7 October 2008
  October 07, 2008

100708f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc


New York Times Global Fears of a Recession Grow Stronger Three days after the approval of the White House’s $700 billion rescue plan, it looks like a pebble tossed into a churning sea.

The Dismal Questions By JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ, R. GLENN HUBBARD and MYRON S. SCHOLES Three economists suggest questions they would most like to hear John McCain and Barack Obama answer in tonight’s presidential debate.

Emerging Markets Find They Aren’t Insulated From the Tumult

DAVID BROOKS The Testing Time Today, world leaders have to figure out how to stabilize economies amid volatile global capital flows. This test is rooted in a shift in economic power

The Economist Survey on US Elections - The battle of hope and experience download pdf

GuardianAmerica's fall is a dangerous opportunity for its enemies Simon Tisdall: The US-triggered economic crisis has reinforced hostile perceptions of American vulnerability

· Time for action Editorial: What should a government seeking to provide leadership to anxious markets and a fretful public do?

· Get ahead of the game

Larry Elliott: Now the denial is over, there are three key tasks: in philosophy, in policy, and practical action

"Reactions of the Wall Street Slump" The Economist. Published in 1929. The Economist proves that if you dig back far enough in the archives, you might just come full circle.

WSJ Zoellick Faults G-7, Calls for New Order World Bank President Robert Zoellick called for the G-7 to be expanded to include major developing countries, saying the current world leadership structure is ill-equipped to deal with global crises

Conservatism overshoots its limit

Ideas become fashionable and get pushed to their logical conclusion, as their backers succumb to “irrational exuberance”. Then comes the crash, writes Gideon Rachman

Russia seeks to mend post-Georgia fences Russia will seek to mend fences with the west after the conflict in Georgia by brokering more foreign direct investment deals amid fears that the country faces a period of stag­flatio

Vision of Palestine at odds with the world Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Israeli prime minister and current leader of the rightwing Likud party, outlines his plan for tackling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

House Cleaning in Damascus? By: Olivier Guitta | The Middle East Times If there is one country that has been all over the news lately, it is Syria. In fact between President Bashar Assad's charm offensive to the West (real or not), Syrian troops amassing near the Lebanese border, a terror attack in Damascus, it seems that today things are shaking up in Syria. But the difficulty of reading into this imbroglio is growing by the day: more players, more incidents, more drama.

A "Third Neighbor" Strategy for Asia
American Enterprise Institute

Stratfor The German Question

Geopolitical Diary: The Credit Crunch's Effects Outside the United States.

Independent 20 reasons for the crunch

From Iceland to Greece, Europe marches out of step

Leading article: The day Britain and Europe shared each other's pain

Daily TelegraphNato plan to defend ex-Soviet members Nato's top military commander has demanded the authority draw up military plans to defend former Soviet bloc members

Israel 'may bomb Iran' if Russia sells missile system The Israeli prime minister will press Russian President Dmitry Medvedev not to sell anti-aircraft defences to Iran amid growing speculation the Jewish state will bomb Iran's nuclear facilities

Washington Post TIPPING POINT? Unfolding Worldwide Turmoil Could Reverse Years of Prosperity

Independent Secrets of Iraq's death chamber

Robert Fisk reports that prisoners are being summarily executed in the government's high-security detention centre in Baghdad.

Der Spiegel Three Superpowers: Why the US, Europe and China Need a 'G-3'

IHT Nicholas D. Kristof: Racism without racists One of this season's fallacies is that if Barack Obama is paying an electoral price for his skin tone, it must be because of racists. But the evidence shows he is facing what scholars have dubbed 'racism without racists.'

James Carroll: Making sense of $700 billion Has the U.S. gutted the real worth of its economy by fueling massive over-investment in the military?

Trans-Atlantic policy on Russia needed By JOHN VINOCUR Obama and McCain seem to be in agreement on resisting Russian aggression. Can Europe also find a unified policy?

A hard-liner's call for peace

By URI DROMI It's a pity that Israeli leaders express themselves candidly about the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only when they are out of office.

America and the New Financial World By: Zachary Karabell | The Wall Street Journal
For more than six decades, from the end of World War II in 1945 until now, the U.S. was the hub of global capital and capitalism. In the years to come, it will remain a vital center, but not the center

Daily Star Iraq's next big test looms this month By Rayyan al-Shawaf

The US bailout plan may be no panacea for the markets
By Kenneth Rogoff

Ha’aretz Amir Oren: Nuclear deterrence attributed to Israel doesn't affect its enemies' plans

Editorial: Livni mustn't decide to strike Iran out of a desire for prestige

Olmert unlikely to persuade Russia not to arm Iran, Syria If Iran receives Russian anti-aircraft missiles, aerial strike on its nuclear sites would be more difficult

CNN Poll: Obama advantage grows

Gallup Daily: Obama Leads 50% to 42%


Ruşen - Çakır PKK taşeron bir örgüt mü?

Taha Akyol Kürt meselesi için notlar

Fatih Altaylı BBG evininin formatına ABD yasağı

Karakol, üçlü istihbarata rağmen baskın yemiş

Enis Berberoğlu Dikkat, terörle savaşı kaybediyoruz

Problems of perception and vision: Turkey and the U.S

Türkiye’nin kaybı, ABD’nin Irak'taki kaybından fazla

‘Böyle saldırıya hiçbir devlet tahammül etmez’

Kerim Balcı Americans should take the PKK more seriously

Sami Kohen K.Irak nasıl güvenli olur?

