20 August 2007
  August 20, 2007

0820-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 Independent on Sunday Military commanders tell Brown to withdraw from Iraq without delay Senior military commanders have told the Government that Britain can achieve "nothing more" in south-east Iraq

Washington Post Warming Will Exacerbate Global Water Conflicts Changing weather patterns will leave millions of people without dependable supplies of water for drinking, irrigation, and power, a growing stack of studies conclude.

Bush's Sweeping Push For Democracy Sinking President's vision of ending global tyranny stalls in a bureaucratic and geopolitical morass, say activists, officials and even White House aides.

Iran Trains Militiamen Inside Iraq, U.S. Says

Checklist for a Peace Pact By Ephraim Sneh

New York Times Divided They Stand, but on Graves The Bosnia partition “worked.” But what a price. One Iraq hasn’t yet paid.

The Politics of God

By MARK LILLA After centuries of strife, the West has learned to separate religion and politics — to establish the legitimacy of its leaders without referring to divine command. There is little reason to expect that the rest of the world — the Islamic world in particular — will follow.

News Analysis: Iraqi Premier Stirs Discontent, Yet Hangs On

Talking to Iran - Michael Ledeen, Wall Street Journal (repeat)

Financial Times Editorial Shanghaied by Russia and China The west should co-operate with political groups across central Asia to make democracy and liberalisation more attractive to the region

Israel and Syria: The Military Balance and Prospects of War
Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies Full Paper (PDF; 2.66 MB)

A Bittersweet UN Victory: The UN in Iraq Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies Full Paper (PDF; 61 KB)

NYT THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Seeing Is Believing

There’s only one thing at this stage that would truly impress me, and it is this: proof that there is an Iraq.

Editorial Watershed

America needs progressive, pro-market leaders who will advance a legal and regulatory framework to reduce excesses in lending and derivatives.

Sunday Times Britain faces Iraq rout says US Adviser warns that UK forces will have to fight out of Iraq in an 'ugly and embarrassing' retreat

Army chiefs fear Iraq exit will be Britain’s Saigon moment

Americans doubt ‘General Betraeus’ over troop surge

Stop the hedge fund casinos

Hedge funds have been operating huge financial casinos without having to disclose what they’re betting on, or why by Robert Reich

Independent Muqtada al-Sadr: The British are retreating from Basra

Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: Psychological War Games With Iran

The Observer Lebanese await the inevitable return of war Mitchell Prothero: Lebanon has long been the playground for regional powers looking for a site for a proxy war. Now everyone finds it inevitable that war will begin. They just can't agree on the direction from which it will come.

Yedioth Ahronoth Iran? That's your problem/ Bechor America's generous military package for Israel, Egypt and the Gulf states covers up the fact that the US has decided to abandon the struggle against Iran

Uncle Sam forever?

Israel must prepare for possibility that alliance with US will diminish, Gidi Grinstein says

Jerusalem Post 'PA failed to keep Hamas from forming West Bank cells' Security officials: Group's armed wing "very active" in area despite crackdown; reports say Abbas aide held talks with Mashaal in Damascus.

The region: The Middle East's titanic battle [ BARRY RUBIN, The Middle East is in a new era, very different from the politics and strategic situation we have been used to for so long.

Washington Times New nuclear deterrents (Peter D. Zimmerman/ Hans Binnendijk)

Daily Star Violence in God's name: the Islamists' debate By John L. Esposito

The Challenge of Global Warming: Economic Models and Environmental Policy (PDF; 961 KB)
Source: William Nordhaus, Yale University economist

Foreign Policy The Terrorism Index

Nuclear Nonproliferation in the Post-9/11 World
Independent Institute
A 48-page report offering a US perspective on the future of nuclear nonproliferation

US foreign policy experts oppose Bush's surge

How to tell an expert from an "expert"

“The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam” by Henry Siegman

Becker-Posner Blog Should Central Banks Intervene During This Financial Crisis? Becker

Wall Street Journal Al Qaeda's Travel Agent Damascus International Airport is a hub for terrorists.

Ha’aretz Future IDF force structure to focus on ground, not air

Wall Street Journal By HUGH POPE

Yedioth Ahronoth Turkey's regional ascension US should consider inviting Turkey to Mideast peace conference as major stakeholder Jonathan Adiri

Jane's Ruffling feathers - will Turkey invade northern Iraq? (repeat)

Bölgenin yükselen gücü Türkiye

Ferai Tınç Türkiye’ye yeni yaklaşım önerileri

BBC Turkish power balance shifts Gul's way Changing fortunes
Second time lucky for Turkish presidential hopeful Abdullah Gul?

Guardian First Lady seeks political redesign Turkey's first lady-in-waiting has commissioned a cutting-edge designer to 'modernise' her contentious headscarf.

CSM Controversial Turkish foreign minister Gul relaunches presidential bid

Norman Stone Amerikan yayınevi kitabını basmak için soykırımı şart koştu

ABD Türkiye'nin Irak'taki rolünü tartışıyor

Başkanlık yarışında Türkiye tartışması!

Ha'aretz The Kurdish miracle

İsrail, Türkiye-İran enerji yakınlaşmasını tehlikeli buluyor

The Bayesian Heresy: Who's the Real Father of the Turks?

Pilots and passengers foil hijacking of Turkish jet

Report: Hijacker Went to al - Qaida Camp

Turkish hijacking ends peacefully

Plane hijackers surrender in Turkey

Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring

Kürt yönetiminden ABD'li büyükelçiye Kerkük tepkisi

OSMAN: ''Crocker'in Kerkük referandumu açıklamaları Türkiye’yi ikna girişimidir”

Kurdish Satellite Television and the Changing Relationship between state and media...

The Kurdish Nationalism: Risks and Opportunities between Globalization, Islamization, and Localization I Emre Uslu

Mehmet Metiner DTP’de çizgi savaşları

Kurdish Problem and Politicsby PROF. DR. MUSTAFA ERDOĞAN *

Nabi Yağcı DTP anahtar da olabilir kilit de

[Yorum - Sadık Yalsızuçanlar] 'Gelin tanış olalım'

Fehmi Koru DTP ve yeni dönem

Türk seçim sonuçları ve bazı tesbitler, Diyap Ağa ile benzerlikler

Bazı Kürtler geliyor, soyuna bakıyoruz Türk çıkıyorlar!..

