112808f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 New York Times India’s Suspicion of Pakistan Clouds U.S. Strategy in Region The Mumbai attacks seem likely to sour Indian-Pakistani relations and hamper, at least for now, America’s ambitions for reconciliation in the region.
Iraq Approves Deal Charting End of U.S. Role The Iraqi Parliament ratified an agreement that sets out a three-year timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Text of Agreement (PDF) Baghdad Bureau: Analysis
Dying of Consumption By STEPHEN S. ROACH There is a deeper, potentially positive, meaning to the decline in consumer spending: Americans are now moving back to more prudent income-based lifestyles.
The Economist Terror in India The Mumbai attacks A dangerous new front-line in the global war against terrorism
The Economist America and Iraq Well, is it victory or humiliation? No happy ending, but the final chapter of the Iraq saga remains to be written
Iraq Is it really coming right? In most of Iraq, violence has plummeted and the Americans under a new president look set gradually to withdraw. But will the battered country hold together?
A special report on Russia Enigma variations Russia is not the Soviet Union, but what is it? A recovering world power—or a corrupt oligopoly with a market economy of sorts?
The world economy The perils of incrementalism Bold, unorthodox remedies are needed to jolt the world economy back to life
Barack Obama's team So far, so very good The president-elect is proceeding with all deliberate speed
Washington Post Obama's Realist Worldview Recalls George H.W. Bush Barack Obama's foreign policy philosophy sounds a lot like that of (the other) President Bush
Iraq's Parliament Approves Security Agreement With United States Vote by Parliament Hailed 'Historic
Characteristics of Plot Suggest Attackers Were Trained Outside India, Analysts Say Analysts Cite Scale, Compared With Previous Onslaughts
Editorial -- Mr. Obama Should Keep Mr. Gates as Defense Secretary
From Market Economy to Political Economy By Charles Krauthammer, This is not the time for an economic agenda based on liberal social goals
Red Alert: Possible Geopolitical Consequences of the Mumbai Attacks (Open Access)
DT The meaning of the terrorists' tacticsAs India burns, Amir Taheri examines how radical Islamists may be changing their tactics to inspire home-grown jihadists
Indian Terror Attacks Indicate Links to Al-Qaeda, Experts Say
Reidar Visser The “Withdrawal Treaty” Is Passed
McClatchy With Iraqi parliament approving pact, Maliki's stature grows In a country where agreements are hard to reach, Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki built a broad political coalition to muscle through a divisive U.S.-Iraq security pact that could set his place in his nation’s history as the man who ended the American occupation
Lobe JFK Episode Suggests Obama's Iraq Plan at Risk
JFK Episode Suggests Obama's Iraq Plan at Risk Daily Star Obama has the strong cards of Roosevelt and Churchill
Time Obama Chooses An Unlikely Team of Hawks Why the biggest roles for Obama's foreign policy picks will be the ones they play at hom
Oil May Fall After OPEC Meet as Recession Deepens, Survey Shows Bloomberg
Negotiating Under Fire: Preserving Peace Talks in the Face of Terror Attacks FPRI A US paper showing how an understanding of how violence undermines the legitimacy of a peace process can help determine what measures may effectively insulate peacemaking from the efforts of outside spoilers to wreck ongoing negotiations over long-festering, ethnic conflictsHow Terror Unfolded: They Came by Boat to Kill Their EnemiesSophisticated Attacks, but by Whom?Who Is Behind the Mumbai Attacks? Q&A: Who Could Be Behind the Mumbai Attacks and Why?Three Determinants in World Politics - M.K. Bhadrakumar, The Hindu
Beware of Engagement - Martin Kramer (Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies-Shalem Center)
Obama's First Test - Gregor Peter Schmitz, Der Spiegel
Measuring the Obama Effect Around the World - Ian Bremmer, RCP
The U.S. Financial Crisis: The Global Dimension with Implications for US Policy CRS This 88-page US report sets out the challenges facing the US Congress in reacting to the global financial crisis
Financial Times Broken banks put state back in the driving seat Something big is happening. What started as a series of pragmatic ad hoc responses by governments and central banks is moving the boundary between state and market. Expediency is now overlaid with ideology. Government is no longer a term of abuse, says Philip Stephens
Iran in about-turn towards security agreement Tehran is said to be satisfied with the changes won by Iraq in the pact with the US, suggesting it ‘sees the future of US policy in a new light and seeks to cooperate with Washington’
India points finger at Pakistan Prime minister blames ‘neighbours’ for attacks
Wall Street Journal Obama's War Cabinet Gates and Jones are welcome signs of continuity.
IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei believes Syria deserves a new reactor.
Berlin ♥ Iran III REVIEW & OUTLOOK Good relations between these two countries is a matter of tradition
Editorial: The Mumbai attacks were as horrific in scale and as cold in execution as the Madrid or London bombings
Iraq's parliament votes for US troop pullout within next three years Security pact setting timetable for American exit will go to national referendum by July
Syria at the crossroads Chris Phillips: While resisting Bush long provided an excuse not to get on with reform, it's now time for Bashar al-Assad to deliver
Newsweek Khanna: Assessing Blame for Mumbai Attacks
Will Israel attack Iran? , Paul Rogers
| H2 The Economist The worrying Tayyip Erdogan Turkey’s prime minister once promised big reforms to bring his country closer to the European Union. He seems no longer to be pushing them
'Türkiye'yi izleyin' Krizin etkilerini en fazla hisseden ülkelerden biri Türkiye mi olacak?
IMF ile anlaşma yapılmasını savunan UBS raporunun yazarı ile konuştuk
Dergiye göre Erdoğan bir değişimden geçiyor ve bu değişim, 'kaygı verici'
Turkey in the Middle of the Enemies
Erdoğan: Henüz IMF ile görüşme safhasındayız
IMF 18 aylık anlaşma öneriyor, imza aralıkta
FT Nations aim to hammer out Azeri gas deal Italy, Greece, Turkey and Azerbaijan will to try to hammer out an agreement in coming weeks on the export of Azeri gas to Europe via a planned pipeline across the Adriatic
Strange new bedfellows Al-Ahram Weekly A Kurdish-Shia crisis will most certainly engulf the whole Middle East in a larger conflict pitching Iran and even Turkey against Israel which is traditionally pro-Kurd.
Axel Springer extends Dogan partnershipSon Dakika-ABHaber, AP Türkiye taslak raporunu yayınlıyor (orjinal tam metin)
Ergenekon’da sonuca kadar gidin
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM
Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national
Öcalan may reappear in front of judge
Kerkuk ‘Final Masterplan Report -October 2008′
YASİN DOĞAN TRT'de Kürtçe yayın…
Nasuhi Güngör Kuzey Irak fırsat mı, felaket mi? Two policemen killed, four injured in PKK attack
Kılıçdaroğlu’nun PKK’lılarla aynı araçta olduğunun belgesi
Shell and Turkey prepare joint Kirkuk oil bid
Kurds say to produce 250000 barrels a day in 2009
‘ABD İranlıları bize yönlendiriyor’
UPDATE 2 -Iraq central gov't, Kurdistan agree oil exports
Anxious Times in Turkey as Iraq, US Turn New Page
Güneydoğu’da 2’nci çıkınca istifa et
Erhan Başyurt Irak bozdu, Irak yapacak
Afganistan'da 300 Türk savaşçı!
UPDATE 1-SK says no new Kurdish deal without Iraq OK
Iranian companies exhibit their businesses in Kurdistan
PM Barzani, al-Shahristani hold joint conference on oil issue
Esed ve Erdoğan, Gazze'ye yardım için anlaştı
DTP ‘dayak yiyoruz’ deyip gözlemci istedi
The Sorani speakers of Kurdistan Academy are in favour of ...
Discussion in the character of the Koçgiri Movement
İbrahim Kalın Fate of the war on terror: some modest advice for the Obama administration
Sami Kohen Hindistan’ın “11 Eylül”ü
Bombay'a saldıran kim, arkasındaki güçler kim
Almanya iki PKK'liyi yargılayacak
Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık
Regional acts no mask for reforms
AB üyesi olsaydık böyle büyük orduya gerek kalmazdı
European Union urges DTP to choose either mountains or Parliament
Gökçe Aytulu Ermenistan'da soykırım politikası ekonomik sorunları bile gölgeliyor
Nicole Pope A dose of EU realism
Balkanlar’da krize karşı ortak dayanışma Rauf Denktaş Görünen minareler
İBRAHİM KAHVECİ Alman ittifakı!
