5 November 2007
  November 05, 2007

1105-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 From the Archive QuickRead: The Changing Nature of War: Six New Challenges by Giora Eiland. (original here)

Christian Science Monitor

Emergency rule in Pakistan: Musharraf's last grab for power?

Musharraf says emergency rule will prevent country from committing 'suicide.'

Why Rice's Dreams Crashed - Fred Kaplan, Washington Post Once upon a time, the secretary of state was a realist. Is it too late for her to return to her reasonable roots?

Rice's Bridge To Peace By David Ignatius, The secretary of state hopes to produce a palatable Middle East deal.

This Won't Be the Iraq Election - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek Petraeus's new strategy is working, though not exactly for the reasons initially advertised

Why Putin Wins - Sergei Kovalev, New York Review of Books

Clinton Puts War Room on Attack - Sarah Baxter, Sunday Times

Financial Times Leader A desperate power grab in Pakistan Winning the legitimacy needed to defeat jihadism requires national consensus, which can only be built from open democratic contest around the rule of law

COMMENT: Diplomacy is the only hope on Iran Rather than leading a tough diplomatic effort, the US has preferred to stand aside from Europe’s vacillating initiatives, as if content to show they will not work, says Clive Crook. Proving that point has done little to advance American security

WP A Second Coup in Pakistan By Ahmed Rashid

The Times Leader Pakistan in Peril Musharraf will be judged by when and how elections are conducted

Independent Leading article: The desperate act of a weak and rattled president

McClatchy Experts: No evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program

Big Questions Loom in the Iran Debate - Kurt Andersen, New York Magazine

Yedioth Ahronoth 'Summit may be called off'
Senior Palestinian source says current state of negotiations between PA and Israel holds little promise for success in Annapolis peace conference; adds Abbas may prefer to call off summit if failure becomes likely

Jerusalem Post Tony Blair urges Israel to make 'psychological shift' Quartet envoy tells Post Israel should put PA to the test, says it's "not impossible" for Palestinians to become a "stable partner."

The Iraqi Parliament: A Bunch of Politicians - Frederick Kagan, Wkly Std

Los Angeles Times Does Orwell still matter? Four writers weigh in on the legacy of George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language," the classic essay on the relationship between words, truth, propaganda and politics.

CNN: "Prince Bandar said that Saudi intelligence was 'actively following' most of the 9/11 plotters 'with precision.'"

Dennis Ross Statecraft, and How to Restore America’s Standing in the World

A 'Post-Post-9/11' Foreign Policy for Obama - James Traub, NYT Magazine

2007 Survey of American Attitudes Towards Jews in America (PDF; 169 KB) Source: Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

WP Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close. By Ruth Wisse

The Region: Enough of 'Enough'
Jerusalem Post By BARRY RUBIN

Geopolitical Diary: Making Sense of Pakistan

H2 Independent Former leader of Kurd rebels reveals retreat into Iran

Turkish soldiers' release eases invasion fears

Iraqi Kurd Newspaper Interviews PKK Commander in Qandil Mountains

FT Erdogan heads to US as PKK crisis eases Turkish PM in talks with Bush

Washington Post Kurdistan's Hope for Talks By Nechirvan Barzani

Kurdish Guerrillas Release 8 Turks Rebels Take 'Step Toward Peace'

Wall Street Journal Storm Clouds Over Northern Iraq - By NORMAN STONE

Türkiye harekâtın bedelinin farkında Jason Burke

PKK, İslamcılarla ordu arasında tarihi bir uzlaşı yarattı İLYAS HARFUŞ

Talking Turkey in Washington (Time)

Turkey-Kurds: drums of war

The Kurdish issue and the balance of powers in the Middle East

McClatchy In Iraqi Kurdistan, sympathy for the PKK abounds

Winter might be Turkey's worst foe in Iraq

BBC Bearing fruit
US pressure begins to ease tensions over Turkey PKK threat

LA Times Kurds withhold assurances on border

Writer Examines Turkey's Stake in Raid on Iraqi Kurdistan

Boston Globe Editorial Turkish threat

IHT NYT Turkey skeptical of Iraqi vows to stop Kurdish raids

Kurdish Rebels Free Turkish Soldiers

WP Iraq Pledges Action on Kurdish Guerrillas, Warns Turkey Against Force

Kurdish Guerrillas Release 8 Turks

The Times Turkey demands military deal with Bush President Bush hopes to stave off the looming prospect of Turkey’s forces pursuing Kurdish rebels across its border with Iraq

