013009f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 Stratfor Annual Forecast 2009: War, Recession and Resurgence Annual Forecast 2009 PDF
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009 Podcasts and Webcasts
The Times US pours cold water over hopes of Iran deal White House warns Iran military action is still an option despite the 'hand of friendship' offered by President Obama
LAURA ROZEN Revealed: Recent U.S.-Iran nuclear talks involved key officials
Julian Borger / Guardian:
SCENARIOS: Options open to Obama on Iran in policy review
Iraq’s Political Landscape NATO High Commander Issues Illegitimate Order to Kill | Der Spiegel The approach to combatting the drug mafia in Afghanistan has spurred an open rift inside NATO. According to information obtained by SPIEGEL, top NATO commander John Craddock wants the alliance to kill all opium dealers, without proof of connection to the insurgency. NATO commanders, however, do not want to follow the order. A momentous vote in Iraq after years of war Polls open throughout most of the country for a provincial election that could shift the balance of power.
Obama's missing timetable for Afghanistan With a coming NATO summit, he must be clear on his goals for a war that isn't going well. Iraqi Election Tests Maliki, and Voters' Resolve - Gina Chon, Wall Street Journal The Pakistan Problem BY: David Ignatius | The Washington Post The joke goes: "All countries have armies, but here, an army has a country."
Financial Times The president’s men will test White House resolve To succeed as Barack Obama’s special envoys to the Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan respectively, both George Mitchell and Richard Holbrooke will need the authority of the president when the going gets tough, writes Philip Stephens
Hopeful voters prepare to test a nation's progress
A proposal to prevent wholesale financial failure Lasse Pedersen and Nouriel Roubini on regulation
NYT Israeli Elections and Gaza Violence Complicate New U.S. Envoy’s Peace Mission
Iraqi Elections Face Crucial Test in Violent Mosul The elections will test whether a political system that more closely represents ethnic and sectarian splits will foster stability.
Guardian Iceland to be fast-tracked into the EU Exclusive: Plans for cash-strapped state to become member by 2011
Iran policymakers divided on USForeign minister says Tehran would be 'co-operative' in response to changes in American policy
Shake loose the cold warSergey Lavrov: Europe, North America and we in Russia need a new security treaty. So let's try this
Obama's letter may go unread Martin Woollacott: Both Iran and America want concessions, without budging from their main positions: meanwhile the Middle East's future goes undecided
A million on strike as France feels pinch Public and private sector workers take to streets to protest Sarkozy's handling of economic crisisCAP The Fractured Shia of Iraq Report from Matthew Duss and Peter Juul delivers analysis of the tensions within Iraq's majority part
WSJ IMF Considers Issuing Bonds to Raise Money The IMF is finalizing a $100 billion loan from Japan and is considering issuing bonds for the first time in its history.
Anniversary Blues in Iran - Christopher de Bellaigue, Prospect Magazine
Washington Post The Pakistan Puzzle By David Ignatius In Pakistan, the joke goes: "All countries have armies, but here, an army has a country."
Obama Distorts America's Stance on Muslims We've Never Been Islam's Enemy By Charles Krauthammer, Obama's wrong to suggest America has been disrespectful to Muslims.
Iraqis Stake Hopes for Future on Provincial Election Provincial Vote Seen as Valid Path to Future
Writings Offer Look at Administration Debate on Iran
By Michael Gerson, Yes, Israel should negotiate. But military action isn't counterproductive.
Economic Signs Turn From Grim To Worse Another Wave of Evidence Of a Deepening Recession
Iran: Rafsanjani Plays the Foil to President AhmadinejadBY KAMAL NAZER YASIN The first of a two-part series He's experienced more peaks and valleys than any other Iranian political figure since the establishment of Iran's Islamic Republic. Aliakbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been down in recent years, but his recent actions indicate that he's gearing up for one more comeback, having positioned himself as the political figure best able to foil President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's neo-conservative faction.
IHT The Savaging of Humanitarian Law BY: Bernard Kouchner | Compliance with international humanitarian law must be made the subject of depoliticized discussions at the UN.
