0731-2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analysis from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç Subscribe to FPR --- U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports | ||
H1 Washington Post The Next Steps With Iran Negotiations Must Go Beyond the Nuclear Threat to Broader Issues By Henry A. Kissinger
Beyond Lebanon This Is the Time for a U.S.-Led Comprehensive Settlement - By Brent Scowcroft
Special Report: State of the War
Special Report: Shift in Israeli Operations Stratfor
Washington Post The Wisdom Of Retreat Three Lessons From Its Own Record Should Guide the U.S. on Lebanon By Sebastian Mallaby
Betting on Democracy Reversals for Fragile New Governments Mean Hard Choices for Bush By Jackson Diehl
Spy Lessons From Israel By Jim Hoagland
Analysis Returning to Old Approach, U.S. Faces Risky Path Ahead By Robin Wright
It's Not Another World War One By John Keegan
Time Joe Klein: Free Fall in Iraq Even Churchill Couldn't Figure Out Iraq - The Bush Administration has created such a mess in Iraq that despairing military strategists are talking about drastic, flawed measures such as taking sides or partitioning Baghdad
PINR "Escalating Conflict in the Middle East Could Spark a Global Recession" Full text of report
Guardian How can 'terrorism' be condemned while war crimes go without rebuke? David Clark: Washington's partners in this hypocritical war on terror are given free rein to wreak their own brutal, illegal violence.
NYT Magazine Ballots and Bullets By NOAH FELDMAN We wanted to use both elections and force to transform the Middle East. Hamas and Hezbollah, it turns out, had the same idea.
Ha’aretz – Schiff ANALYSIS: Unlike '96, deaths of Qana civilians won't stop assault
Schiff ANALYSIS: Israel failing to give U.S. the military cards it needs
Editorial Opportunity on Syria's doorstep
Jerusalem Post Analysis: Too late now for an invasion? The operation was quickly exhausted once the army realized only so much can be done aerially.
Sunday Telegraph America, the superhero who would rather be Clark Kent Niall Ferguson
Sunday Times Straw in Israel revolt Jack Straw has become the first senior cabinet minister to break ranks with the prime minister over Britain's response to the crisis in Lebanon
Time Why the Middle East Crisis Isn't Really About Terrorism By insisting it is, President Bush clouds the real issues, which are how much should the U.S. do for Israel and what should it do to Iran
Tony Karon Is Israel Fighting a Proxy War for Washington?
The Nation AIPAC's Hold Ari Berman
Financial Times COMMENT: The four big myths behind the Lebanon crisis Although the US entered the game late, now it needs to drive a process that demonstrates potential for progress in the Middle East, writes Nancy Soderbergh, a former US ambassador to the United Nations.
Rice 'new Middle East' comments fuel Arab fury over US policy
Juan Cole Sistani Threatens US over Israeli War on Lebanon ...
Fareed Zakaria on ABC's This Week: Hezbollah, which feeds off resentment, hatred, emotions, is getting stronger.
Daily Star The real problem is getting to a solution
Boston Globe America transforms the Middle East, but not as envisioned(By James Carroll)
If This is the Third World War, We're Losing - Martin Ivens, Sunday Times
Is the Oil Era Coming to an End? : Amir Taheri
IHT EU divisions harden on Lebanon options
Christian Science Monitor In Mideast tumult, Iran's clout rises
The Times Why Blair must step aside
From "citizen" to "passport": Belonging to a country used to mean something. Is that still possible in the 21st century?
| H2 Los Angeles Times The Return of Turkey's Kurdish Problem By Henri J. Barkey The U.S. might still be able to head off a Turkish attack on Iraqi's Kurds.
Kuzey Irak kararı, prestij için Henri J. Barkey
New York Review of Books Mindless in Iraq By Peter W. Galbraith (repeat)
NYT DAVID BROOKS Cease-Fire to Nowhere If Hezbollah emerges from this moment still strong, it will tower like a giant over the Lebanese government. Oxymoronic War for Peace
Strategy: Iran Hangs in Suspense as War Offers New Strength, and Sudden Weakness
A Week of Reckoning A New Enemy Gains On the US Certain that other terrorists are learning from Hezbollah’s successes, the U.S. is studying the Mideast conflict closely for lessons to apply to its own wars.
