15 November 2007
  November 15, 2007

1115-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 NYT U.S. Is Looking Past Musharraf in Case He Falls Bush administration officials are losing faith that the Pakistani president can survive in office and have begun actively discussing what might come next

Washington Post Iraqis Wasting An Opportunity, U.S. Officers Say With Attacks Ebbing, Government Is Urged to Reach Out to Opponents

Strategic Drift Where's the Pushback Against the Surge? By John Podesta, Lawrence J. Korb and Brian Katulis, Alarmingly, both political parties seem resigned to allowing the Bush administration to run out the clock on its Iraq strategy

New York Times ROGER COHEN Obama in Orbit Barack Obama, in many ways, is where the world is going. He embodies interconnectedness where the Bush administration has projected separateness.

Walker's World: Will Europe fight? By MARTIN WALKER (UPI) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy is offering a dramatic change in French strategic policy and a new embrace of the NATO alliance – but only at a price.

Los Angeles Times Democrats push Iraq bill through The House budget measure, largely a symbolic jab, would require Bush to start bringing troops home in coming weeks

The Islamist tide in Iraq Have Iraq's Sunnis turned decisively away from Islamism? Will the Shiites follow the same path in time

McClatchy Embattled Baghdad shows signs of hope Taking advantage of a dramatic drop in car bombings and sectarian murders, Baghdad residents are once again venturing out to local markets and restaurants after dark in many parts of the city. They're celebrating weddings and birthdays in public places and eating grilled carp on the Tigris River late into the night.

Ha’aretz – Benn Get used to the Iranian bomb Instead of whining, it is better for you to talk to us about security arrangements in the era of Iranian nuclear power, say the Americans.

PINR "The Implications of Russia's Moratorium of the C.F.E. Treaty" Full text of report

Nagorno-Karabakh: Risking War International Crisis Group

ICG warns Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may result in war

Azerbaijan: Heading Off Jihad By: Karl Rahder | ISA A spate of recent arrests and an alleged plot to attack on western embassies in Baku are alarming indicators of rising Islamic radicalization among Azerbaijan's disenfranchised ethnic minorities. While these groups appear to lack any concrete organization, the government's failure to address their needs and strengthen its democratic institutions could buy them enough time to become a much more serious threat.

A Determined Spirit By: Ruth Daniloff | The Boston Globe An in-your-face attitude rules Grozny these days. It is as though the city is telling the Kremlin: OK, you won the war. You killed 15 percent of our population and dispatched us across the world as refugees. You can still arrest us arbitrarily. But you cannot kill our spirit.

Daily Telegraph Ending the Union would cost Britain dear

Gordon Brown refuses to admit that Labour's misguided devolution experiment has landed Britain in this mess, notes Iain Martin.

Guardian The threat from terrorism does not justify slicing away our freedoms Timothy Garton Ash: Britain is now one of the world's most spied-upon societies, where such ancient rights as habeas corpus are hacked to bits.

Miliband: EU must be ready to use military power British foreign secretary will also use Bruges speech to call for zero carbon cars by 2030

Forward White House Implores Organized Jewry To Support Peace Summit

The Bomb and the Taliban

Asia Times US eyes Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
The battle lines are now drawn between ex-premier Benazir Bhutto and President Musharraf, moving Pakistan towards chaos, rather than away from it as the two were supposed to do under Washington's grand plan. The United States sniffs an opportunity to exploit the situation and attempt to safeguard the country's nuclear arsenal from extremists. Islamabad, via King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, wants to tell Washington to back off. - Syed Saleem Shahzad

US Reaffirms Backing for Supervised Independence for Kosovo

Financial Times COMMENT: Advice for Georgia on following the path to democracy Tbilisi needs to be shielded, says Ronald Asmus

The Times Will confrontations stop reform? The governments of Sarkozy and Merkel have now entered a trial of strength with their transport unions Bronwen Maddox

When Good News is No News - Victor Davis Hanson, RealClearPolitics

H2 Turkey's Choice with Barzani: The Gun or the Olive Branch
Global Terrorism Analysis

The missing link between procurement and war against the PKK Burak BEKDİL

Barçın Yinanç Looking for a master plan I always had the impression that the discussions undertaken at the top echelons of the state were limited to general comments rather than being genuine brainstorming.

NYT U.S. Sharing Intelligence With Turkey

Pentagon Sözcüsü: Bildiğim kadarıyla sınır ötesi operasyon olmadı

Iraq: Turkey border tensions easing

AP US Shares Intelligence With Turkey

Turkey's military denies cross-border air operation into N Iraq

Turkey's Kurdish problem: Three readers, three perspectives
C. Cem Oğuz

General Electric seeks to participate in Turkey's nuclear power ...

Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring

[NEWS ANALYSIS] Pro-Kurdish DTP toes the line of defunct DEP

Yüksekova’ya havaalanı yapılacak

Demirtaş: Silahları susturma iradesine de sahibiz

Zaho'dan izlenimler

Sınırın öbür tarafında neler oluyor? Namık Durukan anlattı

Komisyon'da 'kart kurt' tartışması

17% of budget granted to Kurdistan region

Iraq Kurdistan Democratic Party Official Says Factions May Form at Congress

PKK operasyonu: 34 gözaltı

İHD bürosunda, PKK'lılar 'gerilla' olarak tanımlandı

DTP'li vekilin teröriste 'gerilla' demesi komisyonu karıştırdı

Komisyon’da ‘gerilla’ tartışması

'Öcalan, cezaevinden 2 kez örgüte talimat gönderdi'

