21 June 2007
  June 21, 2007

0621-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 Guardian Unless Europe gets its act together, the world will continue to ignore it Timothy Garton Ash: Holland, Poland and Britain are all threatening to pull the plug on a new EU treaty. But to do so would be disastrous.

The west has created fertile ground for al-Qaida's growth Soumaya Ghannoushi: The occupation and obstruction of peace has helped to pave the way for this terrifying new presence in Palestine.

Atlantic Monthly July/August issue. China Makes, The World Takes A look inside the world’s manufacturing center shows that America should welcome China’s rise—for now. [Web only: Slideshow: "Made in China."] by James Fallows

Superiority Complex Why America’s growing nuclear supremacy may make war with China more likely
by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press

Saudi Arabia’s Rise? The Atlantic recently asked a group of foreign-policy authorities about Saudi Arabia and how it could shape the future of the Middle East.

Washington Post Top Iraqi Officials Growing Restless Vice President Has Tried to Quit; Shiite Leaders in Disarray

Bush's Make-Do Team By David Ignatius, Sailors have a colorful phrase to describe a boat that is so close to the wind that it has stopped dead in the water -- unable to fill its sails and make any headway. They say the boat is "in irons."

Financial Times Editorial Globalisation needs more than PR to be sold to its losers If it proceeds in an atmosphere of resentment, its undoubted overall benefits will be at risk

WORLD NEWS: Bush aides drift away amid little sense of purpose

US denies backing Blair for Mideast

New York Times U.S. Is Urging Blair to Be Lead Mideast Envoy If the proposal goes forward, Tony Blair would represent the “quartet” of world powers in talks between Israelis and Palestinians

Shiite Rivalries Slash at a Once Calm Iraqi City Unrest in Diwaniya reflects a new landscape in which Shiite groups no longer look to politics to allocate power.

A Leader of Hamas Warns of West Bank Peril for Fatah

News Analysis: Hamas Conquest of Gaza Disturbs Arab World With Echoes of Recent Splits and Alliances

Christian Science Monitor US military's new Iraq strategy: religious conciliation Last week's meeting in Baghdad - the largest of its kind in 37 years - included warring Sunnis and Shiites.

CEPS Weighting votes in the Council: Towards a Warsaw compromise?

Anthony Cordesman: US is Frog Quickly Boiling in Iraq Pot

Stratfor The Geopolitics of the Palestinians

Geopolitical Diary: The Saudi Role in a Deal over Iraq Stratfor -

From Calamity to Full-Blown Catastrophe in Palestine By: Rami G. Khouri | The Daily Star
The separation of the West Bank and Gaza into separate political entities run respectively by Fatah and Hamas is a calamity.

The Three-State Solution By: Jacob Savage | Los Angeles Times
Separating Gaza from the West Bank makes more historical sense than forming a unified Palestinian nation.

WSJ Fatah Isn't the Answer
The PA has gotten more aid per capita than any entity in modern history—more than Europe under the Marshall Plan. By MICHAEL OREN

Tony Karon The 8 Fallacies of Bush’s Abbastan Plan

IHT Germany seems resigned to failure on EU treaty Ahead of a EU summit meeting, deep disagreements remain over key issues, ranging from a proposal to create a powerful foreign policy chief to a revamped voting system.

It's up to Hamas now
It is Hamas, the movement, that must now decide whether it becomes a nation-builder or remains mired in violence.

Wary of Future, Russia Confronts U.S., EU Now - Ian Bremmer, RCP

Why Colin Powell Spoke Out - Lawrence Wilkerson, Salt Lake Tribune

Overhauling Intelligence - Mike McConnell, Foreign Affairs

Break Up to Make Up The National Interest Online by James W. Riley

CSIS US-Russia Relations after the G8

Russia-US Relations: Past, Present, Future Victor B. Kuvaldin, Vladimir Pechatnov, Mikhail Troitskiy, Francis J. Gavin, Ethan Kapstein, Mark Kramer, James M. Lindsay

The Economist China and India

Salon The CIA's torture teachers

Imperial presidency declared null and void

H2 Foreign Affairs Turkey Rediscovers the Middle East
F. Stephen Larrabee In a departure from its traditional foreign policy, Turkey is now becoming an important player in the Middle East. Turkey's growing concern over Kurdish nationalism has brought Ankara closer to the governments of Iran and Syria, which also contend with restive Kurds at home. Although troubling, this shift could be an opportunity for Washington and its allies to use Turkey as a bridge to the Middle East. Read Preview

FT Peace on hold in the PKK's Iraq hideouts

Turkish PM says Iraq cross-border operation on table

Guardian Iraqi politicians agree deal on sharing oil Kurdish leaders said they had struck an important deal with Baghdad over a law to divide up Iraq's oil revenues.

UPI Politics & Policies: Turkey turns eastward By CLAUDE SALHANI

Middle East Nightmare RealClearPolitics

ABD: "Türkiye'nin laik demokrasisine güvenimiz var"

US envoy cautions Turkey over ‘carrots’ offered to Iran

Türkiye'ye 'İran'la ilişkiler' uyarısı

US push for Turk-Iraqi Kurd cooperation against PKK going nowhere

AB Üyeliğine Destek Azalıyor

BBC Zirve gündemi
AB Zirvesi gündemini Zeynel Lüle ile değerlendirdik

EU leaves Turkey decision to last minute

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Will Turkish military and Russian flirtation end in marriage?

