19 November 2007
  November 19, 2007

1119-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 Salon American empire, going, going... Great empires were extraordinarily pluralistic, argues Amy Chua, until they frayed into xenophobia and decline. Can the U.S. steer another course?

BBC Iran eyes nuclear options abroad Iran says it is considering enriching uranium in a neutral country, thereby allaying fears about its nuclear aims

New York Times Pakistan’s Collapse, Our Problem By FREDERICK W. KAGAN and MICHAEL O’HANLON We need to think — now — about our feasible military options in Pakistan, should it really come to that

News Analysis: U.S. Pushes for Turnout at Middle East Conference

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Channeling Dick Cheney In engaging Iran, Barack Obama’s gift for outreach would be more effective with a Dick Cheney standing over his shoulder, quietly pounding a baseball bat into his palm.

Editorial Two Sides of Mr. Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy will have to resolve the conflict between his enlightened trans-Atlantic overtures and his narrow protectionist vision for Europe

U.S. Secretly Aids Pakistan in Guarding Nuclear Arms Debate is growing about whether an American classified program has done enough to help protect Pakistan’s nuclear weapons

U.S. Says Attacks in Iraq Fell to the Level of Feb. 2006

Washington Post Editorial Iraq's Narrow Window Iraqis, and the Bush administration, risk squandering the political opportunity created by the surge.

The Discipline Of the Dollar By David Ignatius What's ahead in this season when markets are repricing currencies and financial risks?

Bush's Fortunes Finally Improve ANALYSIS | Shifting political fortunes may owe as much to lack of bad news as to presence of good.

Deepening China-Iran Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate Iran: Tehran Increasingly Important in Beijing's Energy Quest

Rivalry Between Iraqi Shi'ites at Danger Point

Top Neocons Call for US to Invade Pakistan

Financial Times LEADER: What Musharraf must do now No country can be called truly democratic with a puppet judiciary. The outside world should remind Pakistan’s president of this fundamental point

Ha’aretz Zvi Bar'el: The Annapolis summit is over before it began

Yedioth Ahronoth 'You can't have it both ways' Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says establishment of Palestinian state could serve as national solution for Israeli Arabs as well. 'Arabs can't act from within against Jewish state's existence,' she stresses

The End of the Bush Doctrine
Israel Insider Israel will gradually move from being perceived as a staunch American ally in the war on terror to a bargaining chip in the bazaar of Mideast diplomacy

Officials: Drop in Iran-Related Attacks in Iraq a Puzzle

Los Angeles Times Making the inevitable happen By Bernard Avishai and Sam Bahour Everyone knows the outlines of the Middle East peace accord. What's missing is the political will to achieve it.

U.S. wants a payoff from all that aid to Pakistan Pentagon officials propose linking dollars to success in battling militants. They also want clear accounting

China, India, Japan ... blastoff!

By Times Staff Writers Asian powers see spaceflight as a ticket to global respect. The U.S. and Europe take notice — of China, especially.

MEMRI Nov 16 SD# 1768 - Debate on Iranian Policies in the Middle East

Helena Cobban Exciting Swiss diplomacy on Iran-nuclear issue

Climate Change 2007 — the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (PDF; 6.7 MB) media advisory (PDF; 35 KB):

UK Paper Predicts Demise of US Alliance With Iraq's Sunni Forces

OPEC: Where Oil Markets Indeed are “Well Supplied” (PDF; 78 KB) Source: U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee

Wall Street Journal Diplomacy in the Post-9/11 Era Henry Kissinger remains one of the country's most prescient observers of world affairs. By DAVID B. RIVKIN JR.

The Democrats' Iran Dilemma - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times

Newsweek Condi's Southern Strategy Michael Hirsh

The secretary of State draws on her personal history to push Israelis and Palestinians together.

The Region: Combat 'Westophobia'


Guardian Britain is a US client state and should not forget it, says the neocons' oracle
Geoffrey Wheatcroft: As Brown reins in critical colleagues, one American stays refreshingly candid about the nature of the special relationship

Editorial Snaking towards independence Kosovo: Even if they wanted to - and unfortunately some do - European governments cannot look in the other direction over Kosovo any longer

Picking a policy on Russia Mark Leonard and Nicu Popescu Nov 18 07, 02:00pm: If the EU continues to sway between integration and containment, it will continue to appear to the Kremlin as weak and directionless

Looking At Iraq In Macro-time - Michael Barone, U.S. News and World Repor

CAP A Report Half Empty: Iran Needs to Level with the IAEA

Europe`s Emerging New Energy Policy

H2 Newsweek Kurdistan Goes Sour As violence elsewhere in Iraq dies down, Kurdish frustration is up.

Talabani: Sınır ötesi neredeyse kesin'

ABD: Tüm parti suçlanmamalı

CSM Opinion: How to erode Kurdish terror To reduce attacks, Turkey must treat its Kurds better. By Didem Cakmakli

Iraqi Kurdish Writer Criticizes KDP, PUK Position on PKK

Iraqi Kurdistan PM Urges PKK to Declare "Unlimited Cease-Fire"

Iran Official Outlines Israeli Intelligence Agency's Role in Northern Iraq

FT WORLD NEWS: Greece and Turkey open gas pipeline

Iraqi Parliament Probes Kirkuk Vote

Barzani: PKK Türkiye’nin iç sorunu

Operasyon sınırlı olursa karışmayız

Turkish courts wrestle with Kurdish problem under EU spotlight

CIVIL SOCIETY VERSUS KURDISH SEPARATISM] How to deal with the neo-Kurdish separatismby MEHMET KALYONCU*

Şükrü Küçükşahin Diyarbakır’da esnafın Gaffar Okkan mesajı

Iraqi Kurds Flex Muscles Over Black Gold Reserves

PKK krizi merkezi Irak hükümetini güçlendirdi ADİL SAAD

Iraq Asks Turkey for Time to Take Steps Against PKK

İki haftadır uğraşıyoruz bize zaman verin

Turks to establish ‘peace university’

