0731-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Washington Institute With Neighbors Like These: Iraq and the Arab States on Its Borders By David Pollock (Ed.) Independent Britain will take troops out of Iraq regardless of US, says PM New York Times A War We Just Might Win By MICHAEL E. O’HANLON and KENNETH M. POLLACK We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms. POLITICAL EQUATIONS; Iraq Math: From One, Make Three A War Best Served Cold By NICHOLAS THOMPSONDid George Kennan know the best way to fight terrorism? U.S. Arms Plan for Mideast Aims to Counter Iranian Power U.S. vs. Iran: Cold War, Too By: Robin Wright | The Washington Post After three decades of festering tensions, the United States and Iran are now facing off in a full-fledged cold war. Washington Post Sept. 10 in Waziristan What Will Be Done About al-Qaeda's Camps? By David Ignatius Los Angeles Times Malthusian misery's comeback Niall Ferguson With the world population growth outpacing food supply, say goodbye to the era of unlimited improvement. Editorial Bush's folly: His fixation on Al Qaeda's role in Iraq reveals the shallowness of his thinking — and of the U.S. strategy on fighting terrorism. Iran and US Jiu-Jitsu in the Middle East Op-Ed by Gary Sick Geopolitical Diary: On Iraq, All Things are Definitely Not Equal A Match Made in Heaven? Strategic Convergence between China and Russia Central Asia-Caucasus Institute The Implications of Preemptive and Preventive War Doctrines: A Reconsideration Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College Financial Times COMMENT: Watch your step in the liquidity polka No big financial institution wants to step off the dance floor while the liquidity music is still playing, writes Henry Kaufman COMMENT: Revealed: the hidden story behind conspiracy theories If you start from the notion that the mainstream news is nonsense, then almost anything could be true, writes Gideon Rachman Iraqi parliament misses key deadline Iraq’s government has missed its deadline to compile a list of people eligible to vote in a December referendum, officials of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan autonomous region said NATIONAL NEWS: A subtle revision of the special relationship Death of cleric opens way for Rafsanjani The death of Ayatollah Ali Akbar Meshkini, chairman of Iran’s powerful Assembly of Experts, leaves the way open for his replacement by the influential former president Putin camp looks to return in 2012 A senior ally of Vladimir Putin has fuelled speculation that the Russian leader could return to the presidence four years after an interim candidate is elected next year Guardian Leader Leaders bond, Iraq splits Camp David: The reality in Iraq will not be finessed by cleverly worded answers at press conferences. The death of this crackpot creed is nothing to mourn John Gray: The wider conflict now engulfing Iraq lays bare the absurdity of liberal interventionism - and the decline of US power. Children hardest hit in Iraq crisis One in three people in need of emergency aid, says report. Oxfam New Report: Rising to the Humanitarian Challenge in Iraq IHT Plugging the democracy gap America should remember that democracy is not an end in itself, but a means to the end of securing individual liberty. UPI Analysis: Cheney favors attack on Iran Washington Institute How Supreme Is Iran's Supreme Leader? Newsweek Gideon Rose: Things are not going as badly in the world as most people think. A Cure for Oil Addicts - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek Gulf Rising The Gulf’s Big Bang Jerusalem Post 'Arms deal may not buy Saudi help in peace process' Our World: America's best friends Israel used US support in a way that advanced Israel's security and US interests with no blowback. The Economist Special friends Where next for the “special relationship” between Britain and America? Rice: Iran now the biggest U.S. strategic challenge in Mideast From HNN, an article on Henry Kissinger’s lessons for George W. Bush. Iraq: July 30, 2007 Quarterly Report and Semiannual Report to Congress Getting out of a war requires as much planning as getting into one. Here are five questions that any administration will have to answer as part of an exit from Iraq. Ethnic Separatist Groups in Iran Source: HDNet/Dan Rather Reports (via Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) Watch program here. Iraq, Iran and How the Surge is Working - John Burns, Hugh Hewitt Show U.S. Nuclear Weapons Strategy Delivered To Congress Source: U.S. Department of Defense + Full Document (PDF; 228 KB) New Research Report: EU Reform: a new treaty or an old constitution? 60 pages; House of Commons Library, UK Slate God-Fearing People Why are we so scared of offending Muslims?