MGK firm on Cyprus, pledges all-out fight against terror

Think tank verdict: Nationalism is ‘driving the nation apart’


From the Archive - Pacification in Algeria, 1956-1958 By David Galula Full Document

American Chronicle: Anti-Turkish Hysteria from the Financial Times: A Challenge to Democracy

Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media

Dil ulusçuluğunun çıkmaz sokakları

Birleşik Kürt devleti bir gerçek mı yoksa hayal mı? Serraf Özdemir

Barzani Teknolojisi yüksek ordu yakında hazır

Rizgari ADD, Mesut Barzani’yi ve Kürdistan Sorunu'nu Türkiye gündemine oturtmuştur

Sömürgeci İran Ordusu, Kürdistan’ı yakıyor

Irak: PKK'yı engelledik! El Cezire'de iki gündür yayımlanan görüntülere göre PKK'lılar ağır silahlarıyla konuşlandıkları bölgelerinde eğitim faaliyetlerini de sürdürüyor

MGK: Koşullar ne olursa olsun önlemler alınacak

Former BBP head: DTP should declare PKK terrorist organization

Clinton: Kürtler K.Irak'ta toplumlarını kuruyor

Anti-Barzani campaign in Turkey frustrates the Kurds who remain silent
New Anatolian

TESEV'den milliyetçilik raporu: Türk-Kürt ayrımcılığı artıyor

Talabani Heads for China

Turkey, the Kurds and the US By Gene Rossides Hellenic News of America

Cudi'ye askerî yığınak

Gerekirse Kuzey Irak'a operasyon yaparız

Denizli, 132'nci şehidine ağladı

Öteki Irak
Kumru Başer'in hazırladığı araştırma dizisini dinlemek için tıklayın

Sınır ötesi PKK harekâtı masada

MGK sonrası 'terör brifingi'

'K.Irak'a operasyon masada'

DTP’den Erdoğan’a: Televizyonda tartışalım

DTP'den Erdoğan'a 'koalisyon' yanıtı YENİ

DTP: Erdoğan'ın üslubu saldırgan

Mehmet Ağar: Terörü bir yılda bitiririm

Turkey to help Iraq on energy

Baykal Cenevre'de Talabani'ye PKK terörünü soracak

Deniz Baykal Cenevre'de Irak'ı konuşacak

Operasyon seçeneklerden biri

Cezaevindeki adaya DTP desteği

Güler Kömürcü Bu bir aşk yazısıdır

Demokrat Parti: Bucak operasyonu imajımızı bozmaz

İBRAHİM KARAGÜL Bu soruları sormak bile ne kadar zor!

Fikret Ertan İsrail-Hindistan ilişkileri

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

Poll shows trust in EU institutions falling in Turkey

“Türkiye’nin yanındayız müzakere durmayacak”

Mithat Melen Stratejik Düşünme

Avrupalı AB'den memnun Türkler değil

France says EU can open two new chapters with Turkey

Sarkozy Türklere ayna tuttu Daniel Vernet

Rehn backs Turkish membership in France

İbrahim Kalın How big is Europe?

Türkel Kuzey Kıbrıs'ın tanıtımını kim yapacak?

Rehn'den Sarkozy'ye: Hedef tam üyelik

Türkiye'de AB'ye destek yüzde 52

Eastern Mediterranean Oil Politics
World Press Review

AB'ye en az Türkler güveniyor

Andrew Finkel Dreams of EU-topia

EU official: Turkish secularism is quite dangerous

As in 1915 the Turkish Government Once Again Tries to Silence Armenians

Antalya Havalimanı ihalesine soruşturma

Derya SAZAK Kaldırım çetesi

Karakolda 'çöplükten buldum' dediği bombaları, mahkemede inkar etti

Muzaffer Tekin'in arkadaşı emekli binbaşı da gözaltında

Bucak'ın adamlarından işletme sahibine: Kurşun adres sormaz

Şemdinli astsubaylarının tahliye taleplerine üst mahkemeden ret

Emekli albay gözaltında

Erdil'in eşinin beraat gerekçesi: Kristal vazo olmak yasadışı değil

PKK'lılara 25 bin YTL'ye çürük raporu

'Merak etme seeen, merak etme seeen!' Perihan Mağden

ARTS AND TELEVISION: Pera Palas Arcola Theatre, London

Başbakanlık: Alevilik İslam'ın alt kimliği

Murad’ı deşifre etti

Cami avlularını sloganların mekânı yapmak doğru değil

MHP'den 'Başbakan'ın gafları' klibi

Uzan: Namussuzum fındık 8 YTL olacak

MHP'den seçmeli Kuran okuma dersi

Deniz Ülke Arıboğan Medyatize hayatlar

American Intifada Middle East Forum - Inspired by the success of Ülker, a Turkish corporation long associated with Islamist causes, to replace Coca-Cola with its Cola Turka,

BBC 21 Haziran 2007 Basın Özeti

H3 Genelkurmay Basın Açıklaması 16

Yasemin ÇongarHaberde gazetecilik kuralları açısından sorun yok

ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Hudson'ı yazan gazeteci ne diyor?

