28 May 2007
  May 28, 2007

0528-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 New York Times Strife Foreseen in Iraq Exit, but Experts Split on Degree Many Iraqis fear a violent chain reaction should U.S. troops withdraw, but they and American officials have many different opinions on how bad things would get.

Washington Post Countering Iran's Distrust By David Ignatius, As U.S. and Iranian diplomats prepare for a crucial meeting in Baghdad tomorrow, what's on Tehran's mind? The normal reportorial techniques aren't much help, since the Iranians aren't talking publicly. But we can get a sense of what they're thinking by using the columnist's ancient art of mind...

From The National Interest, Beyond American Hegemony: The United States should abandon its futile attempt to secure global hegemony in favor of a concert-of-power foreign-policy strategy. By Michael Lind If the Iraq War is seen as merely a bad application of a fundamentally sound U.S. grand strategy of hegemony, the United States will set itself up for other self-inflicted disasters in the future.

WP Editorial Next Step on Iran The Western campaign to stop Iran's nuclear program still isn't working.

U.S. to Tell Iran How It Could Help Steady Iraq: Analysts Say Washington Will Have Little Pull in Talks

White House Considers Next Steps in Iraq Troop Drawdowns and Shift in Mission Are Premised on Successful 'Surge'

Dealing With Putin By Jim Hoagland, "Murder is murder." -- a spokesman for British Prime Minister

NYT Israeli Eyes Turn to Damascus With Lebanon and Gaza aflame, maybe it’s time to talk peace with Syria.

Militants Widen Reach as Terror Seeps Out of Iraq The Iraq war, which for years has drawn militants from around the world, is beginning to export fighters to neighboring countries and beyond.

Doubts Grow as GIs in Iraq Find Allies in Enemy Ranks

Syrian President’s Fortunes Revive in Time for Election

Editorial War Without End As disjointed as the Democrats have been, their approach makes far more sense than President Bush’s denial of Iraq’s civil war and his war-without-end against terror.

From Moscow, a New Chill The latest turn in the Russian poisoning saga carries ominous signs for the West

An excerpt from A Capitol Idea: Think Tanks and US Foreign Policy pdf.

Estulin Tracks Bilderberg 2007 Meeting and Its Attendees

Time A Second Term for Syria's Assad

The Observer When I look to the future in Iraq, I start by studying the past Paddy Ashdown: Those who, like me, supported the removal of Saddam Hussein by force now have to face up to the awkward task of deciding what can be salvaged from the mess.

Bush swings behind a softer stance on Iran

Leader Welcome change in US policy on Iran Tomorrow's meeting between the Iranian and American ambassadors in Baghdad marks a remarkable opportunity.

Sunday Times Al-Qaeda chief urges Iraqis to export jihad Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri (right), has urged supporters in Iraq to extend their 'holy war' to other countries

How can Americans understand China as it is — not as politicians and pundits prefer to depict it? (and part 2 and part 3 and part 4)

Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2007 . Office of the US Secretary of Defense

Boston Globe Environmental defense Increasingly, the military sees energy efficiency -- and moving away from oil -- as part of its national security mission. Does that mean the Pentagon is turning green?

Sunday Telegraph Putin is heading for a worrying future By identifying some parallels between modern Russia and Germany in the twenties, Niall Ferguson hazards a guess at what the Bear is likely to do next.

Britons Blast Blair, Bush for Iraq War Only 11 per cent of respondents say they still support the war in Iraq.

Fighting on Two Fronts: Secular Parties in the Arab World
Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Full Paper (PDF; 239 KB)

The Times Iraq talks hint at thawing of US-Iran relations Iran and the US are due to hold groundbreaking talks on Iraq that could lead to a thawing in diplomatic relations

Financial Times ANALYSIS: Hamastan? A three-sided fight between Hamas, Fatah and Israel has left the Gaza Strip in the hands of warlords – and new jihadist groups are growing threatening peace in the region and beyond.

COMMENT: The real challenge for Muslim nations is economic Unless Muslim countries are strong economically, politically and socially, they will remain marginalised, writes Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, prime minister of Malaysia

Tehran confident ahead of US talks Believes Iraq war is working in its favour Iran enters talks with the US confident that the situation in Iraq is working in its favour but wary that Washington may not have abandoned hopes for regime change in Iran.

Ahmadi-Nejad’s battle with businesses worsens The battle between President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad and Iran’s private sector intensified as state television quoted the president rejecting “negative propaganda” that his government opposed business.

WORLD NEWS: Seven years of little change for Syria

Strategy Hour: Breaking Point - Measuring Progress in Afghanistan Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies

Newsweek A new generation of scientific mavericks is not content to merely tinker with life's genetic code. They want to rewrite it from scratch.

Ruchir Sharma: The New World Order Is All About China and EuropeA new world order has been in the making—almost effortlessly, it seems, the world has escaped its risky dependence on U.S. economic power.

Newsweek U.S. Military Taps Iraq’s Tribal Networks U.S. field commanders are finally beginning to tap the traditional networks that helped Saddam to stay in power.

Los Angeles Times Mideast force embraces the tribe Weak governments, Iraq's civil war and an identity crisis fortify tribal connections.

U.S. and Iran prepare to meet for Iraq discussions The rare talks may start a dialogue between foes who view each other's involvement as interference.

Jerusalem Post The Region: The rocky road to Arab reform [ BARRY RUBIN,

Time The Second Coming of Bashar

Bashar's Second-Term: Now For the Hard Part


NYT Magazine Where Every Generation Is First-Generation By CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL As Turks long established in Germany continue to find and marry spouses from the old country, assimilation and modernity are thwarted. Is this the making of a social crisis?