Erdoğan proposes union of Turkish-speaking states

Dünyada bor tükeniyor, Türkiye 2012'de tekel olacak

Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring

Iraqi Kurdish Writer Criticizes KDP, PUK Position on PKK

Iraq Kurdish Paper Carries "First Press Interview" With Iran Consul in Arbil

Şemdinli'de çatışma

Zana: Filistin de masaya oturmuştu

Bedir Tugayları'ndan tehdit: Kürtler, Kerkük'ü alırsa cehennemin kapıları açılır

PKK'nın provokatörleri iş başında

Kuzey Iraklı öğrenciler Türk Dili okuyacak

İki ayrı noktada iki sıcak temas

Kurdish rally dispersed in Turkey

Paper Says US "Supporting" Anti-Iranian Group in Iraq

For Kurds, Iraq Is a Distant Memory

PKK'ya karşı tedbirlerimiz, 'peşmerge sınıra yığınak yapıyor' diye yansıtıldı

Irak meclisi, Kerkük referandumunu soruyor -

DTP'de yeni parti değil Avrupa turu gündemde

EU to Press Iraq to 'Respect Turkish Border'

07:10 DTP ''mahalle baskısı'' nedeniyle toplanmadı

DTP'linin otomobilinde 11 adet Glock marka tabanca çıktı

İçişleri Bakanı Atalay, 11 ilin valisini Diyarbakır'da topladı; gündemde üç önemli konu var

DTP'nin yanlışları var; ama kapatmak çözüm değil

BBP Genel Başkanı Yazıcıoğlu: DTP'nin kapatılmasına karşıyız

CHP, Kuzey Irak açılımı için kolları sıvadı

Consequences of a Turkish Invasion into Southern Kurdistan
Kurdish Aspect

Fear Grows among Kirkuk's Turkmen Population

DTP tırmandırıyor

Batman'da 20 gözaltı

Basın açıklaması gösteriye döndü

"PKK evimi işgal etti yardım edin"

K. Irak heyeti: Operasyona karışmayız

DTP mitinginde PKK propagandası: 28 gözaltı

DTP mitinginde olay

Kapatma davası
DTP davasında hukuki süreç ve siyasi partilerin tepkileri

Can Dündar Diyarbekir'in Diyarbakır olduğu gün

DTP'li Kurtulan: "Linçe davetiye çıkarılıyor"

DTP'liler Batman'ı da karıştırdı

Hakkari'de geniş çaplı operasyon başlatıldı

8 PKK'lıya müebbet hapis cezası verildi

Batman'da olaylı DTP mitingi

K. Irak heyeti: Operasyona karışmayız

Doğu ve Güneydoğu valileri toplandı

Arbil Security Closes Office of Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran

Paper Criticizes Iraqi Kurdistan's Approval for Turkish Statement

Kurdish Rally Dispersed in Turkey

Reliance's Kurdish Dealings Lead To Iraq Blacklist Threat

Warplanes: U-2s For Turks Against Kurds

Mr. President: Kurdish Independence can not be granted by our enemies
Kurdish Aspect

When Will Phillips Learn? Armenian Weekly

Kerküki: “Parlamento Hiçbir Şekilde 140. maddenin geciktirilmesini kabul etmeyecektir”

Amerikan gazetesinden tuhaf öneri: Türkiye, Musul'u ele geçirmeli

Turkey Must Take Mosul by Scott Sullivan

Iraqi Kurdistan Village Fears Turkish Attack

GAP through the window of Siirt

Erdoğan Karabağ'ı anıp Kıbrıs için şimşek çaktı

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan - Honouring martyrs of Ottoman Empire: Turkey wants monument in Jerusalem

Iraqi Kurds Outraged Over Delay of Executions

Clinton: Türkiye'yi yeniden kazanacağız

Deniz Gökçe
Önemli bir Türkiye-İsrail-Filistin projesi!

'Bölgeye barışı Türk şirketleri getirecek'


Ali Bulaç Arap düşmanlığı

Ali Aslan Bush-Mush işleri

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

AB Dışişleri Bakanları, PKK terörünü masaya yatırıyor

AB, sınır ihlallerine karşı Irak'a çağrıda bulunacak

AB Dışişleri Bakanları PKK’yı görüşecek

After the progress report: Use the momentum to reformby JOOST LAGENDIJK*

Andrew Finkel The magnificent 7 (+20)

Sarkozy'nin Türkiye politikasına eleştiri

Yiğit Bulut Avrupa Birliği, Türk halkını gasp ediyor!

First pipeline to provide Europe with non-Russian gas supply

Ulusu: Sevr ile AP kararları aynı

EuroNewsEuroNews : A pipe to soothe Turkey-Greece relations

İlk gaz ihracına süper zirve

AB PKK terörünü görüşecek

Babacan: Sarkozy rahatsız ediyor

AB'nin vanası elimizde

Mustafa Ünal Bir haftada ikinci kez Bakü

BTC'den 238 milyon varil petrol aktı

Hatamızı düzeltiriz

Matematik ulusal güvenliğe tehdit olur mu? İsmet Berkan

Yüksek oya karşın YÖK'e takıldılar!

Re-evaluating nuclear energy for Turkey

Gendarmerie to relinquish role in prisons

Osmanlıca geri dönüyor, geçmişin dili çözülüyor

Rektör adaylarına YÖK'ten ince ayar

İçişleri Bakanlığı, açıklamaları 'sözcü' aracılığıyla yapacak

Eroğlu Özel şartları dikkate alarak imzalayabiliriz

Cengiz Çandar Kırılma anı...

