3 May 2007
  May 03, 2007

0503-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 Atlantic Monthly Grand IllusionsWith Rumsfeld and Powell gone, and Cheney’s power diminished, this is Condoleezza Rice’s moment. Can she salvage America’s standing in the Middle East—and defuse the threat of a nuclear Iran? Behind the curtain in Washington and Jerusalem with the secretary of state

New York Times Iraqi Blocs Opposed to Draft Oil Bill Kurdish and Sunni Arab officials are concerned over a draft of a bill establishing a framework for the fair distribution of oil revenues.

Concern Is High and Unity Hopes Are Nil at Talks on Iraq

WP Editorial Benchmarks for Iraq

With political progress in Baghdad stalled, President Bush should take Congress's help.

The Next Mideast War? By David Makovsky, The causes of Israel's war with Hezbollah last summer still exist -- and may spark another conflagration

Draft Oil Measure Sent to Parliament Protracted Debate Foreseen by Some; Kurds Raise Issues

Debate Turns Bitter as France's Presidential Rivals Trade Jabs

UPI Biden: Three-region solution for Iraq

Independent Leading article: Tehran holds key to Washington's exit from Iraq

Christian Science Monitor

In Iraq, Sunni Muslim sheikhs join US in fighting Al Qaeda Tribal support of US-led fight against Al Qaeda is linked to drop in violence in Anbar Province.

US to meet Iraq's neighbors, but sectarian divisions remain deep

Sunnis and Shiites are split as officials prepare to gather in Egypt to discuss Iraq's future.

Boris Yeltsin's Wrong Moves By: Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek He ruled by fiat, firing judges, governors and legislators who crossed him. The result: Russia has become less free over the last decade.

CFR Wary Neighbors Meet on Iraq

USIP A Regional Peace Process for Iraq?

Double Decoupling By: Robert Reich | The American Prospect
The rest of the world's major economies no longer depend on America's. Neither do America's own largest corporations.

Global Climate Change: National Security Implications
Source: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College Full Document (PDF; 255 KB)

Syrian Endgame By: Michael Young | The Wall Street Journal It is in Lebanon that Syria has shown the least inclination to concede anything. That's why the U.S. must use any future conversation with Iran, assuming it goes well, as leverage to consolidate Lebanon's fragile independence.

Keeping Up the Momentum By: Ibrahim Nafie | Al-Ahram Weekly
In terms of the resolve, flexibility and willingness to stay the course, Arab countries are turning over a new leaf. And you can sense the difference already.

A Rising Tide of Fury By: Tony Blankley | The Washington Times
From a low of 73 percent in Indonesia to a high of 92 percent in Egypt the Muslims believe that America's goal is "to weaken and divide the Islamic world." Fairly assuming that these four countries' populations represent worldwide Muslim views in Islamic countries, in other words, about 80 percent of the 1.4 billion Muslims (or about a billion souls) see America as hostile or an enemy to Islam.

BBC Land of ideas
What would the world have been like without America?

DT Georgia offers to aid US defence system

Georgia and EU Play Endgame on Frozen Conflicts By: Andrew Rettman | EU Observer Georgia says the EU would send border monitors to its rebel territories if Russia agrees, with Tbilisi also leveraging its relations with international clubs like the WTO and NATO to reunify the country, Georgian foreign minister Gela Bezhuashvili told EUobserver.

Iran plays the Azerbaijan card

Newsweek The Oval: Bush Still Controls Security Debate

Guardian 7/7 leader: what police knew Police were investigating ringleader of the July 7 bombings just five months before he led the suicide attacks.

Returns to education in the economic transition : a systematic assessment using comparable data Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Papers Full Paper (PDF; 650 KB)

FT Editorial Asia must ensure energy race does not become conflict As the appetites of Japan, China, South Korea and India for energy grow, they need to take care this contest remains peaceful.

Guardian Rule by fear Brian Katulis At Friday's Iraq conference, America should remember that the regional powers fear rapid withdrawal - and it should put those fears to good use.

Los Angeles Times Republicans shift stance over commitment to Iraq Some Congressional lawmakers advocate proposals that would tie American aid to the Iraqis' ability to meet certain benchmarks.

Daily Telegraph Forget the lecture tour, make Blair Our Man in Baghdad It is time we all admitted that the latent poison of Muslim alienation and disaffection has been potentiated by the war in Iraq, argues Boris Johnson.

H2 Foreign Policy Seven Questions: Between God and Atatürk Andrew Mango

Secretary Rice on Turkey’s Presidential Election

Mark Parris Gece bildirisi, Türk ordusunun otorite ve kredisini sarsabilir

NYT In Political Row, Turkey Advances National Ballot

WP Turkish Premier Calls Vote to End 'Blockade' on Democracy

Guardian Leader The democratic solution With audible sighs of relief from the outside world, Turkey's prime minister, Recep Erdogan, yesterday called for an early general election, to defuse the crisis created by the nomination of his right-hand man Abdullah Gul for the presidency.

