053008f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc | |||
Globalization and its discontents By HENRY A. KISSINGER The growing gap between the world's political and economic orders must be closed. TLS The Jewish key to Henry Kissinger Is the ferocity of criticism for Kissinger related to the fact that he is Jewish?, asks Niall Ferguson New York Times DAVID BROOKS The Reality Situation We don’t understand the Iranians because the Iranians don’t understand themselves. Until they resolve their internal ambiguity, they won’t be able to make a strategic shift. Help Russia Help Us By RICHARD LUGAR and SAM NUNN The priority of our national security policy must be to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. This task is impossible without the cooperation of Russia Asia Times Now it's a blockade against Iran The call this week in a US media report for the George W Bush administration to drop its diplomatic efforts to get Tehran to freeze its uranium-enrichment program and instead mount a "month-long naval blockade of Iran's imports of refined gasoline" is as much a threat to Iran as it is to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. - Jim Lobe Syrian talks offer more than hot air Reaction to the tentative peace talks between Syria and Israel ranges from high optimism that an accord will be signed this year to skepticism that no deal can ever be brokered as long as the George W Bush administration remains cool to the idea. Beyond any tangible deal, though, the talks send a message from the Syrians to the Iranians, as well as to the wider world, that they want to move forward. - Sami Moubayed Washington Post U.S. Cites Big Gains Against Al-Qaeda Group Is Facing Setbacks Globally, CIA Chief Says Food Prices Predicted to Ease Before Entering Steady Climb Biofuels and Development Among Contributors Israel's Olmert Loses Key Support Minister Urges Party To Prepare for Change Carbon Chastity The First Commandment of the Church of the Environment By Charles Krauthammer Soli Özel – America and the Middle East Alternatives Internationale Guardian The road to peace in Iraq runs directly through Tehran Jonathan Steele: Hysteria over this week's arms report is misplaced, and US attempts to cast Iran as the villain of the region can only backfire Once, 'international' sounded saintly. Now it means bureaucracy and waste Simon Jenkins: From Eurovision and the Olympics to the UN and the World Bank, a deficit of accountability drains all true legitimacy Time to focus on Pakistan Colin Cookman: US intelligence officials agree al-Qaida has found a safe haven in Pakistan, yet US politicians remain preoccupied with Iraq and Iran McCain makes his multilateral mark Simon Tisdall US elections 08: The Arizona senator's belief in international citizenship makes him a partner for those seeking a common global security policy China: handle with care Hari Kunzru: Beijing's human rights record does need to be challenged - but, given the strength of nationalist feeling, we have to be careful about how Atomic scientist disowns confession Disgraced 76-year-old says Pakistan admission was forced upon him by President Pervez Musharraf Interview: Why should I talk to the IAEA? Financial Times Uncomfortable truths for a new world of them and us The politics of globalisation lags ever further behind the economics, writes Philip Stephens. For all its tacit recognition that power has been flowing eastwards, the west still wants to imagine things as they used to be - when financial crises were something that happened somewhere else Iran on track for nuclear milestone The country has made big strides in recent months and is on course to pass an important threshold for nuclear weapons capability next year, scientists and analysts say A 10-point plan for tackling the food crisis Robert Zoellick looks at how best to help those in danger France hoping to broker EU deal with Russia France hopes the European Union can reach a deal with Russia on a new strategic partnership by the end of 2008, the French prime minister said after talks with Vladimir Putin It’s curtains for Olmert The latest corruption probe is another vivid enaction of how difficult it has become to govern an Israel whose fragmented politics are in danger of turning into a spoils system Britain is better off outside the euro Martin Wolf looks at the case against joining If a country is to join the eurozone, its people must be willing to cope with the consequences forever, writes Martin Wolf LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'Dwarfs' of Europe band together to form substantial geopolitical force Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi rejects the view put forward by analysts and opponents of Iran’s fundamentalist government that he is the éminence grise of the president Interview transcript: Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi US to woo Gulf investors Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, will invite oil producers to invest their petrodollars in the US while urging them to take steps to curb the price of oil in the medium term on a tour of the Gulf that begins America cannot afford to drive away talent Overseas students are vital for the US, says Bob Greifeld Many companies rely on inventors, scientists, engineers and academics who are foreign-born but trained in America, writes Bob Greifeld The Times Iran will be first test for the new president How to respond to Iran’s nuclear ambitions looks like being the first difficult decision facing the next president of the United States Britain, the new banana republic Economic crises... unelected cabals kicking out the Prime Minister: the signs are all there Christian Science Monitor US-Iran regional power plays shift Iran's 'axis of resistance' may seem ascendant, but new chances for peace could redefine game in US's favor. A one-state solution for Palestinians and IsraelisIf the aim of the peace process is to resolve the conflict properly, then only this approach tackles the root of the problem. By Ghada Karmi A critical mess over Iran Obama and McCain say Iran must not get the bomb. They should read a new UN report. Rogue Sadr militias roam Baghdad A Mahdi Army truce holds most of the Shiite cleric's forces in check. But some terrorize residents of Risala, a Baghdad neighborhood Arab states still wary of investing in Iraq At a United Nations conference in Sweden Thursday, Iraq appealed for debt forgiveness to boost development. Asia Times A giant backward step on Iran The International Atomic Energy Agency's latest report on Iran - like previous ones - gives no evidence of safeguard breaches by Tehran in its nuclear program, that is, there is no move towards it making nuclear weapons. Yet the uncharacteristic - and sudden - negative tone of the report has played right into the hands of those who thirst in their desire to accuse Iran of nuclear proliferation. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi ( The Economist A special report on EU enlargement In the nick of time If the recent entry of 12 new EU members had been delayed much longer, it might never have happened, argues David Rennie (interviewed here). That would have been an historic error The oil price Recoil Painful though it is, this oil shock will eventually spur enormous change. Until then, beware the hunt for scapegoats Energy Double, double, oil and trouble Is it “peak oil” or a speculative bubble? Neither, really The Economist Lebanon The prospect of a wider peace If Lebanon's latest deal holds, why not bring in Syria and Israel? Nuclear proliferation Iran's endless filibuster The world must once again ratchet up its efforts to stop Iran from enriching uranium Iran Smoke and mirrors Iran makes it hard even for benevolent outsiders to understand it Daily Star As things look, Israel may well attack Iran soon Hassan Nasrallah is trapping himself By Michael Young Iran-Asia: Pipeline Politics: Iran Looks to Send Natural Gas East By: Peter Kiernan | World Politics Review Iran's huge natural gas reserves are getting greater attention from Asian energy-consuming nations, and this poses a dilemma for the American strategy to economically isolate Iran as part of a larger effort to pressure Tehran to cease its nuclear activities EurasiaNet Azerbaijan Sees Positive Signs for Energy Partnership with Turkmenistan Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has recently stepped up his ongoing campaign to promote Azerbaijan as the key to Europe’s energy security at a recent energy summit in Kyiv. But this is a role in which Baku needs a supporting actor. Azerbaijani experts believe that the Aliyev administration now has agreements with Turkmenistan to play that part. RFE/RLCentral Asia: Beijing Flexes Economic Muscle Across Region Daily Telegraph Israel massacred Palestinians, says Tutu Apartheid struggle leader Desmond Tutu completed his Gaza mission describing Israel's killing of 18 Palestinians as massacre Cheap Dollar Means Expensive Oil By: David King | The Moscow Times Back in December 2002, one dollar equaled one euro. But that exchange rate didn't last. The dollar was on its way down, a trend that had started more than a year earlier, and has lasted, with occasional oscillations, to this day. BBC Long era of cheap food over Lord Chris Patten writes that countries whose sole policy for dealing with the world's problems is to blame Bush and Cheney fail to realize that once the current U.S. administration leaves office, pressing economic and environmental problems will still need solutions. Al Awsat Taqiyah Made in USA : Amir Taheri Ha’aretz – Peres: If Assad wants peace, he should come to Jerusalem Britain looked to Israel for lessons in military deception Newly released documents show U.K. military studied IDF techniques of complex, intertwined deceptions Jonathan Spyer: Iran and their friends are winning Shimon Peres' blog: 28 thoughts on politics, power and wisdom Source: Messer evidence could help indict Olmert PA Demanding U.S.-Led International Force after Peace Agreement Senior advisor to presidential candidate: get used to nuclear Iran (WTR) Guest: "pro-Israel" groups hurt the American Jewish community Murdoch says 'rock star' Obama will win election Enlarging the European Union Chicken or Kiev? The European Union must not abandon its most successful policy when it comes to Ukraine ForaTv Michael Scheuer on Missed Chances to Get Bin Laden Charlie Rose - A conversation with author Tony Judt A conversation with author Philip Bobbitt Asia Times Europe's Asian love misplaced Wall Street Journal General McClellan's War But Is It True?By Peggy Noonan The President Has Kept Us Safe Walt and Mearsheimer Take ‘The Israel Lobby’ to Israel | H2 The Economist Enlargement enriches old as well as new members Will Turkey ever join the union? Jet fighters hit 16 PKK targets in N. Iraq ABD’den Türkiye’ye İran-Irak uzmanı büyükelçi geliyor Turkey attacks Kurdish rebels in Iraq "Suriye'ye su sözü verildi"ye yalanlama Iraqi Kurd Paper Outlines UN Plan to Solve Status of Ethnically Disputed Areas A dilemma for Turkish secularism EurasiaNet Turkey: Examining the Nuances of the Mosque-State Debate BY NICHOLAS BIRCH In early May, Olli Rehn, the European Union’s enlargement commissioner, characterized the ongoing domestic political struggle in Turkey as pitting "extreme secularists" against "Muslim democrats." There are numerous experts in Turkey who are disputing Rehn’s analysis. They contend that the political struggle -- which is now centering on a Supreme Court case on a possible ban of the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) -- is more nuanced than what appears to be the perception from Brussels Time Postcard: Istanbul Persecution drove them underground for centuries, but the ultraliberal Alevis are finally having their say. Worshipping with Turkey's unconventional Muslim minority EDM TURKEY PREPARES TO PAY THE PRICE FOR DROUGHT, POOR PLANNING AND ECONOMIC POPULISM Turkey in the EU - What the public thinks EurActiv Sami Kohen Bizim için farkı ne? Ferai Tınç Türkmenlerde ’ihmal’ tedirginliği Tarihi imza: Kazak petrolleri Türkiye'ye akacak Kurds wary of October elections in Iraq Middle East Times U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff’s Speaks to the Press Outside the Prime Ministry Ankara, Turkey (May 28, 2008) You Must Remember This By: Clifford D. May | National Review There’s an anniversary this week we might do well to recall. On May 29, 1453 -- just 555 short years ago -- troops led by Mehmed II broke through the walls of the ancient Christian capital of Constantinople. LA Times Saudi law may lead to Turk's beheading The barber was reported to the police for cursing during an argument. Turkey's president has appealed to the Saudi monarch İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national ‘Sorun ekonomik olsaydı Egeliler de dağa çıkardı!’ Ayna, Güneydoğu’daki sorunun ekonomik değil siyasal olduğunu savundu HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Kürtler ve AKP: Çatışma mı uzlaşma mı? Cevdet Aşkın Hakurk'a hava harekâtı, Türkiye'nin en 'sıcak' yazı Mehmet Metiner GAP eylem planı The Specter of Mustafa Barzani on Kirkuk Türk DTP’de genel başkanlığa soyundu AK Party deputies mulling visit to northern Iraq Opposition to Article 140 grows Operasyon bitti açıklama geldi Baykal Güneydoğu çıkarmasına hazırlanıyor Hakurk'a havadan bomba yağdırıldı Ayna: Paket açmakla Amed fethedilemez TRT’den 24 saat Kürtçe yayın imkanı Türkiye iki büyük savaşı engelledi! Şemdinli'de Alay Komutanlığı'na taciz ateşi Jet fighters hit 16 PKK targets in N. Iraq Nasuhi Güngör Lübnan ve Kürt sorunu Iraqi Vice-president Visits Turkey's Mosul Consul General Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık Turkey in the EU - What the public thinks L'Express: Türkiye'nin sessizliği, Paris'i kaygılandırıyor AP'li Sosyalistlerden Doğu Ortaklığı'na Türkiye şartı [HABER ANALİZ] Rusya-Türkiye ilişkilerini tehdit eden köpekbalıkları Turkish and Greek top generals discuss CBM Zeynel Lüle CHP'nin AB bayrağı Savaş Süzal Babacan Washington'da rekor kıracak [Haber İzlenim] Çift şapkanın faydaları ABD, Aşkabat-Bakü diyaloğundan memnun AFPA new take on the Green Line Faruk Şen 15'inci yılında Solingen Patrik hasta ama görev devri yok Sözünüzü tutun lütuf istemiyoruz Turkey Calls for Good Behaviour From France By: Elitsa Vucheva | EU Observer Ankara has said that the reluctance of some member states to clearly say that it can one day be a full member of the EU is having a negative impact on the bloc's image in the country – a comment directed at Turkey-hostile France Durmuş Hocaoğlu AB Sevdâsına Neler Oluyor?: 3 'Kıbrıslı Liderlerin Tutumu Cesaret Verici' Prime minister to visit Nakhcevan Embassy denies Sarkozy opposes Turkey because it’s Muslim Erdoğan: NGOs should be more active in Europe Akçam'a 'Soykırım Kürsüsü'nde görev Greek Cyprus parties evaluate leaders' meeting Turkish historian to study genocide Turkey reiterates efforts on Nabucco UN official confident of progress in Cyprus peace talks Cyprus to hold exercise with Greece, France despite Turkish ... "THREE GENOCIDES AND ONE GENERAL STRATEGY" Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop Global education turns Turkish teachers into world citizens Beni Ömer Şerif'in gençliğine benzettiler Diyanet'ten sorumlu bakandan flörte destek geldi Yüksek Mahkeme ‘mektupla oy’u iptal etti Telekulağa karşı nasıl önlem alınır? Turks join heavyweight division 57 polis hakında soruşturma başladı | H3 Açık çek, buyrun komisyon kuralım Beş bin kişi resmen dinliyor Emniyet ‘dinlemeyi’ kendi içinde aramayacak Kayıtta olma korkusu... Çetelerden dinlemelere bir korku cumhuriyeti 'Aranan Böcek Önder Sav'ın telefonu' çıktı Önder Sav tartışılan görüşmeyi NTV’ye anlattı AKP’den telekulak önergesi Sav, Baykal'a da demediğini bırakmamış! Dinlenme iddiası psikolojik harbe dönüştürülüyor Hükümetten CHP'ye hodri meydan: İddiaları araştırmak için ortak komisyon kuralım Vakit: Açık telefondan dinledik Emniyete göre hattı açık kaldı CHP�deki �telekulak�ı da Polatkan soruşturacak Bahçeli: Meclis araştırsın CHP'den, dinlemeyi araştıracak komisyona ret Ergenekon haberlerine 472 soruşturma açıldı Dinlemeye karşı ‘siyasi’ formüller Ergenekon’un finansman kaynakları da çözülüyor Hedef saptırıp delil karartıyorlar CHP dinlenmeyi önleyen cihaz alacak Baki Tuğ’a suikast son anda önlendi Ülke çimentosu çatladı, yeniden karmak lazım Sav'ın, inancı aşağılayan sözleri karikatür krizi gibi Baki Tuğ'a suikast girişimini MİT önledi Yassıada'da paşayı eşek yapıp sırtına bindiler! Çocuklarımız askere kızmasın diye işkenceleri anlatmadık! Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman Cengiz Çandar Beyrut'tan Brüksel'e Tuna'dan Baltık'a Ahmet TaşgetirenAtatürk nerede öldü? İstihbarat servislerinde denetim ve hesap verme CEVAT ÖNEŞ Taha Akyol ‘Kulak’ için komisyon Fikret Bila Önder Sav: Ben abdestimden eminim Hasan Cemal Gizli Kulak, kulağından tutulup sergilenmeli! Murat Yetkin Araştırmaya gerek yok, biz dinlemedik İsmet Berkan Bu leke temizlenmeli! Dolmabahçe konuşması (2) Fehmi Koru Dinleniyor muyuz? Kim dinliyor? Taha Kıvanç Ülkemize de bekleriz Hüseyin Gülerce CHP'yi sahi kim dinliyor? Şamil Tayyar Her gördüğün pijamalıyı baban sanma Emin Pazarcı Türkiye’yi sarsan gazeteci konuştu Serdar Turgut Devlette çürüme Ekrem Dumanlı Böcek, aslında bazılarının kafasında ve kalbinde Mustafa Ünal Türkiye bu ayıpla yaşamamalı İhsan Dağı AK Parti'nin kapatılması neden milli güvenlik meselesidir? Mümtazer Türköne 27 Mayıs, hangi ordunun eseri? Ali Bayramoğlu İstihbarat savaşları, itibarsızlaştırma ve kriz… “Telekulak Sav'ları” nelerin üzerini örttü? Güler Kömürcü Yasemin Çongar İdeolojik bilim, ideolojik yargı, ideolojik sol... Ertuğrul Özkök Böyle bir iftira görülmedi Ahmet Hakan Her şeyin bedeli var M Ali Birand AKP mi, yoksa biz mi sorumluyuz ? Paranoyaklar Ülkesinde Dinleme Tulûatı HASAN CELAL GÜZEL Mustafa Karaalioğlu Buradan başlayalım Aydın Ayaydın Baykal: Ortak komisyon önerisi kamuoyunu oyalamaya yönelik Onur Kumbaracıbaşı AKP’nin gerginlik ve kriz stratejisi Nuray Başaran Hukukçu olmayan mahkeme üyeleri kapatma davasına bakmamalı Some Muslims are too conservative. So what? Güneri Civaoğlu Olur böyle vakalar Güngör MengiBabacan’a pes! ‘Babacan’ın Türkiye’yi şikayet etmesi vahim’ Sabahatin Önkibar Devletini aşağılayan Babacan'ın sözleri kapatılma