1129-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||||
H1 Slate Spaced Shuttle Diplomacy Why did it take so long to get to Annapolis? CFR Indyk: Bush Seemed Uninvolved in His Own Peace Conference WINEP Bush at Annapolis: Hints about the Final Thirteen Months CFR Media Conference Call: Richard N. Haass on Mideast Peace Talks (Audio) New York Times News Analysis: Rice’s Way: Restraint in Quest for Peace FP Seven Questions: Sandy Berger on the Prospects for Peace IHT-NYT In crowded Russian vote, only Putin counts Guardian What does a free society require of believers and non-believers alike? Timothy Garton Ash: Religious diversity won't work without reasserting the liberal essentials. But let's not confuse secularism with atheism Leader Still waiting for peace A small, slender chance for peace in the Middle East Jonathan Freedland: There may have been no shortage of arguments for pessimism, but there are a few strong reasons not to give up just yet Turbulent times in 'nowhere land' Simon Tisdall With so much instability in the region, keeping things neat and tidy in the southern Caucasus is likely to prove ever harder Independent Robert Fisk: A different venue, but the pious claims and promises are the same Adrian Hamilton: Annapolis's sole purpose is to serve the Bush agenda Ha’aretz – Olmert: Two-state solution, or Israel is finished Editorial Forward Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni have come a long way from their revisionist world view, on which they were raised and which they sold to their public during their days in Likud, all the way to the speeches they made at Annapolis. The Times Kosovo deadlock puts Balkans on the brink The threat of war in the Balkans loomed after the collapse of talks between Serbs and Albanians over Kosovo's future Is the financial world about to collapse? You'd think so if you listened to the financiers Anatole Kaletsky Syriana By: Michael Young | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Foreign capitals are increasingly engaging Syrian President Bashar Assad, whether on Lebanon's future or on regional peace talks, as Syria's inclusion in yesterday's Annapolis conference shows. If this engagement is done clumsily -- as it has been so far -- we will soon be reading the Cedar Revolution's obituary White House squabble on releasing Iranians A behind-the-scenes row in the Bush administration played a part in the decision to release nine Iranian prisoners. Cheney and Petraeus, US commander in Iraq, took a hit, but administration hardliners continue to oppose any further move to reduce tensions with Iran. - Gareth Porter
Selling the US by the dollar The US$7.5 billion that the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is paying to buy a 4.9% stake in Citigroup begins the process of selling off America's remarkably innovative and profitable financial system. The country will now be paying a rent, in the form of the profits accruing to Abu Dhabi and the other foreign buyers that must surely follow its lead, equal to what it once collected for itself. - Julian Delasantellis Inside Pakistan's Drive to Guard A-Bombs Pakistan's nuclear-security web involves a battery of checks aimed at rooting out human foibles that might lead one to betray national secrets. But the new program probes most deeply into degrees of religious fervor. Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons: Proliferation and Security Issues (PDF; 111 KB) Congressional Research Service Russia's Oil-Driven Economy - Guy Sorman, City Journal CEPS Political Islam and European Foreign Policy: Perspectives from Muslim Democrats of the Mediterranean Download PDF for free Weekly Standard Battle of the Youth Bulge Demography may explain Pakistan's political turmoil.