Fehmi Koru Bu işte bir yanlışlık var

Davetiye ekinde "Türkiye senaryosu" ayrıntıları

MGK’da terör yolu haritaları açıldı

MGK'dan kararlılık mesajı

Genelkurmay'a sürpriz ziyaret

Ertuğrul Özkök Kızmak, sinirlenmek pahasına

Müthiş Brookings senaryosu

Cüneyt Ülsever Kuzey Irak için öneriler

Bilal Çetin Erdoğan’ın büyük sürprizi ne?

Fikret BİLA İktidar seçenekleri

Ruşen Çakır MHP çıtayı belirledi: 1999’daki patlama

MHP seçim beyannamesi (pdf)


MHP yabancı sermayeye karşı değil, aksine teşvik verecek

CHP'nin vaatlerinde bir tek cennet eksik

ERDAL ŞAFAK CHP'nin seçim bildirgesi


Partiler vaatte sınır tanımıyor

Mehmet Şimşek ‘Unemployment will be our top priority’

AKP'den 'iş' vaadi

Cengiz Çandar Washington’daki balçık Ankara güneşi ile sıvanamıyor...

Yabancı yatırımcının en korktuğu senaryo Murat Yetkin

Seyfettin Gürsel 22 Temmuz sonrasının en kritik sorusu

Cephaneliğe bir ilginç gözaltı daha

Nasuhi Güngör Baran-Bryza ve Türk-Amerikan ilişkileri

[Yorum - Dr. Ümit Kardaş] Türkiye 'yargı reformu'nu ıskalıyor!

Bilderbergçi MHP'liden ilginç çıkış

MGK sonrası sürpriz brifing

Düşünce özgürlüğü askere de lazım İsmet Berkan

Şahin Alpay Batı nedir?

Güneri CIVAOĞLU Bir rapor okudum, değişmedim

DTP ile HÖH aynı mı? Hasan Celal Güzel

Can Ataklı Başbakan’ın 36 etnik kimlikten söz etmesi bölücülüktür

Semih İDİZ Kimlik çelişkilerimizi depreştiren gelişmeler

TESEV: Milliyetçi duygular bölücü bir rol oynuyor

MGK bildirisi bulunan CD'yi arkadaşım verdi

Emekli binbaşı Öztürk de gözaltında

Reha Çamuroğlu’dan Çarpıcı açıklamalar

Cemevi sürprizi

Diyanet: İslam üst, Alevilik alt kimlik

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç

Fehmi Koru Bu işte bir yanlışlık var

ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Neden Yasemin Çongar'a inanmayalım?

Hasan CEMAL Evet, kıyamet kopmalıydı!

NAZLI ILICAK Genelkurmay'ın son açıklaması üzerine...

Ekrem Dumanlı Türkiye'nin karizması çizilirken...

Ahmet Hakan Başka tür şehit annesi

M Ali Birand Aksine, Oyak ile gurur duyun…

MAHMUT ÖVÜR 'MHP'ye karşı insafsızlar'

İncitici bir tablo Nuray Mert

Hüseyin Gülerce Türkiye, çetelere teslim, öyle mi?

Hüseyin Gülerce American and Turkish ultranationalists hand in hand

Mümtazer Türköne Sizin de bir senaryonuz olsun!

Kütük ve nüfus yazımı (2) Tarhan Erdem

Oktay Ekşi Debreli Recep...

Doğan HEPER ABD, Türkleri kaybetti...

'Oyunuzu israf etmeyin!' Turgut Tarhanlı

Sedat Laçiner Who is the Enemy of the US in Turkey?

Mustafa Erdoğan Kadınlar ve siyaset

İhsan Dağı Who is the scriptwriter of the Hudson Institute?

[Yorum - M. Naci Bostancı] 'Kamuoyu kimin oyu?'

İsmail Küçükkaya Kayalar: “Bizimki tarihi bir sorumluluk”

Mehmet Tezkan Meydanları izliyorum.. Yorumum şu: Felakete kürek çekiyoruz..

Şakir Süter Bu nasıl favori?

ERGUN BABAHAN Savunma sanayisi ve bankalar

Ve TSK da konuştu Genelkurmay: Hudson'a ataşe izinle gitti. SAREM heyeti tesadüfen oradaydı

Açıklama beş gün sonra geldi


Genelkurmay: Askerler, Hudson'a kısa süreli katıldı

Belated denial by Turkish military on Hudson scenarios

Ermenilere göre, AK Parti daha laik

AKP söz verdi: Yaşam tarzına müdahale yok

Emin Çölaşan Bay Başkan’dan kurtulmaya az kaldı ELİMDE

Yalçın Doğan Yüzde 42 KGB ve CIA artık gereksiz

Ardan Zentürk Asıl tehlike: Sivilin askerleşmesi...

Ve senaryonun kimin eseri olduğu açıklığa kavuştu

Independents will make their mark on the 2007 elections by Dr. BİROL AKGÜN*

Oyak defends contradictory stance, denies army ties

Taha AKYOL Oyakbank da gitti!

Mehmet Altan OYAK hakkında bütün bilmek istedikleriniz

İbrahim Öztürk Ulusalcılar küreselleşiyor mu?

