether he abused position by having sex with subordinate

Insurgents attacked buses in Kandahar killing 25 passengers

Dead includes one child as Taliban militants add to 4,000 fatalities in Afghanistan this yea

Challenging obfuscation on Europe

Sholto Byrnes: People are said to find the issue of the EU boring. But we need to decide what Britain's future will be in this body

· Writing on the wall Editorial: The only hope for libraries lies in revolution - long overdue, and in places already under way

Back to the future Matthew Moran: Despite promises of government action, the threat of large-scale violence is still alive in French suburbs

This way happiness lies

Andrew Simms: We should design a system in which we worship the invisible heart of society rather the invisible hand of the market economy

The Observer · America's historic election can transform Britain Editorial: The economic crisis is such that if Obama wins in November, even the Tories could start talking about redistribution

Obama forces the pace of change in Dixieland Shifts in region's economy and population means spiritual home of Republicans is within reach of Democrat

How can John McCain still win?

· On our present course, the bold new carbon target is worthless

Editorial: Setting goals is the easy part of fighting global warming; implementing them is harder

· A golden age, and other things they wish they'd never said

Andrew Rawnsley: Mr Brown and Mr Cameron couldn't flatter financiers enough. Now they're scrambling to reposition themselves in a world of bust


Ultraconservative Islam on rise in Mideast (AP)

Albright Opposes Iraq Pullout Deadline By: Nicholas Kralev | The Washington Times
Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright said Thursday the Iraq war has created damaging consequences for U.S. diplomacy, but Washington should not agree to a specific deadline for withdrawing troops in the midst of conflict - something proposed last year by the candidate she now supports, Sen. Barack Obama.

Israel Gets Real on Iran
Trita Parsi:

What Americans aren't saying about Iraq
By John Smith

Iran's Economy Runs Out of SteamForbes

A world of twenty-year cycles: Could it be that, every 20 years, a new generation sets out to shape the world?

TNI Capital in the Capitol

by Douglas Rediker and Heidi Crebo Rediker

To alleviate the financial crisis, we need to rethink our financial and foreign-policy bureaucracy.

Will Bush or Obama & Biden Bail Out Iran Too? by Michael Rubin

Power and Politics in Iran - Foreign Policy

Iran to Stop Executing Children - Daily Telegraph

Bush's Successor Faces Mideast Conflicts - Washington Times

New Way to End Iran's Nuke Quest - Jerusalem Post opinion

Graham Allison and Ernesto Zedillo on the fragility of the global nuclear order.

SyriaComment Meet Ben Bernanke: Depression Scholar, Superhero

Russia Shields Syria - Ariel Cohen

Attack on Iran Off the Table?
by Ray McGovern

Der Spiegel Searching for the Antidote to Ahmadinejad - Dieter Bednarz

Weekly Standard Searching for the Antidote to Ahmadinejad - Dieter Bednarz

Next President's Iraq War By: Austin Bay | The Washington Times
The next president's war will measure America's commitment to defending democracy and promoting genuine international security in the 21st century.

Principled finance How is Islamic finance tackling the global crisis?

Symposium on International Law and Justice: Session 3 - Council on Foreign Relations

Al hayat What Matters is for the Agreement to be Iraqi

Elias Harfoush - If there is a space for agreement at this stage between Nouri Al-Maliki's government and George Bush's administration, then it is related to the security agreement which is being discussed in Iraq's political institutions.

Al Awsat Lebanon and the Saudi Position : Muhammad Diyab

The Mystery of Arab Afghans

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

Iraq seeks to change troop deal

Iraq's ruling coalition says it wants to change a draft security pact that would allow US troops to stay in the country until 2011

Sadr Loyalists Protest Proposed US Presence

US in Firmer Commitment to Iraq Pullout Date

US, Iraqi Officials Question Terms of Draft Security Deal -

Documents Say Iran Aids Militias From Iraq

Shiite Bloc Holds Off OK to US-Iraq Pact

Iraqis push for F-16 purchase

Where did al-Qaeda in Iraq Go Wrong?

