022309f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 Financial Times Nuclear Iran? Decision time is here On Friday, the FT reported that ‘Iran has built up a stockpile of enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb’. It is time for the Obama administration to launch a last big push to head this off – and for the rest of the world to line up in support, writes Gideon Rachman
A Russian ‘reset button’ based on inclusion Interdependence is key, says Strobe Talbott - The challenge for the US and Europe is to encourage Moscow to move in the direction of global interdependence, including in its internal evolution
New York Times U.S. Pressed to Add Billions to Bailouts The government is facing pressure from banks, carmakers and a giant insurer, despite the billions it has already committed to rescuing them.
Survey Reveals Broad Support for President President Obama is benefiting from high levels of confidence among Americans about his leadership, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Full Results (pdf)
Negotiator Picked for Post at State Dept.
Israeli Coalition Faces More Blocks
Washington Post U.S. Clears Path to Bank Takeovers Obama's Revised Plan for Industry Aid Could Result in Nationalization
Veteran Mideast Envoy Ross Named to Advise Clinton on Iran Strategy
Ha’aretz – U.S. report: Saudis replacing Egypt as regional leader Report indicates Saudis reluctant to accept role, due to growing threat Iran poses to the Arab world
FT EU pulls together – not before time However exasperatingly slowly, Europe’s leaders are at last moving in the right direction: now they must keep their ranks closed, and quicken their pace
Kiev crisis tests Berlin and Moscow Berlin wants stability in Ukraine, to avoid creating the grounds for any conflict with Moscow. Russia wants a compliant government in Kiev that does not talk about joining Nato
As more US officials visit Syria, the president must be careful with any concessions.
As war ebbs, Europe returns to Iraq France and Germany opposed the US-led invasion but are now eyeing new investments in the war-torn country.
The value of teaching | “Solving the EU-Turkey-Cyprus Triangle” , the new Crisis Group webpage
Iraq-based joint command center in fight agianst PKK starts operations
Turkey and US start preliminary discussions on Iraq-exit strategy
Iranian official: Turkey-Iran gas transfer deal signed
PJAK says Treasury decision political (UPI) -- The decision by the U.S. Treasury Department to freeze the assets of the Free Life Party of Kurdistan was a political move to please Iran, the group said.
Iraq: US must review Kurd policies, says leader
'Turkey ready to play role in Iran-US relations'
Turkey sees itself as Iraq’s door to Europe The National
Top NSA official holds secret talks in Ankara
Iraq, Turkey, Iran Vulnerable To Ethnic Conflict RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Who Lost Turkey? In some ways everybody did Daily Star
’US should understand Turkey’s importance’
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye – BBC Türkçe 0700 1800 – VOA Türkçe 0630 1345 2130 DW - (UTC) 0830 1130 1530 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM
Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national
Mosul tense amid Kurdish, Arab disputes MOSUL, Iraq, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- Tensions between Arabs and Kurds are approaching the brink of conflict in the northern city of Mosul despite a relative calm throughout Iraq.
Kurdistan ties up preparations for elections
Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık
The clock is ticking for southern gas corridor, says Azeri minister
Country Analysis Briefs: Greece
Turkey, Russia should join Eastern projects, EU says - Summary
Turkey promotes its currency with trade partners
Greece sweet talks US but marries Moscow New Europe
An Address by Dora Bakoyannis, Foreign Minister of Greece Feb. 23, 2009
Greek prime minister to visit Cyprus in April - reports
Senator Durbin Visits the ''Triangle''
Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop
Turkey records a 4 percent decline in tourist numbers in January | H3
Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye
Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv
Taha Akyol
Fikret Bila
Hasan Cemal
Murat Yetkin
İsmet Berkan
Şamil Tayyar
H4 New York Times U.S. Pressed to Add Billions to Bailouts The government is facing pressure from banks, carmakers and a giant insurer, despite the billions it has already committed to rescuing them.