Andrew Borowiec Washington Times, Turkey's EU dream jeopardized by Islamists

Reconciliation could reap greater rewards for Kurds By Safa A. Hussein
Daily Star

BalkanAnalysis Militarization of Greek-Turkish Border Increasing The Strategic Significance of Greek Thrace: Current Dynamics and Emerging Factors

Kurdistan is no safe haven for US troops
Chicago Sun-Times

US Strives To Keep Turkey's EU Hopes Alive DefenseNews.com

Turkish military | TPMCafe By Yasemin Congar

Türkiye bu krizi askersiz çözmeli SAİD EŞŞİHABİ

The struggle for the Turkish nationby CHRISTOPHER VASILLOOPULOS*

FT COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL: Sabanci to spend $200m firming position

COMPANIES UK: Koc sees the danger of spreading itself too thinly


Turkey is under major stress, but it's doing a lot of things right

Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media

ABD raporunda Türkiye'de özerk bölge öngörüsü

Ulus'a gidip bombayı protesto etmeyi çok istedik

Ailenin iknası PKK'nın İzmir planını bozdu

PKK'nın hücre evinden 2 canlı bomba çıktı

Terör örgütünden polis lokaline roketli saldırı

Türk: Bomba patladı eyvah dedim

METEHAN DEMİR Talabani ağır hasta mı?

Dizayi: Türk askeri Kerkük’e giremez

Abdullah Gül: "Operasyona kendimiz karar veririz"

Sınır operasyonuna uydu takibi

Rice'tan Gül'e telefon

Erdoğan, MİT'ten sık sık bilgi alıyor

Türk F-16'ları sınırı tarıyor

Bağdat da sınır ötesine yeşil ışık yakmadı

Sınır'da sıcak 4 dakika

Güneri CIVAOĞLU K. Irak maceradır

Konuşma, konuşturma Murat Belge

Will Turkey strike northern Iraq?

ABD'nin hava ihlali

The Right Policy towards the PKK
Kurdish Aspect –

"PKK'yla mücadelede diplomatik yollar kullanılmalı"

Mehmetçiğin operasyonları sürüyor

Sınırda aralıksız operasyon

Tatbikat iddiası: K. Irak için prova

İstanbul'da PKK operasyonu: 10 kişi yakalandı

lrak'tan mesajlar: Girmeyin, tanklara seyirci kalmayız

PKK'lılar 11 kilogram patlayıcıyla yakalandı

Talabani'nin Oluşturmuş Olduğu Kerkük Haritası


Is PKK ceasefire still valid?

Avrupa'dan Öcalan'a sağlık kontrolü

Ağar: Terör yokmuş gibi farz etmek hükümetin işine geliyor

İzmir'de 2 PKK'lı 11 kg plastik patlayıcı ile yakalandı

Sınırda gerilim artıyor

Bingöl’de emniyet amirliğine roketli saldırı

Şırnak'ta şehit sayısı 7'ye yükseldi

Barzani'nin sağ kolundan tehdit

"Türk tankı Kerkük'e girerse seyretmeyiz"

Batman sınırına tank yığınağı sürüyor

'Teröristlerin hedefi, devletin zirvesiydi' iddiası

Sevr hortluyor Misak-ı Milli mutlaka korunmalıdır. K. Irak, Misak-ı Milli’nin parçasıdır. Kürtler, Türklere "sömürgeci" demesin. Türkler de Kürtleri "bölücü" görmesin.

Serpil YILMAZ Iraklı büyükelçiye ölüm haberi Antep'te geldi

Iraki: Türkiye'de ölmeyi yeğlerim

Bush, Erdoğan'a teşekkür etmiş

Erdoğan, Bush'la görüşmedi

Barzani Meclisi karıştırdı

Mayınlar ne zaman temizlenecek? AYDIN ORAK

Kurdish Region of Northern Iraq is open for business Kurdistan Regional Government

Neocon'lar, Suudiler ve Lübnan'dan yükselen pis kokular Ceyda Karan

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

Yunanlıların gözü Türkiye'de

Selçuk Gültaşlı [BRÜKSEL] Sarkozy'ye suçüstü yapan soru

İstanbul’s EU Pioneers expect no pause in accession

AB'nin haziran zirvesinin gündeminde Türkiye bulunmuyor

Yunanlılar, hâlâ İstanbul rüyası görüyor

Ankara to deliver strong ‘energy artery' message to Europe

Doğu Ergil As Mr. Sarkozy enters

Alman meclisinin Kıbrıs kararı, adayı karıştırdı

Frattini: Türkiye AB’ye hazır değil

Royal: "Sarkozy Türkiye hakkında çark etti"

Royal: Sarkozy geri adım atmak zorunda

Yunanlılara göre İstanbul, Ege ve Karadeniz kurtarılmamış vatan toprakları

Ata Atun Partition: incontestable future of Cyprus

İtalya'dan Sarkozy'ye: Türkiye ile müzakerelerin engellenmesine karşı çıkarız

"İstanbul kurtarılamamış Yunan toprağı"

Karamanlis, Türkiye'ye desteğini yineledi

Washington Times: Türkiye'nin AB hayalini İslamcılar önlüyor

Türk-Gürcü işbirliğine Batum Havalimanı dopingi

Tezkere pazarlıklarının perde arkasını anlattı


Şeyhe komşu olmak isteyen paraya kıyıyor

Meral TAMER Baskın Oran, İstanbul'dan bağımsız sol aday

Soner Yalçın DP’nin kuruluşunda sosyalistler de vardı!

Mümtazer Türköne 27 Mayıs: Geç kalmış bir hesaplaşma

[Türk Ocakları Başkanı, 27 Mayıs darbesini Zaman için yazdı] Üniversite-basın-ordu CHP ile el ele

[Türk Ocakları Başkanı, 27 Mayıs darbesini Zaman için yazdı] Yalan haberler darbeye zemin hazırladı

Ahmet Kekeç İnönü’ye karşı darbeyi Başgil önlemiş...

Altemur KILIÇ 27 Mayıs tan bir gece evvel...

Ardan Zentürk 27 Mayıs 1960...Türkeş... ’İhtilalin parası yok...’

Doğan Hızlan Balkan Harbi’ni niye kaybettik

27 Mayıs'ta yaptırılmayan savunma bir albayın evindeki kasadan çıktı

'Agop'un torunu olmaktan gururluyum' Yücel Aşkın, dedesiyle ilgili ilk kez konuştu: Dedem sonradan İslamiyeti seçen 'Güllü Agop' lakaplı Agop Vartovyan'dır. Tiyatromuzun kurucularındandır. Onunla gurur duyarım.

