3 March 2008
  March 03, 2008

030308f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 The National Interest Pax Corleone by John C. Hulsman and A. Wess Mitchell How to make our adversaries and allies offers they can’t refuse.

Bismarck for President by Dimitri K. Simes and Paul J. Saunders In an election year, it's easy to find cheerleaders—but America needs chess players in order to succeed.

Christian Science Monitor

Ahmadinejad's Iraq visit bolsters Iran's influence President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with key Iraqi leaders and offered the country a $1 billion loan as he began a two-day visit Sunday.

The Times Good Neighbours?

Tehran will be judged by how it behaves towards Iraq

Independent Day of grief and defiance Ehud Olmert rejected international calls yesterday to end the "excessive" and "disproportionate" military operation in Gaza which has claimed the lives of 101 Palestinians – including many children and other civilians – since Wednesday.

Leading article: Only a new President can end Gaza's nightmare

Ha’aretz Editorial Bank of political objectivesIt does not matter how you define what the Israel Defense Forces is waging in the Gaza Strip: a war, a battle or a retaliatory operation. It is extremely important, however - and that was one of the lessons of the Second Lebanon War - to define the goals and the chances of achieving them

Bar’el Get ready for the third intifada Even if Abbas is not moved by this reality - because of his tremendous personal anger at Hamas - Israel should be very, very moved

Los Angeles Times The end of the 'guilty Israeli' By Yossi Klein Halevi Empathy has become a victim of the Palestinian attacks from Gaza

BBC Eight killed in Armenia protests

State of emergency
Armenia shaken by bloody crackdown on opposition

Washington Post Why I Have New Hope for The Mideast By Robin Wright The issue in the Middle East is no longer whether to seek political change. It's how to make it happen.

Obama on Foreign Policy

The Arms Race Myth, Again Richard N. Perle| Despite Putin's ICBM-rattling, the U.S. should decrease its nuclear forces.

Staying the Course By Michael Abramowitz It's not hard to imagine the next president having the same foreign policy as this one.

Fred Halliday International Relations in a Post-Hegemonic Age

Guardian Expect change only in name as 'Putvedev' takes the reins

Jonathan Steele: New president will keep Russia on a path of modernising under authoritarian rule

Punishing the people Leader: Israel does not have a clear military strategy in Gaza. No matter how many Hamas leaders are killed, it will never be able to wipe the Strip clean of the movement

A new-model Nato John M Shalikashvili The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's strategy needs to be radically restructured for the 21st century

McClatchy Ahmadinejad Visit Shows Depth of Iraq Divisions

IHT Kosovo's future depends largely on othersThe small, poor territory has a chance become a virtual ward of the Continent, but there are barriers.

Russia and China rethink arms dealsAfter billions of dollars in military sales, new factors are prompting Moscow and Beijing to re-evaluate their arms trading relationship

MERIA "Ignorance Cannot Be Realistic: A Critique of the Mearsheimer-Walt Thesis" Ofira Seliktar Adobe

New York Times Iraq Needs Strides in Economy and Governance to Cut Attacks, a Top General Says
Editorial Slipping Away The mounting violence is making it even harder for Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and Israel’s prime minister, Ehud Olmert, to negotiate the core issues.

Gaza Pitfalls in Every Path President Bush’s peace plan has been to prop up the more moderate Palestinian president, but as long as Hamas controls Gaza, it can still subvert negotiations.

What I’d Be Talking About if I Were Still Running Eight of the candidates who left the presidential race describe issues that should warrant more attention

Vienna Meeting on Arms Data Reignites Iran Nuclear Debate Last Monday, the chief U.N. nuclear inspector in a meeting laid out a trove of evidence that he said raised new questions about whether Iran had tried to design an atom bomb.

TLS Who really brought peace to Belfast? While politicians get the credit for stabilizing Northern Ireland, we should be more grateful to the civil servants – and the spooks

Economist Stiglitz Says Iraq War Costs May Reach $5 Trillion

Iraq Violence Jumps in February

Newsweek The Fear Factor Michael McFaul The economy came to life during Putin's term, but his real legacy is in transforming the political landscape.

Barak's Iraq Attack - New York Post editorial

It's the Middle East, Stupid - Michael Oren, Washington Post

McClatchy Bush legacy: Farewell to the Monroe Doctrine?

Newsweek What the World is Hearing by Fareed Zakaria A senior Latin American diplomat says, 'We might find ourselves nostalgic for Bush, who is brave on trade.'

What Makes a Terrorist? Alan B. Krueger

The SWISH Report (10), Paul Rogers A seventh report from the South Waziristan Institute of Strategic Hermeneutics to the al-Qaida Strategic Planning Cell (SPC) on the progress of the campaign and its ultimate realisation. Click here to read earlier reports.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Strategies, Approaches, Results, and Issues for Congress (PDF; 639 KB) Source: Congressional Research Service (via Federation of American Scientists)

Weekly Standard The Patton of Counterinsurgency With a sequence of brilliant offensives, Raymond Odierno adapted the Petraeus doctrine into a successful operational art.

Newsweek The Biggest Bully

Owen Matthews Vladimir Putin's bellicose language and aggressive style has cost Russia friends in the neighborhood.

Two Forward, One Back

Dmitri Trenin Putin caged rather than killed the freedoms of the capitalist revolution. He ratified the era's gains

Challenges Of The Broader Middle East Zalmay Khalilzad

Stratfor Al Qaeda, Afghanistan and the Good War

Drezner What's the best experience to be president?

H2 Jamestown "Turkey and Northern Iraq: An Overview" by Gareth Jenkins (pdf)

Turkish Military Operation Failed, Says PKK Leader

General: Turkish Pullout Had Been Planned

Al Hayat More Important than the issue of the Kurdish Rebels Mustafa Zein - Since its rise to power in Turkey, the "Prosperity and Development" government has been trying to exploit its distance from chauvinism to settle the issues of minorities within an Islamic framework that recognizes state secularism.

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring

Hakan Albayrak: Aysel Tuğluk'un cevabı Kemalizm'le en çok çatışan/çelişen güç, Kürtlerdir. Bu çatışma niye vardır? Çünkü Kürt kimliğine, kültürüne ve varlığına dönük bir yok sayma; bir Türklük dayatması vardır.

4. DTP tansiyonu yükseltiyor

Erdogan lambastes Israel

Reporter's Notebook: The Plight of the Kurds NPR

Erdoğan: Yanlıştan dönün, 221’den yararlanın

Genelkurmay yeni fotoğrafları yayınladı

A losing war for all Turkish Daily News Since the Turkish military cannot bomb shops and homes, how will the Turkish state deal with the Kurd who feels for an independent Kurdish state?

The PKK Have Always Led the Kurdish People's Fight Against Turkish ...

