6 December 2006
  December 06, 2006

1206- 2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analysis from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 CNN Iraq Study Group to urge policy shift Panel will urge moving most U.S. troops out of combat roles by early 2008 • Report will say new initiative on Israel-Palestinian peace process needed • Group will recommend that U.S. talk directly with Iran and Syria• Blunt warning: Mission will fail unless White House, Congress work together

Winter 2006-07 issue of The Washington Quarterly goes inside Iran, exploring U.S. strategy toward Tehran, the Hizbollah-Iran connection, the relevance of the Iranian street, and more. READ MORE —Jo


Guardian World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth - UN report First ever study of global household assets. The Times Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets FT Half the world's assets held by 2% of population

Washington Post Panel To Urge Pressure On Iraq Study Group to Present Its Report to Bush Today

Bush Calls Report One of Many Possible Options

The Price of Iran's Help By David Ignatius, Iran's national security adviser offered help in stabilizing Iraq -- if the United States agreed to a timetable for troop withdrawals.

Maliki Seeks Regional Meeting on Iraq Security

Guardian Clutching at straws Dilip Hiro: The US has made a desperate attempt to divide and rule Iraqi Shias - but the White House is sorely mistaken if it thinks this will work

Engaging Iran on Iraq: At What Price and to What End? Washington Institute for Near East Policy Patrick Clawson

There's no civil war in Iraq By Amir Taheri,

Slate Robert Gates' impressive confirmation hearings. Fred Kaplan

Christian Science Monitor The sliding dollar: both boon and bane

Prices are rising for foreign goods, but a falling greenback could help world economy, US trade

Financial Times Martin Wolf COMMENT: The saga of the falling dollar still has a long way left to go

Robert Kagan COMMENT: America supports democracy, how novel How America distorts its self-image

Baghdad wants control of talks with neighbours

Training of Iraqis proves easier said than done

US military shifts troops in Iraq into advisory roles

Editorial An ageing couple Franco-German relations are not what they used to be.

McClatchy Official Iraq war costs don't tell the whole storyAs the United States spends about $8 billion a month in Iraq, the military is being forced to cut costs in ways big and small. Soldiers preparing to ship to Iraq don't have enough equipment to train on because it's been left in Iraq, where it's most needed. More than 73,000 soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other problems.

NYT Editorial When the Dollar Talks Back Investors remain largely focused on economic weakness in the United States and gathering strength in Europe — which portend a weaker dollar, no matter what anyone says.

IHT Zapatero's 'softness' has a backboneSpanish prime minister's philosophy values compromise and negotiation over hard stands and confrontation.

Illusive Reform: Jordan’s Stubborn Stability Source: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Meria The Seven Deadly Sins of Failure in Iraq: A Retrospective Analysis of the Reconstruction Kenneth M. Pollack

Annual Energy Outlook 2007 (Early Release)

The Times Musharraf raises hope of lasting peace with offer to give up claim on Kashmir

Leader Kashmir Compromise India must respond to Pakistan’s latest overtures

Coalition of the Waiting By: Jonathan Rauch | The Atlantic Monthly (subscription required) The U.S.-European alliance is not on its last legs— and when Bush goes, it could emerge stronger than ever

Washington Note Credibly Challenging Iran: A Coordinated Plan to Get Oil Below $40/Barrel

Haaretz Ladies and gentlemen, Baker-Hamilton The committee?s conclusions have already been trickling out: Train the Iraqis, hand over the reins and start thinning the presence and size of the forces. If it were that simple, it would have happened a long time ago.

Facing China’s ‘Peaceful Rise’
Council on Foreign Relations

H2 FT COMMENT: Europe made the impasse with Turkey inevitable Turkey is always going to be a very important neighbour of the EU, particularly now that it is on the way to becoming a strong industrial power, writes Ozdem Sanberk, a former Turkish ambassador in London.

INTERNATIONAL NEWS: Merkel softens stance on Turkish bid to join EU

PostGlobal: Should Turkey Join the EU?