Dedem Ermeni’ydi ben Türk’üm

Zirvede sinir harbi

Bor'da yeni plan BOREM'in hazırladığı 2008-2012 yıllarını kapsayan raporda, bor ürün yelpazesinin genişletilmesi kararlaştırıldı.

Ferai Tınç Nükleer yasaya kısmi vetonun gerekçeleri

Lockheed hopes to install Turkish missile defense system
Today's Zaman

New offset policy to boost defense exports

DefenseNews.com - Bombing, Political Turmoil Blur Ankara Show - 05/28/07 19:52

Dostluğumuzun aynası Türk-Gürcü üniversitesi

ATİLLA DORSAY Cannes'da En İyi Senaryo Fatih Akın'ın

Said Nursi and Risale-i Nur in light of current developmentsby SÜLEYMAN SARGIN

BBC 28 Mayıs 2007 Basın Özeti

Ercan Kumcu Otomotiv sektöründe sorunlar

Greenspan etkisi

Erdal Sağlam TOBB’da her partiye biraz ilgi vardı

Kısa vadeli faizler... Uğur Civelek

Deniz Gökçe CHP’den büyük finansman tablosu!

[ANALYSIS] Turkey to rely more On free zones for Foreign trade

Al sana kayıt dışı Mahfi Eğilmez

Sağduyu bildirgesi! Uğur Gürses

Türk halkına anlatın... Yiğit Bulut

Ansiklopedi atılsa da bir şey olmaz mı?

Güngör URAS Buğdaya bile alternatif bulmaya mecburuz

Faik ÖZTRAK Hayaller ve gerçekler

Yaman TÖRÜNER Global likiditenin yükünü kim karşılıyor? (1)

Güngör URAS Tarımda alternatif üretim yeni teknolojiyi zorunlu kılıyor

Merkez Bankası eski Başkanı Serdengeçti'den seçim uyarıları

MAHMUT ÖVÜR Siyasi gerilim turizmi etkiledi mi?

KESK: "Memurun alım gücü düştü"

İBRAHİM KAHVECİ 28 Şubat işsizliği

Atilla Yeşilada Yine başa döndük

Asım erdilek The future of retirement (I)

H3 Yasemin CONGAR Sınır ötesi ABD'den, bölgedeki bazı PKK liderlerini yakalatması ve örgütün lojistik desteğini kestirmesi gibi somut adımlar gelebilir mi?

Nasuhi Güngör TSK Kuzey Irak’a girmek istiyor mu?

ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Operasyon değil tezkere

ABD'nin hava ihlali

33'üncü ihlal

ABD F-16'ları Güneydoğu'da

ABD'den operasyona yeşil ışık mı?

Dızai: Tanklar, Habur'dan geçemez

Türkiye K.Irak'a girer mi?

Ruşen Çakır Erdoğan’ın karizması mı, Gül’ün imajı mı?

Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] Stratejik yorgandaki terör piresi

Haluk Özdalga Öymen komutanlarla gizlice görüştü

ABD raporunda Türkiye'de özerk bölge öngörüsü

Türk: Bomba patladı eyvah dedim

Şamil Tayyar İkinci erken seçim olur mu?

Cengiz Çandar

Fikret BİLA Sınırdaki Türk ve ABD askerleri

1 Mart tezkeresinin önemli belgesini ifşa etti

Bölükbaşı Tezkere pazarlıklarının perde arkasını anlattı

Ömer Taşpınar Dealing with our ‘existential’ threats

Serdar Turgut Savaş çığırtkanlığı yanlıştır


METEHAN DEMİR Talabani ağır hasta mı?

burasi washington - CNN Türk

Semih İDİZ Halk Kuzey Irak konusunda doğru bilgilendirilmeli

Ankara bu senaryoları tartışıyor

AKP'nin acelesi var Hükümet, cumhurbaşkanını halkın seçmesini öngören değişiklik paketini, milletvekili aday listeleri açıklanmadan Meclis'ten geçirmek için çabalıyor

Anayasa paketinin ikinci oylamasında 367 kaygısı

Yeni cuntacılar Tarhan Erdem

Daha demokratik bir seçim modeli
Murat Yetkin

Kuzey Irak tuzağına düşmeyelim ÖMER TAŞPINAR

Didişmeyi bırakın yeni Anayasa yazın

Tanju Tosun CHP-DSP-GP birliği tek başına iktidar olur

Bilal Çetin Çift sandık ihtimali...

Mehmet Tezkan Erdoğan’ın planı: Kasım ayında seçmenin önüne iki sandık koydurmak..

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç Kâbus senaryoları

Fehmi Koru Çaylar şirketten


Seçme demeçler Erdal Güven

Darbeyi savunanların neyi savunduğuna dair

Can Dündar Ertuğrul Günay "Birinci görevim, tarafların birbirini anlamasına yardımcı olmak"

Günay CHP darbeci

Kouchner ve Günay, amaçlar aynı mı?

Siyasi gelişmeler AK Parti'ye yaradı

İntihar saldırısı doğuya has AVNİ ÖZGÜREL

ERDAL ŞAFAK Referandum ve ötesi

Demokratik atmosferde nefes alma ihtiyacı İsmet Berkan

Ne tür gazeteci isterdiniz? Murat Yetkin

Eser Karakaş Terör, taşeronlar ve seçim

ERGUN BABAHAN 27 Mayıs ve bugün

ANAP: Zerre kadar dönmeyiz

Ertuğrul Özkök

[HABER YORUM] DP ruhuna ulusalcı ruh eklendi

Anayasa paketi Komisyon'dan aynen geçti

Ahmet Hakan İddiasız notlar

Ahmet Hakan Şaşırmayın: Sadece düzen yabancılaşıyor

M Ali Birand

MHP'nin, TÜSİAD hesaplaşması

Ahmet İnsel CHP, askerle zımni ittifak oluşturdu

Mustafa Ünal Sezer ile CHP tandem mi oynuyor?

Enis Berberoğlu MHP’nin OHAL iddiası

İlnur Çevik Sezer is wrong, but he is the president…

Özdemir İnce ABD, AB düşmanlığı iyidir!

