10 June 2008
  June 10, 2008

061008f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc

H1 Condoleezza Rice Reflects on the Lessons of the Past Eight Years Read her new essay | Read her 2000 essay The secretary of state offers her defining take on Iraq, Iran, democracy promotion, and American foreign policy in general. - Condoleezza Rice, Foreign Affairs July/August 2008


McClatchy U.S. seeking 58 bases in Iraq, Shiite lawmakers say The Iraqi government rejected the proposal during talks on a Status of Forces Agreement that would allow the U.S. to stay in Iraq after its U.N. mandate expires at the end of the year. Another U.S. demand the Iraqis say was rejected would let the U.S. decide when a hostile act had been committed against Iraq. Lawmakers said they feared it would trap them in a war between Iran and the U.S

Christian Science Monitor Talks to keep U.S. troops in Iraq provoke ire Proposal to extend America's military role years into the future meets lawmaker resistance, from Washington to Baghdad

New York Times Editorial Threatening Iran Saber-rattling at Iran is not a strategy and an attack on it by either the United States or Israel would be disastrous

Obama, in Economic Tour, Criticizes McCain Agenda Senator Barack Obama’s attack on Senator John McCain’s economic policies was a move to define the general election campaign by focusing on the economy as the central theme. Text of Speech

U.S. Troops Causing Instability, Iran’s Religious Leader Tells Iraqi Premier

DAVID BROOKS The Great Seduction The most rampant decadence today is financial decadence, the trampling of decent norms about how to use and harness money.

Asia Times Iran shadow over US-Iraq security pact Ideally, the United States wants a long-term security agreement with Iraq that would allow US soldiers to remain indefinitely in the country and without restrictions. The Baghdad government's reluctance to sign onto such an accord reflects opposition at home as well as in Iran. But Tehran is prepared to deal, provided it gets a slice of the Iraqi security pie. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi

Pentagon blocked Cheney's attack on Iran United States Vice President Dick Cheney's plan in August 2007 to launch airstrikes against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps was blocked by the Pentagon over concerns about Iran's retaliation capabilities. But Cheney's close alliance with Centcom chief General David Petraeus gives him the option of ignoring his opponents in Washington during the final months of the George W Bush administration. - Gareth Porter

... but the hawks are still circling Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Elizabeth, who has been particularly vocal ("We do not have the luxury of time"), appear to have gained ground over realists in the Bush administration in pushing the line that confrontation with Iran is inevitable. The Cheneys could be playing psychological warfare. Then again, the vice president has clear views on bombing Iran. - Jim Lobe

Washington Post Editorial Israel's Syria Card Talks with Damascus about a peace deal are worth trying, but a breakthrough is probably a long way off.

A List Biden Belongs On By E. J. Dionne Jr., Whether or not Obama picks Joseph Biden for VP, he should listen to his foreign policy views

Financial Times Respect for the law is in Russia’s interest

The biggest reason for the Russian government to get serious about the rule of law is the welfare of its own citizens. Wealthy foreign businessmen can look after themselves. It is ordinary Russians who suffer most from a lawless

Al-Qaeda pushed on to the defensive The terrorist group has suffered a series of setbacks in recent months. Yet the threat remains

Obama holds up a mirror to the French Dominique Moïsi on fear and hope in France

Iraq's Great Divide Nir Rosen goes inside Baghdad’s Shiite slums to witness life under Muqtada al Sadr and his Mahdi Army.

McClatchy These steps could lower oil prices, but nobody'll take them

How Will Good News in Iraq Affect Election? - Marcus Baram, ABC New

Mother Jones The Cocktail Napkin Plan for Regime Change in Iran by Dave Wagner and Laura Rozen

The Truth About America’s Energy: Big Oil Stockpiles Supplies and Pockets Profits — A Special Report by the Committee on Natural Resources Majority Staff (PDF; 76 KB) Source: U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Natural Resources

Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan - Seth Jones, Rand

Wall Street Journal How Prime Minister Maliki Pacified Iraq
By Kimberly Kagan
And Frederick W. Kagan

Al Qaeda is on the run. Iran is humiliated. Iraqi leadership is the reason.

Why Is Bush Helping Saudi Arabia Build Nukes?
By Edward J. Markey
An Islamist revolution is a real possibility.

Bush Leaves a Robust Atlantic Alliance, After All
By Matthew Kaminski Europe understands that power means working with us.

Guardian The toxic Texan's foreign policy doctrine will endure Timothy Lynch and Robert Singh: The next US president is likely to follow Bush's approach to the brute realities of terrorism, Iraq and the Middle East

EU to freeze Iranian bank assets if nuclear enrichment continues

Member states agree to intensify financial sanctions against Iran, going beyond existing UN measures

Upbeat in Syria The Economist Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, is reaping substantial benefits, both economic and political, from the Lebanese political deal agreed in Doha last month, for which he has modestly claimed much of the credit.

IHT A low-key visit to Germany by Bush The U.S. president will use his visit to Germany on Tuesday and Wednesday for private talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bush will be doing no walkabouts in Berlin and giving no major speeches.

Europe looks at Putin with prudence and respect, and at Bush with indifference George W. Bush's failure to confront Russia seems to sustain European hopes for detecting a liberal leader in Putin's successor, regardless of the evidence.

