033109f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç from ASAM (Eurasian Center for Strategic Studies) -- U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 FT Europe spurns the beloved Obama This grudging attitude is not only discourteous. It is unwise and self-defeating. The continent’s leaders have a huge interest in fostering and fanning the new American internationalism represented by Mr Obama. Instead, they seem to be doing their utmost to pour cold water on it, writes Gideon Rachman Time How Israel Foiled an Arms Convoy Bound for Hamas Ha’aretz – 'Dozens of Israeli jets and drones attacked in Sudan' TIME Magazine cited Israeli sources as saying U.S. was notified of the attack but was not directly involved ANALYSIS / Obama is waiting on Netanyahu Largest government in Israeli history includes 30 ministers and at least six deputy ministers IHT · NATO’s Hard Choices BY: Charles A. Kupchan | International Herald Tribune NATO’s 60th anniversary summit will surely be dominated by its mission in Afghanistan. And rightly so; NATO’s ability to advance Afghanistan’s security and stability has become the litmus test of the alliance’s effectiveness. The U.S. Exit From Iraq: How to Steer Clear of Danger BY: Joost Hiltermann | The Christian Science Monitor President Obama's announcement that he intends to withdraw most US troops from Iraq by August 2010 is most welcome, heralding the end of the Bush administration's disastrous war. Russia’s Armed Forces: The Power of Illusion IFRI A 22-page French paper examining the reality of the status of Russia's armed forces The Commercial Terms for Oil and Gas Transit Pipelines must Change in Order to Avoid Future Conflict The Arab family divided From Commentary, John Bolton on the coming war on sovereignty The Return of Weakness - Reuel Marc Gerecht, Weekly Standard Is Iran Pulling a Fast One on Obama? BY MICHAEL SINGH Is this the next king of Saudi Arabia? Daily Star US-Iranian engagement: when and how? By Ahmad Sadri Guardian G20 summit: How the bandwagon wrecked the wisdom of market crowds James Surowiecki: The answer may be to make sure the players are many and opinions divers Binyamin Netanyahu ready to take charge of new Israeli government Israel's new government marks Netanyahu's return to the prime minister's office for first time since late 1990s New York Times Sarkozy and Merkel Try to Shape European Unity Rebellious Sunni Council Disarmed After Clashes, Officials in Baghdad Say Obama Gives Automakers a Short Lifeline President Obama on Monday set out strict standards that the carmakers must meet to get more government aid. Deadly Rampage in Pakistan Shows Reach of Militants The government’s inability to quell violence will greatly complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to bring order to neighboring Afghanistan Gates Securing a Role Under Yet Another President As the lone holdover from the Bush cabinet, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is working to secure a role in the Obama inner circle. DAVID BROOKS Car Dealer in Chief By enmeshing the White House so deeply into G.M., President Obama has increased the odds that March’s menacing threat will lead to June’s wobbly wiggle-out Washington Post Editorial Israel's New Government Will the Obama administration accept Binyamin Netanyahu's dodge on Palestinian statehood? Russia's President on Building Russian-U.S. Bonds By Dmitry A. Medvedev, Overcoming a negative legacy by ensuring mutual respect. Insurgent Threat Shifts From Border to Heartland in Pakistan Assault on Police Academy Indicates Risk Has Moved Beyond Tribal Areas New Role for Developing Nations G20 plans to give more influence to emerging economies in IMF lending and bank regulation. China's Rosy Self Image Pomfret's China | China's image has taken a hit almost everywhere but at home. Here's why. Ignatius: Iraq's Too Fragile Peace Obama's Afghan-Pak Strategy: 'A Reasonable First Step' - Council on Foreign Relations Time The G-20 Summit: Can This Group Save the World Economy? LA Times Obama at G-20 summit: Popular president, unpopular plan At his presidential debut on the diplomatic stage this week, Obama will face European and Asian leaders who have already rejected some of his most important proposals for rescuing the global economy. Financial Times OECD predicts 10% jobless rate for 2010 Unemployed in advanced nations to swell by 25m Netanyahu to shift Israel to right Benjamin Netanyahu will be sworn in as Israel’s prime minister, marking a decisive shift to a more rightwing, hawkish government, just as the country is facing mounting international criticism Saudi prince’s elevation ends guessing game Prince Naif, the 74-year-old interior minister, has been elevated to third place in line for the throne. A dissenting voice, however, has come from within the al-Saud royal family Dangers in a world of disillusionment Michael Skapinker on the risks of simple narratives Iran's presidential election: Whoever you vote for, the clerics win. What it means to talk with Hamas Engaging it is fundamentally about accepting (perhaps uncomfortable) facts. Ahead of G-20, China questions US's financial dominance China's deep reserves and continued growth put it in a position of strengt Why Arab leaders embrace Sudan's indicted president At the Arab League summit Monday, the UN secretary general condemned Sudan's expulsion of humanitarian aid groups in response to the ICC arrest warrant for Bashir. The new threat to freedom of expression The UN passage of a resolution barring defamation of religion, especially Islam, should be a wake-up call. Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: What Russia Will -- and Will Not -- Trade With the United States Russia has made it clear that the U.S. offer to trade ballistic missile defense in Europe for pressure on Iran is not good enough Obama's 50-50 Russia Strategy - Andrew Nagorski, Newsweek Stratfor Part 1: China’s New Need for a Maritime Focus The cost to China of building an expeditionary navy no longer outweighs the risk of not building one. Part 1 of a three part series. (With STRATFOR map Westernizing Afghanistan In a society so steeped in a contrary tradition, is it up to us to tell Afghans what customs they can or can't keep? Is the goal of westernizing Afghanistan sustainable? Is it worth dying for? (By H.D.S. Greenway, Boston Globe) · British Roots for Obama's Afghanistan Plan? BY: Hampton Stephens | World Politics Review The new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that the Obama administration unveiled today reflects a policy consensus that has been more than a year in the making. It is only recently, however, that the U.S. government has begun to take the lead in developing and implementing this new strategy. · The Idiot's Guide to Pakistan BY: Nicholas Schmidle | Foreign Policy Everyone in Washington is talking about Pakistan, but few understand it. Here’s how to dazzle the crowd at your next Georgetown cocktail party. Forward Freeman, Straight, No Chaser, as Critic of Israel In an interview with the Forward, Charles “Chas” Freeman did not mince words about his view of American and Israeli interests. They are, he said, “divergent. Nato's soft underbelly Mustafa Qadri: Nato operations in Afghanistan depend on a precarious international supply system – and the Taliban have realised it Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals... The Future of American Wars - CNAS Pentagon War Spending Tops $685 Billion Wall Street Journal 'Big Bang' Architects Have Misgivings As the G-20 meets to fix the global financial system, some architects of the reforms that begat the system are questioning the ideal of unfettered capitalism on which it was built. An Empowered IMF Faces Pivotal Test G-20 leaders are poised to give the IMF more power. But questions are swirling about just how effective the new-look IMF will be in fighting the crisis. In Berlin, Obama's Becoming Just Another Bush By Malte Lehming | H2 CSIS Report Turkey's Evolving Dynamics Strategic Choices for U.S.-Turkey Relations (pdf) FT.com | Gideon Rachman's Blog | Why it is Turkey that matters for Obama If you look at Obama’s four stops, I think the most important could well be Turkey. CSIS Turkey's Evolving Dynamics: Strategic Choices for U.S.-Turkey Relations (event) WSJ · NATO Can Do Better in Afghanistan By Abdullah Gül Now is no time to abandon the mission. ÖZDEM SANBERK Soner Cagaptay Turkey's Local Elections: Liberal Middle-Class Voters Abandon AKP In the Name of Islam: A Liberal Appeal Washington Institute for Near East Policy A trap awaits Turkey analysts seeking to explain rising anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism in Turkey. GpotCenter Bora Bayraktar & Can Yirik Policy Brief : Gazze müdahalesi ve İsrail seçimleri sonrası için öneriler Download Kemal Derviş Policy Brief on Perspectives on Better Global Economic Governance Download Arşivden Bahadır Koç Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009 Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008 How to Handle the 'G-Word' with Turkey - Jim Arkedis, Truman Project Q&A-What's next for Turkey's PM Erdogan, AK Party | Reuters FT Turkey holds out against Danish Nato chief Heads of government try to heal rift ANALYSIS-Turkey looks to sway Brussels with Russian gas deals By Reuters ANALYSIS-Turkish elections bring AK Party down to earth | Reuters Turkey seeks to contain Islamic radicals Debka Obama may meet Assad in Istanbul to dramatize outreach to Muslims Plans to attend conference seeking Islamic interests AZERBAIJAN-RUSSIA GAS DEAL PLANS DIMS NABUCCO HOPES EurasiaNet AKP hit by its own strategy, poll results show Ergenekon, AK, And Turkey's Municipal Elections - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 2009 FT Erdogan left chastened after poll warning AKP wins Turkey poll with smaller majority Turkey’s ruling party has won local elections but with a loss of support that may limit its ambitions and prompt a new focus on dealing with the economic crisis Daily Star Editorial Erdogan was given a clear message at the polls Kemal Derviş Named Vice President and Director of Global Economy and Development at Brookings Brookings Elections in Turkey Is Turkey Asian or European? (1) İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye – BBC Türkçe 0700 1800 – VOA Türkçe 0630 1345 2130 DW - (UTC) 0830 1130 1530 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national Kurd voters stress on identity frustrates Turkish PM Third Force in Kurdish Politics Mooted Institute for War and Peace Reporting Pak, Afghanistan, Turkey summit in Ankara on April 1 Vast Exploration positive over Kurdistan oil prospects President Barzani meets Kirkuk officials Shahristani blasts KRG oil contracts Maliki's Description of Iraq as Arab Country Rankles Kurds Feud Delays Iraq Committee Kirkuk Recommendations - World - Javno Gul Denies Saying "Kurdistan" During Iraq Visit - The Jamestown Foundation Turkey Seeks to Contain Islamic Radicals US rules out Iranian role for Nabucco An Invisible Nation: Documenting Kurdish Culture from