Swoboda’dan ‘özgür basın’ yalanlaması
Finding abuses on both sides of the Greek-Turkish border by BILL FRELICK*
Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop
| H3 Mahkeme 1 numarayı öğrendi
24 bin kişi sorguladım, onun gibisini görmedim
MİT, resmi yazısında kod adı İpek'i kullandı
Mehmet Eymür, ‘Güney’le hiç ilgim yok’ dedi ama...
1 numaranın ismi biliniyor mu?
Güney: Bana göre bu savcı uzaylı...
İşte Kontrterör’ün tartışmalı tarihi
Bürokraside adaylık heyecanı ve İstanbul için sürpriz isimler
‘Savcı Öz haber servisi yapıyor!’
Seçmen artışına muhalefetten tepki
Kuryeler Karaman’a para taşıdı 4.5 milyon euro şirketlere aktı
Bakan Gönül'den üç ay sonra YAŞ açıklaması
1 numarayı gösteren Ergenekon şeması mahkeme başkanında
Akıl tutulması var sembollere takıldık Erdoğan: Bazılarına teşekkür edeceğiz
Hürriyet'in korkusu benim konuşmam
Özden'in ölümünde Ergenekon gölgesi
Danıştay için 'nafile' duruşma
Açılım değil çünkü planlı yapılmadı
'TOKİ Başkanı görevinin başında, adaylığı söz konusu değil'
CHP'li Ateş: Yeni açılım Alevileri rahatsız etmedi annem de çarşaflıydı
AK Parti'de teşkilat temayülü belirleyici olacak
Emekli MİT'çi Gündeş: Güney, MİT elemanı değil
Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye
Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv
Cengiz Çandar 'Çarşaflamak'
Ahmet TaşgetirenSon kale: CHP tehlikede!
Taha Akyol Bir sosyalistin mektubu
Fikret Bila Açılım mı değil mi?
Hasan Cemal Gözü dönmüş utanmaz adama çağrı!
Murat Yetkin Susurluk-Ergenekon: Benzerlikler-ayrılıklar
İsmet Berkan Tuncay Güney’in rolü
Fehmi Koru İtiraz ediyorum sanmayın
Taha Kıvanç Saflar sıklaşırken CHP
Şamil Tayyar MİT’te iç hesaplaşma Adem Yavuz Arslan MİT Eymür'ü neden sattı?
Ahmet Hakan Bir açılım da AKP yapsın
Atılgan Bayar
M Ali Birand Devletin içindeki pisliği temizleyin
Alevilik, çarşaf... Siyaset normalleşiyor mu?
Sabahattin Önkibar Devlette hesaplaşma ve haham Tuncay'la Eymür'ün ilişkisi!
Mehmet Altan MİT’te neler oluyor Gülay Göktürk Çarşaf açılımı ve iki ihtimal
Hüseyin Gülerce Demek ki Ergenekon, her yere konmuş..
Mümtazer Türköne Denetimsiz güvenlik gücü, suç örgütüne dönüşür
Oktay EkşiSeçim kütükle başlar
Özdemir İnce Yeni bir anayasa için yeni bir kurucu sözleşme (1)
Mehmet Y YılmazÖrtünün masumiyeti meselesi
CHP'den bir açılım da hükümete...
ERDAL ŞAFAK Kurtarmak ve canlandırmak
Yalçın Doğan Örtünün masumiyeti meselesi
Tufan Türenç İhanetler hep vardı
ERGUN BABAHANErgenekon, MİT ve Tuncay Güney (İpek)
EMRE AKÖZDeniz Baykal'ın "negatif" iktidarı
NAZLI ILICAKCHP'li Atilla Kart yanılıyor
MEHMET BARLASTerörizm dünyanın en büyük demokrasisini hedef aldı...