'İyi okusunlar'
FT'de yayınlanan makalesinde Sanberk AB'ye Kıbrıs için nasihatte bulundu

The Times Merkel gives Turkey time to reflect The German Chancellor urged Turkey to break the deadlock over its future status within the European Union by opening its ports to Cyprus

Guardian Merkel will not seek deadline for Turkey to open ports to Cyprus

IHT France and Germany back partial suspension of EU membership talks with Turkey

A Fistful of Euros Who Lost Turkey?

LA Times Getting concession after conquest By Raymond Ibrahim The Pope's tepid prayer at a former mosque shows Muslims enjoy special treatment over areas they conquered through force.

Study of divided island exposes rifts at home

EuroStat The Mediterranean in 2020

Vatan Bu nasıl iş 2007'de Yunanistan'a 149 dolardan gaz satacağız. Kendi kullandığımız gaza ise 260 dolar ödüyoruz...

Rahip cinayeti örgüt işi mi?
Trabzon'da'ki rahibi öldüren O.A.'nın cinayetten önce ABD ve Fransa ile internetten görüştüğü tespit edildi.

MGK tatbikat yapacak!

Savaş uçağı alımında dev rekabet

Milli Savunma Bakanlığı'ndan "köstebek" açıklaması

ITC Liderinin Irak Çalışma Grubu Eşbaşkanlarına Gönderdiği Mektup:

Nihat Bayatli Chirac ile görüstü

Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media

İşte Kürt ordusunun komutanı

Hasan ÜNAL Ağar konuştukça batıyor

İsmail Küçükkaya Erdoğan neyin peşinde?

Mustafa Ünal Erdoğan'ın Ortadoğu turu

Erdoğan Suriye'ye gidiyor

Kandil'de Türk TV'leri izleniyor

Sapığa öfke Şırnak'ı harabeye çevirdi

Avrupa'da PKK zirvesi

Şırnak’ta 5 PKK’lı ölü ele geçirildi

PKK mayınına 3 şehit

'Ordu krize, korkuya ve şiddete ihtiyaç duyuyor'

AIESEC, Kürt yönetimini reddetti: Böyle ülke yok

PKK'ya bilgi sızdıran erin dosyası Van'da

'PKK sonuç' demek suçmuş

Google News Greece - Cyprus

Tampon bölgedeki Rum inşaatları kınanıyor

Annan: Kaçan fırsatlar için üzgünüm

Annan: KKTC’ye tecrit sona ermeli

Rauf DENKTAŞ Azınlık olmayacağız

Seçim hesabı Chirac'ı çark ettirebilir

Dışişlerindeki memurlara ’din’ ve ’şarap tatma’ dersi

Türk diasporasına: Büyüdük biz!

Yahudilere saldıran Türklere kamu cezası

"Ne yapmalı?"

ABD yeni stratejileri değerlendirirken, Iraklılar hayatta kalmaya çalışıyor

Başını açanlar ve kapatanlar ALİ ÇARKOĞLU

İmam haç çıkarmaz kilisede dua etmez

Ali Bulaç Hıristiyan Rönesansı

Sakka’nın halefi yakalandı

Bolton'suz bir BM Türkiye için de olumlu

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni - Dış Basında Türkiye - Google News Turkey - Turquie- Türkei - - TurcoPundit - BBC Turkish 0700

RFE/RL World: NATO Prepares For Energy Wars

Azerbaijan Says Sticking Points Remain On Karabakh

The end of the Vatican | Fred Halliday

H3 Ankara da AB gibi ilişkilerde 'frene basmaya' hazırlanıyor AB'ye misilleme hazırlığı Murat Yetkin

Mühlet: Bahar 2009

AB dansı: Ölümü görüp sıtmaya razı olmak İsmet Berkan

Birand Chirac-Merkel'den geri adım...

Milliyet AB kaybeder

[Yorum - Prof.Dr.Michael Emerson] Sevgili Türkiye, soğukkanlılığını koru!

Başbakan'dan sert uyarı: Kaybederse AB kaybeder

EU risks 'strategic' error over Turkey: US official

Formül seçim molası

Yavuz Oğhan Artık ver kurtul da kurtarmıyor

Gürkan Zengin Sorun Kıbrıs Değil!