Hüseyin Gülerce Kuzey Irak'taki Türk okulları

PKK eylemi kesmezse Kürtleri karşısına alır

'Beyaz Saray zirvesiyle görüşme başladı'

Peşmerge Kandil’deki köylüleri sorguya aldı

Kuzey Irak'tan devlet şefkatine

DTP'nin yönetim kadrosu yenilendi

Turkey - Syria Trade to Reach $5 Billion in 5 Years, Insha’allah: Hamshou Hit

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 13 November 2007

Iraqi Kurd PKK-Linked Party Files Lawsuit Against Closure of Offices

BloodKurdling Internet myth bleeds Turkish firm
"I read it on the Internet, so it must be true," and unfortunately hundreds of thousands of Turks seem to be subscribing to that mindset to the detriment of one of the country's largest clothing companies. In a volatile mix of lies, politics and nationalism, LC Waikiki has been falsely linked in Internet rumors to one of Turkey's most notorious Kurds. - Fazile Zahir


Peres-Abbas buluşması ve Türkiye'nin kilit rolü

ABD: "İsrail-Filistin desteğiniz için minnettarız"

Bizi de barıştırın

Arap basını, zirveyi önemsemedi

İstanbul’da kritik buluşma

İbrahim Öztürk Ekonomi ile Ortadoğu'da barış köprüsü kurulabilir mi?

Güler: Iraqi gas could be alternative source for Nabucco

Sami KOHEN Neden ayrılmak istiyorlar?

İlnur Çevik Military news blackout displays the sad picture

The grand illusion Robert ELLIS

Savaş ekonomisi ve emek

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

Deniz Gökçe AB Komisyonu 2007 İlerleme Raporu

Faruk Şen "The Progress Report " shows delays in full membership

Nicholas Burns 'Ruhban Okulu ve Patrikhane Sorunu Çözülecek'


'AB Türkiye'nin üyeliğini desteklemeli'

Danimarka Meclisi'nin ilk Müslüman kadın üyesi Özlem Çekiç: Sessiz çoğunluğun sesi olacağım

Turks striving to bring down visa barriers

'NATO Kosova İçin Güç Kullanmaya Hazır'

Patrikhane’nin ek inşaatları durduruldu

Patrik ekümeniklik iddiasında

Yukarı Karabağ'da savaş uyarısı

Saakaşvili'den Kıbrıs gafı

About Turkish-EU Consultative Committee - Turkish Daily News Nov 14, 2007

JTW News - The European Union’s use for Turkey

Blame Ottoman Empire for genocide, not modern-day Turkey : Opinion : Ventura County Star

The smell of war spreads over the Balkans by HAJRUDIN SOMUN*

Gürcistan’la serbest ticaret anlaşması

Güney Kıbrıs Türkmenistan ile ilişki kurdu

Oray Eğin
28 Şubat belgeselinin zamanı gelmedi mi?

Yavuz Semerci
Güldemir’in yarattığı değer...

TİT'çi Gülaltay'a eski emniyetçi bilgi sızdırmış

‘Şemdinli case’ likely to claim more victims

Şemdinli’ye dokunan yanıyor

Peres, Gül'den tablet istedi

Şimon Peres, Türk edebiyatını inceletip ‘Memleketim’i seçti

Can Dündar TRT

'Kemal Abi'nin iş bilir çocukları Maliye Bakanı'nın üç çocuğu, Mersin Limanı'na işletim sistemi sattı, işlemlerde ne torpil var ne hile, ama limanı kim alırsa alsın, onlara başvurmak zorundaydı

ABD havaalanlarından bomba malzemeleri rahatlıkla geçti

Emekli Korgeneral Tokat'ın 'birkaç bomba' sözüne beraat

Danıştay davasına El Kaide avukatı

Turkish Organized Crime
World Press Review

15 Kasım 2007 Basın Özeti

H3Taha AKYOL Kürt meselesine bakmak

Hasan CEMAL PKK, Kürt siyaseti ve altı maddelik senaryo!

Ahmet Taşgetiren Ak Parti’nin sınavı için süre -


'Tek bayraktan rahatsız mısınız?'

DTP'den tuhaf çıkış: 8 askeri kurtardık, silahları da susturabiliriz

Kuzey Irak'taki karakolu Malatya'dan kalkan F-16'lar vurmuş

ABD'yle istihbarat paylaşımı başladı

Rubin 12 şehidin kanında Barzani parmağı var

Soli Özel| Ziyaretler ve İran

Sedat Sertoğlu Zirvenin tutanakları

"Sınır ötesi operasyon yok"

Kafaları karıştırdı
Babacan, “ABD’yle istihbarat paylaşımı uygulanıyor, tezkere kullanılıyor” dedi. Bu sözler “sınır ötesi operasyon başladı” olarak algılandı

Amerika ile ilişkilerimiz sınama sürecinde

'İstihbarat 4 Kasım'dan beri veriliyor'

Dışarıya talimat veren Öcalan’a hücre cezası

Baskılar sonuç verdi, K.Irak'ta PKK'ya karşı çember daralıyor

Yüksekova'ya ABD üssü mü?

Fatma Kurtulan dağda olsa daha mı iyi olurdu? İsmet Berkan

Fikret BİLA Komutanlar Cephesi'yle ilgili tartışmalar

[YORUM - M.Fethullah Gülen] Bizi birbirimizden koparamazlar...