Ahmadinejad Calls Upon Iraq, Turkey to Fight Kurdish Rebels

'Ping Pong' harekatı

Cevdet Aşkın

Derya Sazak Zap’tan Kandil’e

DTP üyeleri Taksim'de terör örgütü lehine slogan attı

'Türkler ve Kürtleri Dengelemek'

`İsterseniz 40 bin insan daha yitirin, PKK bu ülkenin gerçeğidir'

Yeni harekât bekliyorlar

Sınırda bekletilen askeri birliklerin bir bölümü terör örgütü PKK’nın eğitim kampı Haftanin ile İran sınır hattındaki Hakurk bölgelerinin karşısına sevk edildi.

Diyarbakır’da kefenli tahrik

Parliament Rapporteur Blames Army for Kirkuk Attack

Iraqi Kurds not ready to deliver on the PKK

DTP’li vekil yine kışkırttı

Adana’da faciadan dönüldü

Bayrağa taşlı provokasyon

Harekat bitti onların protestosu sürüyor

‘Daha bitmedi devamı gelecek’

7. 'Kara harekatını Barzani kazanmıştır!'

Turkish war and American games
RIA Novosti

Bombalı saldırıda oğlunu kaybeden baba: Doğu-batı kardeşliği terörü bitirecek

Çocuklar yine ön saflarda...

Asker ya da gerilla sadece gençler öldü

Turkey Denies US Influence in Decision to End Iraq Incursion

Gül Rejects Criticism on Iraq Troop Pullout

Harekat bitti diye sevinmeyin'

Adalet Bakanı Şahin, PKK'ya yönelik başka planlamaların olduğunu söyledi

Çirkin saldırı!

Şırnak'ta kimliği belirsiz kişiler Türk Bayrağı'na önce taşla saldırdılar, ardından gönderden indirdiler

DTP'nin mitinginde yine olay!

Kara harekatını protesto eden DTP’liler, Taksim'i birbirine kattı

Israel, Turks, and Jews…Again

‘Saldırıların insani izahı bulunmuyor’

DTP'liler, izinsiz gösteride polise saldırdı

Paşalardan, şehit köy korucularının ailelerine taziye ziyareti

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

Christofias’ victory may spell troublesome times

İnsanlar AB’yi unuttu

AB uzmanı Dr. Cengiz Aktar, ‘İlk adım olarak Başmüzakereci’ye Brüksel’de bir daire kiralansın! İnsanlar AB’yi ya unuttu ya da düşman oldu.

Washington Times Setback to hope for Cypriot communities (By Andrew Borowiec)

Russian election: What does it mean for Turkey?

'Bizde sistemin farkı laikliği tanımlaması'

Aydınlar, AK Parti'yi uyardı

Aydınlardan AB çıkışı

Yüzden fazla aydın Avrupa Birliği konusunda hükümete somut adımlar atma çağrısında bulunan bir deklarasyon yayımladı. Deklarasyonda, hükümete ‘Kaybedilen zamanı telafi etmenizi istiyoruz’ denildi

[Yorum - Sinan Oğan] Ve Ermenistan'da Turuncu Devrim başlıyor

Turkey - E.U. Joint Consultative Committee Meeting Held In Brussels

Diyalog çözüm olabilir mi?
Yunanlıların yüzde 75'i, Türkiye ile Yunanistan arasındaki sorunların diyalog ile çözüleceğine inanıyor.

[CAFE CAPITAL] Turkey proposes century old vision

Ermenistan'da olağanüstü hal

Turkish intellectuals urge government to speed up EU reforms — EUbusiness.com - business, legal and financial news and information from the European U

Siz olsaydınız çıldırmaz mısınız

'NATO'ya Üyelik Medeniyet Projesi'

Hristofyas: Türkiye hazırsa biz de hazırız

[Yorum - Didier Billion] Lizbon Antlaşması aceleye geldi

MİT Akademisi yolda

Kurtlar Vadisi'nde ilginç 'darbe' replikleri

Polat AKP'nin adamı mı?

Ülkücü yazar reyting rekortmeni dizi Kurtlar Vadisi'nin son bölümündeki Danıştay saldırısını sert bir dille eleştirdi

Elimizi attığımız yerden çete çıkıyor

Emniyet, 'Naomi Campbell cezalı mahkûm' istemiyor

[B.Jill Carroll'un Fethullah Gülen incelemesi - 2] Gülen düşüncesindeki temel unsurlar

Mahkeme kararıyla üniversiteden atılan öğrenciyi, yazılı emirle okula aldırmış

Uzun Mehmet kömür için öldürüldü AVNİ ÖZGÜREL

Soner Yalçın Belinde tabancayla maça çıkan hakemlerimiz vardı

ABD raporu: Türkiye'de kara para aklanıyor

Turkish delight - The Boston Globe

Turkey’s appearance to change dramatically if new law adopted

Uyuşturucuyla mücadelede Amerika'dan Türk polisine övgü

Sıradışı büyükelçi artık Gül’ün özel kalemi

'Devrim olsaydı 3 milyon kişi katledilecekti'

TOKİ gears up to build 500,000 new houses

Yasakçı rektörü, 'Rahşan affı' kurtarmış

Sekiz metrekareden bir Prof, bir doçent çıkardı

2 Mart 2008 Basın Özeti

3 Mart 2008 Basın Özeti

H3 ALİ H. ASLAN - [WASHINGTON] ABD ile iletişim kazası

Ceset göstermem

ABD 10 bin Mehmetçik beklemiyordu

Taha Akyol Harekât tartışması

Fikret Bila Güneş operasyonunun havası neden farklıydı?

Kandil İtirafları

Operasyon neden bitti?

Sivil çözüm tartışması

Önce dil yasağı kalksın

Operasyon bitti içeride parça kaldı

İsmet Berkan - Harekâtın bilançosu ve sivil çözüm

Ömer Taşpınar A disconnect between Ankara and Washington ?

Savaş, barış, diplomasi ve kamuoyu yönetimi ÖZDEM SANBERK

Terrorism: Turkey at the crossroads by FARUK LOĞOĞLU

Mustafa Karaalioğlu ABD istese bile dönüş geciktirilebilirdi

Soli Özel Çekilme

Taha Kıvanç: Bir ihtimal daha var

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Tamer Korkmaz: Perde arkası: Gates'in Ankara ziyaretinde ne oldu?

Bizim demokratik özerklik projemiz İtalyan modelidir

‘İtalyan modeli’ni iktidar ve muhalefet beğenmedi

Eser Karakaş Savunma bakanları ne iş yapar?

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Murat Yetkin - Harekâttan geriye kalanlar

Murat Yetkin - Harekâtın başarısını ne gölgeledi?

Semih İdiz Yaşar Paşa haklı, ama...

NAZLI ILICAK Niçin apar topar?

Fransız Le Monde'dan '130 asker' öldü iddiası

Baykal'dan ilginç 'harekat' değerlendirmesi

Altan Öymen - Harekât tamamlandı, bundan sonrasına bakalım...

Gül: Harekat nasıl planlandıysa o şekilde bitti

Cengiz Çandar

Ahmet Taşgetiren

‘Sarı zarf’cı yüzbası çıktı

Ruşen - Çakır Kamuoyunu işin bittiğine ikna etmek kolay olmayacak

ABD ile Ankara restleşir mi?