Guardian Turkish troops freed to head off attack on Iraqi Kurdistan

Turks united in pursuit of rebels
Chicago Tribune

Turkey wants to border a prosperous Iraq that is at peace with its neighborsby PRESIDENT ABDULLAH GÜL

Defiant Kurdish rebels vow to retaliate if Turkish military strikes their northern Iraqi bases - International Herald Tribune

Rice Between the Turks and Kurds - David Warren, Ottawa Citizen

CSM For U.S. and Turkey, different priorities

Is the crisis in Turkey only about the PKK? Daily Star By Khaled Salih

Erdogan Rules over Turkey's Deepest Divide NPR

Rice Fails to Ease Turkey's Anger Over PKK

Kurds Vow to Teach Turkey 'Unforgettable Lesson'

Oil Falls From Record in New York as Turkey-Iraq Tension Eases

Amerikan medyasının gözü de Erdoğan-Bush zirvesinde

Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring

Iraqi PKK-Linked Party Says Closure of Offices Political Move

Agreement Reached on Distribution of Administrative Posts in Iraq's Kirkuk

Iraqi Deputy PM Discusses Row With Turkey Over PKK, Domestic Issues

Rice: Kürt yönetimi durumun farkında

Güler: Irak'a elektrik yaptırımı henüz yok

N. Barzani: Ankara çözüm için bizi dikkate almalı

DTP'li başkan partisinden ihraç edildi

Sharqiyah TV Reports Iraq Kurdish Statement on Turkish Troops' Release

Spokesman Reports Iraq Kurds' Efforts Over Release of Turkish Soldiers

Kurdish Iraqi MP Says USA, Turkey Seek Inter-Kurd Strife

Fırat Anlı olayı DTP'ye yeni bir eksi

Şırnak ve Bingöl'de çatışma: Dört PKK'lı öldürüldü, bir korucu şehit

Who controls Kurdistan?

Şırnak'ta 1 köy korucusu şehit oldu

PKK bir İran devrim muhafızını öldürdü

Iraqi Kurd Media Behaviour Note on Iraq Conference

Iraq Kurd Writer Blames Turkey for Obsession With War

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 3 Nov 07

Kuzey Irak açık bir tuzak


'Günlerin utancı' kolay unutulur mu?

Tolerancising Turko-Kurdo Relations Hussain Sinjari

Türk: İnsani açıdan yaklaştık

“Irak’ı alkışlıyoruz”

Muttaki: PKK bölgenin bütününe zarar veriyor

Spanish Pundit Accuses Turkey of Ignoring Kurdish Claims for Rights

Pro-Kurdish Party Rallies for Peace, Friendship Between Turks, Kurds

Kurdish Govt Closes Office of Pro-PKK Party

Turkey Retains Military Option Despite Iraqi Steps to Curb Rebels

Ha’aretz Turkey seeks right to build monument in Jerusalem's Old City

BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Love blooms beneath shadow of war

Müthiş zamanlama

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

'Yaratılışçılar' şaşırmış! YAVUZ EKŞİ

Paris ve Viyana'da çatışma: 18 yaralı

Almanya ve Fransa'da binlerce Türk terörü lanetledi

KKTC'de Rum işadamının şüpheli ölümü

Deniz Gökçe Almanya ve yabancıların camileri!