Western and ... IRBIL .. a special conference to discuss the redistribution of oil ... Kurdish Language Education in Iran | Kurdish Academy of Language Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık Trade of Roj for NATO bid denied AZERBAIJAN-RUSSIA GAS DEAL PLANS DIMS NABUCCO HOPES EurasiaNet AFP: US lawmakers back Armenia-Turkey thaw ANALYSIS-Turkey looks to sway Brussels with Russian gas deals By Reuters Turkey’s ruling party vows to push EU reforms Where In The World Are US Envoys? Czech crisis and economy threatens EU expansion - International Herald Tribune CORRECTED - Turkish government poll setback weakens markets | Markets | Markets News | Reuters Greek pressure over Obama to visit the Ecumenical Patriarch EUROPEAN UNION TO DISCUSS ARMENIAN-TURKISH CLOSED BORDER - Politics - Panorama | Armenian news Rasmussen's NATO job at Turkey's mercy EUobserver.com Christians in Turkey May Appeal Fine for 'Illegal' Funds | / | Global Terrorism Select Interface Language: ANCA launches online and print campaign for Armenian Genocide ... Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop Activists target Turkey’s nuclear plans - The National Newspaper | H3 Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv Taha Akyol Fikret Bila Hasan Cemal Murat Yetkin İsmet Berkan Şamil Tayyar Ekonomi |
| | |
H4 New York Times Sarkozy and Merkel Try to Shape European Unity Rebellious Sunni Council Disarmed After Clashes, Officials in Baghdad Say Obama Gives Automakers a Short Lifeline President Obama on Monday set out strict standards that the carmakers must meet to get more government aid. Deadly Rampage in Pakistan Shows Reach of Militants The government’s inability to quell violence will greatly complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to bring order to neighboring Afghanistan Gates Securing a Role Under Yet Another President As the lone holdover from the Bush cabinet, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is working to secure a role in the Obama inner circle. DAVID BROOKS Car Dealer in Chief By enmeshing the White House so deeply into G.M., President Obama has increased the odds that March’s menacing threat will lead to June’s wobbly wiggle-out Editorial The Last Best Chance for Detroit Now that the government is in control of obtaining a viable auto industry, it must stick to its stated objectives and deadlines. News Analysis: For U.S. and the Carmakers, a Risky Path Ahead Bloggingheads: Have We Lost Our Mojo? Heather Hurlburt of the National Security Network and Daniel Drezner of Tufts University debate whether the U.S. will still be on top after the economic crisis ends. Another Foe of Chechen Leader Shot Dead Abroad Obama Urges Sudan to Allow Aid Groups Back Into the Country Often Split, Arab Leaders Unite for Sudan’s Chief Israel Ends Inquiry Into Abuse in Gaza World Bank Sees Slump in Russia Worsening One Roadblock Too Many for G.M. By WILLIAM J. HOLSTEIN Before he goes too far, President Obama should recognize the huge distance that G.M. has traveled and strike the right balance in respecting the role of the private sector. | H5 Washington Post Editorial Israel's New Government Will the Obama administration accept Binyamin Netanyahu's dodge on Palestinian statehood? Russia's President on Building Russian-U.S. Bonds By Dmitry A. Medvedev, Overcoming a negative legacy by ensuring mutual respect. Insurgent Threat Shifts From Border to Heartland in Pakistan Assault on Police Academy Indicates Risk Has Moved Beyond Tribal Areas New Role for Developing Nations G20 plans to give more influence to emerging economies in IMF lending and bank regulation. China's Rosy Self Image Pomfret's China | China's image has taken a hit almost everywhere but at home. Here's why. Ignatius: Iraq's Too Fragile Peace Most Americans Don't Blame Obama for Economy, Poll Finds 6 in 10 Back His Handling of Economy Ambitions Set On Trail Follow Obama Abroad Can President Obama lead the world In Counterinsurgency, Army Makes 'Civil Control' a Priority Israeli Military Closes Probe Into Allegations of Troop Misconduct in Gaza Allegations of Troop Misconduct in Gaza Called 'Hearsay' Hard Line on Auto Aid Puts Bailed-Out Firms on Notice GM Ouster and Bankruptcy Warning Resonate at Banks Tough but Fair President Obama's response to the auto companies offers a narrow path forward. By Lucian Bebchuk, Polishing Obama's plan for buying 'toxic assets.' A G-20 Summit for the Ages By Anne Applebaum, An oft-pointless summit has a new sense of urgency Detroit Dissonance - Tough Love for Carmakers, Pillows for Wall St. By Eugene Robinson, The White House backed itself into a corner on rescuing Detroit and Wall Street. Broke Means Broke Stop Pouring Money Into GM and Chrysler By Richard Cohen, I wish GM and Chrysler good luck -- but no more of my money. TOPIC A | Should Obama Be Firing CEOs? Should Obama have forced out General Motors CEO G. Richard Wagoner Jr.? Experts weigh in. Clinton Calls Years of Afghan Aid 'Heartbreaking' in Their Futility | H6 Guardian G20 summit: How the bandwagon wrecked the wisdom of market crowds James Surowiecki: The answer may be to make sure the players are many and opinions divers Binyamin Netanyahu ready to take charge of new Israeli government Israel's new government marks Netanyahu's return to the prime minister's office for first time since late 1990s Climate experts call on G20 to act Fears among British government officials that summit is in danger of missing unique opportunity Obama threatens US car industry President sacks GM's veteran