Serdar Turgut Davutoğlu’nun misyonu

Şamil Tayyar Kara harekatında kaybedenler

Gül: Askerin çıkış tarihini biliyorduk

MUSTAFA ÜNAL - Harekât erken mi bitti?

Andrew Finkel Northern Iraq viewed from Brussels

Yavuz Baydar A success or a mess?

İhsan Yılmaz Urgent need for a professional army

Kadri Gürsel Mehmet Ali Birand 21 yıl önce ne yazmıştı?

The resurgence of conservatism in Turkey; myth or reality?

Ömer Lütfi Mete Aşağılanma zevki

Can Dündar Kefensiz siyaset

Can Aksın Emekli paşaların dolduruşuna geldik, sonra üzüldük

Hakan Aygün Kandil operasyonu geliyor!

İşte operasyonun bilinmeyenleri

‘EU process victim of and solution to Ergenekon’

MİT Akademisi yolda

Mustafa Akyol İslam dünyası niçin geri? (I)

Can Ataklı

Meğer her şeyi asker yapmış peki sivil otorite ne yapıyor?

Hem hapisten hem de atılmaktan kurtulmuş

Mensur Akgün Nihai karar için henüz erken


Demirel Ülkeyi cok ciddi badireden kurtardık

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit

Fehmi Koru The sun also sets

Şahin Alpay A happy surprise

İhsan Dağı Solution through operation

Kürşat Bumin: Haber bol, dolayısıyla kısa kısa

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Yasin Aktay: Diyarbakır'da sivil Anayasa tartışmaları

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Koray Düzgören: Bu gidişle daha çok yanılırlar

Fehmi Koru: Kanun bir çalgı âleti değilse

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Kürşat Bumin: Bu medyanın eşliğinde nereye kadar?

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Hayrettin Karaman: Hak ve huzur düşmanları

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Tamer Korkmaz: “Hipnotize olmayınız” diye…

Perihan Mağden - Aynada kendini seyreden

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

İsmet Berkan - Atatürk, eğitim ve içki yasağı

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Türker Alkan - Kötülük yapan iyi insanlar

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Hasan Celal Güzel - Baykal ve 'sadaka ekonomisi'

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Hakkı Devrim - Ekranda dört habercibaşı arasındaki amansız yarış, başladı başlayacak

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

H. Gökhan Özgün - En büyük karikatür

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

MÜMTAZ'ER TÜRKÖNE - Üniversite ağaları ve YÖK Başkanı

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

HİLMİ YAVUZ - Elitist Baskı ve Parlamento'nun Meşruiyeti

Ertuğrul Özkök

Ahmet Hakan Yaşar Paşa’ya da bir şey söylenir mi?

M Ali Birand Bu uyarıya kulak vermek gerekiyor

Cüneyt Ülsever II. 1 Mart vakası

Ferai Tınç Silahlar konuşurken her şey susar

Nasuhi Güngör Ulusalcılara uluslararası destek

Ardan Zentürk İran’la ‘bilek güreşi’ kaçınılmaz mı...

Mehmet Altan Türban nasıl çözülür?

Enis Berberoğlu Leyla’ya göre Vedat

Oktay Ekşi Adını doğru koyalım

Özdemir İnce

Mehmet Y Yılmaz

Yılmaz Özdil Ulusa Serzeniş

Serdar Akinan Güvendiğimiz dağlara kar yağdı

İsmail Küçükkaya Kara harekatı büyük savaşın küçük parçasıydı

Oray Eğin Bu isim kimin gözaltına alınacağını önceden biliyor

Eser Karakaş Teknoloji ve milli egemenlik

Mahir Kaynak Erken mi?


MUHARREM SARIKAYA 'Haksızlık yapılıyor...'

ERDAL ŞAFAK İnanmak Bush ve Putin

ENGİN ARDIÇ Dış politika yazısı


EMRE AKÖZ Arıların yok olması kıyamet işareti mi?

Umur Talu Bir günden de kısa olabilir Müttefikimiz çocuk öldürüyor


NAZLI ILICAK Niçin apar topar?

Konu mahkemelik

MEHMET BARLAS Akıllı siyasetçiler ve askerler Türkiye'nin itibarını artırdı Sorunlara çözüm üretmek zor... O zaman kavga mı edelim?

MAHMUT ÖVÜR 'AK Parti ile orduyu karşı karşıya getirmek istiyorlar'

Can Dündar Asker halkla ilişkiler harekatında başarılı mı?


EKREM DUMANLI - Çılgınlığın bu kadarı da fazla!

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

A. TURAN ALKAN - Rektör be!

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

ALİ BULAÇ - 'Mahalle baskısı'

Başörtüsü ve eleştiri tekeli

Rejimi tehdit eden başı açık kadınlar

Retorikten yoruma sosyallik ve bilimsellik

Başkalarının Hayatı ve ötekiyle özneleşmek

Kemalizm resmi ideoloji olmaktan çıkacak ve yarışan ideolojilerden biri statüsüne gelecek

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri K. Irak’tan bildiriyor

OKUR TEMSİLCİSİ İletişim karnesi zayıf

Rektörün PKK sempatisi

Erdoğan Teziç hakkında şok iddia

Ak Parti düğmeye bastı

Gül'ün bilgisi var mıydı?

Sebahattin Önkibar Çekilme sonrasında cevap arayan sorular?

Özcan Yeniçeri Sınır ötesi harekât ve ABD!

Eşme: Eğitim laik eksenden çıkıyor

02.04 - Milletvekilleri Blackberry’ye güveniyor

01.59 - Başbakan ‘kitap kurdu’ yaptı

01.14 - DTP’liler sevindi

01.06 - ‘Avrupa yargının arkasına saklanmasın’

03.12 - Türbana Atatürk örneği

01.42 - Milliyet’in Büyükanıt mülakatı yabancı ajanslarda

02.03 - CHP’den Fırat’a suç duyurusu

02.00 - Bakan’dan Özcan için ‘izin’ yok

01.45 - Muhalefet tepkili

01.06 - Erdoğan: Asker talimatla dönmedi

01.04 - Saat saat çekilme trafiği

01.24 - Ulusa Sesleniş’e rötuş

02.32 - Erdoğan: Anbean her şeyden haberimiz var

01.53 - AKP’liler: Başbakan haberdardı

01.54 - Başbakan faturayı medyaya kesti

01.55 - Zamanlama hayretle karşılandı

01.10 - Gates görüşmesinde istihbarat kozu

01.11 - Washington çekilme kararından memnun

22.00 - Rektörler, Özcan'ı istifaya çağırdı

01.09 - 301 değişikliği olgunlaştı’

01.47 - Bakan Eroğlu: TSK imha etmeden dönmez

02.24 - DTP’lilere ‘dokunulacak’


Mart başında piyasaların durumu neye göre iyi?

ECEVİT KILIÇ Ölünün üzerinden para kazanılmaz hepsini kapatırım

Ercan Kumcu Kredi notumuz değişir mi

Kriz eylem planı yazılıyor

Uğur Gürses - Bankaya gösterilen örnek!

