123107f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Financial Times President Clinton, Google grows, $100 oil, but no US recession – this is 2008 The FT’s crack corps of pundits read the runes of politics, economics, business and world affairs for the year ahead Los Angeles Times Who's really in charge in Iran? The Shiite clerics have lost power to combative elites composed of military leaders, businessmen and bureaucrats. Washington Post U.S. Strives to Keep Footing In Tangled Pakistan Situation For the Bush administration, there is no Plan B for Pakistan. Make-or-Break Time in Iraq? Jackson Diehl| What the U.S. decides about post-surge troop levels could prove decisive. George Smiley's War Donald Gregg | Countering terrorism is a job for the front-line intelligence officers of a revived CIA My Friend Died. Her Country May Not Make It Either. By Peter W. Galbraith With Bhutto's death, there's no obvious hope on the horizon for Pakistan, a failed state with at least 70 nuclear weapons and no one clearly in charge. TNI Après Bhutto: Part 3 by Anatol Lieven Let's soft-partition Iraq Mitchell Zais, Military Journal Tom Barnett Top 10 foreign policy wishes for 2008 Guardian Reaching a resolution Daniel Serwer Future of Kosovo: Peace in the Balkans is within reach, to achieve it Kosovo must be granted independence and Bosnia must remain united Sacrificing stability Raju GC Thomas Future of Kosovo: To allow Kosovo's independence would demonstrate that violent secessionism works, a precedent that must be avoided Democracy: an existential threat? Ali Abunimah and Omar Barghouti A single state in historic Palestine, based on equality, is the most promising alternative to the already dead two-state dogma NYT Iraq Attacks Fall 60 Percent, Petraeus Says Although violent attacks have fallen, Gen. David H. Petraeus cautioned that security gains were “tenuous” and “fragile,” requiring more political and economic progress. New Questions Arise in Killing of Ex-Premier Indications that Benazir Bhutto’s doctors felt pressured to conform to government accounts of her death added to the pressure for an international inquiry. Medical Report (pdf) Local Pakistani Militants Boost Qaeda Threat The Qaeda network accused by Pakistan’s government of killing Benazir Bhutto is increasingly made up not of foreign fighters but of homegrown militants. How to Divine Foreign Policy of Candidates Editorial About That Peace Process The Office Pool, 2008 By WILLIAM SAFIRE The Economist The future of futurology Think small, think short—and listen Gen. Petraeus Sees Gradual Drawdown of Troops in 2008 Gen. Petraeus: Iraq Gains Are 'Reversable' Official: 75% of al-Qaeda in Iraq's Network Destroyed Bin Laden Issues Warning on Iraq, Israel LGF Video: The Bhutto Shooting — The latest video of the assassination, from another angle, provides evidence that Benazir Bhutto was killed by an assassin's bullet. — (Video player requires Flash Player.) The New Year office pool By WILLIAM SAFIRE Nostradamus himself couldn't score over 50 percent in the 34th annual New Year's office pool on predicting the future CounterterrorismBlog 2007: A Global Assessment of the Confrontation Walid Phares OSC: Urdu Press Roundup on Reaction to Benazir Bhutto Assassination The Great Fall of China - Walter Russell Mead, Los Angeles Times Book Rightsizing the State: The Politics of Moving Borders Ha’aretz – France to cut ties to Syria over Lebanon pres. crisis Sarkozy: No more contact with Damascus until we have proof Syria will let Lebanon choose president Will the US Attack Iran? (Should It?) Adam Garfinkle PBS Newshour U.S. Faces Pakistan Policy Dilemmas After Bhutto's Death Book The Idea of Pakistan by Stephen P. Cohen, 2006 Excerpt Pakistan: Multiple Approaches to Governance and Nation-Building. Boston Globe The new, new things of 2007 Apple is the new NASA. Iran is the new Iraq. Beer is the new water, and water is the new oil. What's new in 2007. A guide for the perplexed. (By Drake Bennett) Helena Cobban Bhutto, Saddam, Hariri: The travails of international criminal "justice" US Military: No Place in Iraq Is Safe BBC Trying times Interview With Josef Joffe of Die Zeit Newspaper From the Carnegie Council, deflecting asteroids, eradicating polio, coordinating international time, mitigating climate change—Scott Barrett explains the different incentives and actors needed to supply these global public goods, where everyone benefits and none can be excluded. The introduction to In the Beginning Was the Deed: Realism and Moralism in Political Argument by Bernard Williams From New Left Review, Perry Anderson on a reckoning of global shifts in political and economic relations, oppositions, and theoretical visions that offer exits from the perpetual free-market present. A look at how racial and religious minorities tend to be under-represented in legislatures around the world. A review of Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium by Ronald Findlay and Kevin H. O'Rourke Jerusalem Post 2008, when we need to start keeping our promises [ DAVID KIMCHE Amotz Asa-El Thought of year: Is America declining? The Region: The profession of death [ BARRY RUBIN UN Reform: Progress, Prospects and Priorities Wilson Center Qaeda target: Pakistan? Or us? MESH. The Musharraf Problem: Full Text from WSJ LA Times Turning a lens on Serbian nationalism The country's version of 'Big Brother' includes the odd Bosnian, Croat and Kosovo Serb. Probably unintentionally, it's forcing viewers to confront their social prejudices. Far from case