boss and orders Chrysler to forge alliance with Fiat or face bankruptcy China's empty threat Dean Baker: If Wen Jiabao stops buying US debt, China's currency will rise – which is what America has wanted all along No quick fix in Afghanistan Michael Williams: Let's hope that Obama's AfPak plan contains more detail than we've heard so far · Afghan women's rights hit by new law President signs law despite condemnation by human rights activists and claims it is 'worse than the Taliban' G20: urban myths and meddling Terry Smith: Leaders need to wake up to some unpalatable facts before they can tackle this crisis The measure of success Richard Lambert: Grand visions are not enough. The summit has to deliver tangible commitments Building the G20, the right way Nina Hachigian: We can't afford another lame global institution. The London summit is Obama's chance to get the G20 right Tough love for GM and Chrysler Thomas Noyes: Obama is putting the automakers on a short leash, but the real question is whether Americans will buy new cars · Pakistan blames Taliban for Lahore attack which leaves 11 dead Pakistani security forces wage eight-hour battle with terrorists after attack on police school · US moves warships into position for North Korean missile US and Japan take precautions aimed at 'rogue' intercontinental ballistic missile North Korea is expecting to test |
H7 · The U.S. Exit From Iraq: How to Steer Clear of Danger BY: Joost Hiltermann | The Christian Science Monitor President Obama's announcement that he intends to withdraw most US troops from Iraq by August 2010 is most welcome, heralding the end of the Bush administration's disastrous war. The Arab family divided From Commentary, John Bolton on the coming war on sovereignty The Return of Weakness - Reuel Marc Gerecht, Weekly Standard Is Iran Pulling a Fast One on Obama? BY MICHAEL SINGH Is this the next king of Saudi Arabia? Obama's Domino Theory Iran and the Persian Gulf IICC A 16-page Israeli report on the recent Iranian claim that Bahrain was formerly a province of Iran, and its aftermath A high-stakes poker game for a new global finance system Kenneth Rogoff : A huge struggle is brewing within the G20 over the future of the global financial system. The outcome could have an impact on the world – and not only the esoteric world of international finance – for decades to come.
Obama's Global Reboot Not Going Well - Mona Charen, National Review The State of Play in the Bomb-Iran Debate by Justin Logan The Next Oil Crisis - Richard Rahn, Cato Institute
Obama's Syrian Opportunity - Seymour Hersh, New Yorker · The G-20 Needs Iran BY: Saeed Laylaz | The Guardian Iran was not invited to the G20 summit -- but its growing influence on the world economy makes it an unwise omission. From the Jaws of Defeat BY: Simon Johnson | The New Republic How, against all the odds, Obama could make the G20 worthwhile | H8 Iraq Updates IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq US Seeks to Reassure Sunnis After Raids Iraqi Army Begins Pullout From Baghdad Flashpoint After Weekend Violence Summit stymied Arab leaders fail to solve rifts ahead of annual meeting A look inside Iraq's Interior Ministry Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad Bolani talks about reducing death squad infiltration, bolstering intelligence and dealing with Iran. Arab summit in Qatar overshadowed by economic crisis Qatar's ruler warns that the Middle East, given its location and oil exports, is particularly vulnerable to the effects of the downturn. Leaders also call on Israel to accept a 2002 peace initiative. US rules out Iranian role for Nabucco Maliki's Description of Iraq as Arab Country Rankles Kurds Iraq: British forces prepare to hand military command to US in Basra British forces will mark the beginning of the end of their controversial involvement in Iraq on Tuesday when they pass military command to the US Army. UK troops begin Iraqi withdrawal Britain's official pull-out from Iraq begins, as the top general in the south of the country hands over to the US. Loyalty test Awakening leader's arrest tests relations in Iraq Young Arabs on the Arab League: 'The Concept of Unity Is Obsolete' Freed Iraqi detainee vows to keep fighting Americans Thousands of detainees once held at U.S.-controlled prisons in Iraq are being released as the violence there dies down. But many Iraqis believe the realtive calm is the eye of the storm, not its end, and many of those being released now say they haven't given up armed struggle against the U.S. presence | H9 Ha’aretz – 'Dozens of Israeli jets and drones attacked in Sudan' TIME Magazine cited Israeli sources as saying U.S. was notified of the attack but was not directly involved ANALYSIS / Obama is waiting on Netanyahu Largest government in Israeli history includes 30 ministers and at least six deputy ministers Bradley Burston: The Mideast conflict in 27 words or less Netanyahu government to be sworn in today Study cites dramatic rise in anti-Semitic attacks in Europe Olmert's departure / A prime minister without a legacy Either Troops Are Liars, or the Israeli Military Is Pure as Snow Speed at which army closed investigation into accounts of misconduct raises questions Leave East Jerusalem alone It can be hoped that Netanyahu, who says that he has "changed," learned his lesson from his bull in a china shop behavior in Jerusalem during his first premiership Five comments on the situation Sly and charismatic, a victim of his own greed that embroiled him in alleged criminal dealings, Olmert was, all