PINR "India's Interests at Stake in Relationship with China" Full text of report ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT BRIEFING Nuclear-power politics America and India agree a deal on nuclear co-operation Brookings American Policy and Pakistan Stephen P. Cohen, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Heritage US Policy and Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Containing Threats and Encouraging Regional Security
The List: Five Lies My Economist Told Me
Der Spiegel Twisting Arms: US Pressures Germany to Cut Iran Business Ties Comment on Benefit Cost Analysis Applied to the Iraq War-Becker | H2 Washington Post Bush's Turkish Gamble Robert D. Novak BBC Operasyon iddiası K. Irak planını istemeyenler basına sızdırdı 'Yeni bir Türk kimliği doğuyor' Cold Turkey for army after AKP poll win The 2008 Turkish Elections: An Islamist Victory? Guest Op-Ed by Howard Eissenstat Morton Abramowitz How to Save Iraqi Kurdistan from Itself CER Where next for Turkey? By Katinka Barysch and Charles Grant Guardian US aids Turkish drive against Kurdish fighters Pentagon confirms working with Turkish government to stop Kurdish guerrillas operating from northern Iraq. U.S. Says Working With Turkey to Solve PKK "Problem" Wall Street Journal Liberal Turkey? Economically thriving -- and staunchly anti-Western By SONER CAGAPTAY EDM PKK INSURGENCY GROWS AS AK PARTY RENEWS DEBATE ON CROSS-BORDER OPERATIONS Al Awsat Turkish Islamists: A Model or the Exception? : Sayyed Wild Abah Jerusalem Post The Region: Beware of Turkey's Islamists BARRY RUBIN Brookings Interpreting Turkey's Election Soli Ozel Turkish Election Results: More or Less Stability? Washington Institute for Near East Policy Morgan Stanley Turkey What Marx Knew About Inflation The rise in energy and food prices is a global trend, but a greater risk for Turkey. By Serhan Çevik 22 Temmuz Türkiye demokrasisinin evrim geçirdiğinin kanıtı Ankara’s Growing Importance for Israel in the Post-American Middle East. Balkanalysis.com Washington Times What's on Turkey's mind? (By Tulin Daloglu) Daily Star İslam'la demokrasi uyuşuyor – Keşke Arap-İslamcılar AKP'yi taklit etse... [Yorum - Amira Huveydi] Türkiye'den alınacak dersler Asia Times Turkey's Islamists pay a price for victory M K Bhadrakumar Turning point for Turkey Musullu Kürt’ten orta, Kerküklü Türkmen’den gol Bush'un Türkiye kumarı Türkiye ve ABD'den Ortak Operasyon İddiası Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Ruşen Çakır DTP ‘zamanın ruhunu’ yakalayabilecek mi? Güneydoğu merkezle bütünlesmek istiyor Ahmet Taşgetiren Zazaların Kürtlüğü meselesi AK Parti’nin zaferi DTP’yi çatlatıyor - Haşim Söylemez MUHARREM SARIKAYA Sakık: Bahçeli bir şans... Internal PKK turmoil has killed 1,500 members A fragile stability on border Marxist DTP lost support because of failure to attract religious votes PKK Meclis'te mi? Hasan Celal Güzel Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 30 July 07 KÜRŞAT BUMİN Bilenler anlatıyor: DTP'nin oy kaybı AKİF EMRE DTP'nin anlamadığı Kürtler Iraqi Kurdish groups firm on draft oil law ABD yetkilileri PKK’ye karşı 'ortak operasyon' haberini yalanlamadı! Nuh Gönültaş DTP’ye verilen son şans iyi değerlendirilmeli! All eyes focused on newly elected DTP deputies Baydemir'e 'Kürtçe broşür'den soruşturma Peşmergenin Esas Amacı Siyasi Kontroldür Ahmet Türk: Soruyu yanlış anlamışım Iraqi Turkoman Front Leader Visits Egypt, Stresses Commitment to Unity Kurdistan National Assembly - Syria - Press Release Kurds Rally to Iraqi Team Despite Separatist Dreams Türkiye ile Amerika Kuzey Irak'ta ortak operasyon yapacak Musullu Kürt’ten orta, Kerküklü Türkmen’den gol Hakkari sonucu AİHM’de Türkiye’yi mahkum ettirebilir Ali Bulaç Islamophobia or ‘Islamic fascism’ Emin Çölaşan Yabancı dil: Türkçe! Sami KOHEN "Bush'un kumarı" ne sonuç verir? HAKAN ALBAYRAK Hamas idaresi ve aslanın dönüşü Hüsnü Mahalli Hangisi doğru? DTP'ye kötü haber: Hazine yardımı yok Nicole Pope Humanitarian crisis in Iraq Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Rum sözcü Palmas: "Kıbrıs'ta taksim tehlikesi var" Güney Kıbrıs, kara para aklama merkezi Unemployment primary concern for Turkish Cypriots, survey reveals Deniz Gökçe Nedir Almanya’nın Türklerden çektiği (1)? [Yorum - Amanda Akçakoca] AB yolunda şimdi