closed in Pakistan Bhutto's assassination and the government's version of events raise fears about the reach of militants and possible official complicity in the attack. Iraq suicide attacks on the rise Independent Tariq Ali: Pakistan deserves better than this feudal charade How can Western-backed politicians be taken seriously if they treat their party as a fiefdom, while courtiers abroad mouth sycophantic niceties concerning the young prince? Johann Hari: Bush has been chasing the wrong nukes Why the era of cheap food is over Corn, milk, bread, and other farm products hit record high prices in 2006 – and will likely keep rising in 2008. | H2 Iraqi Kurds Question Alliance With US Military Revew January-February 2008 Northern Ireland: A Balanced Approach to Amnesty, Reconciliation, and Reintegration The political, economic, and security dimensions of societal reconstruction are ineluctably symbiotic. A veteran of the Northern Ireland “troubles” analyzes how that conflict has been brought to the brink of resolution. From the Archive NCAFP - DISARMING, DEMOBILIZING, AND REINTEGRATING THE KURDISTAN WORKER’S PARTY David L. Phillips PDF Version (repeat) Ne mutlu Türkiyeliyim diyebilene! Guillaume Perrier JINSA Fundamental Interests [Fbis] OSC: Turkish warplanes fly sorties over Iraqi Kurdistan border areas Babacan, CNN ve Reuters’i uyardı Türk savaş uçakları Kandil devriyesine çıktı Kürt medyasına göre operasyon başarılı The Turks Go After Kurdish Rebels ... And Kill 200 Sheep? PKK bitirilinceye kadar ortak mücadele sürecek RojTv Turkey: Kurdish Youths Burn Cars in Protest Against Army Operations 'Türk uçakları Kandil üzerinde' Turkey Arrests Five For Al Qaeda Links: Report Gül'ün ABD ziyareti 9 yıl sonra bir ilk Turkey's Bombing of Iraq: A Case Study in Media Manipulation Rusya’nın Hewlêr Konsolosluğu: FKB hükümetinin petrol anlaşmaları yasaldır Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Is secularism the last trump card of ethnic politics?by ALTAN TAN* Bejan Matur Ailelerin gözü 'eve dönüş'te Aysel Tuğluk “Radikal İki” de Kendine değil, katiline benzemiş. Yazık Buyurun baylar ve bayanlar, birazda Tuğluk hanım’ın bol maydanozlu salatasından alınız! Iraqi Kurdish Article Speculates on New Prime Ministerial Incumbent Iraqi Kurd Parties Differ on Agreement With Sunni Party Genelkurmay'dan 2007 yılı bomba ve mayın bilançosu Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, NATO’ya sunduğu “PKK Raporu” Kundaklama emri Kandil'den gelmiş Terör örgütü PKK'nın yayın organından 'kundaklama' itirafı Türk konvoyuna saldırı: 1 kişi öldü PKK'dan kaçan 'canlı bomba' teslim oldu Iraqi President's Party to Discuss Kurdistan Region PM Successor - Paper Iraq northern oil allegedly travelling through Talabani-controlled KRG and into Iran Iraq's Kurd Villagers See No Hope After Air Strikes THE PROPAGANDA MODEL WORKS FOR KURDISTAN Şamil Tayyar 30 yıllık sır İHD, PKK'yla yapılan mücadeleyi protesto etti Özcan Mutlu: DTP, Kürt meselesiyle ilgili tavrını belirlemeli 'Kürdistan' belgeli malzemelerin Irak'a geçişine gümrükte sıkı takip PKK sızmalarına karşı operasyon Mehmetçik, Küpeli Dağı'nda PKK avında Operasyon Kato Dağı'na genişletildi Northern Iraqi Women Increasingly Attempting Suicide Iraqi Kurd Journalists Criticise Union Management's Re-Election - Paper Kuzey Irak'ta yabancı işçilere köle muamelesi DTP, PKK'ya karşı tavrını belirlemeli Turancı aileden gelen liberal ilahiyatçı "221'inci madde Öcalan'ı kapsamaz" Iran-Turkey business ties over 8 billion dollars in 2007 Irak hükümetinden, kaçan her Kürt aileye 830 dolar PKK'yı çözmek için 221 yeterli olmaz PKK akıllansın ve silah bıraksın Turkey's Problems Lie in Its Actions Wolves have better defenders than Kurds Said Yazıcıoğlu: Teröre sabrettik ve neticeyi aldık AB'nin DTP'ye desteği terörle mesafesine bağlı Hüsnü Mahalli Pakistan gerçekleri-1 Ömer Taşpınar What’s next for Pakistan Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] Pakistan testi [Yorum - Prof. Dr. Beril Dedeoğlu] Birileri gelip 'demokratikleştirmeden'! [HABER İZLENİM] 'Bizi de Afganistan'a çevirmek istiyorlar' Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Government moves to put Turkey’s EU bid back on track the Turkey branch of Open Society Institute released a book on how everyday lives of Turks will be affected by the EU process. Here is the full doc in Turkish. Şahin Alpay ‘The European Union, Turkey, and Islam’ Çipura dalaşı artık Rus ruletine dönüyor Rusya-Türkiye: Kayıp yılın ardından Suat Taşpınar Turkish Cypriots will be enthusiastic euro users EUROSPHERE seeks to illuminate complexities of Europe’s public sphere İspanya'da ETA yanlısı gösteriler yasaklandı Reflections on the devolution in France Mustafa AKYOL Turkey’s friend Slovenia to take over EU presidency Durmuş Hocaoğlu Lizbon Antlaşması ve Gerçek Bir "Avrupa Birliği" Binâ Etmenin Güçlükleri: IV Atat Atun Cyprus’ history from 1960 to 1974 (4) Kardak Adası’nda Yunanistan’ın zodyaklı tahriki Kardak'taki tahrik Gümüşlük'e uzandı Alevilerden Köln mitingi: ARD özür dilesin Kadri GÜRSEL Alman TV'si neden hariçten gazel okudu? A look back at the events which marked the last 12 months across ... Cyprus Mail Ministry says Greek jets intercepted eight Turkish planes over Rhodes KKTC lideri Talat'a Camlı Köşk ambargosu kalkıyor The New Energy Order through the eye of Birol Gila BENMAYOR Pipeline Dreams Blocked Gazeta.KZ, Kazakhstan Are Immigrants More Mobile than Natives? Evidence from Germany IZA A 46-page discussion paper comparing the labour mobility of immigrants to Germany with that of natives A review of The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Destruction of the Ottoman Armenians by Donald Bloxham. Malatya'daki yayınevi cinayetinde esrarengiz bir mektup daha Otobüste bile içilirdi, barda bile yasaklanıyor Bala ve çevresinde 945 konut ağır hasarlı Deniz Kuvvetleri uçağı düştü: 4 ölü Kiracıya 2008 müjdesi: Enflasyon kadar artış Hrant Dink cinayeti için Başbakanlık devrede 'Örtülü ödenek' gizli haber almaya Kim bu ihbarcı ? Malatya katliamıyla ilgili savcılığa gelen bir mektup, "ABD'li misyonerler para verip Alman misyonerleri öldürttü" iddiasında bulundu. Zanlılar iddiaları reddetti. 