in all, not too bad a prime minister. Israel Railways fires Arab staff to make way for IDF veterans Iran's presidential election: Whoever you vote for, the clerics win. How will Olmert be remembered? He was unable, in the final analysis, to achieve goals he set for himself. Far-fetched - but not beyond imagination [ GERSHON BASKIN, Remembering Olmert's true record [ CAROLINE GLICK, Yedioth Ahronoth Concern on Israel's Left: Govt of Settlers Under Way Give Netanyahu a chance/ Barnea Netanyahu given rare political gift: Second chance as prime minister Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine FT Netanyahu to shift Israel to right Benjamin Netanyahu will be sworn in as Israel’s prime minister, marking a decisive shift to a more rightwing, hawkish government, just as the country is facing mounting international criticism WSJ · Bibi and Barack Can Unite on Iran By Yossi Klein Halevi |
What it means to talk with Hamas Engaging it is fundamentally about accepting (perhaps uncomfortable) facts. Ahead of G-20, China questions US's financial dominance China's deep reserves and continued growth put it in a position of strengt Why Arab leaders embrace Sudan's indicted president At the Arab League summit Monday, the UN secretary general condemned Sudan's expulsion of humanitarian aid groups in response to the ICC arrest warrant for Bashir. The new threat to freedom of expression The UN passage of a resolution barring defamation of religion, especially Islam, should be a wake-up call. Is auto rescue too big a role for government? In dispatching GM's Rick Wagoner and directing carmakers toward clean cars, Obama indicates tax dollars won't come free. Stratfor Part 1: China’s New Need for a Maritime Focus The cost to China of building an expeditionary navy no longer outweighs the risk of not building one. Part 1 of a three part series. (With STRATFOR map Westernizing Afghanistan In a society so steeped in a contrary tradition, is it up to us to tell Afghans what customs they can or can't keep? Is the goal of westernizing Afghanistan sustainable? Is it worth dying for? (By H.D.S. Greenway, Boston Globe) China's Rosy Self Image Pomfret's China | China's image has taken a hit almost everywhere but at home. Here's why. · British Roots for Obama's Afghanistan Plan? BY: Hampton Stephens | World Politics Review The new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that the Obama administration unveiled today reflects a policy consensus that has been more than a year in the making. It is only recently, however, that the U.S. government has begun to take the lead in developing and implementing this new strategy. · The Idiot's Guide to Pakistan BY: Nicholas Schmidle | Foreign Policy Everyone in Washington is talking about Pakistan, but few understand it. Here’s how to dazzle the crowd at your next Georgetown cocktail party. Nato's soft underbelly Mustafa Qadri: Nato operations in Afghanistan depend on a precarious international supply system – and the Taliban have realised it China's support to Pakistan's jihadists United Press International, China's Military Going Global - John Metzler, China Post China's Assault on the Dollar - Gordon Chang, Forbes Obama's Domino Theory Insurgent Threat Shifts in Pakistan Obama Learns Whether European Allure Will Pay Afghan Dividends Afghan Strategy Relies on Social Engineering Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals... FT Caring for Korea Barack Obama should make clear he will offer concessions if North Korea starts to dismantle Yongbyon and comes clean about its uranium enrichment program Is Iran sending its B team to the Afghanistan meeting? BY LAURA ROZEN
Republicans are going easy on Obama's Af-Pak plan
Distrust Between U.S., China Militaries - Richard Halloran, RealClearWorld · Look to Beijing BY: Zachary Karabell | The Washington Post We're in the 21st century now, and the G20 heads of state should not be plotting in the shadow of Big Ben. They should be sitting across from Mao's Tomb, near the Forbidden City, in the meeting halls off Tiananmen Square in Beijing. World urged to help Afghanistan Envoys from more than 70 states gather in The Hague to discuss Afghan reconstruction, as the US appeals for support. Minister in Pakistan unity call Pakistan's interior minister urges the country to unite against insurgents after a deadly attack on a police academy in Lahore The great Afghan bailout China's empty threat Dean Baker: If Wen Jiabao stops buying US debt, China's currency will rise – which is what America has wanted all along No quick fix in Afghanistan Michael Williams: Let's hope that Obama's AfPak plan contains more detail than we've heard so far From Boston Review, Martha Nussbaum on Islamic liberalism under fire in India A review of Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army, and the Wars Within by Shuja Nawaz. · 'Charter' Democrats in China The multiparty movement continues to gain momentum—and some prominent members. China, Tibet and the road to nowhere John Gittings: After three decades of on-and-off negotiations between the Chinese government and Tibetans in exile, there has been no progress Rethinking America's AfPak strategy Michael Honda: The success of President Obama's Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy depends on our ability to increase the standard of living Iran has interest in a stable Afghanistan, Clinton says On the eve of a conference on Afghanistan in The Hague, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sees stemming cross-border drug flows as key