NYT Ottoman Intrigue Reviews by MARILYN STASIO The sleuth in Jason Goodwin’s crime novels is a eunuch living in 19th-century Istanbul

Apostasy is a right, not a crime
Mustafa AKYOL

It's time to tell it like it is about Armenian genocide
San Francisco Chronicle


H3 Son sözler söyleniyor Başbakan, 'Irak bazı adımlar attı, arkası gelebilir' dedi. Amerika, 'operasyonsuz çözüm' arıyor, bir yetkili: Kar yağmasını bekliyoruz

Gözler Beyaz Saray'da

Cengiz Çandar Son 48 saatin gelişmeleri ışığında Erdoğan-Bush görüşmesi Tarihi görüşme öncesi operasyonu devre dışı bırakacak üç gelişme

Cengiz Çandar Bush’un önünde üç senaryo var

Ruşen Çakır Yeni bir saldırı olursa Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerini kimse tamir edemez

PKK ile başlamak Tarhan Erdem
'Çözüme PKK bitirilince başlanabilir' diyenler hiç az değil. PKK bitirilmeden, PKK sorunu çözümlenmemiş kalır, ama Kürt sorunu çözümlenebilir

Serdar Akinan Sınır ötesi operasyon olmayacak...

‘AKP seçmeni Irak’a müdahale istemiyor’

Fikret BİLA Irak sınırı düzeltilmeli

Taha AKYOL Amerika ve terör

Ömer Taşpınar No magic bullet against the PKK in Washington

Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] Kolay gelsin

Org. Babaoğlu: Kara harekâtı da lazım...

Mehmet Altan Kürt Sorunu - PKK Sorunu

Tehran urges Baghdad to delay referendum on Kirkuk

Gen. Büyükanıt pledges to inform US over incursion

Ardan Zentürk Erdoğan-Bush buluşması: Pentagon ağırlık koydu, Rice zor durumda...

Washington'da tarihî görüşme

Bakana göre 2900 PKK'lı var

N. Barzani: Ankara çözüm için bizi dikkate almalı

CNN TÜRK Özel: Yaptırım kararına tepki

CNN TÜRK Özel: Neçirvan Barzani'nin demeci

Semih İDİZ Bush'tan Kandil için somut adım beklentisi

M. Ali BİRAND Erdoğan, Beyaz Saray'da AB ise beklemede...

İsmail Küçükkaya
Beyaz Saray’daki fırsat

Ali Bulaç Esmer Kürtler!

Rice: PKK�ya karşı çok iyi plan yapılmalı

"PKK üzerinde etkili mücadele gerek"

Irak adım attı ABD de atmalı

"Kerkük referandumu 2 yıl ertelensin"

'PKK bürolarına baskın, tiyatro'

Soli Özel| Dinler ve siyasetteki yeri

2 Kasım 2007
Fethullah Gülen hareketinin amaçları, yöntemleri, mali gücü

Facia son anda önledi

'PKK bürolarına baskın, tiyatro'

Beril Dedeoğlu Önemli bir PKK'lı teslim edilebilir

Şamil Tayyar Operasyonda Gül sürprizi

Eser Karakaş Pakistan darbesi ve biz

Kuzey Irak'ta ilk önlemler

Şova izin verilmedi

İmzalanan protokolde neler var?

Yapılanlar görüşme öncesi göz boyama

Askerler için Washington'da 03.30 zirvesi

Erdoğan: Bush ile görüşmem öncesinde pozitif duygular içerisindeyim

Fransız TV kanalı, Kandil'e giden yolu görüntüledi

Cevdet Aşkın PKK 8 askeri bıraktı ABD iyice rahatladı

Ankara’da hemen sorguya alındılar

1. PKK, asker teslimini şova dönüştürdü

Irak sınırı düzeltilmeli

Ralston: "ABD Türkiye'yi İran'a itiyor"

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri -

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç Eski ile yeni savaşı bu

Fehmi Koru Love or convenience?

KÜRŞAT BUMİN Talepleri doğru anlamak

Şahin Alpay Turkey's Kurdish problem and the PKK

FİKRİ AKYÜZ “Aydın Doğan-Barzani” ilişkisi!

Mehmet Tezkan

Beş yıl önce Bush ricacı, Erdoğan icracıydı ya bugün!