US, Iraqi Officials Question Terms of Draft Security Deal

Iraq's Maliki Criticizes US Commander's Comments

Talabani: Iraq needs better Syrian ties

Viewpoint Mosul man on Christians' fear of violence

Iraq's Christians "Sacrificial Lambs" as Attacks Mount

British Iraq Force to Shrink to 'Several Hundred' Next Year

Oct 17 SD# 2086 - Ayatollah Khatami in Iran Friday Sermon: U.S. Lust for Power To Blame For 'Economic Tsunami' ; Crisis Is Result of Moral Fiasco of Liberal Democracy; "Thank God Economic Crisis Hit The U.S. Itself"

Sadr Bloc MP Denies Accusations Faction Is in League With Iran

Syrian Opposition Leader Flees Lebanon

Iraq Declares End to Christians’ Displacement

H9 Ha’aretz Israel expects U.S.-Iran talks if Obama elected

ANALYSIS / Israel must adapt to reality of U.S.-Iran dialogue Post-U.S. election, Israel will be expected to toe the line

Barak: Israel giving serious thought to Saudi peace plan

All about jobs, jobs, jobs The U.S. will not allow other players, be they regional powers who threaten sources of energy or groups or organizations that challenge the existing world order, to put a stranglehold on the job market.

All about jobs, jobs, jobs

ANALYSIS / Shas leaders think Livni can't give them what they want

Jerusalem Post The one-state solution, post-Oslo

No room for discussion of a one-state solution from either leaderships.

The Region: Parts left on the runway


We must not give in on Jerusalem The bitter experience of the Camp David summit of July 2000 teaches that postponing the discussion of Jerusalem is an act that lacks diplomatic logic

What's so Jewish about Jewish art?

Yedioth AhronothIran’s strategic gamble/ CalabreseIran increasingly seeking to extend its sphere of influence to Latin America

6 economic myths

Sever Plocker analyzes six fallacies that prominently feature in our economic discourse

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine

Israel's Livni Needs More Time to Form Government

Daily Star Time to prepare for an Israeli about-face on comprehensive peace

A. B. Yehoshua on an attempt to identify the root cause of Antisemitism.

Geoffrey Wheatcroft reviews books on Zionism.

Livni's Outlook: Political and Policy Options in Israel

Common Interests Unite U.S., Israel - Frida Ghitis (Miami Herald)

Things in Israel Aren't What They Seem - Oakland Ross

Blaming Israel, Again By: Cal Thomas | The Washington Times
Just as the Obama campaign seemed to be making progress in tamping down rumors about his alleged Muslim background and that he might be a "Manchurian candidate" for the Arab-Islamic world, up steps the Rev. Jesse Jackson to upset the falafel ca

'Bullet-proof bus' BBC joins an Israeli tour of Hebron in the West Bank

Abrahamic Alternatives to War: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Just Peacemaking

H10 Christian Science Monitor A financial new world order? Bush says reforms must improve, not fetter, the free market; Europeans hint at more robust intervention.

US-Iraqi security pact still unsettled Amid growing opposition, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on Sunday for more time to negotiate a plan that could begin US troop withdrawals in June 2009.

US national security's challenge: communication

History shows what happens when agencies don't talk.

After summer war, identity crisis grips Abkhazia The war with Georgia may help make the breakaway province more independent.

Pakistan eyes 'peace pipeline' for region It hopes a deal to ship Iranian gas to India via Pakistan can boost its energy supply, regional ties.

First justice, then peace in Sudan

An international warrant for Omar al-Bashir, accused of genocide in Darfur, could speed his political demise.

Financial crisis fallout: from your stocks to America's global role

Some economists see some rays of light amid the economic gloom

Falling oil prices dent Hugo Chávez's clout With oil prices down by half since July, the Venezuelan leader's largess may dry up

Afghanistan's emerging antiwar movement Afghan NGOs are teaching human rights and Islamic law along with calls to end the war with a national peace jirg

One way to cut prison costs

"Drug courts" could be an alternative to mandatory minimum sentences. State general-fund spending on corrections has risen 127 percent in two decades, according to a recent report.


Chinese economy growth rate slows China's economic growth rate falls for a third quarter, amid fears that a major Asian economy could face a severe downturn.

China also faces squeeze

CSIS U.S.-China Strategic Nuclear Dynamics

Dean Acheson Lecture - U.S. Institute of Peace (Washington D.C.) As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Washington D.C., Wednesday, October 15, 2008...