DAVID BROOKS The Big Test The Obama administration sees this economic crisis as an opportunity to expand its reach, but I fear that in trying to do everything at once, it will do nothing well.
Survey Reveals Broad Support for President President Obama is benefiting from high levels of confidence among Americans about his leadership, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Full Results (pdf)
Obama's High - Stakes Speech to Press Broader Agenda
1,000 Points of DataBy KENNETH M. DUBERSTEIN What we need now is a Web-based system for measuring our changing society with key national indicators — in a free, public, easy-to-use form.
Negotiator Picked for Post at State Dept.
Israeli Coalition Faces More Blocks
U.S. to Give $900 Million in Gaza Aid
Editorial What Part of ‘Stimulus’ Don’t They Get?The Republican Party seems more interested in ideological warfare than in working on policies that get the country back on track.
As It Falters, Eastern Europe Raises Risks Once-vibrant economies have weakened, making it riskier for Western companies to do business.
Iraq Museum That Was Looted Reopens, Far From Whole With many halls closed and many pieces still missing, the opening reflects how far Iraq’s recovery has to go.
From a Carrier, Another View of America’s Air War in Afghanistan
Hague Court Will Pursue Sudan Leader
Militants Drew Recruit in U.S., F.B.I. Says
United Arab Emirates Aid Debt-Ridden Member, Dubai
N. Korea Statement Raises Worry of a Missile Test
Administration Draws Fire for Report on Guantánamo
White House Memo: With Spending Set, at Least for Now, the Knives Come Out
When Nuclear Subs CollideNuclear powers have been inexcusably negligent about reducing arsenals and eliminating needlessly risky practices.
| H5 Washington Post U.S. Clears Path to Bank Takeovers Obama's Revised Plan for Industry Aid Could Result in Nationalization
Veteran Mideast Envoy Ross Named to Advise Clinton on Iran Strategy
Editorial Not So Obvious The secretary of state underestimates the power of her words. Clinton's statement will have an effect: It will demoralize thousands of democracy advocates in China.
Obama's Job Approval Ratings High, but Poll Finds Bipartisan Support Eroding But Survey Finds Sharp Erosion in Bipartisan Support
Avigdor Lieberman and Israel's Arabs: A Question of Values By Richard Cohen, The founders intended Arabs to be part of the Jewish state, not removed from it.
Rights Actions That Speak Volumes By Anne Applebaum, I don't care what Hillary Clinton says about human rights. Talk is overrated.
Banking on What? By Eugene Robinson, Until Obama discloses the whole truth, banks will remain under suspicion.
After Guantanamo Debate | Send detainees home? To U.S. prisons? Let them go? Experts debate what's next.
Power Barometer: Al-Qaeda Speaks on 9/11
Iraq's National Museum to Reopen Nearly 6 Years After Being Looted Early in War
Freed Detainee in U.K. Tells of Abuse by U.S. 'Medieval' Methods Were Used, Statement Says
Japan's Beleaguered Leader to See ObamaHere to discuss reviving the world economy with the president, Taro Aso ranks among the most gaffe-prone and unpopular leaders in Japan's postwar history
Israel's Olmert Removes Gaza Negotiator Who Opposed Demanding Soldier's Release | Simon Tisdall: Policy advisers in Washington increasingly see improved relations with Damascus as crucial to peace in the Middle East
Editorial: As the recession takes its toll, eastern Europe could end up paying a higher price
A new space race <How India, China and Iran are shaping the future of space exploration Detainee return sparks new questions Britain's role in 'war on terror' under new scrutiny with return from Guantánamo of Binyam Mohamed
Symbol of hope as Iraq's looted and gutted national museum reopens Leaders tentatively reclaim site in Baghdad as one of Middle East's most important cultural repositories
US papers file for bankruptcy as recession hits advertising Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News placed into protection filing to allow its owners to restructure debts
Call to ease Guantánamo conditions US admiral says prisoners at detention camp are being treated in accordance with the Geneva conventions
Conor Foley: Israeli blogger Seth Freedman shows us that dialogue is about both listening and talking in his book Can I Bring My Own Gun?
