0903-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | |||
H1 Washington Post Book Tells of Dissent in Bush's Inner Circle Author offers a portrait of a White House wracked by more infighting than is commonly portayed and an occasionally disengaged president. New York Times Iraqi Deaths Drop in Baghdad, but Rise Elsewhere New statistics provided by Iraqi officials appear to mirror the geographic pattern of the American troop increase THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The Kurdish Secret Iraq is a disaster in so many ways, but at least America’s invasion midwifed something really impressive in Kurdistan. On Two Fronts, One Nuclear, Iran Is Defiant Two announcements Sunday appeared intended to enforce Iran’s refusal to back down in the face of stepped-up pressure from the United States. Sunday Times Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran Pentagon draws up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets, to annihilate military capability in three days NYT Propping Up the Weak as a Policy By DAVID E. SANGER JUST how much President Bush’s goals abroad are now at the mercy of some of the world’s weakest leaders … The Former-Insurgent Counterinsurgency By MICHAEL R. GORDON In a Sunni stronghold just south of Baghdad, the U.S. military has been persuading militants to switch sides. But it’s not at all clear that the enemy’s new enemy is really a friend Sunday Times Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John J Mearsheimer and Stephen M Walt: The Middle East seems set to remain a deeply troubled arena: this book helps explain why Guardian British forces withdraw from Basra Palace base Redeployment of 500 troops to city's airbase is penultimate stage of UK's presence in Iraq. A tale of three cities: Basra, London and Washington Americans fear escalation of violence in region Newsweek - Baghdad's New Owners As Sunnis Flee, Shiites Now Dominate Baghdad British leave last remaining Basra base British forces have pulled out of Basra Palace, the onetime southern residence of Saddam Hussein that became the symbol of the UK's role in the US-led invasion. Patrick Cockburn: Ignominious end to futile exercise that cost the UK 168 lives Leading Article: The Basra endgame and the trading of blame 'Jews and Power' By RUTH R. WISSE Reviewed by ANTHONY JULIUSA celebration of the state of Israel and the Jewish return to sovereignty. Los Angeles Times Bush, Congress will renew battle over Iraq The White House hopes Petraeus' report will change opinions, but many believe the war strategy must change. Sunday Telegraph This crisis will not disappear overnight This great crisis of American foreign policy, like the slow-burning financial crisis we live through, will play out over hundreds, if not thousands of days, says Niall Ferguson. Will President Bush bomb Iran? George Bush has ramped up the rhetoric against Iran. Is he serious? Tim Shipman reports from Washington. Sunday Times UK troops poised to quit Basra Handover would enable most British soldiers to leave Iraq but exacerbates simmering row with US over approach The world divides...and democracy is at bay Forget the Islamic threat, the coming battle will be between autocratic nations like Russia and China and the rest Robert Kagan Newsweek Is Anti-Americanism Over in Europe? After a stormy break with the U.S., European leaders are forging a new Atlantic alliance. Morton Abramowitz: The Mass Exodus From Iraq Is Becoming An International Crisis Washington Post Iran Claims 3,000 Uranium Centrifuges Announcement appears at odds with reports that say enrichment had slowed and Iran was cooperating with its nuclear probe. Editorial Testing Mr. Bernanke The rookie Fed chairman maneuvers to reassure without bailing out -- astutely, so far. The Real Causes of the Financial Storm By David Ignatius Bet on America Forget the Doom and Gloom. In 50 Years, We'll Still Be No. 1. By Joel Achenbach Vladimir the Great? Putin's Inspiration Is Much Older Than the Cold War By Jay Winik Having just grabbed a piece of the Arctic the size of Western Europe, the Russian military has announced ambitious plans to establish a permanent presence in the Mediterranean for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Editorial Pentagon Justice No officer will serve jail time for the crimes at the Abu Ghraib prison. Independent on Sunday Pakistan Roger Howard: Come what may, the military is in charge With rivals returning home, Pakistan's President General Musharraf is likely to be sidelined. This is not good news for the West LA Times New Russia, new threat By Michael McFaul Working with the West is no longer the goal as the Kremlin flexes its muscle and rethinks its role in the world. Wolfowitz of the '60s By David Milne Today's neocons echo Walt Rostow, who helped push the U.S. into an ill-fated war. China's latest export: soft power By Joshua Kurlantzick While the U.S. has focused on the Mideast, Beijing has become a rival for global influence. The war on poppies By Peter Bergen and Sameer Lalwani U.S. efforts to eradicate Afghanistan's crop are empowering the Taliban by sowing seeds of resentment. Financial Times Editorial LEADER: Iran can help its case by helping Iraq If Iran wants international recognition as a legitimate regional power, it needs to demonstrate that it is a force for stability COMMENT: Prepare for the credit crisis to spreadBy historic standards, our credit bubble is probably one of the largest ever, writes Wolfgang Münchau Iran picks new leader for guards Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, has appointed a new Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Newsweek Jeffrey Garten: The Weak Dollar Is More Dangerous Than It Appears Jerusalem Post Column One: The ghosts of wars lost [ CAROLINE GLICK Follow Israel's interests, not America's [ ALON LIEL American peacemaking efforts in the Middle East are now focused on a proposed international conference of moderate forces. But what are the prospects of such a