davasına delildir! Gülay Göktürk “Türkiye’yi kötülemek” Hurşit Güneş Gordon Brown ile Tayyip Erdoğan farkı Oktay Ekşi Babacan’ın şikáyeti Mehmet Y Yılmaz Müslümanların dini özgürlüğü yokmuş! Bülent Keneş Wiretapping and slandering Ali Bulaç Islam and modernity Etyen Mahçupyan A pleasant coup story İbrahim Kalın A new global power structure rising? MUHARREM SARIKAYA Observasyon* komisyonu... ENGİN ARDIÇ Fetih kutlamaya gerek var mı? ERGUN BABAHAN Telefonun öbür ucunda kim var? EMRE AKÖZ Telekulak müsameresinde rol paylaşımı HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Kürtler ve AKP: Çatışma mı uzlaşma mı? NAZLI ILICAK Kimin kulağı Önder Sav'ı dinledi? MEHMET BARLAS Kartel medyası dönemine özlem duyanlar gerçekleri görmelidir MAHMUT ÖVÜR Van, Başbakan Erdoğan'dan ne bekliyor? YAVUZ DONAT Deniz Baykal: "İşin tadı kaçtı" Oray Eğin Nagehan Alçı Serdar Akinan Eser Karakaş Ulusalcıların sefaleti Ahmet Kekeç Devletin valisi Önder Sav’ın özel ulağı mı? Mehmet Altan Tekme, tokat, yumruk... YASİN DOĞAN Gündem saptırma girişmeleri Ece Temelkuran ‘İyi, güzel, doğru’: Çarşı! Yusuf KANLI Plan B of AKP Büyükanıt çiftinin dava dilekçesi Government slams CHP, asks for bipartisan bugging commission Baki Tuğ’a suikast girişimi son anda önlendi "Selçuk’a erken gözaltı normal" Hasan Ersel GAP Eylem Planı'nın anımsattıkları Explore Turkey's Economy This Weekend With BLOOMBERG TV Güngör Uras Kredi kartında sorun ‘ödeyememe’ | |
H4 New York Times DAVID BROOKS The Reality Situation We don’t understand the Iranians because the Iranians don’t understand themselves. Until they resolve their internal ambiguity, they won’t be able to make a strategic shift. Help Russia Help Us By RICHARD LUGAR and SAM NUNN The priority of our national security policy must be to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. This task is impossible without the cooperation of Russia. Best Is the New Worst By SUSAN JACOBY The word “elite,” once an accolade, has turned poisonous in American public life, as both the left and the right have twisted it into a code word meaning “not one of us.”NATO Chief in Afghanistan Says Pakistan’s Tack on Militants Is Not as Expected Olmert Aide Puts New Pressure on Him to Quit Tough Questions for China On Schools and Japan Aid China Says It Will Accept Aid From Japan’s Military Arab Nations Fail to Forgive Iraq’s Debts The Energy Challenge Mounting Costs Slow the Push for Clean Coal Despite support, plans to take the carbon dioxide that spews from coal-burning power plants and pump it back into the ground have hit roadblocks. U.S. Withdraws Fulbright Grants to Gaza The American State Department has withdrawn all Fulbright grants to Palestinian students in Gaza, because Israel has not granted them permission to leave. Taste of Senate Set Capt. McCain on a New Path In John McCain’s quick transition from prisoner of war to politician, a turning point was the year 1981, when he turned down an admiral’s star to make a run for Congress. Editorial Sticker Shock and Awe at the Pentagon Congress should be willing to spend a little more to find out how much of the taxpayers’ dollars are being wasted in the Pentagon’s budget. | H5 Washington Post U.S. Cites Big Gains Against Al-Qaeda Group Is Facing Setbacks Globally, CIA Chief Says Food Prices Predicted to Ease Before Entering Steady Climb Biofuels and Development Among Contributors Israel's Olmert Loses Key Support Minister Urges Party To Prepare for Change Carbon Chastity The First Commandment of the Church of the Environment By Charles Krauthammer Letting Cap-and-Trade Work How Free Credits Increase the Cost of Cutting Carbon Emissions By Max Epstein 'Look What They've Done to Her' By E. J. Dionne Jr Anger from women at Hillary's treatment. McClellan Says Book's Tone Evolved Aide-Turned-Critic Tells of Growing Disillusionment With Bush Administration Analysis For Future White House Aides, Required Reading By Dan Balz Campaign Jousting Returns to Iraq War McCain, Obama Trade Attacks The Libertarian Jesus By Michael Gerson, Just as Jesus the leftist revolutionary is a distortion, so is Jesus the libertarian. Editorial Let Them Eat Frogs Burma's junta is willing to let its people starve while relief waits just offshore Rice Says Policy on N. Korea Is A Team Effort | H6 Guardian The road to peace in Iraq runs directly through Tehran Jonathan Steele: Hysteria over this week's arms report is misplaced, and US attempts to cast Iran as the villain of the region can only backfire Once, 'international' sounded saintly. Now it means bureaucracy and waste Simon Jenkins: From Eurovision and the Olympics to the UN and the World Bank, a deficit of accountability drains all true legitimacy Time to focus on Pakistan Colin Cookman: US intelligence officials agree al-Qaida has found a safe haven in Pakistan, yet US politicians remain preoccupied with Iraq and Iran McCain makes his multilateral mark Simon Tisdall US elections 08: The Arizona senator's belief in international citizenship makes him a partner for those seeking a common global security policy Atomic scientist disowns confession Disgraced 76-year-old says Pakistan admission was forced upon him by President Pervez Musharraf Interview: Why should I talk to the IAEA? Olmert's bitter harvest Daphna Baram
Voices from the right Sholto Byrnes
The hot-air harvest Aditya Chakrabortty China: handle with care Hari Kunzru: Beijing's human rights record does need to be challenged - but, given the strength of nationalist feeling, we have to be careful about how The future is now Brian Beutler May 29 08, 06:30pm: A new report from the US government gives a surprisingly blunt assessment of how climate change is harming the environment Tutu calls for end to blockade of Gaza Nobel laureate sent by UN Human Rights Council to investigate deaths of 18 Palestinians Confidence in the UK's economy evaporates Biggest slump in consumer confidence since the onset of the last UK recession in autumn 1990 Time to talk to al-Qaida, Orde urges Britain should negotiate with leaders of al-Qaida to end its violent campaign, says senior police chief Obama sets sights on finishing line Democratic frontrunner hopes party showdown with Clinton and final primaries will gain him nomination Blair launches inter-faith foundation Ex-PM declares he wants to devote his life to promoting understanding between the world's religions More meat, more trouble Global food crisis: Rising demand for meat in China is destabilising world food prices Sticking Bush to McCain Tony Munter US elections 2008: Obama's best strategy is to link his Republican rival to the failings of the current president Bishop's move Leader: The editors of the new rightwing political magazine Standpoint knew they were on to a winner when they commissioned the Bishop of Rochester to write for their first edition | |