Emekli subaylar rahatsız

'Oyakbank Ordu'nun bankası değil'

Oyakbank satılmamalı Yiğit Bulut

Hurşit GÜNEŞ Oyakbank'ın satışı çok olumlu

Vizyon buraya kadar mı?

İbrahim Öztürk The business of the Turkish bourgeoisie

'Tüpraş satılmasın' diyen Ulusoy'un kırmızı beyaz tişörtü ne oldu?

UMUR TALU Büyük lokma... Büyük konuşma

Yiğit Bulut Homo ekonomikus kim

Engin Ardıç Askerin bankası olur mu?

Mehmet Barlas Türkiye süper güç olsaydı, dünyanın kafası karışırdı…

Ercan Kumcu İşgücü talebi artıyor ama istihdam artmıyor

Erdal Sağlam Bal gibi seçim ekonomisi

Şahenk: Ekonomide büyük değişim yaşandı

EMRE AKÖZ Atatürk ve ekonomi

Güngör URAS Uyarının cezası 5 milyon YTL

Yaman TÖRÜNER Eşdeğer ilaç kullanımını nasıl artırabiliriz?

Demokrasi ve enflasyon hedeflemesi
Korkmaz İlkorur

Deniz Gökçe Ayakta alkışa devam!

Salih Neftçi Dikkatli bir yatırımcının ilginç saptaması

Meral TAMER TÜİK'in yeni sistemine itiraz var

H4 New York Times U.S. Is Urging Blair to Be Lead Mideast Envoy If the proposal goes forward, Tony Blair would represent the “quartet” of world powers in talks between Israelis and Palestinians

Shiite Rivalries Slash at a Once Calm Iraqi City Unrest in Diwaniya reflects a new landscape in which Shiite groups no longer look to politics to allocate power.

A Leader of Hamas Warns of West Bank Peril for Fatah

News Analysis: Hamas Conquest of Gaza Disturbs Arab World With Echoes of Recent Splits and Alliances

Editorial Trying to Unite Europe, Again With all the challenges out there, Europe needs a strong union and the United States needs a strong European partner.

Heavy Fighting as U.S. Troops Squeeze Insurgents in Iraq City

Zoellick Obtains Board Support to Lead World Bank, Officials Say

U.S. Courting a Somewhat Skittish Friend in Central Asia

Kazakhstan Ballot Called 2 Years Early

Unusual Court Case at Center of Pakistan’s Political Fight

U.S. to Hold Direct Talks in North Korea on Arms

For 2 Years, Bloomberg Aides Prepared for Bid

Giuliani May See a Rival in Successor

Editorial Trying to Unite Europe, Again With all the challenges out there, Europe needs a strong union and the United States needs a strong European partner.

TIMOTHY EGAN Republicans Losing the West In the American West, the closer you get to the border, the more voters back politicians who are looking for middle ground on immigration reform.

H5 Washington Post Top Iraqi Officials Growing Restless Vice President Has Tried to Quit; Shiite Leaders in Disarray

Bush's Make-Do Team By David Ignatius, Sailors have a colorful phrase to describe a boat that is so close to the wind that it has stopped dead in the water -- unable to fill its sails and make any headway. They say the boat is "in irons."

Rice Orders That Diplomatic Jobs in Iraq Be Filled First

Lincoln's Example for Iraq By Carl Levin

Blair May Become Special Mideast Envoy Bush Administration Envisions Role With Focus on Palestinians

Dozens of Insurgents Killed in Iraq Offensive Bombmaking Material Found in Diyala Province

William Arkin A 'Secret' Weapon in the War Against Terror?

U.S. Refuses to Free 5 Captured Iranians Until at Least October

A Quiet Revolution In Money By Robert J. Samuelson It's one of those vast social upheavals that everyone understands but that hardly anyone notices, because it seems too ordinary: The long-predicted "cashless society" has quietly arrived, or nearly so; currency, coins and checks are receding as ways of doing everyday business; we've become Plasti...

Israel Allows Some Palestinians to Leave Gaza

Military Battles Gunmen In Strip and West Bank


Gatekeepers of Hillaryland The Candidate's Coterie From Her White House Days Is Back Together, All for One and One for All

Editorial Mr. Johnston's 100th Day In Gaza, a BBC journalist in captivity since March 12

H6 Guardian Unless Europe gets its act together, the world will continue to ignore it Timothy Garton Ash: Holland, Poland and Britain are all threatening to pull the plug on a new EU treaty. But to do so would be disastrous.

The west has created fertile ground for al-Qaida's growth Soumaya Ghannoushi: The occupation and obstruction of peace has helped to pave the way for this terrifying new presence in Palestine.

Blair could take up role as Middle East peace envoy

Who won the election? Ian Williams: By continuing to punish Hamas, Israel and the US are ignoring the democratic will of Palestinians.

Hamas leader calls for talks with Fatah
· But senior figure in Gaza rules out fresh elections · Islamists tighten grip but have little political clout

Germany clash with UK on rights
Germans want charter of fundamental rights to be legally enforceable as part of a new EU deal.

The brutal truth Will Hutton Until the Chinese political system changes, there can be no progress on reducing its carbon emissions.

We must take the lead Isabel Hilton: China, now the world's biggest polluter, will only act on climate change if we lead by example.