conference leading to a breakthrough, given that none of the hostile forces Israel will have to come to terms with - in particular, Syrian President Bashar Assad - are expected to be invited? The Region: Losing Lebanon WP The Insurgency's Psychological Component increases might produce tactical victories but may, paradoxically, fuel insurgency Rice's Loyalty Brings Pitfalls Personal bond with Bush emerges as secretary's key asset - but possibly also her critical weakness Book details Rice's struggle with diplomatic setbacks Basra: The Calm Before the Storm? Some See 'Coup' as Iraq's Best Hope Is the nation state obsolete? An essay on Martin van Creveld and Roger Scruton. Boston Review Back to the Future: Robert Blecher and Jeremy Pressman on Israel's existential crisis Is this Musharraf's perestroika? Professor Petraeus Leads the Charge - Philip O'Connor, Chicago Tribune Iraq Was a Mistake, but Leaving Would Be a Disaster - Josef Joffe, WSJ
AEI Global Warming: Not So Hot Bush and Ahmadinejad: Will they or Won't They? More from Barnett Rubin on signs of a potential Bush administration attack on Iran at the Global Affairs blog. Tom Barnett KnoxNews. Targeting roots of terrorism in this long war | H2 NYT The Traps in Turkey’s Power Shift By SABRINA TAVERNISE and SEBNEM ARSU Will the election of Abdullah Gul, an observant Muslim, lead to a clash between the country’s working class and its urban secularists? 5 issues could provide clues to whether Abdullah Gul will clash with the traditionally secular military. THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The Kurdish Secret Iraq is a disaster in so many ways, but at least America’s invasion midwifed something really impressive in Kurdistan. Tawdry genocide tale Bruce Fein Jerusalem Post Boston Armenians: ADL guilty of genocide denial Soykırım inkârı, Türkiye'yle ittifakın parçası olamaz Türkleri tebrik etmek gerek MAZİN HAMMAD The Secularism of the Army and the Islamists NYT Ordunun görevi hükümeti desteklemektir [DIŞ BASINDA ABDULLAH GÜL'ÜN CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI] Türkiye olumlu yönde evriliyor Ilana Bet-El Ordu, Atatürk Türkiye'sinin değiştiğinin farkında ZÜHEYR KUSAYBATİ Gül laiklik yanlısı tavrıyla laiklerin kalesine gol attı TheStar.com - comment - Turkey's edgy advance Turkey and Latin America: Reaction and Revolution Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Ferai Tınç Irak’tan çekilme planlarında Türkiye senaryoları Nasuhi Güngör DTP’nin ‘derin’ paslaşmaları Iraqi Kurdish PJAK Official Traces Party History, Vision '160 köyle PKK devleti' iddiası ' İran, Kuzey Irak'a giriyor, Türkiye neden giremiyor? 10. ''Ermenileri Kürtler kesti!'' Fatih Çekirge DTP’nin ’kısa devre’ politikası Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 2 Sep 07 Kurds flee Iranian shelling of border (By Yahya Barzanji) Turkey and Latin America: Reaction and Revolution 'Sınır güvenliğimizi korumaya kararlıyız' Iran Reportedly Bombs Villages in Northern Iraq İran: "Ordumuz sınır güvenliğimizi koruyor" İran askerleri 3 PKK’lı teröristi öldürdü Iraklı Şii lider Salih El Hekim PKK öngörüsü PKK sığınaklarında roketatar bulundu DTP'li Tuncel: Gül'ün işi değil eşi tartışılıyor Turkish Historical Society revives plans to create Kurdology Institute American Prof. Martin: The Iraqi Kurds Should Deny the PKK Access Türkiye’nin gizli Irak gündemi yok Birileri istiyor diye PKK’ya terörist diyemeyiz Genelkurmay için kullandığı 'bölücü' ifadesini düzeltti Mustafa Erdoğan Haddini aşmak The PKK and the Turkish Army For Kurds, it's drill now, legislate later Washington, Baghdad silent on Iraq border conflict - Feature : Middle East World [Yorum - Mücahit Bilici] Antisemitizm: Yahudi düşmanlığı neden İslâmî değildir? [Yorum - Abdülhamit Bilici] Kudüs'te bir berber dükkânı ve Gül'lü Türkiye Legitimate, illegitimate acts of violence by JOHN ESPOSITO* Bush Protects PKK and IRGC by Scott Sullivan PUKmedia’da yayın durdurma kararı Mehmet Metiner Tarihle barışmak Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber YORUM-AB’ye Tam Üyelik, Egemenlik Devri ve Sivil Anayasa Tartışmaları YORUM-Talat ve Papadopulos ne konuşacak Hedefimiz, Türk-Yunan ilişkilerinin düzeltilmesi Karamanlis Türkiye’nin AB perspektifine değindi ‘Türk-Yunan ilişkilerini düzeltmeliyiz’ Talat "Bizi Rumların yönetmesini istemiyoruz" Talat: 5 Eylül görüşmesinden umutluyum Fransız Müsteşar Faure Türkiye'ye geliyor Ata Atun Turkey’s intervention in Cyprus is legal Gül'ün ilk yabancı konuğu İngiltere dışişleri bakanı Eski müftü, HİS'siyle Ada halkının nabzını tutacak Gül ilk yurtdışı gezisini KKTC'ye yapmayı planlıyor Talat, Ekim'de Ban ile görüşecek Karamanlis'ten olumlu mesajlar İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı Türkiye&ye gelecek Semih İDİZ Almanlarla Çeklerin açtıkları yol Güngör URAS AB, enerjide yabancı sermayeyi sınırlıyor ERDAL ŞAFAK Küllerinden doğmak Türkiye'yle yeni başlangıç vakti Carl Bildt – Hakaret karikatürlerine tepki gösterin ama şiddete asla başvurmayın Sofya 'Ayyıldız' korsanlarının gazabına uğradı Bulgaristan: Globalistan'da bir ülke Peki ama Putin bunu neden yapıyor? Gençlerimize saldırdılar Ermenistan'da geçen hafta biten 4'üncü Dünya Ermenileri Olimpiyatı'na Türkiye'yi temsilen 70 sporcu katıldı. Baskette ABD'li Glendale takımı ile İstanbul takımı karşılaştı. Turkey's historical amnesia Fikret Ertan Rusya, Akdeniz'e dönebilir mi? Fikret Ertan Kosovo’s independence TC vatandaşına 'soykırım tazminatı' Washington Post A Different Kind of Immigration Problem Andrew Finkel Ne mutlu Türküm DNA Maganda terörü artık durdurulsun Türkiye'de maganda terörü savaşları aratmıyor. Bir ayda dokuz kişi geldiği yer belli olmayan bir kurşun yüzünden yaşamını yitirdi, 29 kişi de yaralandı 'Türkiye'de ihtiyacın 10 katı su var' Bakan Eroğlu: "Kuraklık Türkiye'yi tehdit etmiyor" Çevre Bakanı Eroğlu: Su sorunu yok Yılın ilk 8 ayında 10 bin hektar kül oldu Pazar yazısı şart mıdır? Almanlar Jaguar'ı emeklilik Türkler baba parasıyla alıyor Cengiz Çandar Abdullah Gül, benim de cumhurbaşkanım olmayabilir... 