A Marine proposal under discussion this week would redeploy troops from Iraq. FT Rapid rise seen in internet's role in espionage More than 100 countries are believed to be using the internet for espionage, says McAfee, the information technology security company, in a report released today... UPI Commentary: Osama's echo chamber By ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE What do the Archbishop of Canterbury, Patrick J. Buchanan, and Osama bin Laden have in common? All three believe America is on a path to national suicide. Asia Times How you helped build Pakistan's bomb Pakistan's "Islamic bomb" - an arsenal of as many as 120 nuclear weapons - is not an indigenous product, but a little bit American, Canadian, Swiss, German, Dutch, British, Japanese and even Russian FT Clan with a planWhile the ex-KGB occupants of the Kremlin find ways to retain influence, voters are content with the stability they offer Lebanese rivals turn to army chief Politicians from the ruling anti-Syrian March 14 bloc reverse their position on General Suleiman, army chief, making him the frontrunner for Lebanon’s vacant presidency Cobban Saudi-Syrian deal gives Lebanon a President? Washington Post PostGlobal Seven Views on Summit What the Middle East really thinks about prospects and posturing for peace. Bush's Next Preemptive Strike By Harold Meyerson This time, instead of preempting a foreign nation, the president is seeking to preempt Congress and his successor. 1973 U.S. Cable on Mideast Mirrors Current Events Memo, Among Newly Released Nixon-Era Documents, Warns Saudi Monarch of Dangers From Fatah Editorial The General Retires But still Pervez Musharraf clings to power, prolonging Pakistan's crisis PINR "Intelligence Brief: Musharraf Gains an Edge and Increases Chances for Survival" Full text of report Weak and Failing States: Evolving Security Threats and U.S. Policy (PDF; 175 KB) Congressional Research Service New Republic Don’t Let the “Lessons Of Iraq” Ruin America’s Foreign Policy by James P. Rubin Boston Globe Editorial After Annapolis Annapolis can only be judged by what follows it. Iran's Peace Pipeline RSIS A 3-page Indian commentary on how a gas pipeline may undermine US efforts to isolate Iran in the region Iranians Say Sanctions Hurt Them, Not Govt UPI Report: 'Islamofascism' blinds U.S. The term "Islamofascism" dangerously obscures important distinctions and differences between groups of Islamic extremists, says a counter-terror think tank William Arkin The Sun In Their Eyes Strategy | H2 Jerusalem Post 'A lot can change in 60 years' 60 years since UN vote, the ties have changed; Israel's relationship with Turkey can attest to that Stratfor Iraq: The Arbil-Baghdad Divide ”… just as the Kurds have a vested interest in keeping Kurdistan in a legal gray area, so too do they have an interest in keeping the legal niceties of Iraq itself obfuscated. While Iraq remains in legal limbo, the degree to which Arbil exercises local policy control is not a headline issue. Luckily for the Kurds of Iraq, that limbo shows no sign of resolving itself. After all, even within the Iraqi Shiite community there are divisions over everything from the level of power to grant the central government to the role of Iran -- a level of continual confusion that allows Arbil to quietly proceed with building de facto independence, no matter what Shahristani says.” Washington's Kurdish Quandary America’s geopolitical impotence is being exposed in the rugged hills of northern Iraq. Former PKK member admits US complicity and released UPDATE 1-Turkey to advertise nuclear tender in April '08 EDMAZERBAIJAN: REGIONAL LOCOMOTIVE NOT ONLY FOR THE RAILROAD (PART TWO)