Mental stress of troops no bar to longer duty, US says Pentagon could extend combat tours in Iraq despite an official report showing US troops suffer from post-traumatic stress.

That other noble cause Richard Norton-Taylor: Spiralling violence and civilian deaths suggest British troops should get out of Afghanistan too.

Tribes vow to fight Talibanisation
Call to arms from moderates abandoned by Islamabad on chaotic Afghan frontier.

Bloomberg snaps Republican ties
New York mayor sparks speculation of making a third-party bid for the White House next year by severing his ties with Republicans and declaring himself a 'political independent'.

Take Mike Bloomberg - please!

Eric Alterman Short Jewish billionaires from Manhattan who love gun control, gays and abortionists don't win national elections.

Made of stronger stuff Julian Borger The Iron Lady's popularity in America is set to outlast Tony Blair's, which has been tarnished by his involvement in Iraq and his loyalty to George Bush.

The politics of prevention Richard Byrne It is clear that preventive war has failed in Iraq. So why can't US presidential

The UN's bloody failure Eric Reeves: Ban Ki-moon's self-serving and preposterous explanations obscure the real reasons for the crisis in Darfur.

Lib Dems in turmoil over talks with Brown Sir Menzies under pressure as peer says he would consider Labour offer.

H7 Stratfor The Geopolitics of the Palestinians

From Calamity to Full-Blown Catastrophe in Palestine By: Rami G. Khouri | The Daily Star
The separation of the West Bank and Gaza into separate political entities run respectively by Fatah and Hamas is a calamity.

The Three-State Solution By: Jacob Savage | Los Angeles Times
Separating Gaza from the West Bank makes more historical sense than forming a unified Palestinian nation.

WSJ Fatah Isn't the Answer
The PA has gotten more aid per capita than any entity in modern history—more than Europe under the Marshall Plan. By MICHAEL OREN

On the Escalator to Another War By: Patrick J. Buchanan | Miami Herald
These are the "birth pangs" of a "new Middle East," said Condi Rice last summer, as Israel pounded Lebanon. Unfortunately, the new Middle East may make us all pray for the return of the old.

Trade: Fears That G4 Meet Will Shift Burden to Developing World By: Ravi Kanth Devarakonda | Inter Press Service
As trade ministers of the Group of Four -- European Union, United States, Brazil and India -- launched a make-or-break effort in the Doha Round of negotiations Tuesday in Potsdam, Germany, developing countries worry that their concerns won't be adequately addressed, say trade envoys.

More Middle East Madness - Victor Davis Hanson, RealClearPolitics

RFERL World: Clock Ticking On Global Oil Supply

Peak Oil: Punctuated Power

UPI Analysis: Dems and Iraq withdrawal

CFR US Summer Offensive in Iraq

Helena Cobban Hamas, the US big media, and the world

Cato Is the EU Special? Are NGOs Agenda-Setters?

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

US Papers Thur: Shi'ite divisions flare

Petraeus: al-Qaeda Will Have Its Own Surge

BBC Diyala assault
The goals of the US-Iraqi operation in central Iraq

In Battle for Hearts and Minds, Iraqi Insurgents Are Doing Well By: John Hughes | The Christian Science Monitor As the struggle in Iraq between the insurgents on the one hand and US military and Iraqi security forces on the other reaches a climactic phase, it is clear that the insurgents, far from being a band of crude guerilla fighters, have taken the Al Qaeda leader's injunction to heart and have coupled the tactics of terror with a sophisticated knowledge and use of modern media.

TimeBlog Will Lebanon Become A Failed State?

At US Embassy in Iraq, Arabic is rare

Officials: Iraq security plan succeeding despite 3 more mosques bombed

BBC Afghan Taleban 'targeting Kabul'

Taleban are changing their focus to attack the Afghan capital Kabul, a spokesman for the group says.

Nato troops killed by bomb

Can the Afghan war be won?

Who are the Taleban?

Kandahar's streets safer but people scarce

IMF Report: “The Syrian economy did remarkably well in 2006″

“Bush Weighs Reaching Out To Muslim Brothers,” byu Eli Lake

Former Syrian Minister: Ramallah Could Become Palestinian Saigon

Al Awsat The Republic of Gaza : Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed

King Abdullah's Landmark Visit to France Randa Takieddin

Foreign Policy Seven Questions: Imprisoned in Iran

H9 Ha’aretz - U.S. to increase military aid to Israel under new deal

Rosner - Bush & Olmert: Between a vision and a mirage

Henry Kissinger got us, Warren Christopher didn't

Moshe Arens: The carnage in Gaza resembles hell

Israel Harel: Mahmoud Abbas is a fiction

UN chief criticizes rights council for targeting Israel

Editorial: The time has come to release Barghouti

Mideast media consumers should heed the unwritten warning, 'Reader beware.'

Remembering Schiff

Washington Institute It's Up to Hamas Now

Adding Hezbollah to the EU Terrorist List

Bush To Put Some British Guy Who Ignores Israeli Security Concerns In Charge Of Mid-East Peace Process

Syrian FM: Syria ready to renew peace talks with Israel

Fatah's last stand: collapse or conspiracy? By Dion Nissenbaum | McClatchy Newspapers As they gave up compound after compound to advancing Hamas forces, weary Fatah fighters fell back toward the seaside presidential compound in Gaza to make their last stand. But there was no last stand. Instead, Fatah leaders fled by boat and on foot, leaving lower-level fighters feeling betrayed

Former Hamas prisoners remember Fatah torture

'Likud will win elections'

Poll: If elections held today Likud will win with majority of 29 seats, followed by Labor with 18

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

BBC Abbas accuses Hamas of coup plot Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accuses Hamas of trying to set up its own state in Gaza.

