1130-2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analysis from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 NYT Iraq Panel to Recommend Pullback of Combat Troops
Washington Post Iraq Study Group to Call for Troop Drawdown
Financial Times Iraq’s civil war ‘set to worsen’ CSIS Anthony Cordesman on Iraq WATCH THE BRIEFING | READ THE TRANSCRIPT Eli Lake / New York Sun: Baker Panel Aide Expects Israel Will Be Pressed
FT - NATO to the Rescue : The United States can't save Iraq. Here's who can. COMMENT: An international way forward in Iraq As the US begins to acknowledge the magnitude of its defeat in Iraq, the conflict looks more than ever like a speeded-up, scaled-down re-enactment of Vietnam, writes Jacob Weisberg.
Pentagon Eyeing Further Iraq Deployments
IHT U.S. Senator Urges Use of NATO Defense Clause for Energy Los Angeles Times Some Sunnis in Iraq have a plan for peace Iraq study group wraps up talks It's losing we hate, not wars Jonah Goldberg: Those who compare the lengths of WWII and Iraq ignore what we really don't like in far-flung wars. Max Boot: Iran and Syria aren't our friends in Iraq Our enemies have no interest in bailing us out, unless they win major concessions.
Going further than a cease-fire By Amos Oz A lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace will require painful but long-overdue compromises from both sides.
Newsweek Bush Stands His Ground - Richard Wolffe & Holly Bailey, Newsweek Adjust the Course — Despite the Democratic congressional victory …
Ha’aretz Rosner Position papers and fighting spirit The secrecy that envelops the Baker-Hamilton commission only magnifies the expectations of it to nearly grotesque dimensions.
Geopolitical Diary: Iraq's Evolving Relationship with Iran
Saudi Arabia: Consequences of Stepping Into the Iraqi Fray
Geopolitical Diary: Twisting the Rubik's Cube
Guardian What now in the Middle East? Joschka Fischer: Intervention in Iraq has not led to a domino-like democratisation; instead we are threatened with a domino effect of descent into chaos McClatchy Experts question proposals in leaked Iraq memo Iraqi Sunnis put faith in Jordanian leader to represent them Ahmadinejad's letter to Americans
The Washington Note on Saudis and Iraq
Baker's Sellout Plan - Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, New York Post
Boston Globe America's shrinking global prestige(By Nikolas Gvosdev and Ray Takeyh)
Der Spiegel "The United Nations Has to Take Over in Iraq"
The Times 'London's bridge is falling down'A US official has said that Britain's role as a bridge between America and Europe is now 'disappearing before our eyes'
'Blair's bridge between Europe and the US? It's falling down and he is left with nothing'
Leader Foggy Thinking The Anglo-American link is stronger than some in the State Department assume
Special relationship A close embrace will still be in our best interests
Analysis: Nato deal on Afghan troops Events on the ground will determine whether the deal struck over Afghan troops is workable - but the Nato general still has no reserve force
The Root of the Problem By: Dilip Hiro | The Guardian
Rand Corporation Air Power Against Terror: America’s Conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom
Beyond al-QaedaSource: RAND Corporation+ Beyond al-Qaeda: Part 1, The Global Jihadist Movement:
IntelDump 10 lessons from Iraq
EurasiaNet Azerbaijani President Hints at Nagorno-Karabakh Settlement
| H2 Harper’s Lost in the Valley of the Wolves Did Special Envoy Joe Ralston broker a special deal between Turkey and Lockheed Martin?FT EU struggles to avoid rift with Ankara Europe’s leaders sought to prevent Turkey’s troubled European Union membership bid from plunging into a full-blown crisis, as Ankara responded angrily to a call for much of the negotiations to be put on hold.Analysis: Turkey’s EU bid ‘still on track’ FT interview: Turkish negotiator Ali Babacan Mark Mazower: Why Europe still matters Take Cyprus out of EU talks, Ankara insists Morgan Stanley TurkeyIsland of Isolation ANALYSIS-Turkey seen shrugging off EU setback, risks ahead NYT Christian Schism Is Focus of Pope’s Second Day in Turkey IHT Benedict's post-secular vision Pope Benedict is in Turkey to engage with Islam and Eastern Orthodoxy in the hope of persuading both to join his project of overcoming secularism. EU may suspend key areas of talks with Turkey The enlargement commissioner says Turkey failed to keep its promise to open up trade with Cyprus, forcing the European Commission to recommending freezing about a quarter of the negotiation program. Pope seeks unity with Orthodox Christians in first trip to Turkey Skepticism in Europe greets pope's remark on Turkey and EU NPR Pope's Turkish Visit Renews Aya Sofia Dispute The Times EU pulls the rug on Turkish talks over refusal to lift Cyprus blockade
Blame game is a dangerous one to play Who is most to blame for the sudden deadlock between Turkey and the European Union?