'ABD-Alman misyonerlik savaşı' senaryosunu yazan ihbarcı aranıyor. Aleviler AKP'nin iftarına katılanı 'düşkün' ilan edecek Şimşek ‘güzel Türkçe’ dersi alıyor Alanya'da rahip Arkan'a suikast hazırlığı iddiası İstanbul real estate prices to hit the stratosphere, say experts Yayınevi katliamına yeni soruşturma İngilizcesi iyi, ya maddi durumu? UNESCO İstanbul'u listeden çıkarabilir Yılbaşı dinsel değil kültürel anlam taşır Muhafazakarların geliri artınca yılbaşı kutlamaya başladı 'Yılbaşı hutbesi' tartışması sürüyor Türkiye'nin deprem haritası güncelleniyor Askerlik yapmayanlar da 'vatandaş' kalacak ALİ BULAÇ - Bu gece ne yapmalı? Serdar Turgut Bir Harold Pinter oyunu olarak Türkiye Soner Yalçın Klasik Batı Müziği’ne tutkulu devlet adamı Erdoğan'a üst düzey koruma önlemleri... Karadeniz'in tabanı geleceğin enerji kaynağı 'gaz hidrat'la dolu Hava kuvvetlerine destek proje... AK Parti, vekillerine dil eğitimi verecek Rahibe suikast hazırlığı iddiası | H3 2008'de krizler ve umutlar yan yana Erdoğan: Doğuda da batıda olan olmalı Barzani Asil Türk milletiyle kardeşlik istiyoruz Mehmet Metiner Kuzey Irak izlenimleri (1) Semih İDİZ 2008'de Türk- ABD ilişkileri Metehan Demir İşte 2008'de Türkiye'yi bekleyen kritik başlıklar Anti-terror cooperation brings spring mood to Turkish-US ties at long last What roles do security forces and intelligence have in the prevention of terrorism?by BEKİR ÇINAR* Hasan CEMAL Eğlence arayanlar okumasın bu yazıyı! Lagendijk’e göre 2007 Türkiye için bazı kötü ‘geri dönüşlerin’ yaşandığı bir yıl oldu ‘Bir cinayet, bir seçim ve bir provokasyon’ Is secularism the last trump card of ethnic politics?by ALTAN TAN* Bejan Matur Ailelerin gözü 'eve dönüş'te Reflections on the devolution in France Mustafa AKYOL 301’i at Sevr’i getir Erdoğan’ın, "Komisyon kuralım, arşivleri açalım" çağrısına yanıt için toplanan Ermenistan Meclis’si, uzlaşma bir yana, yeni ’talep’ler geldi. Türkiye’ye soykırım için 14.5 milyar dolar ’soykırım’ faturasının çıkarıldığı toplantıda, 301’inci maddenin kaldırılması ve sınırların Sevr anlaşmasıyla yeniden belirlenmesi istendi. Eyleme hazırlanan El Kaide'ye baskın Yılın olayı neydi? İsmet Berkan Emin Pazarcı PKK 5.000 militan kaybetti Ömer Lütfi Mete PKK’yı ezmek destan mı? (I) - Bakan Güler anlattı: Asıl operasyon enerji alanında Murat Yetkin Fikret BİLA Arabaların yakılması ve MGK'nın çağrısı AKP, Türkiye’nin emniyet kemeri! Türkiye'ye nasıl bir sol gerekiyor? Kardak'ta gerginliği tırmandıran tahrik Kundakçıların 13'ü üniversiteli Görüyor Kilitliyor Vuruyor Türk Hava Kuvvetleri’nin, Irak’ın kuzeyine yönelik operasyonlarda terör örgütü PKK’yı imha etmedeki en etkin gücü, "Lantirn" olarak adlandırılan gece görüş sistemine sahip F-16’ların attığı lazer güdümlü bombalar oldu. Başbakan'a yayın durdurma hakkı Müşerref’in rakibi kara kuvvetleri komutanı SOLİ ÖZEL Hanedan sona ererken [MONDAY TALK] Iranian expert says Iran and Turkey should design agency to regulate nuclear energy Türkiye’nin ’silah lordu’ bu adam mı İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç PTT, ya da pijama, terlik, televizyon Fehmi Koru Pakistan bize benzemez A last-minute democrat Mümtazer Türköne 2007: Nehrin daraldığı yer Yavuz Baydar A year of turbulence, fear, confrontation and hopes Birlik ve beraberlik Murat Belge Lanet yıl sona eriyor İsmet Berkan Mustafa Akyol Laiklik bazen ‘dinsizlik’ de olabilir Ferai Tınç Yüzleşme yılında formül 3 T Nuh Yılmaz Türkiye zamanı iyi değerlendirmeli Hilmi Yavuz Köylülük ve resmi ideoloji Yeni yıla emeğin hakkıyla Mahir Kaynak Terör ve arkası Ahmet Hakan Mümtazer bana ’eyyamcı’ demiş 2008 için hayli kişisel planlar Cüneyt Ülsever Butto’yu kim öldürdü? Ferai Tınç İslam ile asker arasındaki denge İşte 2007'nin en önemli olayları Mehmet Yılmaz Diyanet, yılbaşına neden karşı? Fatih Çekirge Sağlam bir muhalefet arıyoruz Tufan Türenç İktidarları eleştiriler değil yandaşların şak şakları yıkar Enis Berberoğlu Bu yazı CHP’den umut kesenler için Nasuhi Güngör CHP bölünecek mi? Mustafa Erdoğan AKP için tehlike henüz geçmedi Oktay Ekşi Biz kimi koruyoruz? Mehmet Acet Başbakan'la programın özel bölümleri İhsan Dağı A year to remember Bülent Keneş What happened in Turkey and what did not in 2007? (2) 2007 leaves its mark on Turkey Man of the Year: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Event of the Year: Presidential elections GülayGöktürk Güzel bir yıl - Özdemir İnce Doğu tipi despotizm Andrew Finkel Hrant Dink Ekrem Dumanlı Ne çetin sınavlarla geçti... MUHARREM SARIKAYA Yolunu arayan parti ERDAL ŞAFAK Bir yıl önce Pakistan ve bir ülke Serdar Akinan Bazı görevler için son yıl Tarhan Erdem NAZLI ILICAK Çankaya'daki dostlarım 2007'in son günü MAHMUT ÖVÜR Siyasetin kritik yılı: 2007 CHP'nin muhalefet günleri ENGİN ÜNSAL YAVUZ DONATYılbaşı bahane sohbet şahane Sedat Sertoğlu İsmail Küçükkaya Meclis’te yılın ilk haftası yoğun Artık bu sözü tutun! Eleştiren muhafazakâr basın olunca... Osman