reform zamanı Turkey holds key to move on Cyprus Open Letter by 257 Scholars to President Robert Kocharian of Armenia The birth of the new BSEC Trade Center in Bursa Azerbaijan probes illegal arms sales by Albania to Armenia Kıbrıs'ta mayın temizliğine AB yardımı Yunanistan'da Türkçe radyo yayınına darbe Turkey Ends Visa Regime For Five Eurasian Countries Leyla İpekçi Ermenilerin demokrasi talebi, Musevilerin endişesi İstanbul dethrones Ankara as the ‘city of civil servants’ Yakın arkadaşı, MTTB bombalamasında öldü Hadi Uluengin DTP tayyörü Aziz Yıldırım: 18 yıldır askeri ihaleye girmedim This Turkey's been overstuffed Vatanseverler, 'teşvik kredisi' vaadiyle çiftçileri 1 milyon YTL dolandırmış Ümraniye soruşturmasında yeni tutuklama El bombaları yazarı tutuklattı Türkiye’de temiz elleri ancak siyasi iktidar yapabilir - Bülent Ceyhan Pipeline company BOTAŞ target of corruption claims | H3 Genelkurmay: 12 ve 27 Nisan’ın arkasındayız Büyükanıt'ın 'Köşk' sorusuna yanıtı: Görüşüm geçerliğini koruyor '12 Nisan'da söylenen şeylerin arkasındayız' 'Görüşümüz günlük olarak değişmez' AKP, yeni anayasa için teknik hazırlık başlattı Anayasa taslağında radikal öneriler var Akşam İşte Sivil Anayasa Cüneyt Ülsever Erkan Mumcu’dan çok ağır bir mektup! Enis Berberoğlu Işığın rengi yeniden sarı Ali Bayramoğlu 2007 seçimleri ve tarihe not düşmek… Cengiz Çandar AK Parti’yi doğru okuyamadılar - Rahmi Koç Tek parti istikrarın en belirgin şartı Cengiz Aktar İkinci Erdoğan hükümetini bekleyen acil konular Eser Karakaş Yeni Anayasa ya da zorunlu değişiklikler İlter Türkmen Anayasa tartışması çok erken başladı Kanadoğlu'ndan bir 'bomba'(!) daha Nuray Başaran Seçimden önce, seçimden sonra ve çok sonra [Yorum - Prof.Dr.Ali Karaosmanoğlu] Sivil-asker ilişkileri için yeni bir fırsat YAŞ toplanıyor; Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri'nde değişim heyecanı Bilal Çetin Abdullah Gül’ün adaylığı... Fikret BİLA Türk solu açısından Üskül'ün çıkışı Cengiz Çandar Seçim 'uyarısı'nı anlamak anlamamak, direnmek Başbakan Erdoğan'a mektup (2) Erdoğan'ın kararı Murat Yetkin Serdar Turgut Sivil anayasa M. Ali BİRAND Bakalım AKP, bu başarıyı nasıl taşıyacak? İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç Hep yazsınlar Fehmi Koru Anayasa: Demokratik yol haritası Andrew Finkel To be or not to be Taha AKYOL Susuzluk ve belediyeler 'Meclis'e başım açık gireceğim' Oktay Ekşi AB’nin özgürlükçüleri nerde? Bekir Coşkun Baykal’a... İslamcı hareketlerin karanlık tarihi (II) 'Obsesyon' siyaseti Murat Belge Mehmet BARLAS Demokrasilerde seçimde yenilmek yok olmayı da getirmez Mehmet Tezkan Cumhuriyet mitingleri CHP’yi din düşmanı gibi gösterdi.. Okay Gönensin 22 Temmuz dersleri - 8 Basının zaafları Türkiye'yi bekleyen günler MEHMET HÜSEYİN BİLGİN Laiklik, şeriat ve derin nefret İSMAİL ÖZCAN - Çiğdem Anad yazdı: AKP’ye ne kazandırdı? Ekrem Dumanlı Biraz saygı lütfen Ferhat Boratav Yanlış, doğru ve daha doğru Arınç AKP’nin 2 numarası olmaya hazırlanıyor Derya SAZAK Kemalizm eleştirisi Engin Ardıç İçini dolduralım Suat Kınıklıoğlu Confused we stand… Turks in the ivory towers and the punishing hand of the electorate CHP Anadolu'dan çekiliyor, Batı illeri ve sahil partisi oluyor 'Çiftçiye azar' AKP'nin oyunu yüzde 9 artırdı! Geçici Başkan Elekdağ yemini deldirmeyecek Seçimlere katılım oranı yüzde 84.25 CHP neden kaybetti? - İbrahim Doğan MHP neden kazandı? - Nursel Dilek Serpil YILMAZ "DP'den teklif aldım, bir süre izleyeceğim" Şener, DP’nin teklifini reddetti YAVUZ DONAT DP'nin 'katmerli zor' günleri ‘Convincing’ Gül to withdraw means intervention in democracy by Prof. Dr. ÖMER ÇAHA* Electorate’s answerby Prof. ERGUN ÖZBUDUN* The real children of Atatürkby CHRISTOPHER VASILLOPULOS* Şahin Alpay CHP kendini yenileyebilir mi? HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Seçimi okumak-3: CHP MAHMUT ÖVÜR CHP için 'kimler' savaşıyor! Mümtazer Türköne Sarıgül'ün yığınağı Baykal Üst düzey değişim olmayacak İlnur Çevik Let this be a fresh start for all parties Tamer Korkmaz Halk plajlara hücum etti; vatandaş yine denize giremedi! Özdemir İnce Özlem Gürses ile 13 Ajansı Berat Özipek Yaşayanların anayasası sivil olmalı >Ahmet Kekeç Sorun Kemalizm değil, Kemalistler... Tuğçe Baran AKP yalakalığı iddiaları üzerine... Gülay Göktürk Körleşmek Öymen'in seçim analizi bir başka! Şakir