FT Asia does not need a grand plan It would be rash to predict the next twist in the global financial crisis but Asia’s capital flight problem looks both temporary and manageable

In Cash-Rich Japan, World's Financial Woes Inspire a Grand Plan Kotaro Tamura, an investment banker turned Japanese lawmaker, has an immodest proposal for healing the sick global economy, making all Japanese richer and compelling the United States to be more deferential toward Japan

Afghanistan: Don't Rush for the Exit - International Herald Tribune opinion

'Mission Possible' in Afghanistan - The Times opinion

Asia's Fear of a Weak America

NATO Pessimism: At a Loss in Afghanistan - Der Spiegel opinion

The fat lady sings in China's opera of reform Land ownership was the last Maoist taboo. It has fallen because Beijing needs rural areas to fuel continuing growth

Taleban kill many in bus attacks
Taleban insurgents kill at least 27 people, beheading some, travelling on buses in the Afghan province of Kandahar.

Asia's Fear of a Weak America

How Prosperity is Making China Unhealthy

Pakistani Economists Press for Military Spending Cut

A Role for Mecca in Afghanistan By: Michael Shank | Asia Sentinel
Long considered the most stable of US allies in the Middle East, the kingdom appeared this week best positioned to play a leadership role in the region after hosting a series of non-official talks between Afghanistan’s oppositional leaderships: those formally sanctioned in Kabul under Afghan President Hamid Karzai and those informally sanctioned, yet arguably equally powerful, under the Taliban

Joint Statement between China and Pakistan, October 2008

Afghans’ Toll Shakes Generals - John Burns, New York Times

Nir Rosen - Rolling Stone - How We Lost the War We Won: A Journey Into Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan.

Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules

Need for coherent national strategy
Pakistan Observer - The existing National Security Council (NSC) gets activated only when a crisis occurs and works as a ‘crisis management team

· Thousands flee Hindu rampage Christians in Indian state of Orissa told to convert or die as sectarian violence escalates killing at least 59

Pakistan and Taliban Battle for Key Tunnel - Dean Nelson and Daud Khattak, The Times

Important News Expected From North Korea - Barbara Demick, Los Angeles Times

Beijing Prepares Universal Health Plan China has unveiled an ambitious plan to achieve universal health care, but experts and public critics say it is short on specifics.

Reforming the Judiciary in Pakistan Crisis Group This 42-page report examines the legacy of Pakistan's military rule in respect of fundamental freedoms

Pakistan Gets Power Plant Deal - Associated Press

Pakistan Unhinged - Washington Times opinion

H11 IHT Russia striving to modernize military, U.S. notes with interest, not alarm Pentagon officials portray a Russian military buildup as an overdue modernization, not a threat

Ground is shifting under empires of Russian oligarchs In the global financial crisis, perhaps no community of the affluent has fallen as hard, or as fast, as the brash Kremlin-connected insiders whose wealth was tied up in the overlapping bubbles of the Russian stock market, commodity prices and easy credi

German left selects Steinmeier to challenge Merkel

The bubble keeps on deflating

Brace for another round of trouble: bankruptcies from bad buyout loans.

The case against and for Khodorkovsky


Mikhail Khodorkovsky has become the first 'dissident' of the Putin era.

EUROPE European press review

Der Spiegel Flash Gordon or Super Sarko?: Europe's New Heroes

A Very European Fudge By: Christopher Bickerton | The Guardian
Some say that crisis management is what the EU does best. Rubbish -- its exercise of 'soft power' is worse than useless.

Bosnia: Eternal Disappointment By: Anes Alic | ISN Security Watch
Once again and horrifyingly predictably, Bosnians vote for nationalist parties in local elections and any EU integration progress is again expected to be less than zero

German Party Picks Candidate To Oust Merkel

Summit of the euro area countries: declaration on a concerted European action plan of the euro area countries

Balkans warm to IMF advice, funds in global crisis

A Test of Tolerance: Doors Open at Eastern Germany's First Mosque

Ready to carve?

Multi-ethnic Belgium struggles to stay in one piece

Costing the earth?

Cash-strapped EU sticks to ambitious climate targets

Germany and Iran -- the relationship gets cozier still by Powerline


CRS Russia-Georgia Conflict in South Ossetia: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests

Putin May Use Credit Squeeze to `Destroy' Oligarchs (Update1)

Mikheil Saakashvili: An American Friend- New York TImes interview

Where Georgia Stands - Washington Post editorial

The Real World: The Russian Navy Back in the Med By: Ariel Cohen | The Middle East Times
The Russian Federation is redeploying a part of the Black Sea Fleet to its Cold War hunting grounds in the Mediterranean. Returning to bases and anchorages in Syria and Libya is a top priority for the Russian admirals.