Living on the edge of Russia By PHILIP BOWRING There are more people in one neighboring Chinese province than in Siberia and the Russian Far East

India, China Vie for Indian Ocean Sea Lanes: ; Asian Powers Depend on Major Artery for Energy Shipping, and U.S. Has Strategic Interest As Well

Ha’aretz Turkish, Israeli sources: Israel-Syria talks set to resume this week PM: Syria must be faced with a different alternative; Talks to start in Turkey, remain indirect

On a par with the policies of President Bush

H2 FT Survey Turkey 2008 An unblinking gaze upon a new horizon

Openness has not ended indifference towards global trends, writes Vincent Boland

Economy: A country at the crossroads The outlook is far from clear, says Vincent Boland

An existential struggle that can have no winners Abandoning democratic forces at this critical juncture would be a serious mistake, writes guest columnist Soli Ozel

Politics: Paralysis in the seat of government Harmony in Ankara has been replaced by acrimony, writes Vincent Boland

Social groups: The secular elite is losing its privileges Vincent Boland examines the unease felt by a nervous governing class

AKP, Osmanlı’ya yanlış atıf yapıyor

ABD'de konuşulan Türkiye-2

Asia Times Alarm spreads over Turkey's troubles Erdogan has lost the first round. The next round will have massive international repercussions at a time when the standoff between the United States and Israel on one side and Iran is nearing a fateful climax. - M K Bhadrakumar

Turkey's Changing Landscape Washington Institute for Near East Policy By Soner Cagaptay

Kapatma davası Türkiye'yi ikinci sınıf demokrasi listesine aldırabilir

Daily Star A Turkey spurned may strike out on its own course By Mark Almond

Arabs Reject U.N. Kirkuk Proposal

FT Survey Turkey 2008 Turcas: A culture of patient preparation David O’Byrne traces the evolution of an emerging heavyweight

Electricity generation: Fair winds blow for a clean alternative Demand makes new capacity essential, says David O’Byrne

Foreign direct investment: In the premier division, but for how long?

Despite soaring inflows in recent years, the tide may be turning says Anthony Skinner

Real estate: Developers hold breath as homebuyers wait and see

High interest rates are keeping demand pent up, writes Anthony Skinner

Who’s who: The movers and shakers in a changing society Vincent Boland identifies influential figures in business, politics and culture

The diaspora: Vanguard that thrives between two cultures

Youth: Popularity of internet raises questions about free speech

The Times Turkey and Jordan signal new confidence in working with Iraq Turkey is one of only two regional countries (the other being Iran) still to have a fully-functioning embassy in Baghdad

Sami Kohen Türban kararına dış tepki “ölçülü”

Obama'nın ekibiyle görüştü

Growing problems threaten to make the Nabucco project a pipedream
Energy Business Review

The Turkish Veil, Again!
Dar Al-Hayat,

Cyprus row freezes NATO-EU dialogue, says senior analyst

Tayyip Erdoğan'ın pozisyonu kırılgan


Kerim Balcı With Ankara in a mess, we need Turks abroad to do more

Çoğunluğun lehte oy kullandığını anlatmıştık

AKP’nin bu hızda tökezleyeceği başından belliydi İLYAS HARFUŞ

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national

De Mistura's proposal on internal borders is unfair – Kurdish official

[Yorum - Bejan Matur] Tuğluk'un cumhuriyet refleksi

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 9 Jun 08

Hedef Bahoz muydu?

Arabs in Kirkuk refuse UN recommendations

Ha’aretz Turkish, Israeli sources: Israel-Syria talks set to resume this week PM: Syria must be faced with a different alternative; Talks to start in Turkey, remain indirect

Territorial Disputes and Human Rights in S-Kurdistan

İKT Genel Sekreteri'nden Avrupa'ya 'İslamiyet'e karşı hassasiyet' çağrısı

İsrail-Suriye görüşmeleri Türkiye'de devam ediyor

Iraqi Foreign Minister Receives Turkish Envoy; Al-Iraqiyah Update 9 Jun

Telafer’de Türkmen aşiret liderine suikast

Cevdet Aşkın

Mayın tuzağına 1 şehit daha

Küstahların tepesine indiler

Sınır ötesi harekat AİHM yolunda

Askerleri için kendini feda etti

Arazi taraması sırasında askerlerine zarar gelmemesi için timin önünde yürüyen asteğmen mayına bastı

PKK’nın bankalardaki para kaynaklarına baskın

Azerbaycan’daki bir bankadan PKK’nın Avrupa’daki hesaplarına yüz milyonlarca dolar aktarıldığı tespit edildi

Hüsnü Mahalli Amerikan seçimleri ve Irak

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

İlter Türkmen Kıbrıs’ta çözüm arayışı ve İngiltere

Turkish-German relations good and getting better - Turkish Daily News Jun 09, 2008

BBC Unity hopes Fresh impetus revives hopes for a Cyprus peace deal

FT Ankara criticised over Cyprus talks

Rauf Denktaş Anlayana sivrisinek saz...

BM Güvenlik Konseyi’nin gündemi Kıbrıs

Moscow says UN should be central address for Cyprus resolution

Greek-Turkish friendship is good -- but what next? Ariana FERENTINOU

UN report disappoints Turkish Cypriots

Turkey should ignore what Europe says about democracy
Michael van der Galiën

Bi-zonal, bi-communal federation is solution to Cypriot problem

US still opposes Iranian and Russian gas in Nabucco project

Cypriot Foreign Minister Praises "Excellent" Ties With Russia

Commentary Condemns Greece's "Hysterical Anti-Macedonian Propaganda"

Rusya, Kıbrıs'ta çözüm peşinde

Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop

Emrindeki yüzbaşı da albay Ali Öz'ü suçladı

'Şeriat gelir mi' dedim Başbakan çok şaşırdı

Müftünün tartışma yaratan sözleri

İstanbul, göç veren 8 il arasına girdi

Andrew Finkel İstanbul 2010: city of cultural pillage

Eyüp Can Orhan Pamuk Türk milli takımının peşinde

Kyoto sözleşmesinin dudak uçuklatan maliyeti

Bakan Eroğlu, Kyoto'num maliyetini Bugün'e açıkladı.