H7 Iraqis Taking the Lead? Yes and No In first trip, Clinton brings different style to diplomacy Don't Let the Iran Headlines Scare You by Robert Dreyfuss Exclusive: Meet Obama’s new ambassadors BY LAURA ROZEN STEPHEN WALT Richard Perle is a liar Kerry Visit Marks Serious Attempt to Bring Syria in From the Cold
A First Draft of Mythology - National Review book review (The Gamble)
Egypt thumbs its nose at Obama
Kuwait: A Democratic Model in Trouble BY: Abdullah Shayji | World Politics Review As Kuwait heads once more for parliamentary elections in 2009 -- having held such elections just last year -- repeated clashes between the executive and legislative branches are creating doubts about the Kuwaiti model, once a source of inspiration to many in the Gulf and beyond.
Atomic Ayatollahs - Peter Brookes, New York Post
The Arab News reports the six member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council rebuked Iran for making "hostile remarks" about its Arab neighbors and proposed a joint Arab fund to support reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip. | H8 Iraq Updates IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq
U.S. Starts to Leave Key Iraq Bases BY: Richard Tomkins | The Washington Times American troops in Iraq are beginning to pull back from bases and outposts that were linchpins in the U.S. surge that helped reduce violence, prevent a civil war and allow peaceful elections.
| H9 Ha’aretz – U.S. report: Saudis replacing Egypt as regional leader Report indicates Saudis reluctant to accept role, due to growing threat Iran poses to the Arab world
Netanyahu plans to make Livni another offer for unity coalition
Report: U.S. to open permanent Jerusalem office for envoy
Dennis Ross appointed special U.S. adviser to Persian Gulf 08:19
Livni, don't give in If she is unable to influence the new government's diplomatic direction, she must lead the opposition and convince the public to support her path.
Bahrain's crown prince: Britain is too pro-Israel
'Significant progress made in Shalit talks'
Jerusalem PostRoss named special US envoy on IranFormer ME envoy will advise Obama administration on "region in which US faces terror, proliferation."
Officials fear US may cut military aidCapitol Hill downplays concerns Obama will use funds to pressure Israel over illegal settlements.
Can they get along?"I think US Jews are quite worried about possible Netanyahu-Obama clash."
Defense study: Barghouti's release won't unify Palestinians
America, look behind you![ BARRY RUBIN, Feb 24 10:51 ] Netanyahu's three-headed nemesis[ CAROLINE GLICK, Feb 24 10:44 ] Bibi or Tzipi, Bibi and Tzipi - what's the difference?[ GERSHON BASKIN, Yedioth Ahronoth Olmert: Netanyahu a patriot
Outgoing PM says his designated replacement 'understands weightiness of pursuing peace'
Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine
Netanyahu weighs Nathan Sharansky for foreign minister
Geopolitical Diary: Public Divisions Among the Palestinians Fresh power-sharing negotiations between Hamas and Fatah are unlikely to bear fruit, and the persisting stalemate will benefit Israel.
Contours of a Hamas-Fatah Concord BY: Helena Cobban | The Christian Science Monitor Can Hamas and the other major Palestinian movement, Fatah, bridge the many rifts between them and build a better working relationship?
‘U.S. plans to pledge $900 million for Gaza’ — Preliminary estimates put the damage in Hamas-run Gaza after Israel's offensive at nearly $2 billion. — Clinton's bid to get the $900 million could face an uphill battle in Congress where requests for Gaza will likely meet resistance
Israel-Hamas arms embargo urged Human rights group Amnesty International calls for a freeze on arms sales to Israel and Palestinian groups like Hamas
Obama Administration Sacrifices Israel - Anne Bayefsky, Forbes
War of the spies as Israel and Hezbollah prepare for confrontation
Israel, Gaza and the Left - Ken Brociner, In These Times
Netanyahu: Unite All the Forces Within Our People to Face the Challenges (IMRA)
Al-Qaeda Tells Hamas: Don't Accept Truce
Gaza's recent war causes host of difficulties for Egypt
As more US officials visit Syria, the president must be careful with any concessions.