for Iranian participants. Japanese Military Assuming a More Global Role U.S. destroyers move from South Korean port They are repositioned as the North Korean government prepares to launch a rocket, which it says is only intended to carry a satellite. The U.S. says it has no plans to intercept the rocket Clocks square off in China's far west In Xinjiang province, the Muslim Uighur minority makes a point of observing its own time, not that of local Han Chinese, who adhere to Beijing's imposition of a single time for all of China. | H11 IHT · NATO’s Hard Choices BY: Charles A. Kupchan | International Herald Tribune NATO’s 60th anniversary summit will surely be dominated by its mission in Afghanistan. And rightly so; NATO’s ability to advance Afghanistan’s security and stability has become the litmus test of the alliance’s effectiveness. Sarkozy and Merkel Try to Shape European Unity The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, find themselves in a forced marriage in these days of economic crisis. EUROPE European press review Obama at G-20 summit: Popular president, unpopular plan At his presidential debut on the diplomatic stage this week, Obama will face European and Asian leaders who have already rejected some of his most important proposals for rescuing the global economy. Diplomats: Summit Deal on NATO Chief in Doubt FT Czech paralysis will not infect EU There is one genuine fear in Brussels about the political confusion in Prague, the current EU president: that it may thrust the Eurosceptic, climate change-denying Vaclav Klaus into the limelight Hope fades for reversing the present trans-Atlantic drift Amnesty report blasts Greek police The report, issued March 30, alleges that police are guilty of widespread abuses during the wave of street protests and riots that shook the country late last year. Europe or Bust When a strong safety net begins to fray A slow-motion crisis unfolds in famed welfare states as the middle class feels the pinch of a sagging economy. The French are eating near-expired food, and Italians are shoplifting pasta and Parmesan Europe’s Military Transport Won’t Be Flying Soon · DAVID ROTHKOPF Obama and his alter-egos head to Europe Gaullism is dead, long live Sarkozyism Stratfor Denmark: NATO Leadership by a Model U.S. Ally Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen as NATO secretary general would be a positive development for the United States The United States, Germany and Beyond The United States and the Europeans will encounter each other at three major meetings this week. Sarkozy Threatens G-20 Walkout Obama & Europe: Is the Honeymoon Over? - David Paul Kuhn, RCP · Gearing Up for the G20 BY: Carsten Volkery | Der Spiegel London is bracing itself for the G-20 meeting next week, as thousands of demonstrators prepare to descend upon the British capital. While most protestors will be peaceful, those working in the financial industry are being advised not to wear suits to work or even to stay at home to avoid potential violence. A Europe of 23 official languages: A recent Spanish case helps to understand the risk of politicizing the multilingualism. | H12 RFE/RL Russia’s Armed Forces: The Power of Illusion IFRI A 22-page French paper examining the reality of the status of Russia's armed forces Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: What Russia Will -- and Will Not -- Trade With the United States Russia has made it clear that the U.S. offer to trade ballistic missile defense in Europe for pressure on Iran is not good enough Obama's 50-50 Russia Strategy - Andrew Nagorski, Newsweek Kremlin Should Seize Obama Moment - Vladimir Frolov, Moscow Times Google News Azerbaijan Washington Post Russia's President on Building Russian-U.S. Bonds By Dmitry A. Medvedev, Overcoming a negative legacy by ensuring mutual respect. Russia, China cooperate on new currency proposals... · America's 'Wise Men' Lead the Way on Russia BY: John Aloysius Farrell | Global Post When President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, meet in London this week, they will profit from the advance work conducted by a glittering roster of American senior statesmen. Viewing Russian Oil |
H13 The Times Sarkozy threat to walk out of summit French president says he will wreck the London meeting if France’s demands for tougher financial regulation are not met ANALYSIS: Sarkozy loses shine with new attack The French PM is playing world statesman, the only act that has served him well at home since his popularity dived in 2007 ANALYSIS: one huge security effort Security operation to protect delegates at the conference will be far from simple, says former security chief Andy Hayman ANALYSIS: changing face of terror in Pakistan Interior minister admits that security services ill-equipped to cope with new terror spectaculars, writes Zahid Hussain Leaders or emperors with no clothes? The G20 family photograph may look good but the summit can not possibly live up to its expectations The US President has had an uncertain start but he can talk his way to a good G20 Investors in fear as Obama warns carmakers The President has given GM 60 days and Chrysler only 30 days to slash debt and hit other targets or face bankruptcy courts Let's shake off the shackles of free trade The G20 leaders must be flexible - a little protectionism could give vital breathing space Wall Street Journal 'Big Bang' Architects Have Misgivings As the G-20 meets to fix the global financial system, some architects of the reforms that begat the system are questioning the