060508f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 New York Times Clinton to End Bid and Endorse Obama Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will bring to a close her 17-month campaign for the White House after Democrats urged her to allow the party to unite Wall Street Journal Clinton Unlikely as No. 2 Hillary Clinton, who refused to concede after Barack Obama claimed the Democratic presidential nomination, will do so Saturday, two top advisers said. Obama assembled a three-person team to lead his search for a running mate, but close advisers signaled an Obama-Clinton ticket was highly unlikely CBS Poll: Obama Leads McCain Read The Complete CBS News Poll On The General Election Independent Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control A secret deal being negotiated in Baghdad would perpetuate the American military occupation of Iraq indefinitely, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election in November. Ali Allawi: This raises huge questions over our independence Differences Between US, Iraq on Security Treaty Outlined - UK Arabic Paper Forward Obama Tells Aipac He’ll Do ‘Everything It Takes’ To Stop Iran From Getting Nukes Foreign Policy Seven Questions: The New World Energy Order Living with a Nuclear Iran - Richard Haass, CNAS / CFR The Rise of Middle East Peacemakers - Hady Amr, Brookings Slate Is Barack Obama Too Naive To Be President? Not in the post-Cold War world. The Iraq War: Key Trends and Developments - Anthony Cordesman, CSIS Israeli and Syrian Weapons of Mass Destruction - Anthony Cordesman, CSIS Moscow's Fig Leaf By: Mark Leonard | The Moscow Times Top ten solutions to the world’s biggest problems. The Copenhagen Consensus says micronutrients must take the highest priority... more» The Afghan-Pakistan War: A Status Report - Anthony Cordesman, CSIS Diplomatic Strategies for Dealing with Iran - Dennis Ross, CNAS The Implications of Military Confrontation with Iran - Vali Nasr, CNAS Military Elements in Dealing with Iran's Nuclear Program - Ashton Carter, CNAS Ha’aretz – Obama tells AIPAC: Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital Abbas blasts Obama's speech, saying Palestinians will not accept a state without Jerusalem as its capital Olmert to AIPAC: We must stop Iran threat by all possible means Rosner's Domain / It's Obama's good intentions for Israel that AIPAC fears Obama is smarter than the electorate, and it is doubtful he will carry out all of his fanciful promises Approaching an Iranian winter Ari Shavit There is a real possibility that President George W. Bush will end his woeful second and final term of office with a bang, not a whimper. Jerusalem Post Olmert: Fewer questions remain on US stance on Iran Following meeting with President Bush, PM tells reporters that "real strides" are being made every day to deal with the problem. US intel chief to consult with IDF US official McConnel to make rare visit to Israel amid reports that Bush considering action on Iran. [ DANIEL PIPES Washington Post Pushing Bush to Attack Iran By Dan Froomkin Q & A with President Assad in Dubai The Union for the Mediterranean: A View from Southern Europe IAI A 13-page Italian perspective on the French proposal to promote a Mediterranean Union POLITICS-IRAQ: Possible Deal on Kirkuk Could Be a Stabiliser Obama Promises Undivided Jerusalem as Israeli Capital by Eli Lake What Will Matter is How the War Ends, Not How it Started by Marty Peretz How to measure al Qaeda's defeat by Walid Phares Next step: undermining Resolution 1701 by Michael Young RFE/RLRussia: Medvedev’s "Liberal" Views Up For Inspection In Berlin The Other Enemy - Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal Can we win in Afghanistan? Iraqi Force Development 2008 - Cordesman and Mausner, CSIS ‘Radical pragmatism’ and the Jordanian option, MESH Iran: The Media and the Conservatives' Power Struggle | Stratfor ABCNEWS: Clinton Will Drop Out of Presidential Race Scheuer - Rumors of al-Qaeda’s Death May Be Highly Exaggerated Guardian Obama resists Clinton pressure for joint ticket Defeated rival to bow out of campaign, but push continues to include her in vice president role Middle of where? Brian Whitaker: The Middle East may be a crucially important region politically and economically, but try getting your hands on a decent definition of it Hard core of Clinton's fans threaten to resist Obama Editorial: Thousands of black Americans still alive today can easily remember the time when no one of their race could cast a vote in a presidential election Obama is Europe's dream candidate, but we may have to settle for McSame Timothy Garton Ash: We'd like the Democratic victor in charge but must still prepare for a hawkish McCain presidency, and advance our own agenda Financial Times An Obama-Clinton dream ticket? If Mr Obama takes his disappointed rival on to the ticket, he will look weak; if he does not, he will offend her supporters. The second is the lesser evil Clinton to quit after intense pressure Following intense pressure from senior supporters, Hillary Clinton’s campaign confirmed she would concede the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama on Saturday Obama’s task Gideon Rachman’s blog: This election should be a shoo-in for the Democratic party - but the polls suggest otherwise. Should we believe them? Rivals adopt tough stance on Tehran Barack Obama began his first full day as the Democratic party’s presumptive presidential nominee by emphasising the option of using military force against Iran and calling on Israel to maintain Jerusalem as its undivided capital – despite ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians View from Europe: Europe pins its hopes on Obama