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Tarhan Erdem - Kuraklık yönetimi

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Fatih Özatay - Dikkat: Riskler artıyor

Ertuğ Yaşar Krizin daha yüzde 40'ını gördük

ATO: Vatandaşın devlete 75 milyar YTL borcu var

Aydın Ayaydın

Enflasyon yükselirse YTL değerlenmeye devam eder

Deniz Gökçe Sosyal güvenlikte paradigma değişmişti!

Türkiye’nin büyüyecek ‘ENERJİ’si yok

Sabancı, Türkiye’nin büyümesinin önündeki en büyük engellerden birinin enerji açığı olduğunu söyledi

Erdal Sağlam Yabancı sermaye diyoruz ama kendi dövizimizden yiyoruz

Asım Erdilek The sustainability of Turkey’s inward foreign direct investment surge

Güngör Uras Tarım desteği 5 milyar YTL

Turkish companies enjoy record profits in 2007 despite hard times

Asaf Savaş Akat

Yabancının yüksek getirisi


Bu kadar kâr tefecide yok

Özelleştirme Mahfi Eğilmez

Dikkatli olma gereği Baran Tuncer

Küresel rekabette zihniyetin kilit rolü

Merkez Bankası faizi daha hızlı düşürmeli mi? Fatih Özatay

İBRAHİM ÖZTÜRK - KOBİ'ye liderlik modelleri gerekiyor

Exports hit record $10.7 bln, logistics maın concern

H4 New York Times Iraq Needs Strides in Economy and Governance to Cut Attacks, a Top General Says
Editorial Slipping Away The mounting violence is making it even harder for Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, and Israel’s prime minister, Ehud Olmert, to negotiate the core issues.

Gaza Pitfalls in Every Path President Bush’s peace plan has been to prop up the more moderate Palestinian president, but as long as Hamas controls Gaza, it can still subvert negotiations.

U.S. Plan Widens Role in Training Pakistani Forces A plan would send U.S. trainers to work with a paramilitary force that is the vanguard in the fight against Al Qaeda

What I’d Be Talking About if I Were Still Running By JOE BIDEN, SAM BROWNBACK, CHRISTOPHER J. DODD, TOMMY G. THOMPSON, BILL RICHARDSON, DUNCAN HUNTER, DENNIS J. KUCINICH and TOM TANCREDO Eight of the candidates who left the presidential race describe issues that should warrant more attention

Vienna Meeting on Arms Data Reignites Iran Nuclear Debate Last Monday, the chief U.N. nuclear inspector in a meeting laid out a trove of evidence that he said raised new questions about whether Iran had tried to design an atom bomb.

Putin Aide Win Assured Victory in Russian Vote

Ahmadinejad, in Iraq, Chides Bush on Iran Criticism

PAUL KRUGMAN Deliverance or Diversion? Some progressives wanted another F.D.R., yet feel that they’re getting an oratorically upgraded version of Michael Bloomberg instead.

Abbas Puts Peace Talks on Hold as Israel Continues Military Offensive in Gaza

Bomb Kills 42 as Pakistani Tribal Leaders Discuss Forming Force Against Militants

Trial of 2 Shiite Ex-Officials Tests Iraq’s Judicial System

Obama Spends Heavily to Seek Knockout Blow Senator Barack Obama is leveraging his huge financial edge over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in the potentially decisive Texas and Ohio contests.

Israel Takes Gaza Fight to Next Level in a Day of Strikes

Protesters and Police Clash as Armenia Unrest Grows

In Texas, Clinton’s Veterans Testing Obama’s Beginners The Clinton campaign has relied on deep connections, while the Obama campaign seems remarkably self-generating.

In Ohio, Tense Race Hinges on Grass-Roots Organizers The street-by-street ground war will determine the outcome of the Democratic primary.

Editorial Priced Out of the Market The human costs of the diversion of food into energy are all too evident. Relief agencies must get the support they need to feed the most vulnerable people.

Pakistani Police Accuse Militant in Bhutto Death

Ahmadinejad Heads to Iraq as Chairman of U.S. Joint Chiefs Visits

Off the Shelf: Now Comes the Tough Part in Russia

Skeptics on Human Climate Impact Seize on Cold Spell

Thirsting for Energy in India’s Boomtowns and Beyond

Scorched-Earth Strategy Returns to Darfur Aid workers, diplomats and analysts say the fighting is entering a new and deadly phase as efforts to find a negotiated peace founder.

Editorial Horrifying and Unnecessary President Bush is planning to veto a law that would require intelligence services to abide by the same rules on torture as the military. We urge him not to veto this bill.

FRANK RICH McCain Channels His Inner Hillary Whatever John McCain’s sporadic overlap with liberals, he is emulating almost identically the suicidal Clinton campaign against Barack Obama.


Africa’s Next Slaughter

Unless a major international effort is mounted to avert it, a new conflict in southern Sudan will probably resemble Darfur but be carried out on a much wider scale.


A Wake-Up Call for Hillary

Hillary Clinton keeps trying to dismiss Barack Obama’s appeal as emotional. But behind that ethereal presence he’s a wonky lawyer, just like Hillary.

The Object of His Rejection

By ADAM FREEDMAN As so often happens in politics, the quarrel between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton came down to a matter of direct objects

Tales From the Firing Line

By MICHAEL KINSLEY William F. Buckley Jr.’s posture was that of the carefree aristocrat, achieving effortlessly what ordinary people have to agonize over

william kristol The Indispensable Man Before William F. Buckley Jr., plenty of Americans had conservative inclinations and sentiments. But he created conservatism as a political and intellectual movement

Why McCain Would Vote for Obama By STANLEY FISH John McCain would actually do better against Barack Obama than he would against Hillary Clinton.

H5 Washington Post Why I Have New Hope for The Mideast By Robin Wright The issue in the Middle East is no longer whether to seek political change. It's how to make it happen.

Staying the Course By Michael Abramowitz It's not hard to imagine the next president having the same foreign policy as this one.

Obama on Foreign Policy

The Arms Race Myth, Again Richard N. Perle| Despite Putin's ICBM-rattling, the U.S. should decrease its nuclear forces.

Russia's Show Election Anne Applebaum| Fear of western-inspired political unrest fuels the farce.

Barack and the Fixer Robert D. Novak

| Will a shady real estate deal come back to haunt Obama?

60 Gazans Killed in Incursion By Israel

Operation Follows Use of Longer-Range Rockets by Hamas

Ahmadinejad Hails 'New Chapter' Iranian president meets with leaders in Iraq where divisions over Iran mirror sectarian divides.

Abbas Suspends Peace Talks With Israel

It's the Middle East, Stupid By Michael B. Oren, The next president may have to proceed from the inauguration to the Situation Room.

Editorial Russia's Succession In eight years a weak democracy has become a belligerent autocracy. Western policy has yet to adjust.

Clinton, Obama Recast Their Message on Iraq: As Voters Increasingly Focus on Economic Concerns,...

Can He Make the Play? By David Ignatius For all his talk of bipartisanship, there's little evidence that Barack Obama is capable of healing Washington.