DTP in Parliament, crushed between anti-Kurdish establishment and PKK

TTK: "Kürtler aslen Türkmendir"

Kürt Aleviler Ermeni kökenli

Halaçoğlu'na tepki yağdı: Irkçılık yapma, istifa et

Guardian Iraqi Kurds nervous over clashes Upsurge in fighting between Kurdish guerrillas and Iranian forces in remote border area of north-east Iraq.

Iran’s military build-up raises Kurdish fears of incursion

Iraqi-Turkish Memorandum Reduces Fears of Turkish Deployment in Kurdistan

Iraqi Kurdish Paper Warns Premier Against Collusion With Turkey

Turkish Officers Killed During Fighting With Kurdish Rebels in Iran - Paper

Mutabakat muhtırası sadece sakinleştirici HALİD ELSERCANİ

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 19 Aug 07

Iraqi President Holds News Conference on Kurdish-Shi'I "Alliance"

Bülent Keneş The DTP and the Kurdish issue in the new term

'İran, Kuzey Irak'a sınırötesi operasyonu hazırlanıyor'

Iraqi Kurds play down US envoy's Kirkuk comments

Iraqi Turkmens slam Kurdish-Shiite alliance

UK-Based Arabic Paper's Editorial Views Latest Bombings in Northern Iraq

Turkey has to wait its turn for UNIFIL command

PKK yandaşları Gazi'de güpegündüz otobüs yaktı

Oil-rich Kirkuk a thorny issue for Kurds
Chicago Tribune

Mahir Kaynak Kimlik siyaseti

İran Kandil'i bombalıyor

Military does not trust US on PKK

Iran & Turkey to build 3 power plants

Güler: İranla karşılıklı hakların gözetildiği bir sistem kurmak istiyoruz


Enerji Bakanı Güler, İran'da

Minister Güler in Tehran to consolidate energy ties

Kandil Dağı'nı bombalayan İran helikopteri düştü

Hakkâri doktora kavuştu

ANOTHER U.S. WAR BREWING IN MIDEAST - Ex-aide to Dick Cheney spills the beans

Kışladaki törende Kürtçe ağıt yakıldı

Hakkâri'de çatışma:1 şehit, 3 yaralı

Osmaniye'de teröristlerin açtığı ateş sonucu 1 er şehit oldu

Şehidin kanı yerde kalmadı

Köy korucularını alınlarından öptü

Mehmetçik, Lübnan'da komutayı devralmak için en az 6 ay bekleyecek

Ürdün Türk F-16'lara hazırlanıyor

'Pis Kürt' sözüne kızdı 26 yıldır Türkçe konuşmuyor

Kürdistan siyasi liderliği Kerkûk'le ilgili taviz vermeyecek

'Kürtler, Türkmen kökenli' sözünde ısrarlı: Belgesiz konuşmam

Halaçoğlu: Ben belgesiz konuşmam

"PKK'lı kadınların Kenya'dan getirilmesinde görev aldım"

Perinçek: Öcalan İmralı'da değil, Meclis'te

Terörist başının geldiğini Dışişleri Bakanı’ndan öğrenmiş

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

ERDAL ŞAFAK Sanal ve gerçek

Semih İDİZ Rumların hayal kırıklığı

The July elections and negotiation with the EUby ALİ YURTTAGÜL*

[NEWS ANALYSIS] Ankara flashing the energy card

Iran to Export Gas to Europe Via Turkey

Türkiye, Rusya ve İran'la ortak operasyon yapacak

Bulgarian Nazi-Era Tanks Still Pointed at Turkey

The ‘dilemmas’ of belonging to the European Union

Need Turks be concerned about chancellor's plans?

AB için yol haritası

Ankara cancels Istanbul visit of Chrysostomos

Turkey Stays on European Course - Ankara Turns Its Gaze back toward Brussels

AP Başkanı Pöttering: AP'de çoğunluk, Türkiye'nin AB'ye alınmasını istiyor

‘Only full EU membership is acceptable'

Türkiye'nin "Ayrıcalıklı Ortak" olmasını istiyorum

Öcalan'a nasıl yardım ettiğini anlattı

"Türklerle diyaloğu ihanet sayıyorduk"

Papadopulos'un derdi petrol değil seçim

Dogs of Brussels, women of Paris and pneumatic mail system

Ata Atun Greek Barricades of shame in Cyprus


Arnavut şovenizmi irtifa kaybediyor

İzmir'de 'oylar kaydırıldı' iddiası

Polis, eski tarihli tutanak mı hazırladı?

VIP koğuşa 10 bin dolar
Son Nokta operasyonunda çökertilen çetenin, cezaevinde rahat bir koğuşa düşmek için yaptığı telefon görüşmeleri polis dinlemesine takıldı. Çete üyelerinin “iyi bir koğuş” için 5 ila 10 bin doları gözden ...

Savcının 3 saat sorguladığı Emin Şirin serbest bırakıldı

Şirin, 'Ümraniye'den gözaltına alındı

Emin Şirin adliyede

Emin Şirin serbest bırakıldı

Susurluk yargılaması

Takipsizlik var

Pilotların kaçışının perde arkası

Bize kaçın emri geldi

El Kaide bağlantısı çıktı

Hava korsanlarının sorgusu sürüyor

Fikret BİLA Uçağı önce pilotlar mı terk eder?

Atlasjet uçağını kaçıran Talikh, El Kaide üyesi çıktı!

CMYLMZ esprisi gibi

Pilotlara hem destek hem de eleştiri geldi

'Havacılığa terörist tehdit biçim değiştirdi'

Korsan, Yaşar Öz'ün yanında güvenlikçiymiş

Korsan aşiret çocuğu çıktı

AKP'li vekillerin öfkeli günü

Milletvekili-jandarma tartışmasına soruşturma

AKP'li vekil: Provokasyona uğradım

84 eski milletvekiline yargı yolu gözüktü

Can Dündar Bir evlilik yıldönümü

Soner yalçın İlk Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimi Atatürk’ü öldürüyordu!

Risotto krizinin perde arkası!