'Devlet adamı karısı ortalıkta dolaşmaz' Gül yeni mal beyanında bulunacak Hayrünnisa Gül, web sitesinde yer almadı Sauna çetesinden erkek dayanışması çıktı! Yeni Anayasa Türk Dil Kurumu'na emanet 'Çocukken berber koltuğu acı verirdi' İslamcı basın yeniden Çankaya’da TÜBİTAK’ta sosyoloji projeleri de yarışacak Bilgi Edinme Hakkı Başvurular arttı ama tüm haklar hala bilinmiyor Üniversitenin duvarını kırdık, herkes girecek Yalman kendini müziğe verdi, oratoryo yazıyor Oray Eğin Yavuz Baydar OKUR TEMSİLCİSİ | H3 Radikal yazarı Uğur Gürses'ten program analizi: Hükümet programının 'program' kısmı eksik! Birleşik Devletler yönetimi TSK'yı anlamaya çalışıyor Is there life after the Armenian resolution? Halaçoğlu Kürdoloji enstitüsü kurmamız lazım Özdem Sanberk Atatürk'ün asıl öğretisi evrensellik [MONDAY TALK] Soli Özel: Turkey’s relations hostage to Armenian issue Murat Belge İkinci Cumhuriyet için sol şart Prof. Dr. Toktamış Ateş: Gül'e saygısızlık yapmaya askerin de hakkı yok Mümtazer Türköne Atatürk’ün dileği oldu Ferai Tınç Irak’tan çekilme planlarında Türkiye senaryoları Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] 'Soykırım' cephesinde son gelişmeler Baturalp Candemir Hükümet programı, öncelikler ve temel sorun Süleyman Yaşar Hükümet programındaki büyük hata Eser Karakaş 60. Hükümet Programı (olumlu noktalar) Eser Karakaş Hükümet programının eksik gördüğüm noktaları Şamil Tayyar O 95 dakikada neler yaşandı? Referandum süreci 11 Eylül’de başlıyor Ahmet Hakan Beşir Atalay için bir portre denemesi Serdar Akinan Sayın Beşir Atalay İçişleri Bakanı Ankara Eski MİT'çiden DTP ve AKP'ye destek Erdoğan, Türkiye'yi büyükşehir gibi yönetmeye hazırlanıyor Fatih Çekirge DTP’nin ’kısa devre’ politikası Turkey not threatened by global warming, says Minister Eroğlu Eroğlu'nun iyimserliği Tarhan Erdem Soner Yalçın Kayseri’de silahlı bir Akıncı Gençlik kampı hikáyesi Köşk referandumu iptal edilemedi [HABER İNCELEME] Türkiye, altıncı anayasada toplumsal uzlaşma arayacak ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Kadınsız Ankara Cumhuriyeti Devletin zirvesi hep gergindi AVNİ ÖZGÜREL Şükrü Küçükşahin Başkomutansız MGK Mustafa Ünal Sezer'den geriye ne kaldı? İhsan Dağı Foreign policy under the new AK Party government (1) Mümtazer Türköne "Onların mahallesi" Anayasa’da ’barış hakkı’ Yeni Anayasa’ya ’barış hakkı, sığınma hakkı, kültürel mirasın korunması hakkı, gelişme hakkı’ gibi daha önce düzenlenmeyen yeni haklar da giriyor. Ancak ’barış hakkı’ kapsamına ’vatana ihanet’ başta olmak üzere devlete karşı suç işleyen teröristler alınmıyor. Özbudun Laiklik eskiye göre daha fazla korunuyor ’Avusturya modeli’ arabulucular geliyor Gölge Dışişleri Bakanı Egemen Bağış, AKP’nin Dış İlişkilerden Sorumlu Genel Başkan Yardımcısı oldu Cumhurbaşkanı Gül sürpriz yapabilir
İşte AK Parti MYK'da yeni görevlendirme Semih İDİZ Almanlarla Çeklerin açtıkları yol Yaman TÖRÜNER Şahin Alpay I hope Gül (also) proves me wrong Ekrem Dumanlı Medyanın kavga çıkarmak gibi bir görevi mi var? Fikret BİLAZirveyi heyecanlandıran Türk Yıldızları ‘Army spending should be subject to Court of Accounts supervision’ İsmail Küçükkaya Şimşek İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç İki değini Fehmi KoruÖzeleştiri derken... İyelik zamiri meselesi 'tatlıya bağlandı' AKP, seçim sonrası vitrin değişikliği yaptı Mehmet Altan Hem okudum, hem de yazdım... Ahmet Hakan Beşir Atalay için bir portre denemesi Bıkmadık mı? Serdar Akinan Sayın Beşir Atalay İçişleri Bakanı Ankara Enis Berberoğlu Çankaya değiştirir (3) Oktay Ekşi Ya programda olmayanlar? Özdemir İnce CHP ve susuz Türkiya Yılmaz Özdil Musakka... Serdar Turgut Solda hareket zamanı Yalçın Bayer CHP’de 9 Eylül hareketi Rauf Tamer Yine mi gerilim Yılmaz Özdil Kimine 2+2 Kimine 4x4 Mehmet Altan Baykal usülü ittirme... Sami Selçuk Atatürkçülük ve anayasa
Yeni Çağ Sivil Anayasa çalışmalarına dikkat! Sebahattin Önkibar Asker DTP'lilerin elini sıkan MHP'ye kırgın Ahmet Kekeç İyi mi oldu yani komutanım? Can Ataklı Etkin bir isimle konuştum, içim öylesine rahatladı ki sormayın (!) MUHARREM SARIKAYA Programın iki kanadı... Umur Talu Sen seni bil sen seni! NAZLI ILICAK Buyurun siyasi arenaya MAHMUT ÖVÜR Abdülkadir Aksu nasıl kabine dışı kaldı? YAVUZ DONAT Bugün Meclis... Hem canlı, hem heyecanlı Gül ve Demirel 'bunları' konuştu Gerilim yükseltmenin dili Murat Belge Is there such thing as legitimate military coup?by PROF. DR. ATİLLA YAYLA* Doğu Ergil Miscalculations Zamanla askere bakış açımız değişiyor. Ama birlikte değişmeyi beceremiyoruz Hakkı Devrim Nabi Yağcı Gerilimler her zaman kötü değildir İhsan Yılmaz We have the symbol, we now need the substance Mehmet Barlas Dans etmek, Ankara şifrelerinde özel anlam içerir… Sezer: Atatürk’ü Anayasa’dan silme işareti var Sarıgül manşetine Baykal operasyonu Sarıgül, CHP adına bu kez Güneydoğu halkından özür diledi Egemen Bağış, AK Parti genel başkan yardımcısı oldu Bahçeli 'Özür bekliyor' BBP, AB yerine Türk Dünyası'nı gösterdi The real danger awaiting Turkey is not 'takiyya' Orhan Kemal CENGIZ Serdar Akinan Tılsımlı kelimeler Mehmet Barlas Demirel Japon turistlere her şeyi anlatsaydı, çok ilgi çekerdi… Ekonomide herşey tozpembe değil! İstihdam artırıcı önlemlerin maliyeti en az 2.2 milyar YTL Yeni dönem ve ekonomi yönetimi Salih Neftçi Piyasalarda trendler ve politikalar Fırsatçılar pusuda Başbakan'ın istediği kadar büyünebilir mi? Baran Tuncer 30 yıldır devam eden sıkıntı Fatih Özatay ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Yeni dönemin kilidi neden Şimşek'te? OKAN MÜDERRİSOĞLU Prof. Dr. AYDIN AYAYDIN Ercan Kumcu Kamusal çıkar bireysel maliyet Bundan sonra ne olur? Erdal Sağlam Hükümet programında söylenenlerin samimiyeti Government declares fierce war on unemployment Baturalp Candemir Hükümet programı, öncelikler ve temel sorun Süleyman Yaşar Hükümet programındaki büyük hata Ziraatçilerden gıda fiyatları uyarısı Maliye Bakanlığı'ndan kamuda tasarruf genelgesi Türkiye, 'yeni hükümet' farkıyla kayıpta liderliği Arjantin'e bıraktı Hazelnut price is unsustainable and harmful, say experts İş dünyası 10 bin dolar milli gelir hedefine kilitlendi Yiğit Bulut Piyasalar düzeliyor ama “temel paradoks” yerinde duruyor... İbrahim Öztürk Ekonomide değişimin kalıcı olması için önce siyasi reformlar yapılmalı Memur zammı Uzlaştırma Kurulu’na gidiyor O ayakkabıyı 23 Temmuz sabahına kadar giydim Hasan Ersel Mali istikrar mı, fiyat istikrarı mı öncelikli Ekonomi yönetimine Marmara Üniversitesi ekolü ağırlığını koydu Kerem Alkin Ağustos enflasyonu yüzde 0,5'i bulursa faiz indirimi zor Yiğit Bulut Kitle gazetesinde “kuantum” yazısı yazılır mı? | |