By MARK A. HELLER George Mitchell's priority should be to isolate and 'disengage' Hamas from Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere
Daily TelegraphTrade war looms as Obama bill urges 'Buy American' The prospect of a trade war between the US and Europe is looming after "Buy American" provisions were added to President Barack Obama's $820 billion (£573 billion) stimulus package
Newsweek A Military Surge Isn't Enough to Fix Afghanistan
• 'A Scholar and a Gentleman: Samuel Huntington' by Eliot Cohen, Weekly Standard
| H2 WATCH: Turkey PM storms off stage over Peres remarks on Gaza
Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: The World's Pivot Turkey is beginning to stir after nine decades of relative obscurity on the world stage
Turkish P.M. to Israeli President: 'You Kill People'
Ha’aretz Peres, Erdogan agree not let row over Gaza harm Turkish-Israeli ties
The Economist Israel and Turkey Bad new vibrations The special relationship between the Turkish and Jewish states is at riskTurkey and the army Conspiracy theories The arrest of still more suspects in the Ergenekon case is raising new questions about the relationship between the army and the government
Turkish PM given hero's welcome
Middle East ProgressThe U.S., Turkey & Regional Dynamics
New York Times Leaders of Turkey and Israel Clash at Davos Panel
WP Turkish Premier, Israeli President Clash at Davos
'Terrorist state' or not, Israel expected to sell drones to Turkey Ha'aretz Deal to include drones used by IDF during Operation Cast Lead to kill Hamas militants
Major American-Jewish Organizations may no Longer Back Turkey in ... Huffington Post
FT Erdogan storms out of Davos debate Clash with Peres in debate about Gaza
Erdoğan: 'IMF'yle Anlaşamamak Dünyanın Sonu Değil'
AJC Denounces Turkish Prime Minister's Shameful Outburst at Davos
Davos'ta Erdoğan - Peres Tartışması
Turkey says loan talks with IMF hit snag
Erdogan hailed after Davos walkout
Turkey next stop for top US envoy
WSJ Gaza Tensions Erupt at Davos Session
Turkey and the IMF Take a Break to Review Remaining Disagreements
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye – BBC Türkçe 0700 1800 – VOA Türkçe 0630 1345 2130 DW - (UTC) 0830 1130 1530 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM
Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national
Kurds stand to lose seats in Saturday vote (UPI) -- Kurdish lawmakers in Iraq stand to lose seats in the provincial councils of some of the disputed territories in the election Saturday, officials say.
Irak'ta Yerel Seçimler: Türkmenlerin Beklentileri
In Violent Mosul, a Test for Iraq’s Democracy New York Times
EU anti-terror chief urges PKK financing crackdown
Power Shift Looms in Tense Nineveh
In Mosul, campaign slogan spells 'Kurds out'
Turkey urges Obama to redefine Mideast terrorism
Iraqi Kurdistan: Positive Feedback between Leaders UNPO
Iraq asks PKK to lay down weapons and leave
Iraq asks PKK to lay down weapons and leave
Upcoming elections sure to reshape Iraq
U.S. policy on PKK static, Mullen says
Turkey and Iraq boost fight against PKK
2000 Kurdish militiamen killed in Mosul in five years, Kurdish ...
A Chilling Account of JITEM Murders
Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık
'Nabucco'nun Önünde Büyük Sorunlar Var'
Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop
| H3
Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye
Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv
Taha Akyol
Fikret Bila
Hasan Cemal
Murat Yetkin
İsmet Berkan
Şamil Tayyar
H4 New York TimesObama Calls Wall Street Bonuses ‘Shameful’ The president criticized bankers for giving themselves $18.4 billion in bonuses as the economy was spinning out of control and the government was rescuing financial firms.
Israeli Elections and Gaza Violence Complicate New U.S. Envoy’s Peace Mission
Iraqi Elections Face Crucial Test in Violent Mosul The elections will test whether a political system that more closely represents ethnic and sectarian splits will foster stability.
Editorial Rules of the Game If the United States is going to have any credibility in arguing that others must restrain their nuclear ambitions, it must restrain its own.
Jailed C.I.A. Mole Kept Spying for Russia, U.S. Says Jailed spy Harold Nicholson is said to have sought more money from his handlers, using his son as a go-between.