Alibey Barajı kurudu gibi

Living as if in paradise turns world into global warming hell

Gökçek: Ankaralılara ‘ha gayret’ diyorum

Ankara'da artık su kesilmeyecek

Bu bir cami düğünü Saraybosna'nın en büyük camiini birbirinden şık kadın ve erkekler doldurmuş. Gelin, damat ve imamlar minberin önünde. Daha çok bir kilise düğünü gibi

Dizide köpeğe Hüseyin adı veren Kanal D'ye protesto

Güngör URAS İstanbul yabancıların gözdesi

Turkey’s linguists fight global trend to protect Turkish

Sezerleri 28 polis koruyacak

Türkiye'nin ilk insansız helikopteri

Engin Ardıç
Allah iyiliğini versin Necati!


H3 METEHAN DEMİR Asker bundan sonra ne yapar?

Meclis'te köşk için ilk oylama bugün

Murat Yetkin ABD, Irak ve Türkiye'de PKK'ya karşı kurulan kurum çöktü Özel temsilcilik fiyaskosu

Yasemin CONGAR Kucaklamanın da bir sınırı var!

Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] Ne Gül solsun, ne diken batsın

Milliyet Abdullah Gül Köşk'e çıkarken

Askerler CHP'ye çok kızgın...
Demir: Gül şaşırtacak. 'Asker, emekli paşalara kızgın' Gazeteci Metehan Demir: Askerler, CHP'ye kızgın, Baykal'ın TSK sözcüsü gibi algılanmasından rahatsız.
Emekli paşalardan da hayli rahatsızlar.

Hasan CEMAL Yeni hükümetin gündemi üzerine!

Fatih Çekirge 30 Ağustos törenine eşiyle katılmayacak

Cengiz Çandar


SOLİ ÖZEL Yaratıcılık

Ruşen Çakır Gül herkesin cumhurbaşkanı olabilir mi?

Ahmet Taşgetiren Ak Parti için risk değerlendirmesi

Ersin Kalaycıoğlu Ya seçenlerle sorun yaşar ya da reddedenlerle!

Batı, AKP'yi anlamaya çalışıyor

12 Eylül'ü başka türlü okumak
Murat Yetkin

Fransız ordusu gibi mi olacak?
İsmet Berkan

Hükümetin atanması ertelenebilir mi? Tarhan Erdem

Engin Ardıç Genelkurmayologlar

M Ali Kışlalı Kışlaya haber almak için değil sohbet etmeye giderim

Mehmet Ali Kışlalı: e-muhtıra hoşuma gitti diyemem

Ömer Taşpınar What does the military think?

Mithat Paşa mı Cevdet Paşa mı? AVNİ ÖZGÜREL

Ekrem Dumanlı Neyin rövanşı?

Bülent Korucu Cumhurbaşkanı dindar olmamalı mı?

Ali Bulaç 'Bunlar değişemezler!'

Şamil Tayyar Bir tek ben biliyorum

Tuğçe Baran Bu ülkede başörtüsüne karşı çıkanlar Müslümanlıkla problemi olanlardır

Yavuz Baydar Q and A over Gül and presidency

Taha AKYOL Toplumsal dindarlık ve laiklik

Güven Sak Güven bunalımı sona ermezse

İsmail Küçükkaya Çankaya sonrası süreç

‘Government, not presidency, holds the key to Turkey’s future’

Mümtazer Türköne Ulus devletin cumhurbaşkanı

Şahin Alpay Social democracy, Kemalism and the CHP

Abdullah Gül Milli Görüş'ün yerlisi değil

Hasan Ersel CHP reformlarda AKP'ye destek olmazsa ana muhalefet partisi rolü MHP'ye geçer

İhsan Dağı Who is wearing the headscarf and why?

Mehmet Tezkan

Bu dönemin adını ne koyalım.. Türbanlı demokrasi diyelim mi?

Korsanlar eylemi El-Kaide adına yapmış

Korsanlara karşı silahlı polis gündemde

Komedi filmi gibi bir uçak kaçırma

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç Hayatı kolaylaştıralım

Fehmi Koru DTP ve yeni dönem

KORAY DÜZGÖREN Gül ne yapar, ne yapamaz?.. Ya Genelkurmay?..

YASİN AKTAY Temsilde tevazû olmaz

Eser Karakaş Cumhurbaşkanlığı ve vizyon

Mehmet BARLAS Türkiye'de gerçek ve zor siyaset bundan sonra başlıyor…

Ertuğrul Özkök

Ahmet Hakan Türbanlı bir kadının plaj güncesine dair Risotto destanı

M Ali Birand

Cüneyt Ülsever

Enis Berberoğlu El Kaide modeli şirket

Oktay Ekşi Çölaşan olayı ve biz...

Bekir Coşkun Karga...

Özdemir İnce Hürriyet Gazetesi yazarlar ve okurlar

Yılmaz Özdil Korsan bu defa ucuz kurtuldu... Sizin maket kaç oda bi salon kardeş?

Tufan Türenç Geriye doğru yöneliş

Mehmet Yılmaz Sana ne lan benim haberimden?

Yalçın Bayer Toplumsal kuşku

Modern türban Türker Alkan

MUHARREM SARIKAYA Öncelik anayasa değişikliği...

ERDAL ŞAFAK Çankaya'ya mektup


EMRE AKÖZ Prof. Yılmaz Esmer?

Umur Talu


NAZLI ILICAK Dükkân kapandığına göre...

MAHMUT ÖVÜR Yeni kabinede kimler olmalı?

Opportunities and risks in the new term-1by HALUK ÖZDALGA*

Abdullah Gül and secular politicsby MÜMTAZ’ER TÜRKÖNE

Eser Karakaş Prof.Dr. Yılmaz Esmer’in ilginç araştırması

Sami Selçuk Atatürk ve Atatürkçülük

'Savunmacı' Kemalizm Murat Belge

İhsan Yılmaz Turkish lesson number one: centers and peripheries in Turkey

Susurluk nereye kadar? Yıldırım Türker

YAVUZ DONAT Batı'dan güzel bir haber

Doğu Ergil The new constitution

Gülay Göktürk Artık bitsin bu kriz tellallığı Siyaset muhabirleri iyice magazin muhabirlerine benzediler artık. Hadi, birçoğu diyelim... Ama sayıları kaç olursa olsun, gündemi belirlemeyi

Andrew Finkel Çankayalogy

Bülent Korucu Yeni dönemde muhalefet savaşları

Mustafa Ünal Gül ilk turda seçilebilir mi?