MAHMUT ÖVÜRErgenekon'u 'MİT aklı' deşifre etti!
YAVUZ DONATBaşbakan'ın terazisi
AK Party supporters in search of Tayyip Erdoğan by EMRE USLU & ÖNDER AYTAÇ* Eser Karakaş Artık bu meseleleri aşalım Ferai Tınç Kriz zamanlarında gazetecilik Oray Eğin Serdar Turgut Mustafa Ünal 'Size 2 ay süre, bu işi bitirin' Nagehan Alçı Serdar Akinan
İhsan Dağı Başörtüsüne özgürlük, CHP'ye iktidar! Mahçupyan Why the number of undecided voters is on the rise Bülent Keneş The tip of the iceberg
Derya Sazak Güney, MİT, JİTEM
Hurşit Güneş Dış açık kurla kapanır, ama Türkiye’de sorun başka
Güngör Uras Sendika parası niye akla gelmiyor?
Meral Tamer Başbakan’a gerçekleri anlatacak biri yok mu?
Obama, Paul Volcker'i göreve çağırdı
Sosyal yardımlar için formül var
Deniz Gökçe Muhasebe deyip geçme bil altında yatanı!
Eyüp Can AK Parti Hükümeti'nin paketi nerede |
H4 New York Times India’s Suspicion of Pakistan Clouds U.S. Strategy in Region The Mumbai attacks seem likely to sour Indian-Pakistani relations and hamper, at least for now, America’s ambitions for reconciliation in the region.
Iraq Approves Deal Charting End of U.S. Role The Iraqi Parliament ratified an agreement that sets out a three-year timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq. Text of Agreement (PDF) Baghdad Bureau: Analysis
Dying of Consumption By STEPHEN S. ROACH There is a deeper, potentially positive, meaning to the decline in consumer spending: Americans are now moving back to more prudent income-based lifestyles.
Russian Missile Plan Gives a New European Trade Hub an Old Identity Crisis
PAUL KRUGMAN Lest We Forget The story of how we failed to see this coming has a clear policy implication — that financial market reform should be pressed quickly, and that it should not wait until the crisis is resolved.
DAVID BROOKS Stimulus for Skeptics Until we endure some fundamental adjustments in housing prices and consumption, no federal sugar rush is going to restore economic health. But that’s not a recipe for doing nothing.
Suicide Bomber Kills Four in Kabul
U.N. Reports That Taliban Is Stockpiling Opium
Amnesty Plan in Iraq Draws 18 Insurgents
Venezuela and Russia Sign Accords
Indian Forces Fire at Jewish Center It was not known how many hostages were being held inside Nariman House, home to the Orthodox Jewish group Chabad Lubavitch.
Editorial About Latin America President-elect Barack Obama should not put off improving ties with Latin America. And given how bad relations are now, it will not take much.
| H5 Washington Post Obama's Realist Worldview Recalls George H.W. Bush Barack Obama's foreign policy philosophy sounds a lot like that of (the other) President Bush
Iraq's Parliament Approves Security Agreement With United States Vote by Parliament Hailed as 'Historic
Characteristics of Plot Suggest Attackers Were Trained Outside India, Analysts Say Analysts Cite Scale, Compared With Previous Onslaughts
Editorial -- Mr. Obama Should Keep Mr. Gates as Defense Secretary
From Market Economy to Political Economy By Charles Krauthammer, This is not the time for an economic agenda based on liberal social goals.
Indian Commandos Battle Assailants Attacks in Mumbai Commercial Center Kill at Least 125
A Timeline of India's Growing Terrorism
By Kathleen Parker, Page A29 Yes, the cabinet names are familiar. But Obama still may be the departure he promised.
India Must Confront Terrorists, Whether Muslim or Hindu By Dileep Padgaonkar,
Editorial -- A Fannie-Freddie Fix In Lawrence Summers, the president-elect has found the right person to reform the mortgage giants.