Güler Kömürcü İleri harekât

Şahin: Öcalan, PKK'ya iki kez talimat verdi

DTP ateşle oynuyor Murat Yetkin

Semih İDİZ PKK karşısındaki tavrınızı alkışlıyoruz

Cengiz Çandar Ankara’da balayı, Filistin-İsrail gerçekleri

[HABER ANALİZ] Peres ve Olmert, Türkiye'ye Annapolis yolunu açtı

[NEWS ANALYSIS] A house to all nations: Turkey bridges the unbridgeable


Politikasız bir Kürtler…

M Ali Birand PKK, kendi tuzağına düşüyor

Ekren Dumanlı Bir Türkiye ütopyası

İsmail Küçükkaya Mehmet Şimşek Amerikalılara ne söyledi?

'Pax Ottomana'dan 'Pax Turcica'ya
Hasan Celal Güzel

Yeniden 'Osmanlı barışı'
Nuray Mert

Yalçın Doğan Operasyonun maliyeti devlet sırrı

Şükrü Küçükşahin Baykal sınırın içine de geliyor

Org. Büyükanıt NATO müttefiklerini bilgilendirdi

Kararlılığımızı herkes biliyor

"Washington'ın tercihi Türklerden yana

Bilal Çetin MHP’nin dokunulmazlık girişimi kimin işine gelir?

MHP, DTP'li vekillerin dokunulmazlığını kaldırmak için 114 imza arıyor

Baykal: Kimse Türkiye'yi savaşmaya meraklı bir ülke gibi göstermesin

Hüsnü Mahalli'den çarpıcı açıklamalar

Serdar Turgut Ego çatışması

Mehmet Tezkan Irak’ı bırak Diyarbakır’a bak!

Şahin Alpay Makarna fabrikası kurar gibi

İbrahim Kalın The Middle East peace process comes to Ankara

İhsan Dağı How to understand new activism in Turkish foreign policy

MHP'nin önerisine Erdoğan'dan destek yok

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri -

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç 'Budala' da kimmiş?

Fehmi Koru Reminiscences and dreams

İBRAHİM KARAGÜL Sizi taş devrine döndüreceğiz!..

YASİN DOĞAN Siyasi tablo ne gösteriyor?

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Tragicomic phenomena: Putting the blame on others

Terörün finansmanı

Ertuğrul Özkök Piranaların hüsran günü

Mehmet Yılmaz Under the Taksim Novemberpasha there is!

Ahmet Hakan İtidal çağrısı

Cüneyt Ülsever DP’de neler oluyor?

Kongreyi erteledi, aday değil

Ağar, olağanüstü kongreyi iptal etti

Enis Berberoğlu

Oktay Ekşi Aynı dili konuşmak

Yılmaz Özdil PKK’nın beli kırıldı

Cevdet Aşkın PKK'nın tasfiyesi DTP'nin varlığına endeksli


ERDAL ŞAFAK 1994 yanlışını tekrarlamak

ERGUN BABAHAN 1994'ü unutmayın

EMRE AKÖZ Türbanlı bilek güreşi

Umur Talu Büyük aktör

MümtazerTürköne Gözbebeğimiz


NAZLI ILICAK Oyuna gelmeyelim

MAHMUT ÖVÜR Fethullah Gülen'in suçu ne?

YAVUZ DONAT Yakın tarih analizi

ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Yüksek bono faizine neden aldırmıyorlar?

Ercan Kumcu Dış açıklar ekonominin bir parçası

Seyfettin Gürsel Para politikasını yönetmek güçleşiyor

Turkish social security system shattering

Türkiye ve rakipleri
Mahfi Eğilmez

Turkish Central Bank cuts key rate 0.5 points as expected

Erdal Sağlam Nazım Ekren bölge sorunlarını dinliyor

Başarılı işadamı G.Doğu'da yatırım koçluğu yapacak


Gariban Bütçesi!

Bütçe uygulama sonuçları
Tarhan Erdem

'Operasyon Türk ekonomisine zarar vermez'

Asaf Savaş Akat

Üçüncü çeyrekte dış açık

Mali sektör derinleşiyor, ama...
Fatih Özatay

Hurşit GÜNEŞ Merkez Bankası hattı müdafaada

Güngör URAS Halkın kart ve kredi borcu 86 milyar YTL

Spending like an EU member - Turkish Daily News Nov 14, 2007

H4 New York Times U.S. Is Looking Past Musharraf in Case He Falls Bush administration officials are losing faith that the Pakistani president can survive in office and have begun actively discussing what might come next

ROGER COHEN Obama in Orbit Barack Obama, in many ways, is where the world is going. He embodies interconnectedness where the Bush administration has projected separateness.

House Puts Strings on Military Funding

Emergency Rule in Georgia to End

Britain Plans New Security Measures

Opponent of Musharraf Is Detained in Pakistan

Israelis Make Division of Jerusalem More Difficult

Iraq to Spend $19 Billion on Projects

U.S. Ponders War Message, and How Best to Deliver It

GAIL COLLINS What Happens in Vegas ... The challenge for Hillary Clinton in Thursday’s debate will be to prove that she can talk the straight talk. It’s a tricky business.

H5 Washington Post Iraqis Wasting An Opportunity, U.S. Officers Say

With Attacks Ebbing, Government Is Urged to Reach Out to Opponents

Strategic Drift Where's the Pushback Against the Surge? By John Podesta, Lawrence J. Korb and Brian Katulis, Alarmingly, both political parties seem resigned to allowing the Bush administration to run out the clock on its Iraq strategy

World's Power Plant Emissions Detailed U.S. Appears to Be Worst Carbon Dioxide Polluter, but China Is Catching Up Fast

Palestinian Security Paradox

By David Ignatius, Palestinians can't meet their security obligations if the U.S. and Israel won't help them

Bomb Parts Clear Air Security in Tests

GAO Report Puts TSA on the Defensive Undercover investigators carried all the bomb components needed to cause "severe damage" to airliners and passengers through U.S. airport screening checkpoints several times this year, despite security measures adopted in August 2006 to stop such explosive devices, according to a new government...