Obama büyük risk

Asker OHAL istedi

‘Altınova Raporu’ açıklandı

Hain saldırının emrini o verdi

Askerin 5 talebinden ikisine 'evet'

"Kerkuk Problem and Article 140: Defining Alternatives. The Views of Kerkuk’s Turkmen and Arabs”

GMFUS As Turkey and Armenia inch toward reconciliation both sides talk the talk, but can they walk the walk?
by Amberin Zaman

Jetler yine vurdu

Ankara’dan ABD elçisine terör uyarısı

Asker, OHAL yetkisi istiyor

ABD Elçisi Wilson Dışişleri'ne çağrıldı


6 komando tugayı, profesyonel askerlerden oluşacak

Askerin talepleri ve tezkere masaya yatırıldı

Analysts: Army doesn’t need extra powers in terror fight

Bilal Çetin Barzani işbirliğine nasıl ikna edilecek?

CSM Cypriots unearth a little reconciliation Greek and Turkish Cypriots exhume mass graves to help move beyond a bitter past.

Mekanizmayı bırak artık önlem al

Medya,Aktütün baskınını sorguluyor

Askerin 5 talebinden ikisi tamam...

Dizayi: Askeri operasyonlar PKK'yı bitirmez

Yetki artırımı isteği

Genelkurmay, "yetki artırımı" ile birlikte bir dizi taleple hükümetin kapısını çaldı.

ABD'li komutan: "PKK hedef alınıyor"

Dağlıca’yı tartışabilsek Aktütün’ü yaşamazdık

3'lü mekanizma için adım atıldı

13 milyar YTL'lik ödenek 1 yılda nelere harcandı?

ABD: "PKK'nın ortadan kalktığını görmek istiyoruz"

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national

MAHMUT ÖVÜRTürkiye siyaseti "Kürt" sorunlu!

Kandil'de Türkçe eğitim Diyarbakır'da Kürtçe gerilim -

Massoud Barzani: The KRG Representative to the US Responds

Female fighters: We won't stand for male dominance
CNN International

Yine o alçak

Turkey to set up professional anti-terrorism units

Kurdish intellectuals fear step backward on rights

Kürtçe TV'nin adı var -

Türkiye Kürt sorununun özüne temas etmiyor


Berat Özipek ‘Bütün gerekçeler kendini astı!’

Eser Karakaş Uluslararası sistemin talepleri

Hüsnü Mahalli Hüsnü Mahalli
Amerikan gerçeği ve PKK

Başbakan asker gibi konuşuyor

DTP ‘hayır’ çağrısı yapacak

Talabani ile Barzani PKK'yı konuştu

Kurds respond to Arafat comparison

Cevdet Aşkın Aktütün'deki tablo yoksa daha mı ağır?

İş dünyası teröre karşı ekonomik OHAL çağrısı yaptı

'Aktütün'de zaafiyet var

Barzani: “Türkiye ile iyi ilişkiler içinde olmak istiyoruz”

DTP’liler ‘tezkereye ret’ çağrısı yapacak

İspanya’da terör örgütü lideriyle görüşen siyasetçi yargılanacak

The report of conference hold in the European Parliament entitled "Kerkuk Problem and Article 140: Defining Alternatives. The Views of Kerkuk’s Turkmen and Arabs” and Organized by the Iraqi Turkmen Human Rights Research Foundation (SOITM) in partnership with Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)



9 PKK'lı bulundu

Çatışmada ölü ele geçirilen 9 PKK'lıların cesedi bulundu. 4 PKK'lı yabancı uyruklu.

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

AİHM'den Atina'ya son cevap: Yunanistan'da Türk azınlık var

PACE concerned about DTP closure case

Şahin Alpay Türkiye'nin Transatlantik eğilimleri

In the Caucasus, being cautious works best MANSUR ASLANO

Yunanistan'a AİHM'den tokat gibi karar çıktı

3'lü mekanizma için adım atıldı

THE DAILY BLADE: Turkish Americans For Obama Islamicize His ...

PACE concerned about DTP closure case

Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop

9 PKK'lı bulundu

Çatışmada ölü ele geçirilen 9 PKK'lıların cesedi bulundu. 4 PKK'lı yabancı uyruklu.

Rus öğretmenler: Türk okulları, ülkemizin eğitim ve öğretimine kalite getirdi

Oray Eğin
Masumiyet Müzesi’ni neden elimden bıraktım?


Gül teröre ortak çözüm için devrede

İsteme yazısını postaladık

AK Parti'nin kırmızı çizgileri belli

Deniz Feneri davası

Deniz Feneri davasının Alman hakimi ve savcısı CNN TÜRK'e konuştu.

Baykal: Terörle mücadelede zaaf var

Baykal, DTP'ye yüklendi: Terörü mazur gören demokrasi ne İngiltere'de var ne de İspanya'da

Tankın üstüne de çıkarım önünde de yürürüm

MHP, tezkerenin görüşülmeden oylanmasından yana

Başlıkların tükendiği nokta

CHP: Genelkurmay hesap versin

'Dokunulmazlık zırhımızı kaldırın'

Altınova görüntüleri!

Hakim: Türkiye’de parayı Karaman aldı

Türkiye dosyayı istedi

Ortam dinlemesinde illegal yapı mevcut

Deniz Feneri ve Dişli'ye bir şok daha

Ergenekon sanıkları Silivri'ye nakledildi

Ergenekon sanıkları Silivri’de

Erdoğan soru seçiyor

Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye

Cengiz Çandar Bana 'yeni bir şey' söyleyin

Ahmet Taşgetiren

Ruşen - Çakır PKK taşeron bir örgüt mü?

Taha Akyol Kürt meselesi için notlar

Fikret Bila Toptan: Bu millet mağlup edilemez

Hasan Cemal Yazık, Türkiye’nin morali yine bozulmaya başladı!