Tüsiad Bu oyuna gelmeyiz

'Türkiye'yi kim kaybetti?'
Haluk Şahin

Gates "Türkler Irak'ta boş oturmaz"

Peres sees 'not much' in Turkish engagement with Iran, Syria

Ambassador Ross Wilson’s Interview with BBC Radio, Istanbul (November 30, 2006)

BUGÜN Cengiz Çandar Kemal Karpat’tan Tayyip Erdoğan’a Türkiye için “tarihi fırsat önerisi” üzerine...

Cüneyt ÜLSEVER : 2007’de Türkiye (II)

Koç: Erdoğan Köşk'e çıkmasın

Taha AKYOL İki Avrupa... Hangisi?

Türkiye’ye ültimatom yok

Avrupa Türk halkına hakaret ediyor

Türkiye’ye hakaret ediyorsunuz

'Yeni takvim, 3 Ekim'e geri dönmek demektir'

İsveç’ten Franco-Germen ittifakına ağır eleştiri

Prodi, Merkel’i operada yumuşatacak

Seçim hesabı Chirac'ı çark ettirebilir

Abdülhamit Bilici Merkel, Sezer'in fırçasına mı cevap veriyor?

Muhalefet 'Babacan' değil: Boşmüzakereci

Mumcu 'donduralım' dedi

Baykal: Ne acıklı bir manzara

MUHARREM SARIKAYA 'Havlu atan olmayacağız...'

ERDAL ŞAFAK15 no'lu başlık

FATİH ALTAYLI 7 senelik tuzağa düştük

Sami KOHEN Bir yandan AB, öte yandan Ortadoğu...

Papal miracle Cengiz Aktar

[Yorum - Eser Karakaş] Onca başarı varken bu limanlar meselesi nedir?

Fikret BİLA Merkel işi yokuşa sürüyor

Hasan CEMAL Kültürel ırkçı!

Güneri CIVAOĞLU AB'ye nadas

CHP, Gül'e de karşı çıktı

Ertuğrul Özkök Hatemi Hoca'nın sorusu

Yalçın Doğan Eski söylemin şimdi tek karesi geçerli

Ahmet Hakan Cemil Bey’e insaf çağrısı

Yalçın Bayer Almanya’nın ‘Alevicilik’ oyunu

Oktay Ekşi Merkel’in derdi ne?

Taha Kıvanç

Fehmi Koru

NAZLI ILICAK Bayrağımda kanın Mehmet

Nuray Başaran Ak Parti kurbağayı soğuk suya koyup altını yaktı

İsrafil K. Kumbasar CHP-MHP koalisyon senaryolarını AKP’nin işbirlikçileri mi yazdı?

Mehmet Tezkan AKP iktidarının 11 yılında İstanbul yaşanmaz hale geldi

Şakir Süter Mumcu'nun konuşması

Bu seçim rejim meselesi M.Ali Kışlalı

EMRE AKÖZ O diyorsa, dinlemeli!

Altemur KILIÇ Darbe olur mu ?

Güven Sak 2007 seçimlerinin konusu nedir

İşte Babacan'ın gizli enflasyon ve kur hesabı

'Döviz için uyarı niye geldi' tartışması... Haberin Devamı>>>

Osman ULAGAY Uyarı yerinde ama etkili olması zor

Güngör URAS Bayram değil seyran değil, eniştem beni niye öptü?

Ege Cansen Kanun ve kültür

Ercan Kumcu Enflasyonda bir değişiklik yok

Deniz Gökçe Yıl sonunda tek hanede!

Hurşit GÜNEŞ Merkez Bankası'nın döviz kaygısı

ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Şirketlerin açık pozisyonu bankalar kadar sorun olmaz

EMRE ALKİN Enflasyonda sürpriz olmadı

Merkez Bankası'ndan haklı uyarı
Metin Ercan

'Kontrol altındaki bağımsızlık'!
Uğur Gürses

Ömer Lütfi Mete Piyasanın aslanı kaplanı ve sırtlanı

H4 New York Times Defense Nominee Gains Approval of Senate Panel Robert M. Gates said the recommendations to be made public on Wednesday by the Iraq Study Group would be important but not “the last word.” Video: Analysis | Opening Statement | Questioning

The Scene: Praise for Candor

Transcript | Excerpts

Iraqi Premier Moves to Plan Regional Talks The announcement added momentum to calls for a regional approach to quell the increasingly anarchic war in Iraq.