U.S. MOVES TO HELP ARMENIA BUILD NEW NUCLEAR PLANT Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Kurdish Oil DemocracyArsenal “According to one person at the meeting, the officials warned that some of the blocs being offered by the Kurdish government lay outside its territory and might extend into Turkey or Iran.” Barzani: "İsteseydik Kerkük'ü ele geçirebilirdik" Kırmızı Bültenli 'diyalog' çağrısı Türkiye'nin terör suçlusu olarak Kırmızı Bülten'le aradığı, ancak AB ülkelerinin bir türlü iadeye yanaşmadığı Ahmet Gülabi Dere'nin de aralarında bulunduğu KNK'liler, Avrupa Parlamentosu'nda bildiri yayımladı Hüseyin Gülerce Güneydoğu için yeni bir atak Gülen’s new step for the Southeast K. Irak'a diplomatik ilgi artıyor Demirtaş, dönüş biletini iptal etti Teröristler termal kameraya yakalandı Ekrem Dumanlı Devlet ders almış; keşke DTP de ders alsa... Güler Kömürcü ‘K’ dosyasında ‘P’ gücü Vedat YENERER AKP Kürdistan'ın ilanını bekliyor!.. Sebahattin Önkibar ABD elçiliğindeki PKK zirvesinin perde arkası? Dönüşe yeni formül Germany extradites PKK member sought with Red Notice ABD kahvaltısı Kürt siyasileri böldü US Embassy angers DTP over meeting with Kurdish politicians Iraqi Kurds concerned over Kirkuk referendum delay, press for vote Shays: Umarım PKK konusu son bulur Sehitlerin ve PKK’lıların adlarını istedi DTP tebdir istemleri için ikinci raportör görevlendirildi DTP'li Demirtaş: ABD elçisi ile buluşmayı nafile çaba görüyoruz İzmir'de PKK'lı 'Ana' tutuklandı Mardin'de bir papaz fidye için kaçırıldı Turkish Paper Views Ways to Neutralize, Disarm Militant Kurds Neçirvan Barzani: Eğer isteseydik, Kerkük'ü 2003'te ele geçirirdik US Embassy angers DTP over meeting with Kurdish politicians Kurds defend recruiting foreign oil producers, including Hunt Çok dilli belediye davasına ret ABD Dışişleri: "PKK ortak sorun" ABD Kongre üyesi Schalow, Diyarbakır'da ''şiddet kurbanları'' ile görüşmüş! Kürt ile Türk'ün benzer yanı New TV for Iranian Kurds Starts Broadcasting From Sweden Raids target militants in Kirkuk Turkish Army Urges Kurds to Surrender BM’den Erbil’e ofis, Ruslardan konsolosluk İsrail'in yüzölçümü mü yoksa varlığı mı sorun Bernard Lewis-The Wall Street Journal Şahin Alpay Annapolis'ten ne çıkar? [İSRAİL BASINI TEMKİNLİ] Annapolis taahhütlerinin yerine getirilmesi zor Irak bu barış şansını heba etmemeli Anthony Cordesman Kerim Balcı Annapolis is not a tabula rasa Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Rauf Denktaş Biz istemedikçe FT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: History a good corrective to Bolkestein's foreboding Semih İDİZ Ermenistan'da aklın üstün gelmesini dileriz MELİHA OKUR "AB'ye damsız girilmez" Andrew Finkel Europe? ‘Oui’ or ‘Non'? Yusuf KANLI Turkey and northern Cyprus The new tsar of Russia: Putin I the Eternal? C. CEM OĞUZ Barefoot Camilla toes the line in Turkey The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall visited the Eyup Mosque in Istanbul during their visit to Turkey Dawkins book faces Turkish ban Kadına karşı şiddete devam Yine Unakıtan ismi Cumhurbaşkanı Gül'le 'fikir sofrası' Ilımlı İslamın da konuşulduğu yemekte şarap ikram edildi YÖK için İki sürpriz aday 'Yürüyen Kale'leri yerli firma