Britain's Academic Boycott of Israel Is Immoral By: Mathew Lynn | Bloomberg News
Is Israel the new South Africa? A determined group of British academics think it might be. They couldn't be more wrong.

Don't Underestimate Hamas' Extremism By: Barry Rubin | The Japan Times
Hamas' capture of the Gaza Strip has created, along with Iran, a second radical Islamist state in the Middle East. The region, probably the Arab-Israeli conflict and certainly the Palestinian movement will never be the same.

S. Yizhar's landmark novel about coming of age in Israel by Robert Alter

H10 Christian Science Monitor US military's new Iraq strategy: religious conciliation Last week's meeting in Baghdad - the largest of its kind in 37 years - included warring Sunnis and Shiites.

European Union energy companies court Moscow Their ties with Kremlin-backed Gazprom are vexing EU efforts to create an energy security policy that would lessen dependence on Russia.

Global warming may uproot millions

In the coming decades, the effects of global warming are likely to turn millions into refugees.

Opinion: The world's predominant faiths should protect religious freedom for all

Opinion: Working together to save Darfur

Palestinian mediators bring hope of ceasefire to Lebanon Fatah al-Islam and Lebanese enter negotiations as Palestinian refugees prepare to return.

On Gaza's borders, anxiety mounts

Israel relaxed travel restrictions Wednesday, allowing a few seriously ill Palestinians and all foreign nationals to leave Gaza.

ASIA Sino-Japanese Relations Recovering By: Axel Berkofsky | ISN Security Watch
While Sino-Japanese business and trade ties continue to highlight the importance of good relations and political relations are slowly recovering, there is optimism that the potential spoilers will be dealt with.

The Fog of 'War on Terror' By: Philip Bowring | International Herald Tribune
In South East Asia, 'terrorists' are arrested and rendered, but the real insurgencies continue.

Taliban Put Up a New Fight By: Syed Saleem Shahzad | Asia Times
Since the death of a key commander last month, the Taliban have become more elusive adversaries as military control has devolved to numerous semi-independent field commanders spread across large areas.

BBC US envoy 'visiting North Korea' US envoy Christopher Hill is reportedly travelling to North Korea to discuss its nuclear programme.

China overtakes U.S. in greenhouse gas emissions

H11 IHT Germany seems resigned to failure on EU treaty Ahead of a EU summit meeting, deep disagreements remain over key issues, ranging from a proposal to create a powerful foreign policy chief to a revamped voting system.

Trying to unite Europe, once again
Europe needs a strong Union and the United States needs a strong European partner.

It's up to Hamas now
It is Hamas, the movement, that must now decide whether it becomes a nation-builder or remains mired in violence.

Why are we surprised?
Unless the real world is addressed, "Gaza first" and now "West Bank first" will one day give way to "Ramallah first" as putative Palestine perishes.

Sarkozy pledges France to a bold path of reforms
President Nicolas Sarkozy vowed to move boldly ahead with sometimes painful reforms to save France from what he said would be sure decline otherwise.

Tensions persist between Germany and Poland

EUROPE European press review

Revised Kosovo Resolution Submitted to U.N. Security Council

OpenDemocracy Europe: the square root of no

BBC EU to drop idea of constitution Germany proposes that EU states should agree to drop the idea of a constitution, on the eve of a key summit.

Euroblog: A pig in a poke?

Assessing Blair and the EU

Q&A: EU constitution's future

EU Says Poland May Face Financial Squeeze Over Summit Veto By: James G. Neuger and Katya Andrusz | Bloomberg News
Richer western European countries may seek to squeeze Poland's financial aid in response to a Polish veto of a new European Union treaty, the European Commission warned.

Croatian Crackdown The Economist
Croatia’s government is set to abolish the state privatisation fund after the arrest of six of its officials, in what President Stipe Mesic calls the country’s biggest-ever corruption case

New Prague Spring By: Herbert London | The Washington Times
They came to Prague from around the world to share a vision of democracy and freedom. In this city of so much history and inspiration, an unprecedented conference was organized by Jose Maria Aznar, Vaclav Havel and Natan Sharansky titled "Democracy and Security."

Baltic Beacon By: Daniel J. Mitchell | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)
Anyone interested in seeing first-hand what a simple and fair tax system can help accomplish should visit Estonia. After gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, the little Baltic country first tried its luck with the kind of progressive tax system so popular in the West.