Süter DP’deki perişanlık Yavuz Semerci Mahir kaynak Eleştiri Zafer Üskül’ün şahsi görüşü... Tartışma abartılı Can Ataklı AKP İktidarına çok gerekçeli destek Güven Sak İstikrar lobisi bugün on kat daha güçlüdür Başkalarının aldığı risklerden en az etkilenmenin yolunu bulmak gerekiyor Hasan Ersel ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Bu dalganın farkı hikâyesinde Murat Yülek Banking in Turkey: A high growth sector Prof. Dr. AYDIN AYAYDIN Erdal Sağlam Seçim kazanmak artık ekonomik başarıya bağlı Ertuğ Yaşar Türkiye tekstilden çıkmalı mı Seyfettin Gürsel TCMB ve hükümet dayanışma içinde olmalı Güngör URAS Piyasaları "Hedge Fon"lar dalgalandırıyor Asaf Savaş Akat Seçim sonuçları ve ekonomi (3) Piyasalarda gelişmeler ne yönde?.. Yiğit Bulut Egemen Bağış piyasaların istediğini söyledi Konjonktür Mahfi Eğilmez Yaman TÖRÜNER AK Party brings dead projects back to life Serdar Turgut İstanbul’s Marmaray rail tube tunnel set to open in 2011 |
H4 New York Times POLITICAL EQUATIONS; Iraq Math: From One, Make Three A War We Just Might Win By MICHAEL E. O’HANLON and KENNETH M. POLLACK We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms. A War Best Served Cold By NICHOLAS THOMPSONDid George Kennan know the best way to fight terrorism? U.S. Arms Plan for Mideast Aims to Counter Iranian Power Bush and Brown Are Allies if Not Buddies Energy Bill Aids the Expansion Plans of Atomic Power Plants A provision buried in a recent Senate bill could make new nuclear plants eligible for tens of billions of dollars in government loan guarantees. Oxfam Reports Growing Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq Japan’s Prime Minister Holds on Despite Rebuke From Voters Israel to Let Some Palestinians From Iraq Live in West Bank World Briefing | Middle East: Iran: Cleric’s Death Opens Way for Rafsanjani Despite Appeals, Iraqi Legislators Take Break From Iraq’s Rumor Mill, a Conspiracy of Badgers NATO Tries to Cut Afghan Civilian Deaths | H5 Washington Post Bush, Brown Stress Commonalities New British Prime Minister Reaffirms 'Special Relationship' in First U.S. Summit Brown More Bulldog Than Poodle WASHINGTON SKETCH | Camp David meeting shows there's a new British prime minister in town. Sept. 10 in Waziristan What Will Be Done About al-Qaeda's Camps? By David Ignatius Don't Treat Russia like a Third World Country William Arkin Another Poke in the Eye to Islam A Dismal Picture of Life in Iraq Nearly a Third of Population Needs Emergency Aid, Report Says Iran Is Critical as U.S. Unveils Arms Sales in the Middle East Kremlin-Friendly Tycoon Poised to Buy Energy Company Brown, Democrats and the Bush Endgame Editorial Pakistani Premier 'Disappointed' by U.S. Pressure Obama and the 'They' Sayers By Eugene Robinson, Are white Americans really, truly prepared to elect an African American president? Seriously, is a nation with such a long and shameful history of brutal slavery, Jim Crow segregation and persistent racism actually going to put a black man in the White House? | H6 Guardian Leader Leaders bond, Iraq splits Camp David: The reality in Iraq will not be finessed by cleverly worded answers at press conferences. The death of this crackpot creed is nothing to mourn John Gray: The wider conflict now engulfing Iraq lays bare the absurdity of liberal interventionism - and the decline of US power. Children hardest hit in Iraq crisis Ravaged by war ... and poverty Jonathan Steele: Iraq is turning into a humanitarian disaster, a new report shows. Russia sends in firefighters to battle Greek fires Athens' conservative government fends off claims of ineptitude and apologises for its handling of the disaster. What should be special about the relationship Tom Porteous: Gordon Brown has spoken about the 'shared values' between the UK and US. But will his meeting with George Bush cover justice and human rights? Brown stresses shared values in talks with Bush PM uses first summit with US president to make his case on troops in Iraq. Ewen MacAskill: Mr Brown goes to Washington Gordon Brown finessed his hand: he reaffirmed British-American ties, but signalled the beginning of withdrawal from Iraq. Brown's contempt for democracy has dragged Britain into a new cold war George Monbiot: The prime minister has broken his word and put us all at risk by allowing a US missile defence base on the North York Moors. Iran opens doors of nuclear plant Paying lip service Edward Pearce Jul 30 07, 05:00pm: Unlike Tony Blair, Gordon Brown doesn't seem interested in playing the 'world statesman' role. Good. Germany may end ransom pay |