Editorial The Un-Rumsfeld Robert Gates offered just enough candor and conciliation to persuade most senators that he plans to be a very different sort of defense secretary, while deftly holding back any real information about how he plans to clean up President Bush’s mess in Iraq.

MAUREEN DOWD Goodness Gracious! The Truth! In Iraq, the Bush administration has gone from democracy promotion to conflagration avoidance.

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN China’s Sunshine Boys The seventh-richest man in China is a green entrepreneur! It should only happen in America.

H5 Washington Post Panel To Urge Pressure On Iraq Study Group to Present Its Report to Bush Today

Bush Calls Report One of Many Possible Options

The Price of Iran's Help By David Ignatius, Iran's national security adviser offered help in stabilizing Iraq -- if the United States agreed to a timetable for troop withdrawals.

Maliki Seeks Regional Meeting on Iraq Security Unlike U.N. Secretary General, Prime Minister Wants Conference Held in His Country

A Role for Syria By Kenneth H. Bacon, Working with Syria through the United Nations to help Iraqi refugees could provide a humanitarian first step for greater engagement.

Senate Panel Approves Gates At Confirmation Hearing, Defense Pick Says U.S. Is Not Winning in Iraq

Editorial A Fresh Old Hand Robert Gates tries out a new strategy for a Bush Cabinet member: candor

Senators So Very, Very Not Contrary Toward Gates

A Study In Comity By David S. Broder, The analogy made by some Baker-Hamilton Commisssion members is that it functioned like a successful House-Senate conference committee

Why We Persevere By William Caldwell IV, The vast majority of Iraqis want hope for their families, not to massacre their neighbors or divide their country

Textbooks In Israel to Designate West Bank Cabinet Minister's Move Draws Anger

Moscow Restricts British Police Investigating Ex-Spy's Death

Egypt Detains American In Terrorist Cell Case By: Craig Whitlock | The Washington Post
Egyptian authorities said Monday that they had arrested an American and nearly a dozen Europeans after breaking up an international terrorist cell that was recruiting operatives to go to Iraq.

H6 Guardian Clutching at straws Dilip Hiro: The US has made a desperate attempt to divide and rule Iraqi Shias - but the White House is sorely mistaken if it thinks this will work

The rise and rise of Putin power Simon Tisdall: As Russia's fortunes have risen on a tide of oil and gas, Vladimir Putin has become increasingly assertive

Horrors of closet civil war played out in no man's land

World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth - UN report First ever study of global household assets.

Gates: 'We're not winning war' Rumsfeld's replacement stuns Congress with sharp change of tone.

The disaster of the Iraq war was revealed on the road to Baghdad
Tim Pritchard: The occupation's failure became clear in the first week of the invasion during the little known battle of Nasiriya.

Can Hillary swing it? Katrina vanden Heuvel The former first lady has kicked off her campaign for the Democratic nomination - but is she really electable?

A hard sell Melissa McEwan: The Democrats may find it troublesome not to make Hillary Clinton their presidential candidate for 2008. But then things get really difficult.

Condemned to a nuclear future Michael Clarke The case for Trident is based on pessimism rather than prudence - the 'just in case' scenario.

Within reach of the law Conor Foley: Donald Rumsfeld's loss of office also means he can no longer claim immunity from international prosecution for war crimes.

Chirac TV takes on 'Anglo-Saxon imperialism' French president's dream of 'CNN à la Française' to launch

Compulsory carbon quotas plan
Many of the UK's big businesses would be forced to sign up to a carbon-trading scheme under proposals being drafted by ministers

Iran to hold Holocaust conference
Gathering will consider whether deaths took place.