Los Angeles Times Iraq Isn't About Us Anymore JUDITH S. YAPHE The U.S. has few options in Iraq. Why Good Countries Fight Dirty Wars Think democracies are above committing atrocities? Think again. Daily Telegraph Iran's nuclear threat must be faced Our chief purpose in defeating aggressors in Iran should not be to bolster Muslim moderates, nor even to bring freedom to the long-suffering Iranian people. Our main object, rather, must be to forestall a nuclear attack, claims Daniel Hannan. Kevin Drum Progressive Realism, Take 2
Slate Today's Papers Wikipedia antiwar.com technorati
Ext links- İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası - Dış Basında Türkiye - Google News Turkey - Turquie- Türkei - Kurdish Media - FPR Archive - Quickread - Google News - Iraq -Iran - Syria – Kurdish - Greece - Cyprus – Azerbaijan - Israel - BBC Turkish 0700 -TurcoPundit - Mideastwire.com
Ekrem Dumanlı Sarı zarfa hapsolan haberler
Talat Rumlar'ın PKK ile ilişkisi var
Bakanlarınkinden daha önemli gezi
Başbakan niye Cumhurbaşkanı ile görüşmüyor?
ERGUN BABAHAN Cumhurbaşkanı ve en özel yetkisi
KRG PM Barzani announces new investment law
Iraq-Turkey Pipeline Resumes Pumping
FT Tool for dispute resolution loses its certainty Along-running arbitration between US and Turkish companies over profits from a petroleum coke joint venture came to an...
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Ercan Kumcu IMF gözüyle Türkiye ekonomisi
Dolar 1.50'nin altında Mahfi Eğilmez
Vahap Munyar 1000 mühendise kapıyı açacak yatırım IMF’ci Anne Krueger’dan döndü
Seyfettin Gürsel Sağlıkta eşitsizlik uçurumu
Verimlilik artışı sağlanmadan bu iş yürümez Fatih Özatay
Ercan Kumcu Bankacılıkta risk yönetiminin bir işlevi olmalı
Erdal Sağlam Faizler banka beklentilerinin üzerine çıkacak
Faizin yol haritası belli Uğur Gürses
Metin MÜNİR Güler'in enerji politikası ya da kumda futbol
Osman ULAGAY Sanayimiz çıkmazda mı?
FT COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Mission impossible? Why stabilising Afghanistan will be a stiff test for Nato The world’s most successful military alliance takes on a new role on Monday. Nato, the organisation that prides itself on having won the cold war, is assuming responsibility for the perilous south at a critical time.
COMMENT: A deal can still be salvaged from the ashes of Doha Failure would strengthen those who want to retreat into protectionism and undermine the WTO system, which has stabilised the global economy, writes Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner.
RFE/RL Romania: President Pushes Country's Role As Energy Conduit
| H3 Sabah Aslı Aydıntaşbaş PKK'yı dağdan indirme planı
Ültimatom PKK'yı fena sıkıştırdı
'PKK'yı Dağdan İndirme Planı' tartışılıyor
PKK'dan lojmana ateş: 6 polis yaralı
Milliyet Çetin: NATO demek, 'biz' demek
İsmet Berkan PKK'yı tasfiye: Plan, yeni aşamada
Hasan ÜNAL TSK bu haberi yalanlamalıdır
PKK planı 1 yıl önce uygulamaya kondu
PKK not able to create political space, intelligence report says
'Kulis'te bu hafta Gül, Zapsu'ya neden mesafeli?
METEHAN DEMİR Çiçek: Büyükanıt ile ilgili kimin ne problemi olabilir?
Taha KIVANÇ Esrarın anahtarı
Kafadar Devletsiz büyük ulus söylemi çok tehlikeli
Fehmi KORU Genelkurmay'dan beklediğimiz
Fatih Çekirge Bu aile kavgası
Radikal Mesele hepimizin meselesi 38 aydın, Kürt sorunu için 'Benim de Meselem' başlıklı bildiri yayımladı
Mihri Belli: Apo 1997’den beri Kemalist’tir
ABD yetkilisi Wise: Kerkük Sorunu Çözülmezse, ırak’ın Derin Sorunu Olmaya Devam Eder
Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Hükümet, gergedan yutmuş piton yılanı gibi...