Afghan Presidential Election Delayed
Leaders of Turkey and Israel Clash at Davos Panel
U.S. Looks for Blackwater Replacement in Iraq
Obama Taps a General as the Envoy to Kabul
Rafah Journal: Where the Still Flourishing Underground Economy Is the Only Economy
PAUL KRUGMAN Health Care Now Why has the Obama administration been silent about one of the key promises during the campaign — the promise of guaranteed health care for all Americans?
DAVID BROOKS Cleaner and Faster The Democrats have created a stimulus package that is a sprawling, undisciplined smorgasbord. By trying to do everything all it once, the bill does nothing well.
Totally Tolerant, Up to a Point By IAN BURUMA For Geert Wilders, a Dutch parliamentarian and film maker, who calls for a ban on the Koran to act as the champion of free speech is a bit rich.
Social Security on the First Date By RAMESH PONNURU Real cooperation between Democrats and Republicans on Social Security could pave the way for bipartisan bliss.
| H5 Washington Post The Pakistan Puzzle By David Ignatius In Pakistan, the joke goes: "All countries have armies, but here, an army has a country."
Obama Distorts America's Stance on Muslims We've Never Been Islam's Enemy By Charles Krauthammer, Obama's wrong to suggest America has been disrespectful to Muslims.
Iraqis Stake Hopes for Future on Provincial Election Provincial Vote Seen as Valid Path to Future
Writings Offer Look at Administration Debate on Iran
By Michael Gerson, Yes, Israel should negotiate. But military action isn't counterproductive.
Economic Signs Turn From Grim To Worse Another Wave of Evidence Of a Deepening Recession
Across France, Unions Protest Actions on Economy Demonstrators Across Country Seek Bigger Focus on Workers
The Stimulus Debate That Matters By E. J. Dionne Jr. Obama's GOP outreach is a sideshow to the ideological battle among Dems.
India's Quiet Diplomatic Coup: Kashmir Eliminated From U.S. Envoy's Mandate
Afghanistan to Delay Presidential Vote by 4 Months
BBC Draws Protests With Decision Not to Air Aid Appeal for Gazans
Editorial Virtual Groundswell Why China's leadership should talk to the Charter 08 movement
The GOP's Unanimous Vote on the Stimulus Bill Congressional Republicans, Meet PATCO By Eugene Robinson, Republicans should beware the fate of those who fail to recognize a new political era.
| H6 Guardian Iceland to be fast-tracked into the EU Exclusive: Plans for cash-strapped state to become member by 2011
Iran policymakers divided on USForeign minister says Tehran would be 'co-operative' in response to changes in American policy
Shake loose the cold warSergey Lavrov: Europe, North America and we in Russia need a new security treaty. So let's try this
Obama's letter may go unread Martin Woollacott: Both Iran and America want concessions, without budging from their main positions: meanwhile the Middle East's future goes undecided
A million on strike as France feels pinch Public and private sector workers take to streets to protest Sarkozy's handling of economic crisis
US security firm loses licence to work in Iraq Decision prompted by guards' 'improper conduct and excessive use of force'
Economists ask: what went wrong?Julian Glover finds that Davos has the air of crash inquiry into an airline that intends to keep on flying
Dozens believed dead in reprisal attacks as Hamas retakes control
After the victory rallies, leaders must decide on their next move Despite more than 1,200 people killed, Hamas believe they have emerged stronger
Debt has become a drug. Withdrawal will be painful Dan Roberts: This week's reports showed how firmly the addiction had taken hold. We now have to build a new kind of economy
For real secrets we already have the one-and-a-half-year memoir rule Simon Jenkins: Paul Dacre is right to be cautious. Too much openness can often neuter impartiality and politicise advice
H7 Backgrounder: Backgrounder: Iraq’s Political Landscape
Ryan Crocker Talks to Asharq Al-Awsat
Iraq: Purple Fingers are Back
Pathetic 'Message' BY: Amir Taheri | New York Post In his "first message to the Muslim world" Tuesday, President Obama on Al-Arabiya TV invited the Is lamic Republic in Iran to "unclench its fist" and accept his offer of "un conditional talks."
Sons of Iraq Transfer on Pace for April Completion MARC LYNCH The military pushes back on Iraq Energy in Brief — Who are the major players supplying the world oil market?