ULAGAY Dani Rodrik'in sanayi politikası önerisi gündemde Deniz Gökçe Dünya 2008 için ne düşünüyor? Asaf Savaş Akat 2007’nin ardından ( OKAN MÜDERRİSOĞLU Ercan Kumcu 2007’de Türkiye ekonomisinde yapılamayanlar Enflasyonda başarısız olundu büyüme sert frenle yavaşladı Erdal Sağlam 2008 önemli risklerle geliyor Türkler 28.2 milyar dolar borçlanacak Milli sermaye elden gidiyor Deniz Gökçe Salih Neftçi 2008 beklentileri 2007'de alınan ders ışığında 2008 İbrahim Öztürk 2007 kayıp mı, kazanç mı? 2008 de kayıp bir yıl mı olacak? Hasan Ersel Hükümet kendi programına sadık kalmazsa 2008 kayıp bir yıl olur Yiğit Bulut 2007 yılını da “sıcak paraya” hizmet ederek geçirdik... Eser Karakaş Kamu yararı, Petkim ve Danıştay Makroekonomik açıdan 2008 nasıl bir yıl olacak? Fatih Özatay [Tevfik Bilgin] Kredi kartında tedbir almasaydık ABD'deki gibi kriz yaşardık Para arzı azaldı iş ve aş zorlaştı [NEWS ANALYSIS] Slowing economy calls Ankara to action Energy rising as Turkey’s investment star Enerjiye 130 milyar dolar yatırım |
H4 New York Times New Questions Arise in Killing of Ex-Premier Indications that Benazir Bhutto’s doctors felt pressured to conform to government accounts of her death added to the pressure for an international inquiry. Medical Report (pdf) Iraq Attacks Fall 60 Percent, Petraeus Says Although violent attacks have fallen, Gen. David H. Petraeus cautioned that security gains were “tenuous” and “fragile,” requiring more political and economic progress. Local Pakistani Militants Boost Qaeda Threat The Qaeda network accused by Pakistan’s government of killing Benazir Bhutto is increasingly made up not of foreign fighters but of homegrown militants. How to Divine Foreign Policy of Candidates Editorial About That Peace Process Next week President Bush will make his first trip since taking office to Israel and the Palestinian territories. He should use this visit to get real work started. The Office Pool, 2008 By WILLIAM SAFIRE This is the 34th annual office pool in this space, a New Year’s tradition that has become the most excruciating multiple-choice prediction test in world media. Opposition Parties Vow to Proceed With Jan. 8 Election Pakistan’s largest political party picked Benazir Bhutto’s 19-year-old son to succeed her as chairman and vowed to forge ahead with elections next week. Israeli Army, a National Melting Pot, Faces New Challenges in Training Officers ROGER COHEN On America’s Watch The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has given the coup de grâce to the botched American attempt to manage a nuclear-armed Islamic state. The Year in Questions 2007: Answer Key Here are the answers to the year-end quiz featured on Sunday.Editorial Looking at America We hope that American voters will have the wisdom to grant the powers of the presidency to someone who has the integrity and principle to use them honorably. How Bhutto Won Washington By ELISABETH BUMILLER In the end, Benazir Bhutto’s American connections only underscored how little the United States fathomed the feudal politics of South Asia. How a ‘Wisp of a Girl’ Conquered Pakistan By MOHAMMED HANIFWith half her adult life spent either in exile or in prison, Benazir Bhutto might have lived like a medieval princess, but she died like an ordinary, modern Pakistani Editorial The Poles Get Cold Feet Poland’s new government is right to be taking a skeptical second look at the Bush administration’s proposal to station 10 interceptor missiles there as part of a European-based missile-defense system. Tapes by C.I.A. Lived and Died to Save Image Decisions about interrogation videotapes were prompted by fear about what the public might think, officials say China Will Make Hong Kong Wait to Elect Leader In Bhutto Stronghold, Sharif Seeks a Political Alliance Against Musharraf The Free Market: A False Idol After All? As the world gets complicated, regulation finds some new fans from an unlikely quarter. MAUREEN DOWD Am I a Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon? New Year’s resolutions require too much discipline. An exorcism seems much easier. PAUL KRUGMAN The Great Divide The leading Republican presidential contenders have gone out of their way to assure voters that they will not deviate from the Bush path. Why? | H5 Washington Post U.S. Strives to Keep Footing In Tangled Pakistan Situation For the Bush administration, there is no Plan B for Pakistan. Make-or-Break Time in Iraq? Jackson Diehl| What the U.S. decides about post-surge troop levels could prove decisive. George Smiley's War Donald Gregg | Countering terrorism is a job for the front-line intelligence officers of a revived CIA. Bhutto's Concern Ignored Robert D. Novak| Is American ambivalence to blame for her murder? My Friend Died. Her Country May Not Make It Either. By Peter W. Galbraith With Bhutto's death, there's no obvious hope on the horizon for Pakistan, a failed state with at least 70 nuclear weapons and no one clearly in charge. Another Political Whodunit For Pakistan's Lengthy List Who will rule Potomac Man? By Dana Milbank Who will, for the next four years, rule the barbaric tribes that live along the Potomac? For the barbaric inhabitants of Potomac Land, backing the winner is about tribal survival. Pakistan Considers Delaying Elections As discord over the killing of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto spreads, nationwide rioting leaves many fearful to leave their homes A Global FervorBy Jim Hoagland, Religion has again become, for better and for worse, a driving force in world affairs. Iraq