Kürşat BUMİN Bana herşey 'onu' hatırlatıyor...
Susurluk tezahürü ... Haberin Devamı>>>
Mehmet Ağar: Tokat şaka yapmıştır
Erdoğan: Ateşkes olmadan gitmeyiz
Fikret BİLA Lübnan'a asker için ilk temaslar
SOLİ ÖZEL Şiddetin sınırı
Ruşen Çakır Zalime karşı mazlumdan yana, onurlu bir duruş
İran'a en büyük iyiliği Bush yapıyor ÖMER TAŞPINAR
Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] Lambadan çıkan cin
[Amerikalı uzmanlardan Türk politikasına destek] Önce ateşkes sonra barış gücü
Türk askeri Lübnan'a gitmesin
Neyi tartışıyoruz? Erdal Güven
Peacekeeping role for Turkey in Lebanon Yüksel SÖYLEMEZ
Zelikow Ankara’da nabız yokladı
Ahmet Hakan Kime izolasyonist denir
Ferai Tınç Lübnan’a çokuluslu güç ama nasıl?
Ferai Tınç Krizlerden kriz beğen
Mehmet Y Yılmaz Her ’yoğurdum var’ diyene koşulmaz
Metin MÜNİR Ortadoğu'ya bulaşmayın efendiler
Şükrü Küçükşahin Şu an bizlik bir durum yok
Semih İDİZ Hizbullah için savaş yeni başlıyor
Taha Akyol Taha AKYOL 'Ben Yahudileri severim'
Yasemin CONGAR Beş yıl sonra Afganistan (2)
Ali Bulaç Hizbullah ne yapmak istedi?
Cüneyt Ülsever Şii-Sünni çatışması!
Devletin iki sözcüsü Ankara’dan ayrılıyor
Etyen Mahçupyan Devekuşu daveti
Özdemir İnce Türkiye ve İsrail-Hizbullah savaşı
Fikret Ertan Kodori’de neler oluyor?
Türkiye'yi mahkûm ettirmek Hasan Celal Güzel
Mümtazer Türköne Pax Americana
A Turan Alkan Ben akıllı değilim; muhalifim
Ağar Terörü çözeriz Cudi Dağı şahittir
Sabah Orduda bu kez
Ordu'da bir sürpriz istifa daha
Karadeniz'de fındık gerilimi
H4 New York Times From Carnage in Lebanon, a Concession Israel agreed to suspend airstrikes in its first significant concession, but the U.S. is still not calling for an immediate cease-fire
REACTION; Child Victims Incite Anger in Lebanon and Beyond
Strategy: Iran Hangs in Suspense as War Offers New Strength, and Sudden Weakness
A Week of Reckoning A New Enemy Gains On the US Certain that other terrorists are learning from Hezbollah’s successes, the U.S. is studying the Mideast conflict closely for lessons to apply to its own wars.
Israel Is Powerful, Yes. But Not So Invincible. What was clearly conceived as a quick battle using air power and strikes on specific targets against Hezbollah has turned into a crisis
DAVID BROOKS Cease-Fire to Nowhere If Hezbollah emerges from this moment still strong, it will tower like a giant over the Lebanese government. Oxymoronic War for Peace
Antimissile Weapon: U.S. and Israel Shelved Laser as a Defense
Partisan Divide on Iraq Exceeds Split on Vietnam No military conflict in modern times has divided Americans on partisan lines more than the war in Iraq.
Rice Returns to Israel to Press for Cease-Fire
Relentless Sectarian Violence in Baghdad Stalks Its Victims Even at the Morgues
FRANK RICH The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in Iraq Americans want the war in Iraq canceled, and first- and last-place networks alike are more than happy to oblige. War Overload
PAUL KRUGMAN Shock and Awe The hard truth is that Israel needs, for its own sake, to stop a bombing campaign that is making its enemies stronger, not weaker.
BOB HERBERT A World Gone Mad A development in Pakistan may hasten the spread of nuclear weapons.