H7 Pipline Politics: Iran Looks to Send Natural Gas East By: Peter Kiernan | World Politics Review Cheap Dollar Means Expensive Oil By: David King | The Moscow Times BBC Long era of cheap food over Lord Chris Patten writes that countries whose sole policy for dealing with the world's problems is to blame Bush and Cheney fail to realize that once the current U.S. administration leaves office, pressing economic and environmental problems will still need solutions. U.S. Is Unwise to Deny Iran's Key Role in the Gulf By: Ethan Chorin | Financial Times An Open Source Center Look at Iranian Schoolbooks “Iranian Textbooks: Content and Context,” SAIC Research Report, 31 December 2007. Daily Star Lebanon needs a Cabinet, not a new forum for reckless rhetoric | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq Iraq 'stepping back from abyss' UN chief Ban Ki-moon praises progress in Iraq at a UN forum, while Iraq's PM calls for debt relief from Arab states. Syrian Mufti Says Damascus Wants Dialogue With West, Peace With Israel Iran Paper Analyzes Motives Behind "Package Diplomacy" The Economist Lebanon The prospect of a wider peace If Lebanon's latest deal holds, why not bring in Syria and Israel? Iran Smoke and mirrors The world must once again ratchet up its efforts to stop Iran from enriching uranium Little action on Iraq debt relief at conference Iran Should Have Cut Ties With UK, Not US - Politician Missile-Related Shipment to Syria Stopped, U.S. Says – Militancy, hedonism coexist in duality of Lebanon `China Should Be More Involved in Mideast Issues' Iraq's appeals stir little Arab response Foreigners in fear Larijani's rise | H9 Ha’aretz – Peres: If Assad wants peace, he should come to Jerusalem Britain looked to Israel for lessons in military deception Newly released documents show U.K. military studied IDF techniques of complex, intertwined deceptions Fischer High noon in the Middle East A hitherto latent rivalry between Iran and Israel has been transformed into an open struggle for dominance in the Middle East Jonathan Spyer: Iran and their friends are winningThe revelation of negotiations with Syria last week came wrapped in the packaging of a diplomatic breakthrough Shimon Peres' blog: 28 thoughts on politics, power and wisdom Source: Messer evidence could help indict Olmert PA Demanding U.S.-Led International Force after Peace Agreement Alive or dead Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has remained in hiding for two years, for fear of ending up like his operations chief. Senior advisor to presidential candidate: get used to nuclear Iran (WTR) Guest: "pro-Israel" groups hurt the American Jewish community Poll: What political option is better for Israel? On Iran Obama made a mistake. He knows it Author of novel on Nazis: Israel uses Holocaust for political ends Olmert's U.S. visit: Business as usual, or a farewell tour? Barak: There will probably be elections this year Jerusalem PostPM mulls Kadima primary as part of 'graceful exit' plan Olmert, Mofaz hold cooperation talks Transportation minister rumored to be seeking PM's support in an eventual leadership race against Livni A choice between Geneva and Hamas [ DAVID KIMCHE Peace could be our strategic asset [ DANNY ROTHSCHILD In Washington: There Are No Dangers in Diplomacy By: M.J. Rosenberg | The Jerusalem Post Yedioth Ahronoth Livni leads Kadima poll Beware suicidal regimes History shows that Iran may pursue nuke program despite paying lethal price Close deal with Hizbullah Experience shows that Israel must finalize prisoner swap despite price Daily Alert.org – Hebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Olmert, McCain, Obama To Gather at Aipac Convention by Eli Lake The Economist Israel The prime minister is tottering Is time finally up for Israel's Ehud Olmert? The Palestinian economy It all depends on the politics A big investors' conference has created goodwill, but it won't reduce the Palestinian economy's reliance on aid and its need for a lasting peace Pressure grows on Israel's Olmert The party of scandal-hit Israeli PM Ehud Olmert should prepare for possible polls, his foreign minister says. Moving now to a discussion of Palestine's borders is a mistake Bahrain names Jewish US envoy The king of Bahrain appoints a Jewish female legislator as the country's new envoy to the United States. Hamas Leader Says in Nablus Time to Resume Inter-Palestinian Dialogue Burden Is on Syria to Prove It Is Ready to Break from Past – LBJ's Newly Released Oval Office Recordings Disclose His Deep Feelings toward Israel (AP/International Herald Tribune) U.S. Withdraws Fulbright Grants to Gaza Deal Imminent between Israel and Hezbollah By: Ulrike Putz | Der Spiegel Palestinian Ambassador Expects Moscow Forum to Revive Mideast Process | |