Ferai Tınç Çözüm Bush’ta mı

Ertuğrul Özkök

Ahmet Hakan Bugün neler öğrendim

M Ali Birand

Cüneyt Ülsever

Enis Berberoğlu

Oktay Ekşi

Bahçeli Başbakan’ın elini güçlendirdik

Engin Ardıç
Ah paşam...

Tufan Türenç Bush kararını versin, PKK mı Türkiye mi?

Mehmet Yılmaz Bir siyasi falcılık denemesi

Nasuhi Güngör Tezkere ve Aytaç Yalman’ın rolü

Bülent Keneş Turkey now wants ‘present continuous’ phrases in counterterrorism struggle

Generallerle gidiliyorsa eli boş dönülmeyeceğini bilirler


ERDAL ŞAFAK Yargı siyasallaşırsa



Umur Talu

HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Erdal İnönü'ye iki not

Mustafa Akyol ‘Türkiye’de İslam’ı Amerika’da tartışmak

Noyan Doğan Ambargo, onlardan çok bizi etkiler

Mensur Akgün Söz konusu olan PKK değil Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri

NAZLI ILICAK Bıçak kemiğe dayandı


YAVUZ DONAT Türkiye 'kararlı' olunca

Sami Selçuk T.C. yasasının 301. maddesi

Ekrem Dumanlı Asıl problem de bu zaten!

İhsan Dağı Understanding Turkish Islam and Turkish politics

Baro'dan iddialı anayasa taslağı


Yeni Şafak, böyle zamanlarda belli olur

Şükrü Küçükşahin Köşk’ün imaj performansı

Fatih Çekirge Hac ricasından eli bos döndü

ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Faiz indirimleri olmadan asla mı?

Bizimkiler derslerini iyi çalışmamış

Salih neftçi zey Irak riski azalıyor mu?

İbrahim Öztürk Enflasyon tutmayacak ancak faiz düşüşü devam edebilir

Ercan Kumcu Ekim enflasyonu tatsız

Çin'e kota kalkıyor fason üretici tedirgin markalar ise memnun

Hasan Ersel Petrol piyasasında satıcı da alıcı da yarınından emin değil

Asım Erdilek The subprime mortgage meltdown

Erdal Sağlam Enflasyon kasımda da artar

Kadınların ancak 1/4'ü iş bulabiliyor

Ertuğ Yaşar Dolar düşer, faiz düşmez

'İlancılar'ın açmazı! Uğur Gürses

‘Botaş, TPAO should merge as Turkey needs energy giant’

H4 New York Times FRANK RICH Noun + Verb + 9/11 + Iran = Democrats’ Defeat? What happens if President Bush does not bomb Iran? That is good news for the world, but potentially terrible news for the Democrats.

Pakistan Rounds Up Musharraf’s Political Foes Pakistan’s government detained opposition figures and said parliamentary elections could be delayed for as long as a year

U.S. Is Likely to Continue Aid to Pakistan The Bush administration signaled that it would likely continue aid to Pakistan’s military, despite the detention of rights activists and government opponents.

Legal Loopholes in Iraq The Bush administration should withdraw private armies from Iraq, and Congress must act swiftly to ensure that American justice applies to all those who remain.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; From Paris With Love By ROGER COHEN Here’s how the post-Iraq Franco-American lovefest may unfold at the White House.

Pakistani Sets Emergency Rule, Defying the U.S. The move appeared to be an effort by Gen. Pervez Musharraf to reassert power in the face of opposition.

Text: Proclamation | Court Order

Iraq, With U.S. Support, Voids a Russian Oil Contract

U.S. Official Calls Russian Radar Good, but Not Exact Enough for Tracking Plan

Turkey Skeptical of Iraqi Vows to Stop Kurdish Raids

Trial Nearer for Shiite Ex-Officials in Sunni Killings Two former Iraqi Health Ministry officials, both Shiites, will be tried in the killing and kidnapping of hundreds of Sunnis, many snatched from hospitals.

Fixing Citigroup Will Test Rubin Robert E. Rubin, named chairman of Citigroup, will seek to revive the troubled bank, which said it would take an additional $8 billion to $11 billion write-down.