Oxford University’s Timothy Garton Ash on the prospects for US relations with Europe Gideon Rachman on the next steps for Obama The Democratic nominee must turn his attention to Republican rival John McCain Bernanke and the dollar The last thing any central bank should do is comment on currencies. Mr Bernanke’s comments were seen as heralding no further rate cuts America the Breakup Artist By: Juan Gabriel Tokatlian | The Christian Science Monitor Sovereignty and territorial integrity are sacred concepts to every nation. Without them, the basis for international relations crumbles. That's why it's so troubling that the United States is in effect stimulating a partition movement across the globe. IHT Roger Cohen: Energy lessons Countries do get rebranded. Energy is the new Brazilian brand German government backs enhanced surveillance Despite strong criticism, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government agreed Wednesday to give police forces greater powers to monitor homes, phones and private computers. At food crisis talks, menu is rich with politics It was supposed to be an emergency conference on food shortages, climate change and energy. But the powerful politicians from all over the world spoke mostly about economics and politics. WP Father of Pakistan's Bomb Stands Defiant Khan, Speaking Out From House Arrest, Insists Government Officials Had Role in Proliferation Can US and Iraq Have a Long-Term Relationship? - Mohammad, Iraq the Model Obama And Iraq - Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish Ahmadinejad's Past Tells it All - Olivier Guitta, Middle East Times opinion WSJ It's Time to Talk to Syria Obama's Vice President Lincoln's Rule: Organization Matters The Buck Stops Where? Why Obama Must Go to Iraq LA Times Analysis: Obama vs. McCain, by the map Obama the naive By John R. Bolton His views on world affairs ignore history and imperil the U.S. and our allies Time Clinton's Exit: A Post-Mortem Salon We are all appeasers now The GOP and establishment media are attacking Barack Obama for being willing to talk to "terrorists" -- but many parties, including Israel, are doing just that. Commentary: Rainbow -- or Guns of August? By ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE (UPI) -- Iran’s president renews his death threats against Israel -- but finds himself in hot water at home. His would-be successor speaks softly, but can he change the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions? The Israelis don’t think so. BBC Saudis launch Islamic unity drive Saudi Arabia's king urges Muslims to speak with one voice ahead of a planned interfaith dialogue with Jews and Christians. | H2 Ian Lesser GMF Turkey's Travails: Outlook and Strategic Consequences The possible implications of Turkey's current political crisis for Turkey's society and its foreign policy Liberation: Dost ülke Türkiye'den düşman yaptık Babacan Cheney ve Rice'la Görüşecek Şahin Alpay Elbette ki Barack Husein Obama! POLITICS-IRAQ: Possible Deal on Kirkuk Could Be a Stabiliser Kongre üyeleri operasyonları sordu Turkey's changing landscape under the AKP Jane's Babacan’dan ‘dikkatli’ açıklama Ankara weighing challenges of probable Obama period Amerikalı bakanlardan Türkiye'ye takdir Turkey, Azerbaijan to step up energy cooperation Abkhazia cool to Turkish mediation in dispute with Georgia FT Turkish central bank raises inflation target Turkey’s central bank has sharply raised its inflation targets for the next three years as energy and commodity prices continue to climb, in a move that one economist said could be the start of a trend among central banks LEX COLUMN: Playing chicken Has Turkey thrown in the towel? Turkey's Inflation Target Is Raised Turkey Revises Next Year's Inflation Target to 7.5% From 4% COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE EMBODIES TURKEY’S GROWING TECHNOLOGICAL SOPHISTICATION. Eurasia Daily Monitor Freeing Jerusalem: Turkey and the Lebanese Hizbullah (Terrorism Focus - June 3, 2008) Head scarf ruling looms in Turkey A Balm in Cyprus? - Viola Herms Drath, Washington Times opinion TURKEY: DAM PROJECT FOSTERS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY DEBATE EurasiaNet Doğal Gaz: Ankara ve Bakü'den İşbirliği Sözü Üskül: Türban kararında AİHM haklı Türkiye'nin doğalgaz sıkıntısını Azerbaycan çözecek US State Department says Turkey can play key role in Iranian ... [HABER ANALİZ] Japonlar neden Türkiye'ye "Fransız" kalıyor? Turkey: Religious Officials Criticized For Stance On Women İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national Turks and Kurds [2]: We need more than good faith by ABDÜLBAKİ ERDOĞMUŞ Cevdet Aşkın CHP tehlikenin farkında, Baykal'dan Kürtlere zeytin dalı İbrahim Kalın AK Party and the Kurdish issue: a new beginning? Kurds, Baghdad set to discuss new oil law as disputes remain Iraqi President, UN Delegation View Kirkuk; Al-Sharqiyah Update New York Times�ta tam sayfa Kürt ilanı Kurdish People Make Call for Tourism Boycott of Turkey! Kurdistan's real estate sector worth nearly $10b $4.5 billion development planned for Erbil United Press International Toktamış Ateş DTP'de neler oluyor? Kürtçe TV zaman alır aksi halde ölü doğar Şanlıurfa’ya çıkarma: Etnik kimlik kişinin şerefi, devletin iftiharıdır Ayfer Kaya nasıl serbest kaldı? Bakan Şahin topu Dışişleri’ne attı Urfa'da mesaj verdi: Etnik kimlik şereftir Turcoman MP welcomes Kurdish PM statements on Kirkuk power sharing ... Hurşit Güneş CHP’nin Urfa’da ‘yeter artık’ toplantısı [Yorum - Gholamreza Bagheri Moghaddam] İran'ın yeni öneri paketi Basra’ya Türk başkonsolosluğu El Kaide�de Rus bombacı Bir skandal daha! Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık Dismantling myths in the Cyprus peace process Alkan CHAGLAR UN Secretary-General Welcomes Cyprus Commitment Towards Political Settlement Aliyev'den Erdoğan'a jest: Türk vatandaşına vize yok French, Cypriot maneuvre angers Ankara AB, Türkiye olmadan sorunlarını çözemez Tarihi dostluğun neticelerini alacağız ‘İngiltere’den izahat isteyecek’ Babacan: Court ruling on closure case will not be challenged Semih İdiz Japonya ile ilişkiler Türk-AB ilişkilerine bakıyor Japonya’da ilk Türk cumhurbaşkanı Eser Karakaş Japonya'ya bu düzeyde ilk ziyaret Sami Kohen ABD’de “değişim”in ilk işareti Putin, Erdoğan'ı Rusya'ya davet etti Babacan ‘Müslüman’ın sorunlarını’ yineledi Cyprus to Allow EU Aid to Turkish Cypriots By: Lucia Kubasova | EU Observer The Greek Cypriot government has announced it will drop legal action against EU aid to Turkish Cypriots in the north of the divided island, in a boost to chances for settling the long-term dispute between the two communities and between Europe and Turkey. Democrats in Turkey happy with Obama's win at primaries Toyota’yı, Honda’yı görünce Japonlar yatırım yaptı sanıyoruz BBC Türkçe TV 04/06/2008 tarihli programı izlemek için tıklayın Cem Özdemir Yeşiller Partisi Başkan Adayı Birlik mesajı Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop Are Turkey dark horses for Euro success? YouTube officials: We are ready to cooperate with Turkey Türkiye Kyoto’yu imzalıyor ve artık her şey değişiyor! Turkey moves five places up in FIFA rankings Çarşı'nın yerini ülkücüler mi alıyor? Beşiktaş tribünlerinde savaş rüzgarları yaklaşıyor Diyanet'ten çok eşe yeni yorum Dink'in avukatı: Görüntülerdeki kişiler bulunursa gladyonun İstanbul ayağı çözülür Türban takmayan eşine boşanma davası açtı 'Türkiye fuhuş amaçlı insan kaçırılan ülke' Survey: Turkish women victims of workplace abuse Eyvah kene korkusu Akdeniz’e sıçradı! Suyu sınırda olan 34 il Jandarma'yı bozan karar Sportingbet to stay in Turkey despite jailings İnsan kaçakçılığıyla mücadele artırılsın Love for the Ottomans and Turkey lives on in Kolkata, India | H3 Gözler Anayasa Mahkemesi'nde Anayasa Mahkemesi 'başörtüsü' kararı için toplandı Kritik dava başlıyorKapatma davasını da etkileyecek olan türbanla ilgili anayasa değişikliği bugün görüşülüyor ‘İzleme’ye Yargıtay freni: Hukuk devletinde olmaz Şahin: Karar MİT ve Emniyeti de kapsamalı Vakit muhabiri: Sav’ı teybe kaydetmedim Darbe girişimini ispatlayacağım Büyükanıt'tan önemli açıklamalar Öğretmen-imam karşılaştırması toplum içinde çatışma yaratır Yargıtay tek kararla dinlemeye dur dedi Telekomünikasyon Kurumu: Tüm iletişim dinlenemez Yargıtay: Jandarma tüm Türkiye'yi izleyemez • Polis müdürlerini isyan ettiren CHP... TRT’de yenilik mi, borazancılık mı? CHP, dinleme iddiaları için 'soruşturma' istiyor 'Önder Sav CHP'ye oy kaybettirecek' Raporla kanıtlanan korkunç gerçek Darbe günlüğü beraatine itiraz ‘Hrant’tan sonra yeni hedef Baskın Oran’ Bombacıya para nereden geliyor? Ergenekon'da bir gözaltı kararı daha Yargıtay jandarmanın iznini iptal etti Wiretapping intrigue may hinder passage of electronic communications bill Ball in high judiciary's court for coup diaries case Siyasette Kanaltürk savaşı Baykal'dan "ayaküstü açıklamalardan kaçınma" uyarısı Özkan: Ahlaksız gazetecilik Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman Cengiz Çandar Türkiye ve Ortadoğu: Üç yanlış üzerine Ahmet Taşgetiren Varsın sonrası tufan olsun! Ruşen - Çakır Kim daha az kim daha çok kaybedecek? Taha Akyol İslam nereye? Fikret Bila Bardakoğlu’nun verdiği mesajlar Hasan Cemal Türkiye’deki Rus’çuları, Çin’cileri iyi izleyin! Murat Yetkin Davayı türban paketi açtırdı İsmet Berkan Abdullah Gül’le Japonya’da [Yorum - M. Şükrü Hanioğlu] Mahalle baskısı ve erken Cumhuriyet ideolojisi-1 Fehmi Koru Önder Sav değil, istifasını isteyenler istifa etsin Şamil Tayyar İsmail Küçükkaya Asker gözüyle “belirsizlikler içindeki gelecek” Ne olacak bu CHP’nin hâli? Ali BayramoğluCüret, küstahlık, skandal… Yasemin Çongar Kapatma davası ve bir tür Türk’ün dünyalılık sancısı Serdar Turgut Tarikat korkusu MAHMUT ÖVÜR CHP sola mı dönüyor? Religion? Yes, let's mind our own business Burak BEKDİL Ertuğrul Özkök Allah iyi midir, kötü müdür M Ali Birand CHP bu yanlışları düzeltip, özür dilemeli... Cüneyt Ülsever Sabah-ATV kredisi Mümtazer Türköne Laiklik neden bu kadar çok tartışılıyor? Şükrü Küçükşahin Sav’ın gölgesindeki CHP Andrew Finkel Is it really about class? AKP, savunmayı haftaya verecek Hoşa gitsin, gitmesin mahkemeye uyarız Tamer Korkmaz “Aslanlar Gibi Görevinin Başında” ya da “Yaşasın Pişkinler!” Sabahattin Önkibar Önder Sav'ın CHP'ye maliyeti... Ömer Lütfi Mete Birbirine çat uyu Okay Gönensin Oray Eğin Paranoyanın sorumluluğu kimde? ENGİN ARDIÇ Nevzat Tandoğan televizyonculuk da yapar ERGUN BABAHAN Sav istifa etmez Mustafa Erdoğan Çoğunluğun din özgürlüğü sorunu yok mu? EMRE AKÖZ'Kara sayfa' endişesi Umur TaluBöyle başa böyle kulak NAZLI ILICAK AİHM'nin son kararı MEHMET BARLAS Her uçanı yakalamak için neleri yere atabiliriz? MAHMUT ÖVÜR CHP sola mı dönüyor? YAVUZ DONATBaloda bile "asık suratlı Ankara" Mehmet Altan Gelelim esas gündeme Can Dündar Bu yaz kriz var mı? Mehmet Tezkan Ankara AKP’yi çoktan kapatmış! Eyüp Can Ahmet İyimaya’nın bahçıvanı Güler Kömürcü Gayrı nizami savaş... CHP’den Erdoğan için Yüce Divan önergesi Yargıtay Jandarma'nın takip yetkisini iptal etti Baykal'ın Şanlıurfa gezisinde üzücü kaza TRT’de yenilik mi, borazancılık mı? Yazarlardan Sav'a istifa çağrısı Ekonomi Ercan Kumcu Enflasyonla mücadelede bir başka başlangıç Asaf Savaş Akat Ergin Yıldızoğlu Petrol Piyasalarında Kriz ve Köpük Bundan sonra kim inanır Merkez Bankası’na 8 gün önce ‘revizyon yok’ denmişti Erdal Sağlam IMF anlaşması olmadan bu hedefler tutmaz Güngör Uras TÜFE’ye göre gıda fiyatları bir yılda yüzde 15.6 arttı Seyfettin Gürsel Enflasyon hedeflerinde acil revizyon Vahap Munyar Enflasyon dünyada yükseliyor, biz temkinli patikada yürüyoruz ‘Mikro’da, ‘makro’da güven şart... OECD says Turkey will grow 4 percent in 2008 Ekonomi teorisine katkı Deniz Gökçe Gıda fiyatları enflasyonu yükseltiyor! Ali Tezel İstihdam paketi işverenleri de sevindirmeyecek Bilal Çetin Turkey aims 2008 tourism revenues of $20 bln Tarımsal üretimde verimlilik atılımının tam zamanı Think gas prices are high? Try $11 in Turkey The Associated Press |