Leyla İpekçi Örtünme karşısında kadınların bin bir yüzü

Fikret BİLA Solun Ecevit köprüsüne ihtiyacı var

Meral TAMER Türkiye'de solcu politikacı var mıdır?

YAVUZ DONAT Karaoğlan Ecevit'in mirası yerli yerinde ,

Yeni Meclis'te fırtına kopabilir
Erol Mütercimler

Can Ataklı Meclis’teki patlamaya hazır bomba

Serdar Akinan Yiğidin kamçısı

AK Partili kadrolar da modernleşmenin ürünleridir

Mehmet Tezkan Gül Cumhurbaşkanı olunca çarşı pazar dolaşıp dert dinleyecek mi?

Nasuhi Güngör Erdoğan ve Gül

Şükrü Küçükşahin Hani memur değildi ’Mehmet Mehmet Ağar’

FİKRİ AKYÜZ Erdoğan'ın 'cebini arayan' yazar!

Fildişi kulelerde oturan solculardan olmayacağız

ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Bernanke krize damardan girdi, peki işe yarar mı?

Ercan Kumcu Erken sevinmeyelim

Erdal Sağlam

Global trend kırıldı Türkiye'nin politik çekişme lüksü yok

M.Stanley: Artan volatilite, Türkiye'nin para politikasını zorlaştırıyor

SPK Başkanı Erol: 'Borsa'dan sıcak para çıkışı yok'

Riskler realize oluyor
Mahfi Eğilmez

Deniz Gökçe Riskini bil!

Güngör URAS Amerika faizi indirdi, biz neden seviniyoruz?

Yaman TÖRÜNER Küresel dalgalanma

Salih Neftçi Bu hafta volatilite yüksek olacak

Yiğit Bulut “Piyasa devleti”

İbrahim Öztürk ABD ekonomisindeki 'üçüz açık' devam ettiği sürece rahat uyuyamayız

Serpil YILMAZ Konut durdu, çimentocular altyapı yatırımlarını bekliyor

[NEWS ANALYSIS]Textile industry needs just right ingredients

Salih Neftçi FED havlu attı... Hesaplar birden değişti

Kıssadan hisse Fatih Özatay

Serdar Akinan Meleklerin cinsiyeti

Krizde dökülen 'inciler'! Uğur Gürses

Süleyman Yaşar Japon Yeni Türkiye'yi nasıl etkileyecek

Bu dalga biraz farklı Baran Tuncer

Son gelişmeler Fatih Özatay

Yüksel Söylemez Turkey's place in the world economy

Deniz Gökçe
ABD’de sorun ne boyutta?

A Chino-Turkish Group snatched a 1.7 b Euros deal

H4 New York Times Divided They Stand, but on Graves The Bosnia partition “worked.” But what a price. One Iraq hasn’t yet paid.

The Politics of God

By MARK LILLA After centuries of strife, the West has learned to separate religion and politics — to establish the legitimacy of its leaders without referring to divine command. There is little reason to expect that the rest of the world — the Islamic world in particular — will follow.

News Analysis: Iraqi Premier Stirs Discontent, Yet Hangs On

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Seeing Is Believing

There’s only one thing at this stage that would truly impress me, and it is this: proof that there is an Iraq.

Editorial The Good War, Still to Be Won

We will never know just how much better the fight in Afghanistan might be going if it had been managed more competently over the past six years.

Editorial Watershed

America needs progressive, pro-market leaders who will advance a legal and regulatory framework to reduce excesses in lending and derivatives.

The War as We Saw It

By BUDDHIKA JAYAMAHA, WESLEY D. SMITH, JEREMY ROEBUCK, OMAR MORA, EDWARD SANDMEIER, YANCE T. GRAY and JEREMY A. MURPHY The claim that we are increasingly in control of the battlefields in Iraq is an assessment arrived at through a flawed, American-centered framework

Elegies From an Iraqi Notebook

By ALISSA J. RUBIN An Iraqi reporter chronicles life, love and death in Diyala Province.

Concerns Raised on Wider Spying Under New Law In a frenetic scramble, Congress may have approved more surveillance powers than the Bush administration sought.

Falluja’s Calm Is Seen as Fragile if U.S. Leaves Western Iraq’s improved security, often cited as a success story, could be undermined as the Marines withdraw.

How Missed Signs Contributed to a Mortgage Meltdown There were ample warning signs that a financial time bomb in the form of subprime mortgages was ticking quietly for months.

The Banks Roll Up Their Sleeves

Over the last two weeks, the Fed has injected billions of dollars into the market to calm financial markets spooked by fears that credit is tightening. How does that work exactly?

Passengers Escape as Hijacking in Turkey Goes Awry

Palestinian Leader Fires Dozens of Hamas Civil Servants

French Official’s Iraq Visit Offers Lift, U.S. Says

FRANK RICH He Got Out While the Getting Was Good Karl Rove’s departure was both abrupt and fast. The ritualistic “for the sake of my family” rationale convinced no one

NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF In Search of Cheney’s ‘Virtue’ Dick Cheney once scoffed that energy conservation can be a “personal virtue” but is no basis for an energy policy. Growing evidence suggests he had it exactly wrong.

H5 Washington Post Warming Will Exacerbate Global Water Conflicts Changing weather patterns will leave millions of people without dependable supplies of water for drinking, irrigation, and power, a growing stack of studies conclude.

Iran Trains Militiamen Inside Iraq, U.S. Says

The Imperiled Presidency Frustrated Ambition Bush's Sweeping Push For Democracy Sinking President's vision of ending global tyranny stalls in a bureaucratic and geopolitical morass, say activists, officials and even White House aides.

Iraqi Leaders' Talks Yield Scant Results De-Baathification Law Under Review

Risks in a Muslim Reformation By Diana Muir History shows that those who call for an an Islamic Reformation should be careful what they wish for.

A Downturn We Don't Deserve Market Morality Plays Make for Bad Policy By Amity Shlaes, If the U.S. ecomomy falters, it will be due to bad policy, not cosmic revenge.

Checklist for a Peace Pact By Ephraim Sneh, If the Middle East peace conference proposed by President Bush succeeds, it will be hailed as a milestone. If it fails, it will bring about increased despair and cynicism and mark the gravestone of peace efforts. The key lies in preparation.