A Battle Rages in London Over a Mega-Mosque Plan

News Analysis: Musharraf Leaves White House in Lurch

U.S. Sanctions Force World Bank to Halt Some Iran Aid

POLITICAL MEMO; Different Rules When a Rival Is a Woman?

Edwards Raises Criticism of Clinton Over Iraq Plan

Editorial Selling America The best hope of defusing anti-Americanism and restoring our country’s international standing lies in a commitment to the values that make it great

MAUREEN DOWD Gift of Gall There is nowhere she won’t go, so long as it gets her where she wants to be. That’s the beauty of Hillary Clinton


No, No, No, Don’t Follow Us An India that makes itself the leader in both cheap cars and clean mass mobility is an India that will be healthier and wealthier.

OP-ED COLUMNIST; Wobbled by Wealth? By PAUL KRUGMAN One big reason the Democrats are having trouble finding their voice is the influence of big money.

H5 Washington Post Why Rice's Dreams Crashed - Fred Kaplan, Washington Post Once upon a time, the secretary of state was a realist. Is it too late for her to return to her reasonable roots?

Rice's Bridge To Peace By David Ignatius, The secretary of state hopes to produce a palatable Middle East deal.

Glenn Kessler / Washington Post:
As Crisis Deepens, White House Endures Diminished Power to Influence Events

Pakistan Moves Against Opposition Politicians and Activists Arrested, News Media Silenced; U.S. to Review Aid

A Second Coup in Pakistan By Ahmed Rashid

Musharraf Declaration Seen as Latest Misstep Risky Choice Fits Pattern in Efforts To Retain Power

Editorial A Bet Goes Sour President Bush can hardly be surprised by Pakistan's state of emergency

Rice Says U.S. Will Review Aid To Pakistan Portion Funds Effort Against Terrorism

Oil's Recent Rise Not as Familiar as It Looks Traders, Not Political or Supply Concerns, May Be Pushing Fuel Toward $100

All Still Quiet on the Syria Bombing By Jackson Diehl

Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close. By Ruth Wisse,

E.U. Seeks Data on American Passengers: Airlines Would Report Personal Details of Europe-Bound Travelers

Citigroup CEO Resigns; Former Treasury Chief Named Chairman


How to Rein in Bush By George F. Will, A new War Powers Resolution would end unfettered executive war-making.

How to Rein in Iran Without War - Jim Hoagland, U.N. sanctions would deflate the pressure for a military strike

When Water Torture Was Wrong

» Evan Wallach| Once upon a time in America, waterboarding was considered a crime.

H6 Guardian Musharraf warned: hold vote and quit as army chief

Envoys from the US and Britain to spell out ultimatum in talks with Pakistan's president

The Iraq war has become a disaster that we have chosen to forget
Madeleine Bunting: With the media subdued, governments have not been held to account for the biggest political calamity of our time.

A proud, but failing, state Peter Preston: Pakistan has long been riven by divisions, but today it stands on the brink of chaos.

Leader The general's iron fist
Pakistan: Gen Musharraf has called Washington and London's bluff, knowing they have no option but to back him.

Crude economics Energy prices: The world needs to use less carbon-based fuel and find other sources of energy. Putting the price up steeply is one way to encourage this shift

Top US legal adviser refuses to rule out 'torture' method
Aide to Rice declines to denounce waterboarding in a dispute that also threatens vote on attorney general.

Soldiers need more support, thinktank warns ministers

The Observer Now is the time for clarity over Iran Mary Riddell: Conflict isn't inevitable, it's not even likely ... yet. It is still possible to build alliances to wean Tehran from the bomb and America from an attack

Leader Recognising success on the streets of Iraq The Iraq debate has fallen silent. That is extraordinary, not just because Allied forces are still risking their lives to safeguard a fledgling democracy, but because there are signs they are having some success.


Déjà vu all over again

Ian Williams: The US is smearing IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei for not finding evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons. Sound familiar?

Musharraf's mini-martial law

Ali Eteraz: The Pakistani president has imposed emergency rule, taking a swipe at the judiciary while promising to continue democratisation.

The worst crisis I've seen in 30 years
Will Hutton: The latest financial downturn is the final nail in the coffin of the conservative free-market world-view.