Daily Telegraph Leader Let the Turks decide

IHT Getting Turkey right The decision to block the election of a new president was an unfortunate intervention in Turkey's political process.

Slate Fried Turkey: How it lost its shot at the European Union.

FT COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: In Ataturk's shadow Analysis: Guardians of a ‘secular religion’ watch over Turkey

WORLD NEWS: Turkey generals told to respect democracy

CFR Turkey Debates its Secular Soul
Council on Foreign Relations

FT Metin Münir COMMENT: Turks want neither a coup nor an Islamic state

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: It is time for Turkey to open its society to the rule of law and democratic institution-building

Washington Times Editorial Turkish democracy The firewall between state and religion is paramount in majority Muslim countries, as Ataturk realized more than 80 years ago. Its erosion threatens democracy in Turkey.

The Economist Turkey's turmoil

An early election looks increasingly likely

IHT A plea to the next French president These are uncomfortable times for young, cosmopolitan Turks who want their country to have a European future.

BBC Uncharted waters
The political impasse is a big test for Turkey's democracy


Rehn ve Lagendijk'ın açıklamaları

Brüksel'den uyarı

AB'nin Türkiye açıklamasını Zeynel Lüle değerlendirdi

Guardian EU warns army in Turkey dispute

Q&A: Turkish political crisis

The Times Turkey crisis deepens as PM attack court

Dünya basınında Türkiye hareketliliği

'Türkiye bir travesti gibi'

Dünya medyası Ankara’yı izliyor

Dünya erken seçim kararından memnun

AP EU urges Turkey to respect civilian control over military

BBC Turkey PM attacks court ruling

DT Army 'threatens Turkey's EU chances'

New Elections in Turkey: Erdogan Calls Court Decision 'Bullet Aimed at Democracy' - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News

Wall Street Seçim Kararına Olumlu

LA Times Balloting for Turkish president annulled Court's move hampers the ruling party's bid to install an Islamist in the post.

SPIEGEL Interview with Orhan Pamuk: 'No One Drives Me into Exile'

Pamuk'tan Çankaya'ya eleştiri

Savaşı demokrasi kazanmalı Gideon Rachman

Haklı endişelere darbe gölgesi düşmesin Bronwen Maddox

Ordu modern devlete karşı YASER EBU HİLALE

Seçim çekişme gerekçesine dönüşebilir SEMİR ATALLAH

Let Turkey be Muslim, Even if Ataturk Spins in His Grave

Andrew Finkel The new risk paradigm

Al hayat On the Sidelines of the Turkish Crisis Hazem Saghieh - The Turkish crisis triggered by the presidential elections and Abdullah Gül's candidacy shows, among other things, two new difficulties, if not incurable diseases: First, less resort to a theoretical legitimacy or authority and second, a decline of the constitutional institutions and, above all, the parliament.

Rizgari ABD ve Genelkurmay Bildirisi!

Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media

Dışişleri'nden Kerkük uyarısı Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Irak Anayasası'nda Kerkük’ün statüsünün belirleneceği, referandumla ilgili olan 140’ıncı maddenin uygulanması konusundaki girişimlerin oldu bittiye getirilmemesi uyarısında bulundu.

Mısır toplantısı öncesinde Ankara'dan Kerkük uyarısı

Barzani urges peaceful solution for Kirkuk

Turkey Needs US Assurances on Kurds
The Conservative Voice

Hedefimiz Irak'ın toprak bütünlüğü

Analysis: Iraq oil law author now a critic

Kitapçıyı iki PKK'lı bombaladı

DTP’li Belediye Başkanı’nın PKK’lı oğlu çatışmada öldü

DTP'li belediye başkanının PKK'lı oğlu öldürüldü

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

Ankara criteria versus Copenhagen Criteria Cengiz Aktar

Orduyu, Deniz Baykal provoke etti

Sarkozy ile Royal arasında ''Türkiye'' polemiği

'Turkish Cypriot move contradicts Turkish theses on Cyprus'

Prodi Temkinli olmakta hakkımız var

Sarkozy'den Türkiye'ye Sert Çıkış

Türkiye'ye din eleştirisi

Wilson, Ermeni Tasarısı'nın geçmesini engellemek için ABD'ye gidecek

Armenia, yes, make your right choice! CEM OĞUZ

Rwanda genocide exhibit revises words on Armenians

A Difference of Opinion on a Memoir of Her Mother

"Türkiye'de dini özgürlük kısıtlı" iddiası

BBC 3 Mayıs 2007 Basın Özeti

Ahmet Ertegun changed the face of pop music

WCC urges Turkey to protect Christians

Serdar Turgut Askerin açıklamasını kim yazdı?

Türk halkı çağdaşlaşmak için Batı müziği dinlemeli

İbrahim Öztürk Yabancıları ürkütüp ekonomik kaos peşindeler

Ekonomide istikrarın kaynağı yurtdışıymış

Hurşit GÜNEŞ Liberallerin müthiş patırtısı

Meral TAMER Bu kritik günlerde YASED ne der?