The Model That India Offers By Jim Hoagland

Sixty years after independence, India boldly strides forward while Pakistan slides more deeply into the past.

Democratic Rivals Caution Against Swift Iraq Pullout

Bernanke Calm Amid Crisis Fed's measured response to market upheaval is consistent with its chairman's sense of caution.

More U.S. Firms Denied Credit Time-tested practice of borrowing to make money at risk as business loans fall to '90s recession levels

A Market Run on Rationality By Sebastian Mallaby

The Lost War We've Spent 36 Years and Billions of Dollars Fighting It, but the Drug Trade Keeps Growing By Misha Glenny Has the War on Drugs defeated the War on Terror?

Pakistan Showdown By Robert D. Novak NEW YORK -- Benazir Bhutto arrived in New York three weeks ago, shortly after meeting secretly in Abu Dhabi with Gen. Pervez Musharraf. She leaves this week without having heard again from Pakistan's military ruler.

Defense Agency Proposes Outsourcing More Spying Contracts Worth $1 Billion Would Set Record

A Deadly Clash at Donkey Island On a Routine Night Patrol Near Ramadi, U.S. Troops Stumble Upon a Camp of Heavily Armed Insurgents Poised to Retake the City

How Rove Directed Federal Assets for GOP Gains Bush Adviser's Effort to Promote the President and His Allies Was Unprecedented in Its Reach

Look Out. This Crunch Is Serious. By Edward Chancellor What to expect as Wall Street's woes spill over onto Main Street.

Ruling Party Sweeps Kazakhstan Election, Official Count Shows

Taliban Fighters Void Second Truce in Pakistan

The Man Behind the Magic By Lou Cannon,

Michael Deaver will be remembered as Ronald Reagan's magic man, the impresario who orchestrated presidential performances, ordered up the backdrops (usually blue) and carefully staged historical remembrances such as the splendid observance of the D-Day anniversary on the beaches of Normandy in 19...

H6 Guardian Iraqi Kurds nervous over clashes Upsurge in fighting between Kurdish guerrillas and Iranian forces in remote border area of north-east Iraq.

Iran shells Kurdish villages in Iraq
Guerrilla clash with Revolutionary Guards threatens stability of region.

Army chief: no 'Saigon moment' for Britain

Bush is now the embarrassing uncle the Republicans just can't hide Gary Younge: With the departure of Karl Rove, the stench of failure hangs over the president - and his party wants to ignore the smell.

Pakistan can work it out Roy Hattersley: Bhutto represents the country's best hope of taking its place among democratic nations.

A dangerous acquiescence
Salim Lone: Once again, UN staff are being sent to Iraq in order to provide cover for predetermined US policy

Wake up to reality - and sense

Andrew Anthony: My book is a call to reconsider liberal values and to appreciate the achievements and benefits of liberal democracy.

The cost of the bomb Randeep Ramesh The Indo-US nuclear deal is a landmark one - but the Indian prime minister is facing brickbats rather than bouquets.

The Observer Leader Russia's muscle-flexing is dangerous posturing The diplomatic atmosphere between Britain and Russia has been getting sharply chillier since Moscow refused to extradite the man Scotland Yard accuses of the murder of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko.

Lebanese await the inevitable return of war Mitchell Prothero: Lebanon has long been the playground for regional powers looking for a site for a proxy war. Now everyone finds it inevitable that war will begin. They just can't agree on the direction from which it will come.

Iran hangs 30 over 'US plots'
Critics say public execution of 'thugs' is really targeting political activists.

Shock UK injury toll in Afghan war
· Half of frontline troops 'patched-up'
· Senior officers fear exodus

Khomeini 'sought to drop Death to America chant'
Senior politician provokes controversy by suggesting the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini wanted to drop signature chant

Focus: 'Is it still winnable?' Mark Townsend has spent three weeks with British troops in Helmand who are fighting for their lives - and sometimes losing them - in a conflict that grows more gruelling by the day. He found them facing fresh enemies, as well-trained jihadists from around the world arrived to confront the Nato forces.

US lending crisis may force Fed to slash rates Emergency intervention could come 'within days'.

H7 Washington Times New nuclear deterrents (Peter D. Zimmerman/ Hans Binnendijk)

Editorial Hitting Tehran where it hurts If the new sanctions imposed on Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) by the Bush administration are to have any meaningful, positive effect on Iranian behavior, they have to be seen as a first step toward pressuring Europe and Japan to curtail their financial relationships with the Iranian regime. Already confusion has emerged through leaks to The Washington Post and New York Times about how far the sanctions actually go.

Daily Star Violence in God's name: the Islamists' debate By John L. Esposito

From Ovi, an essay on Western imperialism and the myth of secular salvation (and part 2).

Immanuel Wallerstein on Nonproliferation: RIP.

Profit or Principle? The West is back to engaging lucrative dictators.

If you pay, we'll be sure to look the other way By Michael Young

Djerejian What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

US Papers Mon: US Accuses Iran over EFPs

Iraqi Papers Mon: Changes in the Government

Syrian newspaper: US pushing Israel to war

Iran woes
Managing Tehran continues to be a headache for the US

Top Iranian judge criticises Ahmadinejad

BBC Monitoring Quotes From Iranian Press 19 August 2007

Al Hayat Lebanon's Leaders in the Cote D'Azur Randa Takieddin - Syria is confident that the American administration’s failure in Iraq and in Palestine will enable it to be more resilient in defending its positions. Will international pressure succeed in forcing a conciliatory, independent candidate, and if so, which president would embody such a viewpoint?

Hassan Nasrallah's "Road Map" Hassan Haydar - The fate of Lebanon, and seeing a cooling-off in this country, are linked to an understanding by Arab states with Syria and Iran, and not with any other party, including the Lebanese themselves.

Al Awsat Damascus…Roaring or Moaning? : Tariq Alhomayed

BBC Flooding back
Afghanistan's refugees return in droves, but to mixed fortunes

Syria Regrets "Baseless" Saudi "Allegation", Stresses Good Ties

H9 Ha’aretz Future IDF force structure to focus on ground, not air

Arab officials tell Israel that Syria is not planning to attack

War of words between Syria and Saudi Arabia heats up

Levy: Netanyahu, like Feiglin, also backs the racist occupation state

Was Obama naive, will Clinton be Bush-Cheney lite?