Murat Yetkin Türk-Kürt çatışması tuzağına düşmemek

İsmet Berkan Bize akıl falan gelmez

Fehmi Koru İşimiz kolay değil - 07.10.2008

Taha Kıvanç Obama mı, McCain mi?

Şamil Tayyar

Ali Bayramoğlu Sarıkamış'tan Aktütün'e… Yolsuzluklar, siyaset, sistem...

Hatâ yapmamalıyız

Terör iç savaş istiyor, yanlış hedeflere yönelmeyelim...

Sivil çözüm iradesi...

Kürtler ve ‘faydasız salaklık’

Yasemin Çongar

Ertuğrul Özkök Biz neredeyiz Sayın Başbakan

[Yorum - Dr. Ümit Kardaş] Kilitlenen demokrasi ve çözümsüzlük

Ahmet Hakan Haksızlık etmeyin

M Ali Birand Bu hafta size Çin’i anlatacağım

Cüneyt Ülsever Dünya ve Türkiye nereye gidiyor?

Enis Berberoğlu Dikkat, terörle savaşı kaybediyoruz

Sabahattin Önkibar Deniz Feneri'ni sahiplenen Başbakan TSK'yı niçin sahiplenmiyor?

Oktay EkşiHangi noktadayız?

Özdemir İnce

Mehmet Y Yılmaz

Ateş düştüğü yeri yakıyor- hakikaten

Yalçın Doğan Aktütün güncesinde son yaprak

Yılmaz Özdil Kararlılık mesajı çıktı ya daha ne istiyorsunuz?

Yalçın Bayer Aktütün baskını bir ay öncesinden belliydi

MUHARREM SARIKAYASiyasetin cenderesi

ERDAL ŞAFAK Yeni düzen, yeni sistem


Mahir Kaynak İftihar değil güven

Sami Selçuk Özgürlükçü suç hukuku sistemi

Murat Birsel MASK

[Yorum - Dr. İrfan Yıldırım] Çözüm otoriterlikte değil hesap verebilen orduda

ERGUN BABAHANAsker çocuğunun annesi olmak

EMRE AKÖZÖrgütten yararlananlar sadece 'düşmanlar' mı?

Andrew Finkel A death in the community

Umur Talu Lider konumundaki personel

Ali Bulaç Civilians and soldiers


NAZLI ILICAKAsker çocuğunun annesi olmak

MEHMET BARLASHedef alınan bir karakol değil ülkenin bütünlüğüdür

MAHMUT ÖVÜRTürkiye siyaseti "Kürt" sorunlu!

YAVUZ DONATTimsahın gözyaşları



Ercan KumcuEnflasyonda yumuşama

Seyfettin Gürsel Türkiye'ye odaklanmak

Erdal Sağlam Merkez Bankası kredibilite peşinde

Güven Sak 'Ne yapalım, kazan ölüverdi' yaklaşımı da yanlıştır

Gelişmekte olan ekonomiler şoka ’şimdilik’ dayanıklı


Krizdeki çözüm yollarımız

Hurşit Güneş Şimdi ne olacak? Merkez Bankası Başkanı’na göre sürprizler olabilir

Asaf Savaş Akat Kriz ivme kazanıyor

Kendini beğenmişliğin sonu

Paket geçti ama...

Özel sektörün dış borcu YTL'ye çevrilir mi?

Durmuş Yılmaz: ‘Bize bir şey olmaz’ demeyin

İMKB yüzde 8.6 düştü, dolar 1,37'yi aştı

Yaman Törüner Gizli para piyasası

Aydın Ayaydın TBMM’nin yeni yasama yılında ekonomide gündem

Güngör Uras Garp cephesinde durum vahim

Merkez Bankası, 'korku ile ümit arasında olun' diyor

Haluk Bürümcekçi Küresel krizde hangi noktadayız

Deniz Gökçe
Avrupa hızla durgunlaşırken!

H4 New York Times Global Fears of a Recession Grow Stronger Three days after the approval of the White House’s $700 billion rescue plan, it looks like a pebble tossed into a churning sea.

The Dismal Questions By JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ, R. GLENN HUBBARD and MYRON S. SCHOLES Three economists suggest questions they would most like to hear John McCain and Barack Obama answer in tonight’s presidential debate.

Emerging Markets Find They Aren’t Insulated From the Tumult

DAVID BROOKS The Testing Time Today, world leaders have to figure out how to stabilize economies amid volatile global capital flows. This test is rooted in a shift in economic power

Fed Considers Plan to Buy Companies’ Unsecured Debt

As stocks spiraled lower around the world, the Federal Reserve considered a radical plan to jump-start the ailing financial system

Campaigns Shift to Attack Mode on Eve of Debate John McCain turned toward a more negative tone, and the Obama campaign signaled it would respond in kind

News Media Feel Limits to Georgia’s Democracy Georgia’s critics cite a lack of press freedom as an example of the shortfalls in the country’s democratic standards.

Iraqis Unite to Restore Minority Representation Law

Russia Says Georgia Tries to Provoke New Conflict

Germany Seeks Wider Role for Army

Islamic Group Gains Power in Indonesia

Brother of Karzai Denies Links to Heroin

Editorial The Crisis Agenda

It is vital that Barack Obama and John McCain, one of whom will inherit a real mess, address the financial crisis in real detail at their debate Tuesday night.

A Day (Gasp) Like Any Other By JOE NOCERA This crisis doesn’t wear you down over time. It hits you over the head with a two-by-four on a daily basis

BOB HERBERT A Fool’s Paradise What we haven’t paid close enough attention to is the fact that there haven’t been enough good paying jobs to sustain an adequate standard of living.

H5 Washington Post Global Stocks Sink as Crisis Spirals; Fed Moves to Thaw Credit Markets Dow Closes Below 10,000 Despite Late Rally

Editorial Now, Europe As financial instability crosses the Atlantic, the need for policy coordination grows.