William Arkin Don't Let Nukes Become Musharraf's Excuse

French Strikers Take On Sarkozy

Transit Workers, Technicians, Students Join to Protest Economic Proposals

Britain To Step Up Security Measures

Front-Runners Who Can Still Be Tackled By George F. Will, Page A25

Americans say they are weary of political polarization and pugnacity, which could be bad news for Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani.

No Good at Nation-Building By Robert D. Novak, On Tuesday a busload of Iraqi lawyers delivered a letter politely telling President Bush that he had failed to establish the rule of law in Iraq.

The Icebergs Ahead For the Democrats David S. Broder,

The prospect of a two-headed Clinton monster as president could test the tolerance of the American people.

Clinton's Rivals Adopt More Partisan Approach

Editorial Mr. Chavez's Coup

A constitutional 'reform' could complete Venezuela's transformation into a dictatorship.

State Dept. Inspector General Agrees To Recuse Himself From Key Probes

H6 Guardian The threat from terrorism does not justify slicing away our freedoms Timothy Garton Ash: Britain is now one of the world's most spied-upon societies, where such ancient rights as habeas corpus are hacked to bits.

Miliband: EU must be ready to use military power British foreign secretary will also use Bruges speech to call for zero carbon cars by 2030

An uprising may be the only way to dislodge the general Seumas Milne: Benazir Bhutto is back at the head of a struggle against dictatorship, but Pakistan needs a more radical transformation

Musharraf's last stand

Simon Tisdall Nov 14 07, 06:30pm: The president is waiting for a tamed supreme court to validate his re-election but his unpopularity and chronic misjudgments may yet defeat him

Bhutto: the new Chalabi

Dilip Hiro Nov 14 07, 08:30pm: There's much in common between smooth-talking Benazir and the man once favoured by the White House to succeed Saddam Hussein

Full of good ideas David Clark: Brown deserves greater credit for a speech that set out a compelling vision of a global society

Iranian accused of leaking secrets

Former senior nuclear negotiator accused of passing secrets to the British embassy in Tehran

Keeping Busy By: David Shariatmadari | The Guardian Tony Blair's guilt over Iraq will keep him active in global affairs and striving for ever-higher office until the day he dies.

US official admits Blackwater link

State department inspector general says his brother is an adviser to security firm after earlier denial

Blackwater promises to hold guards to account

From boom to gloom Economic outlook: On August 8, the Bank of England set out its view of the country's economic potential - the day before financial markets plummeted and the credit squeeze began. Yesterday's update (known as the inflation report) surveyed the wreckage - and suggested the economy was in for a bumpier ride than it had had in a decade

The $4 gallon Sasha Abramsky: Republican scare tactics have left Americans paying more for gasoline today than they did during the oil crisis of the late 1970s

'Undesirables' debate

Pete Tobias: 'Is Islam good for London?' was the topic of a debate last night. But suppose they had asked that question about Hinduism or Judaism

H7 Newsweek Zakaria Pakistan’s Pinstripe Revolution

Asia Times US eyes Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
The battle lines are now drawn between ex-premier Benazir Bhutto and President Musharraf, moving Pakistan towards chaos, rather than away from it as the two were supposed to do under Washington's grand plan. The United States sniffs an opportunity to exploit the situation and attempt to safeguard the country's nuclear arsenal from extremists. Islamabad, via King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, wants to tell Washington to back off. - Syed Saleem Shahzad

Pakistan, Bush and the bomb
The Bush administration's path to the crisis in Musharraf's Pakistan began on September 11, 2001, when the Pakistanis were told to either side with the US, or against it. Yet no mention was made of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. For an administration that based its war policy on nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands, this was a fateful oversight. - Jonathan Schell

Iran, Pakistan dump India
from pipeline deal

Iran and Pakistan have their pens poised to ink their part of the US$7.5 billion gas pipeline contract that is meant to see natural gas flow from Iran to India via Pakistan. The US wants India to find energy elsewhere, and New Delhi appears to be listening. - Siddharth Srivastava

In Annapolis, Damascus Is More Important Than Ramallah
Yossi Alpher

Washington Times Editorial Musharraf's opposition In truth, no one knows what would happen if Gen. Musharraf were deposed.

A risk for the West (By Paul Moorcraft) The West had a Musharraf — not a Pakistan — policy

Energy and Conflict Prevention Anna Lindh Programme on Conflict Prevention
This 269-page monograph explores the relationship between competition for energy resources and the propensity for conflict

Countering Violent Extremism: Lessons from the Abrahamic Faiths EastWest Institute
A 92-page report examining the connections between religion and extremist violence

Sadat and His Legacy: Egypt and the World, 1977-1997

As the fortieth anniversary of the Egyptian president's historic visit to Jerusalem nears, look back on Anwar Sadat's leadership and his legacy in the region. Edited by Jon B. Alterman

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

Delayed intelligence report on Iran to be finished soon

McClatchy Embattled Baghdad shows signs of hope Taking advantage of a dramatic drop in car bombings and sectarian murders, Baghdad residents are once again venturing out to local markets and restaurants after dark in many parts of the city. They're celebrating weddings and birthdays in public places and eating grilled carp on the Tigris River late into the night.

U.S. forces accused of shooting Sunni allies

Guantanamo how-to manual hits the Web

PCR Project Special Briefing: Fixing Iraq’s Internal Security Forces Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies

U.S. engages Muslim Brotherhood despite Rice The United States has resumed contacts with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood despite Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's 2005 commitment not to "engage" with the banned group — a move that could strain relations with President Hosni Mubarak's government.