Astsubayın kömürlüğündeki koliden el bombası çıktı

Suç ortaklarına ’Etek giysinler’

Key suspect mentions another figure in Malatya killings

Mahkeme, kıyas için fotoğraflarını çektirdi

Yeni elbiseler nano teknolojisi ürünü

10 Haziran 2008 Basın Özeti

H3 AKP'li İyimaya'dan sürpriz öneri

Kim sızdırdı bilmiyorum

Çıkış için yeni anayasa yeniden gündemde

‘Meclis yetkisine tedahül var’

Çiçek, 6 saat süren Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısının ardından açıklama yaptı

Gözler Erdoğan'da

TBMM, Anayasa Mahkemesi kararını askıya alabilmeli

AKP'den 'Reddi Hakim'

Yetki gaspını Meclis veto etsin

Çiçek: Gündemimizde 'senato' yok

Meclis'e 'mahkeme kararını askıya alma' yetkisi verilsin

Anayasa Mahkemesi’nden içerik denetimiyle ilgili iki zıt karar

4. AKP ,Gülcüler Tayyipçiler diye ikiye bölünecek

Rüşvetin arabulucusu Baykal’ın sağ kolu mu

SP'li Kazan: Böldünüz, bölüneceksiniz

Yüce Mahkeme’yi ‘frenleme’ modeli

Askıya alıcı vetoya CHP’den jet cevap

Bakan tehdit etti mi?

Senato filtre olur

Cindoruk: Türk siyasi hayatı karışabilir

‘İmamın kızı öğretmen olmak istedi, sorun oldu’ Sosyolog Nilüfer Göle CNN TURK’te Taha Akyol’un sorularını yanıtladı

Eruygur rektör adaylarına not verdi, Sezer de atadı

AKP tuzak paranoyağı

Batı Çalışma Grubu'nun fişlediği mağdurlar CÇG'ye tepkili

’Zihin duvarını aşıp’ mahkemeyi tırpanladı

Bahçeli senatoya karşı klonda ısrarlı

Anlaşılan herkes içine sindirecek

Gece yarısı müdahalesi

Sağlı sollu yumruk atıyorlar

Yerli El-Ezher

1. 'Tedavülden kalkmış tip'e yakın takip

57 milyon euro kimlere gitti?

Gökçek'ten itiraf

Türk okulları dünyaya en açık harekettir

Zirve’nin kilit ismi Nurcularla buluşmuş

Önder Sav tartışması ikiye böldü

Liderler zirvesine Bahçeli sıcak bakıyor

AKP fesih kararı alsa da dava sürecek

Beni Amerika’ya Çakıcı tayin ettirdi

Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman

Cengiz Çandar Türkiye '3 F' ile yönetilebilse

Ahmet Taşgetiren 9 kişiyi Özal tayin etseydi...

Ruşen - Çakır

Taha Akyol Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne açık dilekçe

Fikret Bila Sorun tek Meclis değil, tek adam yönetimidir

Seyfettin Gürsel Türkiye yönetilebilir olmaktan çıkmak üzere (I)

Mustafa Karaalioğlu Tartışmanın yol haritası

Murat YetkinAKP’nin B planı: İki-üç haftada şipşak yeni parti

İsmet Berkan Değiştirilmesi teklif dahi edilemez...

Fehmi Koru Halkı ne yapacaksınız?

Taha Kıvanç Ihlamurlar Altında

Şamil Tayyar

Ali Bayramoğlu Darbeler, hukuk ve idamı bile yeterli görmeyen yargıçlar…

Yasemin Çongar

Ertuğrul Özkök Genç adam geldi ve sordu

Ahmet Hakan

M Ali Birand Ne AKP durdurulabilir, ne de AKP istediğini yapabilir

Cüneyt Ülsever Neden böyle oldu?

Enis Berberoğlu Yalnız bir lider

Söz bitmemeli NURAY MERT

Jüristokrasiye karşı demokrasi mücadelesi (1)

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Gendarmerie: tool for military to manipulate citizens

Oktay EkşiKafa karışıklığı

Nuray Başaran Genelkurmay Başkanlığı'nın sempozyumu ve düşündürdükleri

KÜRŞAT BUMİN Ak Parti'ye iyi ve (?) niyetli öneriler

Coup ideology, virtual center and republic of fear by LÜTFÜ ÖZŞAHİN*

Sabahattin Önkibar Hem dinci, hem Bilderbergçi!

Ekrem Dumanlı Kriz fırsata nasıl dönüşür?

Mümtazer Türköne Senato yetmez, Âyân Meclisi kuralım!

Leyla İpekçi 'Temel ilkelerin iktidarı'yla evrensel adalet mümkün mü?

Bülent Korucu Yasaklar ve değişimin gücü

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Ekrem Buğra Ekinci] Yargıda reform şart oldu

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Ergun Özbudun] AİHM ve siyaset yasakları

Özdemir İnce Yobazlık kalıcıdır

Mehmet Y YılmazTürban sokuşturma merakı!

Yalçın Doğan Savaş ve isyan ve çılgınlık

MUHARREM SARIKAYA Araba devrilince...

ERDAL ŞAFAK "Yok saymak" üstüne

Çoğunluk diktatörlüğü tehlikesi ‘evham’ mıdır?


ERGUN BABAHAN Halk, dinozorlara karşı


Umur Talu Utanmanız için daha kaç ölü lazım!


NAZLI ILICAK Erdoğan, fare ve aslan

MEHMET BARLASVenedik Kriterleri 8 asır önce İstanbul'a gelmişti...

MAHMUT ÖVÜR Başbakan AK Partili kadınlarla ne konuştu?

YAVUZ DONAT Bu komisyon "en hızlı" komisyon

Bilal Çetin

AKP sistemle çatışmaya mı girecek?

Mehmet Tezkan

Erdoğan’ın yeniden ‘balkon’a çıkması sorunu çözer mi?

Okay Gönensin

Neyin mücadelesi?

Bu sondan bir başlangıç çıkarmalıyız

Sami Selçuk Kimi yanılgılar ve yanlış yaklaşımlar

Mahir Kaynak Denge

Eser Karakaş Yüksek yargı, domates ve az gelişmişlik

Berat Özipek Bürokrasi ile demokrasi çatışıyor

Mehmet Altan Cumhuriyet, Demokrasi kavgası...

Toktamış Ateş Anayasa Mahkemesi

Güneri Civaoğlu Kara delik

Can Dündar Yeniden Araf’ta...