H4 New York Times Clinton to End Bid and Endorse Obama Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will bring to a close her 17-month campaign for the White House after Democrats urged her to allow the party to unite. Obama Offers Assurances at Pro-Israel Meeting Editorial It’s Over. Now It Begins. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s plan to withdraw from the race encouraged us that she was making the right one: to exit in a way that unifies her party ROGER COHEN Energy Lessons Countries do get rebranded. Energy is the new Brazilian brand. Foreign Reaction to Obama’s Claim Is Favorable With Opponent in Place, McCain Adapts Strategy Iraq Lawmakers Want U.S. Forces Out as Part Of Deal Leaders Speak of Their Own Issues at a Conference Addressing Food Shortages Proposals Would Curtail Power of Pakistan Leader Explosions and Shootings Disrupt Relative Calm in Iraq Afghan Borders Concern NATO Force Leader U.S. Pushes to Rely More on Remotely Piloted Craft Palestinian Leader Urges Talks With Hamas Food Is Gold, and Investors Pour Billions Into Farming Some private investors are starting to make long-term bets that the world’s need for food will greatly increase — by buying farmland, fertilizer, grain elevators and shipping equipment For Clinton, a Key Group Didn’t Hold The break in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s supposed firewall of superdelegates turned out to be one of the most important factors in her campaign. Many Blacks Find Hope in a Breakthrough Many African-Americans exulted in a political triumph that they believed they would never live to see, hoping their children would draw strength from the moment. Zimbabwe’s Reign of Terror Washington should use its clout to rally international condemnation of Robert Mugabe and forge a plan to help Zimbabwe. Ex-Obama Fund-Raiser Is Convicted of Fraud | H5 Washington Post Clinton Pullout Likely Saturday Endorsement of Obama, Bid for VP Slot Seen Father of Pakistan's Bomb Stands Defiant Khan, Speaking Out From House Arrest, Insists Government Officials Had Role in Proliferation Pushing Bush to Attack Iran By Dan Froomkin Editorial Exit, Sort of, Sen. Clinton She made many mistakes -- but also won many votes. Editorial History Calls Barack Obama's landmark nomination by the Democratic Party will have been well earned. A Victor on His Heels By David S. Broder, Choosing his own VP candidate would be a good show of strength for Obama, who has faded down the stretch. Overseas, Excitement Over Obama In Presumptive Nominee, Many See Chance for New Direction and New Attitude Democratic Primary Boosts U.S. Image For much of the world, Sen. Barack Obama's victory was a moment to admire the United States, at a time when the nation's image abroad has been seriously damaged. By George F. Will, The Saudis aren't the only ones refusing to pump more oil. Climate Bill's Dress Rehearsal Steven Mufson | It would be the most important piece of energy legislation ever, if it had a chance of becoming law. PostGlobal Al-Qaeda – the United States' Invisible Foe US Defeat of al-Qaeda Just a Fantasy By E. J. Dionne Jr., Page A19 Hillary Clinton talked her way out of the vice presidency on Tuesday night. By Robert D. Novak, Talking about an unlikely dream ticket further slows the party unification process. 'She Could Accept Losing. She Could Not Accept Quitting.' Former Obama Fundraiser Convicted of Corruption McCain Proposes 10 Joint Forums By David Ignatius, Greed and lawlessness by the plaintiffs' bar. Robert Mugabe turns from beating the people of Zimbabwe to starving them | H6 Guardian Hillary Clinton set to end presidential campaign Her exit arrived after signs of rising frustration from Democratic members of Congress Memo to central banks: stop cutting interest rates Paris-based club of the world's 31 wealthiest nations warns of the inflationary perils from surging food and oil prices Obama resists Clinton pressure for joint ticket Defeated rival to bow out of campaign, but push continues to include her in vice president role Middle of where? Brian Whitaker: The Middle East may be a crucially important region politically and economically, but try getting your hands on a decent definition of it Hard core of Clinton's fans threaten to resist Obama Editorial: Thousands of black Americans still alive today can easily remember the time when no one of their race could cast a vote in a presidential election Obama is Europe's dream candidate, but we may have to settle for McSame Timothy Garton Ash: We'd like the Democratic victor in charge but must still prepare for a hawkish McCain presidency, and advance our own agenda How Hillary Clinton turned an air of certainty into a losing run US elections: The transformation of Barack Obama Michael Tomasky Obama victory celebrates civil rights journey that began with freedom rides The biofuel solution Tim Watkin: Global food shortages have made biofuels unpopular, but it remains an open question whether they do more harm than good Standing firm Daniel Johnson: There's nothing rightwing or imperialist about defending our values - and arguing that they should apply universally Food crisis: stop digging! John