Suicide Bomber Targets U.S. Convoy in Kabul; At Least 4 Killed
Obama Must Mobilize Supporters to Help Nonprofits By Paul C. Light
| H6 Guardian India's 9/11 Editorial: The Mumbai attacks were as horrific in scale and as cold in execution as the Madrid or London bombings
Iraq's parliament votes for US troop pullout within next three years Security pact setting timetable for American exit will go to national referendum by July
Syria at the crossroads Chris Phillips: While resisting Bush long provided an excuse not to get on with reform, it's now time for Bashar al-Assad to deliver
This show's diplomacy is for real - and it's worth a hundred Milibands Simon Jenkins: The V&A exhibition takes Syrians seriously in their own capital, unlike the hectoring speeches of the foreign secretary
Bombs and bullets cannot destroy India - as long as its gates remain open Shashi Tharoor: This atrocity was not homegrown. But if it leads to demonisation of the nation's Muslims, the terrorists will have won
Smugglers run rife on the new frontline between east and west Former Soviet republic fears it may become a prize in the Kremlin's geopolitical struggle with Europe
Thanksgiving Day: Economy rains on US parade New statistics will show the number of Americans reliant on food stamps is poised to top 30 million
Max Ajl: Commentators have painted Venezuela's elections as a bitter blow for Hugo Chávez. But they have their facts wrong
India's peaceful illusion has been shattered Dibyesh Anand: The attacks in Mumbai raise the question: is a secular democratic setup sufficient to tackle religious extremism?
Who is behind the Mumbai attacks? Stephen Tankel: The signs offer contradictory evidence and point to the increasing complexity of the threat from jihadist violence After Mumbai, an end to complacency? MJ Akbar: India is a tough nation, but under ineffectual governance it is in danger of degenerating into a soft state |
H7 Daily Star Iraq's handling of the deal with America evinces a newfound national spirit
Genocide in Darfur? Let the court decide Solving the public dispute over whether the situation in Darfur meets the legal definition of genocide. (By Philip Heymann and Martha Minow, Boston Globe)
| H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq
With Iraqi Parliament Approving Pact, Maliki's Stature Grows
Iraqi parliament backs US pullout The Iraqi parliament approves a plan on the future of US forces in Iraq, paving the way for complete withdrawal by 2011.
Text of Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (pdf)
Iraq Referendum Deal Won't Effect Pact Any Time Soon
Sadr Bloc MP: Pact Passage Violates Constitution
Excerpts From US-Iraqi Security Agreement
Iran Says Navy Can Strike Well Beyond Its Coast
Russia to Complete Iran Nuclear Plant in 2009
| H9 Ha’aretz – Benn Swan song for two lame ducks
Roni Bart: Obama only makes demands of Israel, not the Palestinians
Anshel Pfeffer: U.S. Jews jealous of Israelis who don't have to grapple with Jewish identity
Yoel Marcus: Sadly, Israel's Obama hasn't appeared, nor is he likely to
ANALYSIS / Is al-Qaida behind the Mumbai terror attacks?
India declines Israeli offer of aid delegation to Mumbai Barak offers India security, intelligence and humanitarian aid in dealing with the situation
Jerusalem PostAnalysis: Terrorism has truly become war, and we need to rethink how we fight it
Lack of Syria nuke info baffles IAEAElBaradei criticizes Israel for supposedly bombing nuclear site and US for waiting to provide intel.
Mumbai Terror: In cold bloodNo religious creed can ever justify waging war against civilians.
Yedioth Ahronoth 'Why India? Why Now?
US Jews urge president-elect Barack Obama to move American embassy from Tel Aviv to capital
Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine
Find a new negotiating paradigm for the Palestinians
The Economist Israel The fading of Labour The party of the old establishment is dying under Ehud Barak
The UN, Israel and racism At risk of early derailment
Israel's Lebanon War Showcased Cluster Bomb Horrors
Yiddish, a language once spoken by more than 10 million Jews, had a profound effect on American culture in the first half of the 20th century... more»
What Is Killing the Prospect of Mideast Peace? - Janet Albrechtsen
Indian Forces Storm Mumbai Jewish Center
Israeli FM Won't Rule Out Action in India
Livni urges Olmert to step down The leader of Israel's governing Party, Tzipi Livni, calls on Ehud Olmert to quit after the attorney-general says he may charge hi
The Economist Terror in India The Mumbai attacks A dangerous new front-line in the global war against terrorism
The EU and China The summit of discourtesy Crisis or no crisis, China’s diplomatic priorities prevail
Pakistan: Indian Afghanistan 'Aid' Subverted
India's Suspicion of Pakistan Clouds US Strategy in Region
Meet the Taliban - Clifford May, National Review
China's Latin American Tango - William Ratliff, Wall Street Journal
China's Guantanamo Problem - Mark Kukis, Time | H11 IHT H.D.S. Greenway: A team of rivals The big difference between Lincoln and Obama is that less was expected of Lincoln at first.