Pope comes through most dangerous day
Guardian Ataboys Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Pope's visit to Turkey
EU on collision course with Ankara over membership
Pope defies security fears to visit Virgin Mary's house .
BBC Historic divide Turkish tensions Independent Benedict honours murdered priest on Turkish pilgrimage Turkish failure to open ports to Cyprus jeopardises EU hopes Turkey Set Back in Bid For EU Membership Washington Post Slate Today's Papers Wikipedia antiwar.com technorati
The Pope's Push to Protect Minority Christians TIME
LA Times Pope Meets With Turkish Christians
McClatchy Pope's meetings with patriarch highlight rift between religions
Ruşen Çakır Türkiye Irak’ta açığa düşüyor
PKK: Ya konfederasyon ya sınır İyibilgi.com Gönül ilişkileri dış politikayı etkiler mi? Orgeneral Saygun’un ABD ziyareti sırasında, Beyaz Saray girişinde üst arama girişimine maruz kalması ile Newsweek Dergisi’nde yer alan “darbe” söylencesi arasında nasıl bir bağ olabilir? Türkiye hakkında çıkan tartışmalı haberlerin arkasında gönül ilişkilerinin etkisi tartışılıyor! iyibilgi’den iki örnek vaka! iyibilgi özel
Department of State Organization Chart pdf version
Türkiye-İran ilişkileri Nuray Mert
Sedat Laçiner Will/Can Syria and Iran Help the US in Iraq?
Kurds' relationship to their "others"
Chewy topic for Europeans vis-a-vis Turkey
Derya SAZAK Federasyon uyarısı
MÜMTAZ'ER TÜRKÖNE - 'Ovada siyaset'
Terör örgütü Listesine Mahkeme Müdahalesi
Iran, Syria to connect power networks via Turkey
ABD’de PKK lehine yargıç kararı
Erdoğan İran’ı en üst düzeyde uyaracak
Sibel Edmonds: The Highjacking of a Nation
HÜSEYİN GÜLERCE - Papa, Erdoğan ve Bardakoğlu...
Taha AKYOL 'Ökümenik' tartışması
Ahmet Hakan Patrikhane düşmanlarına
Cengiz Çandar Tüm yazıları Papa’nın Türkiye’ye AB desteği: Regensburg konuşmasını bırak; Ankara açıklamasına bak...
ERDAL ŞAFAKAyasofya-Brüksel
Ayine Türkçe başladı Türkçe bitirdi, Türk bayrağı salladı
Can Dündar Papa ile katedralde
Serdar Turgut Papa'ya doğru tavır
Güler Kömürcü
Katoliklerle Ortodoksların ayrılığı TURHAN KAÇAR
Türkiye Papa'yı iyi ağırlamak zorunda Ziyaretten hem dini hem de siyasi sonuçlar çıkacak Sorun Papa değil, diyalog eksikliği
Ömer Lütfi Mete Bardakoğlu'na karşı boş bardak
Diyanet Le Monde'da haber oldu
Madde 301'e dair bir soruTurgut Tarhanlı
PAPANIN TÜRKİYE DESTEĞİ AB'DE TERS TEPTİ DEVAM | H3 Ertuğrul Özkök Paşa darbe yapar mı
2007'de darbe olur mu? Hasan Celal Güzel
ŞAHİN ALPAY - Türkiye'de askerî darbeyi kim ister?
Darbe ihtimali sıfır - Tarhan Erdem
İlnur Çevik A coup threat? Turkey's coming coup?
Sedat Bozkurt Coup based on theory of probabilities
Nuh Gönültaş Maksat darbe yapmak değil, bağcıyı dövmektir!