As war ebbs, Europe returns to Iraq France and Germany opposed the US-led invasion but are now eyeing new investments in the war-torn country.
For Pakistan's Swat residents, uneasy calm A tenuous cease-fire has halted Taliban-Army fighting, as negotiations for a permanent deal continue.
Sudan’s Bashir tries to stall Darfur genocide ruling The International Criminal Court said Monday that it will decide on March 4 whether to issue an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir for charges of crimes against humanity and genocide.
Obama is right to take on the very rich They're paying far less of their incomes in taxes than average Americans.
The intensifying battle over Internet freedom From China to Syria, repressive nations are cracking down hard on digital dissidents.
Just how vulnerable are US banks?A 'stress test' aims to assess which banks would need help if the economy worsened.
What Kind of Great Power Would India Be? BY: Jon Haron-Feiertag | Diplomatic Courier The question is certain to excite grand strategists. India is perceived as an up and coming power. It is firmly ensconced in the group of BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), which is all the rage when prognosticating what the future will hold in international relations.
China's Dollar Dilemma BY: Geoff Dyer | Financial Times As China’s economy slows sharply, the debate on how to manage its reserves is intensifying. Some propose spending the money at home; others want more diversification of investments. But the consensus behind recycling foreign currency into US government securities is coming under attack
Stratfor Internal Divisions and the Chinese Stimulus Plan
Rafsanjani to Visit Baghdad, Kurdistan Next Week
A New, Uncertain Trumpet - Arnaud de Borchgrave, Washington Times opinion --- While President Obama signed orders to deploy 17,000 additional US troops to Afghanistan, including 8,000 Marines, his thinking on the Afghan war has changed significantly. It's no longer the gung-ho view of a surge-type operation routing al Qaeda's terrorists. The reinforcements also fall shy of the 30,000 troops requested by Gen. David McKiernan, the commander of US forces in Afghanistan, which would have doubled current US force levels in a country of 35 million the size of France. Juggling troop requirements between two wars leaves one theater shortchanged. "Even with these additional forces," warned Gen. McKiernan, "I have to tell you that 2009 is going to be a tough year."
China loan turns Russian oil east
A violent history repeated in PakistanNorthwest Pakistan and Afghanistan are slipping steadily into Islamic hands, and there is no coherent policy to prevent it. (By H.D.S. Greenway, Boston Globe)
Walker's World: Beijing and Obama (UPI) -- China's latest call for free trade and Obama's triple stimulus package suggest a bargain could be reached that can turn the next Group of 20 summit into the event that gets the world out of recession.
Afghan Civilian Deaths Show Limits of Air Power
Pakistan: Gilani Does Away With National Security Council
Swat Truce Reflects State Weakness, Not Popular Will BY: Ahmed Humayun | World Politics Review The Pakistani government has announced a truce with insurgents in the North-West Frontier Province. It has agreed to promulgate Islamic law in one-third of the NWFP, arguing that Islamic law is a popular demand, and that the creation of state-led Islamic courts will reduce support for extremism. Instead, the accord will legitimize radical ideology and violence
China's Aggressive Resources Diplomacy China is lending billions of dollars on four continents to ensure that its industry is ready for the upturn when it arrives.