4. Demirel’in hiç uğramadığı ev 24 saat 6 polisle korunuyor

19 Kasım 2007 Basın Özeti

H3 Baykal 'operasyon'da ısrarlı Türkiye çok ağır bedel öder

Şu 'kapsamlı çözüm planı'nı açıklayın artık İsmet Berkan

Türkiye'nin bölgesel güç olmasına Kürt sorunu engel mi? Murat Yetkin

Fikret BİLA Baykal: Ya kesin sonuç ya harekât

Seçim 2007 Tarhan Erdem

AKP'den "yeni anayasa taslağına" alternatifler

Zana’dan ağır tahrik

Gül'ün imza sıkıntısı

Murat Karayalçın DTP'yi kapatırsanız sürgünde kurarlar

Osman Pamukoğlu Terörü ancak özel birlikler çözer

Şamil Tayyar Gomutanım Genelkurmay’a söyle...

Osmanlı çözülmesi nasıl başladı? AVNİ ÖZGÜREL

Üç Kuruşluk Tiyatro'ya devam
Hasan Celal Güzel

Ruşen Çakır DTP pekala kapatılmayabilir

Taha AKYOL DTP'yi kapatmak yanlıştır

Soli Özel| Güneydoğu fotoğrafı

Eser Karakaş DTP davası ve oyun teorisi

Mustafa Erdoğan Ayrılma hakkı

Seyfettin Gürsel CHP K. Irak trenine bindi

'Kapatma kararı DTP'ye kaybettiği tabanı kazandırır'

CHP Kurultay'a genişletilmiş 'Kürt sorunu raporu'yla gidiyor

General Holding

Kadri GÜRSEL İran'ın atomu ve AKP'nin 'üç maymunu'

Quasi-military security organization presses for more power

Border modernization projects bring efficiency, security

[Yorum - Etyen Mahçupyan] Atatürkçüler niçin tarih okumaz?

Durmuş Hocaoğlu Panik Projeleri: III

Panik Projeleri: IV

Semih İDİZ Erdoğan'ın işaret ettiği yol en makul olanıdır

AKP taslağı sahiplenmesin

Türkiye ilk kez demokratik dinamiklerle anayasa hazırlıyor

Yeni anayasa ve demokrasi kalitesi

Yazıcıoğlu "Bundan sonra operasyon işe yaramaz"

[YORUM-Doç. Dr. Mazhar Bağlı] Birlikte yaşamanın ortak paydasını oluşturma çabasında Türkiye pratiği: Kanun yoluyla ötekileştirme

PKK celladının halaoglu şehit!..

Türkiye doğalgaz köprüsü

Türkçe Konuşan Devletler Topluluğu kuralım

Dayanışmazsak bizi lime lime ederler

‘Yaşasın PKK, kahrolsun TSK'

'Ya dağ ya siyaset'

Gül de resimden rahatsız oldu

Amcası Bakan, kendisi PKK komutanı

Paşalara sus emri

M Ali Birand Hiç yakışmadı

Yasak değil tedbir

Genelkurmay: Konuşma yasağı yok

Serdar Turgut Beyin fazlalığı

Nasuhi Güngör Kapatma davası neden şimdi?

Erdoğan'ın zor kararı

Havelsan TSK’nın gözü kulağı olacak

K.Irak için CHP yeni rapor hazırlayacak

Mümtazer Türköne Abant pratiği: Yeni Anayasa

[HABER İZLENİM] Katılımcı ve çok sesli tartışma

Ferai Tınç Parti kapatmak ya da kapattırmak

The scandal of the Kemalist mind
Mustafa AKYOL

Sedat Sertoğlu DTP Sinn Fein’i mi oynamaya çalışıyor?

AK Parti anayasa kampına giriyor

Turkish anti-Americanism through eyes of Americans living in Turkey

Anayasayı değiştirmek kolay zihniyetleri değiştirmek zor

Mustafa Karaalioğlu Korumalardan korunduğumda isabetli olacak

Mahir Kaynak Bireysel alan

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri -

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç Budala da kimmiş? (2)

Fehmi Koru Bölmeye kalkanlar bizi güçlendiriyor

Fatih Çekirge Iran’dan Erbil’e Kürt konsolos

Ekrem Dumanlı Gazeteci tümgeneraller

İ.Selçuk: Türbanlıların topu cehennemlik

Ertuğrul Özkök

Ahmet Hakan Çocuk patlatma meselesine giriş Mağrur olmamak

Cüneyt Ülsever Malezyalaşmanın neresindeyiz?

Enis Berberoğlu Cumhuriyetin ilk günlerini okuyor

Ferai Tınç Çağın korkutan sırrı

Can Ataklı Çok şükür Amerika var!?..

DTP'yi kapatmak Murat Belge

Oktay Ekşi CHP aynı CHP

MUHARREM SARIKAYA Gerilimin tükettikleri

ERDAL ŞAFAK Bir vana daha

ERGUN BABAHAN Başbakan'ın günlük hayatı

EMRE AKÖZ Öğrenmek istiyoruz!

Umur Talu Adaletin duygusu



MAHMUT ÖVÜR Parlamento mu parti mezarlığı mı?

YAVUZ DONAT Seçim-2007


Ercan Kumcu Çin patlarsa Enflasyon hedeften uzak kalmaya devam edebilir

IMF'nin vurguladığı kırılganlıklar

Erdal Sağlam Güçlenen enerji kozumuz

Asaf Savaş Akat Üçüncü çeyrekte istihdam

IMF: Türk bankacılık sistemi gelişti

İBRAHİM KAHVECİ ABD dünyayı tankla değil dolarla vuruyor

Büyüme hızımız üzerine önemli bir kısıt Fatih Özatay

Güngör URAS Fındıkta Hazine'den 1 milyar dolar gitti, kavga bitti

Unakıtan: İhracatımızın kalıcı başarısı, yapısal reformlara bağlı


Güngör URAS
Alışveriş merkezleri mağazacılığı öldürecek

Hisarcıklıoğlu: Ekonominin yüzde 50'si kayıt dışı

Getiri eğrisi neyi gösterir?
Uğur Gürses

Çekirdek enflasyonu mu hedeflesek?
Fatih Özatay

Salih Neftçi Dolar muhabbetleri: Kazanan... Kaybeden

H4 New York Times Pakistan’s Collapse, Our Problem By FREDERICK W. KAGAN and MICHAEL O’HANLON We need to think — now — about our feasible military options in Pakistan, should it really come to that