Dalgalı ekonomi Mahfi Eğilmez

Yüksek reel faizin marifeti şimdi anlaşıldı

Ercan Kumcu İthalat arttığına göre büyüyoruz

Hazine’den 2006 yılı faaliyet raporu

Asaf Savaş Akat Enflasyon ve döviz kuru

Yiğit Bulut Babacan’a açık mektup

Cuma şokunun yarattığı iki belirsizlik
Fatih Özatay

Bir tahmin: Nereye kadar dalgalanırız?
Korkmaz İlkorur

The American Turkish Society Celebrates Citi-Sabanci Partnership ...
Business Wire

H3 SOLİ ÖZEL Krizden ötesi

ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Hariçten 3 yazı

Ahmet Hakan AKP bu işten kárlı çıkar mı?

Ruşen Çakır| Seçim krizi çözmez derinleştirir

Gönül 'Toplantıya çağrılmadım'
Murat Yetkin

22 Temmuz'da uzlaşmaya varıldı

HASAN ÜNAL Tamamen iftira

İzlenimler Gündüz Aktan

Hasan CEMAL Gül'e göre tarihi hata!

Semih İDİZ Türkiye, hayret, kaygı, ve hayranlıkla izleniyor!

Ertuğrul Özkök Meydan bizim, ya sandıklar

Halk seçsin ama... İsmet Berkan

Taha AKYOL Çankaya kime emanet? "Uluslaşma"nın da en önemli ayaklarından biri, hukukun eşitlik ve tarafsızlık ilkesidir; "sakıncalı vatandaşlar" anlayışıyla "ulus" haline gelinemez!

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Misinformation surrounding the military memo

Dersimiz demokrasi: Sınıfta kalanlar ve sınıfı geçenler
Perihan Mağden

The secularist hype in Turkey is a fact-free paranoia MUSTAFA AKYOL

Kanadoğlu kriterleri

"Türk demokrasisi krizden güçlenerek çıkabilir"

Referans Erken seçim kritik reformları vuracak

Seyfettin Gürsel Siyasal reformun önü açıldı

Seçimde ilk aşama Tarhan Erdem

ABD'nin kafasında darbe mi var? Kasım Cindemir

Bilal Çetin Amaç cumhurbaşkanını halka seçtirmek mi muhalefeti sıkıştırmak mı?

Casey: Büyükelçi Wilson, Türk yetkililerle görüştü

Rice Köşk sürecini değerlendirdi

Cengiz Çandar Ya halk ile demokrasiye devam; Veya demokrasiyi iptal yolları...

Ali Bulaç: e-muhtıra AKP'nin sonu olabilir!

Can Dündar Seçimde kim kazanır?

Büyükanıt'a giden Çelik 2 saat görüştü

Serpil YILMAZ Erdoğan'dan iş dünyasına: Yüzde 10 barajını düşürmemi istemeyin

Same war, different warfare
Burak Bekdil

Güngör URAS Ey "CHP", titre ve kendine gel!

Sami KOHEN Dışta bu kadar ilgi, ilginç...

Mustafa Erdoğan Anayasa Mahkemesi: ‘İki kere iki beş eder’

Bülent Korucu Anayasa Mahkemesi, darbecileri gözlerinden öper!

Şahin Alpay CHP, Sosyalist Enternasyonal'den atılmalı

Siyaset erken seçimde anlaştı iş dünyası karardan memnun

CHP'ye göre 24 Haziran en makul tarih

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç

Fehmi Koru Açmaz

NAZLI ILICAKCHP ve DSP birleşiyor mu?

ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Demokrasi buraya kadar

Cüneyt Ülsever Stratejisi olmayan hükümet!

Ekrem Dumanlı Mızıkçıların vay haline!

Sivil siyaset zaptedilirken

Birand Maçın 2. devresi başlıyor...

Erken seçim tamam çifte sandık çok zor

MEHMET OCAKTAN Baykal kendi silahıyla vuruldu…

Yaman TÖRÜNER Aslında ne oldu?

Hüseyin Gülerce AK Parti'nin yakaladığı fırsat

İBRAHİM KARAGÜL Derin sistemik kırılma: Demokrasi bir tehdittir!

Şakir Süter ‘Madem öyle işte böyle’ siyaseti!

Serdar Turgut Darbe Anayasası

EMRE AKÖZ Dikkat, taş koyacaklar

Nuh Gönültaş Cumhurbaşkanını halk seçmesin ama halkı CHP seçsin

HAKAN ALBAYRAK Madem öyle, gel böyle!

YASİN DOĞAN Sahte demokratların makyajı döküldü

Can Dündar Seçimde kim kazanır?

Sol'da 'Hikmet Ağabey' formülü mü?

İsmail Küçükkaya Erdoğan’ın kriz yönetimi

ERGUN BABAHAN Oyun bozanlar

Fikret BİLA Cumhurbaşkanı Sezer devam edecek

Güneri CIVAOĞLU Boyacı küpü değil

MAHMUT ÖVÜR Türkiye'yi sarsan beş gün

Erdal Sağlam Anayasa değişikliği yeni gerilimler yaratır

Yusuf KANLI Electing a president or saving democracy?