H4 New York Times Iraqi Deaths Drop in Baghdad, but Rise Elsewhere New statistics provided by Iraqi officials appear to mirror the geographic pattern of the American troop increase THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The Kurdish Secret Iraq is a disaster in so many ways, but at least America’s invasion midwifed something really impressive in Kurdistan. Propping Up the Weak as a Policy By DAVID E. SANGER JUST how much President Bush’s goals abroad are now at the mercy of some of the world’s weakest leaders … The Former-Insurgent Counterinsurgency By MICHAEL R. GORDON In a Sunni stronghold just south of Baghdad, the U.S. military has been persuading militants to switch sides. But it’s not at all clear that the enemy’s new enemy is really a friend On Two Fronts, One Nuclear, Iran Is Defiant Two announcements Sunday appeared intended to enforce Iran’s refusal to back down in the face of stepped-up pressure from the United States. American University Reflects Normality of Life in Kurdish Corner of Iraq North Korea to Stop Nuclear Production, U.S. Says China to Give Data to U.N. On Its Military Spending Editorial Russia and the Usual Suspects Suddenly, the three most notorious assassinations in Russia are solved, and the masterminds are the very ones President Vladimir Putin suspected all along. Forgive us if we remain skeptical. In Book, Bush Peeks Ahead to His Legacy 'Jews and Power' By RUTH R. WISSE Reviewed by ANTHONY JULIUS A celebration of the state of Israel and the Jewish return to sovereignty. What They Did on Summer Vacation In Iraq, more than two dozen U.S. lawmakers got a couple of days’ worth of meetings with people the Bush administration wanted them to meet. Editorial Testing Time on Energy A rising awareness in Congress of the risks of climate change and oil dependency has brought forth two respectable, if incomplete, energy bills that could be merged into one truly outstanding bill. 'Making War to Keep Peace' By JEANE J. KIRKPATRICK The late Jeane J. Kirkpatrick supported some wars (Afghanistan) and didn’t support others (Iraq II). Here’s why. Hamas Forces Shoot Own Supporters at Rally; Youth Killed By ISABEL KERSHNER Witnesses said that the Hamas paramilitary police opened fire when protesters attempted to dash to the Egyptian side of a border crossing during a demonstration. Chaos in Darfur on Rise as Arabs Fight With Arabs Some of the Arab tribes accused of massacring civilians in Darfur are now unleashing their firepower against each other in a battle that is displacing tens of thousands. Militants Are Driven From Refugee Camp The Lebanese Army said Sunday that it had taken control of a Palestinian refugee camp where troops had been battling Islamic militants for more than three months. A G.O.P. Senator Charts a Middle Path Senator Lamar Alexander is opposed to a fixed withdrawal but wants a change of mission. Editorial Afghan Police Are Set Back as Taliban Adapt Over the past six weeks, the Taliban have driven government forces out of roughly half of a strategic area that American and NATO officials declared a success story last fall. West Bank Boys Dig a Living From Settler Trash In a sign of the dire economic conditions for Palestinians, a dump has become a lifeline for a group of scavengers. Off The Shelf: Dangers of a Turbocharged Economy By STEPHEN KOTKIN A Debate Rises: How Much 9/11 Tribute Is Enough? Six years later, many people feel that commemorations are excessive, even annoying. Others bristle at such talk. PAUL KRUGMAN Snow Job in the Desert It appears that many influential people in this country have learned nothing from the last five years Immigrants’ Labors Lost By MARK LANGE We have at least 12 million pragmatic reasons to turn a potentially permanent underclass into a productive asset. | H5 Washington Post Book Tells of Dissent in Bush's Inner Circle Author offers a portrait of a White House wracked by more infighting than is commonly portayed and an occasionally disengaged president. Rice's Loyalty Brings Pitfalls Personal bond with Bush emerges as secretary's key asset - but possibly also her critical weakness The Insurgency's Psychological Component increases might produce tactical victories but may, paradoxically, fuel insurgency Editorial Testing Mr. Bernanke The rookie Fed chairman maneuvers to reassure without bailing out -- astutely, so far. The Real Causes of the Financial Storm By David Ignatius Bet on America Forget the Doom and Gloom. In 50 Years, We'll Still Be No. 1. By Joel Achenbach Vladimir the Great? Putin's Inspiration Is Much Older Than the Cold War By Jay Winik Having just grabbed a piece of the Arctic the size of Western Europe, the Russian military has announced ambitious plans to establish a permanent presence in the Mediterranean for the first time since the end of the Cold War. Editorial Pentagon Justice No officer will serve jail time for the crimes at the Abu Ghraib prison. Iran Claims 3,000 Uranium Centrifuges Announcement appears at odds with reports that say enrichment had slowed and Iran was cooperating with its nuclear probe. Editorial A 'Dissident President'? If President Bush really feels solidarity with Egypt's Saad Eddin Ibrahim, he ought to act on it. Iraq Far From U.S. Goals for Energy $50 Billion Needed To Meet Demand HOW CHINA DOES IT The Rogue That Plays by the Rules By Edward S. Steinfeld The question is not