News Analysis: U.S. Pushes for Turnout at Middle East Conference

Editorial Two Sides of Mr. Sarkozy Nicolas Sarkozy will have to resolve the conflict between his enlightened trans-Atlantic overtures and his narrow protectionist vision for Europe

U.S. Secretly Aids Pakistan in Guarding Nuclear Arms Debate is growing about whether an American classified program has done enough to help protect Pakistan’s nuclear weapons

U.S. Says Attacks in Iraq Fell to the Level of Feb. 2006 New U.S. military data showed that attacks had declined to the lowest level since January 2006. It is the third week in a row that attacks have been at this reduced level.

Greece and Turkey Open Gas Pipeline

U.S. Hopes to Arm Pakistani Tribes Against Al Qaeda The new proposal is modeled in part on a similar effort by American forces in Iraq’s Anbar Province that has been hailed as a success in fighting foreign insurgents.

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Channeling Dick Cheney In engaging Iran, Barack Obama’s gift for outreach would be more effective with a Dick Cheney standing over his shoulder, quietly pounding a baseball bat into his palm.

Under Siege, Life in Gaza Just Shrinks Isolated and more religious, people try, as they must, to go on with the everyday epics of ordinary life.

ROGER COHEN Israel, Palestine, Crab Cakes I would like to invest hope in the Annapolis Middle East peace conference. Really, I would.

Diplomacy With the Devil By DANIELLE PLETKA On Israel and North Korea, President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are positively Clintonian.

US Considers Enlisting Tribes in Pakistan to Fight al-Qaeda

MAUREEN DOWD Shake, Rattle and Roll With so much at stake, Hillary Clinton used her voice, gaze and body language to such punishing effect that Barack Obama looked as if he had been brought to heel.

FRANK RICH What ‘That Regan Woman’ Knows With the filing of a lawsuit by a vengeful eyewitness who was fired from her job, the Rudy Giuliani story may just have gained its own reincarnation of Linda Tripp

Goldman Sachs Rakes in Profit in Credit Crisis Rarely on Wall Street, where money travels in herds, has one firm gotten it so right when nearly everyone else was getting it so wrong

Editorial Remember the War on Drugs? The Bush administration’s proposed $1.4 billion counternarcotics aid package falls far short of what is needed to confront the problem of illegal drugs.

H5 Washington Post Editorial Iraq's Narrow Window Iraqis, and the Bush administration, risk squandering the political opportunity created by the surge.

The Discipline Of the Dollar By David Ignatius What's ahead in this season when markets are repricing currencies and financial risks?

Deepening China-Iran Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate Iran: Tehran Increasingly Important in Beijing's Energy Quest

Bush's Fortunes Finally Improve ANALYSIS | Shifting political fortunes may owe as much to lack of bad news as to presence of good. The war in Iraq seems to have taken a turn for the better and the opposition at home has failed in all efforts to impose its own strategy. North Korea is dismantling its nuclear program. The budget deficit is falling. A new attorney general has been confirmed despite objections from the left.

Mideast Conference Nears, With Few Plans 'No One Seems to Know What Is Happening,' Arab Envoy Says

Musharraf Ties Pose Dilemma For Bush Close relationship, once seen as an asset for administration's "war on terror," now seen as a liability for leaders in D.C. and Pakistan

What Does Iraq Cost? Even More Than You Think. To: President George W. Bush Subject: The Hidden Costs of Iraq by Tyler Cowen

Shacked Up With the U.N., Kosovo Is Ready to Bolt By Maciej Zaremba,

They've spent years shacked up with the U.N. Now Kosovo Is ready to bolt.

Off Target By Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann We are losing Afghanistan, one civilian at a time.

A False Choice for Pakistan By Salman Ahmad

Pakistan Military Mobilizing Forces to Quell Violence

A.Q. Khan's Atomic Vision How a petty postal inspector became the world's leading nuclear salesman.Reviewed by Douglas Farah

After Chávez Exhorts OPEC to Flex Political Muscle, Saudis Object

DISPATCH: AFGHANISTAN Dispatch: Afghanistan By Sarah Chayes What the Death of a Mullah Portends for the Future

Pakistan's Lawyers On the Front Lines

Court Boycotts, Protest Marches Underscore Anger Over Musharraf's Emergency Rule, Firing of Judges

Emissions Growth Must End in 7 Years, U.N. Warns Report Lays Out Stark Choices to Avoid the Deaths of Species

Outsmarted by Sudan By Jim Hoagland, Khartoum is not abouve using race, religion and centuries-old fears to keep Darfur in its grip.

Debates in Need of Rescue By David S. Broder, All the world may be a stage, but one wishes candidates would offer substantive answers instead of sound bites

Permanent Republican Majority? Think Again. Polls show that the reign of conservative values is officially over.