Derya Sazak Anayasa’nın anlamı

TAMER KORKMAZ “Ana Evham Mahkemesi”

Hakan Aygün Erdoğan nasıl kurtulur?


Neoconlar Türkiye'yi ele geçirmek üzere!

HAKAN ALBAYRAK Ülke TV ekranında niye hiç başörtülü yok?


Yasaklar devam ettiği sürece başörtülüler de kazanmaya devam edecek!

Serdar Turgut Umarım bu kez yanılırım

If closed down, AKP won't take to streets, FM implies

Yusuf KANLI Compromise culture

İhsan Dağı The bureaucratic sultanate of Ankara: When will it be abolished?

Can Ataklı



Petrolün bir günlük faturası 5 milyar dolar

ABD günde 70 bin varil petrol stokluyor!

Household debts rise, but not a major concern

Hurşit Güneş Enflasyon hedefini yükseltmek iyi oldu

Güngör Uras Ekonomide oyuncu yabancı, film yabancı, biz seyirciyiz

Ercan KumcuEnflasyon her yerde en büyük kaygı

Erdal SağlamEkonomi için asıl tehdit mali gevşeme

Foreign investors avoiding Turkey - Turkish Daily News Jun 09, 2008

Asaf Savaş Akat

Petrol fiyatı üstüne

Ne hedef kaldı ne kredibilite

Deniz Gökçe Adeta deprem var!

IMF hopeful about Turkish economy

UPDATE 1-Turkey's Avea sees subscribers up 25 pct by end '08

Half of Turkey's employees unregistered

Güven Sak Yapılmayacakları yapmaktan bir hayır çıkmaz


Piyasaları seçim de düzeltemez

H4 New York Times Editorial Threatening Iran Saber-rattling at Iran is not a strategy and an attack on it by either the United States or Israel would be disastrous

Obama, in Economic Tour, Criticizes McCain Agenda Senator Barack Obama’s attack on Senator John McCain’s economic policies was a move to define the general election campaign by focusing on the economy as the central theme. Text of Speech

U.S. Troops Causing Instability, Iran’s Religious Leader Tells Iraqi Premier

DAVID BROOKS The Great Seduction The most rampant decadence today is financial decadence, the trampling of decent norms about how to use and harness money.

Will Peace Take Flight? By JONATHAN ROSEN The hoopoe, Israel’s national bird, is well suited to the symbolic burden the country has placed on it.

Marines Return to Afghan Village, Hope to Keep It

News Analysis: Chávez Goes Over the Line, and Realizes It

Bush, in German Visit, Will Discuss Iran With Merkel

President of Indonesia Restricts Muslim Sect

Israeli Soldier, Held for 2 Years, Writes to Family

Worries Mount as Farmers Push for Big Harvest As the world clamors for more corn, wheat, soybeans and rice, farmers are trying to meet the challenge. But evidence suggests harvests will be average at best.

BOB HERBERT Out of Sight The flip side of the American dream is when the economy leaves some youngsters below the bottom of the employment ladder.

Spain, Like U.S., Grapples With Immigration In southern Europe, forgiveness plans for immigrants who arrived illegally have helped power economic growth.

Return to Old Spy Rules Is Seen as Deadline Nears

Gates Selects New Air Force Leaders

Military Analysis: In Air Force Changes, Signs of an Overhaul

H5 Washington Post Editorial Israel's Syria Card Talks with Damascus about a peace deal are worth trying, but a breakthrough is probably a long way off.

A List Biden Belongs On By E. J. Dionne Jr., Whether or not Obama picks Joseph Biden for VP, he should listen to his foreign policy views.

Tough Words From This Cheney on U.S. Mideast Policy

Records Could Shed Light on Iraq Group

Clinton's Grace Note By Eugene Robinson, Her final speech on Saturday couldn't have been classier

Fuel Prices Challenge Cars' Reign

$4 Gas Transforms Buying Habits, Affecting Everything From Vacations to Pizza Orders

McClellan To Testify About CIA Leak

China's Local Leaders Hold Absolute Power Party Vows Reform but Moves Slowly

U.S. Official Cites 'Hardening' of Iraqi Detainees Decreasing Violence Allows Commanders to Better Determine Definite Security Threats

Slovenia Is First Stop On Bush's Final Tour

2 Picked For Top Spots in Air Force

Haters Without a Cause By Richard Cohen,

What do the Hillary bashers do now?

Whose Race Problem? Lots of Americans Accept Obama. But Will the World? By Anne Applebaum

Our History, Off-Limits By Michael Dobbs, Our documents declassification system has broken down.

In Iraq, Muscle Is a Growth Industry

Security Needs Give Bodybuilding a Lift

Fleischer Defends the Media By Dan Froomkin

H6 Guardian The toxic Texan's foreign policy doctrine will endure

Timothy Lynch and Robert Singh: The next US president is likely to follow Bush's approach to the brute realities of terrorism, Iraq and the Middle East

EU to freeze Iranian bank assets if nuclear enrichment continues

Member states agree to intensify financial sanctions against Iran, going beyond existing UN measures

Europe faces fuel protests escalation Spanish truckers block roads and French border, sparking similar action in Portugal and France

Bravery may not be enough

Editorial: Afghanistan would collapse without western military support; but at some point - not yet - this must end

Afghanistan: Other voices Six years after the fall of the Taliban, Peter Beaumont and Antonio Olmos talk to ordinary Afghanis about their hopes and fears for the future

Saudi Arabia to call Opec summit

Statement stops short of promising increase in production requested by western leaders

Abbas seeks deal with Hamas

Palestinian president urges pro-western Arab governments to promote reconciliation with Hamas

Obama team to tackle web smears

Units also being set up to deal with other vulnerable points, including remarks by his wife Michelle

Carbon capture must start - scientists Burying gas could achieve 1/3 of UK emissions targets but without it, experts say disaster is unavoidable

China earthquake brings new unity

Government wins praise for reaction as the young lead surge in patriotic sentiment

Brazil disputes cost of biofuel

Ethanol producers cut the carbon but still come under fire from campaigners

Base jumping Michael Tomasky: Barack Obama should challenge John McCain in states that have traditionally voted Republican

These objects of contempt are now our best chance of feeding the world George Monbiot: Peasants are detested by both communists and capitalists - but when it comes to productivity a small farm is unbeatable

Cameron deftly bypasses the hard politics of the family Polly Toynbee: Labour's inability to breath human warmth into its policies allows Cameron to take credit

H7 Upbeat in Syria The Economist Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, is reaping substantial benefits, both economic and political, from the Lebanese political deal agreed in Doha last month, for which he has modestly claimed much of the credit.

