103108f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | ||
H1 Washington Post Intelligence Chief Warns of Risks The next U.S. president will govern in an era of increasing international instability, official says By Charles Krauthammer, He is the quintessential center-right candidate for a center-right country. Washington Institute Kirkuk: The Land the Surge Forgot Though it remains a political flashpoint, the Iraqi province of Kirkuk suffers from a largely overlooked security crisis that has improved little since the start of the U.S. military "surge." Michael Knights writes Stratfor Iraq, US: The Latest on the Status of Forces Agreement The Economist The presidential election It's time America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world Time How They Would Lead ( No matter who wins, the 44th U.S. President will inherit a nation in a world of hurt. A look at how each man would face an epic challenge The Candidates on the Issues ( Much has been written about the differences between McCain and Obama, but the race remains a contest of issues. Here are side-by-side comparisons of both candidates on seven key issue, in their own words A Tale of Two Wars: Iraq Reduced violence has paved the way for a U.S. pullback. But the battles for power--and for the country's future--are still being fought A Tale of Two Wars: Afghanistan Corruption, drugs and a weak central government have the country in a 'downward spiral.' Is talking to the Taliban the answer? Jonathan Karl / ABCNEWS: Resilience of American Power - Fouad Ajami, US News & World Report Wall Street Journal Obama and the Runaway Train By Peggy Noonan Declarations: The race, the case, a hope for grace. Iraq Wants Guarantee of U.S. Departure Iraq wants to remove any possibility that U.S. troops could remain after 2011 from a proposed security agreement now under negotiation Pierre Thomas / ABCNEWS: Exclusive: U.S. Expects Bin Laden Message Near Election — Analysts: OBL Could Speak Out in an Effort to Prove His Relevance — Multiple senior government officials tell ABC News the intelligence community is anticipating a message from Osama bin Laden before or just after the presidential election. Guardian Back to the future in the Caspian corridor Simon Tisdall: Russia's attempts to re-establish its Soviet-era spheres of influence seem to have caught the US on the hop An abuse of power James Denselow: The American raid into Syria has damaged its relationship with the Iraqi government The Bush gang's parting gift: a final, frantic looting of public wealth Naomi Klein: The US bail-out amounts to a strings-free, public-funded windfall for big business. Welcome to no-risk capitalism The moment for McCain Reihan Salam: He might not have had a great campaign, but still the Republican is the best man to unite America McCain team claims Obama's lead is narrowing Republican team 'still fighting' as presidential hopefuls embark on final multi-state campaign blitz New York Times Economy Shrinks With Consumers Leading the Way The economy contracted from July through September, the government reported, while consumer spending dipped for the first time in 17 years. Alternatives to the G.D.P. Growing Doubts on Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds Though a focus on taxes is helping John McCain, Sarah Palin is weighing down the Republican ticket, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Full Results (pdf) DAVID BROOKS A National Mobility Project A mobility project would dovetail with the energy initiatives both presidential candidates have offered. And it could, in the long term, rebalance this economy National Interest Russian Roulette by Dimitri K. Simes Iranian Resurrection by Robert Baer Iran is becoming a superpower. Funding proxy armies, controlling vital energy hubs and winning the heart of the Arab street, Tehran has created a sphere of influence on an imperial scale. If we don’t do something—and soon—Iran, not China or Russia, will be the West’s global nemesis by Daniel W. Drezner Cross-Border Attack on Syria Raises Iranian Eyebrows - Council on Foreign Relations Time Joe Klein Priorities for the New President His challenge from the start will be getting two big issues--one foreign, one domestic--right Time Will More US Troops Really Help in Afghanistan? Q&A: Top Obama Strategist David Axelrod NYRB The Co-President at Work The shallowest charge against Dick Cheney is that he somehow inserted himself into the vice-presidency by heading the team that examined other candidates for the job. He used the position deviously, so the story goes, to sell himself to the susceptible younger Bush. The truth is both simpler and more strange Jerusalem Post 'Iran weighing secret nuclear work' Intelligence provided by IAEA state shows Teheran tested ways of recovering highly enriched uranium. Middle East Challenges for Next President – Conference on Arab-US