Editorial Still the Wrong Man for the U.N. Over all, American interests at the U.N. have suffered from John Bolton’s time there, and will suffer more if the Senate confirms him in the job.
Pentagon Extends Tour for 4,000 Troops, Increasing Number in Iraq
NATO Shifts Afghan Focus to Drug Lords
Audit Finds U.S. Hid Cost of Iraq Projects
The Crowd: As News Spreads of Deaths in South, Anger Boils Over Into Demonstrations in Beirut
The Security Council: U.N. Deplores Civilian Deaths, but Cease-Fire Call Is Blocked
History: Qana Raid Revives ’96 Agony
| H5 Washington Post Israel Moves to Suspend Air Attacks for 2 Days After Strike in Lebanese Village Kills 57 Civilians Rice Abruptly Abandons Diplomatic Effort As Leaders in Region Condemn Operation
Analysis Inaction Could Undercut Bush's Long-Term Goals
The Next Steps With Iran Negotiations Must Go Beyond the Nuclear Threat to Broader Issues By Henry A. Kissinger
Beyond Lebanon This Is the Time for a U.S.-Led Comprehensive Settlement - By Brent Scowcroft The current Middle East war is between Israel and Hezbollah. But only the U.S. can broker a comprehensive settlement in the region.
The Wisdom Of Retreat Three Lessons From Its Own Record Should Guide the U.S. on Lebanon By Sebastian Mallaby
Betting on Democracy Reversals for Fragile New Governments Mean Hard Choices for Bush By Jackson Diehl - The crisis that has the world's attention is Lebanon; though most people don't perceive it as a test of Bush's democracy agenda, that is how the administration sees it.
For Rice, a Painful 24 Hours 'Sickened' by News of Deadly Israeli Attack, Secretary Heads for Home By Robin Wright,
Attack Kills Four in Northern Iraqi Oil Center Bombing in Kirkuk Is Sixth This Month; Troop Shift Detailed
More Than 50 Dead After Israeli Attack in Lebanon At least 37 children are among the dead after the single bloodiest airstrike in 19 days of violence; attacks force Rice to abandon trip to Beirut.
What Next, Lebanon? Consternation Grips Nation as It Again Looks Up From War's Ruins By Anthony Shadid,
Spy Lessons From Israel By Jim Hoagland - Israel has been forced to improvise furiously on the battlefield after discovering how much it did not know about the fighters and the strategic arsenal that Hezbollah had amassed in southern Lebanon. Americans should watch closely what will happen in Israel once the smoke of this battle clears.
Many Arabs Applaud Hezbollah U.S. Credibility Seen as Harmed By Aid to Israel
Analysis Returning to Old Approach, U.S. Faces Risky Path Ahead By Robin Wright
Hezbollah Leader Derides U.S. Motives
It's Not Another World War One By John Keegan
The Secretive Fight Against Bioterrorism The government is building a highly classified facility to research biological weapons, but its closed-door approach has raised concerns.
Report on Prewar Intelligence Lagging Information Democrats Want Most Might Not Come Out Until After Election
| H6 Guardian How can 'terrorism' be condemned while war crimes go without rebuke? David Clark: Washington's partners in this hypocritical war on terror are given free rein to wreak their own brutal, illegal violence.
Israeli attack kills more than 60 Bush's fondness for fundamentalism is courting disaster at home and abroad Karen Armstrong: Affinity with the Christian right has led to banning stem cell research and turning a blind eye to civilian deaths in Lebanon. Leader Death in Qana The only certain consequence of another two weeks of fighting will be several hundred more dead Arabs and Jews. Surely a ceasefire that halted any further Qanas could only be good?
How I learned to love Vlad Putin has saved Russia from collapse, says Nick Paton Walsh.
Leader Courting the Sun king Do leaders court Mr Murdoch because they respect him or because they think he can get them elected? Both possibilities are unsettling.
PM: Policy 'cross-dressing' is norm
The inaction men of the FO Michael White The mandarins now seeking denunciations of Israel are the same people who wrung their hands over Srebrenica.