SOFA Will Be Too Much for Iraq to Lift - Westhawk, Westhawk

Arab News Yet Another Peace Plan: In an editorial, the paper says the decision to draft a proposed peace accord for the Middle East does not necessarily mean agreement has been or will be reached on the major issues of final borders, the status of Jerusalem, and the right of return

Saudis call for meeting about oil prices...

Soft On Iran: Peter Huessy of GeoStrategic Analysis writes that the election of Barack Obama would destroy a chance for the United States and Europe to be protected from the threat of Iranian ballistic missiles.

Make No Mistake:
McCain's a Neocon

by Robert Parry

Cannot Be Ruled from Iran
Dar Al-Hayat

Separatism and Empire Building in the 21st Century Center for Research on Globalization

Inflation Hits the Jordanians, With Uncertain Results By: Yusuf Mansur | The Daily Star Jordan's enduring dilemma of the dual challenge of endemic high poverty and unemployment rates is joined by a third equally dangerous contingent: inflation, especially as global food prices rise. The political impact and reactions to this third test of the political-economic environment are hard to gauge.

Daily Star Hearing echoes of the 1970s in Lebanon
By Rayyan al-Shawaf

It's either a land for peace formula or the unknown By Abdel Monem Said Aly

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

Ayatollah Warns of Popular Uprising Against 'Long-Term Agreement'

Iraqi Lawmakers Say U.S. Demanding 58 Military Bases

Iran's Khamenei tells Iraqi PM: U.S. presence is biggest problem

Iraq's Tricky Relationship With Iran

Pan-Arab Paper Quotes Sources on Iraq PM's Talks in Iran

FACTBOX-Iraq's thorny negotiations with US

Roundup: Iraqis Worry Deal With U.S. Would Harm Sovereignty

Al-Sadr Bloc Leader on Calls for Oil Minister to Quit; Al-Sharqiyah Update 9 Jun

Ex-Iraqi PM Allawi Comments on Elections, US Security Pact, Other Issues

Iran Vows 'Painful Response' if Israel Attacks - Ali Akbar Dareini, Associated Press

Bush administration says it may not get Iraq deal this year

Iraq Troops Decision 'This Year' - BBC News The final withdrawal of British troops from Iraq could be announced by the end of the year, the BBC has learned.

"Americans Are the Problem" - Nazila Fathi, New York Times

US presence blamed for Iraq woes

Syrian Writer Says Peace Talks With Israel Threatened By "Incomplete Solutions"

Omani Editorial Describes Proposed US-Iraqi Security Agreement As "Conspiracy"

Iran Poses "No Threat" to Arab World Former Arab League Chief

Russia Says Preparations for Iran Nuclear Reactor Startup Set for Autumn

Iranian Inflation Tops 25 Percent

Jordan Says it Will Send Envoy to Iraq - Associated Press

On the Front - Two Blasts End Period of Calm in Baghdad -- At Least 6 Die in Bombs Targeting Police Patrols

Sarkozy's Shebaa Farms gambit has much to recommend it

H9 Ha’aretz Turkish, Israeli sources: Israel-Syria talks set to resume this week PM: Syria must be faced with a different alternative; Talks to start in Turkey, remain indirect

On a par with the policies of President Bush

Congress supports 25 percent increase in military aid to Israel Israel plans to spend at least $1 billion, partly with U.S. help, in upgraded missile defense systems

Arens Superfluous and harmful talk The declarations from our leadership about the urgent need for the United States to act to avert the Iranian nuclear threat are downright harmful, especially when they are made in the U.S.

Not a gift and not a farewell Israelis were informed last week that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert received a farewell gift from U.S. President George W. Bush: the magnificent F-35 Lightning Strike Fighter.

Israeli sources: Shalit letter is Hamas 'goodwill' gesture

Israeli envoy to London: U.K. has become hotbed of radical anti-Israeli views

Jerusalem PostAs Israel mulls Gaza operation, Hamas transfers Schalit letter

Israel-Syria talks to resume this week

Olmert's spokesman tells Post: "Moving to direct talks will be a sign of real progress."

Our World: The government's plan for Gaza [ CAROLINE GLICK

A unifying doctrine

The combination of a massive retaliation, a truce interlude and yielding to captors' blackmail is flawed.

Yedioth Ahronoth Poll: Public wants PM to quit
War and Peace Index says 61% of Israelis think Prime Minister Ehud Olmert should resign regardless of decision on future criminal indictment; 66% demand a referendum be held on any future concessions involving Golan

'Israel-Syria talks to resume' Jerusalem, Damascus teams may meet as early as next week to resume direct peace talks

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Newsweek: His Jewish ‘Problem’: A Myth?

The Fallacy of Islamic 'National Suicide' By: George Bisharat | Los Angeles Times A new buzzword is arising from the network of Israeli think tanks and security-oriented academic departments bent on instigating a U.S. attack on Iran: "national suicide."

Debka Analysis: Israeli military welcomes Mofaz’s “red line” for Tehran

Exclusive: Palestinians start repairing rift, hold promise of Hamas legitimacy

The Middle East Times looks at political jockeying in Israel's Kadima party, with an election approaching and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert facing corruption charges.

Israel, Syria talks set to resume-Israeli officials

Rice to Hold Talks with Israeli, Palestinian Teams - Reuters

Israel Cuts Off Palestinian Tax Funds as Relations Hit New Low By: Donald Macintyre | The Independent Israel has withheld part of its $75m (£38m) monthly tax revenue payment to the Palestinian Authority after a diplomatic offensive by the Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, designed to stop the continued expansion of Jewish settlements.