OPEC to Put $750 Million Toward Climate Research: As Summit Ends, Iran's Ahmadinejad Attacks U.S. Policy; Explosion of Saudi Gas Pipeline Kills 28

Chavez and the King By Jackson Diehl

State Dept. Tries Blog Diplomacy

H6 Guardian Britain is a US client state and should not forget it, says the neocons' oracle
Geoffrey Wheatcroft: As Brown reins in critical colleagues, one American stays refreshingly candid about the nature of the special relationship

Editorial Snaking towards independence Kosovo: Even if they wanted to - and unfortunately some do - European governments cannot look in the other direction over Kosovo any longer

Picking a policy on Russia Mark Leonard and Nicu Popescu Nov 18 07, 02:00pm: If the EU continues to sway between integration and containment, it will continue to appear to the Kremlin as weak and directionless

Dollar denial Roman Frydman and Michael D Goldberg Nov 17 07, 05:00pm: In the face of the dollar's ongoing fall, policymakers have seemed paralysed as they believe that either nothing should or can be done

Making the first move

Seth Freedman Nov 17 07, 04:00pm: Given the utter imbalance between Israel as occupier and the Palestinians as occupied, peace between them must be initiated by Israel

Blair unveils jobs plan to bolster Middle East talks Multimillion dollar package to create employment and trade

Processing peace Nicholas Blincoe Nov 18 07, 01:00pm: How will Tony Blair's experience in Northern Ireland and Condoleezza Rice's childhood in Alabama affect their approach at Annapolis?

US Envoy to Musharraf Returns Home With Nothing

The EU is bullying the world's poor to rush into a dubious deal on trade
Madeleine Bunting: Millions of jobs and thousands of companies in the developing world are under threat for the quick fix the WTO wants

A new holy alliance? Mai Yamani Nov 18 07, 03:00pm: The recent meeting of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah and the Pope was an important display of unified traditional values

The Observer We risk sleepwalking into another war in the Balkans
Andrew Rawnsley: Neither Gordon Brown nor David Cameron is talking about it, but there are darkening storm clouds over Kosovo and Bosnia

Musharraf widens his sphere of punishment US envoy urges Pakistan's president to lift state of emergency as thousands more are detained

Oil leaders' private debate televised by mistake 'Kill the cable, kill the cable,' shouted the security guard as he burst through the double doors into the media room in Riyadh

We should never be afraid to intervene
For 10 years, Jonathan Powell was Tony Blair's chief of staff and at the heart of all his key foreign policy initiatives. Last week he launched an impassioned defence of liberal interventionism. Here is an extract from his landmark address

H7 Newsweek Condi's Southern Strategy Michael Hirsh

The secretary of State draws on her personal history to push Israelis and Palestinians together.

America the Unwelcoming

by Fareed Zakaria The United States is the only major country in the world to which travel has declined amid a tourist boom.

OPEC Interested in Non-Dollar Currency

Washington Times Energy independence quandary

The end of President Bush's time in office is 14 months away. But already I can guarantee two things. First, the next president will be elected on a promise to lead the nation to energy independence. Second, the promise won't be kept.

OPEC eyes dollar's dip Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday that OPEC's members have expressed interest in converting their cash reserves into a currency other than the depreciating U.S. dollar, which he called a "worthless piece of paper."

BBC Iran eyes nuclear options abroad

Iran says it is considering enriching uranium in a neutral country, thereby allaying fears about its nuclear aims.

Iran brands US dollar 'worthless' Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls the US dollar 'worthless' at the end of the Opec summit

Pakistan launches assault on militant stronghold Militants who have expanded their control of parts of Pakistan's rugged northwest during the past two weeks are facing their first challenge since President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency Nov. 3.

US tells Musharraf to step back A senior US envoy urges Pakistani President Musharraf to lift emergency rule and free opponents.

Beware an Empire That Saves Souls at Sword Point
by James Levy

Iraq is a Quagmire... for al-Qaida - Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The War Costs More Than You Think - Tyler Cowen, Washington Post

McCain Could End the War with Honour - Andrew Sullivan, Sunday Time

Al Awsat The OPEC Summit and Oil

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

Officer Confirms US Strikes Killed Pro-US Iraq Fighters

UK Paper Predicts Demise of US Alliance With Iraq's Sunni Forces

Officials: Drop in Iran-Related Attacks in Iraq a Puzzle

Stronger Iraqi Government Behind Drop In Violence: Iran

Iraq Furor as US Apologizes for Another Shooting

Sunni Scholar Talks of Awakening Councils "Plot"; Warns of Iraq Division

BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 18 Nov 07 (Package B)

Iraq Says Little Progress in Reconciliation

Iraq: Iran Giving Less Help to Militants

Powell: Iran Is a Long Way From Having Nuclear Weapon

Announcing Creative Syria Forum’s November 2007 topic: Syria’s RegionalPolicies

Doubts linger as Syria shows Iraq border security

Seizure of Iranians Failed to Validate Bush Line

Oil Leaders' Private Debate Televised by Mistake

OPEC leaders discuss soaring oil price at rare summit...

Poll: Most Americans Say Iraq Withdrawal Is Responsible

Opec pledges reliable oil supply
Opec leaders pledge to provide reliable supplies of oil and fight global warming as their summit wraps up.

BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 18 Nov 07

Saudi Gas Pipeline Fire Kills 28 (

Pakistan Troops Launch Major Assault on Militants

Jordanian election shows limits of democracy

U.S. struggles to restore drinking water to Iraqis

Ba'Th Party Official Says Attempts to Isolate Syria Failed

Al Awsat The OPEC Summit and Oil : Hussein Shobokshi

H9 Ha’aretz Annapolis meet may end without joint declaration

Olmert and Barak hint at desire to renew negotiations with Syria

Beilin It's better to stay home The absence of a discussion at Annapolis of the core issues will leave us stuck in the intersection, exposed to extremists on both sides.

Zvi Bar'el: The Annapolis summit is over before it began

Kouchner to Haaretz: Not ruling out strike on Iran

Ahmadinejad: Iran mulls plan to enrich uranium in neutral state Iran leader says he will consult with Arab nations on proposal to move work to country like Switzerland

Survey: Majority of Americans still strong on Israel

Livni: Palestinian state will benefit Israeli Arabs

U.K. paper: Winograd to blame Olmert for IDF deaths

FM: Palestinian state is solution for Israeli Arabs Minister Majadele: Citizenship of Israeli Arabs not up for debate; Arab MKs: FM reverting to extremist stance.