AB'den sert fren AB Komisyonu, Türkiye'yle 8 başlıkta müzakerelerin askıya alınmasının yanı sıra, Rumlara limanlar açılana kadar hiçbir başlığın kapatılmamasını tavsiye ederek müzakerelerin durmasına kapı araladı ... Haberin Devamı>>>
Komisyon: Sekiz başlık açılmasın, 27'siyle devam
M Ali Birand Avrupa, Türkiye’den özür dilemelidir…
Cengiz Aktar Kötünün iyisi
Semih İDİZ Türkiye-AB müzakereleri fiilen askıda
Dışişleri için zamanlama ve 8 başlık sürpriz oldu
Ankara'dan Komisyon'a yumuşak tepki
PM's aide: Commission's decision unacceptable for Ankara
AB-Türkiye arasındaki krize dünya basınından tepkiler
Barçın Yinanç Fransa 18 aylık dondurma önerdi
Koç: AB ilişkilerinin yavaşlaması herkes için yararlı olacak
ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞTürkiye yine de büyük
SOLİ ÖZEL Türkiye'nin ödülü
AB, Türkiye'yi Kıbrıs limanına bağladı Murat Yetkin
ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Altın gol AB'nin pasına bağlı
FEHMİ KORU AB'nin kararı, Türkiye'nin yolu
Hasan CEMAL Evet, AB treni yavaşlıyor ama...
Altın gol bekliyorlar Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu, Türkiye’nin liman ve havaalanlarını Rum gemi ve uçaklarına açmaması nedeniyle 35 başlıktan sekizinin müzakerelerinin başlatılmamasını tavsiye etti. Komisyon, diğer başlıklarla ilgili müzakerelerin başlatılabileceğini belirterek, kapanış şartını yine limanların açılmasına bağladı.
Cüneyt Ülsever Başbakan’a teşekkür ediyorum
Güneri CIVAOĞLU En uzun 12 gün
Yalçın Doğan Finlandiya’ya biz önerdik
Oktay Ekşi AB dişini gösterdi...
Serpil YILMAZ Avrupa Komisyonu Kıbrıs'a demir attı
MEHMET BARLAS Papadopulos Avrupa'nın en güçlü lideridir
İsmail Küçükkaya
Türkiye'den Afganistan'a asker yok
Türkiye NATO'ya askeri destek verecek
Gül’ün kritik Atina ziyareti ertelendi
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni - Dış Basında Türkiye - Google News Turkey - Turquie- Türkei - Kurdish Media - FPR Archive - Quickread - Google News - Iraq -Iran - Syria – Kurdish - Greece - Azerbaijan Cyprus – - Israel - BBC Turkish 0700 -TurcoPundit - Stratfor Mideastwire.com
Travma (2) Gündüz Aktan
Engin Ardıç Atatürk'ü kurtaralım!
'Kürdistan Airways' sefere başladı
'Kürtçe yazılım' için soruşturma
Vedat YENERER Irak çok şeylere gebe!..
Fikret Ertan NATO ve Afgan ordusu...
UMUR TALU Afgan halısı
İsrafil K. Kumbasar Mason localarını kapatmaya neden güçleri yetmiyor?
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Askeri birliğe APS ile esrar servisi
Çakıcı 19 yıl 4 ay ceza aldı ama 1 gün bile yatmayacak
Paşa’nın şirketine silahlı baskın
Ercan Kumcu Uzun dönemde dış açık gelişmeleri
Ters para ikamesi terse dönerken
Açık pozisyon açısından sonuç ne?
Deniz Gökçe Şubatta kriz?
H4 New York Times Iraq Panel to Recommend Pullback of Combat Troops The Iraq Study Group final report will call for a gradual pullback of 15 brigades but stops short of setting a firm timetable for their withdrawal.
Iraq’s Premier Abruptly Skips a Bush Session The cancellation occurred on a day that a classified White House memo expressing doubts about the prime minister was disclosed.
Democratic Leaders Seek Special Iraq Envoy to Try to Stem the Violence
The War Last Time By THOMAS POWERSThe year was 1965 and the choice was clear: lose the war or expand the war, find a formula of words to mask failure or send more troops and increase the bet on the table.
Bush and Iraqi Premier Meet in Jordan
Editorial A Crack in the Stone Wall The White House will give the Justice Department inspectors the required security clearance to review the administration’s domestic wiretapping program, but Congress should also mount its own independent inquiry.