H7 Engaging Iran on Iraq: At What Price and to What End? Washington Institute for Near East Policy Patrick Clawson

Gates warns of broader Mideast war

Mark Steyn, Iraq is just test of will for America

Boston Globe The danger of engaging with the enemy (By Jeff Jacoby,) SHOULD THE United States turn to Iran and Syria for help in reducing the violence bloodying Iraq?

Washington Times More troops needed

BBC Profile: Robert Gates

The Dream Palace of the Bushies: Arabs certainly have no monopoly on delusional notions and rigid ideology

Reaganaut Realism Should Guide Foreign Policy
Human Events -

Gates as the Anti-Rumsfeld - D. Chollet and K. Inderfurth, Chicago Tribune

The Absurdity of Bush's Summit With al-Maliki - Joe Klein, Time

From Metternich to Jim Baker - Ralph Peters, Weekly Standard

Dems' New Intel Chief Wants More Troops - Isikoff & Hosenball, Newsweek

Iraq Will Not Go Away - Ed Koch, RealClearPolitics

Solving the 'Stability' Problem - Patrick Buchanan, Creators

The Only Way Forward to Win in Iraq - John Podhoretz, New York Post

Roots of Iraq Debacle Lie With Neocons - Justin Logan, Philadelphia Inquire

Many senior military officials argue that the only way to salvage the situation in Iraq is to send more troops.

Kofi Annan says some Iraqis were better off when Saddam ruled their land.

A review of The Best Intentions: Kofi Annan and the U.N. in the Era of American World Power.

H8 Google News Iraq Iran - Syria Mideastwire.com -NPR Iraq

BBC US panel to release Iraq review

Report sets stage for changes

Defence nominee frank on Iraq

Q&A: The Iraq Study Group

McClatchy Baghdad's moving crews on the front lines of sectarian violenceIraqi movers are front-line witnesses to the violent purges that are transforming this capital's once-diverse neighborhoods into a mosaic of hamlets cordoned off by religious sect. At great personal risk and for very little money, they race through hostile territory to help families pack heirlooms and electronics in the minutes before fleeing.

Iran tells Arabs to oust U.S. Iran's top national security official urged Arabs yesterday to expel the U.S. military from bases in the region and instead join Tehran in a regional security alliance.

Al-Maliki will seek help to quell violence Maliki will send envoys to neighboring countries to pave the way for a regional conference

Al Awsat Saudi Arabia: Potential and Fate : Tariq Alhomayed

Daily Star Washington listens to Arab-Americans, for a change
By James J. Zogby

Containing Iran with the Gulf minnows will be tough By Emile El-Hokayem

Musharraf's Kashmir idea - shift from ideology to pragmatism?

Lebanon's Leaders Vow to Hold Out Against Hezbollah-Led Siege

Saudi-Iran tension fuels wider conflict
Asia Times Online - By Kaveh L Afrasiabi

Fiddling while Baghdad burns
Asia Times Online - By Tom Engelhardt

Iraq: Elections, Government and Constitution CRS

Time Gates's Candor Wins Over the Democrats

A New Civil War in Lebanon?

H9 Ha’aretz - Print Edition

U.S. and Iran / Alliance short on defense

Daily Alert.org - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel

Israeli-Arabs Demand National Recognition

Palestinian-al Qaeda plans

Livni: International pressure on Hamas is 'bearing fruit'

The problem itself [ DANIEL PIPES,

IsraPundit Accepting the Saudi Plan means the death of Israel.

From Moment, an article on how Jew-friendly Persia became anti-Semitic Iran.

A review of The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood and One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli Palestinian Impasse.

An interview with Jimmy Carter on Palestine. The Middle East is facing the danger of three civil wars erupting, Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, and dragging neighbors into the conflict.

H10 Christian Science Monitor The sliding dollar: both boon and bane

Prices are rising for foreign goods, but a falling greenback could help world economy, US trade

Opinion: To halt Mideast tremors, heal fault line The Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be resolved before we can expect peace in Lebanon and elsewhere

Fallujah's city council battles to hold its ground amid turmoil Despite threats from insurgents, Iraqi leaders meet weekly to address the concerns of citizens.