Iranian leader Ahmadinejad denounces Israel as 'flag of Satan'

UNIFIL in Lebanon unlikely to get greater authority

Eldar Give them the Temple Mount If Israel succeeds in imposing on the Palestinian leadership the two concessions that the Palestinian public is unable to accept - the rocket of the international summit will fall on our heads.

Jerusalem Post 'PA failed to keep Hamas from forming West Bank cells' Security officials: Group's armed wing "very active" in area despite crackdown; reports say Abbas aide held talks with Mashaal in Damascus.

Editorial Pressure Russia
Why would Russia, expecting to be a global leader, be selling weaponry to belligerent outlaw states?

A year after war, the road to recovery stretches far [ MATTI FRIEDMAN

The region: The Middle East's titanic battle [ BARRY RUBIN, The Middle East is in a new era, very different from the politics and strategic situation we have been used to for so long.

The vicissitudes of genuine Muslim moderates

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

BBC Gaza hit by power plant shut down The Gaza Strip's main power plant shuts down operations, after the EU halts financing of fuel deliveries.

Daily Star Hamas is after an 'Afghan' victory
By Waleed Sadi

What's Good for the Jews A scholar wrestles with Jewish power and powerlessness.

Reviewed by Susan Jacoby JEWS AND POWER By Ruth R. Wisse Schocken/Nextbook. 231 pp. $19.95

Kirk Douglas, 90, more in touch with Judaism than ever

I want YOU for the IDF
After years of squandering talents of foreign-born soldiers, the IDF is beginning to reach out to motivated new olim and Diaspora Jews

Yedioth Ahronoth Iran? That's your problem/ Bechor America's generous military package for Israel, Egypt and the Gulf states covers up the fact that the US has decided to abandon the struggle against Iran

Uncle Sam forever?

Israel must prepare for possibility that alliance with US will diminish, Gidi Grinstein says

'Time to end violence'
Secretary-general of Indian Muslim organization representing hundreds of millions says Pakistan should establish relations with Israel. Addressing Hamas' charter; adds, 'I don't believe in anything that destroys another country'

'US sinking in whirlpool'

Iran's supreme leader says Tehran's arch-enemy, its followers will 'sink deeper' in future

'UNIFIL must expand to Syria' Top Israeli official says int'l community not interested in securing Lebanon-Syria border, end arms smuggling to Hizbullah 'due to sensitivity on border'. Meanwhile, Israel tries to make amendments to UNIFIL's mandate document Full Story . . .

Has PM overcome Lebanon?/ Sofer

Israel vows ban on Darfur refugees

· Sudanese sent back over border to Egypt · Asylum issue stirs row on Jews' stance on sanctuary

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Hamas's approach to jihad: Start 'em young The group takes a patient approach to deriving political support from religious conviction.

Fed eyes rate cuts to calm market

Central bank eased jitters, but analysts wonder if it's enough to avoid recession.

Who resolves Arctic oil disputes?

Antarctica provides a model for settling competing claims.

Coast Guard joins Arctic oil rush

US scientists will map part of the seafloor as nations vie for the region's oil and minerals.


Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World FPRI

China: Attacks on Media Violate Olympic Commitments
Source: Human Rights Watch

Newsweek Opinion: Don't Let Iran Get Between U.S., India

Big Democracy Appreciating the miracle of India's triumph over chaos. Reviewed by George Perkovich, INDIA AFTER GANDHI The History of the World's Largest Democracy

WORLD NEWS: Kazakhstan and China sign oil and gas pipelines agreement

A Conversation with Benazir Bhutto (Audio) Speaker: Benazir Bhutto, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
Presider: Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations

Generals win popular vote in snub to Thaksin

Indian Premier Seeks To Resolve Dispute Over Nuclear Deal

India's Lower Castes Seek Social Progress In Global Job Market

H11 IHT Early election in Greece is keyed to economic overhaul

Amid escalating violence in Afghanistan, rising opposition in Germany to military mission

Roger Cohen: Easy credit, bubbles and betrayals Here is a touching tale of how the struggling and affluent are linked, all the way across the Atlantic.

The Iraq war as we see it

The claim that U.S forces are increasingly in control of the battlefields in Iraq is an assessment arrived at through a flawed, American-centered framework.

Market turmoil and threats to the broader economy
America needs progressive, pro-market leaders who will advance a legal and regulatory framework to reduce excesses in lending and derivatives.

EUROPE European press review

Christoph Bertram on why Weak America = Weakened Europe.

David Rieff on the Kouchner conversion.

Sarko's Gift to the Wealthy: France's new president has launched an assault on the welfare state.

Reason's cunning: Poland's populist parties share many of their characteristics with those in other European countries. The difference in Poland is that the government consists solely of populist parties.

BBC French foreign minister in Iraq French FM Bernard Kouchner is in Iraq, the first ministerial visit since France opposed the 2003 US-led invasion.

Washington Times Negotiating for peace in Kosovo (Dan Burton)

The Relationsship between the CAP and Biodiversity IEEP
The 66-page report of a seminar held to discuss the relationship between the EU Common Agricultural Policy and biodiversity

Why European Union Trade Sanctions Do Not Work
Source: Social Science Research Network (SSRN)


Google News Azerbaijan

Vladimir Putin rewrites Russia's history books to promote patriotism

Kazakh vote is called a 'litmus test'President Nursultan Nazarbayev tightened his already considerable grip over Kazakhstan after weekend parliamentary elections in which his governing party won every seat that was contested.

Kazakh poll gives all seats to Nazarbayev

H13 The Times

Ministries lose private armies in clampdown

The Iraqi government's security force is set to be regulated to lessen sectarian divisions between Shia and Sunni guards

More Republicans quit as party faces disaster

A spate of Republican resignations and a significant drop in public support suggests the Democrats are on track for victory

Let Afghan Poppies Bloom

The deadly opium exports could instead satisfy global medical needs

Vote of No Confidence

The case for proportional representation at Westminster is still unsound

Sunday Times Britain faces Iraq rout says USAdviser warns that UK forces will have to fight out of Iraq in an 'ugly and embarrassing' retreat

Army chiefs fear Iraq exit will be Britain’s Saigon moment

Americans doubt ‘General Betraeus’ over troop surge

Stop the hedge fund casinos

Hedge funds have been operating huge financial casinos without having to disclose what they’re betting on, or why by Robert Reich

Leader The market test

There is much to admire in American capitalism but the system is prone to locking the stable door after the horse has bolted

Rudy plays the security card: ID for all tourists All visitors to America, including holidaymakers, will be obliged to carry a biometric card issued at ports of entry

Bush rocked as another key aide resigns

Brain has left the building Karl Rove leaves behind an increasingly embattled President

Wall Street Journal Al Qaeda's Travel Agent
Damascus International Airport is a hub for terrorists.