The War Over the War

Anthoney H. Cordesman

We're Unsettled By Jim Hoagland,

Nowadays, we journalists are either on the edge of extinction or in charge of the universe

They're Off Course By Sebastian Mallaby, A lot of trade populism can be forgiven, but the Democrats are going too far.

In Search for Peace, a Shrinking White House Role

U.N. Says Iran May Not Have Come Clean on Nuclear Past

PERSUADERS-IN-CHIEF Speaking Well And Doing Great By Michael Kazin, Must a president be eloquent to be successful?

Time for a Shield Law (Reporters and their sources need protection.

Foreign Policy Hits Home in Tex., Ohio Two Days Away, Races Are Too Close to Call

Businesses Tightening Their Belts

Cost-Cutting Could Slow Economy More

Despite Spotlight, Putin's Heir Still Shadowy Medvedev Assured of Win, but Many Russians Unsure What Will Follow

Armenia Declares State of Emergency

Women vs. Women We Scream, We Swoon. How Dumb Can We Get?

By Charlotte Allen

For Hillary's Campaign, It's Been a Class Struggle By Linda Hirshman,

Why are women the only voting bloc not voting their bloc?

'Clean Coal'? Don't Try to Shovel That

By Jeff Biggers Never was there an oxymoron more insidious or more dangerous.

No Secret Cash Mr. Bush should disclose who pays for his presidential library.

She Can Be Proud By David S. Broder

Even if her campaign may be nearing its end, Hillary Clinton has nothing to apologize for

H6 Guardian Expect change only in name as 'Putvedev' takes the reins

Jonathan Steele: New president will keep Russia on a path of modernising under authoritarian rule

Punishing the people Leader: Israel does not have a clear military strategy in Gaza. No matter how many Hamas leaders are killed, it will never be able to wipe the Strip clean of the movement

A new-model Nato John M Shalikashvili The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's strategy needs to be radically restructured for the 21st century

Bottom dollar Sasha Abramsky By cutting interest rates rather than combating inflation, the US is propping up the middle class consumer lifestyle at the expense of the poor

Iraq rolls out red carpet for Ahmadinejad visit

Israel warns of escalation but looks beyond violence Military strategy alone may not topple Hamas, leaders believe

Israel remains defiant as Gaza toll rises

Demands for ceasefire on both sides as US secretary of state heads for Jerusalem

Rory McCarthy reports from Jabalia, Gaza

Israel warns of escalation to try to topple Hamas

UK hopes to end Moscow deadlock

As new president Medvedev is elected in Russia, British PM hopes to end lengthy diplomatic row

Double act will hold reins of power in Russia

Profile: Dmitry Medvedev

Obama must build a movement to take him beyond the White House Gary Younge: An effective presidency will need his supporters to keep mobilising to take on the corporations and lobbyists in his way

Truce or bloodbath Azzam Tamimi: Ignoring its own people's wishes in attacking Gaza, Israel leaves Hamas no choice but to fight back

The Observer Scores die in raids on Gaza 54 killed in clashes as Observer uncovers block on seriously ill patients being treated abroad

UN rejects British denial on rendition

Indian Ocean atoll Diego Garcia used to hold US suspects, human rights investigator claims

£42 a day: cost of UK family bills

The average British family is spending £42 a day before getting out of bed in the morning

Barack will need more to beat McCain

Michael Crowley: Obama's supporters should not be complacent - a far tougher test awaits him in the months ahead

You can tell a great university by the companies it keeps Will Hutton: Universities are pivotal to the economy and set to become more so. To forgo making money from research is to ignore that truth

H7 McClatchy Bush legacy: Farewell to the Monroe Doctrine?

Foreign Policy Won't Change - Michael Abramowitz, Washington Post

Failure in Strategic Communications - Daniel Gallington, Washington Times

The Patton of Counterinsurgency - Kagan and Kagan, Weekly Standard

New 'Current Contents'

Lessons on Iraq From a Founding Father - Brian O'Malley, Washington Post

The Three Trillion Dollar War
Interview with Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes

Congressional Oversight and Related Issues Concerning the Prospective Security Agreement Between the United States and Iraq (PDF; 244 KB) Source: Congressional Research Service (via Federation of American Scientists)

NYT 'Dreams and Shadows' By ROBIN WRIGHT Reviewed by PATRICK COCKBURN Robin Wright argues that there is “a budding culture of change” in the Middle East — and she sets out to document it in this fluent and intelligent book about the future of the region.

"What is the Point of Kuwait?" : Mshari Al-Zaydi

Bush Won't Promise Further Troop Cuts

Iran’s Sisyphean Task by Gordon Prather

Venezuela 'sends tanks to border'

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez orders tanks to the border with Colombia after it kills a rebel Farc commander.

The SWISH Report (10), Paul Rogers A seventh report from the South Waziristan Institute of Strategic Hermeneutics to the al-Qaida Strategic Planning Cell (SPC) on the progress of the campaign and its ultimate realisation. Click here to read earlier reports.

Obama's politics of surrender

John McCain served notice that he plans to make life much more uncomfortable for politicians like Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton who have sought to advance their political careers by pushing for a U.S. military retreat in Iraq.

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

Iraq violence jumps in February
The number of violent deaths in Iraq jumps by at least 30% in February, mostly due to three suicide bombings

Visit by Iran's president shows depth of Iraq's divisions

In the Green Zone
Day of potent symbolism as Iranian president visits Iraq

Iran blames US for Iraq 'terror'

On his landmark visit to Iraq, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accuses the US of provoking terrorism.

February: Iraqi death toll up, US down

Talabani: Iraq will get rid of MKO

Oil firms line up for contracts in Iraq

Guards to Resume Patrols in Key Iraq Province

US-Backed 'Awakening' Threatens Govt Forces

Saudi Arabia Calls on its nationals to leave Lebanon

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

H9 Ha’aretz Editorial Bank of political objectivesIt does not matter how you define what the Israel Defense Forces is waging in the Gaza Strip: a war, a battle or a retaliatory operation. It is extremely important, however - and that was one of the lessons of the Second Lebanon War - to define the goals and the chances of achieving them

Ahmadinejad in Iraq / Baghdad's new strategic partner

Israel Mulls Legality of Striking Civilian Areas

Hamas can't stop

Barak: IDF has no choice but to continue Gaza offensive MI Chief: Iran looking at Gaza violence to determine next step; PM: We won't halt Gaza ops even for a second

Bar’el Get ready for the third intifada Even if Abbas is not moved by this reality - because of his tremendous personal anger at Hamas - Israel should be very, very moved

'Restraint' is deceitful, and 'forbearance' is vainOur desperate attempt to have our cake and eat it, too, to claim that there is no 'major operation' at a time when the IDF is killing dozens every day, is nothing new. We have once again established ourselves a relative and distorted values system, with no absolute morality, only a double standard

U.S. calls for end to continued violence, return to peace talks Rice to visit region, Abbas urges pressure on Israel; Turkey, EU, UN slam 'disproportionate' IDF force

Harel and Issacharoff: Hamas will now try to avenge Gaza deaths

IDF chiefs: Israel must keep pressure on Hamas

PM to tell Rice: Israel reserves right to act freely in Gaza

Battle of Ohio: Will Tzipi meet Hillary?