H7 UPI Analysis: Cheney favors attack on Iran Newsweek Gideon Rose: Things are not going as badly in the world as most people think. A Cure for Oil Addicts - Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek Gulf Rising The Gulf’s Big Bang The Pitfalls of Buying Culture From HNN, an article on Henry Kissinger’s lessons for George W. Bush. A review of Henry Kissinger and the American Century by Jeremi Suri. Getting out of a war requires as much planning as getting into one. Here are five questions that any administration will have to answer as part of an exit from Iraq. Joe Biden’s so-called soft-partition plan, which calls for dividing Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions, seems to be gaining support as the best way out of a bad situation. Defeat Without Disaster: Fred Kaplan on the least bad plan for leaving Iraq An article on exploring a shift in views about the Iraq invasion. Washington Times Editorial A glimmer of hope in Iraq, and at home There is substantial evidence that the surge is working, that terrorist "whack-a-mole" is not the inevitable state of affairs in Iraq, and hence that there is hope yet for a self-sustaining Iraq — as long as U.S. lawmakers do not cut off the war effort. Al Awsat Iraq: Are Two Years Enough? : Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed Al hayat Are the Arabs Convinced of Iraq's Division? Moustafa Zein Bush-Brown is different than Bush-Blair As President Bush considers his options in Iraq, he may want to think about how his choices will affect his successor — and his current rivals Brookings American Policy and Pakistan Stephen P. Cohen, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Heritage US Policy and Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons: Containing Threats and Encouraging Regional Security "The Limits of State Sovereignty: The Responsibility to Protect in the 21st Century", Gareth Evans | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor Rice: Iran now the biggest U.S. strategic challenge in Mideast Petraeus: Big US Presence in Iraq Until Mid-2009 BBC US military aid for Middle East Condoleezza Rice announces billions of dollars in military aid to Middle Eastern allies. Corruption 'mars Iraq rebuilding' Corruption and mishandling of projects are hampering reconstruction efforts in Iraq, a US report warns. Analysis: Iraqi humanitarian crisis UN inspectors visit key Iran site Outlook Plan Guarantees Rights of Iranian Ethnic Minorities - Official Legislative Progress Report: Iraqi Parliament (PDF; 327 KB) Iraq's parliament adjourns until September; holiday is constitutional right... Reports: Russia to sell long-range fighter jets to Teheran... UPI Benchmarks: A necessary service -- Part 1 Washington Institute Jordanian Islamists and Municipal Elections: Confirmation of a Problematic Trend? DEBKA Reports: Iran buys 250 long-distance Sukhoi fighter-bombers, 20 fuel tankers, from Russia Baghdad Raid Night - Michael Totten, Middle East Journal Iraq Asks for Delay of Vice President Abd-Al-Mahdi's Visit to Syria Jul 31 IA# 378 - Syrian Oppositionists Criticize Oppression of Young People in Syria European Hypocrisy: A Palestinian View Al Hayat Al-Qaida is Partners with the De Facto Power in the Wars of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine Raghida Dergham - The neighboring states of Syria and Israel might do well to think farther than their dance of mutual interests at the expense of Lebanon. The little wolf that they are raising in their neighborhood might turn into a monster that turns on them | H9 Ha’aretz - Arab League welcomes 'positive elements' of Bush Mideast plan Congressmen: We'll try to block proposed Saudi arms deal Danny Dayan: Without Israel, Hamas will take over West Bank New Guest: Hostility to Israel in the Democratic Party Arens Violating the norms of democracy Marcus Seven comments on the situation Jerusalem Post 'Arms deal may not buy Saudi help in peace process' Our World: America's best friends Analysis: From winds of war to seeds of peace? 'Press Iran, Syria for Lebanese peace' Salaam Fayad: Resistance is legitimate Yedioth 'Ahmadinejad worships bomb' Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine McClatchy Hamas charges Palestinian Authority with spying for the United States Stranded Palestinians return to Gaza, fear bleak future Bintel Brief: Alan Dershowitz on ‘Scooter’ Libby and Jonathan Pollard Hamas Victory Brings Secrets |