Misperceptions and the healing touch of democracy by DOĞU ERGİL

Bir hassasiyet olarak darbe gereksinimi ETYEN MAHÇUPYAN

Siyaset adına, hukuka karşı
Turgut Tarhanlı

9-2 Sezer galip Hasan Celal Güzel

Salih neftçi Seçmen... Riskler ve fırsatlar

Mehmet Y Yılmaz Seçimi bir oyuna çevirmek kaybettirdi

Süheyl Batum Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin kararı ile

Yalçın Doğan Cumhurbaşkanı aday seçimi

Zayıf bir cumhurbaşkanı adayı AK Parti’yi parçalardı

Deniz Ülke Arıboğan
Hepimiz aynı taraftanız!

Deniz Gökçe Hepsi kısa vadeci!

İşte 5+5 modeli

Ahmet Kekeç CHP için seçmen ithal edelim...

Şükrü Küçükşahin ’Hukuken’ bumerangı

İhsan Dağı Turkish Democracy, the CHP and its Allies

Gerilimi sürdürmek Altan Öymen

What nobody has asked about the closing of Refah Horst MANN

Nedim Hazar Darbeder ülkem

Kâbus gibi Nuray Mert

Oktay Ekşi Tünelin ucu göründü...

Emin Çölaşan Varan 4... İnkár size yakışır mı Abdullah Bey!

Mehmet Tezkan
Erdoğan devrilen arabayı düzeltirken depoyu da doldurma peşinde..

YSK’nın 22 Temmuz önerisi Komisyon’da kabul edildi

Baykal hakkında "yargıyı etkileme" soruşturması

Ezdirme pehlivan

AKP ve CHP'nin gözü 'milliyetçi' oylarda

Seçim ittifakı yasa tasarısı Meclis’te

MELİHA OKUR Büyükerşen: Sağ ve sol partiler hülle yapabilir

İbrahim Kalın The myth of a regime crisis

Derya SAZAK İki sandık

Kanadoğlu: Erken seçim kararı alınamaz

Anayasa Mahkemesi: Açıklamalar sorumsuzca

Arınç: Engelleyen Anayasa maddesi yok

Kuzu: Hukuk patlatılır

Org. Büyükanıt'a Bakan Çelik'ten kritik ziyaret

Gizlice paşaya gidip okulları anlattı

Sezer mi Arınç mı tartışması

Murat Çelik Meclis'ten izlenim ve notlar

Denktaş Türbanı üniforma haline getirdiler

Bu iddia CHP'yi yakacak

Güler Kömürcü Kırmızı-Beyaz devrim olacak mı?

Toward a ‘two Turkey’ scenario: A horror film for Turkey İbrahim Öztürk

Hadi Uluengin Tarz ve arz

H4 New York Times Iraqi Blocs Opposed to Draft Oil Bill Kurdish and Sunni Arab officials are concerned over a draft of a bill establishing a framework for the fair distribution of oil revenues.

G.O.P. Contenders Ponder What to Say About Bush

By ADAM NAGOURNEY The Republican field is wrestling with how to deal with the president as they gather for their first debate.

Concern Is High and Unity Hopes Are Nil at Talks on Iraq

Iraq Reconstruction Is Doomed, Ex-Chief of Global Fund Says

Democrats Regroup After Veto, Seeking Unity on Iraq Plan

Israeli Foreign Minister Calls on Olmert to Resign

DAVID BROOKSWolfowitz’s Big Mistake When will political appointees start learning the simple rules of effective democratic leadership?

Editorial An Exit Strategy for Guantánamo Senator Dianne Feinstein has introduced legislation aimed at closing the five-year-old military prison. It deserves passage by a bipartisan, veto-proof majority.

Wall Street Journal Weighs Life Under Rupert Murdoch

He’s Impeachable, You Know By FRANK BOWMAN The power to impeach civil officers like Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is at bottom a tool granted Congress to defend the constitutional order

Campaigning for History: Reflections on the American Presidency

Margaret MacMillan argues that today’s presidential candidates share the Wilsonian assumption that the U.S. is a proper leader in world affairs.

H5 Washington Post After Veto, New Bill to Fund War Is in Works Democrats offer first major concession, agreeing to drop their demand for a withdrawal timeline, so long as final bill still influences Iraq policy.

Draft Oil Measure Sent to Parliament: Protracted Debate Foreseen by Some; Kurds Raise Issues

Editorial Benchmarks for Iraq

With political progress in Baghdad stalled, President Bush should take Congress's help.

The Next Mideast War? By David Makovsky, The causes of Israel's war with Hezbollah last summer still exist -- and may spark another conflagration

Rice Presses Iraqi Prime Minister on Aid Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urges Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to convince Iraq's Arab neighbors of his commitment to heal sectarian divides.