H12 RFE/RL Aging Populations 'Big Economic Risk' To Ex-Soviet States

Russia: Glimpsing The Future Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Central Asia: Turkmenistan Pushing North-South 'Trade Corridor' With Iran Political support appears to be building for a transport corridor between Central Asia and Iran

Wary of Future, Russia Confronts U.S., EU Now - Ian Bremmer, RCP

CSIS US-Russia Relations after the G8

Russia-US Relations: Past, Present, Future Victor B. Kuvaldin, Vladimir Pechatnov, Mikhail Troitskiy, Francis J. Gavin, Ethan Kapstein, Mark Kramer, James M. Lindsay

Google News Azerbaijan

Rape of Moldova By: Vladimir Soloviev | Kommersant
The Organization for Democracy and Economic Development GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova) opened the summit of its member states in Baku on Monday. Gathered under the U.S. aegis, the presidents of these post-Soviet republics will discuss plans for further counteracting Russia’s influence. However, Moscow managed to strike a pre-emptive blow against its opponents. Moldova’s President Vladimir Voronin chose to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

From Russia, Without Love

A new Russian film paints a bleak picture of the USSR's twilight years, a time that many recall with nostalgia. To critics, "Gruz 200" is symptomatic of the cultural elite's unease with the resurgence of Soviet-era symbols and thinking.

Different game
Garry Kasparov's tricky shift from chess to Kremlin challenger

H13 The Times Exclusive: Iraq row reignites as US general accuses Iran Commander of US forces in Iraq General David Petraeus tells The Times the kidnappers of five Britons were trained by Iran America can’t just walk away from the fight with al-Qaeda, US general insists

Transcript of The Times interview with General Petraeus

Leader Ground Control The US surge in Iraq is putting pressure on al-Qaeda

A messy finale for Blair on European stage How much do Britain and Poland stand to lose if they refuse to compromise on the new European Union treaty? Bronwen Maddox

Blair: 'I'm prepared to sink EU summit deal' Prime Minister tells The Times that British and Polish demands make it 'touch and go' whether any deal is possible

Fatah splinter group denounces old guard Fatah al-Yassir has been launched as a rebranded version of Fatah purged of its bloated leadership

Why is private equity under fire?

Private equity deals have, on the whole, resulted in better conditions and higher wages for employees Anatole Kaletsky

Living in the same city - in a parallel universe The closest the 'very rich' get to a sense of communality is sharing a giant garden with other members of the overclass Mary Ann Sieghart

Hardliner sets sights on a fifth term

Yuri Luzhkov’s views may make Western liberals shudder but the Mayor of Moscow looks certain to gain a fifth term

Mayor joins call for inquiry into 1975 murder The Mayor of Rome has asked prosecutors to reopen the case into the killing of the film director Pier Paolo Pasolini

Wall Street Journal Bloomberg's Politics
A post-partisan savior, or just another spoiler?

H14 Financial Times Editorial Globalisation needs more than PR to be sold to its losers If it proceeds in an atmosphere of resentment, its undoubted overall benefits will be at risk

WORLD NEWS: Bush aides drift away amid little sense of purpose

WORLD NEWS: The departed: recent high-level resignations

US denies backing Blair for Mideast The White House poured cold water on suggestions from London that Tony Blair might become an international envoy to the Middle East after he steps down as UK prime minister next week.

Experts sceptical on chances for missile deal

NATIONAL NEWS: Russia and US play politics with missiles

COMMENT: Public diplomacy is more than public relations White House plans to improve the way the US is perceived by the rest of the world lack any chance of success, writes Price Floyd.

ANALYSIS: Red-line summit Red-line summit: A treaty to replace the stillborn constitution needs to end a long period of EU introspection.

Poland cites war dead in EU row Poland has vowed to seek restitution for its wartime dead at a European Union summit starting on Thursday, raising the stakes in a battle with Germany over voting power.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Treaty would not concede new powers on foreign policy

FT REPORT - SPAIN: China's technological thrust poses formidable challenge

Trade-off on Doha begins to take shape Great powers have gathered in Potsdam, Germany. The British are changing prime ministers. The French are annoyed at being excluded. The Poles are worried about being...

COMMENT: Clearing houses must be free to compete To compete effectively we must have a level playing field. Otherwise Europe risks a code of conduct giving the wrong result, writes Chris Tupker, chairman of LCH Clearnet.

COMMENT: The utter folly of China-bashing

COMMENT: Emotional stupidity

COMMENT: What Victorian entrepreneurs can teach us The fallacy of our age is that we are superior to our ancestors because we have cooler personal technology, writes Jonathan Guthrie.

The new capitalism Q&A: Post a question for Martin Wolf on the world’s financial order

COMMENT: Flawed vision of a modern financial centre

Iran fund opens bourse to foreign investors A subsidiary of Bank Melli Iran plans to launch a fund of up to €300m to invest in Tehran’s Stock Exchange, giving foreigners the chance to take a high-risk gamble.

China warns IMF over renminbi China issued a pointed warning to the International Monetary Fund not to back US pressure for a faster appreciation of the renminbi in a planned review of global exchange rates.

US ‘wary’ of sovereign wealth funds The US is growing wary of the new fashion for sovereign wealth funds, amid concern among policymakers about potential negative effects on the international financial system.

Immigrants ‘benefit US by $30bn’

Native-born American workers benefit from immigration by more than $30bn a year, President George W. Bush’s leading economic team claimed

H15 Los Angeles Times Masked gunmen on a rampage in West Bank Angered by Hamas' takeover in Gaza, Palestinian militias that are linked to Fatah are sowing retribution.