The Real World: The Russian Navy Back in the Med By: Ariel Cohen | The Middle East Times
The Russian Federation is redeploying a part of the Black Sea Fleet to its Cold War hunting grounds in the Mediterranean. Returning to bases and anchorages in Syria and Libya is a top priority for the Russian admirals.

Google News Azerbaijan

Russian army shaken by post-Georgia reform plan

Backyard Games By: Sam Logan and Simon Saradzyhan | ISN Security Watch
As Russia courts Latin America, some observers say the relationship is more symbolic than hostile and is Moscow's attempt to warn Washington to proceed cautiously in the Russian back yard.

Grozny, and Chechen history, being reconstructed

Recent accusations that Moscow uses the state gas giant Gazprom as a foreign-policy tool have resurfaced following an agreement with Kyrgyzstan. While the deal offers Gazprom very little financially, it gives Russia an excellent bargaining chip -- not only in Kyrgyzstan but in Uzbekistan as well. More

Moscow Stuck in Dead Sea While Kiev Evolves By: Yevgeny Kiselyov | The Moscow Times
Kiev is caught up in a turbulent political crisis. Against this backdrop, it is interesting to take a look at Russia, where the political scene is like the Dead Sea -- thick, swampy and lifeless. You can't swim in it.

IMF is Prepared to Lend Ukraine up to $14 Billion The IMF is prepared to lend Ukraine as much as $14 billion to help stabilize the country's financial system, a senior Ukrainian official said.

Georgia's Indelible Ethnic Lines - Washington Post

Rival Leaders Seek IMF Aid for Ukraine - Washington Post

Political Turmoil Jeopardizes Financial Relief for Ukraine - New York Times

Accusation Against Writer Reopens Traumas of Czech Past - New York Times

9/11 Attacks ‘Helped Secure Peace in Ireland’ - The Times

The Axis of Moscow - Wall Street Journal editorial

Murder Russian-Style: Political Assassination

H13 The TimesEurope and US wrestle for control of markets

President Bush will host an emergency summit amid signs that Europe and America are heading in different directions

Stand-alone Scotland could look after itself Far from making independence unviable, the banking crisis has shown exactly why it is needed Alex Salmond

Kapital Gains Will the new lease of life being enjoyed by Marx's seminal work endure?

Colin Powell backs Barack Obama The Republican hero once tipped to become America’s first black President, has endorsed the Democrat to lead

Sunday Times NEW: Barack Obama prepares his cabinet of stars

IN DEPTH: Obama rides his landslide machine

Don't force EU's new world order on America

The Mission Possible in Afghanistan Military "victory" never involved killing all the Taliban or building British suburbia in the Panjshir Valley

David Miliband

Careful with your Keynes, Mr Brown When President Richard Nixon declared: "We are all Keynesians now," in 1971, he could hardly have been wider of the mark

China's GDP rate slows to 9 per cent China’s economic growth slowed in the third quarter of the year, slipping into single digits for the first time in four years

Realism fires first shot in this mad war It is obscene to justify Afghanistan's carnage by citing a few rebuilt Afghan schools and roads Simon Jenkins

Iraq force to shrink to 'several hundred' John Hutton tells The Times that the size of the deployment is set to shrink from 4,100, as talks on new accord begin

Putin’s deputy rules out fresh attacks

Sergei Ivanov said that Russia will not attack any of its neighbours and has no claim over any of the former Soviet states

My love of America Simon Schama on how a teenage fantasy became a lasting romance

Did the Bradley effect ever really exist?

Wall Street Journal Iraq-U.S. Security Pact Moves Forward

A group of Iraq's top political leaders will forward to the country's cabinet later this week a draft security pact with the U.

China Eases Land Transfer

China said it would liberalize the exchange of land among farmers, in an effort to revitalize the rural economy at a time of increasing strains in food supply

Pakistan Wins China's Nuclear Help Pakistan has secured China's help to build two new nuclear-power reactors in a deal being touted as a counterweight to India's nuclear pact with the U.S.