Relations & Presidential Transition Expanding War, Contracting Meaning by Andrew J. Bacevich and Tom Engelhardt Analysis: Bush Foreign-Policy Goals Largely Unmet MESH U.S. strikes Al Qaeda in Syria. Facing 21st Century Global Threats: Collective Security at a Crossroads Bush's Booby Traps for Obama By: Rosa Brooks | Los Angeles Times Ever since Joe Biden suggested that the world would "test" Barack Obama if he becomes president, the McCain campaign has been hoping to make political hay out of the remark. "We don't want a president who invites testing from the world," John McCain warned voters. McClatchy Economists say Obama, McCain can't do much to close wealth gap The gap between rich and poor in America has grown bigger in recent years than any time since the 1920s, and there are no easy ways for the presidential candidates to close it Globalization and the New Nationalism Collide The Times US isn't about to become liberal heaven Yes, Americans will be voting for Obama and change. But they don't want radicalism Gerard Baker Religion remains fundamental to US politics A passion for conservative values has united diverse Christian groups, giving them influence way beyond their numbers Susan Jacoby Financial Times Blame the party, not the campaign The idiotic neocons, culture warriors and talk-radio crowd must share responsibility. And do not forget the silly free-marketers now lining up to apologise for failed economic policy. But it was the Republican icons who created John McCain’s predicament, writes James Carville Amid the turmoil, do not forget the poor Rich nations must not use the crisis as a pretext for abandoning developing nations, write Kofi Annan, Michel Camdessus and Robert Rubin Questions for nations left out of magic circle Concerns were raised over moves by the Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund to make dollars available quickly and without conditions to a select group of emerging markets Crisis-hit Russia must scale down its ambition The idea that Moscow can use its energy resources to boost its world power without regard to anyone else has been destroyed, writes Robert Skidelsky. It is an emerging nation Demise of Reaganomics poses grave intellectual challenge to Republicans Winner will face Washington conundrum Given the many examples of presidents coming to Washington promising a new broom only to find the existing one more useful, both John McCain and Barack Obama face strong scepticism about whether they will follow through Ha’aretz – Poll: Absentee voters in Israel back McCain over Obama by 3-1 UN watchdog: Iran holding secret tests to advance nuclear program Iran recently tested ways of recovering highly enriched uranium from waste reactor fuel, says IAEA member Official: Olmert intends to resume indirect talks with Syria Danish FM: Assad willing to conduct direct negotiations if Israel accepts Syrian preconditions Report: Syria cuts diplomatic ties with Iraq over U.S. raid Syria has also decided to reduce its troops on the border with Iraq, Syrian TV reports Yedioth Ahronoth No compromise with Iran Israel must take stand against evil instead of counting on America or UN, Robert Onley says US will continue to lead/ Ofir Haivry Despite financial crisis, no state currently able to match American dominance Asia Times Iraq stands firm against US threat The threat by the George W Bush administration to withdraw all economic and military support from the Iraqi government if it does not ratify a pact to regulate the US presence in the country has fallen on deaf ears. Certainly, the financial loss will hurt, but more than anything politicians - acutely aware of the country's history - know what their fate will be if they are perceived as "agents for the Americans". - Gareth Porter IAEA misses the mark on Iran Bernanke's last reel America and Syria: a political raid, Paul Rogers | Şanlı Bahadır Koç – ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri PDF Türkiye artık bir Amerikan müttefiki değil Akan kan dursun “Türkiye artık Amerika’nın müttefiki değil” Terörle mücadeleye yeni strateji önerileri USAK’s report suggests controversial solutions to solve terrorism ... Destruction of Turkish Outpost by PKK Leads to Counterterrorism Reforms Emrullah Uslu CAN THE TURKISH GOVERNMENT’S PLANS FOR SOLVING THE KURDISH QUESTION WORK? Barzani wants to visit Turkey to discuss PKK PM communicates concerns over border violation Barzani sends good wishes to Turkey Sami Kohen Farklı bir Barzani Ferai Tınç Amerikan seçimleri ve dış politika Fransa da şikâyetçi: Daha fazla fasıl açmak istiyoruz; ama engelliyorlar Rejoice! Rejoice! Obama is coming! MUSTAFA AKYOL