Tory plans for an 'English Parliament' will wreck the Union
Vernon Bogdanor: The Conservatives would do better to find ways of recovering their support in Scotland, rather than making proposals that put the unity of the kingdom at risk.

Musharraf declares emergency rule
Pakistan's president imposes emergency rule ahead of supreme court decision on election win

H7 BBC Most ready for 'green sacrifices' A global poll suggests that people are prepared to make tough lifestyle changes to combat global warming.

Citigroup bank chief steps down Citigroup boss Charles Prince has resigned and will be replaced by former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin.

Amateur at State Dept.
Youssef Ibrahim on Jared Cohen.

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

BBC Musharraf faces US aid pressure The US is to review aid to Pakistan after President Pervez Musharraf imposes a state of emergency.

Diplomatic deficit
Pakistan's emergency will trouble President Musharraf's allies

Diplomatic push
Top players assess new ideas and people in Iran's nuclear row

Top French Officials Go to Damascus on a Fool’s Errand

US Papers Mon: Turks Walk; WH Works for Peace

Iraq Papers Mon: Crisis in Karbala

H9 Ha’aretz Foreign Ministry gains access to raw military intelligence reports Ministry to act as counterweight to defense establishment, in move recommended by war report

Eldar No exceptions What will Israel's policy - or for that matter, America's - be, if in Iran's upcoming elections, Ahmadinejad were to give way to a more moderate leader? Regimes come and go, but nuclear weapons are forever.

Hizbullah undertakes massive exercise

Lebanese paper: Maneuvers supervised personally by Nasrallah; include use of rocket arsenal.

Yedioth Ahronoth 'Summit may be called off'
Senior Palestinian source says current state of negotiations between PA and Israel holds little promise for success in Annapolis peace conference; adds Abbas may prefer to call off summit if failure becomes likely

Jerusalem Post Tony Blair urges Israel to make 'psychological shift'

Quartet envoy tells Post Israel should put PA to the test, says it's "not impossible" for Palestinians to become a "stable partner."

Analysis: The infighting dragging Hamas down

Hillary: Triangulation on Israel? [ MARTIN KRAMER

BBC Rice urges Middle East peace deal The need for a two-state solution in the Middle East is more urgent than ever, says the US secretary of state

2007 Survey of American Attitudes Towards Jews in America (PDF; 169 KB) Source: Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

WP Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close. By Ruth Wisse

FT Israel’s economic growth defies experts Investors and economists are struggling with the problem of how to justify the strength of the Israeli economy

CSM Restive Nablus challenges Fatah's Abbas The ability of the Palestinian president to rein in the city could bolster his position in upcoming talks with Israelis.

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

New Palestinian police force makes tense debut in West Bank

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Emergency rule in Pakistan: Musharraf's last grab for power?

Musharraf says emergency rule will prevent country from committing 'suicide.'


When an antiterror ally fails

Georgia verges on repeat turmoil

50,000-plus protesters demonstrate against government on streets of Tbilisi

Struggle to rein in Taliban in Afghanistan's south

After a week of battle, Afghan and international forces pushed the resurgent Taliban out of a key district north of Kandahar

Despite housing woes, US economy still creating jobs

In October, 166,000 new jobs were created, about twice as many as expected, the


Gates to take six-day trip to Asia U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced he will attend the 39th annual Defense Consultative Meeting in Korea while on a trip to China, Korea and Japan

The New Untouchables By Asra Q. Nomani, The abysmal socioeconomic status of Muslims is the Achilles' heel of India's highly touted secular democracy.

An increasing divide

Sarita Malik India is a country full of uncomfortable dichotomies, where the poor majority is left behind as the rich get richer.

China's sexual great leap forward
Young urban middle class Chinese men and women choose cohabitation and casual sex.

Deal, or no deal? Meera Selva China's investment in Africa has been widely criticised but at least it's willing to do business, unlike western nations.