Hilary: Free market economics are the problem, not the solution. They have exposed poor countries to the full force of the food crisis Game over, game on Gary Younge: US election 2008: John McCain is a fearsome opponent. Barack Obama has the nomination wrapped up, but the real fight is just beginning We must talk to the enemy Peter Hain: Northern Ireland offers a model for peace that can help other regions still locked in bitter conflict The mirage of meritocracy has sold our children short Jenni Russell: Despite the promise of equality of opportunity, social mobility has come to a halt and a generation has been left stranded A mania for tax cuts at any cost defies public opinion Seumas Milne: The political class wants a smaller state and clings to a free-market model that is falling apart. Who is listening to the voters? Developer with ties to Obama convicted in Chicago Mecca talks stress religious tolerance More than 500 delegates from around the world gather in the Islamic holy city to foster better relations Hamas must be included in Middle East talks, says Hain Veto on discussions is crippling the Middle East peace process, claims former cabinet minister |
H7 Commentary: Rainbow -- or Guns of August? By ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE (UPI) -- Iran’s president renews his death threats against Israel -- but finds himself in hot water at home. His would-be successor speaks softly, but can he change the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions? The Israelis don’t think so. BBC Saudis launch Islamic unity drive Saudi Arabia's king urges Muslims to speak with one voice ahead of a planned interfaith dialogue with Jews and Christians. Can US and Iraq Have a Long-Term Relationship? - Mohammad, Iraq the Model Obama And Iraq - Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish Ahmadinejad's Past Tells it All - Olivier Guitta, Middle East Times opinion What Might Have Been in Iraq By: Peter F. Schaefer | Foreign Policy Had the Bush administration officials simply replaced the word “Japan” with the word “Iraq” in a secret memo from 1943, the course of the war might have been vastly different Repression, the Arab States Foul Habit By: Rami G. Khouri | The Daily Star The Egyptian Parliament's decision last week to extend emergency rule for another two years, including sweeping powers to detain citizens indefinitely, reflects an exaggerated reliance on heavy-handed police methods to govern and keep the peace. MET In an editorial, the paper says while the West slept, militant Islam has been working overtime in Africa, building bridges, and claiming hearts and minds largely abandoned by the West. An Iranian voice in the wilderness Sudan's Interlocking Crises - Stephanie Hanson, CFR Spencer Ackerman / The Washington Independent: Iraqi Parliamentarians Denounce The Bush-Maliki Permanent-Occupation Deal Is Obama Like Ike? Lessons from Eisenhower for Iraq By: Alan W. Dowd | World Politics Review Iran's untapped resources | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq Differences Between US, Iraq on Security Treaty Outlined - UK Arabic Paper Syria "Willing" to Hold Direct Talks With Israel - President Al- Asad Arabic Editorial Critical of Proposed US-Iraqi Security Agreement Iran: US - Iraq security deal aims to enslave Iraqis Approval of US-Iraq Agreement "Disgrace" for Shi'I Government - Paper Iraq Says Likely to Miss Deadline for US Pact Iraqi Foreign Ministry Speaks of "Unauthorized" Spokesmen; Other Update 3 June Syrian President Reported Lebanon Visit Could Not Be Confirmed - Al- Manar TV Shakeups in the Egyptian MB - Marc Lynch, Abu Aardvark Lethal Explosion Hits Shiite District of Baghdad - Andrew Kramer, New York Times | H9 Ha’aretz – Obama tells AIPAC: Jerusalem will remain Israel's undivided capital Abbas blasts Obama's speech, saying Palestinians will not accept a state without Jerusalem as its capital Rosner's Domain / It's Obama's good intentions for Israel that AIPAC fears Obama is smarter than the electorate, and it is doubtful he will carry out all of his fanciful promises Approaching an Iranian winter Ari Shavit There is a real possibility that President George W. Bush will end his woeful second and final term of office with a bang, not a whimper. Americans want talks with Iranian leadership (WTR) Iran issue dominates PM's talks with Bush in D.C. Olmert: Fewer question marks as to U.S. plans to confront Iran Premier meets U.S. President in Oval Office; Bush to Olmert: 'Existential' Iran threat must be taken seriously Olmert to AIPAC: We must stop Iran threat by all possible means Al Qaida No. 2 slams Egypt for sealing border to Palestinians Ayman al-Zawahri releases audio tape on anniversary of Six-Day War; slams Mubarak as 'traitor' Moshe Arens: A truce in Gaza means victory for the terrorists A campaign like no other The millions of voters who stand behind Barack Obama have turned his campaign into something without parallel in U.S. history Palestinian negotiator: Only miracle can bring peace by year's end Barak: Hizbullah Setting Up Fortified Positions Along Border - Jerusalem Post Olmert: Fewer questions remain on US stance on Iran Following meeting with President Bush, PM tells reporters that "real strides" are being made every day to deal with the problem. US intel chief to consult with IDF US official McConnel to make rare visit to Israel amid reports that Bush considering action on Iran. [ DANIEL PIPES Analysis: For Israel, it's also Kurtzer vs Lieberman This country's lukewarm embrace of Obama is not about race or religion; it's about policy. If she does it right, she'll position herself as next-in-line to lead Dems. Britain appears to be recognizing the menace radical Islam presents. Mofaz's plan to conquer Kadima He wisely chose to kick off his campaign in the Golan. Abbas calls for dialogue with Hamas Move comes after previous insistence only to talk with the group if they give up control of Gaza. Syria-Israel talks to be held on 'regular' basis Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Obama pledges support for Israel Barack Obama gives Israel strong backing in his first foreign policy speech since declaring victory in Democratic campaign Lessons from the Israeli Experience - Jonathan Tucker, COIN Central Winning Counterinsurgency War: The Israeli Experience - Maj.-Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror (ICA/Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs) Obama Wins Coveted Hamas Un-endorsement with AIPAC Speech Israeli Shift to Private Security Draws Fire By: Tobias Buckin | Financial Times NATAN SHARANSKY IN WASHINGTON Bush Talks With Israeli Author Before Meeting With Olmert Israeli Settlements Seen Subverting Peace Talks By: David R. Sands | The Washington Times Israel and Syria - Washington Times editorial Palestinian Urges EU to Snub Israel - Isabel Kershner, New York Times Rice: U.S.-Israel Alliance Based on Kinship Syrian-Israeli Negotiations Abbas: Renew Dialogue with Hamas - Mohammed Daraghmeh, Associated Press Al-Qaida's No.2 Urges Holy War over Gaza Strip - Associated Press |
America the Breakup Artist By: Juan Gabriel Tokatlian | The Christian Science Monitor Sovereignty and territorial integrity are sacred concepts to every nation. Without them, the basis for international relations crumbles. That's why it's so troubling that the United States is in effect stimulating a partition movement across the globe. The Other Enemy - Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal Can we win in Afghanistan? Preparing for the Next Korean War - Christopher Griffen, Armed Forces Journal A New Course for Pakistan - Barton, Samdani, and von Hippel, CSIS India Sharply Raises Fuel Prices Unpopular Move Follows Heavy Losses at State-Run Oil Firms NATO Commander to Revive Pakistan Talks – For China, an opportunity in crisis Routing the Taliban - New York Times slideshow Changes Aimed at Clipping Musharraf’s Power - Jane Perlez, New York Times After the CMI: The Future of Asian Monetary Policy and China's Role Asia's Economic Transformation: India's Role in an Emerging International Order Changing Paradigm of Of Indo-Japan Relations: Opportunities and Challlenges Danish Embassy Blast: Pakistan Writer Says Violence to Bolster West's Agenda Kevin Rudd to Drive Asian Union - Matthew Franklin, The Australian | H11 IHT Roger Cohen: Energy lessons Countries do get rebranded. Energy is the new Brazilian brand German government backs enhanced surveillance Despite strong criticism, Chancellor Angela Merkel's government agreed Wednesday to give police forces greater powers to monitor homes, phones and private computers. At food crisis talks, menu is rich with politics It was supposed to be an emergency conference on food shortages, climate change and energy. But the powerful politicians from all over the world spoke mostly about economics and politics. By CAROL C. ADELMAN Private financial flows from donor nations account for over 75 percent of the industrialized world's economic dealings with poor countries Why assassination talk is taboo By PRISCILLA JOHNSON MCMILLAN There is a web of associations in the mind and emotions of an assassin that leads him toward his victim. EUROPE European press review Press Briefing By National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley on the President's Trip to Europe The Union for the Mediterranean: A View from Southern Europe IAI A 13-page Italian perspective on the French proposal to promote a Mediterranean Union Walker's World: A NATO test for Bush By MARTIN WALKER (UPI) -- After NATO demands that Russian troops withdraw, President Bush's forthcoming European tour could be dominated by the looming crisis over Georgia. Romania and Bulgaria must act now to end the corruption at its heart NATO's Global Aspirations DGAP A 7-page German paper on the debate over the enlargement of NATO Great Hatred, Little Room: Making Peace in Northern Ireland Kosovo Mission Awaiting Word on Power Handover - Fatos Bytyci, Reuters Denmark Loses Tolerance By: Jakob Illeborg | The Guardian Why Spain Lectures Others on Immigration By: Soeren Kern | Strategic Studies Group Fishermen clash with police at EU Police clash with fishermen protesting against the high cost of fuel outside EU headquarters in Brussels | H12 RFE/RLRussia: Medvedev’s "Liberal" Views Up For Inspection In Berlin Dmitry Medvedev’s first visit to the West since his inauguration as president in May will last barely eight hours. The Russian leader is scheduled to hold talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Horst Koehler, and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin on June 5 before returning to Moscow in the evening. Gvosdev The Future of Russia-EU Relations? Moscow's Fig Leaf By: Mark Leonard | The Moscow Times EDM EUROAPPEASEMENT: THE EU’S ANSWER TO RUSSIA’S ASSAULT ON GEORGIA
- WILL TYMOSHENKO OBEY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL? Russia to Stall Pull-Out of Fleet From Ukraine's Crimea - Website The Rise of Jihadism in Russia - Dimitri Shilapentokh, Armed Forces Journal Google News Azerbaijan Russia under Medvedev DGAP NATO Chief Demands Russia Withdraw Extra Troops From Abkhazia By: Ed Johnson and Helena Bedwell | Bloomberg News |