Interview with Former. President Jimmy Carter - The NewsHour
Obama and the Muslim Cold War - Hillel Frisch (Jerusalem Post)
Obama's arc of instability
Fragile hope ahead of Iraqi elections
Russia and Iran get strategic
| H8 Iraq Updates IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq
Tehran 'can co-operate with US'
A guide to the Iraqi elections
Election battle Why polls in the city of Najaf could shape Iraq's future
All eyes focused on key provincial elections
Massive turnout for early voting in Iraq
Shiite vote consequential, report says (UPI) -- The results of the Saturday provincial elections in Iraq may determine the fate of the Shiite power structure and U.S. policy in the region, a report says.
'City of death' may be key to Iraq's future McClatchy Newspapers Diyala was once the bloodiest of the 14 provinces where Iraqis will vote Saturday for new provincial councils. Shiite Muslim Arabs, Sunni Muslim Arabs and Kurds rub against each other, and their battles transformed Baqouba from the city of oranges to the city of death. Al Qaida in Iraq killed hundreds in Baqouba's main square and just last week, a family of nine was slaughtered in their home. Now everyone in Diyala is waiting to see if ballots, rather than bullets, can bring change.
| H9 Ha’aretz – Netanyahu: I'm not bound by Olmert vow to clear settlements
Israel plans more pinpoint strikes against Hamas in Gaza
Israel to appeal Spanish war crimes probe against its senior officials
Is an Israeli Jewish sense of victimization perpetuating the conflict with Palestinians?
Verter Who's the wild card?
Jerusalem Post'Iran and Syria trying to replace PLO'PA accuses states of encouraging radicals to take over leadership; Mashaal: PLO not legitimate rep.
Why Israelis Worry – Editorial
Uzi Arad: Half-measures in Gaza will bring only half-baked outcome
Yedioth Ahronoth New rules of play
Strategic importance of Gaza operation much greater than we assume, says Isaac Ben-Israel
US denies drafting letter to Iran
Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine
An Open Letter to George Mitchell BY: Gershom Gorenberg | The American Prospect The mood in the Middle East is extraordinarily grim. Confidence that a two-state solution is possible has slipped precariously, and both sides face a failure in leadership.
The Gaza Aftermath BY: Max Boot | The Weekly Standard Hamas, like Hezbollah, survived the war not so much because of its military prowess but because of Israel's self-restraint. Destroying Hamas would mean high casualties among Palestinians (and possibly among Israeli soldiers).
Obama's Peace Push May Collide with Reality
UN launches $613m appeal for Gaza The UN will launch an appeal for $613m to help people affected by Israel's military offensive in Gaza, the body's top official says.
A Long and Bumpy Road The Economist The UN says that nine-tenths of Gazans now rely on food handouts to survive. Meanwhile, representatives of Israel, various Palestinian factions and the European Union, as well as America’s just-appointed peace envoy, George Mitchell, converged on Egypt’s capital, Cairo, to hash out the terms of a hoped-for more lasting peace.
Obama and a Settlement Freeze - Steven J. Rosen Release Soldier and We'll End Gaza Blockade, Says Israel | The Independent Israel will not allow the full re-opening of Gaza's crossings until it has secured the release of Gilad Shalit, the army corporal seized more than two-and-a-half years ago by Hamas and other militants, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told President Obama's new Middle East envoy yesterday Is there any difference between Mark Green and Marty Peretz on ...
Holocaust Denial Debate: German Jews Cut Contact with Catholic Church |
A momentous vote in Iraq after years of war Polls open throughout most of the country for a provincial election that could shift the balance of power.
Obama's missing timetable for Afghanistan With a coming NATO summit, he must be clear on his goals for a war that isn't going well.
Obama sets a high political barThe economic stimulus bill is his first big test in replacing 'old habits' with less partisanship in Washington. The future of both political parties is in the balance as well.
Pakistan tackles Swat, a key militant area The Army launched fresh operations this week, following mounting pressure to retake the onetime tourist idyll now controlled by ultraconservative militants
Is a 'bad bank' for risky assets the solution to the financial mess? The Obama administration is considering it as a way to avoid outright nationalization of the banking industry.
Barack Obama abandons Afghan President Hamid Karzai
The Economist Asia's sinking economies Asia's suffering he slump in East Asia was made at home as well as in the West
China's economy A great migration into the unknown Global recession is hitting China’s workers hard
Asian economies Troubled tigers Asia needs a new engine of growth
Time Will Kashmir Be an Obama Foreign Policy Focus?
