0928-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Newsweek:Bob Gates's Victory To little notice, the Defense secretary has gotten his way on Iraq, and possibly on Iran. Now, Gates is about to appoint a former top Clinton official to prove he means business. Byting Back — Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents New York Times Official Calls Kurd Oil Deal at Odds With Baghdad France Flips, Congress Shifts - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post ANALYSIS: With Legacy in Mind, Bush Reassesses His Agenda » Karim Sadjadpour| Labeling Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization would be a serious mistake Slate Learning From Bush's Mistakes How a prewar conversation can help us pick the next president. Juan Cole: Transcript Reveals Impeachable Offenses by Bush Re: Iraq War Bush-Aznar Transcript: The War Crime of the Century Independent Blackwater 'mistakes' led to surge of Iraqi violence Al Awsat America's Diplomatic Fig Leaf : Amir Taheri Forward Congress Throws Covert Israeli Attack on Syria Out Into the Open Daily Star Sarkozy is pretty much a Gaullist on the Middle East Financial Times COMMENT: Sarkozy and the prize of a grand transatlantic bargain The condition of Franco-American ties determines the cohesion of the west, writes Philip Stephens New light cast on Bush’s Iraq plans A leaked transcript of talks between President George W. Bush and José Maria Aznar, former Spanish prime minister, has cast fresh light on the diplomatic wrangling that preceded the Iraq war Reidar Visser The US Senate Votes to Partition Iraq. Softly IHT The future of American multilateralism European reluctance to take risks for common interests bolsters American unilateralists. Top Dems See 10-Year Iraq War Even if They Win The Economist America's pro-Israel lobby Powerful, but not that powerful FIRST CHAPTER; ‘The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy’ Washington Institute Rice's Obstacles on the Road to an Israeli-Palestinian Breakthrough - David Makovsky U.S., China Must Overcome Current Friction - Ian Bremmer, RCP Vital Energy Questions for America - Senator John McCain, NRO Daily Telegraph Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran? A clash with Western civilisation that the Iranian president so obviously desires will hasten, or so he believes, the arrival of the 12th Imam, writes Con Coughlin. The Times Bomb attacks bring pleas for British Basra return British troops are being urged to return to the front line and help Iraqi counterparts after eight are killed by insurgents Guardian War, who is it good for? Daphna Baram: Far from promoting peace, the US seems to be cajoling Israel's damaged political leadership towards a manufactured confrontation with Syria. Stand firm on Kosovo Jonathan Steele: The EU must not relent to the siren voices who oppose the territory's path to independence A confederation for Kosovo NBC: Bin Laden may have just escaped U.S. forces... Dollar Hits Another Low Against Euro... The Economist World economy Stronger China Democratic Debate Transcript, New Hampshire Washington Institute What Israel Really Gained by Bombing Syria Similar Threats, Similar Approaches: Improving Transatlantic Counterterrorism Ties Weekly Standard Population Wars
The Islamic World and the West Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