Safer but Still Perilous At Year-End, Petraeus Says He Could Care Less About Obama's Story By Reza Aslan American can't rebrand its image problems away in the Middle East. It'll take more than skin color and a dream to repair America's image in the Middle East. Bhutto's Son Chosen As Eventual Party Chief Selections mean that the Pakistan People's Party, which casts itself as the voice of democracy, will stay in family hands for a third generation Editorial What Presidents Must Know By David S. Broder Americans are choosing a president for a dangerous time. Pakistan at Standstill as Discord and Unrest Grow Election Delay Considered In Wake of Bhutto's Killing Pentagon Releases 10 Saudi Detainees Prisoners Held at Guantanamo Bay Are Returned Home Echoes of 1968 By Joel Achenbach A familiar mix of passion and pain drove America 40 years ago. What does 2008 have in store? Misreading Obama's Identity By George F. Will, America's foremost black intellectual has published a slender book about the most interesting presidential candidacy since 1980. It is flawed. By Thomas B. Wilner There is and can be no acceptable legal excuse or explanation for denying Guantanamo detainees a fair hearing. Warning of Threats, Clinton Sells Clinton Ex-President Emphasizes Wife's Experience Alleged Taliban Member Detained in Guantanamo Bay Dies of Cancer | H6 Guardian New Bin Laden tape warns Sunnis against US Osama bin Laden directs fury of al-Qaida against Sunni Arab leaders in Iraq who have turned against insurgents Pakistan may not make it 'Democracy is best revenge' Daniel Serwer Dec 29 07, 11:00am: Future of Kosovo: Peace in the Balkans is within reach, to achieve it Kosovo must be granted independence and Bosnia must remain united Raju GC Thomas Dec 29 07, 12:00pm: Future of Kosovo: To allow Kosovo's independence would demonstrate that violent secessionism works, a precedent that must be avoided Democracy: an existential threat? Ali Abunimah and Omar Barghouti A single state in historic Palestine, based on equality, is the most promising alternative to the already dead two-state dogma Going off script Andrew Stroehlein Mikheil Saakashvili will use Georgia's January elections to showcase a country that's 'back on track', international press mustn't take the bait Who killed Benazir? MAU Bhutto's assassination is Pakistan's JFK moment, and speculation about who was responsible for it will not end in our lifetimes Halfhearted finger wags The Observer Pakistan's flawed and feudal princess It's wrong for the West simply to mourn Benazir Bhutto as a martyred democrat, says acclaimed south Asia expert William Dalrymple. Her legacy is far murkier and more complex Only real understanding can cure Pakistan's problems Kamila Shamsie: I find myself replaying chronology over and over, reflecting that both I, and the Pakistan that exists today, grew up with Benazir Bhutto, political figure Leader Our challenge is to restore faith in the power of global liberty Brown warns UK of bleak year Fury at claims on Bhutto killing |
H7 A face in the crowd: Benazir Bhutto's assassin... Benazir Bhutto Medical Report (pdf) Stratfor Pakistan: The Post-Bhutto PPP Pakistan to rule on election date Pakistan will decide whether to hold elections on 8 January, despite Benazir Bhutto's death. Pakistan in a vortex Pakistan is one of the world's eight nuclear powers and the first to be categorized as a failing state. Not failed yet, but on its way, and the world's major powers are powerless to correct the downward spiral. Le Monde Le Pakistan, crise multiforme, par Frédéric Bobin Pakistan needs a national unity government By Arif Rafiq Pakistan: Into the Unknown – London Times editorial
Bush's Best-laid Plans - Andrew Bacevich, Los Angeles Times Pakistan's Blood-stained Democracy - William Buckley, Real Clear Politics Demagoging Pakistan's crisis The identifiable geostrategic consequences of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's assassination are a weakening of President Pervez Musharraf's government and an increase in political volatility which this nuclear-armed nation can scarcely afford. Why Mrs. Bhutto had to die (By Walid Phares) Bhutto's Destiny - Benazir Bhutto, New York Post Ha’aretz Democracy will have to wait Is it possible now for someone to rise up and make a serious call, for example, for Pakistan's democratization after Bhutto's assassination? Pakistan May Not Make It – Peter Galbraith, Washington Post Pakistan Won't See the Danger - Trudy Rubin, Philadelphia Inquirer Unfortunate Allies - Lisa Schiffren, National Review How a ‘Wisp of a Girl’ Conquered Pakistan – Mohammed Hanif, New York Times Pakistan an al-Qaeda Target Now - Trudy Rubin, Miami Herald Daily Star Musarraf might need to mend fences in order to hold Pakistan together Assassin Killed West’s Foreign Policy Too – Michael Portillo, London Times Climax of a Grim Year in Pakistan – Claude Salhani, Washington Times Saving Pakistan From Itself - Adil Najam, New York Daily News Afghanistan: Narcotics and U.S. Policy (PDF; 584 KB)