Shalit family 'receives letter'

Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Cordial Despite Gaps - Paper

Lebanon's Hezbollah Agrees to "Diplomatic" Solution to Shab'a Farms - Al-Arabiya

Palestinian Militants Say Ready for Gaza Attack, Israel in for "Stunning Surprises"

Fate of Golan residents linked to peace talks

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Talks to keep U.S. troops in Iraq provoke ire Proposal to extend America's military role years into the future meets lawmaker resistance, from Washington to Baghdad

Economy is top priority for Obama, McCain, and voters Presidential candidates have very different views on how to handle taxes, jobs, home foreclosures, and fuel prices

The newest Israeli-Palestinian fault line: gentrification Jewish newcomers to the traditionally Arab district of Jaffa in Tel Aviv – arriving for cheaper rents and sea views – are driving development that is putting pressure on poorer Arab residents.

It's Congress, not a king's court. Second-guess the president? Actually, yes.

Clinton's legacy for women What if she had run a more feminine campaign, more along the lines of Barack Obama's?


Commentary Blames Western Media for Straining Pakistan's Ties With China

CSIS Descent into Chaos: A Discussion with Ahmed Rashid Watch | Listen | Read More | PCR

Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform writes that the EU and China should build a strategic partnership, focused on issues that cause tensions but which, if tackled in a serious dialogue, could strengthen global governance.

India, China Vie for Indian Ocean Sea Lanes: ; Asian Powers Depend on Major Artery for Energy Shipping, and U.S. Has Strategic Interest As Well

China's Local Leaders Hold Absolute Power Party Vows Reform but Moves Slowly

Militants' Rise in Pakistan Points to Opportunity Lost By: Josh Meyer | Los Angeles Times
The U.S. and allies Pakistan and Afghanistan wasted a chance to build ties with tribal leaders in volatile border areas that could have curbed Al Qaeda and Taliban's resurgence, officials say

Karzai Says Foreign Forces Needed for Decade - Reuters

Tighter Australia-China Ties Worry Asian Neighbors By: Nick Squires | The Christian Science Monitor It is a match made in heaven – China's ravenous appetite for raw materials and the billions of dollars' worth of minerals lurking beneath the rust-red dirt of Australia's vast outback. Australians are growing rich, in large part because of the Chinese economic juggernaut, which has sent property prices soaring, propelled the stock exchange to new heights, and plunged unemployment to its lowest level in more than 30 years

Pakistan Lawyers in 'Long March' - BBC News

H11 IHT A low-key visit to Germany by Bush The U.S. president will use his visit to Germany on Tuesday and Wednesday for private talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bush will be doing no walkabouts in Berlin and giving no major speeches.

Europe looks at Putin with prudence and respect, and at Bush with indifference George W. Bush's failure to confront Russia seems to sustain European hopes for detecting a liberal leader in Putin's successor, regardless of the evidence.

Living on the edge of Russia By PHILIP BOWRING There are more people in one neighboring Chinese province than in Siberia and the Russian Far East.

Sarkozy and Merkel meet as Paris prepares to take EU reins

Trade bashing By EDUARDO PORTER Before America stumbles into a trade war, political leaders should examine how other wealthy democracies make trade more palatable to their workers.

Spanish truckers block border with France to demand fuel relief Spanish truckers lined up their rigs Monday and slowed them to a crawl to protest the cost of fuel. The strike blocked the highway in both directions in southwestern France.

EUROPE European press review

Ollie Rehn Europe's smart power in its region and the world

Sarkozy's Split With the Legacy of de Galle By: Pascal Boniface | The Japan Times So far, few French people see the sort of rupture with the past that President Nicolas Sarkozy promised. It involves the foreign policy consensus held since the 1960s

Irish Referendum May Doom EU Dream for United States of Europe By: James G. Neuger | Bloomberg News With less than 1 percent of the European Union's population and just over 1 percent of its economy, Ireland has 100 percent control over the bloc's ambition to become a United States of Europe.

Decision time At 11th hour, Irish still unsure what EU treaty means

From Cafe Babel, here are five eurosceptic myths about sick old EU

Commentary Condemns Greece's "Hysterical Anti-Macedonian Propaganda"

Can Bush show Europe he is still president? CNN

BBC Bush eyes economy on Europe trip The US leader arrives in Slovenia on what is expected to be his last European tour, with economic issues to the fore.

Why Not Hold French Ministers Accountable? By: Raphael Hadas-Lebel | The Daily Star When French President Nicolas Sarkozy's government spokesperson announced that each minister's performance would be assessed according to criteria set by a private auditing firm, he probably did not expect to elicit a fierce response. But he should have.

British Special Services Trying to Control EU, Russian Expert Says

Commentary Slams Serbian Politicians for Being Naive Regarding Kosovo, EU

Macedonia's Constitutional Name "Will Be Respected" By Russia - President

Mufti Calls on Islamic Countries to Recognize Kosovo


Western Diplomatic Offensive in Central Asia Throws Russia on the Defensive
As the CIS summit opened in St. Petersburg on June 6, Russia found itself in an unusual position -- on the defensive in the Caspian Basin energy contest. But Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev appears to have assuaged Central Asian leaders, thereby ensuring that Moscow will continue to act as the funnel through which the bulk of the region’s oil and gas flows -- if only for the time being.

Azerbaijan: Opposition Mulls Presidential Election Boycott
Azerbaijani opposition leaders are condemning recent election code amendments, which they claim will scuttle any hopes for a free-and-fair vote in the upcoming October 15 presidential election. At the same time, they remain divided over the best way to respond.

Georgia: Government Outmaneuvers Opposition with Parliament’s Kick-Off Session
In the end, it all came down to timing. Georgia’s newly elected parliament convened on June 7 in an unexpected session that left the country’s main opposition force scrambling to come up with new ways to challenge President Mikheil Saakashvili’s resurgent authority.