Lawmakers Decry Iran-India Alliance

Leaders Warn of Damage to Nuclear Deal

Japan Moves to Amend Pacifist Constitution The spirit of constraint and pacifism will not be abandoned in Japan's amendment of the constitution.

The Next Mideast War?

Calls Mount for Olmert to Step Down: Foreign Minister Urges Olmert to Quit

Debate Turns Bitter as France's Presidential Rivals Trade Jabs

Dignity, Safety and Health for Refugees By: Mauro De Lorenzo | The Washington Post
A culture of impunity is built into the DNA of the UN, and some of the clearest examples can be found in the work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), mandated by the UN General Assembly to protect refugees around the world.

Can Bush Negotiate?

A Test Everyone Will Fail

By Gerald W. Bracey, Page A25

Here's a quiz for policymakers, politicians and adults in general. Bet you don't pass.

Thankless Bipartisanship

By David S. Broder, Page A25

Why are bipartisan successes treated like dirty little secrets?

It's All About Al-Qaeda Again

Iraq on Watch List of Nations That Violate Religious Rights

H6 Guardian 7/7 leader: what police knew Police were investigating ringleader of the July 7 bombings just five months before he led the suicide attacks.
Blair rules out new investigation
Comment is free: Catherine Bennett

Why should we have to justify ourselves to the people who want to bomb us?

Rule by fear Brian Katulis At Friday's Iraq conference, America should remember that the regional powers fear rapid withdrawal - and it should put those fears to good use.

Olmert vows to stay Israel's PM
Foreign minister and chief rival Livni to stand in next party leadership election after telling Olmert to resign.

Mission not yet accomplished

Martin Woollacott: In vetoing the Iraq funding bill, George Bush intends to shift the focus of debate towards the importance of an American victory.

A political earthquake Jonathan Spyer May 02 07, 03:30pm: The Winograd report asks some compelling questions of Israel's government, against a background of regional instability.

Iran holds ex-envoy over 'security'
Key negotiator on nuclear row charged with passing on information.

Independence for Scotland would not be good for England
Timothy Garton Ash: It takes two to tango; and it takes two to disentango. So the English have to work out what we'd prefer the Scots to do.

Global carbon trading market triples to £15bn
Many unregulated offset projects fall short, and EU scheme accounts for bulk of transactions.

H7 Keeping Up the Momentum By: Ibrahim Nafie | Al-Ahram Weekly In terms of the resolve, flexibility and willingness to stay the course, Arab countries are turning over a new leaf. And you can sense the difference already.

A Rising Tide of Fury By: Tony Blankley | The Washington Times
From a low of 73 percent in Indonesia to a high of 92 percent in Egypt the Muslims believe that America's goal is "to weaken and divide the Islamic world." Fairly assuming that these four countries' populations represent worldwide Muslim views in Islamic countries, in other words, about 80 percent of the 1.4 billion Muslims (or about a billion souls) see America as hostile or an enemy to Islam.

BBC Lost ambition
Has the US ditched its "freedom agenda" for the Middle East?

Biden-Gelb Plan for Iraq - One Year Later

League of Democracies?

McCain's International Institution Problem

Doctrinal Faith The National Interest In Defense of the Bush Doctrine

Iraq and Back: Inside the War to Win Peace American Enterprise Institute By Michael Rubin

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

US Papers Thursday: Congress Regroups

Iraqi Papers Thursday: Low Expectations

Egypt Conferences Support Iraqi National Reconciliation

BBC Egypt hosts key Iraq conference An international conference aimed at bringing stability and economic recovery to Iraq is to open in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Iraq summit faces tough issues

Q&A: Iraq conference

Quick guide: Violence in Iraq

Rice expected to meet with Syrian foreign minister

Rice set to meet Syrian official

Hariri probe complicates U.S.-Syria ...

Iran plays the Azerbaijan card

Opendemocracy Axis of Evil vs Great Satan: wrestling to normality | Nasrin Alavi

Iran and the United States: time to engage | Omid Memarian

USIP A Regional Peace Process for Iraq?

Washington Takes Aim at Syria

As summit opens, talks with Iran, Syria are main focus

April 2007 Quarterly Report
Source: Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) Download in sections (PDFs, jpgs) or as full report (PDF; 10.7 MB).

H9 Ha’aretz - International community keeping close watch on post-Winograd fallout

Benn Sleep on it The Winograd report has shown that at the root of the failure in Lebanon War II was haste

The mistakes of the Winograd Committee For most Israeli citizens, the committee's report is a document that reinforces existing views rather than telling us anything new.

Daily Alert.org - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel

If Olmert Doesn't Get Message, Into the Streets By: Cameron Brown | The Jerusalem Post We knew the Winograd Report investigating the failures during last summer's war with Hizbullah would be critical of the political and military leadership. But no one expected a political earthquake of this magnitude.