DAVID BROOKS Waiting to Be Wooed The G.O.P. has become like a company with a great mission statement, but no domestic policy products to sell.
Former Russian Premier Falls Ill; Poisoning Seen as Possible Cause
News Analysis: Peace of the Weak? Olmert and Abbas Balk
Iran’s President Criticizes Bush in Letter to American People
| H5 Washington Post Iraq Study Group to Call for Troop Drawdown
Bush, Maliki Renew Vital Talks The two leaders began consultations on halting the deteriorating security conditions in Iraq.
Bush, Maliki Put Off Meeting Iraqi Premier Faces Boycott by Key Bloc; U.S. to Shift Troops
» Jackson Diehl | Jacques Chirac's planned dinner date with Vladimir Putin upstaged this week's NATO summit in Latvia.
» Robert J. Samuelson | For trade obstructionists, Globalization becomes a convenient explanation for many economic discontents, from job insecurity to squeezed living standards.
Editorial Israel's Offer
Analysis: Sadr Casts a Shadow Over Bush-Maliki Meeting
One War, No Answers Does anybody have a good plan for Iraq? Not President Bush.
Democrats Reject Key 9/11 Panel Suggestion Neither Party Has an Appetite for Overhauling Congressional Oversight of Intelligence
Plutonium Lifespan in U.S. Weapons Much Longer Than Thought
Iranian President Makes Direct Appeal to Americans State Department Dismisses Letter, Which Excoriates U.S. Policies in Iraq, Israel
| H6 Guardian What now in the Middle East? Joschka Fischer: Intervention in Iraq has not led to a domino-like democratisation; instead we are threatened with a domino effect of descent into chaos
The voters must decide if they want world-class research universities
Fighting over a civil war Harold Evans Whether Iraq is now plunged into civil war is a question of definition but President Bush has a vested interest in attempting to avoid the term.
From damaged pride to prosperity John Lloyd: The murder of Alexander Litvinenko has brought Russia and the problems it is currently facing to the attention of the world's media. Liberal elitists who ignore the context of power and privilege Radiation found on BA planes Maliki postpones Bush summit after memo leak Secret report shows deep US distrust of Iraqi PM. Blair: Nato is winning Afghan war Sarkozy says he will run for president Leader Conflicted meanings
Intrusion not investigation
The great conservative partisan Thomas Palley Milton Friedman's monetary theories may have been discarded but the policy agenda he supported lives on.
Living separate lives Madeleine Bunting Segregation isn't always a useful term in the debate about race, but that doesn't stop people playing to the fears it provokes.
Iraq's hard numbers Peter Lynn Judging the validity of the Lancet's survey of Iraq's death toll is difficult even for experts.
Jenni Russell States legitimately back diplomacy with the ultimate sanction of force. The same principle applies to smacking and parental authority.
H7 The Washington Note on Saudis and Iraq
Baker's Sellout Plan - Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, New York Post
Boston Globe America's shrinking global prestige(By Nikolas Gvosdev and Ray Takeyh)
Der Spiegel "The United Nations Has to Take Over in Iraq" Is the US about to change its Iraq strategy? SPIEGEL ONLINE spoke with Yasar Qatarneh, director of the Regional Center on Conflict Prevention in Amman, about how the Iraq problem could be solved.
Washington Realist Paying for Superpowerdom
Peter Galbraith Iraq: What Next? Divide the country
Time Bush and Maliki: Postponing the Inevitable?
Democracy Arsenal Why Leak the Maliki Government Memo?
The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up
Tom Barnett The talent gap in foreign policy
Message of Dr. Daniel Drezner to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
From New Statesman, can sharia law be good for women?
Globalization and God: Religious revivalism may win a few battles, but secularism will ultimately win the war.
UN v. US: Will new UN leadership alter the longstanding battle over US domination of the world body?
From American Diplomacy, a review of A New World Order by Anne-Marie Slaughter; and an article on understanding democratic transitions.
From HNN, a look at why the US loses "small wars".
Here are ten of the worst myths being spread in the media.
Bush Stands His Ground - Richard Wolffe & Holly Bailey, Newsweek
Helena Cobban Battle for the soul of al-Maliki, etc.