U.S. readies Mideast peace conferee list Invitations for the upcoming Middle East peace conference in Annapolis will go out next week, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said after a meeting yesterday with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Despite turmoil, Iraq to spend $19 billion on projects

BBC Monitoring Quotes From Iranian Press 14 Nov 07

Iranian Foreign Minister, Iraqi Shi'I Leader Discuss "Occupiers", Security

Egyptian TV Interviews Iraqi President on Domestic, Regional Issues

Istanbul Conference Draws Attention to Humanitarian Problems in Iraq

BBC Restricted trade
How would proposed new economic sanctions affect Iran?

In the line of fire
Killed, maimed or beaten - extremists target Basra's women

Nov 15 SD# 1766 - Editor of Arab Reformist Website: Dictatorial Arab Regimes are Winning the 'Battle for Hearts And Minds' In America

Bombing in Baghdad Green Zone A bomb kills three people near Baghdad's heavily guarded administrative area, US military officials say.

Is Iraq getting better?

Who's listening?
Lebanese campaigners seek an end to the political impasse

Darfur mission 'may fail' says UN The UN peacekeeping mission in Darfur could fail unless countries provide vital equipment, a top official says

Legal problems
Issue of judiciary in Pakistan could haunt Western allies

Best city in the Middle East?

Faisal al Yafai: Holidays are increasingly turning into guilt trips. So you had better tell everyone how much you love Beirut. Or else

H9 Ha’aretz – Benn Get used to the Iranian bomb Instead of whining, it is better for you to talk to us about security arrangements in the era of Iranian nuclear power, say the Americans.

Minister: PA must accept Israel as a Jewish state

Editorial: For equality's sake, Arabs should be 'Israelized'

Seth Anziska: Is the two-state solution still a viable option?

Amira Hass: For some Gazans, Hamas is now object of hatred

Melman Lieberman bolsters ElBaradei The attacks on ElBaradei by ministers and officials do no good to Israel's national interest.

Still a democracy? The state of Israel was established as a civilian state, a state of law, and not as a state of Halakha, by the ?representatives of the Jewish yishuv and the Zionist movement.? Not by the ultra-Orthodox to whom the cabinet members enslave themselves.

Jerusalem Post Rattling the Cage: Bush won't do it [ LARRY DERFNER I don't think President Bush is going to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, not before the presidential election next November 4, and not between then and the day he leaves office the following January 20, either.

Palestinians harden refusal to accept a 'Jewish state'

'Post' learns that despite recent statements by senior PA officials, PM Olmert confident Annapolis declaration will resolve the issue.

J'lem says Solana could trump ElBaradei

Officials: EU emissary understands Israeli position on Iran sanctions; Solana: Peace "doable" in 2008

Exclusive: US, Israel refuse to talk to UN about Syria strike

Yedioth Livni tells off EU's Solana
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni calls EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana to task after latter evades questions regarding possible future sanctions on Iran. Sources say Solana sang different tune in private meeting with Livni

New religion is born

Socialism’s collapse, Zionism’s untimely ruin give rise to ‘peace religion,’ writes Assaf Wohl

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Time Annapolis: The Day After

Old Fears, New Threats By: Uriya Shavitu | The Wall Street Journal
It is hard to avoid comparing this new animosity toward Muslims to the traditional manifestations of a much older hatred--anti-Semitism. The fear of a minority that practices an unfamiliar form of worship and is believed to be worming its way into Christian or Western culture, undermining its values, shaped the relationship between Europe and the Jews in its midst for hundreds of years

Renew U.N. Support By: Brian D. Siegal | Miami Herald
Sixty years ago, on Nov. 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to end 25 years of British mandatory rule in Palestine and laid the groundwork for a two-state solution -- one Jewish, one Arab. Six months later, under the looming threat of war from the very countries that had rejected the U.N. resolution, the state of Israel declared independence, and the Middle East's first and only democracy was born.

Hamas Cracks Down on Fatah in Gaza By: Rushdi abu Alouf and Ken Ellingwood | Los Angeles Times
Fatah leaders said a wave of arrests in Gaza targeted activists, including ranking party figures who had organized the rally marking the third anniversary of Yasser Arafat's death. The gathering erupted in gunfire, leaving seven people dead and dozens injured.

From Dissent, Mitchell Cohen on anti-Semitism and the Left that doesn’t learn.

It's past time to bury the Hitler analogy: Comparing foreign leaders to Adolf Hitler has long been a way of US leaders to start hot wars and fan cold ones — but the Munich analogy isn't just inaccurate, it's dangerous.

It may be going too far to call Norman Podhoretz, the venerable editor at-large of Commentary, a "warmonger".

More on World War IV.

From Forward, an article on the Jewish lobby Israel needs, and more and more and more and more and more on The Israel Lobby.

Missing the conversation about the Israel lobby: Mearsheimer and Walt's The Israel Lobby lacks scholarly thoroughness — and misses the debate among Jews over Israel.

From American Heritage, an article on the confusing moment when Israel was conceived.

Back in the ghetto: The Israeli Right nurtures the image of the nation of Israel as a bastion under eternal siege but fails to see that Israel is laying siege to the Palestinians — the window of opportunity opened by the Oslo agreement has been closed for good

From Jewcy, an article on Ron Paul's Jewish problem

US presses Israel to halt settlements

US and Israeli policies help keep Sderot under fire
By M. J. Rosenberg

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Black Sea oil spill blamed on Russia's lax standards Environmentalists and critics say the country's booming energy industry has failed to enforce adequate standards

French showdown over benefits

Transit worker strike challenges Sarkozy's bid to trim costly retirement packages.