Bush Plans Crisis Summit

Bush announced plans to host a summit to discuss the global response to the financial crisis, saying the world's leaders must work together.

Nafta-Plus Canada looks to Europe in anticipation of Obama protectionism

Tom Bradley Didn't Lose Because of Race By Sal Russo
Voters rejected his liberal policies.

Newsweek Meet Ben Bernanke: Depression Scholar, Superhero

International Framework Needed to Govern Sovereign Wealth Funds
Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

CRS The U.S. Trade Deficit, The Dollar, and The Price of Oil

+ Economic Slowdown: Issues and Policies

+ Financial Market Intervention

+ The U.S. Financial Crisis: Lessons From Sweden

+ The U.S. Financial Crisis: Lessons From Chile

+ The U.S. Financial Crisis: Lessons From Japan

H14 Financial Times Iraq faction seeks 2011 US exit The Iraq parliament’s biggest political grouping is calling for the US mission to be brought to a definite close by the end of 2011 as a condition for approving a deal

US faces worst recession in 26 years

Senior officials at the Treasury and Federal Reserve are confident the rescue plan for banks will prevent a system meltdown, but they know that a sharp downturn is ahead

Wolfgang Münchau: Crisis needs more than one shot Targeted recapitalisation, money market insurance and a stimulus package are all needed as part of a comprehensive strategy, writes Wolfgang Münchau

Sectarian divide deters exiles from going home

Outspoken Nato general to take UK's top army post

Call for west Europe to support east

FT-Goldman Sachs Book Award

When Markets Collide by Mohamed El-Erian, a ‘lucid and prescient’ diagnosis of the financial turmoil, takes the top prize

McCain is no salesman on tax proposals Some of John McCain’s campaign errors are perplexing. For example, US middle-income families – not just the rich – would get a bigger tax cut under his proposals than under Barack Obama’s. So how is it that most Americans don’t appear to know this, asks Clive Crook

Europeans blame bankers for turmoil

People believe bankers are most to blame for the global financial crisis but not that capitalism itself has failed, the latest FT/Harris opinion poll show

Russian soldiers killed in Ingushetia

Three soldiers were killed and as many as 10 were injured when Islamist militant rebels ambushed a military convoy in the southern region of Ingushetia

Safety in numbers The ECB deserves credit for supporting Hungary with a loan. It should continue to take an accommodating stance as it shepherds new members into the eurozone

Algeria hints at 2m b/d cut in Opec output The president of the producers cartel says that due to high levels of inventory in the oil market, Opec is likely to reduce production in order to ensure price stability

Asia does not need a grand plan

It would be rash to predict the next twist in the global financial crisis but Asia’s capital flight problem looks both temporary and manageable

This toxic crisis needs more than one shot Wolfgang Münchau calls for a comprehensive strategy

Universal banks need careful monitoring Jordi Canals on intended effects of the bail-out

We must not rely only on the rosiest ratings Agencies should consider pessimistic scenarios

A long way down Gulf states: Just as oil prices weaken, project finance costs are on the rise and Dubai is exposed

ING takes €10bn injection from Dutch state ING, the Dutch banking and insurance group, accepted a €10bn government cash injection to shore up its capital after a slump in its share price and the revelation that it would make its first quarterly loss

Small oil groups fear being swept away

Powell backs Obama for president

Colin Powell, the former Republican US secretary of state, endorsed Barack Obama as it emerged that the Democratic presidential candidate raised an unprecedented $150m for his campaign last mont

US presses for N Korea and Japan talks The US administration is worried that N Korea could endanger a recent multilateral deal on denuclearisation by not resolving a long-running dispute with Tokyo

H15 Los Angeles Times Barack Obama for president

He is the competent, confident leader who represents the...

Falling oil prices The effects of falling oil prices are being felt around the world as countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia are forced to reassess strategies and prioritie

Colin Powell endorses Obama

The former Bush Cabinet official says the nation needs a "transformational figure." More good news for Obama: His campaign haul for September was $150 million.

Muqtada Sadr urges Iraq lawmakers to reject U.S. troop deal Thousands of supporters rally in Baghdad. A statement from the Shiite cleric calls on parliament: 'Do not betray your people

Campaigns ramp up with 16 days to go

By Mark Z. Barabak
and Bob Drogin

Obama gets Colin Powell's endorsement, raises a staggering $150 million in Sept. McCain spends his day mostly defending Palin

Black voters have a dream and a touch of fear

McCain compares Obama's policies to socialism

The promise of Obama

By Rubén Martínez

A 'person of color' awaits a breakthrough.