Will Obama support Karzai's re-election in Afghanistan? India Seeks Promise to Protect Tamils Financial Times Pranab Mukherjee, India’s foreign minister, sought assurances from the Sri Lankan government during a rushed visit to Colombo that it would protect Tamil civilians as the island’s military closed in on separatist rebels. The Pakistan Problem BY: David Ignatius | The Washington Post The joke goes: "All countries have armies, but here, an army has a country."
Pakistan Key to Afghan War BY: Brahma Chellaney | The Japan Times Obama needs to face up to the truth that the war in Afghanistan can be won only in Pakistan, whose military establishment backs the Taliban.
Wen the Premier Speaks BY: Julian Glover | The GuardianThe idea that senior Chinese leaders speak in subtle code is a bit of a myth. Wen Jiabao could not have been blunter on Wednesday when he told the world's financial elite that the crash was their fault, not his.
Chinese State Media Goes Global BY: Willy Lam | Asia Times Call it the "Great Leap Outward". Beijing plans to spend billions of dollars on an international media blitz to establish China-oriented television stations and newspapers for Western and Asian audiences
China: a chance for harmony Michele Geraci: The financial crisis gives Beijing the opportunity to focus on social policies and stimulate domestic consumption
Bombing Pakistan is not a strategy Micah Zenko: US airstrikes in Pakistan may kill members of al-Qaida and the Taliban, but they won't deter terrorism
'Victory' in Afghanistan Likely Redefined - Associated Press
The Afghan Challenge - Washington Post editorial | H11 IHT The Savaging of Humanitarian Law BY: Bernard Kouchner | Compliance with international humanitarian law must be made the subject of depoliticized discussions at the UN.
By MARK A. HELLER George Mitchell's priority should be to isolate and 'disengage' Hamas from Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere
Russia and China blame capitalists, but strike conciliatory note At the World Economic Forum, the leaders of the former bastions of the communist bloc rebuked the U.S. and other capitalist countries for dragging the world into crisis.
Opposition grows louder in Georgia Georgia's scattered political opposition gathered Thursday to demand the resignation of President Mikheil Saakashvili and called for early presidential and parliamentary elections.
Hundreds of thousands protest in France Hundreds of thousands of workers went on strike Thursday across France, snarling transportation and closing post offices and schools in a sign of discontent with President Nicolas Sarkozy's response to the economic crisis.
EUROPE European press review
Key Figures on Europe 2009 Direct to Full Text Document (236 pages; PDF)
A strike against FranceJonathan Fenby: Is it time to examine the French democratic deficit that has led to disdain of legislature and love of walkouts?
The Economist Europe and America Waiting for the Messiah
Missile defence Cool heads
Charlemagne An Iranian conundrum Europeans fret that this year will be the trickiest so far for dealing with Iran
| H12 RFE/RL
Google News Azerbaijan
Back in the USSR BY: Julian Glover | The Guardian Davos 09: You don't know how lucky you are, says Vladimir Putin, delivering a lecture on the evils of statism.