FT Sabanci prepares for weak Turkish growth NATO'ya kafa tutan Somalili korsanlar Türk gemisini kaçırdı Turkish Ship Hijacked Off Somalia; 6 Others Escape İsrail’den Ankara’ya Ahmedinecad tepkisi [Haber Yorum - Fehmi Hüveydi] Türkler bizim boşluğumuzu dolduruyor Dava komik, ‘Ergenekon’ gerçek GrenvIlle Byford "Türkiye- Irak ilişkileri iyi bir seviyeye ulaştı" Babacan says government program for EU reforms almost finalized "Türkiye ile diyalogda sonuç önemli" İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit ASAM Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national Gülay Göktürk Özerklik ya da federasyon Kürt sorunu ile mücadele: Yöntem ne olmalı? İSMET BERKAN DTP:Federalizm yada etnisiteye dayalı özerkliği savunmuyoruz Adem Yavuz Arslan Koordinatörlük fare mi doğuracak? Mehmet Yılmaz 'Barzani ile temas olumlu ama...' Bülent Korucu DTP'yi halk kapatsın First Armenian, then Pontian, and now Kurdish genocide? by CENAP ÇAKMAK* Full implementation of Article 140 may take two more years DTP'den ‘Öcalan’ mesajı Terör örgütü PKK'nın amacı DTP'yi kapattırmak DTP to consider pulling out of Parliament if party is closed Çatışmalar ne DTP'ye yarar ne AKP'ye Israel to deliver two UAVs to Turkey in late November DTP to consider pulling out of Parliament if party is closed USAK’s report suggests controversial solutions to solve terrorism ... DTP'den Evren'li Atatürk'lü savunma Cevdet Aşkın Çatışmalar ne DTP'ye yarar ne AKP'ye 'Terör listesine almak sorunu çözmüyor' Meclis’in tüm Kürt vekilleri birleşiniz Turkey hosts Afghan, Pakistani meeting On Turkey’s role as a regional economic power DTP: Kitap çarpıtıldı, federasyon talebimiz yok Gül uyardı; vekiller gerilimi düşürmek için buluşuyor Heritage Oil contracts rig to drill well in the Kurdistan region ... Yüz yıl sonra ilk uyanış: Türkiye kimleri korkuttu? Kürt sorununu çözmezseniz olmaz mı? Embassy Row A crowded reception Wednesday night in Washington for Massoud Barzani, the president of the Kurdish Regional Government 'Türkiye'de Doğu'yu kalkındırmak istiyoruz' Kurds unite for Iraq's provincial elections Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık Alman şantajı EurasiaNet ARMENIA: CONTEMPLATING LIFE AS A REGIONAL ELECTRICITY EXPORTER Armenia may have no energy sources of its own, but the country stands potentially poised to become a major exporter of electricity in the South Caucasus and beyond, analysts say. Turkish-Armenian feud a factor in race Schröder: AB, Türkiye'nin önemini anladı EU progress report, the headscarf and press accreditation Türkiye sosyal, ekonomik siyasi dönüşüm geçirmeli Verheugen sure Turkey's high growth rate will continue President Gül encourages ‘new climate’ in Caucasus Kutlay Erk: AKEL bağnaz bir sol parti Fransa'dan 29 Ekim jesti Korsanlar Türk Gemisini Kaçırdı Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop Can Dündar ‘Napolyon’u taklit etmeli’ Searching for the ghosts of İstanbul past Kemal persuaded to accept award History of Byzantium at Royal Academy İş Bankası Kapital'i basıyor, Yapı kredi Hegel konferansı yapıyor | Perinçek Erdoğan'ı öldürtmek istedi, 1 numara onu engelledi Başbakanlık, Başbuğ'un açılımını doğrulamadı Ergenekon sanığı, İmralı'da Öcalan'la görüşmüş Emekli İstihbaratçı susurluk çetesinin infaz timini anlattı Unakıtan kendini mi affediyor! Gül'den yeni ABD başkanına mesaj Selanikli olduğuma seviniyorum İşkencede artış endişe verici Savcı küfürleri okudu duruşma karıştı! CHP'den Ergenekon davasına ilk destek: Faili meçhul cinayetler ortaya çıkıyor CHP Unakıtan’ın peşini bırakmıyor Ergenekon duruşmasında herkes ayrı telden çalıyor 'Hayal'lerin davaları birleştirildi CHP'de Önder Sav'ın yetkilerine tırpan Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman GH Türkiye Birinci Sayfalar Akşam Birgün Bugün Cumhuriyet Dünya Hürriyet Milli Gazete Milliyet Posta Radikal Referans Sabah Star Taraf Tercüman Türkiye Vakit Vatan Yeni Şafak Zaman Arşiv Cengiz Çandar 'Beyaz Kale'nin siyah gururu Ruşen - Çakır Mutabakat iyi ama... Taha Akyol Karşı devrim! Fikret Bila Gül: Hepimiz aynı kazanda kaynamışız Hasan Cemal Zart zurtçu, 'ümük'çü, milliyetçi havayla seçim kazanılıyor ama... Murat Yetkin Japon Büyükelçisi: Türkiye IMF ile anlaşmalı, Vaşington son şans İsmet Berkan Kürt sorunu ile mücadele: Yöntem ne olmalı? Fehmi Koru Bu ayıpla uzun yola gidilmez Taha Kıvanç Demek bunu da yapacaklardı... Şamil Tayyar Savcı Öz’e dokunabilirler mi? Ali Bayramoğlu Askeri Cumhuriyet… Ahmet Hakan Başbuğ’dan açık rica Hüseyin Gülerce CHP, Ergenekon durağında iktidar bekliyor... M Ali Birand İstanbul coşkulu, Ankara heyecansızdı Mustafa Ünal MHP'nin Diyarbakır sürprizi Mümtazer Türköne Başbuğ'un sivil vizyonu Eser Karakaş Bir brifingin ardından Mehmet Altan Pestisist Rıza Türmen Cumhuriyeti seviyorum Oktay Ekşi Biz de destekleyelim Özdemir İnce Liselinin psikolojisi ilahiyatçıya emanet Mehmet Y Yılmaz İşin sırrını en sonunda çözdüm! Tufan Türenç Ümüğünü sıktırmamak şimdi mi aklına geldi Yalçın Doğan Adli tıp fena çuvallıyor Serdar Akinan İsmail Küçükkaya MUHARREM SARIKAYA "Siyasetçinin inandırıcılığı" ENGİN ARDIÇ Ekşi ekşi saçmalıyor ERGUN BABAHAN Bıçak kemiğe