H13 The Times Wall Street Journal Clinton Unlikely as No. 2 Hillary Clinton, who refused to concede after Barack Obama claimed the Democratic presidential nomination, will do so Saturday, two top advisers said. Obama assembled a three-person team to lead his search for a running mate, but close advisers signaled an Obama-Clinton ticket was highly unlikely It's Time to Talk to Syria Obama's Vice President Lincoln's Rule: Organization Matters The Buck Stops Where? Why Obama Must Go to Iraq Obama's 'Identity' Beat Hillary's 'Identity' By Daniel Henninger Clash Shaped Microsoft Shift Bill Gates will fully step aside from management at Microsoft this month, ending a long-time partnership with his right-hand man of 25 years, Steve Ballmer. If the transition goes smoothly, it will be largely because a clash eight years ago forced the two men to grapple with whether Gates can let his friend run the company unencumbered. Bridging the Fulda Skills Gap Free the Farmers Getting Doha Right 'Credit recession' may last more than two years, experts say | H14 Financial Times An Obama-Clinton dream ticket? If Mr Obama takes his disappointed rival on to the ticket, he will look weak; if he does not, he will offend her supporters. The second is the lesser evil Clinton to quit after intense pressure Following intense pressure from senior supporters, Hillary Clinton’s campaign confirmed she would concede the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama on Saturday Obama’s task Gideon Rachman’s blog: This election should be a shoo-in for the Democratic party - but the polls suggest otherwise. Should we believe them? Rivals adopt tough stance on Tehran Barack Obama began his first full day as the Democratic party’s presumptive presidential nominee by emphasising the option of using military force against Iran and calling on Israel to maintain Jerusalem as its undivided capital – despite ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians View from Europe: Europe pins its hopes on Obama Oxford University’s Timothy Garton Ash on the prospects for US relations with Europe Gideon Rachman on the next steps for Obama The Democratic nominee must turn his attention to Republican rival John McCain Bernanke and the dollar The last thing any central bank should do is comment on currencies. Mr Bernanke’s comments were seen as heralding no further rate cuts WORLD NEWS: Iraq's new business class fears US exit BP falling out with its Russian partners Legal issues at the British company’s joint venture could have serious implications for its future It would be bad news for Europe if Italy’s approach towards the Roma, of exclusion and expulsion, became the standard, write Emma Bonino, Jan Marinus Wiersma and Andre Wilkens Zapatero urges unity on energy in Europe The Spanish prime minister backs away from his defence of national energy champions, saying in an FT interview that he supports greater power sector co-operation across Europe Obama makes pitch to ‘Reagan Democrats’ It was no accident that, even before he mentioned their differences on the war in Iraq in his victory speech in Minnesota, Barack Obama took aim at John McCain’s ability to tackle the sagging economy US productivity gains help offset energy burden US productivity accelerated in the first quarter of this year, according to revised government data published on Wednesday, a trend which could help companies offset the inflationary burden of rising energy costs Rich nations attacked over biofuels Rich countries came under attack at the United Nations food summit for their biofuel subsidies and production targets, declining spending on development aid for agriculture and large subsidies to European and US farmers The Australian prime minister has established a middle road between the quiet chat that gets ignored and standing on a soapbox, writes Geoff Dyer The Panglossian approach to debt In the best of all possible worlds, covenant-light loans may well allow a company to go through a temporary dip in fortunes and then recover with no permanent harm done. But how can a debt-holder know that this will happen, asks John Gapper A party pooper’s guide to financial stability Charles Goodhart and Avinash Persaud on incentives | Clinton will end her bid and endorse Obama She made the decision after reaching out to donors and supporters from Congress and unions Analysis: Obama vs. McCain, by the map Obama the naive By John R. Bolton His views on world affairs ignore history and imperil the U.S. and our allies SYRIA: Former U.S. diplomat's 'mission improbable' -- healing rift When former ambassador Derek Shearer first told colleagues he was going to Syria as a speaker on behalf of the State Department, he was sure that even if the authorities didn't shut down his appearances, people would boycott, maybe even hold demonstrations A critical mass for disarmament By Joseph Cirincione Change, failure and fear are propelling us toward a world without nuclear weapons Nuclear denial By Timothy Rieger Politicizing nuclear policymaking could have devastating results Obama captivates observers abroad Newspaper front pages and TV newscasts feature photos and footage of 'the political giant slayer,' who is intensely popular across the globe. But not everyone is pleased with all his positions. Mahmoud Abbas willing to negotiate with rival Hamas The militant Islamic group is open to talks, which could threaten Israeli and U.S. support for the Palestinian Authority president EditorialEnd of the road for SUVs? High gas prices are finally steering motorists away from the gas guzzlers. Corporate America, take note. Did Hillary say 'bring 'em on'? By ROSA BROOKS U.S. food policy under fire at summit Critics blame biofuel production for rising food prices and global hunger. Delegates struggle to reach a compromise at Rome meeting. |