H10 Christian Science Monitor US-Iran regional power plays shift Iran's 'axis of resistance' may seem ascendant, but new chances for peace could redefine game in US's favor. A one-state solution for Palestinians and IsraelisIf the aim of the peace process is to resolve the conflict properly, then only this approach tackles the root of the problem. By Ghada Karmi A critical mess over Iran Obama and McCain say Iran must not get the bomb. They should read a new UN report. Rogue Sadr militias roam Baghdad A Mahdi Army truce holds most of the Shiite cleric's forces in check. But some terrorize residents of Risala, a Baghdad neighborhood Arab states still wary of investing in Iraq At a United Nations conference in Sweden Thursday, Iraq appealed for debt forgiveness to boost development. Ex-spokesman McClellan sours on Bush in tell-all book The ex-aide describes the administration as engaging in a 'political propaganda campaign' to sell the Iraq war to the US public After earthquake, China welcomes U.S. military As Defense Secretary Robert Gates heads to Singapore, the Pentagon sees a turnaround in the Chinese security forces. Imports fall, improving U.S. trade balance The shift reflects consumer stress, but it could help boost US manufacturers. Global cluster-bomb ban draws moral line in the sand Supporters of the treaty, to be unveiled in Dublin Friday, hope that it will pressure nonsignatories – including the US – to stop using the Europe balks at $8 a gallon gas Protests have rocked London, Paris, and other cities across the continent this week. From National Geographic, a special issue on China. From NPQ, Francis Fukuyama on China, strong states and liberty. From TLS, a review of books on China (and more). Central Asia: Beijing Flexes Economic Muscle Across Region China, with billions of dollars invested in Central Asian resources, is making deals that regional leaders find hard to turn down. Beijing, indeed, has a clear strategy for Central Asia -- and it’s working Can Charity Change China? By: Leslie Hook | The Wall Street Journal China: Handle With Care By: Hari Kunzru | The Guardian From World Affairs, PJ O'Rourke on the Cleveland of Asia: A journey through China’s Rust Belt. Bryan Walsh reviews The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom by Simon Winchester (and more and more). Prospect for Partnership in the Hindu Kush By: Ashley Bommer | The Japan Times China Looks to Thaw Taiwan Ties Al Jazeera `China Should Be More Involved in Mideast Issues' Outside View: The new China Syndrome By HARLAN ULLMAN (UPI) -- Thirty or so years ago, the phrase "China Syndrome" was the battle cry of the more radical elements opposing nuclear power. Today, the disastrous earthquake in China's Sichuan province yields a newer meaning to that phrase. Indonesia Pulls Out of OPEC By: John Aglionby | Financial Times Dmitry Medvedev Looks Far Beyond an Energy Alliance With Astana By: Farkhad Sharip | Eurasia Daily Monitor | Globalization and its discontents By HENRY A. KISSINGER The growing gap between the world's political and economic orders must be closed. Social pain of rising fuel costs spreads in Europe This week, waves of protest broke out across the continent, as irate port workers clashed with riot police in Marseilles and banner-wielding truckers shut down traffic in London. Balkans are no longer a hotbed of crime, UN report says The region has become one of the safest areas in Europe, but organized crime continues to pose a serious challenge. Health care: Change it or tear it down?People in the United States and Western Europe are broadly dissatisfied with their health care systems, a survey shows, with Americans even more upset than Europeans. IMMIGRATION IN EUROPE A manageable burden? EU governments need to start dealing with the problem of illegal immigration in logical ways. Another chance to limit global warming By supporting a bill that seeks aggressively to reduce greenhouse gases, the U.S. Senate can help usher in a new era of American leadership. EUROPE European press review CRS “German Foreign and Security Policy: Trends and Transatlantic Implications,” updated April 29, 2008. U.S. Rebuilds French Connection By: Gordon Lubold | The Christian Science Monitor Pentagon insiders call it "the Sarkozy moment" – an opportunity to rebuild a relationship with the French government and military made possible by the election last year of Nicolas Sarkozy as French president. The Economist Ukraine's government A political soap-opera, continued The European Union and Russia Germany's president A swansong for the coalition Kosovo's future Divided rule France and its Muslims The graveyard shift The Islamic headscarf in Denmark Charlemagne A woman's place? Walker's World: Could Ireland vote 'No'? By MARTIN WALKER (UPI) -- Ireland's referendum vote on the new European Treaty is looking dangerously close. Fall From President's Circle Can Be Steep The family members and relatives-by-marriage of Central Asian presidents often rise swiftly to power and wealth. Often, just as quickly, they fall in disgrace -- sometimes forced into exile, if not murdered. Analysis: Are UN, EU Part Of The Problem In Kosovo? Analysis: Are Kosovar Serbs, UN On Collision Course? The European Union has delayed the deployment of its mission to Kosovo, casting the future stability of the newly independent country into doubt. | H12 RFE/RLCentral Asia: Beijing Flexes Economic Muscle Across Region China: Afghan Investment Reveals Larger Strategy EurasiaNet Azerbaijan Sees Positive Signs for Energy Partnership with Turkmenistan Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has recently stepped up his ongoing campaign to promote Azerbaijan as the key to Europe’s energy security at a recent energy summit in Kyiv. But this is a role in which Baku needs a supporting actor. Azerbaijani experts believe that the Aliyev administration now has agreements with Turkmenistan to play that part. Army suicides cause Russia alarm A total of 341 Russian military suicides in 2007 is worrying, says the country's chief military prosecutor. EDM TRANSIT SPACE CONCEPT LAUNCHED AT KYIV ENERGY SUMMIT
- UKRAINIAN PROSECUTORS TARGET SELF-DEFENSE LEADERS Google News Azerbaijan Beware of the WTO By: Felix Goryunov | The Moscow Times | |