In Afghanistan, It's Deadly at the Top BY: Cheryl Benard | Los Angeles Times Today, Karzai stands accused of tolerating the involvement of his brothers in massive corruption and in the drug trade, of vacillation and of incompetence. Former friends and trusted ministers have turned against him, denouncing him in public and positioning themselves as rivals for his job.Secret US Unit Trains Commandos in Pakistan - Eric Schmitt and Jane Perlez, New York TimesWe Must Pave Afghanistan in Order to Save It BY TOM RICKS Pakistan Deal Emboldens Taliban - Syed Saleem Shahzad, Asia Times A.Q. Khan on the Loose - Jane Harman, Washington Times
Image Problem in Afghanistan - Pamela Constable, Washington Post
British Troops in Afghanistan to Top 10,000 - Sean Rayment, Daily Telegraph
The New Sultans of Swat - Wall Street Journal editorial
Beijing's New Map for Reunification - Joe Hung, China Post
U.S.-Korean Alliance During the Recession - CSIS
China Fears Tremors as Jobs Vanish From Coast BY: Andrew Jacobs | The New York Times As the global economic crisis deepens and the demand for Chinese exports slackens, manufacturing jobs in the Pearl River Delta and all along the once-booming coast are disappearing at a stunning pace
Securing, Stabilizing, and Developing Pakistan’s Border Area with Afghanistan: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight
Bangladesh Unscathed? BY: Philip Bowring | International Herald Tribune How badly is the world financial crisis hurting the world's poorest countries? The view from Bangladesh, one of the more successful low-income countries, is so far un-alarming. There was little loose foreign capital to flee when the crisis hit, no dodgy derivatives to collapse its banks.
North Korea 'plans rocket launch' North Korea says it is planning to launch a rocket carrying a satellite, fuelling speculation about a possible missile test.
Taleban Swat truce 'indefinite' ü Taleban insurgents in the troubled north-western Swat valley of Pakistan say they have agreed an indefinite ceasefire
Can Sufi Islam counter the Taleban?
Aso’s Obama Summit May Be His Last as Resignation Calls Grow Aso goes to the White House tomorrow as the first foreign leader to visit the new president. At home, calls for Aso to resign are mounting, with an approval rating near 10 percent, an economic aid plan that is stalled in parliament and a finance minister who quit last week for appearing to be drunk at an international gathering.
Afghanistan is No Iraq, Except it Requires a Calculated Strategy - Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer opinion
Strategic Views on Asian Regionalism CSIS A 2-page executive summary of a study of elite Asian opinion on the subject of Asian regionalism
Bill Roggio / The Long War Journal:
| H11 IHT As it falters, East Europe raises risks Economies in Eastern Europe have suddenly weakened, making it riskier for Western companies to do business there.
EU warns Belarus not to recognize Georgian separatist regions The European Union warned Belarus on Monday that the country's prospects of drawing closer to the bloc would be undermined if the government in Minsk fell into line with Russia by recognizing the separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
By CHARLES GRANT The EU and Russia should work together, with the international financial institutions, to help Belarus.
BELARUS II Exploding three myths By SERGEI MARTYNOV Belarus is changing. We ask our Western partners to recognize these changes.
EU prepares trade duties for U.S. biofuels The European Union is preparing to impose trade duties on biofuels imported from the United States to prevent American producers from putting European producers of biodiesel out of business, diplomats said Monday.
EUROPE European press review
Europe: A 'Global New Deal' for the Economic Crisis European leaders have settled on two goals for dealing with the financial crisis -- bumping up regulation, and bolstering the IMF's capacity for a rescue.
Submission in advance. Twenty years after the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, Islamism has Europe more firmly in its grip than ever before... more»
OSC Views French News Media, German Think Tanks A detailed and rather opinionated assessment of French media outlets was prepared last
Britain's Steep Decline - Thomas Huetlin & Mathieu von Rohr, Der Spiegel
How to Avoid a Euro-Zone Debt Crisis By Simon Tilford | H12 RFE/RL
Google News Azerbaijan
An Artful Balancing Act BY: Charles Grant | International Herald Tribune Compared with most former Soviet states, Belarus has a lot going for it. The government is less corrupt than in neighboring Russia and Ukraine. Belarus has no oligarchs, since the state never sold its big companies, and social inequalities are low.