At the Fed, 'cryptic' is out and transparency is in

Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday outlined steps to improve the central bank's communications with Wall Street and Main Street.

Student protests build in Pakistan

Campus activists have yet to unify around a single cause. But their voices are growing


Working through Korean unification blues
In North and South Korea alike the yearning for reunification is mythically powerful, though the reality - when it comes - will be shattering, painful and prolonged for both societies after more than 60 years of separation across a social, economic and political chasm. A North-South confederation might help bridge the gap. - Andrei Lankov

Russia Tightens Grip on Disputed Islands By: Richard Beeston | The London Times
The Russian and Japanese coastguard cutters shadowed each other through the steely waters of the north Pacific in a carefully choreographed routine played out along the last active fault-line of the the Second World War.

The US "One China" Policy: Time for a Change?
Pacific Forum CSIS

CFR Pakistan’s Tremors Worry India

China’s age of expression, Li Datong

Roadblocks on the superhighway

Bobbie Johnson: Every internet company looking at the Chinese market is being forced to compromise its principles - and the appetite for censorship is spreading

FT COMMENT: Japan's exposure to an external shock remains

In Chinese Dam's Wake, Ecological Woes

In the 18 months since the Three Gorges Dam was completed, signs of environmental degradation have started to accumulate along river.

H11 IHT Merkel's coalition is facing discontentChancellor Angela Merkel, shaken by the resignation of an important ally, faced sharpening conflict Wednesday as junior partners in the governing coalition and some politicians questioned whether the government would serve its two remaining years.

Questions surround president of GeorgiaEducated in America and in the values of free-market democracies, Mikheil Saakashvili was supposed to have been different kind of leader. But his declaration of emergency rule has many wondering whether he is an autocrat at the core

Far-right EU Parliament group dissolvesThe Greater Romania Party withdrew from the bloc to protest Alessandra Mussolini's comments after the arrest of a Romanian suspected in the murder of the wife of an Italian naval officer.

President Musharraf digging a hole Can anyone believe Musharraf declared martial law to assure free elections?

Roger Cohen: Obama and the planet By ROGER COHEN

There is one certainty in the coming U.S. election: About 6.3 billion people will not be voting even if they will be affected by the poll

Strikes to continue in France, but some see progress in labor talksEven as most unions involved in strikes voted Wednesday to continue the walkout, the government and some of the most influential labor leaders moved closer to a new round of negotiations.

EUROPE European press review

Walker's World: Will Europe fight? By MARTIN WALKER (UPI) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy is offering a dramatic change in French strategic policy and a new embrace of the NATO alliance – but only at a price.

Slow progress
Why Sarkozy's reform plan has stopped France in its tracks

PINR "Economic Brief: Nuclear Revival in Europe Increasingly Likely"
November 13 2007
Full text of report

Western Balkans Regress By: Anes Alic | ISN Security Watch
The EU stalls accession talks with Macedonia over failed reforms and growing ethnic tensions as the situation in the western Balkans reaches a new low point.

America's Partners By: Helle Dale | The Washington Times Over the past week, three leaders of important American allies arrived for meetings with President Bush — Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. With each of these countries, the United States has a long alliance history.

The Capacity of Central and East European Interest Groups to Participate in EU Governance
The 241-page report of a study examining the impact of EU Eastern enlargements on EU governance structures involving the participation of civil society organisations

Misery as France grinds to a halt, but hope of a deal

France was hit by transport chaos as thousands of striking railway workers took to the streets to oppose the president's pension reform

Double trouble James Lyon and Andrew Stroehlein Nov 14 07, 07:30pm: Belgrade is being chastised one week and rewarded the next - Europe's relations with Serbia seem to be guided by two policies rather than one

Xenophobia destroys EU's ultra-rightwing MEP group
Europe's first international grouping of neo-fascists, extreme nationalists and ultra-rightwingers collapses


Google News Azerbaijan

Nagorno-Karabakh: Risking War International Crisis Group

PINR "The Implications of Russia's Moratorium of the C.F.E. Treaty" Full text of report





Azerbaijan: Heading Off Jihad By: Karl Rahder | ISA A spate of recent arrests and an alleged plot to attack on western embassies in Baku are alarming indicators of rising Islamic radicalization among Azerbaijan's disenfranchised ethnic minorities. While these groups appear to lack any concrete organization, the government's failure to address their needs and strengthen its democratic institutions could buy them enough time to become a much more serious threat.

Gvosdev No Way to Expand an Alliance

A Determined Spirit By: Ruth Daniloff | The Boston Globe
An in-your-face attitude rules Grozny these days. It is as though the city is telling the Kremlin: OK, you won the war. You killed 15 percent of our population and dispatched us across the world as refugees. You can still arrest us arbitrarily. But you cannot kill our spirit.

Outside View: Saakashvili's Tbilisi gamble (UPI) -- Protesters crowded in front of the Georgian parliament for six days demanding the president's resignation. Astonishingly, President Saakashvili is resigning in two weeks.

Becoming a Motor of the Global Economy By: Martin Gilman | The Moscow Times
The International Monetary Fund's latest annual report on Russia describes a remarkable trajectory no less exceptional than that of post-World War II Germany or Japan.

As Russia Confronts Pension Shortfall, Some Advocate More Aggressive Investment of State Funds By: Jason Motlagh | World Politics Review
Nowhere has wealth accumulated faster than government coffers, which presently hold a record surplus of more than $140 billion and climbing. But flaws in the pension system are poised to create a financial shortfall that dwarfs the current reserves, and could spell trouble for aging baby boomers.