Train delayed

A ‘through-train’ to let funds trapped in China flow into and through Hong Kong is in the interests of both, but they must work together to announce a service that is clearly timetabled and not subject to sudden delay or cancellation

H11 IHT That promised Mideast peace conference One month before President Bush's Mideast peace conference, it is still not clear what will be on the agenda or who, beyond the Americans, Israelis and Palestinians, will show up.

Roger Cohen: From Paris with love


Here's how the post-Iraq Franco-American lovefest may unfold at the White House.

No, no, no, don't follow America


If India just innovates in cheap cars alone, its future will be gridlocked and polluted.

Iran + 9/11 = Democrats' defeat?

By FRANK RICH Bush has nothing to lose by once again using the specter of war to pillory the Democrats.

Kosovo leader warns that time is running out
Agim Ceku, the Kosovo prime minister, says Kosovars will not wait for long after a Dec. 10 deadline for a declaration of independence from Serbia.

EUROPE European press review

NYT Book Review 'The Discovery of France'

By GRAHAM ROBB Reviewed by CAROLINE WEBER France is not a unified cultural monolith, but rather “a vast encyclopedia of micro-civilizations,” each with its own long history, intricate belief systems and singular customs.

European Union Citizenship: Writing the Future
Source: European Law Journal (via SSRN)

The next round of the credit crunch: two German banks reportedly in trouble


Google News Azerbaijan

BBC Georgia head defiant at protests Georgia's president refuses to hold early elections despite mass opposition rallies outside parliament.

Georgia Successfully Implementing Political, Economic Reforms Progress will enhance membership chances in EU, NATO, State’s Fried says

H13 The Times Leader Pakistan in Peril Musharraf will be judged by when and how elections are conducted

Pakistan: Heart of a Global Crisis - The same pressures threatening Musharraf’s position have undermined Chuck Prince’s positionWilliam Rees-Mogg,

Musharraf clamps down on growing dissent

Mighty Mouse for President. Why not? The dynamics of the US election have been fundamentally, possibly permanantly, altered

Tim Hames

Wall Street Journal Pakistan Emergency Musharraf backs himself into an even tighter corner.

Wall Street Culture Leaves Thin Talent Pool Credit turmoil has claimed two scalps on Wall Street in a week -- and exposed the problem of thin benches at many firms. The dearth of talent owes much to the Wall Street culture in which executives are pushed to maximize profits and quickly get axed if they fail to deliver.

H14 Financial Times Leader A desperate power grab in Pakistan Winning the legitimacy needed to defeat jihadism requires national consensus, which can only be built from open democratic contest around the rule of law

COMMENT: Diplomacy is the only hope on Iran Rather than leading a tough diplomatic effort, the US has preferred to stand aside from Europe’s vacillating initiatives, as if content to show they will not work, says Clive Crook. Proving that point has done little to advance American security

US dismayed by Musharraf’s move The Bush administration responded to President Pervez Musharraf’s decision to impose emergency rule in Pakistan with dismay and concern, after having spent recent days pleading with him not to take such a step

WORLD NEWS: Plan agreed on $19bn new Silk Road network

Migration debate Providing believable data on which to devise policy may not change the minds of those who prefer anecdote and urban myth to statistics. But not providing this allows rumour to take root and poisons a needed discussion

COMMENT: Why it is vital for Britain to commit to Europe Nick Clegg makes the case for multilateralism

Prince quits as head of Citigroup Chuck Prince resigned as chairman and chief executive of Citigroup as the company revealed between $8bn and $11bn of further losses on its holdings of mortgage-related securities

Putin’s circle ‘wants to usurp power’ Former Russian PM warning on one-party rule

Sarkozy brings new cordiality but no ‘rupture’ in US policy The French president can expect to be fêted in a Washington appreciative of his pro-American views

COMMENT & ANALYSIS: The bears are talking bull on America's long-term decline

COMMENT: Raise eurozone rates now or risk inflation ECB should take action, says Wolfgang Munchau

Merkel to press on with economic reforms

German chancellor renews Germany’s commitment to economic reforms, despite leftwards shift by her Social Democratic coalition allies that has threatened to derail the agenda

H15 Los Angeles Times Does Orwell still matter? Four writers weigh in on the legacy of George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language," the classic essay on the relationship between words, truth, propaganda and politics.