Moscow Sends the West Friendly Signals While Relations with Georgia Worsen
Azerbaijan: Referendum to Abolish Presidential Term Limits Sparks Criticism of Baku BY MINA MURADOVA
H13 The Times US pours cold water over hopes of Iran deal White House warns Iran military action is still an option despite the 'hand of friendship' offered by President Obama
A million French march on 'Black Thursday' The stoppage, mainly by public sector workers, closed many schools but failed to paralyse the public transport system
Afghan elections on hold as Taleban spreads chaos Fears of deepen political turmoil with voter registration in areas where the Taleban is most active at derisory levels
Blair admits to suffering doubts over Iraq Former Prime Minister thinks about the soldiers and civilians who died after the invasion every day, he tells The Times
There are expectations in Brussels that Iceland could make a formal application after a general election expected in May
'Incompetent' Karzai's future in doubt Corruption and drugs allegations put political future of Afghan leader high on agenda of new American special envoy
Blackwater to be ejected from Iraq Interior Ministry says private security firm's licence will not be renewed after shootout which left 17 Iraqi civilians dead
Nato split over order to strike drug smugglers US commander's directive to strike at civilians in Afghanistan engaged in crime is being resisted by senior officers
Old-style street revolts rattle Sarko Trotskyites and others think the tide of history has turned in their favour Charles Bremner
Obama's spending programme Proposals for US fiscal stimulus are right in principle, but must avoid the politics of protectionism and the pork-barrel. Recovery in the UK depends on its success
Papal fallibilityThe Vatican's readmission of a Holocaust denier is an outrage
Wall Street Journal 'Think Long' to Solve the Crisis By George P. Shultz It's the only way to sustain lasting benefits from the stimulus
China's New Propaganda Machine By Nicholas Bequelin
U.S. Eyes Two-Part
Look at the Time DECLARATIONS
Sovereign Debt Risk Looms Large This Year By Ulrich Volz
| H14 Financial Times The president’s men will test White House resolve To succeed as Barack Obama’s special envoys to the Middle East and Afghanistan/ Pakistan respectively, both George Mitchell and Richard Holbrooke will need the authority of the president when the going gets tough, writes Philip Stephens
Hopeful voters prepare to test a nation's progress
A proposal to prevent wholesale financial failure Lasse Pedersen and Nouriel Roubini on regulation
Deflation is the wrong enemy Think slump instead, says Samuel Brittan
Corporate bonds Investors must be clearer in what they say to companies. Executives must accept that they need investors’ goodwill
Approach Russia with great caution If Putin is serious, western leaders should put his insults to one side and see what, in concrete terms, he is offering
De-fetishising GDP Better statistics can help voters force politicians to make the best trade-offs. They cannot choose on their behalf
Independent candidates aim to advance in Basra polling
Why this hysteria about sterling is misplacedGeorge Magnus calls for an end to the hysteria
Russia plans to bolster Abkhazia outpost Moscow wants to deploy about 20 military aircraft
Japan’s production falls record 9.6% Core annual inflation almost evaporated
Obama slams Wall Street over bonuses Aid to be subject to tough pay conditions
Clashes mar end of French protests At least a million striking workers held demonstrations across France in protest at the government’s reform programme and its response to the economic crisis. But brief bursts of violence marred the end of protests
Obama slams Wall Street over bonuses Barack Obama on Thursday lashed out against ‘shameful’ Wall Street executives for claiming billions of dollars in bonuses even as their stricken institutions turned to taxpayers for support
Setback to Guantánamo closure hopes President Barack Obama suffered a setback in his effort to close Guantánamo after a military judge refused his request to delay the military commission for a detainee accused of planning the 2000 attack on the USS Col
Graphic: Where the proposed US stimulus would be spent Our graphic shows where President Obama’s proposed US stimulus of $819bn would be spent
Chinese premier defends currency policy Wen Jiabao has mounted a vigorous defence of the country’s exchange rate policy, in Beijing’s highest level response to criticism from Barack Obama’s US administration
Greek farmers briefly suspend blockade Farmers briefly lifted a 10-day blockade of the main border crossing with Bulgaria, allowing about 100 trucks to pass through before resuming their protest
Hamas fires rockets into Israel For the first time since a shaky ceasefire came into force 10 days ago, fighters from Hamas, the Palestinian militant group which controls the Gaza Strip, have fired rockets into Israel
| H15 Los Angeles Times Iraq pulls Blackwater security firm's license An official says the U.S. Embassy is working with the Iraqi government to 'address the implications of this decision.' The firm says it hasn't been officially informed of the ban.
Afghanistan sets date for presidential election The Aug. 20 date is later than originally scheduled, but the U.N. supports the move, given the violence in the country. President Karzai is considered the front-runner -- for now.
Obama meets with Joint Chiefs at Pentagon He says afterward that fighting extremists is the top priority in Afghanistan but that he would increase involvement of civilian U.S. agencies in governance, justice, agriculture and other fields.