| H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor Gen. Petraeus Sees Gradual Drawdown of Troops in 2008 Despite Success, Iraq's Future Uncertain Awakening Council Calls on bin Laden to Stop 'Targeting Iraqis' Key al-Qaeda Leader Arrested in Kirkuk Iran gives early date for reactor Iran says its Bushehr nuclear plant will start work in the summer - earlier than its Russian builders had said. US Prepares Another 'Large-Scale' Offensive in Iraq Iran says its first atom plant to start in mid-2008... Iraq's Anti-al-Qaeda Sunni Militias Iraq Suicide Attacks Again on Rise 'Fatigued' Iraq PM Heads to London for Check-Up France to halt links with Syria France to suspend diplomatic contacts with Syria until progress is made on choosing a new Lebanese president. BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 30 Dec 07 - Package B BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 30 Dec 07 Jordan, Syria sign trade agreements to boost ties Syria Requires Arabization of Names Al Hayat A Call for a "Coup d'Etat" Hassan Haydar - There are usually many motives behind the military coups d’etat that third world countries witness, including the Middle East. This is even though the Arabs who belong to this world and to an underdeveloped one have fled from this kind of “policy” a while ago. Some are triggered by military men’s belief that rulers are corrupt and there is no way to fix, reform and restore their regime except through armed force The Lebanese void and sectarian polarization Walid Choucair - Lebanon’s crisis is heading toward limbo with concerned politicians seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, they seem to be in a contest over not having the ability to see any hope to move beyond the presidential impasse to the point that one of the well-connected religious figures stated that he does not know how the crisis could possibly end, and “I have not found anyone who knows.” Jordanians rally to remember Saddam Sunni Report: Iraqi Police Arrest 250 Non-Militants in Sectarian-Driven Raid CRS "Egypt: Background and U.S. Relations," updated December 12, 2007. Dubai's model is working, but some bumps lie ahead [Fbis] OSC: Al-Asad Says Syria 'Looks Forward to Every Action That Can Lead to True Peace' Senator Sees 'Real Opportunity' for Resuming Syria-Israel Talks | H9 Ha’aretz – France to cut ties to Syria over Lebanon pres. crisis Sarkozy: No more contact with Damascus until we have proof Syria will let Lebanon choose president Bin Laden vows in audiotape to 'expand jihad in Palestine' Iranian envoy offers Egypt cooperation on nuclear program U.S. Senator says Syria's Assad is ready for peace with Israel Pinpointed IAF attacks in Gaza more precise, hurt fewer civilians Lebanon policy / France's lost honor As foreign policy becomes more dominant in the campaign, Israel will draw closer to its center "Let us hope the peace process will be failure" (WTR) Study: Number of Palestinians killed by IDF dropped 43% in '07 NYT Israeli Army, a National Melting Pot, Faces New Challenges in Training Officers Jerusalem Post 2008, when we need to start keeping our promises [ DAVID KIMCHE Israel in 2007 has 7.2 million residents 75% of population are Jews; 18,000 olim arrived, less than in recent years; 150,000 babies born. Thought of year: Is America declining? The Region: The profession of death [ BARRY RUBIN 'Assad ready for peace with Israel' Senator: Meeting with Syrian president "productive;" says US can bridge gap between countries Aksa Martyrs Brigades calls for Fayad's assassination Israel wants US and EU to snub Durban II Parley looks set to repeat displays of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that dominated 2001 event Yedioth Ahronoth France to boycott Syria 'They've struck all over the world, they can easily target us,' warns Defense Committee chairman So-called peaceful borders in fact constitute grave threat to our future, Guy Bechor says 'Less Palestinians killed' Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Peace Talks Skirt Housing Issue - Boston Herald editorial
Pelosi and Syria – James Zumwalt, Washington Times |
Why the era of cheap food is over Corn, milk, bread, and other farm products hit record high prices in 2006 – and will likely keep rising in 2008. Opinion: America: Step up on climate changeGlobal warming is the nuclear issue of our age. By Helena Cobban Opinion: The US could lose top talentUnlike the US, the EU seems to be welcoming foreign professionals Brazil's oil 'blessing' is no energy panacea Bhutto's son and husband to lead party Benazir Bhutto's 'political will' named her son as party leader. Iffy 2008 outlook for Wall Street A slowing economy may be a drag on corporate profits, some analysts say. Brazil's oil 'blessing' is no energy panacea State-owned oil firm Petrobras found some 8 billion barrels of oil, but it's buried deep in the ocean. ASIA The Great Fall of China - Walter Russell Mead, Los Angeles Times China Will Make Hong Kong Wait to Elect Leader China said that Hong Kong would have to wait at least another decade for democratic elections to select its leader. An article on Japan’s future as an international, multicultural society: From migrants to immigrants. From Foreign Affairs, John L. Thornton (Tsinghua): Long Time Coming: The Prospects for Democracy in China; and G. John Ikenberry (Princeton): The Rise of China and the Future of the West: Can the Liberal System Survive? The rise of a fierce yet fragile superpower: The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality — now we, and they, must manage its triumph. (repeat) Thai generals in fear after tycoon’s victory CRS "China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues," updated December 13, 2007. Where Censorship Is Part of the Curriculum Journalism students in China learn not only the skills of the profession, but how to stay on the straight and narrow path of Marxism. | H11 IHT Roger Cohen: Bhutto's death on America's watch By ROGER COHEN Only Pakistani democracy can avenge, in part, the