Russia: Using CSTO to Claim Influence in the FSU As Russia tries to transform the ad hoc military alliance, its intentions are becoming clear
China loan turns Russian oil east
Geopolitical Diary: Russia's Continuing Cooperation with Iran Proposals from the United States are not enough to keep Russia from cooperating with the Iranians on their nuclear program
Kiev crisis tests Berlin and Moscow Berlin wants stability in Ukraine, to avoid creating the grounds for any conflict with Moscow. Russia wants a compliant government in Kiev that does not talk about joining Nato
Averting Crisis in Ukraine - Council on Foreign Relations
Exploding Three Myths BY: Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergei Martynov | International Herald Tribune
A European Alternative Belarus ICDT This 31-page report proposes a pathway for Belarus to achieve an independent, democratic and open status within Europe
Russia 'will respond' to any moves to militarize Arctic...
H13 The Times Gaza white phosphorus shells 'were US made' Serial numbers on shells used by Israel during the conflict have been traced back, Amnesty International report claims
Japan's 'hero worship of US policy will end' Leader of opposition party tipped for power promises to break from unquestioning support for American foreign policy
India spends billions sending astronauts into space, steps up Asian space race...
How UK's mosques foster extremismSectarian, conservative leadership is driving confused young Muslims into the arms of radicals
The War on Terror goes onBinyam Mohamed may have been maltreated but that doesn't mean that the Islamic threat is not real Due ProcessGuantánamo Bay was an affront to the world. Its inmates must now find justice outside. But that does not mean making Binyam Mohamed a hero
Darfur rebels vow to topple 'war crimes' President
North Korea set for 'rocket launch'The West fears the launch of a satellite-carrying "rocket’ may be pretext for test firing of an intercontinental missile
Wall Street Journal Post-Post-9/11 Looks Just Like Pre-World War II GLOBAL VIEW | H14 Financial Times Nuclear Iran? Decision time is here On Friday, the FT reported that ‘Iran has built up a stockpile of enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb’. It is time for the Obama administration to launch a last big push to head this off – and for the rest of the world to line up in support, writes Gideon Rachman
A Russian ‘reset button’ based on inclusion Interdependence is key, says Strobe Talbott - The challenge for the US and Europe is to encourage Moscow to move in the direction of global interdependence, including in its internal evolution
EU pulls together – not before time However exasperatingly slowly, Europe’s leaders are at last moving in the right direction: now they must keep their ranks closed, and quicken their pace
Kiev crisis tests Berlin and Moscow Berlin wants stability in Ukraine, to avoid creating the grounds for any conflict with Moscow. Russia wants a compliant government in Kiev that does not talk about joining Nato
High hopes for US toxic asset purchase plan One reason the US authorities are reluctant to pull the plug on any big banks at this stage is that they hope their toxic asset purchase plan could show that losses on traded assets may not be as large as presently feared
Bailing out Dubai Overextended as it is, the emirate is not in such bad shape. It should be able to engineer a soft-ish landing for its property market
Stocks fall as US bank plan detailed Talks proceed over taking Citi stake
Slumdogs can help themselves out of the mire Robert Buckley on Mumbai’s sanitation example
Cool reception for Iran bank flotation Bank Mellat is the first state-owned bank to embark on privatisation but lukewarm response from investors is raising concern among other banks wanting to follow its lead
Japan to pay price for US friendship
Chapter 11 is option for GM and Chrysler
The BBC’s public service grip is tightening Philip Stephens examines a looming monopoly
Central Europe acts to bolster currencies Regional banks co-ordinate on possible intervention
North Korea says ‘satellite’ launch imminent Rocket may have range to hit US territory
Freed detainee says MI5 knew of torture Claim of complicity in Guantánamo abduction
| H15 Los Angeles Times Obama plans more transparent budgetThe budget, to be released Thursday, will include money for Iraq and Afghanistan - a contrast from the Bush administration's approach. • Warning shots in the healthcare fight
In Afghanistan, it's deadly at the topBy Cheryl Benard Rather than perpetuating a love-hate-kill relationship with their leaders,...