H10 Christian Science Monitor US credit woes ripple across globe Can the global economy shake off economic weaknesses in the US? Rice, Gates trip signals united front The Secretaries of State and Defense set out for the Middle East to make a case for US initiatives. West Bank scholars push for spiritual reply to Hamas extremism To compete with a more powerful Hamas, religious scholars from the rival Fatah Party advocate embracing religion. US to supply $20 billion in arms to Gulf countries Texas alone could hold 40 years' worth of US emissions. As icecaps melt, Russia races for Arctic's resources Russia is staking out internationally administered lands said to hold vast energy reserves. ASIA A Sino-American Turf Battle In Pakistan? PINR "India's Interests at Stake in Relationship with China" Full text of report ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT BRIEFING Nuclear-power politics America and India agree a deal on nuclear co-operation The Long-Term U.S.-China Economic Relationship: Getting It Right by John Hulsman Policy Watch: Japan's cultural power Managing China's Ascent - Thomas Barnett, US News & World Report Recent/Updated CRS Reports: China (PDFs) Demography of HIV/AIDS in China | H11 IHT Plugging the democracy gap America should remember that democracy is not an end in itself, but a means to the end of securing individual liberty. Brown and Bush vow to stay the course Israel's incredible shrinking sea Signs of contagion in the U.S. housing downturn EUROPE European press review Reciprocity will not Secure Europe's Energy CER | H12 RFE/RLBeslan Mothers Say New Video Refutes Official Version Kazakhstan To Reexamine Contract With Italy's Eni Google News Azerbaijan Outside View: Shanghai Pact plans By NIKITA PETROV UPI Outside View Commentator Asia Times A new crisis in Russia-Iran relations Tehran is convinced that Russia's decision to postpone the completion of the Bushehr nuclear reactor in Iran is the result of pressure from the United States. Regardless, the decision could be a body blow for Moscow-Tehran ties, and raises serious doubts about Iran's inclusion in an emerging power bloc that includes Russia and China. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi EDM RUSSIAN SPECIAL SERVICES THRIVE IN QUASI-COLD WAR SETTING US doesn't want Armenia to choose between EU and Russia |
H13 The Times Brown walks a tightrope on terror with Bush Gordon Brown gives reassurance over British troops in Iraq but officials insist decisions will be independent of US wishes Leader Brown’s Tougher Test China must be called to account over the Darfur tragedy Chinese storms hit 200 million Violent storms and floods, which experts say are a consequence of global warming, have affected nearly 20% of China's population Wall Street Journal The Real Wiretapping Scandal Disproportionately Undemocratic Asia Times For the markets, global chill It is no longer accurate to blame the current world equity-market selloff on the "subprimes", as if it were the case that if only that problem went away, everything would be fine. Rather, it's fear of the unknown that's driving the stampede - nobody knows how much bad debt the banks and brokerages have on their portfolios, or to what extent the ocean of easy money that propelled the recent boom has frozen over. - Julian Delasantellis Emerging markets bright spot in credit chaos | H14 Financial Times COMMENT: Watch your step in the liquidity polka No big financial institution wants to step off the dance floor while the liquidity music is still playing, writes Henry Kaufman COMMENT: Revealed: the hidden story behind conspiracy theories If you start from the notion that the mainstream news is nonsense, then almost anything could be true, writes Gideon Rachman Iraqi parliament misses key deadline Iraq’s government has missed its deadline to compile a list of people eligible to vote