EditorialEditorial: Restoring America's reputation

The next president must make the United States a force for good again.

Latin America feels the pinch of global economic crisis

By Patrick J. McDonnell

Once confident that soaring demand would guarantee high prices for goods such as soybeans, beef and minerals, Argentina, Brazil and other countries are feeling the effects of tightening credit

No, really: McCain's a hero

By Matt Welch

Attempts to dismiss McCain's heroism as a Vietnam POW just don't match the facts.

IRAN: Secret dealings between US, Iran and Saudi Arabia | Babylon ...

H16 American Politics

Obama heads into final 2 weeks with key endorsement, cash

By Margaret Talev and William Douglas | McClatchy Newspapers

Democrat Barack Obama saw his campaign bolstered on two fronts Sunday — a key endorsement from a nationally known Republican and the announcement of a record month for fundraising — as forces seemed to be aligning in his favor for the final two weeks of the presidential campaign. Republican rival John McCain left no doubt he intends to spend the next two weeks pressing home his argument that Obama's economic policies amount to "socialism."

Powell's Obama endorsement will hurt McCain, analysts say

Today's Polls, 10/18

Biden steers to the center on foreign policy

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Obama 47.8%, McCain 45.1%

Obama Raised Record $150 Million in September

Colin Powell endorses Obama

Members of the tribe / 36 Jews who have shaped the 2008 US election

McCain evolved from reluctant warrior to interventionist

October 16, 2008: 6 of 9 Presidential Election Forecasts Predict Obama Will Win 2008 Popular Vote
Source: American Political Science Association

realclearpolitics memeorandum Politico ABC’s The Note PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec

Halperin: How the Powell Endorsement Boosts Obama

How Catholics Are Judging Obama and the Democrats

Barack Obama's review of William Ayers' book

Man of enigma

Unhurried, at ease - what drives Barack Obama?

The Palin Plunge: Voters Sour On McCain VP Pick

Jonathan Cohn / The New Republic:
What's So Awful About “Spreading the Wealth”?

We're Heading Left Once Again - Jonathan Alter, Newsweek

Meacham: We're a Conservative Country America remains a center-right nation—a fact that a President Obama would forget at his peril.

Full Speed Ahead For Obama - David Ignatius, Washington Post

The Right's Class War - John Heilemann, New York Magazine

Loathing Sarah Palin - Joseph Epstein, Weekly Standard

McCain Just Can't Quit Bush - Frank Rich, New York Times

Why John McCain Will Keep Fighting - Michael Goodwin, NY Daily News

It's All About Ground Game Now - David Shribman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

America’s economy election , Godfrey Hodgson

GOP Loses Its Grip on Exurbs

Democrats hope to capitalize on economic unease and demographic shifts in the outer suburbs.

Robert Dallek: Healthy Enough to Be President?

H17 Daily Telegraph No recovery before 2011 Family finances, high street spending and the housing market will not recover from the financial turmoil for three years, according to an influential report.

Climate change 'is more extreme' than fearedClimate change is happening much faster than the world's best scientists predicted and will wreak havoc unless action is taken on a global scale, a new report warn

MoD releases new files on UFOs and alien abduction

Files from 1986 and 1992 detail extensive sightings by the public.

In the long run, Keynes is not the answer

John Maynard Keynes' policies used to be associated with stagnation and debt. Now, suddenly, he is being rehabilitated.

Colin Powell: Endorsing change

Powell backing Obama is good news for the Democrat, but speaks volumes about the state of the Republican party

Sunday Telegraph Europeans signal clash with US over capitalism

Europeans to demand leadership from America at series of summits to reform global financial system.

The Taliban is better organised and more dangerous than for years

The Taliban forces are now more organised and dangerous, and have killed many of the Afghan leaders who opposed them.

For Conservatives, it has to be Obama The election of a mixed-race president who opposed Iraq from the beginning would substantially restore America's reputation, says Daniel Hannan.