British resident is first to be released from Guantanamo under Obama administration Binyam Mohamed, 30, spent seven years in captivity after being accused of training with Al Qaeda and plotting attacks. He has alleged he was tortured and was forced to make a confession
Hillary Clinton said to be planning Middle East trip Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will visit Israel and the West Bank next week for her first trip to the region as America's top diplomat, Israeli and Palestinian officials said Monday.
EditorialClinton's winning road tripHer visit to Asia successfully presented a nonconfrontational foreign policy. It was no time for lectures on human rights or economic concerns
Obama finds the Bush centerJonah Goldberg So far as president, Obama is startlingly like his predecessor on a number of...
New York Times: Survey Reveals Broad Support for President
Poll: Most Americans Back Obama on Stimulus, Mortgage Plans
Poll: 3 out of 4 Americans are scared about state of the country
Lydia Saad / Gallup:
Gary Langer / ABCNEWS: A Strong Start for Obama - But Hardly a Bipartisan One — Sixty-Eight Percent Approve of Obama's Performance — Barack Obama's month-old presidency is off to a strong start, marked by the largest lead over the opposition party in trust to handle the economy for a president in polls dating back nearly 20 years
Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin
| H17 Daily Telegraph India's £1.7bn moon mission India announces plans to launch its first manned space mission in 2015.
Dennis Ross appointed advisor to Clinton on the Gulf
| H18 Independent ‘I was victim of medieval torture,’ says Mohamed Calls for Government to clarify role of MI5 agents in British resident's Guantanamo Bay detention
The Big Question: Does nuclear power now provide the answer to Britain’s energy needs?
Caroline Whalley: As a society we need to define what we want from our schools |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism
Information Operations on the Counterinsurgency Battlefield
Targeting Piracy - Washington Times opinion
Sobering thoughts on Somali patrol future
U.S. sending drones to fight pirates? The War on Drugs Is a Failure The war on drugs has failed. And it's high time to replace an ineffective strategy with more humane and efficient drug policies. NATO in Afghanistan CFR A US critique of NATO's contribution in Afghanistan
2009 National Infrastructure Protection Plan
| H20 Slate
Climate Change and Policy Considerations: New Roles for Earth Science RFF A 12-page US issue brief on the likely future role of earth observations in supporting assessments and policy decisions in relation to climate change
| H21 “A parent’s role is to set the limits so that the child does not overindulge its animal spirits.” Maybe that’s how governments should treat citizens... more»
We may well be genetically predisposed to appreciate listening to Sinatra or staring at a Seurat. But where did the genes come from?... more»
DANIEL DREZNER Where's the Israel lobby when you need it?
FINANCIAL TIMES says staff offered three-day working week...
Israel's Olmert Removes Gaza Negotiator Who Opposed Demanding Soldier's Release |
Google News Slate Today's Papers SWJ Blog Media Roundup CFR Daily Brief CFR Daily Opinion Roundup memeorandum antiwar.com book forum FBIS University Channel DocuTicker Arts & Letters Daily PolicyPointers cursor raw story fora.tv realclearworld realclearpolitics PoliticsHome Drudge Report Current News Early Bird OpinionSource truthout Dayan Current Contents Blogometer Wikipedia technorati Slate's Today's Blogs ABC’s The Note eurointelligence The Page First Read Daily Beast Cheat Sheet | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Gideon Rachman - Mark Kleiman - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - MondoWeiss - David Corn - SyriaComment - Israel-Syria Peace Society - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Ross Douhat Marc Ambinder Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy Rosner's Domain Wonkette Tom Hayden Paul Goble Abu Muqawama George Packer The Swamp
| Foreign Policy Blogs Passport : Tom Ricks : Dan Drezner : Stephen Walt : David Rothkopf : Marc Lynch : The Cable : Madam Secretary : Shadow Govt. : The Argument : The Call PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / Today in Iraq / CounterterrorismBlog OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,