disappearance of the rare bridge Benezir Bhutto offered and offset the American mistakes that led to this loss. Obscurity and confinement for asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants in EuropeThousands are being held for long periods in a network of detention camps that has taken form with little scrutiny and few norms. Mikheil Saakashvili, president of Georgia, is seen likely winning a new term EUROPE European press review 2007 Balkan Year in Review: Key Underreported Trends for the Future Poles Get Cold Feet on Missile Defense – New York Times editorial Ronan McCrea (EUI): Limitations on Religion in a Liberal Democratic Polity: Christianity and Islam in the Public Order of the European Union. From New Left Review, here are dispatches from France during Sarkozy’s first hundred days The first chapter from From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Postsocialist Europe by Nina Bandelj. Are Immigrants More Mobile than Natives? Evidence from Germany IZA A 46-page discussion paper comparing the labour mobility of immigrants to Germany with that of natives Germany's Immigration Debate: State Governor Wants Crackdown on 'Criminal Young Foreigners' | H12 RFE/RL Google News Azerbaijan So Who, Exactly, Voted for Putin? – Tom Keane, Boston Globe 'Kremlin Turf War' Moves Into Russian Court |
H13 The Times Torch passed from mother to son Pakistan’s political rivals call for elections as the son of Benazir Bhutto takes over her Pakistan People’s Party Sunday Times Leader Into the unknown Pakistan’s future stability is, to a large extent, an important factor in our own future stability This is showtime, folks, let's pick a president On Thursday Iowa kicks off the 2008 US election battle, and the candidates are desperate to make an early impact America's choice: hope or fear The chaotic, colourful, cathartic American primary campaign has come down to a clarifying choice Taliban fight needs 3,000 extra troopsMilitary commanders need more troops in Afghanistan to contain the Taliban, according to senior defence sources Envoys' expulsion Rory Stewart: no one knew Afghanistan's needs better Twelve vivid months: we remember a year of tragedy and hope That assassin’s killed the West’s foreign policy Bhutto was brave to campaign every day, knowing that any moment could be her last Bhutto's son appointed chairman of party Wall Street Journal 2007: The Year In …The subprime crisis and wobbly home market. Tight presidential primary races and the Virginia Tech shootings. More violence in Iraq and an assassination in Pakistan. Recap the year and look ahead, with our rundown on highlights from the year in photos, video, advertising, technology and more. Violence Threatens Musharraf's Rule As Bhutto's body was laid to rest, violence and looting broke out across Pakistan. How Musharraf handles Pakistan's worst unrest in decades may determine whether he keeps his job -- and whether the turmoil flares into a bigger crisis Probe: Skull Fracture Killed Bhutto? Grieving for Benazir | H14 Financial Times President Clinton, Google grows, $100 oil, but no US recession – this is 2008 The FT’s crack corps of pundits read the runes of politics, economics, business and world affairs for the year ahead France returns to EU centre stage France’s six-month EU presidency does not begin until July 1. But already the bloc’s other 26 member states are anticipating France’s occupation of the hot seat with uncommon excitement BACK PAGE - FIRST SECTION: Events that defined 2007 Leader US fires election starter’s pistol Electoral history suggests that the faster a party can settle on its candidate and unite against the opposition, the better its chances in the general election Putting a price on global warming When talks begin on a successor to the Kyoto protocol, world leaders should aim to create a functioning market that puts a price on carbon Israel rejects easing of West Bank curbs No changes on restrictions for Palestinians unless their leadership moves more forcefully against armed groups threatening violence against Israelis, says Ehud Olmert WORLD NEWS: Alarm at Gazprom's Serbia move Spotlight: Mikheil Saakashvili - Rose reformer tries fightback | H15 Los Angeles Times Who's really in charge in Iran? The Shiite clerics have lost power to combative elites composed of military leaders, businessmen and bureaucrats. Iraq suicide attacks on the rise Editorial The Great Fall of China - Walter Russell Mead, Los Angeles Times Turning a lens on Serbian nationalism The country's version of 'Big Brother' includes the odd Bosnian, Croat and Kosovo Serb. Probably unintentionally, it's forcing viewers to confront their social prejudices. Far from case closed in Pakistan Bhutto's assassination and the government's version of events raise fears about the reach of militants and possible official complicity in the attack. Slain leader's husband, teen son to head party Meanwhile, in the wake of Bhutto's assassination, Pakistani presidential elections set for Jan. 8 may be delayed |
H16 American Politics NYT How to Divine Foreign Policy of Candidates He Could Care Less About Obama's Story - Reza Aslan, Washington Pos McCain vs. Obama in N.H. Go figure: Independent voters' tilt toward an Illinois Democrat could hurt an Arizona Republican Can't Buy Me Populism » E. J. Dionne Jr. | How being part of the moneyed elite is political-kryptonite in Iowa. 5 Tips for Decoding Those Election Polls REUTERSCSPANZOGBY POLL: Clinton leads in Iowa; Huckabee, Romney even... MSNBC POLL: Edwards, Romney Lead...