dayanmış NAZLI ILICAK Ankara, Gökçek ve Karayalçın MEHMET BARLAS Her Türk "Mustafa"da kendinden bir şeyler buluyordur... [Yorum - Yard. Doc. Dr. Cemal Fedayi] Ergenekon neden yüzyılın davası? [Haber Yorum - İhsan Dağı] Her okulda bir cumhuriyet mitingi MAHMUT ÖVÜR Sağlık Bakanlığı'nda '4x4 tırtıl' kıyaklı ihale YAVUZ DONAT Deniz Baykal "törenlerde" neden yoktu? Bitmeyen belalı günler Hüseyin Üzmez ve Adana Valisi SP ve ANAP kongreleri Muhatap aramak Sabahattin Önkibar Turkcell'in Atatürk hassasiyeti Yaşar Büyükanıt'ta niye yok? Derya Sazak Tek adam AKP’li kadınlar tacizciyi üzecek Nasuhi Güngör ‘Mustafa’ bize ne söylüyor? Serdar Turgut Medya Faşizmi nedir? Etyen Mahçupyan Political vacuum in military guardianship Ekonomi Deniz Gökçe Ercan Kumcu Elini veren kolunu kurtaramıyor Hurşit Güneş Kriz neoliberalizmi yüzleşmeye sürükledi Güngör Uras Başbakan “IMF’ye hayır”, Bakan’ı “Evet” diyor Mevduata güvence yetkisi hükümete geçti ‘Merkezden’ uzaklaşıyoruz Ercan İnan Mevduata tam güvence için ilk adımı dün attılar Dünya Ekonomik Forumu’nun ilk gününden ’durgunluk’ mesajı çıktı WEF in Turkey tries to diagnose global crisis Mevduata güvence artıyor Metin Münir Kriz Türkiye’yi, Türkiye dünyayı teğet geçiyor Güven Sak ABD Merkez Bankası neden bizi seviyor Haluk Bürümcekçi Piyasaların başkaldırısı Onur Kumbaracı IMF ile olmak ya da olmamak? Aydın Ayaydın KOBİ kredilerine çözüm aranıyor Coca-Cola CEO: Turkey has a strong tradition of trading and entrepreneurial spirit |
H4 New York Times Economy Shrinks With Consumers Leading the Way The economy contracted from July through September, the government reported, while consumer spending dipped for the first time in 17 years. Alternatives to the G.D.P. Growing Doubts on Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds Though a focus on taxes is helping John McCain, Sarah Palin is weighing down the Republican ticket, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Full Results (pdf) DAVID BROOKS A National Mobility Project A mobility project would dovetail with the energy initiatives both presidential candidates have offered. And it could, in the long term, rebalance this economy PAUL KRUGMAN When Consumers Capitulate Sooner or later, American consumers were going to have to pull in their belts. But the timing of the new sobriety is deeply unfortunate. Iraqi Ministry Adopts Political Neutrality Editorial More Money for Detroit Pumping billions more taxpayer dollars into Detroit’s automakers makes sense even though the companies may go bust. Ms. Palin’s Same Old, Same Old For all the talk of a clean break from using fossil fuels, expanding domestic oil-and-gas production remains the centerpiece of Gov. Sarah Palin’s energy strategy. Gaza Journal: For War Widows, Hamas Recruits Army of Husbands McCain and Obama Advisers Briefed on Deteriorating Afghan War | H5 Washington Post Intelligence Chief Warns of Risks The next U.S. president will govern in an era of increasing international instability, official says By Charles Krauthammer, He is the quintessential center-right candidate for a center-right country. The Debates Made the Difference ANALYSIS | They might not have produced much drama, but the debates helped propel Obama. Robert G. Kaiser Predicting the Votes of the Undecided Is Unusually Hard This Year Mufson: A Turn in Energy Fortunes in Russia Editorial An 'Idiot Wind' John McCain's latest attempt to link Barack Obama to extremism By E. J. Dionne Jr., The campaign is concluding on a remarkably substantive argument COLUMN | Sprinkling money around the banking system is akin to shoveling sand against the tide In Tightfisted Turn, Economy Contracts Drop in Spending Is Drag on Growth Obama Has Lead Among Hispanics Economic Concerns Boost Democrat What's the Opposite of 'Mainstream'? Misreading the Verdict By Michael Gerson, A Democratic victory won't be an embrace of liberalism or a rejection of Palin. Northern Star Rising By Eugene Robinson I predict we'll have Sarah Palin to kick around for a long, long time The Final Hours By Kathleen Parker, What can undecided voters possibly be waiting for at this point? White House Makes a Last Push to Deregulate Wide array of federal regulations to be enacted before President Bush leaves office would weaken environmental and consumer protections. Medvedev Replaces Disliked Governor Putin Ally Unable To Quell Insurgency In Southern Region Islamic Banking: Steady in Shaky Times Principles Based on Religious Law Insulate Industry From Worst of Financial Crisis | H6 Guardian Back to the future in the Caspian corridor Simon Tisdall: Russia's attempts to re-establish its Soviet-era spheres of influence seem to have caught the US on the hop An abuse of power James Denselow: The American raid into Syria has damaged its relationship with the Iraqi government The Bush gang's parting gift: a final, frantic looting of public wealth Naomi Klein: The US bail-out amounts to a strings-free, public-funded windfall for big business. Welcome to no-risk capitalism The moment for McCain Reihan Salam: He might not have had a great campaign, but still the Republican is the best man to unite America McCain team claims Obama's lead is narrowing Republican team 'still fighting' as presidential hopefuls embark on final multi-state campaign blitz All this inner racist demon stuff is wildly overblown Martin Kettle: Despite Europe's condescension, this isn't at core a vote about colour Smith orders MI5 and CIA inquiry Exclusive: Attorney general could investigate treatment of British resident in Guantanamo Bay McCain's last stand in Defiance Republican chooses Ohio to launch his final offensive - with Joe the Plumber strangely absent Tomasky talk: Sarah Palin's future The various interpretations of Sarah Palin's 'I'm not doing this for naught' comment Suicide bomber attacks key ministry in Kabul Foreign advisers targeted in assault on high-security site only yards from presidential palace Suffering without end Editorial: The 17,000-strong UN force, known as Monuc, has patently failed to protect civilian lives Greenspan should go Phillip Inman: The former chief of the Federal Reserve is now making money from his own mistakes Paying the price for cheap oil Robert Bryce: Falling oil prices may seem good to anyone suffering from the economic crisis. But it will actually hurt our long-term interests McCain's true believers Jay Mukoro: Meet the rural Ohioans who are sure John McCain is the right man to be president. But are there enough of them to win? It is wrong to sound alarms about a 'Bosnian powder keg' Response: Defending the existence of Republika Srpska is not an extreme nationalist position, says Gordan Milosevic |
H7 Middle East Challenges for Next President – by Paul R. Pillar Expanding War, Contracting Meaning by Andrew J. Bacevich and Tom Engelhardt Analysis: Bush Foreign-Policy Goals Largely Unmet Bush's Booby Traps for Obama By: Rosa Brooks | Los Angeles Times Ever since Joe Biden suggested that the world would "test" Barack Obama if he becomes president, the McCain campaign has been hoping to make political hay out of the remark. "We don't want a president who invites testing from the world," John McCain warned voters. The American Leader That the International Community Needs By: Chris Patten | The Daily Star Lebanon's Enemy Within - Michael J. Totten (Commentary) US Needs to Update Nuclear Arsenal - Robert Gates, Carnegie Endowment Can Condi Rice Emancipate Herself? - Marc Hujer, Der Spiegel Syria and Bush's Last Gasp Abroad - Michael Jansen, Jordan Times Who Rules Iran? By: Akbar Ganji | Foreign Affairs Iraq Stands Firm Against U.S. Threat By: Gareth Porter | Asia Times The threat by the George W Bush administration to withdraw all economic and military support from the Iraqi government if it does not ratify a pact to regulate the US presence in the country has fallen on deaf ears. The Test This Time By: Donald Lambro | The Washington Times Fork in the Road By: Clifford D. May | National Review | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq UN Intel Claims Iran Plans Secret Nuclear Experiments Syrian Leader Makes Strategic Decision to Turn the Other Cheek – US: Iraqi Politics Stalling Security Pact Iraq Opposes Any Clause Letting US Stay After 2011 Iran Leader Signals Not Time for Thaw in U.S. Ties W. House Dismisses Doubts as Iraq Talks Falter Syrians stage mass anti-US rally Thousands of people hold a peaceful protest in Damascus against an alleged US raid that Syria says killed eight. Army: Syria to Deploy More Troops at Lebanese Border | H9 Ha’aretz – Poll: Absentee voters in Israel back McCain over Obama by 3-1 UN watchdog: Iran holding secret tests to advance nuclear program Iran recently tested ways of recovering highly enriched uranium from waste reactor fuel, says IAEA member Official: Olmert intends to resume indirect talks with Syria Danish FM: Assad willing to conduct direct negotiations if Israel accepts Syrian preconditions Report: Syria cuts diplomatic ties with Iraq over U.S. raid Syria has also decided to reduce its troops on the border with Iraq, Syrian TV reports Jerusalem Post 'Iran weighing secret nuclear work' Intelligence provided by IAEA state shows Teheran tested ways of recovering highly enriched uranium. Syrian haven for killers, then and now US response to Syria's shelter policy - of Nazis or Qaida - is ambivalent. Ironies of Israeli-Palestinian relations [ LOUIS RENÉ BERES, Was Bush wrong about everything? [ JONATHAN TOBIN Obama Will Keep Israel Safe and Strong - Stuart Eizenstat, Jerusalem Post Yedioth Ahronoth No compromise with Iran Israel must take stand against evil instead of counting on America or UN, Robert Onley says US will continue to lead/ Ofir Haivry Despite financial crisis, no state currently able to match American dominance Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine “Anti-Semitism has no fixed pattern. It’s like a virus that changes,” says Bernard-Henri Lévy. It is forever trying to tie itself to more acceptable beliefs... more» Rice plans late visit to Mid-East The Economist Israel Into the electoral maze Elections in Israel Tzipi or Bibi? Syria A puzzling raid |