ideal of unfettered capitalism on which it was built. An Empowered IMF Faces Pivotal Test G-20 leaders are poised to give the IMF more power. But questions are swirling about just how effective the new-look IMF will be in fighting the crisis. In Berlin, Obama's Becoming Just Another Bush By Malte Lehming GLOBAL VIEW U.S. Threatens Car Giant Bankruptcy The administration is weighing a plan to fix GM and Chrysler by dividing their "good" and "bad" assets and plunging them into bankruptcy to purge their biggest problems. · Leaders Favor Domestic Companies While world trade is likely to be on the agenda at the G-20 summit, few experts anticipate much change in opening domestic government contracts to foreign bidders. · Iran, Syria Got Indirect U.S. Nuclear Aid Four countries designated as terrorism sponsors received $55 million from a U.S.-backed nuclear-energy program. U.S. Drops 'War on Terror' Phrase Hillary Clinton said the Obama administration has stopped using "war on terror," breaking with the Bush administration's terminology for the conflict with al Qaeda and militant Islam. Restructure or face bankruptcy, Obama tells Chrysler, GM President Barack Obama Obama promised General Motors enough working capital to get through the next 60 days and Chrysler the next 30 days. The carmakers were sent back to revamp their restructuring plans, and the administration signaled clearly that bankruptcy, once unthinkable, is now an option for one or both automakers. The Financial Crisis - The Government`s Response and Next Steps The Next Economic Crisis In dealing with the current economic crisis, the government is using Wall Street to help recover from all the damage it caused. At the same time, the government is putting in place policies that will severely restrain Wall Street in the future. The New Yorker's James Surowiecki says this "balancing act" is cause for concern. Surowiecki asserts that the U.S. will weather the storm—like it has in previous crises—but that this may be more of a curse than a blessing. The financial system is so "fundamentally unhealthy, too big and volatile for anyone's good" that if it survives it will likely wreak havoc further down the road. There has been plenty of talk of reforming and regulating the system during other crisis, and nothing actually changed. A successful economic recovery may doom us to repeat our mistakes. "We've been like people living on a floodplain who during the deluge talk about moving or making the levees higher but end up rebuilding in the same spot," Surowiecki writes. Read it at The New Yorker Top economists, ordinary people, and even Ben Bernanke were wrong to ignore the housing bubble. But were they being irrational?... more» How credit-default swaps will save modern finance From Finance and Development, a special issue on reshaping the global economy, including a profile of Nouriel Roubini; and back to basics: what exactly is a recession and why do they happen? | H14 Financial Times Europe spurns the beloved Obama This grudging attitude is not only discourteous. It is unwise and self-defeating. The continent’s leaders have a huge interest in fostering and fanning the new American internationalism represented by Mr Obama. Instead, they seem to be doing their utmost to pour cold water on it, writes Gideon Rachman OECD predicts 10% jobless rate for 2010 Unemployed in advanced nations to swell by 25m Netanyahu to shift Israel to right Benjamin Netanyahu will be sworn in as Israel’s prime minister, marking a decisive shift to a more rightwing, hawkish government, just as the country is facing mounting international criticism Saudi prince’s elevation ends guessing game Prince Naif, the 74-year-old interior minister, has been elevated to third place in line for the throne. A dissenting voice, however, has come from within the al-Saud royal family Dangers in a world of disillusionment Michael Skapinker on the risks of simple narratives Autocratic leadership has failed the Bank of England Philip Stephens on the UK central bank’s failings We modernised ourselves into this ice age Eric Dinallo on the wisdom of old-fashioned laws Anger must not cloud our vision on banking Glen Moreno on the key to a turnround Bank regulation: a lot needs fixing G20 leaders will on Thursday seek to overhaul the financial system. A stable and global business looks elusive ‘Robust and stable’ system is goal of US FT interview with Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary Obama gets tough on US car industry President raises spectre of bankruptcies US should not be taken for a ride Failure to secure adequate concessions from creditors and the United Auto Workers union were inadequate. Supervised bankruptcies may now be the answer Caring for Korea Barack Obama should make clear he will offer concessions if North Korea starts to dismantle Yongbyon and comes clean about its uranium enrichment program League rejects warrant for Bashir Arab leaders rejected an arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against Sudan’s president who is accused of masterminding war crimes in conflict-ridden Darfur | H15 Los Angeles Times Plan for GM may involve bankruptcy Experts say a filing, with careful help from the government, could be the best thing for the automaker. Editorial Group of 20 questions As the London summit looms, there's little agreement on how to address the economic crisis. Mexico's war must be our war By John Kerry Helping Mexico take on the drug cartels helps us, but the effort will require.. Pakistan blames Taliban-allied