Organized Crime and the State in Russia
Russia Journal

Russian Organized Crime Stratfor

DT Russia may deploy missiles in Belarus

A general has threatened to site short-range nuclear missiles in a second location on the EU border if the US refuses to abandon plans to erect a missile defence shield

Georgia: politics after revolution, Alexander Rondeli

Washington Times X-Band radar for defense

As missile and nuclear technologies spread, it is in Russia's own security interest to join Europe and America in creating a common defense.

Diplomats: Elections Are Georgia’s Chance for a Democratic Comeback
Nearly a week after a crackdown on opposition protests in Tbilisi, the international community has started to deliver its assessments of how Georgia, the former Soviet Union’s reform prodigy, is handling its ongoing political crisis. The findings are far from rosy, but nevertheless remain upbeat.

Georgia: Imedi Television May Fade to Black
While Georgia’s state of emergency is expected to end soon, President Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration seems intent on maintaining its hardline stance toward its political foes. Representatives of the Imedi television channel, which has served as the main avenue for criticism of Saakashvili’s policies, assert that the government has suspended the station’s broadcast license. Meanwhile, prosecutors say that want to put former defense minister Irakli Okruashvili back in jail.

H13 The Times Will confrontations stop reform? The governments of Sarkozy and Merkel have now entered a trial of strength with their transport unions Bronwen Maddox

Stand-off in the heart of Paris Millions struggled to work as the French travel network came to a standstill with thousands of strikers marching through Paris

FBI hired a migrant cheat

A Lebanese woman became an agent for the FBI and CIA after faking her US citizenship and gained access to secret files

Iran charges ex-negotiator with spying for UK Hossein Mousavian, Tehran’s former senior nuclear negotiator, has been charged with passing information to the British Embassy

Independent Spirit

Scoland needs more Adam Smith and less Robert the Bruce

Wall Street Journal

Old Fears, New Threats By: Uriya Shavitu | The Wall Street Journal
It is hard to avoid comparing this new animosity toward Muslims to the traditional manifestations of a much older hatred--anti-Semitism. The fear of a minority that practices an unfamiliar form of worship and is believed to be worming its way into Christian or Western culture, undermining its values, shaped the relationship between Europe and the Jews in its midst for hundreds of years

WT Overlooking brisk growth

At $14 trillion a year and growing, the U.S. economy is capable of absorbing a lot of body blows and keep on ticking.

Shlaes: Putting Protectionism in Historical Context

H14 Financial Times COMMENT: Advice for Georgia on following the path to democracy Tbilisi needs to be shielded, says Ronald Asmus

US House sets troop withdrawal timetable The Democratic-led US House of Representatives approved a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq, defying President George W. Bush by tying the measure to $50bn in new war funds

Opec rejects US call to increase production‘No shortage of oil in the market’

Miliband to hail EU as 'model power' in world

Iran leader sees allies in key posts Iran’s parliament confirmed new ministers of oil and industries, helping President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad consolidate his grip on key financial departments

Analysis: Russia’s grand plans to become a top-five economy

Germany to urge business to loosen Iran links Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is to press specialist engineering companies to reduce business in Iran, following pressure from Washington

Iran nuclear negotiator under fire Iran’s intelligence minister has accused a former nuclear negotiator of passing information “against the country’s national security” to the British Embassy in Tehran

Saudi public investment fund eyes broader role Saudi Arabia is considering allowing a multi-billion-dollar public investment fund to seek out overseas investments for the first time, as petrodollars fuel a boom in the kingdom.

Chevron pays $30m in Iraq bribes case Chevron, the second largest US oil company, agreed to pay a $30m settlement after acknowledging bribes were paid for oil it obtained under the United Nations oil-for-food programme to Iraq

FBI says guards killed 14 Iraqis without cause Federal agents investigating the episode in which Blackwater security personnel shot and killed 17 Iraqi civilians have found that at least 14 of the shootings were unjustified and violated deadly-force rules, civilian and military officials say

Q&A: Will biofuels end Opec’s power?

Thursday: Are biofuels set to transform the global economy. Ask Harvard University economist Ricardo Hausmann

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: An important lesson from T.E. Lawrence

Sarkozy seeks way to end pension strikes France’s government looks for a way to end a strike by train drivers and gas and electricity workers after union leaders agree to resume negotiations over pension curbs

EU to impose tariffs on China’s products Peter Mandelson is to propose to allow the Commission to start actions on products that benefit from alleged subsidies without receiving complaints from companies

COMMENT: A bruising game of musical chairs It is only halfway through November but I think we can already declare the winner of the 2007 Quote of the Year competition, says John Gapper. It is Chuck Prince, the former chairman and chief executive of Citigroup, with a pithy, punchy, poignant comment on liquidity

SPD demands bigger voice Germany’s Social Democrats warn of “massive ideological ­differences” with Christian Democrat coalition partners and say they will fight for a bigger say on policies

France battles Germany over car emissions France wants to curb a German effort to skew European fuel efficiency legislation to favour heavier cars amid fears it would price France’s small models out of the market

H15 Los Angeles Times Democrats push Iraq bill through The House budget measure, largely a symbolic jab, would require Bush to start bringing troops home in coming weeks

The Islamist tide in Iraq

Have Iraq's Sunnis turned decisively away from Islamism? Will the Shiites follow the same path in time

Editorial Teaching the pope

During his visit to the U.S. in April, Benedict XVI could learn the value of separation of church and state.

Cost of wars may reach $3.5 trillion, report says

Bush strategist looks back in sadness Matthew Dowd, political strategist and former Bush advisor, says of the president: “I don’t think he’s evil or bad. I think he’s a good person that didn’t accomplish what he set out to do.”