A Conversation with Bernard Kouchner (Audio) Jim Lobe Anti-Iran Hawks Win Partial Victory in Congress | H2 The Economist Turkey and Islam Secularists' lament ''Sıcak takip'' sorunu ertelendi ABD'li 8 eski bakandan Türkiye'ye destek Turkey Would Consider US Using Border for Iraq Exit Gates Erdoğan'ın tavrını olumlu buldu Anti-terror talks with Iraq hit further snags ABD'de konuşan Erdoğan'dan çarpıcı mesajlar The Islamic World and the West Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu Erdoğan: PKK kamplarında Amerika'ya ait top ve tank var Erdoğan: ABD Türkiye üzerinden çekilebilir 'Türkiye üzerinden Irak'tan çekilmeye Erdoğan olumlu bakıyor' 'Şu anda ABD için Türkiye kadar stratejik önemi sahip başka ülke yok' Seçenekler azalıyor sabrımız zorlanıyor "İslam ülkesi değil, laik ülkenin başbakanıyım" Takibe Barzani freni "Sıcak takip" konusu imza sonrasına kaldı Irak’la anlaşmada ‘sıcak takip’ yok Nasuhi Güngör Sıcak takip konusu Serdar Turgut Çatışmaya doğru Batı medyası nasıl görüyor BBC’de medya standartlarını belirleyen 30 yıllık gazeteci Kevin Marsh, batı medyasının Türkiye’ye son dönemdeki bakışını VATAN’a anlattı Anlaşmada kafa karışıklığı Türkiye ile Irak arasında terörle mücadele anlaşmasının bugün imzalanması bekleniyor. Ancak Irak tarafının "Anlaşma sağlandı, ama müzakereler sürüyor" açıklaması kafaları karıştırdı. Swiss Otel'de 11 saatlik diplomasi ABD'ye Ermeni iddiaları ve PKK uyarısı Erdoğan - Babacan Temaslarını Sürdürüyor Emin Pazarcı Böyle terörle mücadele olur mu? - New US bill on Iran sanctions may hit Turkey - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007 İran doğal gazına ihtiyacımız var ABD ile Türkiye arasında ''gaz sancısı'' Habur’dan ABD silahı çekilmesi ertelendi ABD’li müfettişler kayıp silahlar için Türkiye’de Babacan urges Rice to stop PKK terrorism at once Erdoğan dismisses concerns over constitution, criticizes allies for inaction against PKK Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Irak'lı Kürt milletvekili: PKK'yı Kuzey Irak'tan çıkaran anlaşma yapılamaz Aksiyon Doğuya yeni yatırım modeli - Zafer Özcan PKK’nın ‘kan gölü’ planı - Gamze Polat Terör eylemlerini yerli jammer'lar bitirecek Osman: PKK’nin çıkarılmasına yönelik hiç bir anlaşma imzalanmadı Deniz Gökçe Fırat-Dicle suyu kimleri ilgilendiriyor? Mahmur Kampı'nın kapatılması başka bahara kaldı PKK plans to murder DTP mayors Amerika'ya Türkmen tepkisi: Biz de ayrılırız Iran 'shelling targets deeper inside northern Iraq'... Rice: Irak'ın toprak bütünlüğü korunacak Turkey-Iraq 'Kurd' deal held up Kurdish Source Reports 29 Rebels Killed in Clashes With Turkish Forces 13-25 Sep Rebels to Boycott Any Turkish Constitution Which Does Not Recognize Kurds Ahmedinejad’dan Erdoğan’a doğalgaz teklifi Türkiye ile İran ‘enerji’ imzasına hazır New York Times Official Calls Kurd Oil Deal at Odds With Baghdad İBRAHİM KARAGÜL PKK'ya terörist diyen kaybeder! Mehmet Metiner Siz demokrasinin neresindesiniz? - Şırnak'taki çatışmada 4 terörist öldürüldü Kerkük'ten Göç Edenlere Tazminat Ödenecek Ethinic cleansing of Kirkuk under way Kurds turn to Capitol Hill to open up travel, get more aid Iraq Kurdistan asks part in Turkish talks Why partition in Iraq is a terrible idea US causes Kurdistan to be cut off, prices soar Two Iraqi Kurdish Islamic Parties Sign "Strategic Agreement" Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 27 Sep 07 Turkey-Iraq Talks Said Deadlocked Over "Hot Pursuit" Article The Great Jump of The Gulf Investments in Turkey [Voltaire] Kurdish TV Reports Three Iranian Soldiers Killed in Clashes With Rebels Iran Shells Iraqi Kurdish Border Areas Gül'den şehit ailelerine bugün Köşk'te iftar The situation of the Christians of Kurdistan discussed in Italy. Ali Bulaç Arabs and democracy Turkish FM Babacan in US: PKK and Genocide Claims Strain Turkey-US ... Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Turkey not seen meeting EU reform targets Rehn, sürecin canlı tutulması gerek Cumhurbaşkanı Gül Avrupa'ya açılıyor Cyprus Says Syria Dispute Smoothed Over Epoch Times | EU's Rehn Resigned to Turkish Reform Delay DefenseNews.com - Turkey’s EU Reform Process Fading - 09/27/07 13:27 ŞELALE KADAK TÜSİAD desteği aldı: İspanya, Kralı ve hükümetiyle arkamızda! AB Türkiye ile müzakerelerde yeni fasıl açacak The Daily Dish Alienating The Turks TODAY'S ZAMAN Ankara, Paris to establish working group on EU Top level bilateral talks on Turkey's EU bid Rauf Denktaş Nereye kadar? US Urges New Diplomatic Push for Cyprus Settlement Cumhuriyetçi Başkan Adayı, Ermeni tasarısından desteğini çekti İtalyan bakan: Müslüman kadına başörtüsü yasağı söz konusu olamaz Lozan'da mülklerin iadesi konusu YUSUF HALAÇOĞLU Tufan Türenç Erdoğan’ın Sarkozy’ye yanıtı çok yetersiz Armenia refuses to shut atomic power plant Foxman Bazen dostlar arasında anlaşmazlık olabilir ADL: Ermeni sorunu Kongre'nin işi değil A Turkish media outlet owned by a Greek entrepreneur: wow! - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007 What Should the Ecumenical Patriarchate do? (III) (Orhan Kemal Cengiz) Cartoons of Muhammad and clash of civilizations (Mustafa AKYOL ) Hollanda’da Hz. Muhammed’e Hitler benzetmesi Actress contributes to Turkish-Greek friendship 'Çılgınlık yaptık' diyen albay TBMM gündeminde Ankara-İstanbul hızlı tren rüyası 2008'e kaldı... Enerji Bakanlığı’nda yolsuzluk operasyonu Vahap Munyar Sabah-ATV ihalesinde dünyanın dev fonlarına kapılar kapalı görünüyor Cartoons of Muhammad and clash of civilizations (Mustafa AKYOL ) FIFA'dan KKTC'ye izin gündemde KKTC'ye uygulanan futbol ambargosu Le Monde'de haber oldu Fatih Akın'la Yeni Filmi Hakkında Söyleşi "15 Ekim'den sonra yağmur bekleniyor" Boğaziçi'nden Kaboğlu ve Oran kararına karşı bildiri Gül'den Doğramacı'ya jet kabul | H3 Ankara'da Kürt devleti gerilimi Fikret BİLA Sıcak takip mi, soğuk takip mi? Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007 O. Faruk LOĞOĞLU Örtülü kadın azaldı Malezya olmuyoruz! Türkiye'de her 100 kadından 61'i başörtülü. Örtünen sayısı artmıyor, ama örtülü kadınlar toplumsal hayata eskisinden daha fazla katılıyor Halkın yüzde 74'ü başörtüsü yasağına karşı Malezya tartışmasının başlamasına neden olan Holbrook, Erdoğan'dan özür diledi Kaynaktan yalanlama Türkiye Malezya olur mu? tartışmasına son noktayı ‘başlatan’ koydu. Hoolbrooke ‘Benim benzetmem ‘başarı’ ile ilgili’ dedi Bu ne biçim sıcak takip? Serdar Akinan “Asker ne yapıyor?” diye soranlara... Provokasyon Bugün ülkemizde gençlerin baş örtülü yüksek öğretim görme hakkı tartışılırken, Diyarbakır'da birden fazla ilköğretim okulunda öğrencilerin baş örtüsüyle okula alınması kışkırtıcı bir davranıştır. -Ergun BABAHAN Ruşen Çakır| TÜRKİYE MALEZYA OLUR MU?/5 Eser Karakaş İkinci cumhuriyet karşıtlarına somut sorular Şamil Tayyar Darbe bekleyen o gazeteci MÜMTAZ'ER TÜRKÖNE - Malezya yerine Mısır Cengiz Çandar 'Suikast hedefleri' ile... İlnur Çevik Are we heading for a clash with US on Iran? YAVUZ DONAT Demirel: 'Derin bir konu...' Gül, Org. Büyükanıt'ı kabul etti Cemil Çiçek "Anayasa yazmak petrol bulmaktan zor" ‘Yeni anayasa yapıyoruz kereste kanunu değil’ Anayasayı tartışan partiler yaklaşan referandumu unuttu MHP’ye göre iptal edilebilir Sebahattin Önkibar TSK-ABD restleşmesi ve AKP? İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç Kafalara asma kilit Fehmi Koru Bir öyle, bir böyle yapana 'aydın' diyorlar KORAY DÜZGÖREN Sanki 'paralel' bir hükümet konuşuyor ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Bu maskaralığa artık bir son verin… [Yorum - Etyen Mahçupyan] Bürokratik yürütmenin demokrasi korkusu Ali H Aslan With an enemy like Ahmadinejad Türban mı? Nerede? Namık Kemal Zeybek Taha AKYOL Ertuğrul Özkök Bir gazetecinin psikiyatrik halleri Bilal Çetin Baykal’dan uzlaşma çağrısı... Mehmet Yılmaz Emeğe ve uzmanlığa saygı duymayı öğrenelim Ahmet Hakan Hayır Leyla Alaton, her şey para değildir M Ali Birand Çok şaşırtıcı bir anket Toplum baskısı Türker Alkan Mehmet Barlas Türkiye’de devrim