what's wrong with the Chinese system, but how does it keeps it making progress? The Border Boondoggle By Andrew Cockburn, Once again, companies are cashing on perceived threats to America. Squad Leader Shot Haditha Civilians, Marine Testifies Witness's Credibility Is Questioned N. Korea Agrees to Nuclear Deadline Deal Would Disable Programs, U.S. Says Lebanese Army Seizes Refugee Compound Bhutto Plans Return, With or Without Deal Former Premier of Pakistan Says Negotiations With Musharraf Are at Standstill Briton Blames Rumsfeld for Situation in Iraq Aid Goes Online The Development World Awaits Its Bloomberg By Sebastian Mallaby When War Was The Answer By George F. Will OMAHA BEACH, Normandy Pakistan Power-Sharing Talks Breaking Down Rescuing Mortgage Holders A tempered government approach is best. Grim Old Party By Robert D. Novak Clinton Bills Herself as Agent Of Change, Voice of Experience Roberts Suggested Miers, Book Says Author Delves Inside Bush Controversies | H6 Guardian British forces withdraw from Basra Palace base Redeployment of 500 troops to city's airbase is penultimate stage of UK's presence in Iraq. A tale of three cities: Basra, London and Washington Americans fear escalation of violence in region N Korea reaps nuclear dividend Ahmadinejad closer to nuclear aims Lebanese army takes over camp Tell us more, top brass Robert Fox: British generals critical of the Iraq war should spell out precisely what went wrong, how and when. Alex Hilton Russia's self-confidence is restored and its president, Vladimir Putin, has become reminiscent of an imperial ruler. In the US, class war still means just one thing: the rich attacking the poor Gary Younge: The Democrats need to represent the swelling ranks of have-nots as vigorously as Bush has stuck up for the haves. Mark Braund It's not just the very poor who suffer as the wealth gap grows, the vast majority of middle income earners are being fleeced by the super-rich. Bush's great ambition: wealthy boredom · President tells of regrets in office and retirement plans The spur for dissolution Roy Hattersley: Gordon Brown could legitimately call an early election if parliament rejects his terror laws. Sliding back into the abyss The Observer America is braced for the general's verdict When David Petraeus delivers his report on the 'surge', his assessment will be studied across the world. It won't stop the fighting in Iraq - but it will galvanise the battle for the White House. By Paul Harris and Peter Beaumont. British leave with the job not done Leader This cowardly refusal to make the political case for Europe Behind Gadaffi's facade of freedom Vital Lockerbie evidence 'was tampered with' Fragments of bomb timer that helped to convict a Libyan ex-agent were 'practically carbonised' before the trial, says bankrupt Swiss businessman. I'm going home, says Benazir Former Pakistan leader Benazir Bhutto vowed yesterday to return from exile after admitting that power-sharing talks with President Pervez Musharraf had stalled, writes Tracy McVeigh. The hidden massacre Eleven years ago, thousands of children and adults were left stranded by the Ulindi river as troops, hellbent on avenging the Rwandan genocide, closed in. Ruaridh Nicoll returns to a country he left in 1996, to reveal a horrific story of rape and slaughter. The movie has landed and US basks in the moonglow A British director's documentary on the Apollo missions is set to provoke a surge in American patriotism, recalling a time when a nation lifted its eyes with pride to the skies. Robin McKie and Paul Harris in New York report. What price the life of a British soldier? Will Hutton: The quite shocking disparity between City bosses and ordinary people has never been better exemplified than by the case of Lance-Bombardier Ben Parkinson. | |
H7 Book details Rice's struggle with diplomatic setbacks Basra: The Calm Before the Storm? Some See 'Coup' as Iraq's Best Hope Is the nation state obsolete? An essay on Martin van Creveld and Roger Scruton. Washington Times Arming against Iran The best argument for the necessity of American victory in Iraq was made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Aug. 28 when he declared his regime was "prepared to fill the gap" if U.S. forces withdrew. Edward Peck: A Past Envoy's View of a New Iraq BBC Nightmare scenario Boston Globe Ahmadinejad isn't the issue (By Ray Takeyh) Iran's Nuclear Chess Game Race for the Arctic As the Arctic icecap melts, a strange international jousting match is unfolding over what was once a barren stretch of windswept snow. Mapping Darfur NAI Expertise of allies needed to win the war on terror Arab Christians: a lost modernity , Tarek Osman Tom Barnett KnoxNews. Targeting roots of terrorism in this long war | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor US Papers Mon: A Summer Vacation in Iraq? Iraqi Papers Mon: Sadr Threatens Government BBC UK troops begin Basra withdrawal The 550 British troops based in Basra have begun their pull-out from their base at the city's palace. Nuclear rhetoric? Iran: Uranium Centrifuge Goal Reached Iraqi PM: US Criticism 'Signals' Militants Iraqi Interior Minister: Civilian Death Toll Exaggerated Nuclear Watchdog Chief Warns of 'Last Chance' for Iran BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 2 Sep 07 Iraq to Free 6,000 Sunni Insurgents From Jail US ambassador expects no fundamental change in US policy, asks ... After Saddam, rebuilding Iraqi businesses is hard BBC Fresh UK attack on US Iraq policy A second key British general criticises US post-war policy in Iraq, saying it was 'fatally flawed'. High-security 'jail' Iran replaces Revolutionary Guards chief Iraq Needs $50 Billion to Meet US Goals for Energy Karbala: The Holy City Turns Into Wreckage Lebanon – Tiny Country, Big Threats Iran asserts nuclear tally at odds with U.N. count US Tries to Stop Ahmadinejad From Visiting Iraq Militants Reportedly Hold 200 Pakistani Troops | H9 Ha’aretz - Livni warns Rice: Summit could fail due to