The Observer Cabinet in open revolt over Israel Straw joins criticism of Lebanon toll as Rice pushes peace plan. Israel realises this is a real war
I, too, am horrified by the awful scenes in Lebanon. But wait... Mary Riddell: This is not another round in the conflict of good and evil. It's much more complex than partisans of either side allow
We desperately need peacemakers, not peacekeepers Peter Preston: I remember reporting from Cyprus as its incipient civil war got out of hand and United Nations peacekeepers rushed to the rescue.
Leader It's time for full engagement, whatever the pain When the members of the UN Security Council meet this week, it is clear what they have to do. They must agree a resolution authorising an international force to enter southern Lebanon. |
H7 NYT Magazine Ballots and Bullets By NOAH FELDMAN
NYT Book Review Iraq Books By FOUAD AJAMI and PETER W. GALBRAITH Review by NOAH FELDMAN The American presence in Iraq has been plagued by insufficient awareness of the conflicting perspectives of Iraqis from different backgrounds and communities. First Chapters: ‘The Foreigner's Gift,’ by Fouad Ajami | ‘The End of Iraq,’ by Peter W. Galbraith
Time 'THE CONDI RICE SHOW' She has Bush's ear, global clout and a high profile. Now she needs some results.
Why the Middle East Crisis Isn't Really About Terrorism By insisting it is, President Bush clouds the real issues, which are how much should the U.S. do for Israel and what should it do to Iran
How Rice’s Mission Became the Victim of an Israeli Attack
Joe Klein: Free Fall in Iraq Even Churchill Couldn't Figure Out Iraq - The Bush Administration has created such a mess in Iraq that despairing military strategists are talking about drastic, flawed measures such as taking sides or partitioning Baghdad
Tony Karon Is Israel Fighting a Proxy War for Washington?
Newsweek Denis MacShane: Will Europe Lead, or Head to the Beach?
Can Hizbullah Win by Hanging On?
Report From the Insurgency Epicenter
From The Harvard Crimson, the Israel lobby debate grows more civilized: Despite harsh early attacks, Walt and Mearsheimer continue to engage critics.
DemocracyArsenal We Should be Dividers, not Uniters, of Terrorists
Djerejian A Futile Little War | H8 Special Report: State of the War
UPI Analysis: Time taking side of Hezbollah OpenDemocracy Lebanon: the world's choice Hizbollah could hit Tel Aviv, Israel could attack Syria – only days remain to halt the escalator of war, says Paul Rogers
Rice: Cease-Fire Can Be Reached This Week
Lebanon's Anti-Syria PM Thanks Hezbollah for 'Sacrifices'
Shake-Up Expected for Maliki's Iraq Govt
Mood in Sunni West Baghdad Turns in Favor of US Troops
Iran's Ahmadinejad Signals Hardening of Nuclear Stance
Matthews: War in Iraq United ‘the Disparate Pieces of Shia Radicalism into a Frankenstein Monster’
BBC Nato to control south Afghanistan The Nato force in Afghanistan takes over from the US in the south, where security has deteriorated.
Washington Times Hezbollah's human shields
Daily Star The real problem is getting to a solution
Editorial How can the children of the holocaust mete out the same racist rage?
Deal with non-state actors on their own terms
In Lebanon, Bush is really part of the problem
Le Monde Inflexion américaine
Israel Lays Off South, but Bombs East
| H9 Ha’aretz – Schiff ANALYSIS: Unlike '96, deaths of Qana civilians won't stop assault
Schiff ANALYSIS: Israel failing to give U.S. the military cards it needs
Editorial Opportunity on Syria's doorstep The partial achievements made during these weeks of fighting may be reflected in an accord that can serve as the basis for a renewed dialogue between Israel and Syria.
ANALYSIS: The U.S. wants Israel to do the work - win a victory
Eldar Between Shaba and Taba For the first since the War of Independence, masses of Israelis take cover for days on end in bomb shelters and thousands of citizens taste the bitterness of being refugees.
Israel curbs air strikes in Lebanon, Rice says truce can be forged this week
Lebanese will get 24-hour window to leave south
BBC Israel halts fire for Qana probe Israel agrees to stop south Lebanon air strikes for 48 hours to investigate more than 50 deaths in Qana.
Jerusalem Post Analysis: Too late now for an invasion? The operation was quickly exhausted once the army realized only so much can be done aerially.