Putin in the revolving door In the Middle East, Russia has disappointed those who had hoped it to be a fair mediator between Israel and the Arabs. Despite its ties with Jerusalem it still tends to favor countries in conflict with Israel, first and foremost Iran and Syria

Leaders versus politicians

Jerusalem Post The IDF's ultimate aim is 'to topple Hamas regime' Cabinet yet to approve goals of army campaign; ministers to meet after Rice visit; Ashkenazi: 90 of 100 Palestinians killed were gunmen

Analysis: Not aiming to end Hamas rule... yet
Hamas's cease-fire parameters are both untenable for Israel and unlikely to change.

The Region: Why charisma is not enough [ BARRY RUBIN ,

IDF ops. help Hamas, harm Fatah

Having it both ways on suicide bombers


Yedioth Ahronoth 'Hamas left us no choice'
Defense minister vows to 'change situation in Gaza' during meeting with top security officials Sunday evening. Barak reiterates that Hamas will pay price for Gaza escalation, army wants to continue Gaza operations

2 dreadful options/ Nahum Barnea Israel can either reoccupy Gaza or talk with Hamas; there’s no other way

IDF takes the initiative Army creates new equation in Gaza aimed at eroding Hamas’ power ahead of incursion

US: Violence needs to stop

White House calls on Israel, PA to return to negotiating table; Turkey: IDF killing children

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

BBC Israel maintains attacks on Gaza Israeli air strikes on Gaza go on despite calls for restraint, with five militants killed in the latest attacks.

Gazans angry and unbowed

Rocketeers confound Israel

Barak's Iraq Attack - New York Post editorial

The End of the 'Guilty Israeli' - Yossi Klein Halevi, Los Angeles Times

Israelis show declining zest for military service

NYT Mag How Do You Prove You’re a Jew? By GERSHOM GORENBERG If you want to marry in Israel, the ultra-Orthodox rabbis are going to ask a lot of questions. For those with American roots, getting the answers may mean serious detective work — and, increasingly, a sense of outrage

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Ahmadinejad's Iraq visit bolsters Iran's influence President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with key Iraqi leaders and offered the country a $1 billion loan as he began a two-day visit Sunday.

Israeli exit from Gaza's maze Restraint in defending itself from Hamas rockets will give moral strength to Israel.

Gaza fighting sidelines Israeli-Palestinian peace bid President Abbas halted negotiations Sunday. Secretary of State Rice arrives this week.

On ropes, Clinton works to hold Ohio Days before the March 4 primary, Clinton retains an average 6-point lead.

Economic woes raise fear of 1970s rerun Stagflation may be back, but few economists think it will rise to the degree of a generation ago.

Colombia's cross-border strike on FARC irks neighbors Colombia forces killed a top rebel leader and several others in an airstrike on guerrillas based in Ecuador this weekend.


Newsweek China’s New Empty Nest An aging population is transforming the family.

Taliban's Cellphone Terror - Los Angeles Times editorial

The Afghan Threat - Baltimore Sun editorial

Making the Afghanistan Mission Work - Thomas Axworthy, Toronto Star

Pakistan Election Rewards - Lisa Curtis, Washington Times

It is Worth Fighting in Afghanistan - London Daily Telegraph editorial

Hope is on the Rise in Pakistan - Shuja Nawaz, Boston Globe

The Pyongyang Overture - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

Security in the South China Sea: China's Balancing Act and New Regional Dynamics RSIS
A 35-page Singaporean working paper analyzing the overall pattern in Beijing's handling of South China Sea disputes over the past decade

Time for a Pan-Asian Missile Shield? RSIS

H11 IHT Kosovo's future depends largely on othersThe small, poor territory has a chance become a virtual ward of the Continent, but there are barriers.

Russia and China rethink arms dealsAfter billions of dollars in military sales, new factors are prompting Moscow and Beijing to re-evaluate their arms trading relationship

Armenia clamps down after post-election violence

Horrifying and unnecessary mistreatment of prisoners Despite objections from an array of experts, Bush sees interrogation rules as too restrictive.

Medvedev is victor in Russia electionExit polls show him getting nearly 70 percent of the vote, trouncing his three opponents.

Germany and France hail contract victory for EADSThe European company, the parent of Airbus, bested Boeing to win a massive Pentagon order to build as many as 179 combat refueling aircraft, a contract potentially worth $100 billion.

EUROPE European press review

Welcome to Kosovo, the Next Failed State? - Mark Kramer, Washington Post

Nato tries to heal Macedonia row
Nato's secretary general is to visit Athens to try to convince Greece not to block FYR Macedonia's membership.

TLS Who really brought peace to Belfast? While politicians get the credit for stabilizing Northern Ireland, we should be more grateful to the civil servants – and the spooks

Sarkozy backing Tony Blair's campaign to become first President of Europe...

Newsweek Europe Versus the Fat Cats A German cloak-and-dagger operation to catch tax evaders is turning into an anti-capitalist movement.

H12 RFE/RL The Two-Headed Tsar: Who Will Really Be In Charge In Russia?

BBC Medvedev set to win Russia poll Dmitry Medvedev vows to continue Vladimir Putin's work as early results suggest he is Russia's new president.

Voters wooed with caps and food

In pictures: Russia votes

Q&A: Russian election

Armenia opposition vows defiance
Armenia's main opposition leader vows to continue election protests despite eight deaths in clashes.

Armenia: Uneasy Quiet Settles over Yerevan, Residents in Shock over Use of Force by Kocharian Administration

Google News Azerbaijan

Armenia Declares State of Emergency

BBC State of emergency
Armenia shaken by bloody crackdown on opposition

Beware Dmitry Medvedev the Bear - Robert Service, London Times

Putinocracy - London Times editorial

NYT Mag Putin’s Pariah Is the mercurial novelist Edward Limonov the last best hope of the Russian opposition?

Armenia Opposition Backs Down After Violent Clashes

Eyewitness: Violence Erupts in Armenia's Capital

Analysis: Eight years of Putin power (UPI) -- This Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin's reign will be over. Or will it?

Newsweek The Biggest Bully

Owen Matthews Vladimir Putin's bellicose language and aggressive style has cost Russia friends in the neighborhood.

Two Forward, One Back

Dmitri Trenin Putin caged rather than killed the freedoms of the capitalist revolution. He ratified the era's gains

Freedom and Order Padma DesaiThe West underestimates the prospects for the gradual emergence of a democracy in the land of Stalin and Lenin.

H13 The Times Good Neighbours?

Tehran will be judged by how it behaves towards Iraq

Ahmadinejad hails Iran and Iraq ties Iranian leader is meeting the Iraqi President at the start of a two-day visit, the first by head of the Islamic Republic

'I think Iran wants a weak Iraq'

Can Obama break their prison bars?