H10 Christian Science MonitorFinancial crisis, Part 2 Developing countries need urgent help. The IMF is acting quickly, but it needs help, too China acts to stem the tide of officials fleeing with cash As many as 10,000 corrupt government officials have fled China with $100 billion. The duty of American Muslims this election Forget self-pity. Make your voice a constructive one. Insurgents increasingly employing complex attacks in Afghanistan Thursday's strike on an Afghan ministry was carried out by a team using multiple attack methods. Quake aid for Pakistan's neglected The government's disaster relief in Balochistan comes amid ongoing efforts to reach out to the troubled province. India and the Next US President - Siddharth Varadarajan, The Hindu Elections Stirs Yearnings, Warnings in China By: Chris O'Brien | The Washington Times Double Standard on Global Crisis By: Ramzy Baroud | The Japan Times Like China's capitalism operating under communist symbols, the U.S., Britain and others are becoming increasingly socialist under capitalist symbols. Of course, it's not socialism for the downtrodden, but corporate welfare in its most stark manifestations More Shocks for Shattered Pakistan By: Syed Saleem Shahzad | Asia Times Pakistan, reeling from a devastating earthquake, has just days to secure loans to save its economy. At the same time, United States General David Petraeus, on the very day he takes over at the helm at Central Command on Friday, will press Islamabad to step up its fight on militancy The meeting this week between Afghan, Pakistan, and Taliban political and tribal leaders may be a good sign that relationships are thawing along the world's most conflict-ridden border. (Boston Globe) Afghan Insurgents Employing Complex Attacks | H11 IHT James Carroll: Our future with Russia What the world needs now is an unprecedented strategic partnership between Moscow and Washington, bridging Europe and Asia, north and south, as the ground of political and economic renewal. The paradox of an unattractive Russia By SLAWOMIR DEBSKI Russia's problem is that it can't attract anyone by peaceful means because it has little to offer. Politics and peace By YOSSI ALPHER Israelis traditionally punish prime ministers who are not on good terms with Washington Car bomb in Spain injures at least 17 By DALE FUCHS The bomb exploded in a parking lot at the University of Navarra at 11 a.m., according to the Interior Ministry in Madrid. Sarkozy boldly attacks financial crisis, but Europe wants results Initially praised for his leadership and quick response to the crisis, the French president is facing increasing pressure as the European recession gathers pace. New worries grip Russian economy Russian cash reserves have fallen to $484 billion, from a peak of just under $600 billion, putting the success of the economy in doubt. EUROPE European press review A review of books on EU-rope’s constitutionalization The Economist Germany's foreign policy The Berlin stonewall Charlemagne Europe's baleful bail-outs Italy Helped 'Save' Gaddafi by Warning of US Air Raid Prominent German Politician Questions EU’s Ties with Moscow by Andrew Kohut and Richard Wike | H12 RFE/RL Georgia: What Motivated President Saakashvili to Rotate Prime Ministers? Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili has been a key player on issues ranging from Tbilisi's NATO bid to its conflict with Russia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In an exclusive interview with RFE/RL correspondent Brian Whitmore, Tkeshelashvili discusses her country's future after the war with Russia, and how Georgia plans to get Abkhazia and South Ossetia back EDM GEORGIAN OFFICIALS ADMIT THEY MISREAD RUSSIAN INTENTIONS
"Who's Who in the Azerbaijani Opposition" Google News Azerbaijan The Kashagan Field: A Test Case for Kazakhstan's Governance of its Oil and Gas Sectors IFRI A 51-page French study focusing on the factors behind Kazakhstan's decision to renegotiate the terms of the existing production-sharing agreements with international oil companies Paradox of an Unattractive Russia - Slawomir Debski, Int'l Herald Tribune Peeved But Not Protesting By: Boris Kagarlitsky | The Moscow Times The Looming Depression By: Alexei Bayer | The Moscow Times Ukraine Reaches for IMF Rescue Loan By: Sabrina Tavernise | The New York Times Ukraine’s Parliament put aside weeks of political infighting on Wednesday to give initial approval for legislation that would secure an emergency loan from the International Monetary Fund to help ease the country’s ailing finances. Russia Pushes an 'OPEC' for Natural Gas Nations By: Fred Weir | The Christian Science Monitor |