Editorial Dangerous Territory

As the campaigns plunge into the mud, how should voters evaluate their claims?

TIPPING POINT? Unfolding Worldwide Turmoil Could Reverse Years of Prosperity

Germany Drafts Plan to Shield Banking SectorLawmakers say they are drawing up a massive intervention plan to protect the country's banks.

Arab League Envoy Takes Up Post in Iraq The league dispatches an ambassador to Baghdad, the latest sign of progress in the effort to ease the country's diplomatic isolation.

20 in Pakistan Die in Bombing

Suicide Blast in Central Region Targets Shiite Opposition Leader

Palin's Imaginary Washington

By Anne Applebaum, She seems to rail against a metaphor because it's easier than making any actual arguments

Obama Leading In Ohio, Poll Finds

Edge Is 6 Points In a State Looming Large for McCain

This Debate's Biggest Loser

By Richard Cohen, Page A21

She's right that the mainstream media haven't been doing a great job.

The Flimflam Strategy By Eugene Robinson, Are the media going to aid and abet the McCain campaign's obvious ploy?

As Palin Brings Up Ayers, Obama Team Cites Keating

H6 GuardianAmerica's fall is a dangerous opportunity for its enemies Simon Tisdall: The US-triggered economic crisis has reinforced hostile perceptions of American vulnerability

· Mud sticks Editorial: McCain and Palin should have thought before taking their gloves off

· Time for action Editorial: What should a government seeking to provide leadership to anxious markets and a fretful public do?

· Get ahead of the game

Larry Elliott: Now the denial is over, there are three key tasks: in philosophy, in policy, and practical action

Republicans aim to undermine Obama by making it personal

Markets slump as Darling fails to calm investor fears Chancellor's statement disappoints City as FTSE suffers biggest ever one-day fall

EU governments struggle to agree

Banking crisis: Damage limitation under way but Spain may follow German savings guarantee

· This green subsidy for car makers is just a disguised corporate bail-out George Monbiot: Having long sabotaged eco-innovations, the motor industry is now demanding billions to cut its carbon emissions

Lives lost through lack of leadership in UN response to humanitarian crises, Britain warns

· 'Your company is bankrupt, you keep $480m. Is that fair?' Boss of Lehman Brothers left squirming as veteran Democrat grills him over multimillion-dollar pay

· UN crisis response 'costing lives'

Britain warns lack of leadership in UN response to humanitarian crises is 'costing lives'

The nightmare on Main Street

Sasha Abramsky: The US government has long neglected the working class. No wonder many Americans oppose the Wall Street bail-out

Beyond the bail-out Dean Baker: The Wall Street bail-out doesn't address the core problem facing the US economy: house prices that are continuing to fal

H7 America and the New Financial World By: Zachary Karabell | The Wall Street Journal
For more than six decades, from the end of World War II in 1945 until now, the U.S. was the hub of global capital and capitalism. In the years to come, it will remain a vital center, but not the center

Daily Star Iraq's next big test looms this month By Rayyan al-Shawaf

The US bailout plan may be no panacea for the markets
By Kenneth Rogoff

The 'war on terror' has proven to be a mixed bag
By Laurie Mylroie

While America’s markets plummet, formerly moribund Arab economies are thriving after embracing the same principles that Washington carelessly discarded.

Al Hayat Iraq: Disintegration on the Way to Unity? Elias Harfoush - Iraq's Presidential Council's approval of the electoral law for provincial councils represents a major step that could pull Iraq out of the crisis that has brought its institutions into a state of paralysis and nearly sabotaged the relative improvement in security. This in spite of bombings shifting from one place to the next, the last of which were the two massacres that targeted worshippers on the morning of Eid Al-Fitr

So much for Bush's freedom agenda: Right now, global authoritarianism is worse than ever.

· Trying to be Friends with Enemies - Barry Rubin, Jerusalem Post

· Bush's Final Iran Blunder? - Kaveh Afrasiabi, Asia Times Bush administration's decision to turn down the opportunity of a diplomatic presence in Iran - despite Tehran's strong signals welcoming the idea - can be seen as a move to avoid undermining Republican Senator John McCain's presidential chances. More ominously, it could be tied to the drumbeats of war sounded by Israel. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi

Chandran Nair: "Obama: the change Asia needs?" The Financial Times. It's an open secret: The "rest of the world" is rooting for the Democrats -- but the bar has been set low, and what might follow would be a true game of limbo indeed

· Euro Regulation, American Style - Ronald Freeman, New Atlanticist

· Danger on Remote Pakistan Border - Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer

· The Caucasus: At History's Center - The Economist

· The Young Turks of Tora Bora - Syed Saleem Shahzad, Le Monde Diplo.

Winning the war?

Judging al-Qaeda's strengths and weaknesses

WINEP The Future of U.S. Military Aid to Lebanon - David Schenker

25 Years Later: We Came in Peace - Col. Timothy J. Geraghty (Proceedings-U.S. Naval Institute

Who Can Dig Us Out of This Foreign Policy Mess? By: Trudy Rubin | Miami Herald
The financial implosion has shifted attention away from foreign policy in the presidential contest. Neither candidate has been inspiring in this arena. But we have only two choices. So who can best dig America out from the mess President Bush's foreign policy has made?

House Cleaning in Damascus? By: Olivier Guitta | The Middle East Times If there is one country that has been all over the news lately, it is Syria. In fact between President Bashar Assad's charm offensive to the West (real or not), Syrian troops amassing near the Lebanese border, a terror attack in Damascus, it seems that today things are shaking up in Syria. But the difficulty of reading into this imbroglio is growing by the day: more players, more incidents, more drama.