Blair: PA, Israel to unveil plans to spur Palestinian employment Project to include road construction and Turkish-sponsored industrial park in W. Bank and Gaza sewage work

Gideon Levy: The settlements - Israel's most criminal venture

We Won't Negotiate at Annapolis Conference, Israel Insists

Palestine demands freeze on settlement growth (By Wafa Amr)

Yedioth Ahronoth 'You can't have it both ways'
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says establishment of Palestinian state could serve as national solution for Israeli Arabs as well. 'Arabs can't act from within against Jewish state's existence,' she stresses

Iranian plant in Switzerland?

Ahmadinejad says will discuss with Arab states plan to enrich uranium in 'neutral country'

The real Iranian threat

Nobel Prize laureate Aaron Ciechanover mostly concerned about Iran's educational supremacy

Final diplomatic push
Olmert, Abbas to meet in J'lem in last-minute attempt to bridge differences as negotiations for joint statement remain deadlocked. Government stands to authorize release of 500 Palestinian prisoners as goodwill gesture to Abbas

Jerusalem Post Survey: Americans see Israel as ally

ADL study says at least 65% see Israel as an important ally; also say Palestinian plight fault of PA

The Region: Combat 'Westophobia'


'Palestinians have backtracked on all understandings'

Diplomatic officials: Chances for joint statement receding; Palestinians have "returned to square one;" separate statements a possibility.

Analyze this: Why an ailing Annapolis is a bigger pain for the doctor than the patient

Good news is that if operation fails, it may not be quite the disaster it was feared to be

Bolton: Syrian 'Nuclear Facility' Built by North Korea, Financed by Iran

Washington Times Israel setting tone for talks Israeli leaders have taken to using a new phrase loaded with hidden meaning ahead of a proposed conference this month in Annapolis — "two states for two peoples."

The Winograd Committe's final report will likely blame Ehud Olmert for the Second Lebanon War's final 60 hours.

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Al Hayat Israeli Sabotage is a Deliberate Policy to Bring Down Palestinian Moderation Raghida Dergham - The Israeli attempts to cause the failure of the international peace conference before its presumed convening in 10 days’ time in Annapolis poses a fundamental question, namely: if Israel truly doesn’t want peace, what then? This question is faced by Israelis and Arabs as well as the Americans.

Opposition Leader: Iran Far From a Nuke, Change Must be From Within

H10 Christian Science Monitor

OPEC's lost sway over oil prices

This weekend's summit focused mostly on poor nations, climate change, and the euro vs. the dollar.

Merkel's jet-setting: what cost?

Two years into office, the German leader is popular but her coalition is in a standoff.

Immigration issue could make or break presidential candidates

The touchy subject has become a political minefield for '08 contenders.

In Pakistan, can Bhutto distance herself from Musharraf?

As Bhutto tries to unify opposition to Pakistan's president, many wonder if past dealings will make her unpopular

Pentagon scrambles to pay for war from its regular budget

Secretary Gates says Congress's failure to fund war means furloughs likely


Bbc Population crisis
Concern as Japan faces up to dramatic demographic change

Bangladesh cyclone death toll may reach 15,000...

NYT Chinese Dam Projects Criticized for Their Human Costs A year after the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, water pollution, landslides and mass resettlement have led to questions about hydropower as a solution to China’s energy conundrum

Technology in India and China: Running Fast

H11 IHT Merkel is criticized over policy toward China and Russia

Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, asserting himself as an opponent of the more critical policy stance toward Moscow and Beijing, warned the chancellor of growing diplomatic tensions

Alarming UN report on climate change is too rosy, many sayThe bleak news in the UN report could not even take into account the most recent evidence of global warming, according to scientists and report authors

Roger Cohen: Israel, Palestine, Annapolis By ROGER COHEN

The Annapolis Middle East conference looks like a looming photo-op.

Early tally gives edge to pro-independence party in Kosovo

Belgians angered by political deadlock march to promote national unity

EUROPE European press review

BBC Uncertain future
Kosovo has voted - but the 10 December deadline looms

Independence Loses Its Magic in Kosovo Vote

NYT The Tories Find Their Inner Liberal In Britain, as the Labor Party seeks extended detentions, Conservatives wave the Magna Carta

BBC Ex-Kosovo fighter claims victory A party led by a former Kosovo guerrilla leader leads in the province's polls, unofficial results suggest.

Battle ready Violence simmers beneath Kosovo's independence bid

Germany is the Soft Underbelly of Europe - Mark Helprin, Wall St. Journal

Newsweek 'A Freeway To Europe' Sonia Kolesnikov-Jessop Just a decade ago, tiny Croatia was in ruins. Now this star of the Balkans is on track to join the EU.

H12 RFE/RL'National Leader' Idea Gains Strength In Russia

For Russia's political elite, keeping Putin in power has become a fixation. The latest plan is to grant the president an elevated mythological status as Russia's supreme ruler

Google News Azerbaijan

NYT Rupert Murdoch, Embroiled in the Caucasus How did the media mogul end up in the middle of hostilities on the rim of the old Soviet empire?

Kasparov: West Should Boycott Duma Elections

Putin not deterred by term limits
Party platform heavy on keeping Russian president in 'leadership position'

H13 The Times Musharraf rejects US call to end emergency Rift between America and Pakistan widens after Musharraf rejects call to end emergency rule and free his political opponents

Sarkozy urged to defy strikers

It's make-or-break week for Sarkozy with the industrial unrest that paralysed the country’s transport network set to spread

What’s needed is focus

Mr Brown should not waste time worrying about 'vision', he has to establish a clear set of principles

Tim Hames

Rumsfeld logic serves as guide

America’s housing crisis is generally agreed to be the biggest risk for the global economy and financial markets today Anatole Kaletsky

Quiet DiplomacyIt is time to revive Britain’s interest in the Commonwealth

Sunday Times British hostages in Iraq to be ‘held for years’ Kidnappers demand release of Iranian-backed militia leader, warning that any rescue attempt will endanger hostages

France rallies to Sarkozy over strikes Thousands gather in Paris to vent their fury over a public transport strike and to support the president's economic reforms

Case unproven for 56 days

A straightforward proposal by Brown to extend the limit for holding hostages to 56 days would mean almost certain parliamentary defeat

It’s one small step from Brown’s paranoid state into a police one

Brown initiated a sudden and extraordinary set of measures curbing liberty in the name of security

Simon Jenkins

Wall Street Journal Diplomacy in the Post-9/11 Era
Henry Kissinger remains one of the country's most prescient observers of world affairs.