ve karşı-devrim enflasyonu var… Kendini cüce sanan dev Ferai Tınç 11’lerini kurdular türbanı tartışıyorlar Bu da global 'ikinci cumhuriyet' MUSTAFA ÜNAL - 'Tartışmalardan yararlanıyoruz' Burada ve dünyada demokrasi Murat Belge Kıpırdayan toplum M.Ali Kışlalı Gülay Göktürk Zorunlu din dersi - 28.Eylül.2007 Bülent Keneş Fear scenarios and the truth TAMER KORKMAZ - Peruk bile yasak: Üniversiteye kafa ile girmek de yasaklansın! Mehmet Tezkan İkinci Cumhuriyetçiler’le Birinci Cumhuriyetçiler maç etse hakem kim olur? Serdar Turgut Medyadan da gına geldi Can Dündar Ilımlı İslam ve ABD (2) Ali Bayramoğlu Demokrasiye doğru yol almanın da yolları var… Güler Kömürcü Hakam Aygün 2. cumhuriyetçilik palavra, hepsi medya kavgası! Yalçın Doğan CHP’de Politbüro iş başında Özdemir İnce Müslümanca yaşamak ve Malezya korkusu İki dev anketin sonucu Türkiye Malezya olur mu? Ahmet Taşgetiren İslam’dan korku üretmek Erdoğan "Türkiye Malezya olmaz" Türban yok, eğitim hakkını tartışacağız EMRE AKÖZ Kemalist savunma refleksi Umur Talu Malezya Hilton'a benzemek NAZLI ILICAK Bienal'de Kemalizm'e eleştiri MAHMUT ÖVÜR Baykal karşıtları "Koç" gibi... YAVUZ DONAT Demirel: 'Derin bir konu...' [HABER İNCELEME] Avrupa'da devlet okullarında din dersinin okutulmadığı tek ülke Fransa Evren Anayasa'yı değiştirmenin zamanı geldi, Türkiye Malezya olmaz Malaysia and Turkey (Yusuf KANLI ) Haluk Koç Haftaya adayım CHP Referandumda HAYIR kampanyası yapmayacak ‘Gül meşru 1 Ekim’de dinleriz’ Basın Konseyi’ne Çankaya’dan jet özür Türkiye'nin sorunu düşük kur, rezerv çapası işe yaramaz ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Halka arzlar oldu yabancıya arz Volkan Akı ABD’deki gibi bankacıların maaşlarını açıklayabili IMF: Türkiye’ye yeni çıpa önermedik JTI, Tekel'e 1.5 milyar dolar vermeye hazır İBRAHİM KAHVECİ Dövizini euro olarak biriktirenler 5.8 milyar dolar kazandı Kyoto could be Turkey’s chance to speak up for poor countries |
H4 New York Times Official Calls Kurd Oil Deal at Odds With Baghdad I.M.F. Faces a Question of Identity Editorial Runaway (Spending) Train If President Bush is going to start withdrawing troops from Iraq, why on earth does he need vastly more money from Congress to wage war? PAUL KRUGMAN Hired Gun Fetish As far as I can tell, America has never fought a war in which mercenaries made up a large part of the armed force, as is the case in Iraq. New Test Asks: What Does ‘American’ Mean? Authorities unveiled 100 new questions immigrants will have to study to become American citizens. 10 Questions From the Redesigned Test (pdf) U.S. Courts the Visiting President of Turkmenistan Editorial A Step Away From the Imperial Presidency For democracy’s sake, there will need to be more cases where Congress can live up to its duty to rescind excessive power grants to the White House Scene of Blackwater Shooting Was Chaotic Participants in a contentious Baghdad security operation this month say that at least one guard continued firing on civilians while colleagues urgently called for a cease-fire. More Deaths in Myanmar, and Defiance Violence began before dawn as Myanmar’s military junta tried to crush a wave of nationwide protests with tear gas, beatings and volleys of gunfire. Saudis Rethink Taboo on Women Behind the Wheel Musharraf Files Papers for Election in Pakistan At Its Session on Warming, U.S. Is Seen to Stand Apart State Dept. Tallies 56 Shootings Involving Blackwater on Diplomatic Guard Duty Gates Favors Faster Expansion of the Army Testimony in Court-Martial Describes a Sniper Squad Pressed to Raise Body Count The Socialists Are Coming! The Socialists Are Coming! By PHILIP M. BOFFEY Our political discourse is so debased that the “s-word” is typically applied where it is least appropriate and never applied where it most