Iraqi Elections and Displacement

Elizabeth Ferris, The Brookings Institution

Emirates Flexes Its Financial Muscle By: Borzou Daragahi | Los Angeles Times
While Western economies lurch, sovereign funds in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, flush with oil gains, are snapping up property, companies and even English soccer teams.

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

UN criticises Iraq’s new election law

Israelis See Delay in Iran-Russia Missile Deal

Iran Says “No”, Now What? - Carnegie Endowment

China cancels military contacts with US...

· Voice Is Sought for Iraqi Christians A top Shiite lawmaker urged parliament to restore quotas for Christians and other small religious communities on ruling provincial councils that voters will select in balloting by Jan. 31

Syrian Officer Involved in Hariri Death Killed in Damascus Car Bomb (Jerusalem Post)

H9 Ha’aretz Amir Oren: Nuclear deterrence attributed to Israel doesn't affect its enemies' plans

Editorial: Livni mustn't decide to strike Iran out of a desire for prestige

Olmert unlikely to persuade Russia not to arm Iran, Syria If Iran receives Russian anti-aircraft missiles, aerial strike on its nuclear sites would be more difficult

Burston: Obama-hate, and Sarah Palin's War on Terror

Iran Ordered Attack on U.S. Marines in Lebanon

NATO chief: Given Iran nukes, we can't ask Israel to disarm De Hoop Scheffer says doubts world could stop Iran bomb, wouldn't expect Israel to quit 'supposed arsenal

Inside Intel / The missile defense conundrum

U.S. warns Syria against sending ground troops into Lebanon 20:44

Between a cop and a judge

A foreign army at the gate

Jerusalem Post Our World: The convenient war against the Jews

Analysis: How to stop Iran

Once Iran realizes it has a lot to lose, talks could succeed.

Poll: Israelis Remain Proud and Patriotic -

'Russia committed to preventing Iran from attaining nuclear arms'

Lavrov reassures Olmert that Moscow is committed to stopping Islamic Republic's nuclearization - for military purposes.

Egypt seeks way to end Fatah-Hamas rift

Hamas invited to Cairo as part of efforts to achieve "national reconciliation" among Palestinian factions

Between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
The demise of partition as an option brings us back into an existential conflict

Ex-Mossad chief Halevy seen as key Livni adviser Speculation rife about who will replace Foreign Ministry director-general Aaron Abramovich.

Yedioth Ahronoth 'We'll keep Iran from nukes'
Olmert meets with Russian FM in Moscow, two discuss concerns regarding Tehran nuclear ambitions, supply of Russian arms to Hizbullah. 'Russia committed to preventing nuclearization of Iran for military purposes,' says Lavrov

Put the heat on Hamas/ Ganor

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine

Open Source Center Views Israeli News Media

--- Hebrew- and English-Language Media Guide, Open Source Center, September 16, 2008

US cool to Israeli strike on Iran
Washington is sticking to its policy of sanctions on Iran, reports say, and won't give Israel a green light to strike at its nuclear facilities - for now. The US is worried that Israel won't knock out all Iran's nuclear sites and that retaliation would target US troops

Indo-Israel Ties: The Bond Grows Stronger With Time

In Israel, a first attempt at high school integration Fourteen students in Israel are taking part in an educational experiment that aims to teach Jewish and Arab high-schoolers together for the first time.

Israeli TV: US Won't Allow Israeli Attack on Iran

Palestinians sue Israel over 'land robbers' Israel pledges to remove illegal outposts - crude trailer parks that become small towns as fixed structures are built

How Instrumental Has The Mossad Been In Delaying Iran's Nuclear ...

Livni concerned for peace talks

Time is running out for a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, Israel's PM designate Tzipi Livni has warned.

Tough road ahead for Livni

Q&A: Israeli leadership change

Profile: Ehud Olmert

Israel Is Not Apartheid - David Hirsh (Mail and Guardian-South Africa

H10 Christian Science Monitor Georgia's Chechens relive own Russian war

Russia's military presence in Georgia has unnerved refugees who fled here from Chechnya in the 1990s.

Markets foresee global contraction France, Ireland, and Denmark are in recession. Others teeter on the edg



The Next Chapter: The United States and Pakistan

Stephen P. Cohen, Pakistan Policy Working Group

McClatchy Wave of violence worsens Pakistan's security, economic crisis

A "Third Neighbor" Strategy for Asia
American Enterprise Institute

China cancels military contacts with US...

Pakistan Insists No Deal Made With US on Strikes

Pakistan Insists No Deal Made With US on Strikes

Chandran Nair: "Obama: the change Asia needs?" The Financial Times. It's an open secret: The "rest of the world" is rooting for the Democrats -- but the bar has been set low, and what might follow would be a true game of limbo indeed

Pakistan, US await militant showdown
Britain's commander in Afghanistan admits the war against the Taliban can't be won, even as the Afghan government makes overtures to Taliban leader Mullah Omar to join the political process. It's not going to happen, and Pakistan and the United States are actively preparing for the inevitable - a clash with the Taliban inside Pakistan. - Syed Saleem Shahza

· Oil Production to Increase in Asia Asia is expected to significantly increase its own oil production next year, a development that could add to downward pressure on prices.

A Reality Check for Britain's Defence Strategy By: Rober Fox | The Guardian A senior brigadier's candour about the prospects of beating the Taliban in Afghanistan must have given the new defence secretary John Hutton a bit of jolt just days into his new job. But he should welcome the remarks of Brigadier Mark Carleton-Smith about British strategy as a cue for a reality check.