Voters could turn to the devil they know

The signs are that Mr Brown's rediscovery of himself and his apparent reinvention of his party's policies are reversing what had seemed an inexorable slide in popularity

H18 Independent Game on: Brown recovery cuts Tory lead to single figures IoS Poll: Brown slashes Tory lead as voters back PM's handling of economic crisis, but Conservatives can draw some comfort from survey

George Bush plans meeting of world leaders to discuss financial crisis

Home Office in revolt at Smith's plan for 'Big Brother' database

Senior Home Office officials have expressed concern about the Government's controversial plans to set up a new "Big Brother" national database, according to a leaked memo.

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

DARPA Contract Description Hints at Advanced Video Spying

Real-time streaming video of Iraqi and Afghan battle areas taken from thousands of feet in the air can follow actions of people on the ground as they dig, shake hands, exchange objects and kiss each other goodbye.

Mediating Between Crusaders and Conservatives (Full PDF Article)

Pentagon Has An Image Problem Abroad - World Politics Review opinion

Book Review - Kill Bin Laden

The U.S.-India Nuclear Deal and Nonproliferation

Al-Qaeda Web Forums Abruptly Taken Offline - Ellen Knickmeyer, Washington Post

CRS Reports

+ The Global Nuclear Detection Architecture: Issues for Congress

+ National Security Strategy: Legislative Mandates, Execution to Date, and Considerations for Congress

+ Homeland Security Department: FY2009 Appropriations

+ Congressional Oversight of Intelligence: Current Structure and Alternatives

Newsweek Gitmo: Psychologists and Torture

H20 Slate

Seven Questions for Jeffrey Sachs By: Interview: Jeffrey Sachs | Foreign Policy
The global economy is in crisis, but the world’s poor may be better off than you thin

The Challenge of Hunger 2008 IFPRI A 41-page report examining the latest figures from the Global Hunger Index highlighting those countries with the most worrying hunger status

Diasporas and Fragile States DIIS This 4-page Danish policy brief examines the influence of diasporas on fragile states

Germany is in the Midst of Climate Change: Adaptation is Necessary UBAA 16-page report on the possible effects of climate change in Germany

Unfinished Business for the NSG ACA A US article warning of the dangers of the decision by the Nuclear Suppliers Group to exempt India from adhering to its safety guidelines

Advance Summary — U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves — 2007 Annual Report (PDF; 1.1 MB)
Source: Energy Information Administration

H21 Andrew Sullivan / The Atlantic Online: Why I Blog The truths of blogging are provisional, its ethos collective and messy, says Andrew Sullivan. It brings writer to reader in a way that is visceral, even brutal... more»

From AJR, an essay on the elite newspaper of the future.

From Hadrian to Gordon, sublime to ridiculous: Why do men want to rule the world? Paul Johnson investigates.

Future Files: A History of the Next 50 Years

Opinions are a virus

Actually, maybe you shouldn't read this. (By Jay Cantor, Boston Globe)

Who says men need to get married to be happy?

Thrasymachus thought it better to try to be happily unjust, than stupidly just. Does Raymond Geuss follow in his line?... more»

Gore Vidals mocking, disenchanted patriotism will always be a resource for all who wish the American republic well... more»

How World War II almost didn't happen

Stalin was 'prepared to move more than a million Soviet troops to the German border to deter Hitler's aggression just before the Second World War'

Unsafe at Any Read

By LEE SIEGEL The idea that great literature can improve our lives is a con as old as literature itsel

Crimson tide

Harvard Law School, long fractious and underachieving, is on the rise again - and shaking up the American legal world.

Five boring questions

Andrew Brown: some questions, like the existence of God, just aren't worth discussing.

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
Ankara Suriye’de “Rejim Değişikliği” Politikasına Geçerken 28 Eylül 2011
Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
Orta Doğu'da Durum Raporu 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine Notlar 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine 15 Kısa Not 3 Mayıs 2011
ABD ve Karadeniz Nisan 2011

Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
Amerika-Sonrası Dünyanın Provası Olarak Libya Krizi ve Türkiye 22 Mart 2011
“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
Amerikan Travması ve Kongre Seçimleri 23 Kasım 2010
Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
Obama Ekibinde Yaprak Dökümü - Beyaz Saray’dan Kaçış mı? 12 Ekim 2010
"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Normalleşme” Sancıları 22 Nisan 2010
Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Tektonik Kayma” mı? 5 Nisan 2010
Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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