militants in Lahore attack Israel's Netanyahu says he can work with Obama Netanyahu, who is to be sworn in as prime minister today, says President Obama is 'open to new ideas,' including his ideas, on how to address conflicts in the Middle East. U.S. destroyers move from South Korean port They are repositioned as the North Korean government prepares to launch a rocket, which it says is only intended to carry a satellite. The U.S. says it has no plans to intercept the rocket Clocks square off in China's far west In Xinjiang province, the Muslim Uighur minority makes a point of observing its own time, not that of local Han Chinese, who adhere to Beijing's imposition of a single time for all of China. A look inside Iraq's Interior Ministry Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad Bolani talks about reducing death squad infiltration, bolstering intelligence and dealing with Iran. Arab summit in Qatar overshadowed by economic crisis Qatar's ruler warns that the Middle East, given its location and oil exports, is particularly vulnerable to the effects of the downturn. Leaders also call on Israel to accept a 2002 peace initiative. |
Victor Davis Hanson / The Corner: First-person Socialism — I think our president needs to invest more in the use of the third-person “government,” since his speeches more and more center on the narcissistic “I” and “me.” President Obama's remarks on U.S. car industry New GM CEO: Bankruptcy May Be Best Option for Automaker Post-Partianship Chance Almost Completely Gone - John Dickerson, Slate A 'Truly Breathtaking' Departure - Lawrence Kudlow, National Review
Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Jonathan Chait / The New Republic: Why the Democrats Can't Govern — Look who's killing Obama's agenda now. — The last Democrat who held the White House, Bill Clinton, saw the core of his domestic agenda come to ruin, his political support collapse, and his failure spawn a massive Republican resurgence that made progressive reform impossible for a decade to come. | H17 Daily TelegraphIf Gordon Brown won't get a grip, we could be calling in the IMF again There is an air of breathtaking unreality in Westminster and Whitehall that reminds me of 1975, writes David Owen. Terror plot' to disrupt G20 summit uncovered Alleged terrorist plot to disrupt summit in London uncovered after police find imitation firearms and knives. Pakistani forces overwhelm gunmen Pakistani commandos fight eight hour battle after gunmen kill eight officers at police training centre outside Lahore. G20 summit must make the moral case for capitalism Telegraph View: Although the protesters marching in London this week have lost sight of that truth, the world's leaders must not do so. This is no way to win the war in Afghanistan Telegraph View: Mr Obama's talk of an exit strategy is premature and dangerous. | H18 Independent Leading article: In need of security – and a strategy to tackle the terror Cyril Almeida: In Pakistan, the blame game only compounds our troubles Brown is urged to focus on domestic problems Poll reveals even Labour supporters oppose the Prime Minister's emphasis on global solutions to economic crisis Afghan leader accused of bid to 'legalise rape' UN and women MPs say Karzai bowed to Islamic fundamentalists before poll |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism The Future of American Wars - CNAS Pentagon War Spending Tops $685 Billion Gates Securing a Role Under Yet Another President In Counterinsurgency, Army Makes 'Civil Control' a Priority The Army has posted a new report on combating WMD -- Nearly 7 in 10 major U.S. arms programs over budget The first chapter from Paying the Human Costs of War: American Public Opinion and Casualties in Military Conflicts by Christopher Gelpi, Peter D. Feaver and Jason Reifler. | H20 Slate The Global Warming Heretic - Nicholas Dawidoff, NY Times Magazine Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General, 2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2008 | H21 At midnight on March 6, 1835, a hysterical J.S. Mill knocked at Thomas Carlyle’s door: a servant had by mistake burned the ms. of Carlyle’s book... more» From BBC Magazine, for some women paying for sex is more convenient than cruising bars and clubs trying to find men Two economists propose a simple system for deciding who gets to run the world — how about Bangladesh? The polypill: Medicine's magic bullet It costs pennies, contains a simple cocktail of medicines, and halves the number of strokes and heart attacks. Doctors want to hand it out in the first mass medication for the middle-aged in Britain. So why are the big drug companies so uninterested? Death: a simple act of kindness A majority thinks assisted suicide is acceptable. It is also a right. Legalising it would be humane Nature vs. nurture? Forget it. Nature works with nurture, and nurture with nature, to shape our aptitudes, our health, our very lives... more» The snub of the century. It was T.S. Eliot himself who rejected George Orwell’s Animal Farm for publication by Faber and Faber... more» Friedrich Engels was born into the coal fumes of the Ruhr, heart of the industrial revolution, where the rich lived next to human misery... more» Fabio: English football's renaissance man Tomorrow night, when England does battle with Ukraine, all eyes will be on the team's enigmatic and intellectual manager. As a nation hopes he can take them to World Cup glory, Brian Viner examines the man behind the myths. |
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