The agent with a secret past

U.S. Courts Sheiks in Hussein Terrain By: Alexandra Zavis | Los Angeles Times
Hoping to replicate Anbar province's decline in violence, the U.S. military has signed more than $5.2 million in contracts with local sheiks to protect roads and other infrastructure in Hussein's home province of Salahuddin.

Aunt Benazir's False Promises By: Fatima Bhutto | Los Angeles Times
Perhaps the most bizarre part of this circus has been the hijacking of the democratic cause by my aunt, the twice-disgraced former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto. While she was hashing out a deal to share power with Gen. Pervez Musharraf last month, she repeatedly insisted that without her, democracy in Pakistan would be a lost cause.

Bush strategist looks back in sadness

H16 American Politics

Hillary's Achilles' Heel - Howard Fineman, Newsweek

Rudy in Trouble Without Iowa Win - Dick Morris, The Hill

Election 2008: Clinton 42% Giuliani 39% Ron Paul 8%

America's disappearing
middle class

One of the great US election issues of 2008 will be the relative impoverishment of a large voting bloc, the American middle class. Reversing the trend requires new thinking about tight money, tight immigration controls, and greater job stability that comes with a respectable degree of bargaining power. But such thinking is beyond the ambit of both Democrats and Republicans, and anathema to Wall Street. - Martin Hutchinson

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

FT Clinton in fight to hold off Obama The Democratic gathering in Las Vegas, Nevada, is attracting much more attention than previous presidential debates, given the growing perception that Hillary Clinton is no longer cruising to victory

Is Clinton campaign too scripted?

H17 Daily Telegraph Ending the Union would cost Britain dear

Gordon Brown refuses to admit that Labour's misguided devolution experiment has landed Britain in this mess, notes Iain Martin.

Leader Balancing liberty with counter-terrorism

When precautions are introduced that look more like window dressing than practical counter-terror measures, an inconvenienced public will not be impressed.


Gordon Brown reveals 'Fortress Britain' plan Train passengers face routine airline-style bag checks and body searches as part of a new counter-terror crackdown announced by the Prime Minister.

H18 Independent Imran Khan's message to UK: 'My life is in danger' Imran Khan, the Pakistani opposition leader and former cricketer, was arrested yesterday, less than 48 hours after sending a desperate text message to his solicitor saying that he feared for his life.

Adrian Hamilton: This is not the new world, just more of the old

America and the world's executioners join efforts to block UN moves to end death penalty

Former Iran negotiator charged with spying for UK

Lebanese fraudster became an agent for both the FBI and CIA

The big thirst: The great American water crisis

Britain could sleepwalk into conflict with Iran, warns Clegg

The Big Question: Is Alex Salmond right to believe that Scotland will be independent by 2017?

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

WINEp How to Handle Terrorist Suspects: No Easy Answer

REPORT: Investigators Took Bomb Parts Through Passenger Checkpoints At 19 Airports...

Don't Give Up the Ships By: Seth Cropsey | The Weekly Standard
The war on terror is being fought almost entirely on land, and the public neither knows about nor appreciates the U.S. Navy's contribution to these conflicts. No terrorists have struck from the sea, and although China is seeking to transform its economic success into naval power the threat does not appear imminent.

The Iraqi Defector as a Con Man By: George F. Will | Miami Herald
In late 2002, two strong-willed CIA officers, identified only as Beth and Margaret, were at daggers drawn. They had diametrically opposing views about the veracity of an Iraqi defector's reports concerning Saddam Hussein's biological weapons programs, and especially the notorious but never seen mobile weapons labs.

U.S. Plans New Space Weapons Against China By: Alex Spillius | The Telegraph
The Pentagon is spending billions of dollars on new forms of space warfare to counter the growing risk of missile attack from rogue states and the "satellite killer" capabilities of China

Buzzy Krongard: I Told My Brother I Was Joining Blackwater's Advisory Board

Suicide Epidemic Among Veterans

AIRPORT INQUISITION: 53 pieces of personal info in new terror crackdown...

Analysis: Fraud doubts CIA, FBI security
(UPI) -- A CIA officer pleaded guilty to using her access to check on investigations into her brother-in-law, a Hezbollah-linked businessman indicted for tax evasion.

· H20 Slate hot document

What was Nada Nadim Prouty looking for on an FBI computer?
Bonnie Goldstein

Clinton, Edwards, Obama, and the rest of the gang head to Las Vegas.

Riots, coups and civil war : revisiting the greed and grievance debate
Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Papers

World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development
World Bank
This 386-page report focuses on the role of science and technology in agriculture-driven development

How Not to Repeat the Mistakes of the Kyoto Protocol

From Foreign Policy, a look at the world’s healthiest countries.

Launch of the Department of State’s new Blogsite "DipNote"


First high definition views of Earth

Striking images of the planet close to the moon's horizon.

Bin those bags and oust the gum plague

Londoners use 1.6 billion plastic bags a year, for an average of 20 minutes per bag, says Boris Johnson. The discarded bag then takes 400 years to biodegrade.

· A season of splendour

Some people find autumn a sad time of year. They couldn't possibly be more wrong, says Richard Mabey

The war of the sexes, continued


Even in the 21st century, many men are still straitjacketed in stereotypes.

The car-sharing revolution

By Matthew DeBord

Zipcar and Flexcar may have unleashed the innovation that finally chips away at individual auto ownership.

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
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“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
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Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
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Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
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Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
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ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
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ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
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Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
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ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
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ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
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ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
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11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
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Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
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Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
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Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
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ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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