Google News Azerbaijan

Gazprom Wants to Build Pipeline From Alaska. The Moscow Times
Gazprom wants to join a gas pipeline project in Alaska and has already made a proposal to BP and ConocoPhillips, its chief executive Alexei Miller said Saturday

Hopes for Court Reform Stir in Russia By: Peter Finn | The Washington Post Yelena Valyavina, a senior judge at the Federal Arbitration Court, electrified a Moscow courtroom last month when she stated openly what had long been unspoken, at least by influential insiders: The Kremlin has pressured and threatened the Russian judiciary to secure favorable rulings.

Russia Has No Plans to Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Belarus - Ambassador

Black Sea Fleet Activity Does Not Endanger Ukraine - Russian Navy

Gates hints at Cold War redux Defense Sec: US nuke arsenal needs to compete with Russia's stockpile.

H13 The Times

Wall Street Journal How Prime Minister Maliki Pacified Iraq
By Kimberly Kagan
And Frederick W. Kagan

Al Qaeda is on the run. Iran is humiliated. Iraqi leadership is the reason.

Why Is Bush Helping Saudi Arabia Build Nukes?
By Edward J. Markey
An Islamist revolution is a real possibility.

Bush Leaves a Robust Atlantic Alliance, After All
By Matthew Kaminski Europe understands that power means working with us.

Obama, Religion and the Public Square By William McGurn
Main Street:
This is no second coming of Camelot.

The Fed and the Price of Rice
By Steve H. Hanke And David Ranson Commodites trade off of changes in the value of the greenback.

The Pride of the Irish
By Robin Shepherd State of the Union: The only EU country to get a vote on the Lisbon Treaty.

Rudd's Asia Agenda By Andrew Shearer Australia needs strong strategic partnerships, not symbolism

Food Crisis Forces New Look at Farming In many developing nations, the global food crisis is causing both donors and recipients of anti-poverty aid to rethink whether poor nations should grow their own food or rely on the world's trading system.

H14 Financial Times Respect for the law is in Russia’s interest

The biggest reason for the Russian government to get serious about the rule of law is the welfare of its own citizens. Wealthy foreign businessmen can look after themselves. It is ordinary Russians who suffer most from a lawless

Al-Qaeda pushed on to the defensive The terrorist group has suffered a series of setbacks in recent months. Yet the threat remains

Obama holds up a mirror to the French Dominique Moïsi on fear and hope in France

Iran and Iraq agree defence pact

Iran and Iraq agreed to boost defence cooperation during a visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Tehran, Iran’s official IRNA news agency said, giving few details on the content of the agreement

ECB shrugs off Fed concern on dollar The fight against eurozone inflation will remain the bank’s priority even if that clashes with US attempts to prevent a further slide in the dollar

Bush begins farewell visit to western Europe Five years ago, the notion of spending even a week in western Europe would have been distinctly unappetising for President George W. Bush. But on Monday Mr Bush set off with a spring in his step

Fed’s Bernanke warns of inflation risk Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman, believes that the danger of a “substantial downturn” in the US economy has abated over the past month, but that inflation risks are increasing

France’s blunt warning over Irish No

Bernard Kouchner, France’s foreign minister, says the rest of the EU would look at the Irish with ‘gigantic incomprehension’ if they rejected the bloc’s Lisbon reform treaty

Gazprom urged to rethink strategy

Russian gas monopoly should concentrate on domestic market to avoid shartages, rather than on exports, says Anatoly Chubais, a leading liberal, says

Irish PM urges Yes vote on EU treaty

Brian Cowen warned that his country’s economic future was at stake if voters did not back the European Union’s Lisbon reform treaty in a referendum on Thursday

Sanctions could boost Bulgarian extremists Sofia warns Brussels that imposing tough sanctions for failures in tackling corruption and organised crime risks undermining the government and harming the reform process

Franco-German deal on CO2 plan

Europe’s largest carmakers overcame a conflict over emissions targets, which had threatened a clash between the two just weeks before Paris is to assume the EU presidency

US sees a shadow of the Bundesbank

US determination to support growth is in conflict with European wishes to crush inflation. The battleground, as 20 years ago, will be the exchange rate

Double, or quit? When the price of oil can move $11 in a day, 20-year investments in the energy industry are tempting – but they are also a gamble

Stuck in a jam Road pricing makes sense, but the UK government has so far shown poor leadership. If it is to win public support for the experiment, ministers will need to act boldly

Warning on US container scanning

An anti-terror plan to require all shipping containers to be scanned before embarkation will slow world trade growth further, according to World Customs Organisation research

Big rise in US figures for poor health cover The number of US adults underinsured for health care jumped by a “startling” 60 per cent between 2003 and 2007, up from 16m to more than 25m, a leading health research foundation reported

H15 Los Angeles Times Iran tells Iraq: U.S. troops are 'main obstacle on the way to progress'

The Iraqi government finds itself in the middle of tensions between Tehran and Washington. 'Nobody would want to be in Maliki's shoes right now,' says one observer

The Fallacy of Islamic 'National Suicide' By: George Bisharat | Los Angeles Times A new buzzword is arising from the network of Israeli think tanks and security-oriented academic departments bent on instigating a U.S. attack on Iran: "national suicide."

Obamacainia Are John McCain and Barack Obama the right candidates for their respective parties? The debate kicks off

H16 American Politics

BBC McCain v Obama Who has the edge? US pundits assess the challenges

Obama could raise $100 million in June...

For Clinton, Millions in Campaign Debt and Limited Options

Newsweek: His Jewish ‘Problem’: A Myth?

Polls: Post-clinch, Obama builds leads on McCain

Elizabeth Drew reviews A Time to Fight: Reclaiming a Fair and Just America by Jim Webb

realclearpolitics memeorandum ABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

Bruce Bartlett / The New Republic:

Mr. Right? — The rise of the Obamacons

Poll: Debt stress causing health problems for millions in U.S.