Newsweek Clinton’s Aides Debate What to Do Next Clinton will quit and back Obama Hillary Clinton will formally abandon her presidential bid on Saturday, and back Democratic rival Barack Obama. Obama Vs. McCain: Sharp Differences on Key Issues Jonathan Freedland / Guardian: Carter tells Obama: don't pick Clinton CNN: Can Obama afford to say no to Clinton? Clinton's Vice Presidential Campaign Obama speaks with Clinton, says party can be united Obama Campaign Will Use Six Consulting ‘Teams’ Excitement about Obama spreads around the world realclearpolitics memeorandum ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | H17 Daily Telegraph Hillary Clinton prepares to concede Reports have emerged that Hillary Clinton would concede defeat and endorse Barack Obama as early as Friday, as her rival proclaimed his status as America's first black presidential nominee an "enormous honour". Analysis: How Obama beat Clinton History is made: now the race can begin The race for the White House is the best possible contest: Obama against McCain, youth against age, raw enthusiasm against grizzled experience. Clinton the last to admit her own death One has to go back to pre-Revolutionary Russia and Rasputin to find a similar stubborn refusal to die in politics, says Simon Heffer Council snoopers target residents Anti-terror laws used to track emails and phone records. Britain faces deepest slump since 1990s Recession looms because Government has left itself no room to cut taxes. | H18 Independent Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control A secret deal being negotiated in Baghdad would perpetuate the American military occupation of Iraq indefinitely, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election in November. Ali Allawi: This raises huge questions over our independence Obama turns to healing Democratic rifts after 'extraordinary' nomination All the United States was his stage yesterday as Barack Obama re-scripted 200 years of history by adopting the mantle of the first African American to win the presidential nomination of a major political party Rupert Cornwell: Obama has inspired a generation... Obama Vs McCain: the race for the White House The Big Question: Where did Hillary Clinton go wrong in her campaign to win the Presidency? |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism US Overseas Military Presence in the 21st Century - Michael O'Hanlon, CNAS US Air Force Force Multipliers - Eaglen and Mahaney, Heritage Foundation A Conversation with Colonel H.R. McMaster New-age armament more dangerous than Cold War? -- A group of German security and peace researchers warns that current armament tendencies may pose greater threats to the world than the Cold War did. Hybrid Warfare Demands Indirect Approach - Robert Killebrew, Armed Forces Journal The Counterterrorism Paradox - Brian Burton, Armed Forces Journal Iraqi Force Development 2008 - Cordesman and Mausner, CSIS US Foreign Policy & Regime Instability - James Meernik, Strategic Studies Institute A Jihadi by Any Other Name Smell as Foul? - Raymond Ibrahim, American Thinker Lessons from the Israeli Experience - Jonathan Tucker, COIN Central Reading List - Regulating Complex Terrain in Counterinsurgency - CT Lab NATO's Global Aspirations DGAP A Critical Mass for Disarmament By: Joseph Cirincione | Los Angeles Times Speaking to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council on March 26, Sen. John McCain surprised many listeners when he said that "the United States should lead a global effort at nuclear disarmament." It has been a long time since a Republican candidate for president said anything close to this Has Mexico Descended Into Civil War? By: Malcolm Beith | World Politics Review The real consequences when America is at war We may not want to admit it, but the war in Iraq is now primarily about murder. U.S. Decision to Reactivate the Fourth Fleet a Matter of Concern By: María Daniela Espinoza | El Universal Speak Fraternally But Carry a Stick The Economist Report: U.S. Government Allows Security Forces from Brutal Human Rights Abusing Regimes to Threaten Prisoners at Guantánamo Cluster Bomb Ban Is a Good Start By: Gwynne Dyer | The Japan Times | H20 Slate Is Barack Obama Too Naive To Be President? Not in the post-Cold War world.
Hillary Didn't Lose. Barack Won. An idiosyncratic reading of today's presidential campaign post-mortems.
"Evolving" on Iran Has Obama's position changed since the YouTube debate? How Hillary Clinton lost me—and a generation of young voters. The Impact of Household Capital Income on Income Inequality DIW A 26-page German paper analyzing the contribution of capital income to income inequality in a cross-country comparison SSI Global Climate Change: National Security Implications, edited by Dr. Carolyn Pumphrey. Carbon bazaar Global market in emissions rights open to abuse Energy-Cost Issue Boils Over By: David Howell | The Japan Times DT Food Summit: In an editorial, the paper says that like too many UN conferences, it is questionable whether much of the high-minded talk at the food summit in Rome will translate into action. Don’t Kill the Green Goose: The Importance of Stimulating and Rewarding Clean Energy Breakthroughs (PDF; 108 KB) | The fundamental differences between man and animal are overrated, Charles Darwin felt. Alex the parrot helps prove his case... more» ... video Churchill regarded Gandhi as “a fanatic and an ascetic of the fakir type well known in the East.” Well, yes. And no... more» How I fell in love with the President's six brains, by Carla Bruni-Sarkozy WORLD NEWS: Shoe cleaners fail to gain a footing in Germany Ballmer Talks Future, Yahoo Microsoft chief executive predicts all media consumption will occur over Internet within 10 years. |
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