OpenDemocracy The partition temptation: from Iraq to Latin America | Juan Gabriel Tokatlian
The upside of down | Ehsan Masood
Rupert Murdoch's debasing taste | Sidney Blumenthal
| H8 BBC Bush begins delayed talks on Iraq The US president begins a delayed summit in Jordan with the Iraqi premier aimed at tackling escalating violence.
Mutual fears
Search for justice Rebuilding Lebanon “Will There be a Last Minute Compromise in Lebanon?” by Firas Maksad UPI Analysis: U.S. power stays in Middle East Politics & Policies: Saudi worst nightmare Benchmarks: Iraq's failing grades Analysis: Old Gates memo raises questions McClatchy Experts question proposals in leaked Iraq memo Iraqi Sunnis put faith in Jordanian leader to represent them Iraq sinks deeper into utter confusion As the civil war in Iraq fast approaches terminal velocity, the Bush administration is fighting a war of words, and it seems to be losing that one, too.
Saudi Diplomatic Smackdown - Jed Babbin, RealClearPolitics
Iran's nuclear ambitions seen similar to ...
ANALYSIS-Iraq's oil industry in grip of despair
New Statesman The real Afghan war The Taliban and the insurgency are not Afghanistan's worst problems. The country is now ruled by a new mafia of corrupt police and officials, who are crippling any hopes for a democratic future.
New UN Report: Afghanistan’s Drug Industry
MEMRI Nov 29 IA# 304 - Lebanon on the Brink of Civil War (4)
| H9 Ha’aretz - Print Edition
Forward With Eye on Iraq, Washington Applauds Olmert Initiative
Iran UN Resolution, Still Not Final, Drops Mention of Sanctions
Burden of Proof in AIPAC Case is "Not Insubstantial," Court Says Permalink
CFR Siegman: Olmert’s Latest Speech Marks New Conciliatory Tone to Palestinians But ‘Magic Word’ Missing
IDF to establish Hizbullah enemy training units
MAYNARD: It’s the Jews, Stupid
How Iraq and Palestinian Issues Came to Be Twinned in Revised Bush ...
H10 Christian Science Monitor Three 'more' options for Bush and Maliki A leaked memo suggests three ways the US might help the Iraqi leader: more troops, more money, and more regional diplomacy.
Is Iraq a civil war? Media debate. Sensitive to bias charges, news outlets have avoided the term 'civil war,' but that's changing.
OPINION Don't give up on Ukraine's Orange Revolution By Matthew Spence
US sees Afghanistan as test of NATO role At this week's summit, the alliance's success against Taliban insurgents was seen as key to its long-term relevance.
UN: Afghan government officials are protecting opium trade A new report says wiping out heroin production in Afghanistan could take a generation.
| H11 IHT U.S. Senator Urges Use of NATO Defense Clause for Energy
NATO to offer Serbia partnership
Putin's RSVP to Chirac: 'Non, merci'
EU lawmakers demand debate after report on covert CIA prisons
Leave the yuan alone
BBC No transformation 2006 European Competitiveness Index (Highlights Only, Full Text Fee-Based) - Summary 1 ||| Summary 2 Annual report 2006: the state of the drugs problem in Europe Sarkozy declares presidential bid EU embarks on tough carbon cuts The European Union sets tough carbon emission limits for 2008-2012, causing anger from national governments.
Law and order
Party Crash: Neo-Nazis in Germany By: Alexander Prescott-Couch | The New Republic | H12 RFE/RL Azerbaijan Authorities Intensify Pressure On Media Moves this week to curtail broadcasting by an independent TV and radio group have cast doubt on the future of independent media. On The Brink Of Civil War Following attacks by suspected Sunni insurgents in a Baghdad Shi'ite district that killed over 200, the cycle of violence may have reached a point of no return. Russia's Interest in Litvinenko
EurasiaNet Azerbaijani President Hints at Nagorno-Karabakh Settlement
What Does Putin Want? - Leon Aron, Commentary
Washington Times Ukraine, the WTO Seven Questions: Russia’s Cloaks and Daggers
H13 The Times 'London's bridge is falling down'A US official has said that Britain's role as a bridge between America and Europe is now 'disappearing before our eyes'
'Blair's bridge between Europe and the US? It's falling down and he is left with nothing'
Leader Foggy Thinking The Anglo-American link is stronger than some in the State Department assume
Special relationship A close embrace will still be in our best interests
Analysis: Nato deal on Afghan troops Events on the ground will determine whether the deal struck over Afghan troops is workable - but the Nato general still has no reserve force
Irshad Manji The reaction to my defence of the Pope forced me to rethink what being a "moderate" Muslim really means
Anatole Kaletsky
Mary Ann Sieghart
Sarkozy, the hard man of France, to run for president
Go big, go long, go home - or go to the Axis of Evil?