Rick Shenkman at HNN - American Democracy: The 10 Alarm Fire We’re Ignoring

A lasting love for Israel, but a greater love for peace

IN FEBRUARY, John McCain eagerly accepted the endorsement of megachurch televangelist and Christian Zionist leader John Hagee. But almost immediately, the presumptive Republican nominee was under siege by Catholic advocates grossly offended by Hagee's characterization of their church as "apostate" and "the great whore." McCain wavered and Hagee publicly apologized; a close call, but the relationship survived. (By Michael Felsen, Boston Globe)

H17 Daily Telegraph Our 100 dead in Afghanistan did not lay down their lives in vain Our troops have neutralised al-Qa'eda, but are still waiting for the Government to spell out its objectives, says Sir Malcolm Rifkind.

Britain: hotbed of anti-Israeli sentiment

Ron Prosor, the Israeli ambassador, says British academics are denying his country's right to exist as a democratic state.

Conservatives should come out fighting

Sophisticated political types have for years talked airily about the "challenges" of globalisation, without giving much of an impression that they have any inkling of what they might be. Well, now we know.

Obama's economy focus evokes Clinton

The spirit of Bill Clinton's 1992 slogan of "it's the economy, stupid" has been resurrected by Barack Obama's focus on the financial plight of ordinary Americans.

Growing Drug Trade will Prolong Conflict - James Kirkup, Daily Telegraph of London

H18 Independent The 14-year-old Afghan suicide bomber As three soldiers are blown up, a teenager caught on a lethal mission reveals how he was groomed to kill British troops

Leading article: A war with high costs and doubtful benefits

A country where every passer-by is a potential threat

For the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan life has become a lottery of roadside bombs and suicide attacks.

McCain wastes no time in turning negative The Democratic hopeful Barack Obama took his campaign to the Republican bastion of North Carolina yesterday, while his opponent, John McCain, launched the first television attack ad of the presidential election.

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

Global Economy Drives Rise in Arms Spending - Malin Rising, Associated Press Global weapons spending rose 6 percent last year but a growing consensus on the need for arms control offered hope for disarmament, a Swedish think tank said Monday. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said nations spent $1.3 trillion on weapons in 2007. It attributed the rise partly to a strong global economy, which allowed countries to spend more on arms. The institute said in its annual report on military spending that there was "a broadening consensus... that more serious and effective arms control and disarmament measures" were needed.

Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan - Seth Jones, Rand

New RAND COIN in Afghanistan Study - Tim Stevens, Ubiwar

Gates names non-fighter pilot to head Air Force

Joint Chiefs chairman wants refocus on major-combat skills

Sheik Offers To Take Fight to Bin Laden - Eli Lake, New York Sun

Detention Centers Give Glimpse Into al-Qaida - Gerry Gilmore, AFPS

Gates recommends Schwartz as next Air Force chief

Fuel Prices Halt 3 French Naval Missions - Gaelle Faure, Associated Press

Impasse on Spying Could Lead to Tighter Rules - Eric Lichtblau, New York Times

Traveling the road to nuclear reduction WITH HIS May 27 speech on nuclear security, Senator John McCain joined Senator Barack Obama in endorsing an American return to nuclear arms control. This is good news. Whatever the outcome of the election, the new president will pursue a policy that can reduce the nuclear threat to America, restore US leadership in the nonproliferation field, and provide a much-needed ... (By Steven Pifer, Boston Globe)

Space policy questions and decisions facing a new administration
The Space Review

What GIs deserve MORE THAN six years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, it looked like the US House had found the elusive "sacrifice" that many Americans have wanted to make for their country. It was a request for the wealthiest taxpayers to help fund a new GI bill, offering full public college scholarships to US service members who joined up after Sept.

US Eyes Possible New Trainer Aircraft for IsraelReuters The Pentagon told the Congress on Monday that it was proposing to supply Israel up to 25 T-6A Texan trainer aircraft and related gear worth up to $190 million. Principal contractors would include Hawker Beechcraft Corp and United Technologies Corp's' Pratt & Whitney unit, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a notice. The T-6A would slash Israel's training fuel requirements 66 percent, the agency said. Israel "has requested a possible sale" of the single-engine turboprop T-6A trainers to replace its Zukit fleet built in the early 1960s

Older veterans now helping vets of Iraq and Afghanistan

Having 'been there' themselves, Vietnam veterans are better able to listen to and counsel younger vets troubled by their combat experience

H20 Slate

OPM Issues Quadrennial Guide to Promote the Smooth Transition of Power at Agencies Following the 2008 Presidential Election
Source: Office of Personnel Management Full Document (PDF; 1.33 MB)

· H21 From Standpoint, Christianity is central to British identity, but its marginalisation has created a moral vacuum which radical Islam threatens to fill; Alain de Botton on why the "death of God" need not mean an end to the culture he inspired


· Italy given Ruud awakening by Dutch

Azzurri face fight for Group C survival after goals from Van Nistelrooy, Sneijder and Van Bronckhorst

NASA reveals plans for lunar base, asks industry for ideas

Vanity Fair, here's an oral history of the Internet and how the Web was won

o Apple unveils lower priced iPhone 3G

Next generation iPhone will include faster internet access, satellite navigation - and a drastic drop in price

The Comanche empire once dominated New Mexico and much of Texas, its power a melange of kinship, trade, diplomacy, extortion, and violence... more»

Sex and the City’s women are defined not by their talent and the swordplay of their wit, but by their ability to snare a man... more»

Germaine de Staël may not have been good-looking, but she had real charisma, brains, money – and Benjamin Constant... more»

An interview with Salman Rushdie, a writer, not a martyr

James Watson does not have a high IQ. That’s what he told Henry Louis Gates – as proof that IQ is not all that important. Maybe... more»

John Updike started with art as a small child, newspaper comics at first. Edward Hopper and Mark Rothko came later... more» ... interview

Next U.S. president will be yet another left-handed leader

McCain using GOOGLE to vet VP candidates...

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
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Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
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Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
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'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
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Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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