unreasonable goals Gov't officials: U.S. Sec. of State taking opposite approach, believes setting the bar high will achieve more Eldar Expectations, anyone? The Americans have not learned the bitter lesson of the failure of the second Camp David summit and the intifada that followed it: Peace summits are not child's play. PM's peace initiative stirs dissent in Kadima ranks Kadima MKs concerned over Olmert's willingness to change Negev border in principal agreement with Abbas Solana: There is no potential for war between Israel and Syria Defense Min.: If there is another war the IDF will deliver victory WTR: Does Bush market a war with Iran? Danger - friendship! Even Bush was not saved by his gang, who kicked the captain of their ship when he was down. Now he has no choice but to make them walk the plank to keep himself from drowning with them. Marcus Who's asking them? Olmert may behave as if he is Ariel Sharon's heir, but in practice, he has kissed the unilateral disengagement plan goodbye. Gideon Levy Children of war The way to stop the firing of Qassams is not through indiscriminate killing. Every launcher can be replaced. Bar’el Lebanon, always Lebanon Melman The mistake that cost the country Yedioth Ahronoth Syrian opposition raises head For first time since 1982 Reform Party of Syria defies regime, hangs posters of exiled leader 'Nuke fears - good deterrent' Gov't promises to make a list within 3 months of West Bank outposts slated for evacuation New biography of US secretary of state reveals she thought PA leader was 'nice but ineffective' Most ministers believe Olmert is doing a good job; but what about public? Attila Somfalvi asks Jerusalem Post Column One: The ghosts of wars lost [ CAROLINE GLICK Follow Israel's interests, not America's The Region: Losing Lebanon Editor's Notes: Jeopardizing American interests IDF planning for 'extreme violence' in West Bank outpost evacuations Increased signs of anti-Hamas 'intifada' in Gaza Boston Review Back to the Future: Robert Blecher and Jeremy Pressman on Israel's existential crisis WSJ The Israel-Bashing Club NYT 'Jews and Power' By RUTH R. WISSE | |
H10 Christian Science Monitor ASIA Newsweek Beijing and Washington: Rivals In Asia Beijing and Washington are building new alliances throughout the continent. · A step toward scrapping North Korea's nuclear program North Korea makes nuclear pledge US says Kim Jong-Il has agreed to dismantle nuclear facilities by end of year. FT COMMENT: Competition with Chinese characteristics Optimists will say that the development of China's legal system, which now includes a comprehensive property law and a contract code as well as the new antitrust law, is evidence of China's gradual transformation into a market-based economy. China to give military spending data to UN; Includes weapons trading details... | H11 IHT It's not just Ahmadinejad Ahmadinejad's foreign policy is not all that different from that of his predecessors. September of hope For many people around the world, sympathy for America in the aftermath of 9/11 has turned to alienation. The United States must restore its sense of promise. EUROPE European press review A review of Philip Jenkins' God's Continent: Christianity, Islam, and Europe's Religious Crisis. Newsweek MacShane: Europe Must First Come Together Bomb plot foiled as key Eta members arrested · Four people held after French-Spanish operation BBC 'Leading Eta bomb maker' arrested Four suspected Basque separatists, including a key bomb-maker, are held in France, Spanish officials say. End of Eta ceasefire no surprise Europe backs fire-stricken Greece The European Commission president visits Greek areas hit by wild fires, promising aid for those affected. Murdered Med How Spain's Costas have paid a high price for their allure Sarkozy arm-twisting secures £61bn energy deal Nazi victims' Greek descendants sue for compensation Italy to Back 'Non-Traumatic' Independence on Kosovo Reflections on Multilevel Legitimacy | H12 RFE/RLPutin Sets Date For Duma Elections Google News Azerbaijan The Multipolarity Trap: How Russia Should Make Friends ..... and With Whom CAST OxAn ROMANIA/KAZAKHSTAN: Astana buys into EU oil market Russia to Deploy More New Ballistic Missiles Putin's treaty trap (Cliff Kincaid) An interview with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili History, Change, at Once: Kyrgyzstan, teetering between democracy and authoritarianism since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, is caught between the rising economies of the east and its own nomadic heritage. | |
H13 The Times Our Army needs a defence policy If we paid properly for men and women to risk their lives, we could have the basis for a policy William Rees-Mogg Sunday Times UK troops poised to quit Basra Handover would enable most British soldiers to leave Iraq but exacerbates simmering row with US over approach Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran Pentagon draws up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets, to annihilate military capability in three days The world divides...and democracy is at bay Forget the Islamic threat, the coming battle will be between autocratic nations like Russia and China and the rest Robert Kagan An odd surge of hope in Baghdad Leader The exit from Basra The government is lacking the political and military strength to go on sacrificing soldiers in the Basra meat grinder Leader Brown’s euro dilemma By announcing a referendum now Mr Brown would call the unions’ bluff and strengthen his hand in the fight over pay How the West summoned up a nuclear nightmare in Pakistan How misguided deals with Pakistan have created a terrifying threat of nuclear terrorism Putin’s fanatical youth brigade targets Britain Activist has warned that a campaign of harassment against the British ambassador in Moscow may be resumed Tax breaks for a privileged few are wrong. The rising tide of wealth should float every boat Anyone, it seems, is free to advocate immigration, but to advocate