Can Dündar Mahalle baskısı

Şemdinli'den şimdiye Yıldırım Türker

YASİN AKTAY Başbakan'ın büyük hatası

[KALEIDOSCOPE] Newborn ‘flag nationalism’ being used to conceal flaws in neo-nationalism

Serdar Akinan 22 Temmuz mu? Savaş ilanı mı?

Mustafa Erdoğan Sınırın ötesi ve berisi

Oktay Ekşi Uyarı bizce haklı ama

TOBB Genel Kurulu’nda siyasi tartışma

Alevis: we are not a minority; we have our martyrs in the war of independence

Ecevit, ABD'nin savaş uçaklarına izin verecekti

Vetolu Anayasa paketi yeniden

Ankara'nın taşına bak... Hasan Celal Güzel

KÜRŞAT BUMİN Ulus'tan ulusa yapılan açıklamalar

TRT'nin fethi yakındır, yakın! Haluk Şahin

Bir ayda inen darbe H. Gökhan Özgün

Antiemperyalizm 2007 - BASKIN ORAN

Mesut Yılmaz Mesut Yılmaz’a ihtiyacımız var mı?

Mehmet Altan Darbeden darbeye...

Ali Bulaç Türkiye'nin 11 Eylül'ü

Ekrem Dumanlı Şehitler üzerinden siyaset mühendisliği yapılamaz!

Fatih Çekirge Helal olsun

Hükümetin Sivas yanıtı

Serdar Turgut Savaş çığırtkanlığı yanlıştır

İhsan Dağı Operation in N. Iraq: division through invasion?

Mensur Akgün Terör araçtır amaç değil

CNN-Türk'ün 'seçim otobüsü'nden Trabzon notları... Altan Öymen

Seçime doğru Baran Tuncer

Sami Selçuk Yargının hukuk sınavı

Salih Neftçi Tezkerenin yeni anlaşılmaya başlanan maliyeti

Can Ataklı Bu gerekçelere direnmek yanlış

Derya SAZAK Bağımsız sol

Eser Karakaş CHP-DSP birlikteliği ve sosyal demokrasi

Baykal'ı protesto eden vatandaşa linç girişimi

Cüneyt Ülsever Türk-Alman gazeteciler toplantısı

Şakir Süter DP ve Türk Siyaseti!

AKP vahim bir iktidar seçeneği

Mahir Kaynak Çatışma alanı olmak

Abdüllatif Şener'e köşk için davet!

Hakan Akgün Aman Erdoğan dikkat!

Can Aksın ABD’den bakınca Türkiye gerçeği

Mehmet MetinerDerin Devlet

[CAFE CAPITAL]Great political quake of June 4

İsmail Küçükkaya
Başkent’ten görüntüler

Şükrü Küçükşahin Başbakanlık’ta ’II. Çaycı Ali’ vakası

What part of the post-modern coup is post-modern?by MUSTAFA GÜRBÜZ*

Can Ataklı Erdoğan’ın endişesi sıkıyönetim ilanı

Merkez sağ ve TOBB...

Arslan BULUT 22 Temmuz seçimleri, iptal edilebilir!

Şakir Süter TOBB’dan Demokrat Parti’ye

Reha Çamuroğlu Alevileri gayri müslimleştirmek istiyorlar
Arka plan...Kürt siyaseti olur da Alevi siyaseti olmaz mı? Sayıları 20 milyonu bulan Aleviler bugün siyasette ne kadar temsil ediliyorlar? “Alevi siyasetçi” doğru bir tanım mıdır?
Perşembe ...

Madımak'ı müze yapmamı beklemeyin

[Yorum - Bejan Matur] 'Düşkün' Aleviler ne yapacak?

Asaf Savaş Akat Vitrin düzenleme

H4 New York Times Strife Foreseen in Iraq Exit, but Experts Split on Degree Many Iraqis fear a violent chain reaction should U.S. troops withdraw, but they and American officials have many different opinions on how bad things would get.

Israeli Eyes Turn to Damascus With Lebanon and Gaza aflame, maybe it’s time to talk peace with Syria.

Militants Widen Reach as Terror Seeps Out of Iraq The Iraq war, which for years has drawn militants from around the world, is beginning to export fighters to neighboring countries and beyond.

Syrian President’s Fortunes Revive in Time for Election

Editorial War Without End As disjointed as the Democrats have been, their approach makes far more sense than President Bush’s denial of Iraq’s civil war and his war-without-end against terror.

From Moscow, a New Chill The latest turn in the Russian poisoning saga carries ominous signs for the West.

NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF The Educated Giant One reason China is likely to overtake the U.S. as the world’s most important country in this century is that China puts more effort into building human capital than we do.

Doubts Grow as GIs in Iraq Find Allies in Enemy Ranks In interviews with more than a dozen soldiers, most expressed disillusionment toward the situation in Iraq.

U.S. and British Airstrikes Hit Iraqi Militia

Israelis Bomb Hamas Targets in Gaza, Killing 5

MAUREEN DOWD Bush’s Fleurs du Mal The president thinks he can save face if he keeps taunting Democrats as the party of surrender — just as Nixon did — and dumps the Frankenstate he’s created on his successor.

FRANK RICH Operation Freedom From Iraqis Without Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz to kick around anymore, the war’s dead-enders are pinning the fiasco on the Iraqis themselves.

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN v The Quiet Americans We have to hope that the determination and optimism that characterize this generation of young Americans extend into their adulthood

Conservatives and Socialists Split Local Elections in Spain

Ukrainian Election Deal Loses Ground

Militant Hints at Resolution in Lebanon

China Disputes Defense Assessment

Op-Chart: In Memoriam By ADRIANA LINS de ALBUQUERQUE and ALICIA CHENG As the number of casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq has grown over the last four years, it has been easy for Americans to at times lose track of the individual lives that have been taken away.

Over Here By LAWRENCE J. KORB Because the National Guard will continue to be needed overseas, President Bush and the governors should establish in each state an adequately trained, nondeployable Home Guard.

China Suspends High-Speed Train Project

Ukraine Rivals Agree on Election, Defusing Crisis

Editorial Observer: America the Generous: A Lost Story of Citizenship By LAWRENCE DOWNES What a young, confident nation did for immigrants.

PAUL KRUGMAN Trust and Betrayal Future historians will shake their heads over how easily America was misled into war.