in a December referendum, officials of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan autonomous region said NATIONAL NEWS: A subtle revision of the special relationship Death of cleric opens way for Rafsanjani The death of Ayatollah Ali Akbar Meshkini, chairman of Iran’s powerful Assembly of Experts, leaves the way open for his replacement by the influential former president Putin camp looks to return in 2012 A senior ally of Vladimir Putin has fuelled speculation that the Russian leader could return to the presidence four years after an interim candidate is elected next year Brown to delay Iraq troops decision Gordon Brown put George Bush on two months’ notice that all British troops could be pulled from combat duties in Iraq, but he agreed to delay the decision until after September’s crucial report on US military strategy NATIONAL NEWS: Brown puts Bush on notice over Iraq Slovenia ready to take on EU giants In January, Slovenia – an Alpine country of 2m people – will be running the presidency of the EU, a bloc of almost 500m people, a sign and a test of the country’s growing maturity EU membership plan drives Kosovo offerSlovenia will try to persuade Serbia to give Kosovo independence in exchange for a chance to join the European Union, when it takes the EU presidency next year Europe in fire and water onslaught Billions of dollars in damage has been wreaked by freak weather across Europe. The death toll from the heat, fires, floods and storms has mounted to the high hundreds Paulson says China needs broader reforms Currency policy is just one part of broader economic reforms that Beijing must undertake to maintain growth and competitiveness, Hank Paulson, US Treasury secretary, said FT REPORT - FT FUND MANAGEMENT: A transformation has taken place in emerging markets MARKETS AND INVESTING: Tumble for emerging markets ...based on emerging market credits, increasingly used by investors to take a market view, also saw wild price swings.For instance, Turkey's five-year credit default swaps, a kind of insurance against default, jumped 22bp yesterday to about 240bp, meaning the annual... COMMENT: Why Brown is likely to sit tight Brown had a hand in most big decisions of the past decade, but Blair has been airbrushed from the narrative, writes Philip Stephens Rice unveils arms deals to counter Iran WORLD NEWS: Bush faces hurdle on arms deal WORLD NEWS: Oil group warned over delay to Kazakh project Editorial Japan’s election was won by default Shinzo Abe and the LDP deserved to lose this weekend’s upper house election. The problem for Japan is that Ichiro Ozawa and the DPJ did not deserve to win ANALYSIS: Abe at bay Abe is barely clinging on after defeat in the upper house elections while the resurgent opposition may cause problems for Washington COMMENT: Paradox plays a part in a modern fable of economics Investors must heed the gambler’s advice: if you don’t know who is the patsy in the room, it’s you, writes John Kay Sarkozy should bring clarity into public life The French president’s commission to examine constitutional reform is an ideal vehicle to address the issue Credit insurance costs soar to record The cost of insurance against credit defaults hit record levels on both sides of the Atlantic amid concerns that some investors were being forced to sell assets to cover losses on subprime mortgages | H15 Los Angeles Times Malthusian misery's comeback Niall Ferguson With the world population growth outpacing food supply, say goodbye to the era of unlimited improvement. Editorial Bush's folly: His fixation on Al Qaeda's role in Iraq reveals the shallowness of his thinking — and of the U.S. strategy on fighting terrorism. By By Paul Josephson The industry has never proved that it can deliver on its far-fetched dreams. |
H16 American Politics LA Times Foreign policy is central in 2008 presidential races From National Journal, no U.S. president is ever completely lame, but President Bush is hobbled by an unpopular war, scandal, a strong opposition and circumstance From The Nation, John Nichols on why the burgeoning movement to impeach Bush and Cheney is a rational response at a time when 80 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction Analysis: Flashy debate exchange isn't the same as governing What's he ever done?