Iraqi leader falls out of favour with US on eve of allied summit
WSJ America Doesn't Cut and Run . . .
Majority Think Iraq Is in 'Civil War' A majority of Americans think Iraq is in the midst of a civil war, a new Harris poll finds, and few are confident that Robert Gates's nomination as Secretary of Defense will improve the situation there.
When Should the U.S. Withdraw?
Buy This Newspaper! | H14 Financial Times Iraq’s civil war ‘set to worsen’ The civil war in Iraq is likely to deteriorate significantly over the next few months regardless of which combination of options the Bush administration chooses to exercise, according to a report released by a leading Washington think-tank.
US sends more troops into Baghdad NATO to the Rescue : The United States can't save Iraq. Here's who can. COMMENT: An international way forward in Iraq As the US begins to acknowledge the magnitude of its defeat in Iraq, the conflict looks more than ever like a speeded-up, scaled-down re-enactment of Vietnam, writes Jacob Weisberg. Sunni Arab states wary of Iran’s role COMMENT: Asia's emerging behemoths have little in commonAn alluring vision has gained lustre from Hu Jintao’s visit to India last week, the first by a Chinese president for 10 years, and by both sides’ sonorous pledges to set aside past quarrels and stride together into the future, writes Guy de Jonquières. Nato makes limited progress on troops
Nato discord mars Afghan headway
Bruised dollar finds relief in growth data
Dear America, from Ahmadi-Nejad President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad of Iran seeks to appeal to the US public over the head of Washington by releasing a “letter to the American people” asserting his criticism of US policies in the Middle East.
COMMENT: Royal chimes with the change of mood in France The favourite topic of the French elections is not who is going to win but what Ségolène Royal’s first moves as president should be. This is not necessarily good news for the Socialist candidate, writes Dominique Moisi.
Putin calls Gaidar after mystery illness
COMMENT: A shadow falls over the Caucasus as Georgia edges closer to conflictThe current crisis in relations between Moscow and Tblisi originates in Georgia’s Rose Revolution of late 2003, which brought President Saakashvili to power. His policies are aimed at bringing his country closer to the EU and Nato. COMMENT: The Ugly Capitalist bogeyman is back again Editorial The voice of business We live in a world in which almost everybody agrees that there is no credible alternative to market capitalism. In the UK, most even accept globalisation.
COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Portals under pressure: the internet's giants seek to make a virtue of scale Yahoo is the latest portal to fall out of fashion on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Its shares have slumped as it has failed to catch the tidal wave of search-related advertising that is powering Google. | H15 Los Angeles Times It's losing we hate, not wars Jonah Goldberg: Those who compare the lengths of WWII and Iraq ignore what we really don't like in far-flung wars. Max Boot: Iran and Syria aren't our friends in Iraq Our enemies have no interest in bailing us out, unless they win major concessions.
Some Sunnis in Iraq have a plan for peace
Going further than a cease-fire By Amos Oz A lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace will require painful but long-overdue compromises from both sides. Bush's new agenda raises doubts Summit is threatened as administration officials hope to demonstrate progress in stemming strife in Iraq. Iran's president urges Americans to back Iraq exit
Editorial |
H16 Why does the GOP control the South? In a word, racism.
The election defeat was inglorious for Republicans because it ratified worries about the cost of chasing away the GOP's moderates.
The Scariest Guy in Town: With subpoena power, Henry Waxman could be the Republicans' worst nightmare. realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec - Blogometer
Washington Times '25-by-'25' assumptions The new bipartisan theme enveloping Capitol Hill these days is called "25-by-'25." The idea is that the United States should -- and can -- use renewable fuels to supply 25 percent of the country's energy needs by 2025.