H13 The Times Iran will be first test for the new president How to respond to Iran’s nuclear ambitions looks like being the first difficult decision facing the next president of the United States Britain, the new banana republic Economic crises... unelected cabals kicking out the Prime Minister: the signs are all there Rioting farmers besiege Delhi Members of one of the lowest social classes caused chaos in Delhi in a bid to gain access to jobs allocated to others Obama says battle with McCain starts next week Speaker of the House puts pressure on Hillary Clinton to pull out as election battle with Republican John McCain begins Blair sells religion as force for good The former British Prime Minister says his Faith Foundation will focus on developing understanding between faiths France gives Putin a presidential welcome A rare gesture from the Élysée Palace allowed the former Russian president to upstage his successor, Dmitri Medvedev Tzipi Livni breaks ranks over Ehud Olmert Israeli Foreign Minister says ruling party must prepare to replace Ehud Olmert, who is being investigated for corruption It is time to speak out on the plight of Britain's hostages in Iraq Cruel fuel The age of cheap air travel is over Wall Street Journal General McClellan's War But Is It True?By Peggy Noonan The President Has Kept Us Safe By Tom C. Korologos McCain Should Run Against Congress By Kimberley A. Strassel Potomac Watch: Neither Democrats nor Republicans should be spared. BP, Russian Partners in Standoff BP's partners in Russian oil venture TNK-BP sought the ouster of the unit's British CEO, but the U.K. energy company refused. The escalating dispute could shape BP's future and the role of foreign companies in Russia under its new president. The Spokesman Decides to Speak By Kimberley A. Strassel By Tatyana Morozov By Henry Sokolski | H14 Financial Times Uncomfortable truths for a new world of them and us The politics of globalisation lags ever further behind the economics, writes Philip Stephens. For all its tacit recognition that power has been flowing eastwards, the west still wants to imagine things as they used to be - when financial crises were something that happened somewhere else Iran on track for nuclear milestone The country has made big strides in recent months and is on course to pass an important threshold for nuclear weapons capability next year, scientists and analysts say A 10-point plan for tackling the food crisis Robert Zoellick looks at how best to help those in danger France hoping to broker EU deal with Russia France hopes the European Union can reach a deal with Russia on a new strategic partnership by the end of 2008, the French prime minister said after talks with Vladimir Putin It’s curtains for Olmert The latest corruption probe is another vivid enaction of how difficult it has become to govern an Israel whose fragmented politics are in danger of turning into a spoils system Britain is better off outside the euro Martin Wolf looks at the case against joining If a country is to join the eurozone, its people must be willing to cope with the consequences forever, writes Martin Wolf LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'Dwarfs' of Europe band together to form substantial geopolitical force Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi rejects the view put forward by analysts and opponents of Iran’s fundamentalist government that he is the éminence grise of the president Interview transcript: Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi US to woo Gulf investors Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, will invite oil producers to invest their petrodollars in the US while urging them to take steps to curb the price of oil in the medium term on a tour of the Gulf that begins America cannot afford to drive away talent Overseas students are vital for the US, says Bob Greifeld Many companies rely on inventors, scientists, engineers and academics who are foreign-born but trained in America, writes Bob Greifeld WORLD NEWS: McCain steps up Iraq criticism of Obama Livni holds back over Olmert future Israel’s foreign minister has made little secret of her ambition to become prime minister and the incumbent now appears to be on his way out Iraq calls for debt cancellation Senior members of Iraq’s government have stepped up calls for Arab neighbours to cancel over $60bn in debts run up during the rule of Saddam Hussein to speed up the economic development of the country US trade balance boosts GDP A narrower US trade deficit helped the economy grow at a 0.9 per cent annual rate in the first three months of this year according to preliminary government data US army suicide cases at record 115 The number of US soldiers who committed suicide rose to a record 115 in 2007 as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan place an increasing strain on the military, the US army said Oil price surge hits US growth outlook The surge in the price of oil is putting further pressure on an already weak US growth outlook even as it also fuels inflation Futures watchdog investigates oil market US regulators revealed a wide-ranging investigation into crude oil trading practices amid increasing Congressional concern over the role of speculators in record energy prices Who rates the ratings agencies? Straightforward regulation would not work. It would be far better to open up the methodology behind ratings to wider scrutiny, debate and understanding China embarks on quake diplomacy Sichuan has provided an opportunity to re-evaluate many aspects of society and is helping exorcise wartime ghosts. Some good can come of this tragedy yet Balkans ‘safer’ than west Europe Both conventional and organized crime rates in the Balkans are falling, contradicting the region’s stereotype as a gangster’s paradise, says a United Nations report Time for Germany to lower its payroll taxes It’s the right policy, says Holger Schmieding EU weighs price of Irish No vote on treaty Another rejection of the Lisbon treaty is something too dreadful to contemplate in Brussels and most of the member states, writes Quentin Peel D Telekom raided over spying allegation Prosecutors raided the Bonn headquarters of Deutsche Telekom as part of a probe into possible criminal actions by former executives during an alleged spying campaign targeting directors and journalists three years ago Crude politics: policy changes and protests Interactive map: How government policies are changing as the rising cost of oil forces leaders to reconsider their approach to subsidies and taxation A door ajar: Will international aid bring a better future for Burma? WORLD NEWS: Bush supporters denounce former press chief's memoirs | Editorial Rosa Brooks: It's wrong to assume that women share a unified set of political views and should automatically favor female political candidates By Russell Beckley The primitive mind isn't all bad, and sometimes it's essential | |