American forces are tracking about 50 members of an elite Iranian force who have crossed the border into southern Iraq to train Shiite militia fighters. The French foreign minister arrived in Baghdad on a groundbreaking visit.

An Obscure Economist Gains Currency

Hyman Minsky, a little-known economist who was considered a radical during his lifetime, has suddenly become popular thanks to market turmoil. He argued that financial systems are inherently susceptible to bouts of speculation that can end in crises.

The U.S. appetite for foreign money to finance the gap between what the country spends and what it earns has caused little worry thus far, indicating foreign investors' confidence in the U.S. markets and the dollar.

Past May Offer Clues to Market's Fate

Investors are looking to the stock-market crash of 1987 and the downdraft of 1998 as they try to gauge whether this month's financial-market turmoil is a passing storm or a more-lasting disturbance.

H14 Financial Times Editorial Shanghaied by Russia and China The west should co-operate with political groups across central Asia to make democracy and liberalisation more attractive to the region

Editorial Running afoul of the arugula factor Barack Obama stands in a long line of brilliant but unsuccessful Democratic party hopefuls whose primary appeal was to fellow intellectuals

Panic, or the lack of it, will be measure of Fed success

The coming days will test whether the Federal Reserve's emergency action on Friday will be enough to arrest the spread of financial contagion and stop extreme...

FT WEEKEND MAGAZINE - PAPERBACKS: Uberpower: The Imperial Temptation of America

Asian stocks rally after Fed action Asian stocks rallied strongly after the Federal Reserve on Friday slashed a key U.S. bank lending rate, helping soothe jitters about a worldwide credit crunch

WORLD NEWS: Headcount dispels lurid vision of 'Eurabia'

WORLD NEWS: Religious fault line in Europe

Analysts look at history to predict response

To work out what the Federal Reserve will do next to contain the crisis in financial markets, many forecasters are studying the central bank's response to a similar...

European central banks on stand-by

Fears of further credit market turmoil

COMMENT: The credit compass offers no direction Nobody quite trusts published accounts of financial institutions to offer much guide to subprime pain anymore, argues Gillian Tett

Interview transcript: Malcolm Wicks

ANALYSIS: Scramble for the Arctic A new era in exploration is unfolding as Russia, the US, Norway, Denmark and Canada stake their claims over a vast and potentially rich region

Kouchner visits Iraq in bid to ease crisis

French foreign minister makes a surprise trip to Baghdad to offer his country’s help as Iraq battles to resolve its latest political crisis

COMMENT: Why a few bad laws do not kill freedom in America Fear-mongering has played a critical role in every important wartime episode in American history, says Geoffrey Stone

COMMENT: German coalition turns to the enemy within Bertrand Benoit considers what is on the agenda for the coalition parties in the second half of their four-year term

COMMENT: A (sub)prime argument for more regulation

COMMENT: Calamities on the campaign trail

Britons ‘more suspicious’ of Muslims

Only 59 per cent of Britons thought it possible to be both a Muslim and a citizen of their country, a smaller proportion than in France, Germany, Spain, Italy or the US, according to a poll for the Financial Times

Kazakh leader strengthens grip on power Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan, strengthened his grip on power when the ruling Nur Otan party won an overwhelming parliamentary majority in snap elections

Iranians kidnapped at gunpoint Twelve Iranians have been kidnapped from their cars in the restive south-east province of Sistan-Baluchestan

WORLD NEWS: US military in political dogfight over drones

Tougher rules urged to protect Arctic

The Arctic could face ‘irreparable damage’ unless tougher rules are made to curb the scramble by world powers for the region’s resources, a leading international environmental group has warned

H15 Los Angeles Times Editorial

Bush sees reason to be encouraged by local-level progress in Iraq

Quiet areas of Iraq attacked

H16 American Politics

A Rush To Frame Views on Congress

Ads Start Before Presidential Race Consumes Voters

Juan Cole in Salon: The Poisonous Legacy of Karl Rove

Obituaries Reagan Image-Maker Changed American Politics Michael K. Deaver

Permanent Republican Majority? Think Again - A. Kohut & C. Doherty, W

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

McClatchy Backlash against illegal immigration grows

Odds grow for recession, but lenders hold the key

Questions for Hillary Clinton (By James Carroll)

THE LARGEST surprise in Senator Hillary Clinton's campaign for president, so far, is her success in establishing herself as a viable commander-in-chief.

'The Prince of Darkness'

Reviewed by JACK SHAFER

The columnist Robert Novak describes his career and his modus operandi.

Democrats' 'can't-win' attitude (By Joan Vennochi

WHAT'S A key difference between Republicans and Democrats? Republicans believe they can win, no matter what. Democrats doubt they can win, no matter what.

Rising Breed of Migrant Worker: Skilled, Salaried and Welcome

While many countries are seeking to restrict immigration by low-skilled migrants, they are increasingly working to attract those with advanced degrees and scarce skills.

Cooper Contradicts Rove: He's 'Dissembling' With 'Non-Sense' About The Plame Leak

Rove says Democrats, Clinton maintain high negatives among Americans

Obama defends himself against rivals who say he lacks experience

Muslims eye America (By Mohammad Ali Salih)

H17 Daily Telegraph 'Cover-up' over Afghanistan casualties Government accused of hiding troop casualty rate in Afghanistan as it emerged that nearly one in two soldiers fighting on the front line has been wounded.

Upsurge in rocket attacks on Basra airbase Rocket attacks on British troops sheltering at the airbase in Basra have "ramped up considerably" officers said yesterday.

Sunday Telegraph Basra 'beyond control' of British forces

US officials claim Britain's failure in Iraq could squander the progress of America's troop surge, and have long-lasting implications.

Putin rearms his Cold War military

Iranian Guards amass secret fortunes

This financial crisis isn't over yet The melt-down of America's mortgage market now threatens the most serious financial crisis since 1987. There could be much worse to come writes Liam Halligan

Leader Prepare to face the Russian threat

Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has cemented his growing reputation as a belligerent leader whose preferred method of diplomacy is confrontation.