fits. | H5 Washington Post The French Flip Charles Krauthammer | France can define European policy and Nicolas Sarkozy intends to. ANALYSIS: With Legacy in Mind, Bush Reassesses His Agenda The Wrong Way to Pressure Iran » Karim Sadjadpour| Labeling Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization would be a serious mistake Is There an Iraq What Is Putin's Plan? » Andrew C. Kuchins Vladimir Putin has a chance to make the most important contribution to his political legacy by walking away. Burma's Revolt of The Spirit » Michael Gerson | These chanting monks are playing spiritual hardball. U.S. to Let Key Detainees Request Lawyers Move could allow 14 "high-value" terrorism suspects at Guantanamo to join other detainees in challenging status as enemy combatants in court Editorial Report: Blackwater Saw Bedlam Initial U.S. Embassy findings raise new questions about what led to shootings, standoff. Judge Orders Release Of Musharraf's Foes Pakistani activists were arrested as part of a government crackdown on political parties that are trying to block Musharraf's quest for another five years as president. | H6 Guardian War, who is it good for? Daphna Baram: Far from promoting peace, the US seems to be cajoling Israel's damaged political leadership towards a manufactured confrontation with Syria. Stand firm on Kosovo Leader Talking lots, settling little Rice defends Bush's UN climate talks Preying on the poor Jean-Roger Kaseki If the international community is serious about combating global poverty, it must stop vulture funds targeting vulnerable countries. Musharraf 'must free opponents' Ahmadinejad seeks to strengthen South America ties |
H7 From NYRB, Peter Galbraith reviews Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States by Trita Parsi. A review of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (and more and more). FPIF The Theology of American Empire Washington Times Defiance in Damascus (By Nir Boms) 'Hegemonistic' Iran worries Arab states (By Nicholas Kralev) Boston Globe Chaos and unity in a fragmented Iraq (By Roger Owen) A Mideast real estate deal A TINY, disputed parcel of land called Shebaa Farms, located where Israel, Syria, and Lebanon converge, has long been used as a pretext for armed confrontation. But Israel may now have a chance to remove this sliver of real estate as a source of conflict. This is an opportunity that should not be missed. A Majority That Refuses to Act Like One By: Michael Young | The Daily Star Lebanese Parliament was called into session to find a successor to Emile Lahoud. Instead, the speaker, Nabih Berri, bought an extra month to haggle over a consensus candidate. That may be what many Lebanese want, but the result will not be stability No More Cat-and-Mouse Games By: Mesbah Ahdab | The Guardian Is attacking Iran on the agenda? Immanuel Wallerstein investigates, and a review of Alternatives: The United States Confronts the World. Take Tehran next Al-Ahram Weekly | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor Sunnis May Stop Work With US in Diyala BBC Iraqi Sunni leader meets Sistani Iraqi Sunni leader Tariq al-Hashemi holds talks with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most senior Shia cleric Lebanon stalemate Judge who refused to swear oath is Musharraf's rival in elections Iran in $1bn Bolivia oil pledge National Journal Squeezing Iran - Julie Kosterlitz Al-Arabiya TV Reports Views on Draft Law on Iraq Division The Economist Lebanon Who's for president? Israel The land of Zion | H9 Ha’aretz – Russia: New sanctions must await IAEA probe ANALYSIS: Is Barghouti the answer for Abbas's woes? IAF dispatches jets in response to Syrian helicopter activity Livni, Syrian Foreign Minister deny reports they met at UN Recommendation: Seven