yapacak Oray Eğin Çölaşan ve Özkök Deniz Gökçe Nükleer atıkları ne yapacağız? | H3 Barzani'ye artan baskı Murat Yetkin Barzani, Kerkük atağındayken, Babacan ABD'de 'Beklentilere uyulmadı' mesajını verdi. Cengiz Çandar 2008 Ortadoğusu'nda 'Annapolis iklimi', Türkiye’ye 2008 ipuçları Ertuğrul Özkök Türkiye Türklerin midir Ahmet Taşgetiren Hangi Kürt? - Çözüm demokraside... Fehmi Koru Ağızdaki baklayı çıkarıyorum M Ali Birand Başbuğ’un söylediği gerçekleşti... PKK'nın karakutusu anlatıyor-3 Hangi ülkeler Abdullah Öcalan'ı siyasi mülteci olarak almak istedi? Ruşen Çakır yazıyor Ekselansları 'Kürt Sorunu'nu çözümlüyor Hasan Celal Güzel BAYKAL, MEDYA VE YOLSUZLUKLARA DAİR... Taha AKYOL Aleviler ve cumhuriyet 'Amaçları, Türkiye'yi İslam devleti yapmak' CHP, tarikatların elinde 3 bine yakın okul, pansiyon ve kurs olduğunu savunarak eğitim kurumlarında tarikat örgütlenmelerinin tespiti için Meclis... Serpil YILMAZ Sabah-atv ihalesi neden iptal olabilir -1 Fikret BİLA TSK ve İngiliz ordusu 'Bir elinde gül' ama ürkek Tarhan Erdem PKK'nın tehditleri ve demokrat anlayış… PKK ve Hizbullah aynı cephede savaşır mı? Murat Çelik Baykal ile gündeme dair - Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu ‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ YAŞ Erdoğan başkanlığında toplanıyor "İnsan hakları devletin güvenliği için tehdit" Türkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etüdler Vakfı'nın (TESEV) yaptığı araştırma, hakim ve savcıların yarısından fazlasının insan haklarını devletin güvenliği için tehdit olarak gördüğünü ortaya koydu. Judiciary remains ‘statist’ despite EU reforms İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç Fehmi Koru A moveable feast Ahmet Hakan Artık harekete geçsen diyorum Beşir Hoca İsmail Küçükkaya Vamık Volkan’dan Ankara dersleri... Mülakatla hakim alımına CHP’den toplu direniş Yine tarih meselesi Nuray Mert Cüneyt Ülsever Yeni asalaklar (II): Türbanlı hanımların bürokrat beyleri Serdar Turgut Aleviler AKİF EMRE Alevilik bir tarikat mı? YASİN DOĞAN Değerden yoksun siyaset olamaz [Yorum - Prof. Dr. Erhun Kula] Nükleer Enerji Kanunu etraflıca tartışılmalıdır Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil. Mümtazer Türköne "Birahaneye mahalle baskısı" Oktay Ekşi Şimdiden belli olmalı ERDAL ŞAFAK Ankara'da bir konuk EMRE AKÖZ O bildiri işe yarar mı? NAZLI ILICAK PKK, DTP ve laiklik MAHMUT ÖVÜR Ağar yeniden istifa edecek mi? Son açılımlar, Alevi-Sünni kardeşliğini pekiştirecek Mustafa Erdoğan Milletvekili dokunulmazlığı ayrıcalık değildir Süheyl Batum Anayasanın “ciddiyetine” kim karar verir? Bilal Çetin 301 değişikliğini kim engelliyor? ŞELALE KADAK "Erbil'deki şantiye kış nedeniyle durdu" Güneri CIVAOĞLU İşadamlarının medya projesi Arınç'a tepki: Kendi eleman seçimine bak Glocalization and media’s role in dialogue (2) by BÜLENT KENEŞ ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Düşene kadar yola devam Seyfettin Gürsel Kendimizi övüp duracağımıza okumaya bakalım Hurşit GÜNEŞ Ercan Kumcu Avrupa’daki gelişmekte olan ülkelere ilgi artıyor Turkey's privatisation board says no injunction on Turcas Daha nasıl destek olsun? 260 milyar dolarlık borsa bir kepçe darbesiyle çöktü Yükselen piyasalar ilaç olur mu? Güngör URAS Salı % 2.33 indi, dün % 3.00 bindi (...bir gün iniyor, bir gün biniyor!) Turkish economy authorities to put c/a deficit under the lens | ||