Russia seeks to mend post-Georgia fences Russia will seek to mend fences with the west after the conflict in Georgia by brokering more foreign direct investment deals amid fears that the country faces a period of stag­flatio

Slate How To Win Afghanistan's Opium War The best way to deprive the Taliban of drug profits? The United States should buy Afghanistan's poppy crop instead of trying to eradicate it.
Christopher Hitchen

Rice Leaves U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Unsigned By: James Lamont | Financial Times Last-minute administrative hitches forced Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, to leave New Delhi at the weekend without signing the US-India nuclear deal to end more than three decades of isolation for India’s nuclear programme

“China Report Urges Missile Shield” by Bill Gertz, Washington Times, October 1, with a copy of the draft report from the International Security Advisory Board obtained by Mr. Gertz here (pdf).

FT India’s tricky path to industrialisation If India cannot industrialise, it will never be prosperous. Those who defend the status quo are condemning hundreds of millions of peasants to a life of back-breaking toi

H11 IHT Nicholas D. Kristof: Racism without racists One of this season's fallacies is that if Barack Obama is paying an electoral price for his skin tone, it must be because of racists. But the evidence shows he is facing what scholars have dubbed 'racism without racists.'

James Carroll: Making sense of $700 billion Has the U.S. gutted the real worth of its economy by fueling massive over-investment in the military?

Trans-Atlantic policy on Russia needed By JOHN VINOCUR Obama and McCain seem to be in agreement on resisting Russian aggression. Can Europe also find a unified policy?

A hard-liner's call for peace

By URI DROMI It's a pity that Israeli leaders express themselves candidly about the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only when they are out of office.

Winning the battle, losing the faith

By NATHANIEL C. FICK AND VIKRAM J. SINGH A sound counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan requires bolstering the government's legitimacy. If faith in the government is lost, then so is the faith in the foreigners who prop it u

GEO-ENGINEERING The ultimate sun-block By THOMAS HOMER-DIXON AND DAVID KEITH The melting of the polar ice cap in recent years is decades ahead of model predictions, raising concern that climate change is proving worse than expected.

Recession fears pummel European stocks

Stocks fell sharply across the globe Monday, with European shares plunging the most in 21 years, and the Dow ending below 10,000, as spreading problems in the world's banks increased the risk of a worldwide recession.

EUROPE European press review

Stratfor The German Question

Walker's World: Europe fails to act

Der Spiegel Knee-Jerk Reactions : EU Too Slow to Provide Answers in Financial Crisis

EU Leaders Tear Up Rules of Eurozone By: John Lichfield | The Independent
Public spending curbs and rules against state subsidies will be thrown – temporarily – out of the window to rescue European banks from the abyss of the global financial crisis, EU leaders agreed at the weekend.

EU finance chiefs in crisis talks

EU finance ministers are set to meet for global crisis talks as Asian markets continue the turbulence in world share prices.

Peston: Capitulation looms?

Bloomberg: Bail-out not enough

Bank crisis strains EU unity

Iceland backs bank accounts

Lehman head took home $300m

Europe responds to crisis

Oil price dips below $90 a barrel

How the Euro is gaining currency

John Stevens: As the credit crunch bites harder, joining the Euro may prove not just economic wisdom but simple self-preservation for the UK

EU's climate package 'in crisis'

The EU's attempt to lead the world on climate change will crumble unless its current policy crisis is resolved, a study warns


Google News Azerbaijan

Road Less Traveled Offers Shelter From U.S. Mess By: William Pesek | Bloomberg News Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan don't tend to come to mind when searching for safety. Nor do Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Caucasus region. Yet there's increasing merit to taking the road less traveled, literally and figuratively

Kazakhstan: Astana Strives to Balance Ties with United States and Russia BY ARIEL COHEN The geopolitical competition between the United States and Russia in the Caspian Basin seems to be shifting away from Georgia and focusing on Kazakhstan. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in Astana on October 5, sought to downplay the notion that Washington is vying with Moscow for the loyalty of President Nursultan Nazarbayev�s administration. Experts and officials inside Moscow�s Ring Road do not appear to be taking Rice�s comments at face value.

Crimean Power Struggle By: Walter Mayr | Der Spiegel The naval fleets of Russia and Ukraine share the port at Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula. Some in Russia would like the Ukrainian city to return to the Russian fold. Many fear that a spark here could quickly lead to a larger conflagration

Russia Accuses Georgia of 'New Hostilities'

Kazakhstan Seeks to Balance East and West By: David L. Stern | The New York Times Mr. Tazhin, whose boss, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, has performed a delicate balancing act among the world’s major powers and whose country holds enormous oil and gas reserves, said Kazakhstan enjoyed good relationships with both Russia and the United States. Relations with Moscow are “very politically correct,” he said.

Clock Ticking on EU Sanctions Against Uzbekistan By: Phillipa Runner | EU Observer
EU sanctions on Uzbekistan expire on 13 November despite the country's relapse into disturbing human rights abuses, with Germany exploiting the EU legal system to try and scrap a visa ban list

The 9/11 Truthers have found some new friends, as the Russian government warms to their psychotic conspiracy fantasies... more»




H13 The Times The hour of Europe The financial crisis has exposed failings wider than those of Wall Street and Washington

Israel: landlocked If Israel is serious about peace, it must get serious about settlements

There's no future for prophets of doom Those who are predicting the death of capitalism need new crystal balls David Aaronovitch

Banking crisis: the world takes fright Panic swept through the world's financial markets wiping $2,500bn from share values amid a worsening crisis of confidence

Resurgent Taleban vow to disrupt election Poll seen as a crucial test of the credibility of Afghanistan's fragile Western-backed Government and reconstruction effort

Gloves off as McCain lands Obama 'lie' jibe John McCain said his Democratic opponent was a dishonourable, even dangerous, politician who had shown up 'out of nowhere'

Pope says world financial system 'built on sand' Pontiff tells bishops that the collapse of major banks shows that "money vanishes, it is nothing" and only God's words matter

Wall Street Journal There's a Job to Finish in Baghdad GLOBAL VIEW By Bret Stephens
The question now is how good we want Iraq to be.