John Hughes: What's next for Cuba after Castro?

French 'CNN' beams new view

The 24-hour news service aims to plunge viewers into regions and perspectives that get little air time elsewhere.

Israel explores options for freeing captured soldier held in West Gaza

H11 IHT Zapatero's 'softness' has a backboneSpanish prime minister's philosophy values compromise and negotiation over hard stands and confrontation.

EU sets 2007 target for scrapping border controls with new members

Russians are playing it tough in poisoned-spy inquiry

Questions arise again about Bulgaria's legal system

Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich of Ukraine meets Cheney and Rice

Milan spy case boils over

States Burns Urges 56-Nation Group To Help End Frozen Conflicts
Washington File

From The New Presence, are countries that adhere to Enlightenment values and institutional norms, but that are not geographically part of Europe, also to be considered European?

H12 RFE/RL World: NATO Prepares For Energy Wars

Azerbaijan Says Sticking Points Remain On Karabakh

OSCE U.S., Russia Clash Over Future

An Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ministerial meeting threw into sharp relief divisions over the organization’s future

Russia Will Veto Kosovo Solution Unless Acceptable for Both Sides — Envoy MosNews

Google News Azerbaijan

Prime minister: Kiev no pawn of Russia or ...

EU States Unsure How to Handle Kazakhstan By: Andrew Rettman | EU Observer

H13 The Times Musharraf raises hope of lasting peace with offer to give up claim on Kashmir

Leader Kashmir Compromise India must respond to Pakistan’s latest overtures

Conflict and unease on way forward The members of the Iraq Study Group are about to publish the result of nine months of deliberations about changing direction in the war

America is not winning the war in Iraq, says the man who will head Pentagon

Richest tenth own 85% of world's assets According to a UN study, Britain came after the US and Japan, possessing the third-highest average wealth of the world's large economies

Alice Miles Most of the developed world is content being largely ignored on the international stage. Not Britain

Russia demands the handover of Putin's critics in exchange for poison case help

WSJ Japan's Education Reforms
Making Japanese public schools competitive.

H14 Financial Times Martin Wolf COMMENT: The saga of the falling dollar still has a long way left to go

Robert Kagan COMMENT: America supports democracy, how novel How America distorts its self-image Ask the expert: US foreign policy

Baghdad wants control of talks with neighbours Baghdad has been trying to take ownership of regional policy ahead of the Iraq Study Group report, fearing that changes in US policy will undermine the elected government.

Baker report will add to pressure on Bush over Iraq

Gates says ‘US is not winning Iraq’

Training of Iraqis proves easier said than done The Bush administration has long emphasised that the key to an orderly US withdrawal is the state of Iraq’s security forces

US military shifts troops in Iraq into advisory roles

Editorial An ageing couple Franco-German relations are not what they used to be.

Editorial Bolton goes, at last

MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA: Shia fury highlights Lebanon sectarian crisis

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Lose-lose: the penalties of acting alone stall collective effort on climate change Countries are wary of committing to far-reaching emissions reduction programmes unless they can be sure that large emitters such as the US and China are also taking on such commitments.

Gearing up for the most competitive US presidential race Without pausing for breath after last month’s mid-term congressional elections, America’s 2008 presidential race has already begun

Europe: Convoluted wranglings block an escape route for the EU Meanwhile, Brussels has backed the ambitious Nabucco link - a 3,400km pipeline that would start in eastern Turkey and end in Austria, bringing gas from the greater Caspian region.But that remains someway from fruition and there are political...

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: What use will China be making of its intellectual capital?

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY: Kazakh bid to chair OSCE suffers blow

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Russia and Brazilare rather more than 'marginal economies'

COMMENT: Britain's fiscal policy network needs to be less opaque

COMMENT: Do not bow down before the famous on copyright

H15 Los Angeles Times Gates gets approval of Senate panel

ANALYSIS: 'Anti-Don' breezes through hearing

Iraqi leaders look to themselves for solutions

Shiite leader sees no role for Iraq's neighbors

Pentagon Resists Pleas for Help in Afghan Opium Fight

In Latin America, the challenge is pragmatism By William Ratliff

Whether the region is moving 'left' or 'right' is irrelevant. It must resolve its internal problems.