Why they chose Hamas

By Saree Makdisi To Palestinians, the party represented an alternative to the corrupt Fatah's acceptance of Israeli occupation.

The three-state solution By Jacob Savage Separating Gaza from the West Bank makes more historical sense than forming a unified Palestinian nation.

U.S. moves to secure Baqubah About 40 suspected militants are killed, but many more may have hidden. U.S. assures locals it will be there when they surface.

Green Zone is under heavier barrage, officials say

U.S.-Iraqi offensive yields results

Editorial Testing North Korea With its assets unfrozen, can Pyongyang be induced to disarm? Iran will be watching.

Newt's lesson for Pelosi

Ronald Brownstein

The speaker should value loyalty, not longevity, for House leadership posts to keep Democrats in line.

H16 American Politics

GALLUP: Confidence in Congress at all time low: 14%...

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas Swamp Sunrise Daybook

A new try at immigration bill A key vote is expected Friday, but many senators are barred from adding amendments.

A Run, or the Runaround? Bloomberg, Other Non-Candidates Master Art of Being Vague

Antiwar Democrats Are Less Critical As Clinton Takes A New Tack on Iraq

What about Ron Paul?

H17 Daily Telegraph Blair's new mission It is now five years since President George W. Bush first committed America to a two-state solution for resolving the Israel-Palestinian issue; the intervening period has seen a dramatic deterioration in security.

Cabinet split over Rushdie knighthood Mounting Muslim protests over Salman Rushdie's knighthood has led to an embarrassing Cabinet split plunging the Government into disarray.

Western policies 'push up Asian CO2'

'We'll be in Afghanistan for decades'

Putin creates arms exporting giant

US wants Blair to be Middle East peace envoy

New group for those who renounce Islam

Bloomberg set to be US kingmaker

Billionaire's stand could swing election

H18 Independent Britain still isolated as EU leaders refuse to bow to treaty demands Britain looked isolated on the eve of an important summit of European Union leaders after Tony Blair failed to win enough concessions to enable him to agree to a new governing EU "mini-treaty."

Hamish McRae: The global squeeze on monetary conditions may not be over quickly

Leading article: A yawning gap between hopes and expectations

Hamas 'project of darkness' angers Abbas

Bloomberg quits Republicans - but will he run?

The Big Question: Could an independent candidate win the US Presidency?

Blair in line for UN role as Middle East envoy

Besieged tax rebels revive the spectre of Oklahoma bombing

Steve Richards: The PM goes to Brussels not as his own man but as envoy of his successor

Backlash over Sarkozy 'rainbow government'

Adrian Hamilton: Don't be deceived by Blair and his apologists

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Overhauling Intelligence - Mike McConnell, Foreign Affairs

Military doctrine for the planning and execution of U.S. counterdrug operations, including detection, monitoring, disruption and interdiction of illegal drug trafficking, is presented in a new publication from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. See "Joint Counterdrug Operations" (pdf), Joint Publication JP 3-07.4, 13 June 2007.

The "capstone" publication for all joint military doctrine was also recently updated and reissued. See Joint Publication JP 1, "Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States" (pdf), 14 May 2007.

Terrorist Psychology Driven by Hate, Not Emotional Instability


As FBI fights terrorism, other prosecutions drop FBI mission change brought 30 percent fewer cases to court since 9/11, including drug, organized-crime, and white-collar crime charges.

Homeland Security chief: US growing complacent on terrorism Michael Chertoff says Americans are 'starting to be unwilling' to make the needed sacrifices to repel attacks.

Attack that Killed Kids Targeted al-Qaida Leader By: Jim Miklaszewski, Courtney Kube and Robert Windrem | NBC News U.S. special operations forces were targeting the leader of al-Qaida in Afghanistan — one of the organization's top commanders — when they launched an attack against a compound that killed seven children Sunday in Paktika province of eastern Afghanistan, U.S. officials tell NBC News.

Plan to Cut Federal Security Unit Decried

By Mary Beth Sheridan, Page A01

The Bush administration wants to overhaul the troubled agency in charge of security at most federal buildings, cutting personnel and giving a bigger role to local police. Lawmakers are fighting the plan, saying that it could leave government employees more vulnerable to crime or attacks by...

H20 Slate Trusting Abbas:

Is the Palestinian leader too old to change?

A Tale of 10 Post-its:

The depressing fate of Iraqi refugees.

Did Osama ferry family from US after 9/11?
FBI docs: bin Laden may have chartered plane for family Sept. 19, 2001.

25% of energy 'clean' by 2030: UN

Happy for the Work
Europeans put in fewer hours. But Americans are the ones smiling.

American Prospect The Best Idea for Reducing Global Warming

H21 Google looks to roads after taking super-highway Search firm unveils advanced car that returns electricity to the grid

France bans BlackBerrys over fears of US intelligence snooping

Memo to French Officials: Beware the BlackBerry

Do fish have feelings too? Animal rights campaigners are turning their attention to aquariums. Harry Pearson investigates.

Times Undertakes Multi-Bureau Rupert Murdoch Investigation .

Purdue researchers create 9/11 computer simulation

RELIGION Crises of Faith America is becoming more secular; Europe is becoming more religious. Both trends could mean trouble.
by Ross Douthat

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
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“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
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Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
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Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
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Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
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ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
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ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
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Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
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Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
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Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
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ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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