Gallup Daily: Obama Back Up By Double-Digits Pew Research Center: McCain's Negatives Mostly Political, Obama's More Personal Fox News founder Murdoch predicts landslide win for Obama Economy grew faster than believed, but remains troubled Obama prepares to declare victory after Tuesday primaries realclearpolitics memeorandum ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp Time Don't Link Obama to Former Radicals How Pelosi tends a more divergent flock House speaker's skills are being tested by Democrats' greater ideological diversity – a challenge that will intensify if the party picks up more seats in November. America's suburbs An age of transformation Abe Greenwald / Commentary: Pelosi Credits Iran's “Goodwill” for Surge Success Is Pentagon pushing for 9/11 trial during presidential campaign? From ARPA, a review of Why is There No Labor Party in the United States? by Robin Archer; and a review of Religion in American Politics: A Short History by Frank Lambert. | H17 Daily Telegraph Israel massacred Palestinians, says Tutu Apartheid struggle leader Desmond Tutu completed his Gaza mission describing Israel's killing of 18 Palestinians as massacre War never going to be politically correct Britain's decision to ban the use of cluster bombs will only endanger our troops on active service, writes Con Coughlin Progress or lip service? Have the catastrophe in Sichuan and the imminence of the Beijing Olympics persuaded China to moderate its xenophobia? Obama is winner in European poll World prefers him above John McCain Worst Labour showing since polling began Gordon Brown's personal rating among voters is now the same as John Major's at his lowest point, a Telegraph survey finds | H18 Independent The last Briton in Guantanamo faces death penalty A British resident who is facing the death penalty in Guantanamo Bay has made a final desperate plea to Gordon Brown to end his six-year ordeal and bring him home today. McClellan says first loyalty is to truth as he defends Bush book Declaring that "loyalty to the truth" was more important than his affection for President George Bush, the softly-spoken former White House press secretary, Scott McClellan, took to the airwaves yesterday to defend his bombshell new book. Secrets and lies Inside George Bush's White House | |
H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism an interview with Justin Boland on Fifth Generation Warfare CRS “National Security Strategy: Legislative Mandates, Execution to Date, and Considerations for Congress,” May 28, 2008. “The Army’s Future Combat System (FCS): Background and Issues for Congress,” updated May 12, 2008. “American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics,” updated May 14, 2008. Victor Davis Hanson: Interviewed about the greatest books on war via HNN Pentagon Wants Laser Attack Warnings for Satellites By: Paul Marks | New Scientist The Pentagon is developing sensors to pinpoint a ground-based laser attempting to blind one of its spy satellites. The move will be interpreted as a further step towards the militarisation of space, say some experts ForaTv Michael Scheuer on Missed Chances to Get Bin Laden Intelligence agencies in turf war Malaysia: A report from the Rand Corporation looks at Malaysia's counterinsurgency strategy against Muslim insurgents in southern Thailand. Army Suicide Event Report 2007 (PDF; 4.1 MB) GI Suicides Near Two-Decade High When Talking With Terrorists Makes Sense By: Paul Staniland | The Christian Science Monitor Pentagon Asks Congress for Authority to Transfer War Funds $152 Billion in Defense Spending Unchecked Pentagon Intelligence Oversight Falls Short Ultimate Fighting Recruits Military to Its Ranks The military has embraced mixed martial arts fighting to help build moral, aid in recruiting and as a training aid to enhance the skills of soldiers. | H20 Slate Food Crisis: In an interview posted on the Peterson Institute's website, Arvind Subramanian discusses Asian policy responses to the food crisis (PDF) and how export restrictions affect inflationary pressures. Air Travelers Avoided 41 Million Trips in Past Year – U.S. Economy Takes $26.5 Billion Hit | H21 The charges against video games – that they stunt minds and spark addiction – are based on ignorance of what gamers do when they sit down to play... more» what does the exchange of a gift mean to the giver and the recipient? Is altruism a myth? Was WWII worth fighting? Get the facts and make up your own mind! No need for experts! This book tells all you need to know!... more» The chasm between the humanities and the sciences can be bridged with a new kind of thinking that uses the strengths of both disciplines... more» U.S. foreign policy in expansive, idealistic, and militarist mode has done well: defeats of Nazism, Japanese imperialism, and Soviet communism, for instance... more» From Editor & Publisher, is it the end of the newsroom as we know it? Stonehenge yields one of its secrets New radiocarbon dating shows that Stonhenge, the mysterious ancient monument in England, was a cemetery for at least five centuries. The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It | |
Google News Slate Today's Papers SWJ Blog Media Roundup CFR Daily Brief CFR Daily Opinion Roundup memeorandum antiwar.com book forum FBIS University Channel DocuTicker Arts & Letters Daily PolicyPointers cursor raw story fora.tv realclearpolitics Drudge Report Current News Early Bird OpinionSource truthout Dayan Current Contents Blogometer Wikipedia technorati Slate's Today's Blogs ABC’s The Note eurointelligence The Page First Read | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Gideon Rachman - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - Israel-Syria Peace Society - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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