H5 Washington Post Countering Iran's Distrust By David Ignatius, As U.S. and Iranian diplomats prepare for a crucial meeting in Baghdad tomorrow, what's on Tehran's mind? The normal reportorial techniques aren't much help, since the Iranians aren't talking publicly. But we can get a sense of what they're thinking by using the columnist's ancient art of mind...

Editorial Next Step on Iran The Western campaign to stop Iran's nuclear program still isn't working.

U.S. to Tell Iran How It Could Help Steady Iraq: Analysts Say Washington Will Have Little Pull in Talks

White House Considers Next Steps in Iraq Troop Drawdowns and Shift in Mission Are Premised on Successful 'Surge'

Dealing With Putin By Jim Hoagland, "Murder is murder." -- a spokesman for British Prime Minister

Syrians Vote For Assad in Uncontested Referendum Foes of President Boycott Election

U.S., British Troops Clash With Sadr Militia: Deaths of 6 American Soldiers, 2 Marines Announced, Raising May's Toll to at Least 101

I Lost My Son to a War I Oppose

By Andrew J. Bacevich, Page B01

What exactly is a father's duty when his son is sent into harm's way?

Help Our Fight for Real Democracy

By Wael Abbas,

Security Contractors Open Fire in Baghdad Employees of Blackwater USA were involved in two street shootings last week, provoking an armed standoff between contractors and Iraqi forces, officials say.

Shortchanging Democracy in Ukraine

The President's 'Freedom Agenda' Is Losing Momentum By Jackson Diehl

Agreement Appears to Resolve Ukraine Crisis

Comprimise appears to halt escalating succession of commands to country's security services that had raised fears a political feud could spill into violence between armed units of the state.

Democrats Prepare for Another Funding Battle: Antiwar Activists Target Financial Supporters, But Moves Are Afoot to Revive Withdrawal Efforts

Teetering Musharraf Buoyed by U.S. Alliance Pakistani Leader Wins Administration Praise Despite Move Away From Democracy

Cheney Focuses on Terror Fight

He Urges West Point Graduates to Provide Leadership in Wars

Israeli Airstrike Kills Five Hamas Gunmen 2nd Palestinian Cabinet Minister Seized

A Long Time Gone: As Minnesota Guardsmen's Tour Is Extended, Small Home Towns Acutely Feel Their Absence

Democrats Prepare for Another Funding Battle: Antiwar Activists Target Financial Supporters, But Moves Are Afoot to Revive Withdrawal Efforts

U.S. Forces Free Al-Qaeda in Iraq Captives

Raid on Hide-Out in Diyala Finds Detainees With Broken Bones, Signs of Torture

U.S. Africa Command Brings New Concerns

Fears of Militarization on Continent Cited

The Low Risk From Immigrants

Off-Target Priorities For Homeland Defense

By Sebastian Mallaby Claims that illegal immigrants threaten national security are based on a misunderstanding of both immigrants and security

A Dubious Diplomat 20 Years Ago, a Young Pilot Took a Headlong Flight Into Cold War History

Immigration Bill's Point System Worries Some Groups

Another Top Bush Aide Makes an Exit

Editorial Memorial Day

Remembering Americans of many nationalities

H6 Guardian US and Iran talks on Iraq war marred by spy ring claims
· Tehran official complains of American infiltration · Troops free 42 from al-Qaida hideout in Diyala

A decade of Blair has left society more segregated, fearful and divided Gary Younge: He could have played midwife to a confident, inclusive, hybrid sense of Britishness, but sought to strangle it at birth.

The entire Labour party shares blame for Iraq's horrors Haifa Zangana: The members may want to pin responsibility on just one man, but they have a moral duty to question their own role.

Israel won. But so have the Islamists Samir El-youssef May 27 07, 10:35pm: The 1967 war was not only a defeat for Arab nationalism - it was also a defeat for secular Arab politics.

Assad only choice in Syrian vote
Syrian president's victory celebrated before a ballot is cast.

Israeli PM risks losing office Government faces fresh upheaval today as Labour contenders vow to end Ehud Olmert's tenure.

Guantánamo detainee told: stay in jail or face torture in home country

Election deal ends Ukrainian political crisis Rival president and prime minister agrees to compromise that will see parliamentary elections held later this year.

Open door Journalism can mean different things depending on where and how you access it. News may be spun, biased, censored, truthful, incomplete and life-threatening. These issues were discussed at Harvard last week at a gathering of ombudsmen

The Observer When I look to the future in Iraq, I start by studying the past Paddy Ashdown: Those who, like me, supported the removal of Saddam Hussein by force now have to face up to the awkward task of deciding what can be salvaged from the mess.

Bush swings behind a softer stance on Iran

Leader Welcome change in US policy on Iran Tomorrow's meeting between the Iranian and American ambassadors in Baghdad marks a remarkable opportunity.

Lebanon gives rebels last chance
Militant Islamic groups threaten widespread bloodshed if army tries to seize camp by force.

A life-saver emerges from the Left Bank Nick Cohen: Sarkozy surprised us with his choice of Foreign Minister, a powerful ally for the people of Darfur.

Troops pour into Kiev as tensions worsen Thousands of troops poured into Kiev yesterday, exacerbating building tensions between President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych.

UK schools dividing on race lines
Britain is 'sleepwalking' towards US-style segregation of schools, government figures reveal.

Wall of steel for G8 summit
Police in Germany are braced for the worst riots since the war when the world's leaders gather.

Hunt for 'traitors' splits Taliban
Spy mania grips the Afghan rebels as top commanders fall victim to tip-offs by informers to coalition troops.

H7 From The National Interest, Beyond American Hegemony: The United States should abandon its futile attempt to secure global hegemony in favor of a concert-of-power foreign-policy strategy. By Michael Lind If the Iraq War is seen as merely a bad application of a fundamentally sound U.S. grand strategy of hegemony, the United States will set itself up for other self-inflicted disasters in the future.

An excerpt from A Capitol Idea: Think Tanks and US Foreign Policy pdf.

Fighting on Two Fronts: Secular Parties in the Arab World
Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Full Paper (PDF; 239 KB)

Ban Ki-moon: Why the World Has Changed in the U.N.'s Favor

Estulin Tracks Bilderberg 2007 Meeting and Its Attendees

Time Talking to Iran — or Talking War?