Megawatt-Hours Penalty for Each Palestinian Rocket - Yaakov Katz and Herb Keinon Washington Institute Rice's Obstacles on the Road to an Israeli-Palestinian Breakthrough - David Makovsky Economic Aspects of Peace in the Middle East Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Israel won't halt fence work to get Saudis to int'l conference Senior Hizbullah, PFLP members vow to stand by Damascus if Israel launches an offensive BBC Israeli strike hits 'rocket crew' An Israeli air strike in Gaza kills two Palestinian militants, bringing the death toll in the territory to at least 11. Israel's limited options in Gaza Chilling images How Nixon showed pity for 'the world's loneliest man' Former US president was prepared to support the release of Rudolf Hess from Spandau prison in 1974. Syrian Foreign Minister denies meeting Israeli counterpart Middle East Times Commentary: Just how powerful is the US' Jewish lobby? |
H10 Christian Science Monitor Nuclear plant surge coming In the next 15 months, US regulators expect applications for up to 28 new plants. Opinion: America's friend again: France! Under Sarkozy, it's hard to use 'French' as a campaign slur. ASIA The Economist China's economy How fit is the panda? Revolution in Myanmar The saffron revolution PCs for peasant farmers? China targets digital divide. China's computermakers tap vast rural market with simple tools and local officials' support. Beneath Booming Cities, China’s Future Is Drying Up Groundwater levels are dropping around China, where leaders face tough choices as cities, industry and farming compete for an unbalanced and finite water supply. Drama Hits Beijing Politics By: Willy Lam | Asia Sentinel Spies 'stole secrets' to arm China army The Rise of Middle-Ranking Powers By: Hideaki Kaneda | The Japan Times FT COMMENT: Fukuda, the other side of Koizumi's magic Guardian Paranoid, insular and inept, the junta has no plan B The Burmese blame game Simon Tisdall: China, Russia and India do indeed bear some responsibility, but no one in the international community's hands are clean. BBC Bush on Burma Chávez's 21st Century Socialism Is Hopeless By: Marifeli Perez-Stable | Miami Herald | H11 IHT The future of American multilateralism The wrong question The West failed to see that Ukraine's political battles were just a sideshow to the real revolution. A soldier in Iraq As the commander of an armor recon unit in Iraq, I found that my efforts to instill initiative in my troops became less and less effective the more casualties we took. We can combat climate change The 'crazies' and Iran Kosovars confident as negotiations reopen EUROPE European press review The Economist France and the European Central Bank Faulty Sarkonomics Gordon Brown History? What history? BBC In the balance Greek recovery 'to take decades' Wartime Demands Force NATO to Scale Back Ambitions for Response Force By: Adam Herbert | World Politics Review | H12 RFE/RL Russia: Imperial Anniversary Challenged In North Caucasus Ukraine: New Polls Hold No Promise Of Change Ukraine: Playing The Populist Card Georgia: The Ally Who Turned On Saakashvili Georgia: President Silent, While Key Opposition Party Takes Shape An Economy at Risk By: Marshal I. Goldman | The Moscow Times Hawks and Liberals The Economist Google News Azerbaijan The Economist Ukraine's election Preparing for the next drama Geopolitical Diary: Russia's War of Words with Georgia Spitting Image By: Adrian Karatnycky | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Ukraine Votes By: Bruce P. Jackson | The Weekly Standard CSM Will Sunday's Ukraine vote break political deadlock? Why Crimea remains strongly Russian BBC Georgia holds president's ex-ally A Georgian politician is arrested for corruption after alleging the president ordered him to plan assassinations. Russia issues warning on space-based weapons EDM ESTONIA WILL NOT ALLOW THE NORD STREAM PIPELINE ON ITS SEABED |