CRUDE-OIL PRODUCTION could plateau, some industry leaders believe, setting the stage for a period marked by energy shortages and high prices.

Musharraf is intensifying his campaign against the free-flow of information and a growing Islamic insurgency in Pakistan, and doesn't appear to have been persuaded to alter course during a visit from a senior U.S. diplomat.

OPEC will create a committee to study the impact of the weakening dollar. Venezuela and Iran had teamed up to press for a debate on how the currency affects oil prices.

Capital Flight and Other Policy Risks
The Fed needs to demonstrate to foreign investors that we will not let their assets decline further. By ETHAN PENNER

On Setting an Example America being a "beacon to the world" is more challenging than it sounds, writes Peggy Noonan.

Blessings closer to home

The pollsters tell us Americans have never been more pessimistic about the country's direction, expressing deep disapproval of its leaders and institutions at all levels of government. And heaven knows we've got some troubles that have stretched our patience, from the Iraq war to a sharply polarized electorate whose political leaders can't seem to agree about anything on behalf of the common good.

H14 Financial Times LEADER: What Musharraf must do now No country can be called truly democratic with a puppet judiciary. The outside world should remind Pakistan’s president of this fundamental point

WORLD NEWS: Iran still under fire for 'arming militias'

BACK PAGE - FIRST SECTION: What makes a hyperpower?

FRONT PAGE - FIRST SECTION: Rifts over dollar widen at Opec summit

WORLD NEWS - DOLLAR WOES: Opec looks at switch to strong currency

Opec unites behind higher prices In spite of disagreements over strategy and politics, the cartel’s summit has united in defence of higher prices, while Saudi Arabia’s king has launched a $300m fund to research climate change

Energy Filter: Saudi Arabia defends the dollar

Analysis: Opec examines the benefits of boosting capacity

Editorial comment: Rhetoric belies France’s rethink While the French president rails against the ‘religion’ of the free market, Sarkozy’s top-flight economic commission is stressing its benefits

WORLD NEWS: Race to clear the air ahead of Middle East peace meeting

Former Kosovo fighter claims election victory Hashim Thaci set to declare independence

COMMENT: Early steps towards an assertive eurozone Wolfgang Münchau on the mission to Beijing

WORLD NEWS: US remains captive to dilemma of its detainees

WORLD NEWS: Rich nations quarrel over new Kyoto

Fields of little glory: Nato begins to scale back its Afghan ambitions Some within the alliance are talking of a need for reconciliation with Taliban insurgents

Book Review: A colourful chronicle of Germany’s past Joschka Fischer’s account of the first three years of the red-green coalition is bold in its assessment of its successes and failures, writes Bertrand Benoit

WORLD NEWS: Lebanon's last-ditch hunt for president

WORLD NEWS - DOLLAR WOES: G20 stay silent on impact for world markets

The nervous wait before the plunge The US experience shows dizzying height and a rise in interest rates to modest levels are enough to trigger a fall in house prices. The UK has both those attributes in spades

COMMENT: The case for patching up social security The argument for reform has little to do with fiscal arithmetic and everything to do with what President Bush has called ‘the ownership society’. Many Americans, especially the least well off, are going to be much more tightly squeezed after they retire than they expect, writes Clive Crook

Why the Galileo project must go ahead Pierre Bartholomé and Kevin Madders say system is viable

GE chief urges incentives to fuel nuclear switch Fears for future of nuclear power plans

H15 Los Angeles Times Making the inevitable happen By Bernard Avishai and Sam Bahour Everyone knows the outlines of the Middle East peace accord. What's missing is the political will to achieve it.

U.S. wants a payoff from all that aid to Pakistan Pentagon officials propose linking dollars to success in battling militants. They also want clear accounting

China, India, Japan ... blastoff!

By Times Staff Writers Asian powers see spaceflight as a ticket to global respect. The U.S. and Europe take notice — of China, especially.

Pakistan's top problem By Pervez Hoodbhoy Musharraf's military rule has damaged his country's ability to fight Islamist insurgents

Are we safer? By David Cole and Jules Lobel A report card on the war on terror.

Gotta save Darfur By James Kirchick A U.N.-African Union peacekeeping effort may fuel Muslim anger toward the West but the mission is imperative.

H16 American Politics

NOVAK: Agents of Hillary claim 'scandalous information' on rival...
Obama: Don't 'Swift boat' me...
Clinton camp fires back over column...

Newsweek How To Beat Hillary (Next) November Karl Rove Republicans who think she'll be easy to defeat are wrong. What they should do

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

WP Debates in Need of Rescue By David S. Broder, All the world may be a stage, but one wishes candidates would offer substantive answers instead of sound bites

Permanent Republican Majority? Think Again. Polls show that the reign of conservative values is officially over.

Clinton and Obama Campaigns Clash Over Report Columnist Asserts That Senator From New York Has Damaging Information About Her Rival

Mormon smears turn Republican race sour The only Mormon in the 2008 presidential race, Mitt Romney, comes under attack for his religious beliefs

NYT Black Americans: One Race, or More? According to a recent nationwide survey, more than a third of black respondents said that their community is now so diverse that it can no longer can be thought of as a single race.

Books About Presidential Power Charlie Savage has written an examination of executive prerogative run amok; Eric Lane and Michael Oreskes provide a rallying cry for reining it back in.