BBC Taking the strain
Pressure mounts on Ehud Olmert as support crumbles

Gulf of perception
Competing narratives leave no room for Israeli-Arab tolerance

Olmert's Failure - Chuck Freilich, Human Events

Tony Karon The Blind Spot in Israel’s War Probe

Jerusalem Post Lessons of Winograd

US Sets Eight-Month Timetable for Israel-Palestinian Peace Moves

Arabs fear mass deportation

Former CIA chief Tenet: I told Clinton I would resign if he released Pollard

Minority leaders: Allegations against Bishara may lead Jews to drive Arabs out of Israel

H10 Christian Science Monitor

In Iraq, Sunni Muslim sheikhs join US in fighting Al Qaeda Tribal support of US-led fight against Al Qaeda is linked to drop in violence in Anbar Province.

US to meet Iraq's neighbors, but sectarian divisions remain deep

Sunnis and Shiites are split as officials prepare to gather in Egypt to discuss Iraq's future.

Why Scots face historic election

A pro-independence party looks set to win the May 3 vote, 300 years after Scotland united with England.

Reconstruction 'successes' in Iraq falling apart

For Barack Obama, a careful courting of Jewish vote The Democratic presidential hopeful has recalibrated his words about Israel and the Middle East peace process.

Holt: A new, improved Bush policy toward N. Korea

ASIA FT Editorial Asia must ensure energy race does not become conflict As the appetites of Japan, China, South Korea and India for energy grow, they need to take care this contest remains peaceful.

COMMENT: The criminalisation of Indian democracy

China and the knowledge economy : challenges and opportunities
Source: World Bank Policy Research Working Papers

Washington Times China's rise and the Taiwan challenge There is one place where war really could pit the United States against China -- the island of Taiwan.


India Official Dismisses Iran Reports By: Glenn Kessler | The Washington Post The Indian government is "quite amazed" by news reports suggesting that New Delhi is building a closer military relationship with Iran, a senior Indian official said yesterday, seeking to dampen growing congressional concern over India's relations with the Islamic republic.

U.S., Japan Boost Intelligence Cooperation After Leak By: Stuart Biggs and Sachiko Sakamaki | Bloomberg News The U.S. and Japan said they agreed to strengthen intelligence cooperation after a recent leak by the Japanese navy, in the face of a threat posed by North Korea's nuclear test and rocket launches last year.

Evolving Nations Can't Look Back By: Susan Kaufman Purcell | The Miami Herald Why do Latin American countries frequently look back rather than forward, or compare themselves with countries that are performing worse than they are? What are the rewards or benefits of such behavior?

H11 IHT French candidates stick to their scripts in a heated debate

German unemployment drops below 4 million

Europeans wary of Wolfowitz

Selling oil is easier than investing ethically, Norway findsThe reluctant billionaires of Norway are using $300 billion in oil profits to advance an ambitious ethical code that they established in 2004 for their oil reserve.

Tensions worsen between Russia and Estonia

EUROPE European press review

BBC French rivals clash in TV debate

Debatable choice
French centrists uninspired by presidential rivals

New world view
French foreign policy will change, whoever wins Sunday's poll

Dan Drezner What I learned at the 2007 Brussels Forum

President Bush Meets with EU Leaders, Chancellor Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany and President Barroso of the European Council and President of the European Commission
Source: White House Press Office
+ 2007 U.S.-EU Summit Economic Progress Report
+ 2007 U.S.-EU Summit Political Progress Report
+ 2007 U.S.-EU Summit Statement: Energy security, efficiency and climate change
+ 2007 U.S.-EU Summit promoting peace, human rights and democracy worldwide

Industrial Development for the 21st Century: Sustainable Development Perspectives
432 pages; PDF.


Iran plays the Azerbaijan card

Boris Yeltsin's Wrong Moves By: Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek He ruled by fiat, firing judges, governors and legislators who crossed him. The result: Russia has become less free over the last decade.

Guardian Stuck in the middle by EU Uffe Ellemann-Jensen May 02 07, 08:30pm: Ukraine's recent constitutional crisis is amplified by the European Union's lack of support, paving the way for Russian interests.

Google News Azerbaijan

Georgia and EU Play Endgame on Frozen Conflicts By: Andrew Rettman | EU Observer Georgia says the EU would send border monitors to its rebel territories if Russia agrees, with Tbilisi also leveraging its relations with international clubs like the WTO and NATO to reunify the country, Georgian foreign minister Gela Bezhuashvili told EUobserver.