Young blacks are victims of American society, even though they may also be criminals William Rees-Mogg

Dmitri Medvedev succeeds Vladimir Putin Russia’s voters dutifully endorse Medvedev in a presidential election boycotted by Western observers as undemocratic

Suffering and suffrage in Iran

Women are still denied their freedom

A Pledge To Keep A referendum on the Lisbon Treaty would benefit democracy and Europe

Survey shows Americans are losing their religion The days of America's Protestant 'moral majority' could be drawing to a close, according to a new survey into the religious beliefs of the US public

Hugo Chavez moves his tanks to border as regional war looms

Rezko makes life difficult for Obama The trial of Antoin Rezko looks likely to link Barack Obama's presidential campaign funds to Chicago's political underworld

Israel remains defiant as Gaza toll rises Israeli troops battled with Hamas gunmen in Gaza’s cramped streets on one of the bloodiest days in the seven-year intifada

Sunday Times Barnstorming Obama plans to pick Republicans for cabinet

Analysis: Back-seat driver must resist wheel Dmitri Medvedev must assert himself at least to the point where he is considered a political figure in his own right

Analysis: Israel's Gaza incursion not the 'big one' Jerusalem wants to prevent rocket attacks coming from its north and south, but cannot afford a full-scale invasion

Violent clashes kill eight in Armenia

Israel targets Hamas chief, vows to push on

Ahmadinejad hails Iran and Iraq 'brotherhood' Iranian leader is meeting the Iraqi President at the start of a two-day visit, the first by head of the Islamic Republic

Wall Street Journal

Medvedev Wins, but Will He Lead?

Wall Street Gears for Its New Pain

U.S. commercial real-estate values are starting to slide, and Goldman Sachs analysts project a prolonged sharp decline, with steep losses for financial firms

McCain Details Economy Platform

McCain offered the most-detailed account to date of his ideas on economic issues in a WSJ interview. The likely Republican nominee cast himself as a defender of the Bush tax cuts he voted against, but added caveats to his "no new taxes" vow.

Americans Curb Gasoline Thirst

Americans are starting to curb their gasoline-guzzling ways amid soaring prices and a weak economy

Latino-Black Relations May Tilt Texas Blacks and Latinos across Texas are showing closer political relations -- and that may benefit Obama. Polling data suggest that some of his strength is coming from the state's million-plus Hispanic voters, who had been expected to support Clinton

H14 Financial Times Hillary Clinton gets it sincerely wrong In choosing between the New York senator and Obama, character is key because their differences on policy are trivial, writes Clive Crook

Ahmadi-Nejad in Iraq for historic trip Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad became the first regional head of state to visit Iraq since the 2003 US-led invasion, underlining Tehran’s close relations with its former enemy and staging a symbolic show of defiance of the US

Abbas halts talks amid Israeli attacks At least 70 Palestinians were killed and hundreds wounded in the Gaza Strip, as Israel continued its biggest offensive in years against Hamas, the Islamist group that controls the territory

Barroso warns on protectionist pressures Protectionist pressures are increasing across Europe, even among political forces traditionally committed to free markets, says José Manuel Barroso, European Commission president

Candidates go deep in the heart of Texas Barack Obama increased the likelihood that he will secure the Democratic party’s presidential nomination in Tuesday’s key primary elections

Medvedev wins Russian presidential vote Russians voted overwhelmingly for Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin’s hand-picked successor, as their next president

Eight killed in Armenian opposition protests Eight people were killed and 33 police injured in Armenia's capital during overnight protests, which ended after the government declared a state of emergency and mobilised the army

Climate change poses ‘security risk’ EU diplomats warn that increased natural disasters and depleting water and food resources in the developing world could fuel conflicts that could affect European security

A crisis in store for Spain’s election victor Wolfgang Münchau on a huge economic mess

Spain’s choice The general election campaign, now reaching its climax, has been a dispiriting spectacle. The contenders seem to be trying to bribe or frighten voters

Presidential powersA fair decision on a new president for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development would set a useful precedent

The Three Trillion Dollar WarAn attempt to assess the ‘true cost’ of the Iraq war reaches a woefully inaccurate conclusion, writes Tunku Varadarajan

Europe loses when it legitimises low wages Wanja Lundby-Wedin and John Monks criticise the ECJ

Why we need a world education bank David Manning calls on the G8 to act

Japan erects new barriers at home Anxiety about sovereign wealth funds and activist investors has prompted moves to limit foreign share ownership

Oil should fall to $70 a barrel over the next year

Kosovo makes bad law for possible Scottish secession

H15 Los Angeles Times The end of the 'guilty Israeli' By Yossi Klein Halevi Empathy has become a victim of the Palestinian attacks from Gaza

Is race out of the race?

By Abigail Thernstrom and Stephan Thernstrom White voters' support for Obama suggests a dramatic change in the electorate.

Famed Clinton discipline undermined by tensions The senator's presidential campaign has been riddled with feuding and second-guessing at the top.

Iran papers imply atomic subterfuge

Iranian documents obtained by the United Nations' nuclear watchdog strongly suggest that Iran was working on a nuclear weapons design as recently as four years ago, U.N. officials disclosed last week in a private briefing.

Medvedev wins in a landslide

Analysts wonder how, or even whether, the new Russian president would share power with his mentor, Vladimir Putin.

Analysts wonder how, or even whether, the new president, Putin's handpicked successor, would share power with his mentor.

Suicide bomber kills at least 42 in Pakistan province

Israeli's use of 'holocaust' has fallout

Palestinians and others pounce on minister's use of the word 'shoah' for Gaza operations to criticize Israel's actions. Aides says he only meant to imply a disaster

Clinton barnstorms in Ohio With the pressure on to win Tuesday's primaries, the candidate shifts her focus to the economy.

Iranian leader arrives in Iraq Ahmadinejad and his Iraqi counterpart condemn an Iranian opposition group under U.S. guard northeast of Baghdad

Crying wolf over bioterrorism By Wendy Orent The threat posed by synthetic bugs is microscopic. So why are U.S. officials making such a big deal?

Editorial Bernanke: pick your poison

The Fed chairman is caught between a credit crisis and rising inflation.

H16 American Politics

Clinton and Obama tied in Texas, close in Ohio

Pressure raised on Clinton to bow out

Can national security appeal save Clinton's candidacy? With time running out, Hillary Clinton kicked off a two-day bus tour of Ohio with a dire warning about rival Barack Obama's lack of experience. But there was debate on whether the tactic would work.

Drift away from Clinton frustrates many women

The Border and the Ballot Box Americans may rally and rage, but they don’t decide national elections over immigration

The Emerging Minority - James Traub, New York Times Magazine Barack Obama has not attempted to woo Hispanics as part of a “black-brown” coalition. He has chosen to speak a transracial, indeed a nonracial, language instead. But will the effort work?