Al Hayat Lebanon: Between Autonomous State Authority and Foreign-Inspired "Iraqization" Raghida Dergham - The situation is clear: either the state or the militias. We have no need for ignorant analysts who are imposed upon us, and fill us with theories of sabotage, such as Seymour Hersh, who built his entire article in The New Yorker on what was dictated to him by Alastair Crook, an apologist for Hizbullah

Pat Lang & Lawrence Wilkerson Share Nightmare Encounters With Feith, Wolfowitz, and Tenet

A Weak Power Play on Iraq - Michael Goodwin, New York Daily News

Le Monde L'Amérique en marche arrière, par Sylvie Kauffmann

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

BBC US and Iran to hold key meeting Iran and the United States are set to hold their first bilateral talks in almost three decades to discuss Iraq.

Iran lodges US 'spying' protest

US and Iran in landmark talks

New era?
Iran and US to discuss Iraq in first bilateral talks in three decades

US Disbands Unit Created to Pressure Iran and Syria

McClatchy Iraq violence intensifies on eve of U.S.-Iranian talksFighting between anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's militias and U.S. and British forces intensified on the eve of talks between U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and an Iranian envoy about security in Iraq.

Newsweek U.S. Military Taps Iraq’s Tribal Networks U.S. field commanders are finally beginning to tap the traditional networks that helped Saddam to stay in power.

Kristol: Bush 'Was Furious' Over NYT Report Of 2008 Withdrawal

Tension with Iran presents struggle for all politicians

U.S., British forces battle cleric's 'army'

White House plays down report of Iraq troop cut

Al-Sadr Meets Lieutenants To Discuss New Direction

Iraqi Papers Monday: Sadrists Regroup

Strategy Hour: Breaking Point - Measuring Progress in Afghanistan
Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies

Gen. Petraeus is Wrong on Sadr
The Conservative Voice

Daily Star Nasrallah's overture deserves reciprocation, not reproach

More changes and more foreign hypocrisy in Iraq By Rami G. Khouri

H9 Ha’aretz An attack on Sderot is an attack on the two-state solution

Gideon Levy: Olmert's policies better than Sharon's destruction

Ya'alon: Bring down Iran regime, send troops into Gaza

Uzi Benziman: Like Hamas, Israel needs break from Gaza strife

Syrian opposition leader to visit Knesset

Military advises keeping up pinpoint strikes

Eldar Character trumps experience The question that Labor members need to ask themselves is what is more difficult to make up for: a lack of character or lack of experience?

What Happened to the Israeli Peace Lobby?

Both an end and a beginning

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine

Jerusalem Post The Region: The rocky road to Arab reform [ BARRY RUBIN,

View from America: Our most unwelcome ally

Yedioth Ahronoth 'Hamas will be ready for us' Explosive tunnels, snipers, road bombs - all will be waiting should IDF decide to enter Gaza, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin tells cabinet. Palestinians may have lost faith in leadership, he estimates, but Hamas is far from giving up

Barak failed to deliver

While former PM boasts experience, end result of actions far from impressive, Rami Tal writes

The Economist is wrong/ Plocker

3rd gift for Hamas/ Yossi Beilin

'I'd lead Israel best in war'
On eve of Labor primaries, Ehud Barak tells undecided voters he is best to lead Israel in times of war, only leader capable of beating Likud's Netanyahu in general elections, while Peretz vows to push social agenda if reelected

BBC Israeli raids follow PM's warning Israeli aircraft strike Hamas targets in Gaza, the military says, hours after the PM vows to continue a crackdown.

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Daniel Schorr: Walls don't solve problems

Fury grows on immigration bill Senate defenders of the reform plan cite misinformation, as e-mails clog their mailboxes and calls jam the switchboards.

ASIA Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2007 . Office of the US Secretary of Defense

A review of Charm Offensive: How China’s Soft Power Is Transforming the World, by Joshua Kurlantzick. An article on the language of Chinese soft power in the US.

How can Americans understand China as it is — not as politicians and pundits prefer to depict it? (and part 2 and part 3 and part 4)

Morgan Stanley China’s Pace, America’s Angst

Economic and Social Survey of Asia & the Pacific Source: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
press release Download in sections (PDFs) or as full report (PDF; 1.65 MB).

Does ‘Good Government’ Draw Foreign Capital? Explaining China’s Exceptional Foreign Direct Investment Inflow (PDF; 453 KB)
Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Paper

A review of The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression and Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World.

Attitudes on the Future of the U.S.- South Korea Relationship
Source: Center for Strategic & International Studies

FT Editorial Darfur syndrome and Burma’s grief Junta needs pressure from China – or from within to end Burma’s plight.

WORLD NEWS: Sino-Indian rift over border

Greening Shanghai
Can China's largest city balance growth and the environment?

H11 IHT Globalist by Roger Cohen: Israel and the price of blindness
The West Bank is a shameful place. If this is the price of security, it is unacceptable.

More war, or peace?
On the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War, both Israelis and Palestinians should pause and think.

Germans prepare to fight U.S. on climate change At a G-8 summit meeting next week, the Bush administration is expected to block a declaration on global warming.

EUROPE European press review

Constitutional conundrums: The battle over the EU constitution is likely to be won by the minimalists.

Le Monde M. Sarkozy et la mondialisation, par Eric Le Boucher


Google News Azerbaijan

Sunday Telegraph Putin is heading for a worrying future By identifying some parallels between modern Russia and Germany in the twenties, Niall Ferguson hazards a guess at what the Bear is likely to do next.

IHT Russia and the rule of law: Poisoning case underscores Europe's doubtsUnder Vladimir Putin, a Soviet-style cynicism about the law has returned to Russia, in which justice is simply a series of political calculations.