PM: Another 10-14 days needed for offensive
Analysis: The turning point? Hizbullah's strategy of placing its launchers in residential areas proved all-too appallingly effective.
IDF: 150 rockets fired from Qana at Israeli cities
Debka The Qana Trap Print
Syrian Downing of Israeli drone Raises Specter of Syrian Scuds Print
Yedioth Ahronoth Qana time gap baffles IDF Israeli army continuing to check difficult incident at Qana village, attempting to account for strange gap between time of strike on building – midnight – and eight in the morning, when building collapsed |
H10 Christian Science Monitor In Mideast tumult, Iran's clout rises Hizbullah has embroiled Iran's nemesis Israel in a bloody conflict - and diverted attention from Iran's nuclear program.
New urgency for Lebanon cease-fire
Next troublesome missile test: Taiwan? Taiwan may be preparing to test-fire a tactical missile capable of striking China.
| H11 IHT EU divisions harden on Lebanon options
Boston Globe America transforms the Middle East, but not as envisioned (By James Carroll) | H12 RFE/RL Romania: President Pushes Country's Role As Energy Conduit
Suppressing Hizb Ut-Tahrir Could Radicalize Youths
AxisNews Sofia - Skopje: New High-Tension Power Line of the Balkans
H13 The Times Why Blair must step aside
France proposes UN peace plan as Lebanon issues call for help
Cabinet rift as moderates fear backlash from votersBlair insisted that the crisis in Lebanon is not dividing his Cabinet despite open dissent from Straw
Nato picks up where the US is leaving offThe British commander of Nato's International Security Assistance Force, will take over command of southern Afghanistan
Sunday Times Straw in Israel revolt Jack Straw has become the first senior cabinet minister to break ranks with the prime minister over Britain's response to the crisis in Lebanon
If This is the Third World War, We're Losing - Martin Ivens, Sunday Times
ANDREW SULLIVAN: Lebanon is the sideshow to Iran’s sinister moves
MARIE COLVIN LEBANON’S ROAD TO HELL With the scream of Israeli jets overhead, the villagers began the nine-mile trek
Focus: Brutal battle for uncertain peace No truce, no ceasefire. Just a relentless trading of blows between Hezbollah and Israel. How and when will this conflict ever end?
LEADING ARTICLE: Waiting for Gordon
WSJ 'History Will Judge Us All On Our Actions' The world has flagrantly ignored a viable solution to Lebanon's crisis. By MICHEL AOUN
Oil-and-Gas Empire Mr. Putin turns Russia into another Venezuela.
The Iraq Paradox - Robert Pollock, Wall Street Journal | H14 Financial Times COMMENT: The four big myths behind the Lebanon crisis Although the US entered the game late, now it needs to drive a process that demonstrates potential for progress in the Middle East, writes Nancy Soderbergh, a former US ambassador to the United Nations.
Rice 'new Middle East' comments fuel Arab fury over US policyAnnan warns UN of threat to authority Kofi Annan warned ambassadors that they faced “a moment of extreme gravity ... for the authority of this organisation.” COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Lessons from Kipling as the Taliban advanceCOMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Mission impossible? Why stabilising Afghanistan will be a stiff test for Nato The world’s most successful military alliance takes on a new role on Monday. Nato, the organisation that prides itself on having won the cold war, is assuming responsibility for the perilous south at a critical time.
COMMENT: A deal can still be salvaged from the ashes of Doha Failure would strengthen those who want to retreat into protectionism and undermine the WTO system, which has stabilised the global economy, writes Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner.
COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: South Asia's choice of plutonium over growth is dangerousThe danger for the world lies in radical Islamists getting hold of a growing and readily available source of radioactive materials, writes Mansoor Ijaz, former nuclear negotiator.
Olmert shrugs off world calls for early ceasefire
Blair's popularity hits all-time low over Lebanon crisis
Merkel plays down prospect of troops for Lebanon
After 14 years, Serb statelet is still Bosnian stumbling block | H15 Los Angeles Times Iraq Isn't About Us Anymore JUDITH S. YAPHE The U.S. has few options in Iraq.