We're Not Headed for a Depression

WSJ/NBC Poll: Obama's Lead Widens Independents are swinging behind Obama, who continues to benefit from economic turmoil. A new WSJ/NBC poll gives the Democrat a six-point edge over McCain, 49% to 43%

Markets Fall on Rescue Doubts; Dow Closes Below 10000 Markets around the world tumbled, reflecting investors' lack of confidence despite stepped up relief efforts by the Fed and European governments. The Dow industrials fell below 10000 and European stocks fell to 20-year lows, a stark sign that the crisis may be outpacing policy makers' ability to contain it

European Disunion REVIEW & OUTLOOK The message from the meeting on the crisis was: Every country for itself.

Divided We Fall By Daniel Gros and Stefano Micossi Europe needs more than national rescue plan

Europe Needs a United Approach to the Credit Crunch By Ulrich Volz National governments cannot stop the erosion of confidence on their own


Alan Wolfe on why the economic crisis won't transform America.

"Finance Crisis: In Graphics" BBC News. Depressingly correct charts on the credit crisis and its growing fallout.

Let there be markets: An article on the evangelical roots of economics.

From Fortune, why the bailout may not be enough: Cleaning up banks' balance sheets is a start, but the government may need to do more.

From Business Week, what does Henry Paulson do now?

A look at why the Paulson package is not the end of capitalism.

We don't just need to recapitalize the banks — we need to reconceptualize capitalism.

Jeffrey Sachs on how to fix the US financial crisis.

How free should a free market be?

It appears that we still have not had enough central planning in finance.

Tim Harford on why Americans should stop complaining about the "moral hazard" problem and enjoy the bailout.

The Economic Bailout: An Analysis of the Economic Emergency Stabilization Act (PDF; 164 KB)
Source: CCH/Wolters Kluwer

H14 Financial Times Conservatism overshoots its limit

Ideas become fashionable and get pushed to their logical conclusion, as their backers succumb to “irrational exuberance”. Then comes the crash, writes Gideon Rachman

Russia seeks to mend post-Georgia fences Russia will seek to mend fences with the west after the conflict in Georgia by brokering more foreign direct investment deals amid fears that the country faces a period of stag­flatio

Vision of Palestine at odds with the world Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Israeli prime minister and current leader of the rightwing Likud party, outlines his plan for tackling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

‘Looting’ of Iran’s central bank assets hit Tahmasb Mazaheri, who was dismissed for refusing to carry out populist monetary policies, said the government was exploiting people’s deposits and was fanning inflation

Arab League puts man in Iraq

The arrival of Hani Khilaf in Baghdad ends a gap in representation by the Arab League and is a sign of progress in Iraqi and US efforts to ease the country’s diplomatic isolatio

Gulf markets suffer heavy losses

Gulf equity markets suffered heavy losses amid mounting fears about contagion from the global financial crisis and domestic concerns about the region’s real estate markets

Why fallen titans are more hated in America In the UK, everyone is a social democrat now. In the US, by contrast, the argument over the role of the state in the market is still going strong, says Michael Skapinker

Developing economies feel force of global sell-off

How an Asian bond could save us from the weak dollar Asia’s reserves could be turned into Asia bonds that, without losing value, could stimulate trade and investment in Asia, writes Thaksin Shinawatra

How to save Europe’s banks

Policymakers need to end the panic, improve the sound banks and allow a bloated sector to shrink. It is not easy to achieve all of these simultaneously

It is time to abandon imprudent caution Gordon Brown must take more risks. This crisis demands a politician ready to anticipate rather than respond to events, writes Philip Stephens

H15 Los Angeles Times McCain, Obama trade bitter shots

Obama rolls out "Keating 5" video. McCain rips his foe's links to a 1960s radical.

Syria, Lebanon abuzz over report about militant's arrest An intriguing item about the mysterious leader of a ferocious militant group floated around the Lebanese and Syrian media over the weekend


World markets sink; Dow below 10,000

Foreign governments' attempts to shore up financial institutions trigger a sell-off. Credit markets remain tight.

BLOG: Could that have been the bottom?

Some indexes see steepest losses in 20 years

Lehman Brothers chief faces lawmakers

H16 American Politics

CNN Poll: Obama advantage grows

Gallup Daily: Obama Leads 50% to 42%

Laura Meckler / Wall Street Journal: Independent Voters Move Toward Obama

Obama Has Double-Digit Lead In Virginia

Is Era of Dominance Over for Conservatives? - John Harwood, NY Times

Palin, McCain and the Weeks Ahead - Karl Rove, Newsweek

Race drives strategy, stirs uncertainty

Race used to be the great constant in American politics. Now it is the great imponderable. Politico explores the debate.

Gary Langer / ABCNEWS:
Economy and Ground Game Alike Give Obama an Advantage in Ohio

CBS Poll: Presidential Race Tightens

WSJ/NBC News Poll: Obama and Biden Are Better Debaters

The Race is Over - Howard Wolfson, The New Republic

From The Economist, a poll of economists on the candidates' economic plans.

The first chapter from All Politics Is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes by Daniel W. Drezner.