Rove Newsweek column debuts
First piece details ways GOP can beat 'hard and brittle' Clinton in '08.

H17 Daily Telegraph Get a grip on migrants There is already a consensus that excessive migration is putting strain on public services and housing, yet the current situation shows that the number of would-be migrants will remain high for years to come.

Pakistan rejects call to end emergency

Sunday Times

We are no safer for all this 'security' No functioning Western country can terror-proof itself against suicide bombers, writes Jenny McCartney.

Down but not yet out in Paris

It is no accident that our wistful nostalgia for the gentle pace of French life is coinciding with a new wave of realism by the French, writes Dan Roberts.

Forces can't carry on like this, says Dannatt

The head of the Army has warned that years of Government under-funding and overstretch have left troops feeling "devalued, angry and suffering from Iraq fatigue", The Sunday Telegraph can reveal

A rising note of panic surrounds No.10

The man who wanted the top job for so long is finding it tougher than he expected. Cabinet and Whitehall insiders are worried, Iain Martin reveals.

Brown's strategy has fallen to pieces

Brown's open-mindedness is begining to look dangerously like diffidence, incompetence and indecision, writes Matthew d'Ancona

H18 Independent Iran considers Saudi plan to end nuclear impasse

Leading article: Sparks that risk igniting another Balkan war

Kosovo set for coalition after poor turnout at polls

France faces another week of chaos

Musharraf rejects US call to lift state of emergency

Independent on Sunday Expert View: This is the beginning of the end for the all-powerful dollar

A world dying, but can we unite to save it?

Pollution in the seas is now speeding global warming, says a devastating new climate report

Leading article: A global shift on climate change

'Washington is 200 per cent behind me,' Musharraf claims during crucial talks

The cloning revolution: Ministers to back contro- versial change to law Within 10 years, doctors could transplant embryos created by three 'parents' - so eliminating genes that lead to life-threatening conditions – under plans to be debated by MPs

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

From the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, the paper "Dereliction of Duty Redux?" by Frank Hoffman, a retired Marine officer and long-time military scholar

Pioneering 'heat wave' gun may be used in Iraq

American commanders in Iraq are urging Pentagon chiefs to authorise the deployment of newly-developed heat wave guns to disperse crowds.

UK Army Chief Warns of Overstretch

Blackwater's New Weapon: Laser Dazzlers

WP FBI's Forensic Test Full of Holes Lee Wayne Hunt is one of hundreds of defendants whose convictions are in question now that FBI forensic evidence has been discredited. Hundreds of defendants sitting in prisons nationwide have been convicted with the help of an FBI forensic tool that was discarded more than two years ago. But the FBI lab has yet to take steps to alert the affected defendants or courts, even as the window for appealing convictions is closing

Army Desertion Rate Highest Since '80...

State of the ground forces

The men and women of our armed forces are risking their lives every day, doing a superb job to defend us. But today's Army is under enormous strain due operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both the readiness of the force and its ability to recruit and retain quality volunteers are now at risk.

Cluster bombs: realism and reality Thomas Nash Nov 17 07, 03:00pm: Despite opposition from the US, Russia and China, a global effort to ban cluster munitions is gaining ground

Admiral Fallon: US Ready to 'Stand Up To' Iran

H20 Slate human nature

Created Equal Race, genes, and intelligence. William Saletan

Scandal M.A.D.! Has Hillary achieved sleaze deterrence? Mickey Kaus


Climate Change 2007 — the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (PDF; 6.7 MB) media advisory (PDF; 35 KB):

BBC Climate dilemma
Trying to square economic growth with fossil fuel reductions

Is the Bond Market the Best Predictor of the Outcome of a War?--Posner

The Cuban Missile Crisis in Retrospect

America's water war The southeastern United States is drying up and the Bush administration and FEMA don't want to consider what happens if a major city's faucets run dry.
By Tom Engelhardt

H21 LA Times What's ugly? By Umberto Eco Is it the flip side of beautiful? Depends on who's doing the looking.

The Future of Reading

Sunday Times Helping pupils starts with ABC The human brain is achieving marvellous things. And in the new world being created, brainpower will dictate our destiny

NYT Woody Allen in His Own Words

Review by DAVID KAMP Eric Lax’s new book of interviews with Woody Allen, along with recent collections of Allen’s fiction and prose, helps burnish the director’s legacy. First Chapters: ‘Conversations With Woody Allen’ | ‘Mere Anarchy’ | ‘The Insanity Defense’

Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate Studies indicating that executions are a deterrent against future murders have been the subject of sharp criticism

'Day of Empire' By AMY CHUA Reviewed by LANCE MORROW Amy Chua claims empires share a surprising trait: tolerance

The Sleep-Industrial Complex While you’ve been tossing and turning, research scientists, pharmaceutical companies and mattress designers have been hard at work on your eternal nocturnal problem. But what exactly is the problem?

Patients Without Borders What do the uninsured in America do when they need health care? Some turn to a volunteer medical group that was set up to provide free services in third world countries.

Freakonomics The Stomach-Surgery Conundrum By STEPHEN J. DUBNER and STEVEN D. LEVITT Why do obese people choose a drastic solution for a relatively simple problem?

BBC to film all 37 of Bard's plays

Boasting one of the greatest casts ever assembled and spanning more than seven years, the BBC's Shakespeare series 30 years ago was a defining moment in television history.

Arsenal's suitor Usmanov denies allegations of murky past Billionaire speaks out during a remarkable email exchange with the Guardian

Read the full transcript of the email exchange

DT 'Studio schools' for pupil malcontents

Excluded and disaffected pupils will be sent to special "studio schools" under plans being drawn up by the Government

Education does not need dogma

Our politicians must be cautious when it comes to education, as there is a danger that in challenging the orthodoxies of the past, they will merely impose new ones

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2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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