H4 New York Times News Analysis: Rice’s Way: Restraint in Quest for Peace Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal Vexed Nixon Bush Promotes Middle East Peace Dialogue EditorialSharif, Bhutto and the (Ex-) General For Musharraf, Reduced Power as the President Resigning as Pakistan’s army chief will leave Pervez Musharraf with vastly reduced powers and Washington with a far more complex Pakistan to deal with in its fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban Sarkozy Pledges Crackdown on Rioters NATO Strike Is Said to Kill 14 Civilians in Afghanistan An Afghanistan War-Crimes Case Tests Poland’s Commitment to Foreign Missions Saudis Arrest 208 in a Sweep to Head Off Terrorist Attacks ROGER COHEN Shutting Up Venezuela’s Chávez Hugo Chávez’s grab for socialist-emperor status is grotesque, dangerous and a terrible example for a region that has been consolidating democracy. | H5 Washington Post PostGlobal Seven Views on Summit What the Middle East really thinks about prospects and posturing for peace. Bush's Next Preemptive Strike By Harold Meyerson This time, instead of preempting a foreign nation, the president is seeking to preempt Congress and his successor. Editorial The General Retires But still Pervez Musharraf clings to power, prolonging Pakistan's crisis Musharraf to Take Oath as Civilian Leader Pakistani President Plans to Announce Timeline for Lifting Emergency Rule, Officials Say 1973 U.S. Cable on Mideast Mirrors Current Events Memo, Among Newly Released Nixon-Era Documents, Warns Saudi Monarch of Dangers From Fatah Pall of Rioting Greets Sarkozy After China Trip Critics Say Leader Has Failed To Improve Lives of Minorities Russians May Host Middle East Follow-Up Major parties hope to begin a comprehensive peace effort that would include direct talks between Israel and Syria, officials say Annapolis Talks Prompt Much Doubt, a Few Jokes, in Mideast Rice, Israeli Official Share Perspectives Both Women Cite Pariah Treatment Allies Abandon Chávez On Constitution Vote Prominent officials defect, saying approval of 69 constitutional changes would effectively turn Venezuela into a dictatorship run at the whim of one man. | H6 Guardian What does a free society require of believers and non-believers alike? Timothy Garton Ash: Religious diversity won't work without reasserting the liberal essentials. But let's not confuse secularism with atheism Leader Still waiting for peace A small, slender chance for peace in the Middle East Jonathan Freedland: There may have been no shortage of arguments for pessimism, but there are a few strong reasons not to give up just yet Turbulent times in 'nowhere land' Simon Tisdall With so much instability in the region, keeping things neat and tidy in the southern Caucasus is likely to prove ever harder Fears grow as Kosovo talks fail Iran leader dubs Annapolis a failure Bush hopes for progress despite near-universal scepticism and taunts from Ahmadinejad Three held over Slovak 'nuclear sale' Police arrest three men in Slovakia and Hungary after allegedly trying to sell radioactive material Musharraf says an emotional farewell | ||
H7 New Republic Don’t Let the “Lessons Of Iraq” Ruin America’s Foreign Policy by James P. Rubin Boston Globe Editorial After Annapolis Annapolis can only be judged by what follows it. Iran's Peace Pipeline RSIS A 3-page Indian commentary on how a gas pipeline may undermine US efforts to isolate Iran in the region Weekly Standard Battle of the Youth Bulge Demography may explain Pakistan's political turmoil.