ending it could terminate your career Wall Street Journal Awaiting Fed's Decision Wall Street is buzzing with widespread speculation about whether Federal Reserve policy makers will cut short-term interest rates at their next meeting. The Fed won't bail investors out of their bad decisions but will act if turmoil threatens economic growth, Bernanke said. Bush outlined steps to help borrowers avoid default, acknowledging some lending-industry excess. (Radio address) | H14 Financial Times Editorial LEADER: Iran can help its case by helping Iraq If Iran wants international recognition as a legitimate regional power, it needs to demonstrate that it is a force for stability COMMENT: Prepare for the credit crisis to spreadBy historic standards, our credit bubble is probably one of the largest ever, writes Wolfgang Münchau Iran picks new leader for guards Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, has appointed a new Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander COMMENT: The best answer to Gazprom is faster reform Restricting Russian investment in Europe will not ease worries about underinvestment or the Kremlin, writes Katinka Barysch Ex-British army chief criticises US over Iraq The head of the British army during the Iraq invasion has launched a scathing attack on US post-war policy, underlining growing transatlantic strains over Iraq UK strategy on Afghan drugs under attack Credit turmoil ‘has hallmarks of bank run’ Bundesbank chief points to dilemma Moscow considers wheat export ban Russia is considering a ban on cereals exports in a move that exacerbates fears that wheat prices, already at an all-time high, could surge further on reduced supplies, European cereal traders said Blow for Eta as alleged bomber held French and Spanish police have struck a blow against Eta, the Basque separatist group, by arresting the group’s alleged top bomb expert during a raid in southern France Lebanese refugee camp falls to army At least 32 members of the militant Fatah al-Islam group were killed and more than a dozen captured after an attempt to break out of the besieged Nahr al-Bared camp ECB set to express faith in economy The European Central Bank is set this week to express confidence in the underlying strength of the eurozone economy even if it shelves plans for a rise in interest rates 'Market can find solution to subprime debt crisis' The private sector will find ways to structure debt arrangements that will ensure that most US homeowners facing big increases in their mortgage payments will stay in... NATIONAL NEWS: Brown allies dismiss talk of snap poll COMMENT: The drama of a complex character Yasmina Reza is one of France's most playful playwrights with a devastating eye for human vanity and a mischievous sense of Suez and GdF agree merger terms The boards of Suez and Gaz de France have agreed the terms of their long-awaited merger to create one of the world’s largest power groups with an estimated market value of €70bn, bringing to an end 18 months of political and financial wrangling Beaten French Socialists try to find their way Socialist leader proposes streamlined decision-making structure to speed the process of change in the party, but clarifies limits to a shift towards the centre ground US ready to talk tough to get Apec deal President George W. Bush will seek to breathe fresh life into the stalled Doha round of international trade negotiations during the annual summit of Pacific Rim... COMMENT: A line in the sand for the privatisers The cleanest beach I enjoyed this summer was open to all and policed by the township, writes John Gapper | H15 Los Angeles Times Bush, Congress will renew battle over Iraq The White House hopes Petraeus' report will change opinions, but many believe the war strategy must change. New Russia, new threat By Michael McFaul Working with the West is no longer the goal as the Kremlin flexes its muscle and rethinks its role in the world. Wolfowitz of the '60s By David Milne Today's neocons echo Walt Rostow, who helped push the U.S. into an ill-fated war. China's latest export: soft power By Joshua Kurlantzick While the U.S. has focused on the Mideast, Beijing has become a rival for global influence. The war on poppies By Peter Bergen and Sameer Lalwani U.S. efforts to eradicate Afghanistan's crop are empowering the Taliban by sowing seeds of resentment. The peace racket By Bruce Bawer A growing movement is pushing a worldview that ignores history's lessons about strength and appeasement. Maliki says critics overstep 'rational limits' The Iraqi premier accuses naysayers in the U.S. of failing to realize the scope of his nation's distress. Iraqi leader, under pressure, says U.S. criticism of government 'signals to terrorists' GOP hopefuls stay Bush's course Despite polls showing public discontent, top candidates are mostly in step with the president on taxes, healthcare and the war. Another Sistani aide slain in Iraq Editorial Mideast peace through porn An Israeli website aims to reach Arab hearts and minds by targeting a different part of the anatomy. | |
H16 American Politics 7 Questions as the Race for the White House Accelerates McClatchy Sour Americans hungry for change as election approaches By Steven Thomma A year before they choose a new government for the post-Bush era, Americans are desperate to change the country's course. One thing almost all Americans tend to agree on: They're deeply unhappy with the way things are going in the United States and eager to move on GOP Faces Growing Peril In 2008 Races Senate Prospects Dimming Senator ousted as Republicans fear 2008 votes Resignation of Senator Larry Craig, will further reduce party's chances of regaining Congress from the Democrats. Washington Times Spending and the national debt The administration projects that its budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which includes $50 billion for that year, will add another $558 billion to the national debt. Needless to say, the $558 billion is a conservative estimate. Giuliani: The Vulnerable Frontrunner - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Std. In Book, Bush Peeks Ahead to His Legacy President Bush, who rarely talks publicly about his inner life, gave a revealing interview to an author last year. 