DT Georgia offers to aid US defence system

BBC No news, good news
Kremlin accused on press freedom and push for positive news

FT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Russia - a volatile and dysfunctional petro-state

UPI Outside View: Fearing oligarchs -- Part 1

H13 The Times A way for Brown to break with the past

If Brown fails to repudiate Blair's errors, his honeymoon with the voters will be a very brief one Anatole Kaletsky

Live debate sees Sarkozy survive Royal savaging Nicolas Sarkozy was forced onto the back foot by Ségolène Royal but his challenger failed to land the killer blow she needs

Royal’s failure to land the knockout punch disappoints her supporters

Olmert faces endgame after ally turns enemy Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert’s deputy, has demanded his resignation and positioned herself as the leading contender to replace him

Russia cuts off oil in battle over statue Development echos disputes with Ukraine and Belarus as state-owned Russian Railways halts oil deliveries to Estonia

The scientist's ‘nuclear supermarket’ Is the $600m a year the US hands over to Pakistan really not enough to buy an interview with A Q Khan? Bronwen Maddox

Life in 2017: an exclusive preview

Based on a couple of weeks pootling along a short stretch of the Pacific, here’s what I predict California has in store for us Robert Crampton

Visa-Free Security Counter-intelligence and freedom of travel are not incompatible

Wall Street Journal

Syrian Endgame By: Michael Young | The Wall Street Journal
It is in Lebanon that Syria has shown the least inclination to concede anything. That's why the U.S. must use any future conversation with Iran, assuming it goes well, as leverage to consolidate Lebanon's fragile independence.

H14 Financial Times

WORLD NEWS: Baghdad drafts law on oil reserves governance

WORLD NEWS: Iraqi oil law could be passed within a month

WORLD NEWS: Democrats 'reach out' to Bush for Iraq solution

WORLD NEWS: Critic of nuclear stance held

Editorial Asia must ensure energy race does not become conflict As the appetites of Japan, China, South Korea and India for energy grow, they need to take care this contest remains peaceful.

Foreign minister tells Olmert to quit

WORLD NEWS: Tzipi Livni

Hizbollah praises Israel over war report

Hizbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has given rare praise to long-time foe Israel for having investigated its 2006 war in Lebanon

Sarkozy, Royal trade insults in TV debate

Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy traded insults in a moment of high political drama during the televised debate between presidential finalists that captivated France just four days before the final round of elections.

Sarkozy to push for industry in EU talks

Nicolas Sarkozy, the frontrunner in France’s presidential election, would use the country’s bargaining power to push French industrial interests as part of efforts to relaunch the European Union constitution if elected on Sunday.

WORLD NEWS: Domestic blow to US missile shield plan US plans to install a missile defence shield in Europe ­suffered a domestic setback after a congressional committee refused to provide funding for development of the contentious ­system

COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL: Anglo-Saxons should go easy on the ethics lectures The Anglo-Saxon world never tires of giving lessons in good corporate behaviour to continental Europe. But critics should more cautious.

COMMENT: America frets about executive pay

COMMENT: The criminalisation of Indian democracy

COMMENT: The global economy through rose-tinted glasses

Knowledge gap hits financial services sector

Most European consumers have a poor understanding of financial matters, a knowledge gap that lowers their quality of life and holds back the region's financial...

WORLD NEWS: US claims unity with EU despite doubts

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Efficiency smothered by a preferential patchwork

H15 Los Angeles Times Republicans shift stance over commitment to Iraq Some Congressional lawmakers advocate proposals that would tie American aid to the Iraqis' ability to meet certain benchmarks.

Draft or no draft? Should the United States institute mass military conscription?

Officer who ran Baghdad prison is said to have improperly kept top-secret items

Insure children Ronald Brownstein: Why Washington should remove the national stain of having 8.3 million kids uninsured.

Trainers Say Iraqi Forces Need U.S. Support


Sex and Foreign Aid By: Laurie Garrett | Los Angeles Times
Designing foreign policy to stamp out sexual activity among consenting adults is a fool's errand and a waste of taxpayers' money. When it comes to AIDS policy, we should stop pushing a moral idea about the circumstances in which sex should occur and instead push what works: condoms, clean needles, sex education and making sure that women have equal power to say no, or yes, to sex.

H16 American Politics

New York Times: GOP hopefuls not sure how to deal with Bush


Bush's soft-focus hard-edge | Sidney Blumenthal

BBC Bush and Democrats locked on Iraq President Bush and Congress leaders say they seek common ground on Iraq, but a funding impasse remains.

From The American Conservative, The War Party: Republicans’ traditional defense of life, families, and limited government takes a backseat to defending Bush

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec

From Vanity Fair, many New York political pros believe Rudy Giuliani—former mayor, hero of 9/11, and now presidential candidate—is, quite literally, nuts. The author asks whether Giuliani's lunatic behavior could be the ultimate campaign asset. Could Michael Bloomberg shake up the race? From Media Matters, what does David Broder's exalted position atop the media food chain say about the state of political journalism? Oedipus & Podhoretz: His father fought Stalinists. But for Post edit-page chief John Podhoretz, sitcoms are the battleground of freedom.


H17 Daily Telegraph Forget the lecture tour, make Blair Our Man in Baghdad It is time we all admitted that the latent poison of Muslim alienation and disaffection has been potentiated by the war in Iraq, argues Boris Johnson.

US wants visa control on Pakistani Britons Travel restrictions could be imposed by America on 800,000 British citizens of Pakistani origin because of concerns about terrorism, it emerged yesterday.