H13 The Times US isn't about to become liberal heaven Yes, Americans will be voting for Obama and change. But they don't want radicalism Gerard Baker Religion remains fundamental to US politics A passion for conservative values has united diverse Christian groups, giving them influence way beyond their numbers Susan Jacoby The Impact of Energy The collapse in oil prices since the summer is a mixed gain for the global economy Swinging polls raise doubt over Democrat lead McCain still insists election is too close to call, as Obama campaign deploys battery of firepower in key states US Presidents ranked - and look who's not even made the top 10 Obama lays plans to deaden expectation after win One senior adviser told The Times the message was needed to prevent a swing 'from exhilaration to despair' Wall Street Journal Obama and the Runaway Train By Peggy Noonan Declarations: The race, the case, a hope for grace. Iraq Wants Guarantee of U.S. Departure Iraq wants to remove any possibility that U.S. troops could remain after 2011 from a proposed security agreement now under negotiation Frederick W. Kagan: Security Should Be the Deciding Issue Don't Just Do Something. Stand There. By Russell Roberts IMF Creates $100 Million Fund to Aid Crisis Fight By: Bob David, Marcus Walker and John Lyons | The Wall Street Journal McCain Pins Hopes on Party Faithful in Ohio With McCain trailing in the polls in Ohio, Republicans are pinning their hopes on a vigorous get-out-the-vote effort in the final days before the election. Geopolitical Diary: Third Quarter GDP in Geopolitical Perspective From Eureka Street, an article on Joseph Stiglitz, the chuckling economist (and more). | H14 Financial Times Blame the party, not the campaign The idiotic neocons, culture warriors and talk-radio crowd must share responsibility. And do not forget the silly free-marketers now lining up to apologise for failed economic policy. But it was the Republican icons who created John McCain’s predicament, writes James Carville Amid the turmoil, do not forget the poor Rich nations must not use the crisis as a pretext for abandoning developing nations, write Kofi Annan, Michel Camdessus and Robert Rubin Questions for nations left out of magic circle Concerns were raised over moves by the Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund to make dollars available quickly and without conditions to a select group of emerging markets Crisis-hit Russia must scale down its ambition The idea that Moscow can use its energy resources to boost its world power without regard to anyone else has been destroyed, writes Robert Skidelsky. It is an emerging nation Demise of Reaganomics poses grave intellectual challenge to Republicans Winner will face Washington conundrum Given the many examples of presidents coming to Washington promising a new broom only to find the existing one more useful, both John McCain and Barack Obama face strong scepticism about whether they will follow through Consumer data raise recession fears in US Fears the US has moved into recession gathered pace as data showed that a sharp cutback in consumer spending in the third quarter drove the economy to shrink at an annualised rate of 0.3 per cent, its weakest performance in seven years Obama sticks to economic message Buoyed by a half-hour, prime time advertisement and an endorsement from Bill Clinton that “Obama is the man”, Barack Obama embarked on the final stretch of the campaign with appearances scheduled in eight key states Why Detroit is not Wall Street Creating a welfare system that is fair and sustainable for all involved would provide far better value for money than bailing out the car industry Persuading banks to lend again The government should leave drastic plans on the shelf for now and remind banks that, should persuasion fail, public outrage will ensure that those plans gather no dust Crisis saps European confidence Economic confidence in the European Union saw its biggest fall to date this month and the global bank crisis has generated the bleakest outlook since the early 1990s, according to a closely-watched survey US closes Syria embassy for a day The US closed its embassy in Syria for a day, to avoid trouble during an anti-US demonstration amid increased tensions between Washington and Damascus after a US raid on its territory Only certainty is that something will go wrong With thousands of different ballots for contests ranging from the county level to the presidential race, mishaps, uncounted votes and electoral irregularities are inevitable Bank of Japan cuts interest rates The Bank of Japan cut interest rates for the first time in seven years, lowering its key rate to 0.30% from 0.50% amid rising concerns about Japan’s growth outlook German