'The Argument' By MATT BAI Reviewed by NICK GILLESPIE Can the Democratic Party’s activists think their way out of their current confusion? Matt Bai is skeptical. 'Cheney' By STEPHEN F. HAYES Reviewed by CARL M. CANNON A biography of Vice President Dick Cheney, from a conservative journalist who had unusual access. First Chapter realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp US senator quits over sex scandal | H17 Daily Telegraph British troops leave Basra city Last 500 soldiers withdrawn in secret mass operation. North Korea to end nuclear projects US says deal will see complete shutdown by end of this year. Leader Valiant soldiers in Afghanistan Day by day, the soldiers deployed in Helmand are pushing back the Taliban, expanding the zone of peaceable civic government for those who live there Brown's Tory appeal ignites poll fever Gordon Brown heightens election fever with a direct pledge to Conservative voters. Interview: 'I want to speak for whole country' If a referendum is un-British, so is lying Having a referendum on the EU treaty is no longer a question about procedural niceties, argues Philip Johnston. It is about trust in our political leaders. Iran has 'reached key nuclear goal' President Ahmadinejad claims that his country is now running 3,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium for its nuclear programme. Sunday Telegraph This crisis will not disappear overnight This great crisis of American foreign policy, like the slow-burning financial crisis we live through, will play out over hundreds, if not thousands of days, says Niall Ferguson. Will President Bush bomb Iran? George Bush has ramped up the rhetoric against Iran. Is he serious? Tim Shipman reports from Washington. Brown to rule out vote on EU Treaty The Prime Minister will defy scores of Labour MPs and firmly rule out a referendum on the European Union Treaty after winning the backing of key Cabinet ministers. Leader: Brown's betrayal of democracy It's no exaggerating that, in preventing a referendum on the EU constitution, Gordon Brown is subverting democracy. Unlike Brown, referendums are for wimps Mr Brown has never had the slightest desire to waste political capital on a grand national battle over Britain's role in Europe, says Matthew d'Ancona. Middle East talks raise hope of peace After seven years of violence in the latest intifada, there is a slowly dawning sense that Israeli-Palestinian efforts are quietly gaining momentum. British troops hunt the Taliban in Afghanistan Leave it to us to end the poppy curse Poppies spread like cancer, and the time has come for us to adopt a more forceful approach, writes Ahmad Zia Massoud, First Vice-President of Afghanistan. Iraq to free 6,000 Sunni insurgents Moves to ease strain on Government from sectarian in-fighting. | H18 Independent British leave last remaining Basra base British forces have pulled out of Basra Palace, the onetime southern residence of Saddam Hussein that became the symbol of the UK's role in the US-led invasion. Patrick Cockburn: Ignominious end to futile exercise that cost the UK 168 lives Leading Article: The Basra endgame and the trading of blame Robert Fisk: Strange goings-on here in Lebanon ... How Gazprom turned up the heat on the West Stephen King: To protect the innocent you may need to bail out the guilty Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: What do these atheists understand of religion? Johann Hari: The last thing we need is coal-fired power Independent on Sunday Pakistan Roger Howard: Come what may, the military is in charge With rivals returning home, Pakistan's President General Musharraf is likely to be sidelined. This is not good news for the West UN: Peace is hampered by West Bank growth Briefing: Ban Ki-moon tackles crisis in Darfur Leading article: Britain must honour its commitment to our troops | |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism From NYRB, a review of Cold War at 30,000 Feet: The Anglo-American Fight for Aviation Supremacy by Jeffrey A. Engel Falling Behind: International Scrutiny of the Peaceful Atom Demand Reduction Strategy 2006-2010 (PDF; 395 KB) Newsweek Why We Need a Draft: A Marine's Lament | H20 Slate Boston Review - Why Are So Many Americans in Prison? Race and the transformation of criminal justice We middle-class Americans have made decisions about social policy that have led to a system of suffering, rooted in state violence, meted out at our request. Glenn C. Loury Engineering Electoral Systems: Possibilities and Pitfalls NIMD Bruce Bawer on The Peace Racket: An anti-Western movement touts dictators, advocates appeasement—and gains momentum Intellectual Property, the Immigration Backlog, and a Reverse Brain-Drain: America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Part III | H21 Would Orwell have been a blogger? Robert McCrum: The great essayist would be appalled by the writing, but applaud the democracy of the web. Pushing mothers back into work is wrong If you leave your children to the fitful attention of strangers you run the risk that they will be badly brought up Logged In and Sharing Gossip, er, Intelligence Facebook, blogs and Wikipedia offer a model for spy agencies. Oh, Everyone Knows That (Except You) By ABBY GOODNOUGH The “open secret” lives in a netherworld all its own, until one day it doesn’t. What road does it travel into daylight? Moscow Battle: How Hitler Almost Beat Stalin Human Genome Project is beginning to bear fruit The French once ridiculed smoking bans as typical Yankee puritanism. They viewed their packs of Gauloises as sacred... more» 'The World Without Us' By ALAN WEISMAN | |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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