McCain does nothing as supporter calls Obama a “terrorist”

Pew Research Center: Post-Debate: Palin Still Seen as Unqualified, a Bump for Biden

Scott Conroy / CBS News:
Lagging In The Polls, Palin Shifts To Fear Tactics

McCain Campaign and the Financial Crisis - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics

Five Questions About the New Electorate

Media Gives Palin a Pass - Richard Cohen, Washington Post

The Real Obama - Thomas Sowell, RealClearPolitics

Conservativsm Overshoots Its Limits - Gideon Rachman, Financial Times

From Salon, who is the real John McCain? From David Foster Wallace to Paul Begala, four authors trace the politician's journey from the liberal's conservative to flip-flopping hack.

More Bogus Obama Donors Surface

Ezra Klein / American Prospect:

A CAMPAIGN JOHN MCCAIN WILL REGRET. — Elections have life cycles. They have beginnings, middles, and ends. The beginnings tend to be exciting. The middles tend to be exhausting. And the ends tend to be ugly. The ends are ugly because the candidates are desperate and their teams are scared

Joe Klein / Swampland:

Embarracuda — I'm of two minds about how to deal with the McCain campaign's further descent into ugliness

realclearpolitics memeorandum Politico ABC’s The Note PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec

New Yorker The Hardest Vote by George Packer Unusually large numbers of working-class voters seem to remain undecided or determined to sit the election out, as if they couldn’t bring themselves to vote Republican this year but couldn’t fathom taking a chance on Obama…

Intelligence officials are worried, Richard Clarke writes, that al Qaeda may try to affect elections.

In Fla., Palin Goes for the Rough Stuff as Audience Boos Obama

McCain: ‘Who Is the Real Barack Obama?’

From TAC, whose Palin? The old Buchanan Brigades now ride to the sound of the neocon guns; and here's an open letter to Sarah Palin by the editors.

From First Principles, an essay on the Americanization of conservatism; and a review of Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement by Justin Raimondo.

SPENGLERHockey moms and capital markets
Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, derided outside the United States as a mere country bumpkin unfit for higher office, personifies why Asian investors continue to pour money into the US, even as its financial sector nears breakdown

H17 Daily TelegraphNato plan to defend ex-Soviet members

Nato's top military commander has demanded the authority draw up military plans to defend former Soviet bloc members

Fears of further turmoil after Asian markets tumble

Alistair Darling must act, not promise

Now more than ever, we need a man with a plan and the Chancellor's lack of urgency yesterday afternoon was worrying.

H18 Independent 20 reasons for the crunch

From Iceland to Greece, Europe marches out of step

Leading article: The day Britain and Europe shared each other's pain

Michael Bloomberg: Our response to the financial crisis should be modelled on 9/11

The Big Question: Is political and economic stability beginning to take root in Africa?

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

“Fundamental Elements of the Counterintelligence Discipline” (pdf), published by the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive and the ODNI in January 2006, is available here.

Intelligence Policy on Unauthorized Disclosures (2002) --- A selection of unclassified DCI Directives (which are gradually being superseded by DNI Intelligence Community Directives) can nevertheless be found here.

New Army Doctrine on Stability Operations

The CIA and the Culture of Failure

The Congressional Research Service discussed “Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the Role of the U.S. Military in Africa” (pdf) in a report that was updated August 22, 2008.

Judgement Without Borders By: David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey | Los Angeles Times
Once reserved for offenses taking place at sea, beyond the territorial jurisdiction of any state, universal jurisdiction has increasingly been applied to "international" offenses taking place anywhere in the world

Winning the war?

Judging al-Qaeda's strengths and weaknesses

Issues: Intelligence: Reorganization Fatigue CQPolitics.com

FM 3.07: Stability Operations (Updated With FM Link)

H20 Slate Beware of Ponytail Guy

How town-hall debates can go very wrong for a candidate.
John Dickerson

The Power of Vice Palin is no Cheney, and neither is Biden. How much clout will the VP's successor have? Barton Gellman

How To Win Afghanistan's Opium War The best way to deprive the Taliban of drug profits? The United States should buy Afghanistan's poppy crop instead of trying to eradicate it.
Christopher Hitchen

One in four mammals facing extinction

An "extinction crisis" is under way with one in four mammals in danger of disappearing forever because of habitat loss, hunting and climate change, a leading global conservation body warned Monda

H21 Evolution 'is over'No genetic development for humans, claims Professor Steve Jones

From Vanity Fair, Christopher Hitchens on The Eton Empire: A fresh look at the bastion of privilege, which may have rebranded itself just in time.

The Ambition of the Short Story: There are virtues associated with smallness — it is the realm of elegance and grace,

· In praise of ... German humour Editorial: Germans don't lack wit, just the sort of wit that sounds good in English

The New Yorker profiles Arianna Huffington

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. May 1974

Is the Vice Presidency Necessary? No, argued historian Schlesinger in May 1974. It is like the human appendix, a vestigial organ on the body politic.

Google Plays Monopoly

Why the search company's ad deal with Yahoo is bad for the Web

Classical music audiences are going gray and will soon die.” Yeah, sure. And when was it not so?... more» ... more»

What has long been known to all who pay attention is now official: the Nobel lit prize committee doesnt have a clue... more» ... more» ... more»

One of the saddest stories of the 20th century is the fate of air travel. In 1900 it was a dream. By 1999 it was a tedious chore... more»

Students starting college this year likely never dialed a telephone. So began the first Mindset List, meant to show how remote students’ experience is from their teachers’... more»

More on Slavoj Zizek's In Defense of Lost Causes.

Who else sees your e-mail?

Your employer and the government can snoop legally

AIDS vaccine 'by 2012'

Nobel Prize winning scientist predicts breakthrough in treatment.

'Jolie is too beautiful'

Eastwood claims actress's career has been hampered by her good looks.

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
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Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
Amerika-Sonrası Dünyanın Provası Olarak Libya Krizi ve Türkiye 22 Mart 2011
“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
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Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
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ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
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'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
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11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
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Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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