H16 American Politics Hillary Clinton's Early Moves No Decision on '08 Bid, But Campaign Machine Is Already Humming

Blankley Hillary, Barack and all that

Liberals & Libertarians Incompatible - Kevin Drum, Washington Monthl

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec -

Karl Rove on Iraq; A Third Way?

The Conservative Civil War On Iraq Policy

H17 Daily TelegraphBush to be given Baker report today

H18 Independent Iraq: One by one, they tell the truth As Tony Blair flies out to meet George Bush, the latest admission of failure in Iraq has made the two leaders appear even more isolated

New defence chief admits US is not winning the war in Iraq

Last men standing: Blair heads to US for crucial talks with Bush

The Big Question: Is Nasa's trillion-dollar space mission worth the money?

Hamish McRae: Has Gordon Brown suddenly realised where his own reforms have failed?

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

McClatchy Official Iraq war costs don't tell the whole storyAs the United States spends about $8 billion a month in Iraq, the military is being forced to cut costs in ways big and small. Soldiers preparing to ship to Iraq don't have enough equipment to train on because it's been left in Iraq, where it's most needed. More than 73,000 soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other problems.

BBC Nerve centre
The BBC gains access to the US counter-terrorism base

MSNBC Is the FBI doing its best to combat terrorism? Highest-ranking Arab-American agent says no, sues for discrimination

The FBI Does Know the Difference between Sunnis and Shiites

China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues CRS

Heritage Foundation Preparing for the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue

China and India

H20 Slate Robert Gates' impressive confirmation hearings. Fred Kaplan

The World Distribution of Household Wealth PRESS RELEASE in English (PDF 254 KB), full study: WIDER WDHW (PDF 1,167KB), Powerpoint presentation (PPT 7,003KB)

Gallup Launches Worldwide Corruption Index

Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia ransacked Europe in search of tall soldiers and assembled the tallest group of men till the advent of basketball... more»

A child is a blank slate. Parents act on it, causing this, then teachers act on it, causing that, and – bingo! You have an adult. Education theorists actually believe this... more»

The man who wrote the rules
Asia Times

H21 Galatasaray 3 Liverpool 2: Defeat confirms Liverpool have other priorities

The List: Killer Products

Researchers Wonder: Where's Google's Contribution

The Sabians, Yazdânism and Alevism

Record Industry Releases MP3s

Music companies are beginning to think they will have to sell some MP3-formatted music to satisfy customer demand and to provide access to Apple's iPod.

Spam Doubles, Finding New Ways to Deliver Itself

The 2006 Weblog Awards Finalists Announced

A deeper insight into the Kurdish-Jewish romantic comedy David and Layla

Google Book Search IS page citeable (correction)

Google News / Slate Today's Papers / memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory/ Arts & Letters Daily / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story | truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor

Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden

PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / Unknown Candidate (NYT Columnists) / CounterterrorismBlog / Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk -

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Graham Fuller

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Andrew Mango

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Soli Özel

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Hasan Ünal


Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
Ankara Suriye’de “Rejim Değişikliği” Politikasına Geçerken 28 Eylül 2011
Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
Orta Doğu'da Durum Raporu 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine Notlar 25 Mayıs 2011
Bin Ladin’in Öldürülmesi Üzerine 15 Kısa Not 3 Mayıs 2011
ABD ve Karadeniz Nisan 2011

Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
Amerika-Sonrası Dünyanın Provası Olarak Libya Krizi ve Türkiye 22 Mart 2011
“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
Amerikan Travması ve Kongre Seçimleri 23 Kasım 2010
Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
Obama Ekibinde Yaprak Dökümü - Beyaz Saray’dan Kaçış mı? 12 Ekim 2010
"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Normalleşme” Sancıları 22 Nisan 2010
Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Tektonik Kayma” mı? 5 Nisan 2010
Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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