H13 The Times Bomb attacks bring pleas for British Basra return British troops are being urged to return to the front line and help Iraqi counterparts after eight are killed by insurgents Starbucked: how politics is changing Political conventions feel like high street coffee shops, serving up the same formulas James Harding I adored you once. Now we must part Naked Opportunism and Sheer Expediency will take over from dear Prudence at No 10 Gerard Baker Wall Street Journal RISING PRICES AND SURGING DEMAND for the crops that supply half of the world's calories are altering the economic landscape. The run-up could last as long as a decade. Split Widens Among Evangelicals A debate over the environment has been roiling America's potent but often fractious community of evangelicals. The most charged issue of all is climate change. Democrats and Iran | H14 Financial Times COMMENT: Sarkozy and the prize of a grand transatlantic bargain The condition of Franco-American ties determines the cohesion of the west, writes Philip Stephens New light cast on Bush’s Iraq plans A leaked transcript of talks between President George W. Bush and José Maria Aznar, former Spanish prime minister, has cast fresh light on the diplomatic wrangling that preceded the Iraq war Washington changes its tune on climate The world must cut emissions or sacrifice the planet, Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, told a meeting of governments, in the most strongly worded statement on global warming yet made by the US administration Iraq's top Shia cleric meets Sunni leader If the CAP fits . . . Recent rises in global food prices should encourage further reform of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy Influential promoter of Islamic revolution Hossein Shariatmadari’s views have clout. The stinging editorials of the incendiary Tehran editor advocates positions that exert pressure on decision-makers COMMENT & ANALYSIS: From symptom to system WORLD NEWS: UN assembly heightens sense of impotence Call for clarity on wealth funds Sovereign wealth funds’ investments will be restricted in Europe unless they are more transparent says the European Union’s top economic official Serbia hits at US over Kosovo Boris Tadic, the Serbian president, says US support for Kosovan independence is undermining efforts for a compromise solution on the province’s future Clinton brings shades of Davos to Manhattan COMMENT & ANALYSIS: Europe's carbon market needs a policeman The lack of a strong central authority to administer the scheme and short time frames are big flaws, writes Simon Tilford COMMENT: How to revitalise the credit market in one step Lenders must assure investors that the quality of the securitised loan portfolios will be maintained, writes Jan Krahnen Driving lessons from GM dispute The 41-hour wonder that was the GM national strike raises issues for businesses and unions that should resonate far beyond Detroit COMMENT: A fixed term would be a fairer way Brown’s options are far wider than to wait or risk being remembered as a ‘few months’ prime minister, writes Samuel Brittan US shipping plan attacked European shipowners, port operators and retailers rounded on a US plan to scan all containers entering the country, saying it would have “disastrous effects” on trade | H15 Los Angeles Times Editorial The Ahmadinejad show The Iranian president's views are as disturbing as ever. But how much does he really matter? Giuliani criticizes Clinton's debate comments on Iran |