Activists detained in Pakistan crackdown In a second day of emergency rule, hundreds are rounded up. Troops seal off government buildings, media outlets

Abortion and religion By Garry Wills

Evangelicals are adamant, but religion really has nothing to say about the issue.

The sun will set on our empire too

,By Piers Brendon Americans would do well to heed the history of the British and Roman empires

H16 American Politics

'The Second Civil War' by Ronald Brownstein

FT COMMENT: Democrats wake up to being the party of the rich Their base is the wealthy, says Michael Franc

Nation’s sour mood favours Democrats

October marked a record 50th month in a row of job growth in the US. The economy is in its sixth year of uninterrupted expansion. Yet, one year before electing their next president, Americans are unhappy with country’s direction and gloomy about its economic prospects

NYT Presidential Politics Have Shifted Already

By ADAM NAGOURNEY Both parties are going through internal battles over their very identity as the races for their nominations intensify.

WP Republican Nomination Most Open in Decades

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

This is one dangerous man: it's George Bush with brains
Michael Tomasky: New York's former mayor Rudy Giuliani will do and say anything for power.

Pessimism is spreading in the US

American voters are disturbed by their country's direction.

Books on the Bush Presidency


Robert Draper tells readers that George W. Bush knows he’s right; Jack Goldsmith explains how Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo made sure he got his way.

H17 Daily Telegraph Musharraf does not deserve our support

The excuses trotted out by President Musharraf, who has proclaimed a state of emergency in Pakistan, are transparently false and self serving.

Pakistan facing huge aid cuts by West America and Britain have threatened to cut billions of pounds worth of aid to Pakistan

Sarkozy to cement closeness to USA

Nicolas Sarkozy makes his first official visit to Washington amid claims he has replaced Tony Blair as George Bush's "poodle".

Iran wants the Bomb so it can use it

Despite the mess caused chasing phoney WMD's in Iraq, Iran's nuclear weapons programme is a real threat which must be confronted, writes Daniel Hannan.

H18 Independent US threatens to withhold aid as Pakistan swings from democracy to dictatorship The Pakistani government has delayed elections and detained 500 people at gunpoint after imposing martial law.

Leading article: The desperate act of a weak and rattled president

Asma Jahangir: Musharraf has lost his marbles

Tariq Ali: Pakistan takes yet another step into the dark night

Stephen King: A transfer of wealth causes a simple shift of emphasis to rob dollar of global status

Expert view: So all the fuss about oil prices is just a lot of hot air. Oh really?

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Salon The agonizing truth about CIA renditions

H20 Slate

2007 Survey of American Attitudes Towards Jews in America (PDF; 169 KB)
Source: Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Allan Bloom, 20 Years Ago Today - Mark Steyn, The New Criterion


Boston Globe The zero percent solution

A renaissance for 'Islamic finance' -- a version of capitalism that avoids interest -- offers innovative financial tools to Muslim and non-Muslim alike

Fast track to Europe's hotspots
Eurostar moves home next week, bringing some of the continent's most exciting cities within five hours' reach, writes Sarah Turner.

3,000 years old: the face of Tutankhamun The true face of ancient Egypt went on public display for the first time yesterday, as archaeologists unveiled the mummy of the boy pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence

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PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
Ankara Suriye’de “Rejim Değişikliği” Politikasına Geçerken 28 Eylül 2011
Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
Orta Doğu'da Durum Raporu 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine Notlar 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine 15 Kısa Not 3 Mayıs 2011
ABD ve Karadeniz Nisan 2011

Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
Amerika-Sonrası Dünyanın Provası Olarak Libya Krizi ve Türkiye 22 Mart 2011
“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
Amerikan Travması ve Kongre Seçimleri 23 Kasım 2010
Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
Obama Ekibinde Yaprak Dökümü - Beyaz Saray’dan Kaçış mı? 12 Ekim 2010
"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Normalleşme” Sancıları 22 Nisan 2010
Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Tektonik Kayma” mı? 5 Nisan 2010
Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
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Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
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Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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