CHINA, SÍ, RUSSIA, NO? Fidel's choice By ANDREW SMALL AND CAROLINA FERRER RINCON It was once said of Fidel Castro that his "stomach is in Moscow but his heart is in Beijing." Now the opposite seems to be true
ASSAULT ON MUMBAI By RAHUL SINGH Wednesday's attack is the first time that south Mumbai, a favorite for foreign tourists, and the city's financial center, has been targeted in such a big way.
Czech Senate approves U.S. missile defense base AP The upper chamber of the Czech Parliament on Thursday approved a deal with Washington to accept a U.S. missile defense installation
Switzerland to join EU passport-free zone AP Switzerland will join the European Union's passport-free travel zone next month under an agreement reached Thursday.
EUROPE European press review
The Economist Charlemagne Europe's surprising labour flexibility How migrating workers from eastern Europe are improving labour markets
Policy in Europe Those reluctant Germans
Transdniestria: a family quarrel , Thomas de Waal
| H12 RFE/RL
Putin's Intentions Debated After Shift on 4-Year Term Google News Azerbaijan
Russia Applauds US Moves on NATO Membership
Polish Security Head Fired After Shooting in Georgia
Russian president ends Venezuela visit -- after tussle
H13 The Times Massacre in Bombay India looks into the abyss as extremist violence shakes the foundations of a secular demoracy
Commandos storm Bombay Jewish centre At least 17 black clad commandos abseiled from a helicopter onto the building as snipers also opened fire
Iraq gives US troops three years to get out The Iraqi Parliament approved a controversial security pact with Washington setting a timetable for US forces to leave
Iraq agreement opens way for democracy After months of debate, Parliament passed what is arguably the most important piece of legislation in its young history
We will bounce back sooner than people think My hunch is that the financial markets will make a sharp recovery next year. But the overmortgaged West will pay a price Martin Sorrell
India points the finger at Pakistan Prime Minister blamed forces 'outside the country' as commandos fought suspected Islamist terrorists in Bombay
Focus on Westerners suggests al-Qaeda If Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out the attacks, it would be the first time the terror group has singled out Westerners
India cannot blame it all on outsiders Radical Islamist terrorism has flourished among the sub-continent's seething mixture of rivalries Maria Misra
Castro makes offer to meet Obama The head of the Communist regime and a US president have not come face to face since the island's revolution in 1959
Wall Street Journal Obama's War Cabinet Gates and Jones are welcome signs of continuity.
IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei believes Syria deserves a new reactor.