unemployment falls below 3m Unemployment in Germany fell under the 3m mark this month, the first time it has done so in 16 years, though the government’s labour market experts warned it would begin to rise again by the middle of next year as the economy slows | H15 Los Angeles Times What's up with still-undecided voters? In Florida and Ohio, those who haven't made up their minds could tip the election. Interviews indicate they're earnest and deliberative about the monumental decision ahead. Obama's remarks on China are rhetoric, some say His letter to a textiles group raises a few eyebrows among analysts, but they note that China has been largely ignored in the election thus far IRAN: No Afghan peace without Tehran, former Reagan administration ... U.S. airstrike killed key Al Qaeda figure in Pakistan, officials say U.S. anti-terrorism forces appear to be targeting second-tier leaders who run the network's day-to-day operations Economic data point to the start of a recession U.S. airstrike killed key Al Qaeda figure in Pakistan, official says Editorial Somalia's pirate problem grows more rampant For many Somalis on the coast, piracy is the only way to earn a living in a country without a functioning government and faced with soaring inflation, civil war and rising malnutrition |
WaPo-ABC Tracking: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do — Sen. John McCain has made no evident headway in separating himself from President Bush in the final days of the campaign, and that connection continues to be a drag on his candidacy Obama Will Keep Israel Safe and Strong - Stuart Eizenstat, Jerusalem Post Growing Doubts on Palin Take a Toll, Poll Finds — A growing number of voters have concluded that Senator John McCain's running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, is not qualified to be vice president, weighing down the Republican ticket in the last days of the campaign, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. The Economist Age and America's election Age shall not wither them The youth vote Their poster boy Lexington Two cheers for American democracy Win or Lose, Republicans Will Revisit the Party’s Image Infomercial for Obama Is Big Success in Ratings by Jacob Heilbrunn The conservative movement is cracking up—just look at three memoirs of former administration officials. These new books may engage in justification and self-aggrandizement, but they do prescribe salves for fixing the conservative experiment. realclearpolitics memeorandum Politico ABC’s The Note – MSNBC FirstRead – Time ThePage Politico Playbook PoliticsHome fivethirtyeight US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Qaeda wants Republicans, Bush “humiliated”: Web video McCain could still win — if everything broke his way Rahm Emanuel: Obama's chief of staff? Poll finds 23% of Texans think Obama is Muslim Martin Kramer / Sandbox: Michael Barone / US News: Matthew Yglesias reviews The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule by Thomas Frank. Is the Southern Strategy dead? Harold Meyerson investigates A Fateful Election: What's at Stake by Russell Baker, David Bromwich, Mark Danner, Andrew Delbanco, Joan Didion, Ronald Dworkin, Frances Fitzgerald, Timothy Garton Ash, Paul Krugman, Joseph Lelyveld, Darryl Pinckney, Thomas Powers, Michael Tomasky, and Garry Wills | H17 Daily Telegraph Britain needs a plan for Afghanistan John Hutton, the new Defence Secretary, is right to concentrate on defeating the Taliban insurgency, says Con Coughlin. Credit crunch slashes Conservative poll lead The Tory poll lead over Labour has fallen from 24 points to single figures in five months, a poll for The Daily Telegraph shows | H18 Independent |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism Framing a Problem Populace-Centric Engagement Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations 2000-2007 CRS An 80-page (annual) rport on arms sales to developing countries by the US and other nations Intelligence Head Says Next President Faces Volatile Era CIA Officers Could Face Trial in Britain Over Torture Allegations | H20 Slate John Dickerson / Slate: The McCain campaign is unusually upbeat. Does it have reason to be? | H21 Love and hate: the same brain circuitry is used in both extreme emotions – except that hate retains at least a semblance of rationality... more» Frankenstein. A late Faust myth, or an early mad scientist story? Proletariat running amok, or the id on the rampage? Maybe the perils a man trying to have a baby without a woman... more» Hollywood’s own judgments on its movies have been self-regarding and boneheaded, as those of academics have been faddish. Then there is David Thompson... more» Trapped in the New 'You're on Your Own' World By Robert M. Solow The Lessons of the Master 'As Good as Great Poetry Gets' By Daniel Mendelsohn |
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