Iran Is Bush's Target in Lebanon
Editorial Reining in Israel Bush and Blair make clear that Israel's right to wage war is nearing its expiration date.
Why Good Countries Fight Dirty Wars Think democracies are above committing atrocities? Think again. Iraq's New Interior Minister Promises a Clean Up After Deadly Bombing, Israel Halts Air Strikes 56 die in Qana, including women and children. Israel agrees to 48-hour pause so Southern Lebanese can flee safely
FT Editorial Wal-Mart checks out from Germany Even the strongest army can struggle in unfamiliar terrain. Wal-Mart's sale of its German retail operations to local partner Metro
COMMENT: How Chile cooled its ideological fever Latin America's political landscape has changed beyond recognition in the past five years or so Editorial Migrants mean money Pity the immigrant. On both sides of the Atlantic opponents of immigration are gaining strength.
H16 The NatIon AIPAC's Hold Ari Berman NYT Passing Down the Legacy of Conservatism
Boston Globe Party of one(By David Greenberg) After three terms in the Senate, Joe Lieberman may be headed for defeat -- and a possible independent run. But it's not Joe Lieberman who's changed. It's partisan politics. Saving the American Dream - Clinton, Carper & Vilsack, Blueprint Magazine
realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec - Blogometer
Daily Telegraph The old enemies are uniting over Lebanon The ancient mosaic of alliances and divisions in the Middle East is cracking as the Sunnis back the Shia Hezbollah war, writes Dilip Hiro.
Leader This is a plan that should have our support The idea that Blair has fallen in meekly behind President Bush ignores the chronology: Mr Blair was nagging President Clinton to take a tougher line against rogue states back in the 1990s. | H17 Daily Telegraph Iran's nuclear threat must be faced Our chief purpose in defeating aggressors in Iran should not be to bolster Muslim moderates, nor even to bring freedom to the long-suffering Iranian people. Our main object, rather, must be to forestall a nuclear attack, claims Daniel Hannan.
Leader Israelis make a bad position worse There is a terrible familiarity to the killing of more than 50 Lebanese civilians in an Israeli airstrike in Qana at the weekend. A decade ago, more than 100 Lebanese sheltering in a UN compound in the same village were killed by Israeli bombs.
Sunday Telegraph America, the superhero who would rather be Clark Kent The moral of Superman Returns is that when the messianic Man of Steel retreats into provincial isolation, Metropolis descends into anarchy, says Niall Ferguson. Tragically, the same fate may now lie in store for the Middle East as the American superpower heads back to Smallville.
This conflict will long outlast Blair and Bush Be in no doubt: the Islamists are not going anywhere, whoever occupies the White House or Number 10, says Matthew d'Ancona, and, as so often when these two men meet, George W Bush was the host and Tony Blair the choreographer.
| H18 Independent Robert Fisk: 'How can we stand by and allow this to go on?' |
H19 All That's Given Up in the Name of Security by Sibel Edmonds & William Weaver
From "citizen" to "passport": Belonging to a country used to mean something. Is that still possible in the 21st century? | H20 Slate
FT COMMENT: An advertising model that does not click Is the type of advertising that turned Google from just one more cool internet start-up without a business model into a...
More than a pleasure Mark Vernon: The popular idea of happiness as hedonistic is misleading - the good life can't be purchased.
In Iran, Pizzas Will Now Be Called Loaves
When Igor Stravinsky died, the world was without a great composer for the first time in six hundred years. It still is... more»
| H21 Cengiz Çandar Trieste
Mustafa ÖZEL Yönetmek, karar vermeyi bilmektir
The Observer Paradiso to inferno
Newsweek Natural Born Heroes
Çok çalışmaları gerekecek Tanıl Bora
Ari Emanuel: The Bottom Line on Mel Gibson's Anti-Semitic Remarks (HuffingtonPost.com)
Blogs - memeorandum - Slate's Today's Blogs - political theory/ Blogometer - Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Thomas P.M. Barnett - democracy arsenal - - William Arkin - | Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad - Passport - Syria Comment - David Corn - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - Matt Yglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong | CounterterrorismBlog / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan -armscontrolwonk - Arts & Letters Daily/ |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,