Berlin ♥ Iran III REVIEW & OUTLOOK Good relations between these two countries is a matter of tradition
By Sadanand Dhume
Thanksgiving Cheer From Obama By Karl Rove
Turbulence Ahead DECLARATIONS By Peggy Noonan Some things to be thankful for in depressing times
| H14 Financial Times Broken banks put state back in the driving seat Something big is happening. What started as a series of pragmatic ad hoc responses by governments and central banks is moving the boundary between state and market. Expediency is now overlaid with ideology. Government is no longer a term of abuse, says Philip Stephens
Iran in about-turn towards security agreement Tehran is said to be satisfied with the changes won by Iraq in the pact with the US, suggesting it ‘sees the future of US policy in a new light and seeks to cooperate with Washington’
India points finger at Pakistan Prime minister blames ‘neighbours’ for attacks
Eurozone set for rate cut of at least 50bp Region faces worst downturn since early 1990s
Dark art of assessing oil production cuts When the Opec oil cartel meets in Cairo tomorrow, some of its most powerful members will argue that the key action the group must take is to keep strictly to the 1.5m
Top Chinese official warns on downturn Job losses and unrest feared
Three of the first 15 cabinet and White House appointments earned degrees from the London School of Economics, illustrating a broader point about the new regime’s composition
How Britain flirts with disaster Martin Wolf on the pre-Budget report
Bolivarian bravado As Chávez prepares to mark a decade in power in Venezuela, there are growing doubts over his achievements
Credit creationism Measures to limit the severity of the present crisis without exacerbating long-term risks will test their balancing skills
What matters now is that the Indian government does not overreact. Otherwise, the attackers really will have got the terror formula right
Business fears over Chinese-French rift Business leaders expressed concern that French commercial interests in China could be harmed in the wake of the cancellation of a sum
Lithuania vows not to follow Hungary to IMF Lithuania faces a sharp contraction of economic growth next year, but is determined not to follow the example of Hungary and Latvia and turn to international institutions for emergency help, Lithuania’s incoming prime minister says
| H15 Los Angeles Times Iraq lawmakers OK pact allowing U.S. forces to stay through 2011 Iraqi lawmakers today approved a pact allowing U.S. forces to stay in the country through 2011 after winning support from skeptics by promising a public referendum on the plan
Al Qaeda just one suspect in India terrorist attacks Several extremist groups have been active in India and may have been involved in the Mumbai attack
Cyber-attack on Defense Department raises concerns The 'malware' strike, thought to be from inside Russia, hit combat zone computers and the U.S. Central Command overseeing Iraq and Afghanistan
Opium poppy harvest declines 6% in Afghanistan Eradication effort, along with drought and a global food shortage that boosted the price of wheat, cut production of the crop, which is used to make heroin
Editorial |
The Economist Barack Obama's economic team Off to work they go
The transition 2 Masters of war
Bailing out the carmakers A catalytic conversion
Lexington Head of State The Obama-Clinton soap opera is set to run for another few yearsObama Picks Foxes to Guard Henhouse - Robert Scheer, SF Chronicle
Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin
| H17 Daily Telegraph Barack Obama turns to the old guard Little more than three weeks after Mr Obama achieved his victory, many who voted for him are starting to fear that they are in for a Clinton third term, writes Con Coughlin.
We must stand shoulder to shoulder with India The attack by Islamist terrorists on Mumbai was the eighth such outrage in India since May, but by far the most sophisticated and bloody.
| H18 Independent Grief, relief and fear as the battle of Mumbai still rages As the death toll rose to 119, the last, defiant militants continued to hold out in the face of a fierce offensive by Indian commandos.
Leading article: A terrorist atrocity with tangled regional roots
How terror unfolded: They came by boat to kill their enemies
The Investigation: India's nightmare: were the killers home-grown?
31 December 2011: day the last US soldier leaves Iraq After tortuous negotiations, Baghdad parliament sets definitive timetable for American withdrawal . Hamish McRae: The question is how to spend our way out of this global recesssion |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism
Los Angeles Times Cyber-attack on Defense Department raises concerns The 'malware' strike, thought to be from inside Russia, hit combat zone computers and the U.S. Central Command overseeing Iraq and Afghanistan
Effects-Based Approaches to Operations: Canadian Perspectives Canadian Department of National Defence A 266-page Canadian monograph analyzing the militsry concept of effects-based operations from the Canadian perspective
Closing Down The Dark Side ( Barack Obama is already under pressure to roll back the harsher facets of the Bush Administration's war on terrorism. Why some liberals may be disappointed | H20 Slate
A Global Policy Package to Address the Global Crisis ILO
Smoking, governments and health A wisp of public-spiritedness
| H21 Anthropology is at war with itself, split into two schools: social anthropologists on one side, evolutionary anthropologists on the other... more»
Is Google Deal a Setback for Rival Digitization Efforts?
Anti-intellectualism in presidential speeches is a serious problem because of the way it allows public discourse to be infected with demagoguery... more»
50 Places for Free Books Online
Season's ReadingsThe editorial page's annual list of recommendations for the best books published in 2008. (Boston Globe)
Doris Kearns Goodwin discusses Lincoln, Obama — and their 'rivals'
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