From Comment is Free, ten bloggers assess Tony Blair's decade in Downing Street, and more by Julian Baggini. Ten years on, a new set of rules, by Philip Stephens. The trend toward Britain’s fragmentation leaves its majority nation in search of itself, finds Roger Scruton. A review of The Conservative Party and European Integration since 1945: At the Heart of Europe? A review of The Labour Governments, 1964–1970. The Royal Consigliere: Though much of Elizabeth II's role is symbolic, she also subtly wields a personal, but very real, power. The power of thought: If the Scottish Nationalists win on Thursday, it could be an exciting time for those with new ideas; and here are ten questions on the thorny relationship between the thistle and the rose.

H18 Independent Leading article: Tehran holds key to Washington's exit from Iraq

After war in Lebanon... the battle for Israel

The struggle for a nation engulfed by the aftershocks of a bungled war

Robert Fisk: Olmert undone by militia he said he could destroy

US hopes for breakthrough talks with Iran

Chavez Pulls Out of IMF and World Bank By: Andrew Buncombe | The Independent
Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez has underlined his intention to develop an alternative economic vision for Latin America by pulling his country from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - organisations that have long had a controversial role in the region.

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Atlantic The Army We Have
To fight today’s wars with an all-volunteer force, the U.S. Army needs more quick-thinking, strong, highly disciplined soldiers. But creating warriors out of the softest, least-willing populace in generations has required sweeping changes in basic training.
by Brian Mockenhaupt

The North Africa Project — The GSPC: Newest Franchise in al-Qa’ida’s Global Jihad (PDF; 446 KB)
Source: Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point

"Joint Special Operations Task Force Operations," Joint Publication 3-05.1, 26 April 2007 (400 pages, 1.8 MB PDF).

The Real Darkness at the Heart of Islamist Terror By: Michael Gove | The Times of London
So many of those who choose to comment on terrorism, its roots, motivations and methods, fail to understand the ideology that drives and justifies these actions. The ideological motivation for the terrorist threat we face is an austere and pitiless twisting of Islam that offers young men redemption through violence, and the opportunity to exalt themselves by purging the world of the impure.

Army Clamps Down with New OPSEC Policy

BBC Under pressure
Is Argentina using a 1994 bombing to help isolate Iran?

Washington Times A consistent message from the military Regardless of how the current battle over the 2007 war-related supplemental appropriation plays out, the indisputable conclusion will be that the desperately needed funds will still do little to alleviate these worsening crises.

Manpower, Readiness and Equipment Crises The following editorials comprise an ongoing series by The Washington Times that examines the growing problems facing the U.S. military and explores possible solutions.

Plan for border fence comes up short, Republican lawmakers say

From TNR, the other Guantánamo: Bagram Airbase in Kabul, where about 650 detainees are currently held, is rarely subject to outside scrutiny. An exclusive look inside the facility, including never before published photographs.

Spy chief: Bush can still wiretap US citizens without warrant

H20 Slate The President Who Never Came In From the Cold:

How Frost/Nixon gets Nixon right.

Duck and Cover: The Bush Admininstration's “Complex 2030” plan is reviving the nuclear threat.

From The New Criterion Roger Kimball on Hayek & the intellectuals, Harvey Mansfield reviews Hugh Brogan’s Alexis de Tocqueville: A Life, and a review of Frederick Kagan’s The End of the Old Order: Napoleon & Europe, 1801-1805. A review of A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 by Andrew Roberts.

Harvey Mansfield on The Case for the Strong Executive: Under some circumstances, the rule of law must yield to the need for energy

A content analysis of newspapers and blogs covering the Iraq War illuminates differences, and similarities, in sourcing.

And from PS: Political Science & Politics, a symposium on The State of the Editorial Cartoon

From Radar, an interview with Christopher Hitchens, Godless provocateur. From Christianity Today, a review of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

A review of Falling Man by Don DeLillo.

A review of The Power of Art by Simon Schama.

Tenet's Share of the Shame - Joe Conason, New York Observer

Salon George Tenet, spook for all seasons

Opinions: What If Foreign Money Shunned the US?

H21 During a endless reception in his honor in Washington in 1921, Albert Einstein said to the diplomat next to him, “I’ve just developed a new theory of eternity”... more»

a review of Don't Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking.

review of Five Minds for the Future by Howard Gardner and Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential To Transform Ourselves.

Thinking about why we think about thinking: Don't ask philosophers to talk shop, warns Jonathan Wolff.

Secret diaries of President Ronald Reagan revealed

Intimate details of a US president who worried about Armageddon but also fretted about using chopsticks in front of the Chinese.

Oxford University Debate: 'Regret the Founding of America'?...

Tower of light
Giant solar power stations could aid fight against climate change

Hamish McRae: Why newspapers can make net gains by embracing digital technology

FT North and south

There are two schools of thought about fairness in sports leagues: British football rewards winners, so rich teams get even richer; American football makes rich teams...

Solutions to Poverty
Brookings Institution
A House testimony on ways to reduce poverty in the US

The State of the World's Children 2007

Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory Arts & Letters Daily / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence

IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden -

PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
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“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
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Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
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Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
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Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
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Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
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Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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