America's energy policy
| H17 Daily Telegraph Britain's special relationship 'a myth' Blair has got nothing in return for supporting Bush over Iraq, according to State Department analyst.
Lop-sided alliance has lasted 60 years
Law lord attacks 'totalitarian' Bush regime
Blog: Blair is America's 'poodle'
Winning Muslim hearts and minds
Leader Nato's divided allies
God knows how Carty and Brown will repent | H18 Independent Bush delays meeting with Maliki as leaked memo casts doubt over Iraqi PM
Conflict in the Middle East: Symbols of life and death
David Miliband: We cannot curb global warming without EU action Lord Ramsbotham exclusive: Justice system is absurd. Broken. Chaotic The former prison chief lambasts a justice system in meltdown after Tony Blair's decade of failure on crime and punishmentSoaring prison population sparks safety fears Is the criminal justice system fair? Inmates verdicts: 'Nothing to do except sink further into the system' Leading article: New Labour's reactionary agenda has failed The Big Question: Ten years on, has Tony Blair fulfilled his pledge to improve education?
H19: “This book examines terrorist groups that, while not formally allied with al-Qaeda, pose a threat to Americans, at home and abroad, and to the security of our friends and allies. Although the temptation for policymakers is to set aside as less dangerous those groups that have not chosen to join al-Qaeda, such terrorist or insurgent groups and criminal organizations still pose a threat to the United States, its interests, and its allies. The authors first look at violent Islamist terrorist and insurgent groups without formal links to al-Qaeda, such as Hamas and Hezbollah in the Middle East and Islamist groups in Africa. They then examine a number of non-Islamist terrorist groups — for example, the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, the FARC and ELN in Colombia, Maoist insurgencies, and the violent antiglobalist movement — and explain how these groups might fit into the al-Qaeda agenda and how they use criminal organizations and connections to finance their activities. Finally, they show how the presence of these threats affects U.S. security interests, and they identify distinct strategies that the United States may take to neutralize or mitigate each of them.”
From The Wilson Quarterly, articles on the case for and the case against nuclear power (and more).
From The Economist, a shift in Australia's stance is a sign of the times: all over the world governments are rethinking the politics and economics of nuclear power
the more there is, the bigger the risk: Why proliferation gets harder to stop.
| · H20 Slate Wikis Save the World:New York Times Magazine on the power of open-source media.
Despite the vast common sense and analytical clarity of its business and political analysis, The Economist wears the ideological blinkers of a Victorian free-thinker. It racks moral arguments on the Procrustean bed of Mill's libertarianism. What is wrong with utilitarianism?"I used to think. Now, I just read The Economist," Larry Ellison, CEO of IT giant Oracle Corporation, has admitted. The list of political and business luminaries who read it religiously is long and impressive. "The magazine I spend most of my days reading is The Economist," says Microsoft's Bill Gates. "An important part of my life support system," says Chris Patten, Chancellor of Oxford University. Even its rivals are glowing in their praise. Here's the International Herald Tribune: "This unique journal in which sheer intellect, backed by integrity and a bold welcoming of new ideas has held sway over statesman and governments." And Germany's Die Zeit: "The paper of the global ruling classes." And if you're still not convinced, Vanity Fair: "The magazine is probably read by more presidents, prime ministers, and chief executives around the world than any other... The positions it takes change the minds that matter."
America Speaks: A Demographic Profile of Foreign-Language Speakers for the United States: 2000
A rule for narrating history as poetry
Improving Mathematics and Science Education
Reforming Teacher Education: Something Old, Something New | H21
After five centuries, the printed page is giving way to PDFs and HTML. Does that mean the end of reading and the beginning of information processing?
For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs a Big Debate The debate is centered on whether cheap laptops are the best way to improve education in the developing world.
Decoding history
Ancient Greek artefact was an 'astronomical computer'
Der Spiegel BLOGGING TOWARDS DEMOCRACY From China to Iran, Web Diarists Are Challenging Censors
Blogs - memeorandum - Slate's Today's Blogs - political theory/ Blogometer - Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Thomas P.M. Barnett - democracy arsenal - - William Arkin - | Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad - Passport - Syria Comment - David Corn - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - Matt Yglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong | CounterterrorismBlog / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan -armscontrolwonk - Arts & Letters Daily/ Open University |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,