Geopolitical Diary: Russia -- A Voice From the Past

H13 The Times Iraq talks hint at thawing of US-Iran relations Iran and the US are due to hold groundbreaking talks on Iraq that could lead to a thawing in diplomatic relations

Sunday Times Al-Qaeda chief urges Iraqis to export jihad Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri (right), has urged supporters in Iraq to extend their 'holy war' to other countries

US plans to halve troops in Iraq

Putin the Terrible, we love you To the West, Moscow’s strongman is a despot out to crush democracy. That’s just why most Russians like him

On the brink of a bloodbath A group of Muslim fanatics are pinned down in a Lebanese refugee camp threatening fight to the death in terrifying stand-off

Shackled in the war on terror Attempts to introduce stronger powers to stamp out terrorism have been knocked back by Parliament Tony Blair

Profile Bernard Kouchner

Army fear over Iraq troop cuts Officers worry Brown will cut troop numbers to such a low level their effectiveness is jeopardised and lives endangered

Chirac and the ‘secret account in Japan’ The former French President faces a grilling over £30m he allegedly kept in a secret Japanese bank account

Migrants should wait their turn A perception of unfairness typically stimulates resentment that can turn to hatred Michael Portillo

Wall Street Journal Pains at the Pump
Raise gas prices, commit a felony.

H14 Financial Times ANALYSIS: Hamastan? A three-sided fight between Hamas, Fatah and Israel has left the Gaza Strip in the hands of warlords – and new jihadist groups are growing threatening peace in the region and beyond.

COMMENT: The real challenge for Muslim nations is economic Unless Muslim countries are strong economically, politically and socially, they will remain marginalised, writes Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, prime minister of Malaysia

Tehran confident ahead of US talks Believes Iraq war is working in its favour Iran enters talks with the US confident that the situation in Iraq is working in its favour but wary that Washington may not have abandoned hopes for regime change in Iran.

Ahmadi-Nejad’s battle with businesses worsens The battle between President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad and Iran’s private sector intensified as state television quoted the president rejecting “negative propaganda” that his government opposed business.

WORLD NEWS: Seven years of little change for Syria

WORLD NEWS: Murder and oppression will not earn Russia respect Russia is an authoritarian state in which the rule of law is based not on the rights of the citizen but on the Kremlin’s dictates, writes Stefan Wagstyl.

COMMENT: A plea to free America from ignorance

Ukraine agrees election to end standoff Ukraine’s feuding leaders have agreed to early parliamentary elections on September 30 after stepping back from a dangerous constitutional standoff that saw clashes between elite troops

Al-Assad in power for seven more years Syrians went to the polls, marking a crowning achievement of Bashar al-Assad’s seven years in power: he is firmly enough in charge to continue as president for another seven years.

BACK PAGE - FIRST SECTION: A new petrol price scapegoat

EU renews Gaza border mission The European Union foreign policy chief has welcomed an EU decision to renew the mandate of its monitoring force at the Gaza Strip’s Rafah crossing point.

WORLD NEWS: Sarkozy's plans are bad economic governance A judge once said he could not define pornography, but knew it when he saw it. The same goes for inflation, writes writes Wolfgang Munchau.

WORLD NEWS: Sino-Indian rift over border

EU globalisation fund questioned Questions about extent of ‘de­localisation’

LEADER: Darfur Syndrome

Editorial Nuclear persuasionWithout new nuclear reactors, the UK will need a huge expansion of renewables or huge cuts in industrial emissions just to stand still in its fight against climate change.

COMMENT: Europe should reach for the sky Navigation, and the software and services it allows, is one of the most intriguing technologies developed since advent the internet, writes John Gapper.

COMPANIES UK: China comes into view around almost every corner There seems no getting away from China at the moment. Alan Greenspan, for one, tells us the Chinese equity market is about to collapse, writes Tony Jackson.

H15 Los Angeles Times Mideast force embraces the tribe Weak governments, Iraq's civil war and an identity crisis fortify tribal connections.

U.S. and Iran prepare to meet for Iraq discussions The rare talks may start a dialogue between foes who view each other's involvement as interference.

U.S. presses for a functioning Ramadi

GOP senator expects a troop reduction

American forces rescue at least 40 Iraqis


H16 American Politics LA Times Republican rift widens over immigration bill The debate surrounding a plan to legalize immigrants rekindles a bitter fight over restoring GOP dominance.

The next Americans

By Tomás R. Jiménez

Immigrants don't destroy our national identity, they renew it.

Edwards elbows into the top tier In adopting poverty as a theme, the Sen. strikes a more combative and populist tone.

Clinton 'planned to divorce Hillary'...

Newsweek Evangelicals Search for a Political Savior

GALLUP: Nearly 1 in 3 Believe Bible is Literal Word of God

Immigration bill under assault from powerful interest groups

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas Swamp Sunrise Daybook

Hillary seeking single anxious females Influential new voting block could deliver victory in the 2008 presidential election The pain of being Hillary

Hillary leads, but Obama is the man to watch Obama may, in fact, be the most effective liberal advocate I’ve heard in my lifetimeAndrew Sullivan

Clintons brace for 'wandering Bill' claims

An Inconvenient Truth The former vice president worries about the state of political discourse.

Reviewed by Alan Ehrenhalt, Page BW02 THE ASSAULT ON REASON By Al Gore Penguin Press. 308 pp. $25.95

Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Alive and Well? (PDF; 1 MB) Source: Economic Mobility Project (Pew Charitable Trusts)

H17 Daily Telegraph Iran accuses US of spying ahead of talks United States stands accused of running "spy networks" designed to carry out sabotage operations inside Iran's borders, raising tensions on the eve of talks between the two countries about the future of Iraq

Blair's farewell blitz against terrorism The Prime Minister is absolutely right about one thing: the emasculation of our anti-terror laws must stop.

Expletives deleted Alastair Campbell's soon-to-be published diaries have been censored, with Tony Blair's expletives removed.

Sunday Telegraph Putin is heading for a worrying future By identifying some parallels between modern Russia and Germany in the twenties, Niall Ferguson hazards a guess at what the Bear is likely to do next.

Bush sanctions 'black ops' against Iran CIA authorised to destabilise mullahs' regime by manipulating economy and sabotaging nuclear programme.

Lebanon gunmen dig in for 'two-year battle' Islamic fighters at Lebanon's Nahr al Bared refugee camp have dug underground bunkers ahead of a battle lasting "two years or more".

British general negotiates with rebels

Britain's top commander in Iraq is leading negotiations for an insurgent "ceasefire" under which Sunni fighters would lay down their arms in return for an amnesty.