H18 Independent Muqtada al-Sadr: The British are retreating from Basra The British Army has been defeated in Iraq and left with no option but to retreat from the country, claims radical Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Violent resistance and a rising death toll among UK troops has forced a withdrawal, he said in an interview with The Independent.

Mehdi fighters 'trained by Hizbollah in Lebanon'

Menzies backs demands for Army to leave Iraq

Stephen King: Manias, panics and costly chain reactions

Leading Article: The flight from truth about climate change

Vladimir Putin rewrites Russia's history books to promote patriotism

Gaza blacks out as border row blocks oil supply

Independent on Sunday Military commanders tell Brown to withdraw from Iraq without delay Senior military commanders have told the Government that Britain can achieve "nothing more" in south-east Iraq, and that the 5,500 British troops still deployed there should move towards withdrawal

Retreat & redeploy: The case for withdrawing from Iraq and taking the fight to the Taliban

Leading article: The generals have spoken, Mr Brown

Expert View: When the US calls China too capitalist, things are getting nasty

City calls for calm as FTSE threatens to fall further

Some of the most senior figures in the City of London called for calm yesterday, amid signs that the current share slump could worsen

Business View: A financial disorder that could infect the world

Birth of two nations: India and Pakistan: a parting of the ways

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Contractors in Iraq Have Become U.S. Crutch

WORLD NEWS: US military in political dogfight over drones Tensions in the US military establishment have flared between the army, navy and marines and the air force over the latter’s push to take control of the unmanned aircraft programme

The cyberwar against the United States (By Jim Melnick)

RECENT AL QAEDA recruitment videos and foiled terrorist plots in the United Kingdom remind us that the effectiveness of terrorism is an issue of winning the hearts and minds of those with the proper skills to do serious harm. It would logically follow that it is reckless to allow terrorists to combine the critical elements of ideology, skills, and the ...

BBC drops Casualty suicide bomb plot

The BBC has dropped plans to screen a fictional terrorist attack by Muslim extremists in the new series of hospital drama Casualty.

An interview with Mike Davis, author of Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb.

A review of The Islamist: Why I Joined Radical Islam in Britain, What I Saw Inside and Why I Left by Ed Husain.

From PopMatters, a review of Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq during World War II by The United States Army.

Terrorist Threats in the Horn of Africa: A Net Assessment
Source: National Security Outlook (American Enterprise Institute)

H20 Slate Milton Friedman, Meet Richard Feynman How physics can explain why some countries are rich and others are poor. Tim Harford

Cato Privatization versus Contracting Out

How Managing Intellectual Property can Build and Sustain Competitive Advantage
Source: Deloitte Development LLC

Threats from the Global Commons: Problems of Jurisdiction and Enforcement Source: Melbourne Journal of Interntional Law (via SSRN)

Boston Globe The new dirty energy (By Drake Bennett It's big, it's growing -- and it's bad for the environment. Inside the other alternative-energy movement.

Confessions of a BBC liberal: The BBC has finally come clean about its bias, says a former editor, who wrote Yes, Minister

A summer expedition Some great authors are no longer read by ordinary readers. One of them is Thomas Carlyle William Rees-Mogg

Rising levels of discontent

Most scientific advance emerges out of novel techniques (such as verification) or out of novel technologies

Terence Kealey

Since moving The Atlantic Monthly from Boston to Washington two years ago (after vowing not to), David Bradley has sought out — with an open checkbook — some of the Beltway's best and brightest.

Who Killed the Love Story? An article on the lost art of making a great romantic movie.

People use the term "anarchy" recklessly. They might be surprised at what it actually means.

A review of The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall, and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America by Allan M. Brandt

Providing Long-Term Services after Major Disasters

Foreign Science and Engineering Presence in U.S. Institutions and the Labor Force

Negotiating North America: The Security and Prosperity Partnership (PDF; 624 KB)
Source: Hudson Institute

Long before Che Guevara shot his first counter-revolutionary, Garibaldi invented the idea of the modern freedom fighter. Unlike Che, he really liked freedom... more»

H21 What Britain's top brains eat
Are greens good for the grey matter, or will egg and chips do just as well? Tim Lewis asked our top boffins to reveal their eating habits.

Angst, drugs and alcohol: that's opera
A Wagnerian tenor says singers are turning to stimulants because of commercial pressures.

Materazzi reveals reason for Zidane head-butt

Blogs: All the noise that fits

By Michael Skube The hard-line opinions on weblogs are no substitute for the patient fact-finding of reporters.

We're all doomed to be surprised

Broadcasters and newspapers are set on a course of convergence. But with the outcome uncertain, flexibility is vital, says Alan Rusbridger.

OMBUDSMAN A Dilemma Within Quotation Marks By Deborah Howell What reporters put between quotation marks isn't simply a quotation. It's a choice about what they believe the person said -- or should have said.

COUNTING CLICKS I Really Need You to Read This Article. Okay? By Joel Achenbach

Thanks to the web, readers now run the show. But is this good for journalism?

Feeling UnderpaidMark McGoldrick earned about $70 million last year running one of Goldman Sach's most-profitable units, the secretive "special-situations group." Turns out it wasn't enough. Now, he's planning a hedge fund where he believes he can make even more money -- especially in the wake of the credit crunch.

'On the Road: The Original Scroll'

Reviewed by LUC SANTE

The novel that “On the Road” became was inarguably the book that young people needed in 1957, but the sparse and unassuming scroll is the living version for our time.

Why did Woody stop making us laugh?

Bill on Will: Bryson does Shakespeare

Australia's PM-in-waiting caught in strip-club scandal Devout Christian and Labor Party leader Kevin Rudd struggles to explain trip to infamous New York strip club in 2004

How Hollywood fell out of love with romance If you survey summer’s big movies, it’s obvious studios will offer any kind of entertainment, as long as it’s not romance


Maradona and Chávez laugh over 'hand of god' goal on chat show

Argentine footballer tells audience in Caracas that he cheated in the 1986 World Cup quarter final.

Forget eating your greens: red and blue foods are the cancer fighters

· Pigment can slow growth or even kill tumour cells
· Absorption in gut could be key to healthy properties

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Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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