DAVID BROOKS Edwards, Obama and the Poor John Edwards and Barack Obama agree on a lot, but on poverty they emphasize different things. Our national funk Only 25 percent of Americans are positive about the direction of the nation, down from 41 percent in 2002. Votescam: Hendrik Hertzberg on how at first glance next year’s Presidential election looks like a blowout. Not so fast: They've got the money, the momentum, and what looks like history on their side. But a Democratic victory in 2008 is no sure thing. Seventeen Candidates in Search of a Story: Only a few of the '08 frontrunners has grasped the importance of the campaign narrative and build a successful story around their candidacies Does Europe have higher-tech health care than the US? Jonathan Cohn investigates. realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | H17 Daily Telegraph Gordon Brown plots own course in Iraq Gordon Brown prepared the ground yesterday for the withdrawal of British troops from the frontline in Iraq. Rachel Sylvester: Still shoulder to shoulder Britain remains the most solid of Bush's allies Key points for discussion | Sketch What they said, what they meant PM gives a signal that he's no poodle Not Love Actually; still shoulder to shoulder Of course Gordon Brown and George Bush bonded at Camp David, says Rachel Sylvester, but there was clearly a greater degree of formality in their relationship. Iran opens nuclear site to UN inspectors Imram Khan: Musharraf must resign President has lost touch with Pakistan, says the former cricket star. | H18 Independent Britain will take troops out of Iraq regardless of US, says PM Gordon Brown has paved the way for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq by telling George Bush he would not delay their exit in order to show unity with the United States. Buttoned-up Brown plays it straight as Bush extols his great British virtues Leading Article: Straight talk; and an interesting soundbite US to arm Israel and Arab states in $60bn deal The Big Question: Why is Japan's leader on the ropes, and where does it leave his country? future? |
H19Military Intelligence TerrorismU.S. Nuclear Weapons Strategy Delivered To Congress Source: U.S. Department of Defense + Full Document (PDF; 228 KB) From Mercenaries to Market: The Rise and Regulation of Private Military Companies (Introduction) Germany may end ransom pay Fishing for terrorist starfish For al Qaeda, lack of structure is a strength. Little thought is given, however, to how such a decentralized terrorist network structure affects the strategy for combating it. | H20 Slate God-Fearing PeopleWhy are we so scared of offending Muslims? From Slate, the Torture Two-Step: Phillip Carter on Bush's new torture order and its loopholes The Serious Business of Happiness How Wiki Software is Changing Communication Is America the new Roman Empire? Sure. It dominates the planet with its armies, economy, language, and culture as much as Rome ever did... more» Economic Mobility of Immigrants in the United States Source: Economic Mobility Project (Pew Charitable Trusts) Treasury Releases Business Taxation and Global Competitiveness Background Paper Population Issues in the 21st Century: The Role of the World Bank The devil in democracy: A review of The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies by Bryan Caplan and The Rise of the Unelected: Democracy and the New Separation of Powers by Frank Vibert American voters speak: Baaa! Wealthy parents see their children's parties as an opportunity to display generosity and affluence. Interview With Hitler's Bodyguard: The Secrets of Hitler's Last Living Aide “The Soviet Union is a land of miracles, and from time to time the KGB likes to create reality.” In 1976, David Satter met two Estonian dissidents... more» | H21 Ingmar Bergman, perhaps the greatest film artist of all time, has died at his home in Sweden at the age of 89 ... AP ... Time ... Telegraph ... Guardian ... Wash Post ... Bloomberg ... London Times ... AFP ... Reuters ... NY Times ... BBC ... Guardian ... CanWest ... SF Chron ... Chic Trib ... Seattle PI ... Slate ... Telegraph ... Boston Globe ... London Times ... LA Times ... Newsweek ... NYMag ... He was a giant of the stage too. Guardian Ingmar Bergman dies at 89 Legendary Swedish director was most famous for Seventh Seal. Leader Through a glass clearly Independent Leading Article: Cries and whispers The master: Ingmar Bergman 1918 - 2007 Film director Paul Schrader: I would not have made any of my films or written scripts such as Taxi Driver had it not been for Ingmar Bergman Ingmar Bergman: A morally flawed recluse, but a director touched by genius FT Ingmar Bergman’s searing honesty Obituary: A great European film-maker Kurds Rally to Iraqi Team Despite Separatist Dreams BBC Cinema's poet Artistic giant Selected films of Ingmar Bergman The critical buzz on the great Swedish director.
Swedish Director Probed Darkness of Human Psyche Photographs | Profile | Filmography | Times Topics Newshour Famed Filmmaker Ingmar Bergman Leaves Iconic Legacy Enhanced video Wikipedia and the intelligence services: Is the Net's popular encyclopedia marred by disinformation? Quick off the blog: Josh Marshall's TPM Cafe has become a platform for single-handedly exposing US presidential controversies and keeping political issues alive, leaving traditional news media trailing in its wake Little millionaires who want for nothing, except maybe more time with Mum and Dad: An excerpt from Richistan: A Journey Through the 21st Century Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich by Robert Frank Can Gates, Soros and Branson create a better world? Saving the planet used to be a hobby practiced by treehuggers and other romantics. Now it has become the business of executives and billionaires. Pragmatists like Bill Gates, George Soros and Richard Branson are outdoing themselves in a bid to save the planet by applying a good dose of entrepreneurial spirit. Financial Times explores TV deals to fight Murdoch · News Corp-owned Wall St Journal poses threat Analysis: Coffee and exercise often wise Research welcome as caffeine and cardiovascular exercise are almost always beneficial Wikipedia launches DIY search engine Jimmy Wales, the Wikipedia founder, has said that internet users will soon be able to influence the way the web is searched STUDY: DRUDGE REPORT SENDS 25% OF ALL U.S. WEB TRAFFIC TO UK NEWS SITES... |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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