The energy challenge needs engineers Many parts of society have roles to play in the transition to a low-carbon world, but behind every element of progress will lie the power of engineering and the vision of individual engineers, says John Browne.

Open borders demand open debate Stifling public discussion of immigration does not combat racism. It just means lies are more easily believed in private.

Revealed: Queen's dismay at Blair legacy The Queen has been left "exasperated and frustrated" at the legacy of Tony Blair's 10 years in power, friends have disclosed.

Litvinenko killing 'may prevent tip-offs'

H18 Independent US and Iran to hold talks amid spy row

Europe's shame African migrants were towed across the Mediterranean for three days by a Maltese tug that refused to take them on board after their boat sank

Independent on Sunday Suspect 'spoke to Litvinenko on his death bed' The man accused of poisoning Alexander Litvinenko has insisted again that he is innocent of murder

Death of a dissident: Moscow's murky assassins

Geoffrey Lean: Nuclear nation? It's bunkum

David Davis: So, Chancellor, will you return the freedoms we lost under Blair?

Hamish McRae: Inflation has gone global - and hiking our interest rates won't make much of a dent

Why the US is losing its war on cocaine

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Military Power of the People’s Republic of China 2007 . Office of the US Secretary of Defense

Weekly Standard The Good Soldiers Two views of the U.S. military.

Field Marshal McNamara

by Andrew J. Bacevich Managing the Pentagon and managing wars are two different things, a lesson Robert McNamara learned the hard way.

Boston Globe Environmental defense Increasingly, the military sees energy efficiency -- and moving away from oil -- as part of its national security mission. Does that mean the Pentagon is turning green?

This Memorial Day Today we observe a solemn celebration of freedom. Memorial Day is for remembering, rededicating and commemorating those soldiers who have fallen and a celebration of those who serve.

Cheney criticizes the Geneva Convention in Military Academy ...

CNN video: Young officers leave service at 'alarming' rate

US scraps missile-defense test as target misfires

Attack of the cyber terrorists Daily Mail

Russian Nuclear-Powered Submarine Dismantlement and Related Activities: A Critique
Source: Center for Nonproliferation Studies

Berger's Eternal Secret - New York Post

U.S. commander will urge troops in training to work less

Editorial Observer: What the History of Memorial Day Teaches About Honoring the War Dead By ADAM COHEN Memorial Day is a day not only of remembering, but also of selective forgetting — a point to keep in mind as the Iraq war moves uneasily into the history books.

Living on Iraq Time

By MIKE KONDOR While most people think of Memorial Day as just a day off from work, for families like mine the day is a further reminder that our loved one is gone forever.

H20 Slate

Popular Conceptions of the Meaning of Democracy: Democratic Understanding in Unlikely Places Source: Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California-Irvine Full Paper (PDF; 233 KB)

The Excess Burden of Government Indecision (PDF; 457 KB)
Source: Harvard Business School Working Papers

Bush strong suit . . . Two of Washington's best-informed men confirmed it so it must be true. President Bush and his consigliere Karl Rove bet on who had read the most books in a year.

From The Spectator, Boris Johnson on the pursuit of happiness: "The real trouble is that our rulers are Puritans". World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007
Source: IMD Business School Overall Scoreboard 2007 Press release Competitiveness Roadmap 2007-2050 FAQs 2007 Methodology

Woman Without Fear A new biography of the scholar spy who helped make modern Iraq. GERTRUDE BELL Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations

Goodbye, Grassy Knoll A famously effective prosecutor tries to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Reviewed by Alan Wolfe, Page BW03

RECLAIMING HISTORY The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

A Man of the People "FDR" by Jean Edward Smith: A careful scholar explores the life of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

From Judgment and Decision Making, Ingmar H. A. Franke, Irina Georgieva and Peter Muris (Erasmus): The rich get richer and the poor get poorer: On risk aversion in behavioral decision-making

Britain’s Angry Young Men became angry old men. An ugly sight, says Colin Wilson, and now that they are all safely dead, he can spit on their graves... more»

H21 If God is dead, Ivan Karamazov said, then everything is permitted. Or does this not follow? This question, and its moral siblings, vexes philosophy still... more»

Newsweek A new generation of scientific mavericks is not content to merely tinker with life's genetic code. They want to rewrite it from scratch.

In praise of ... Monopoly
Monopoly's origins lie in the century-old Landlord's Game, which was intended to show how much fairer things would be if all the players agreed to pay a redistributive tax and the railways were brought into public ownership.

In Cannes, a Romanian Takes Home the Fronds

Shielding journalists

Reporters, and the country, would benefit from a proposed federal law to protect confidential sources.

'Reasonable' overreach

News, news everywhere, so much one can hardly take it all in.

'Falling Man' By DON DeLILLO Reviewed by FRANK RICH This is not necessarily the 9/11 novel you’d expect from the author of “Underworld” and “Libra.” First Chapter

What's the point of books? John McWhorter investigates

Benchmark and Timetable By WILLIAM SAFIRE A guidepost to target dates.

Hyperhydration’s Unintended Consequences Americans consume 30 billion single-serving containers of bottled water a year. What to do with all that plastic?

My week: Richard Dawkins
Travelling via the US is a bit of a trial for the evolutionary biologist, thanks to security gone mad. But later he encounters a terrific eco-friendly sports car.

Channel 4 in row over Diana crash pictures Friends of the princess are furious at plan to broadcast documentary containing graphic images of Paris car crash

History, but not our story In the lively A History of Modern Britain, Andrew Marr is peerless on politics but less assured on how most Britons live their daily lives, says Simon Garfield.

Clever Clive will make you smart
Clive James's Cultural Amnesia is noteworthy marginalia, says Robert McCrum.

Search me? There is a growing tension between knowledge and privacy as Google give us more but wants to know more about us first

Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health

A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage

They Came, They Toured, They Offended It may be time to retire the term “ugly American.” When it comes to tourists, bad manners may be a global phenomenon.

Discovery of breast cancer genes will identify sufferers Scientists have identified a new genetic basis for breast cancer in a discovery that promises to radically change screening methods

Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory Arts & Letters Daily / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence

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Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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