Be Reasonable Peggy Noonan is in search of a Reasonal Person for President. By PEGGY NOONAN Obama Transcends Race - George Will, Washington Post
A Ron Paul Surprise in New Hampshire? - Andrew Cline, Wall St. Journa Edwards surges, Huckabee's bubble bursts Boots on the ground will settle first battle The big advantage John Edwards has over his better-funded Democrat rivals is his network of battle-hardened activists Bipartisan Group Eyes Independent Bid First, Main Candidates Urged To Plan 'Unity' Government Shake, Rattle and Roil the Grand Ol’ Coalition No one knows whether Mike Huckabee’s approach to the Republican presidential primary will succeed much beyond Iowa. America's Choice Between Hope and Fear - Andrew Sullivan, Sunday Times The ease of borrowing has made it possible for many people to live beyond their means. But the end of easy money is now exposing Americans' vulnerability. realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp Bill Clinton barred from NSC meetings in a Hillary White House... | H17 Daily Telegraph Bhutto's son given key role in party Benazir Bhutto's teenage son has vowed to use the ballot box to take revenge for her death after succeeding his murdered mother as the head of her party. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari | Asif Zardari Elections to go ahead in nine days West starts to question Musharraf's role The will to rule It seems extraordinary for a modern political party's future to be decided by the last wishes of its dead leader, but that is what has happened in Pakistan. General Petraeus: man with a message of hope Sunday Telegraph A Face in the Crowd: Benazir Bhutto's Assassin Pakistan's politics to be played out in UK The Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, likes to say that "over there is now here". There could be no more vivid illustration of this principle than the fate of Pakistan in 2008, writes Matthew d'Ancona. Building proper peace in Afghanistan Liam Fox on why we must work quickly to give ordinary Afghans a real stake in their country - and deny the Taliban the breeding ground for its support. In office, Benazir Bhutto did little Although there is scant to show for Miss Bhutto's two terms as Pakistan's premier, says Jemima Khan, her death may yet bring Pervez Musharraf down | H18 Independent Tariq Ali: Pakistan deserves better than this feudal charade How can Western-backed politicians be taken seriously if they treat their party as a fiefdom, while courtiers abroad mouth sycophantic niceties concerning the young prince? Johann Hari: Bush has been chasing the wrong nukes Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Born to rule - and not just in Pakistan Leaving the White House: 386 days to go (and counting) France breaks off talks with Syria Independent on Sunday Farzana Shaikh: Musharraf can save his country - by resigning Raymond Whitaker: As it mourns its lost leader, Pakistan is in the eye of the storm |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism Al Qaeda: Propaganda and Media Strategy - Canadian Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies, The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University (Volume 2007-2) LINK Rand A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Analyzing Global Risk and Security Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between the Department of Defense and the Department of State on USG Private Security Contractors (PDF; 640 KB) "Map Reading and Land Navigation," Field Manual FM 3-25.26, January 2005 (change 1, August 30, 2006) (288 pages, 25 MB PDF file). "Political and Budgetary Oversight of the Ukrainian Intelligence Community: Processes, Problems and Prospects for Reform" by Oleksii Petrov, Naval Postgraduate School, September 2007. CRS "China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues," updated December 13, 2007. "Deemed Exports" and the Stirrings of a New Security Policy Northern Ireland: A Balanced Approach to Amnesty, Reconciliation, and Reintegration The political, economic, and security dimensions of societal reconstruction are ineluctably symbiotic. A veteran of the Northern Ireland “troubles” analyzes how that conflict has been brought to the brink of resolution. Beyond Guns and Steel: Reviving the Nonmilitary Instruments of American Power
Waterboarding: A Clarification - Mark Bowden, Philadelphia Inquirer Has al-Qaeda Adopted a New Terror Tactic? 'An Ordinary Spy' By JOSEPH WEISBERG Reviewed by MARK COSTELLO The C.I.A. agent in Joseph Weisberg’s novel is a conventional yuppie schlub. First Chapters ‘An Ordinary Spy’ | H20 Slate Foreign Students in the United States: Policies and Legislation (PDF; 171 KB) Source: Congressional Research Service (via Federation of American Scientists) A review of Interpretation and Revision of International Boundary Decisions by Kaiyan Homi Kaikobad. The Baby Boom and World War II: A Macroeconomic Analysis From Business Week, pundits are eager to provide their predictions for the new year — here's something a little different: Ten Things That Won't Happen in 2008. Paul Kennedy reviews The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 1781–1997 by Piers Brendon (and more and more). A question of blame: Who or what is to blame when a once-powerful society collapses? Climate security as the new determinism: A fashionable variant on an old and discreditable idea is in danger of inviting the militarisation of global responses to climate change. A review of Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire by Judith Herrin. From The Economist, a big deal: Poker is getting younger, cleverer, duller and much, much richer opening the big tent: Alain de Botton on being denounced as a vulgarian From Le Monde diplomatique, Scheherazade in the White House: How George Bush’s wartime administration used a magician, Hollywood designers and Karl Rove telling 1,001 stories to sell the invasion of Iraq. The Year in Review 2007 Source: World Bank | H21 Boston Globe The new, new things of 2007 Apple is the new NASA. Iran is the new Iraq. Beer is the new water, and water is the new oil. What's new in 2007. A guide for the perplexed. (By Drake Bennett) Blinking on the Bench: How Judges Decide Cases Source: Cornell Law Review, Forthcoming (via SSRN) Web 2.0 is an echo chamber. No debate, no conversation – they’re bloggers just listening to themselves... more» An article on the truth about lying: Our lives are filled with untruths — but why do we lie, and how can we tell when others are full of it? The appeal of the underdog: Research is published on the scope of people’s support for those who are expected to lose, seeking to understand why people are drawn to the Rocky Balboas and the Davids (versus Goliaths) of the world. The distinction between "different" and "uncool": A new study reveals an important distinction between non-membership in a group and groups with which we want to avoid association — and also highlights the mitigating effect of social pressure. Okay, people die all the time. But 2007 was a year in which a certain type of person died: Ingmar Bergman, Michelangelo Antonioni, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Jean Baudrillard... more» Covering the world: International journalism has the power the change the way readers see the world Notable Deaths of 2007 The Times remembers some of the most notable figures who passed from the scene in 2007 Independent The best books of 2007 We're English, eccentric and proud of it The sad death of the Daily Telegraph's obituaries editor made it clear to Geoffrey Wheatcroft that our oddities are part of English national life. There's plenty of experts outlining how to raise Your Baby. If only they could agree. (By Tom Scocca) 'Modernism' By PETER GAY Reviewed by LEE SIEGEL A cultural historian tries to make sense of modernism. With better, faster technology, online classes become more ambitious and more accessible |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - book forum / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Gideon Rachman - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,