Democrats, Off Course On Trade - Sebastian Mallaby, Washington Post

Why Nobody in D.C. Wants to Say 'Recession' - Daniel Gross, Slate

McCain is Right About Iraq - Jonathan Last, Philadelphia Inquirer

McCain Channels His Inner Hillary - Frank Rich, New York Times

The General Election Ain't Over Yet - Michael Goodwin, NY Daily News

Part 2 By KEVIN SACK The skirmishing between the Democratic presidential candidates over universal health coverage will soon give way to a quite different general-election debate.
'The Bush Tragedy'

By JACOB WEISBERG Reviewed by ALAN BRINKLEY Jacob Weisberg argues that George W. Bush’s presidency has been driven by his psychological needs. First Chapter

Rove: Iraq Redeployment Would Cause Oil Prices To Skyrocket To $200 A Barrel

Glenn Greenwald / Salon:

The “liberal” position on the Surveillance State

Clinton Battles Obama's Momentum - M. Barabak & M. Finnegan, LA Times

Wes Clark: McCain Doesn't Have the Right Kind of Military Experience To Be Commander-in-Chief

A Thin Record For a Bridge Builder - David Ignatius, Washington Post

Hillary: Obama Not Muslim 'As Far As I Know'...

McCain and the Oath - George Will, Newsweek

Obama's Iraq Attack - New York Post

A Delicate Line for Michelle Obama - Joan Vennochi, Boston Globe

Is Race Out of the Race? - Abigail & Stephan Thernstrom, Los Angeles Times

Mr. Right, R.I.P. - Evan Thomas, Newsweek

Buckley: What He Fought For - William Kristol, Weekly Standard

Division and unity
How party conventions have played a key role in US political history

realclearpolitics memeorandum ABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

Ron Brownstein, Atlantic Media's political director, writes about the evolution of the Democratic Party this primary season into a younger, more affluent and more liberal institution in "A Party Transformed."

Presidencies and economic growth On the same day that President Bush repeated his view that the United States would likely avoid a recession, the Commerce Department confirmed that the nation's economy had slowed to a crawl during the fourth quarter, inching forward at an annual rate of 0.6 percent.

H17 Daily Telegraph Mahmoud Abbas should try leadership

It is a commonplace of the modern Middle East that whenever Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is faced with a tough choice, he will invariably go for the easy option, writes Con Coughlin.

Dmitry Medvedev wins Russian election Dimitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin's hand-picked successor, swept to a landslide victory in the most one-sided presidential election in Russia's post-Soviet history

Russia's sham election

Russian autocracy does not impact only upon Russians; it matters very much to this country, too. There is a direct link between Russia's authoritarianism at home and its assertiveness abroad.

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks halted

Abbas wants end to Israel's Gaza assault

Poll finds 90pc call for vote on EU treaty MPs were under pressure to support a referendum after the biggest test of public opinion on the issue so far.

Leader: Voters support an EU referendum

Results of EU poll in full (pdf)

Basra base faces new insurgent threat Thomas Harding takes shelter with troops under rocket attack.

Basra's last battle: the untold story

'Nine in 10 UK jobs go to foreigners'

Most new jobs of the past decade have been taken by foreign-born workers despite a sharp increase in the number of skilled British workers, official figures show.

H18 Independent Day of grief and defiance Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, rejected international calls yesterday to end the "excessive" and "disproportionate" military operation in Gaza which has claimed the lives of 101 Palestinians – including many children and other civilians – since Wednesday.

Leading article: Only a new President can end Gaza's nightmare

US and Arab states clash at UN Security Council

Presidential poll gives Medvedev landslide victory Dmitry Medvedev has been declared Russia's next president, after winning the expected enormous majority in yesterday's election.

Iraq is a happier place, says visiting Iranian presidentThe Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Baghdad yesterday, demonstrating Iran's powerful influence in Iraq since the US overthrew Saddam Hussein five years ago.

Independent on Sunday 'Harry's War': The ugly truth Afghanistan veteran, Leo Docherty, criticises the British military campaign in Helmand province, where the Prince served until his tour of duty was cut short after details were leaked on the internet

Leading article: A just war – but only just

Geoffrey Wheatcroft: The Clinton bubble has burst, and not before time

An American President: My friend, Barack Obama

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

The Patton of Counterinsurgency - Frederick W. Kagan and Kimberly Kagan, Weekly Standard

Terrorists: often sour, lazy nobodies, ugly, of febrile imagination and small talent, who can only become somebody by murdering others... more»

Reforming Nuclear Export Controls: The Future of the Nuclear Suppliers Group SIPRI This 150-page Swedish book examines the structure and activities of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)

Drivers of Suicide Terrorism in Pakistan RSIS

Crying Wolf Over Bioterrorism - Wendy Orent, Los Angeles Times

What is Security Force Assistance & What is JCISFA

The Importance of Partnership in Countering the Financing of Terrorism

H20 Slate What If It's a Tie? Figuring out the average margin of victory Clinton needs if she ties on Tuesday.

2008 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report Source: U.S. Department of State Volume I + Volume II + Special Press Briefing

Energy, Environment, Security: Can We Have It All? FSI The 24-page transcript of a lecture by BP's Chief Scientist discussing secure, sustainable energy

C'mon and Be a Bureaucrat Uncle Sam wants you, but he's having trouble besting contractors for talent.

H21 Got news? Make it quick. Busy people are getting the highlights, but missing historical context.

50 arts secrets revealed Experts from the worlds of music, literature, film and art answer those intriguing questions you've always wanted to ask

YouTube to launch its own live channels

Website to challenge established TV broadcasters by offering its own channels

Teaching Boys and Girls Separately The idea is gaining traction in American public schools, in response to the different education crises girls and boys have been reported to experience.

Noam Chomsky vs. William F. Buckley Debate : Part 1 of 2 Part 2 of 2

Going against the flow

David Mckie: The modern concept of default mode would have deprived us of the wheel, Beethoven - and Hitler

Dying for change

Leader: Every day about 1,500 women die giving birth, almost all in the world's 75 poorest countries

Intoxication, if not the source of literary creation, at least warms the mind and casts the glare of life in a softer hue. No wonder writers love the bottle... more»

Not only does Wikipedia need its vandals, the vandals need an orderly Wikipedia, too. Without order, their culture-jamming lacks a context... more»

The World Cup of Bribery: International Soccer Tarnished by Corruption Case

Women Aren't Very Bright - Charlotte Allen, Washington Post

‘9/11 attacks made up, ’ says French best actress Oscar-winner

First thing you notice notice in Beijing is that Chinas Internet seems slow. This is partly because of normal congestion. But there is something else... more»

Advancing health IT Google's recent announcement of its Google Health Web service and a partnership with an Ohio health care system to advance personalized medical records appear to be innovative and promising developments.

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
Ankara Suriye’de “Rejim Değişikliği” Politikasına Geçerken 28 Eylül 2011
Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
Orta Doğu'da Durum Raporu 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine Notlar 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine 15 Kısa Not 3 Mayıs 2011
ABD ve Karadeniz Nisan 2011

Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
Amerika-Sonrası Dünyanın Provası Olarak Libya Krizi ve Türkiye 22 Mart 2011
“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
Amerikan Travması ve Kongre Seçimleri 23 Kasım 2010
Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
Obama Ekibinde Yaprak Dökümü - Beyaz Saray’dan Kaçış mı? 12 Ekim 2010
"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Normalleşme” Sancıları 22 Nisan 2010
Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Tektonik Kayma” mı? 5 Nisan 2010
Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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