H16 American Politics The Economist Lexington Can Hillary be stopped? CSM For voters, 'tough' now trumps 'nice' The front-runners for each party's nomination are also perceived by voters as the 'toughest' in their lineups. New Hampshire promises a rocky ride Hillary Clinton’s lead in the polls is no guarantee of victory in New Hampshire, where they want a contest not a coronation Rise of the Have-Nots Why More Americans Are Feeling Shut Out of Good Times By Harold Meyerson Democrats remain united on key issues realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | H17 Daily Telegraph Will the 12th Imam cause war with Iran? A clash with Western civilisation that the Iranian president so obviously desires will hasten, or so he believes, the arrival of the 12th Imam, writes Con Coughlin. Leader Pakistan in turmoil Western allies face the dilemma of General Pervez Musharraf as a head of state who, after eight years in office in Pakistan, is leaching power by the hour. | H18 Independent Blackwater 'mistakes' led to surge of Iraqi violence Saudis urge Hamas and Fatah to form new coalition Brown prepares Labour troops for snap election Labour stepped up its preparations for a snap general election after the party's annual conference in Bournemouth ended on a high note |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism To little notice, the Defense secretary has gotten his way on Iraq, and possibly on Iran. Now, Gates is about to appoint a former top Clinton official to prove he means business. Access the Largest Counter-Terrorism Data Base in the World (Investigative Project on Terrorism) Wartime Demands Force NATO to Scale Back Ambitions for Response Force By: Adam Herbert | World Politics Review Byting Back — Regaining Information Superiority Against 21st-Century Insurgents Defense: FY2008 Authorization and Appropriations, updated September 17, Afghanistan: Post-War Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy (PDF; 552 KB) The Law of the Sea Treaty: Impeding American Entrepreneurship and Investment Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute The hi-tech battlefield , Paul Rogers | H20 Slate The Economist Climate change As the waters rise Civil liberties: surveillance and privacy Learning to live with Big Brother A review of Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation: A Theory of Discourse Failure by Guido Pincione and Fernando R. Teson. Bryan Caplan on the 4 boneheaded biases of stupid voters (and we're all stupid voters). From Slate, a series of articles that examine the unavoidable presence of sex in science and culture. From Commonweal, Charles Taylor on Sex and Christianity: How has the moral landscape changed. International Comparisons Of Manufacturing Productivity And Unit Labor Cost Trends 2006 PDF Version Also Available (16 pages; PDF) | H21 From NYRB, Colin McGinn reviews Steven Pinker’s The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature (and more and more and more and more and interview). Open Thread: Two new studies by American economists have revealed that men are happier than women. Is it true? “The Bible,” sighed Voltaire, “is what fools have written, imbeciles command, and rogues teach.” Was he being too rude?... more» 'Acting is the most natural thing' He may be a late bloomer, but Morgan Freeman gets all the best parts: God, the president, a jailbird, a gumshoe. John Patterson meets him. You can take the human being out of the savannah, but you can’t take the savannah out of the human being... more» Jorge Luis Borges knew the risks of perfect memory. He wrote of a man paralyzed by it. Google’s memory is perfect... more» Critics should make readers feel uneasy about their ignorance of art, music, or literature. Alex Ross is such a critic... more» |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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