Editorial |
The Economist United StatesBarack Obama's start High hopes, horrendous workload
Guantánamo Promises to keep Lexington Republicans seeking relevance
Obama's Reagan Moment Is Now - Ronald Brownstein, National Journal
Pelosi dismisses need for bipartisanship
Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin
Obama slams Wall Street on bonuses — President calls the $18.4 billion in bonuses paid last year ‘shameful’ — President Barack Obama issued a withering critique Thursday of Wall Street corporate behavior, calling it “the height of irresponsibility” for Wall Street employees to be paid …
Republicans take a back seat Lacking strong leadership and the political capital to oppose a popular president, the fractured GOP can only agree on one thing: This really isn't their moment.
| H17 Daily TelegraphTrade war looms as Obama bill urges 'Buy American' The prospect of a trade war between the US and Europe is looming after "Buy American" provisions were added to President Barack Obama's $820 billion (£573 billion) stimulus package
We must treat China as a friend and ally in this financial crisisBritain should welcome the Chinese PM this weekend – our future depends on him, says Con Coughlin.
The euro will struggle to survive the recession Telegraph View: The single currency is causing popular unrest in Europe.
| H18 Independent Sarkozy vs the street More than a million people in a dozen French cities protest at government's stewardship of the economy.The Big Question: How serious is the political unrest on the Continent, and can it be calmed? Challenge to Karzai's right to rule after poll date is delayedAfghan opposition groups call for caretaker government to take over from president My terror as a human shield As battle raged in Gaza, Israeli soldiers forced Majdi Abed Rabbo to risk his life as a go-between in the hunt for three Hamas fighters. This is his story...
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism
Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation: First Edition (PDF; 869 KB)
'The Expeditionary Imperative' by John A. Nagl, Wilson Quarterly
• 'The Human Element: When Gadgetry Becomes Strategy' by H. R. McMaster, World Affairs Journal
Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review ReportIraq to Deny New License To Blackwater Security Firm - Ernesto Londoño and Qais Mizher, Washington Post
WSJ NATO Eyes Arctic Military Presence NATO will need a military presence in the Arctic as global warming melts frozen sea routes and major powers rush to lay claim to lucrative energy reserves, the military bloc's chief says.
Military Judge Denies Obama Request to Suspend Hearings at Guantanamo
Jailed C.I.A. Mole Kept Spying for Russia, U.S. Says
Army suicides at record high, passing civilians
Saddam-Qaeda Conspiracy Theorist Surfaces Writing Iraq Reports For The Pentagon
Gary Samore Tapped for Weapons of Mass Destruction 'Czar'
Next step unclear as judge defies Obama on Guantanamo The chief judge of the Guantanamo war court Thursday spurned a presidential request to freeze the military commissions for 120 days, saying he would go forward with next month's arraignment of an alleged USS Cole bomber in a capital terror case. The judge said the request would deny the public's interest in a speedy trial.
| H20 Slate
The Big Question: Is there a technological solution to the problem of global warming?
| H21 Solved: the mystery of why locusts swarm
From Nebraska to Nepal, people praise their deities, attend services, perform holy rites, study sacred texts. Does it really make them better off?... more»
John Updike, novelist, man of letters and erudite chronicler of sex, divorce, and life’s adventures, is dead... AP ... NYT ... Telegraph ... Guardian ... NYT ... London Times ... WP ... New Yorker ... LA Times ... Guardian ... TPM ... Boston Globe ... London Times ... National Post ... WSJ ... LA Times ... Guardian ... Forbes ... SF Chron ... Slate ... Guardian ... Philly Inq ... TLS ... Independent
The Ultimatum Game: what an eye-opener for economists. You never know what you’re going to get until you actually run the experiment... more»
Deloitte’s State of the Media Democracy Survey - Third Edition U.S. Release: January 2009 |
Google News Slate Today's Papers SWJ Blog Media Roundup CFR Daily Brief CFR Daily Opinion Roundup memeorandum antiwar.com book forum FBIS University Channel DocuTicker Arts & Letters Daily PolicyPointers cursor raw story fora.tv realclearworld realclearpolitics PoliticsHome Drudge Report Current News Early Bird OpinionSource truthout Dayan Current Contents Blogometer Wikipedia technorati Slate's Today's Blogs ABC’s The Note eurointelligence The Page First Read Daily Beast Cheat Sheet | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Gideon Rachman - Mark Kleiman - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - MondoWeiss - David Corn - SyriaComment - Israel-Syria Peace Society - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Ross Douhat Marc Ambinder Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy Rosner's Domain Wonkette Tom Hayden Paul Goble Abu Muqawama George Packer The Swamp
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ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,