White House squabble on releasing Iranians
Selling the US by the dollar The US$7.5 billion that the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is paying to buy a 4.9% stake in Citigroup begins the process of selling off America's remarkably innovative and profitable financial system. The country will now be paying a rent, in the form of the profits accruing to Abu Dhabi and the other foreign buyers that must surely follow its lead, equal to what it once collected for itself. - Julian Delasantellis
How you helped build Pakistan's bomb Pakistan's "Islamic bomb" - an arsenal of as many as 120 nuclear weapons - is not an indigenous product, but a little bit American, Canadian, Swiss, German, Dutch, British, Japanese and even Russian. It is impossible to launch a war against such an underground global business, which makes nonsense of the George W Bush administration's urge to militarize anti-proliferation efforts that have been at the heart of its post-September 11, 2001, planning. - Catherine Collins and Douglas Frantz Hello to the Euro, Goodby to the Dollar By: Gwynne Dyer | The Japan Times Bush administration blunders have probably landed a fatal blow to the dollar's reign as global reserve currency, but there won't be change overnight From Business Week, an article on Brazil, the new oil superpower: State-run Petrobras' "monstrous" new oil find has wide-ranging implications for the South American country, the oil majors, oil services providers, and beyond. The discovery of a huge new oil field has the potential to transform Brazil into a global energy powerhouse and to reshape the politics of this energy-starved continent. | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor BBC Safe area Powerful Iraqi leader's cancer may be in remission Six World Powers to Discuss Iran in Paris Saturday Bush: US Would Back Israel if Attacked by Iran MCClatchy Can hope triumph over Mideast experience? Arabs Return From Summit Uneasy and Skeptical BBC Bush launches new Mid-East talks US President George Bush pledges to back Israelis and Palestinians in peace talks, and appoints a new envoy. Down to business Annapolis: End of the beginning Key excerpts: Leaders' speeches Reactions to Annapolis statement Saudi police arrest 208 militants Iraq a loud no-show at talks Faced with a difficult political and military insurgency at home, and having to balance competing sectarian and diplomatic demands, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki decided it did not have the time or resources to attend Mr. Bush's high-stakes gathering. Spreading Prosperity By: Sunny Hundal | The GuardianDubai's enthusiastic embrace of capitalism, which some find disconcerting, is exactly what the Middle East needs. | H9 Ha’aretz – Olmert: Two-state solution, or Israel is finished Editorial Forward Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni have come a long way from their revisionist world view, on which they were raised and which they sold to their public during their days in Likud, all the way to the speeches they made at Annapolis. PM to Haaretz: Talks will be tough, require patience Olmert: The Annapolis peace summit is not a historic turning point, but it is a point that can be of assistance Benn Only Bush can With all due respect to the Bush-Rice success at Annapolis, their real test is still before them, and it all depends on their determination and perseverance. Segev The 29th of November, then and now There was a time when Israelis and Palestinians refused to speak to one another. All that is behind us. Most Israelis and most Palestinians agree in principle to dividing the country between them. Poll: Most Israeli public believes Annapolis summit was a failure Debate rages on World Jewry's role in peace concessions Jewish groups: We all have stake in J'lem's future; PM: Groups have no right to intervene in gov't decisions Algerian minister: Sarkozy in power thanks to Jewish lobby Syrian state-run paper: Non-comprehensive peace won't last Israeli kids rank poorly on int'l test for literacy UN archives reveal plan to arm Jewish militia Former NATO head expected to join Rice's Mideast team Jerusalem Post Analysis: formidable challenges For all Olmert's patent reinvigoration and confidence this process represents a significant gamble For this to work, 2008 must also be year Iran's nuke program is repelled. Can Israel live with a partial Golan? The Golan Heights can be something close to a defender's dream. Accept Israel as the Jewish state? [ DANIEL PIPES , Arab representatives to Annapolis shun Livni Foreign minister meets only with Jordanian couterpart during parley; officials say Arab world still not ready for warmer relations. Yedioth Ahronoth 'Public will back concessions' Summit in US another chapter in endless story of peace conferences, says Ariana Melamed Most Israeli Arabs believe PA negotiators lack mandate to make concessions in peace talks Senior Holy See cardinal says Palestinian refugees have right to return to their homeland Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine NRO MEYRAV WURMSER: The open threats of Hamas leaders dim the hopeful prospects of summit participants. “Annapolis Animosity” excerpt from How Jews Became Germans: The History of Conversion and Assimilation in Berlin by Deborah Hertz | ||
The new man with the baton in Pakistan: Ashfaq Kayani Pakistan's president doffed his military uniform Wednesday and handed over a sensitive post. After Annapolis, hurdles for Israeli and Palestinian leaders Observers warn that Palestinian President Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Olmert may be too weak to keep peace efforts on track In Mideast peace process, how big a role will Bush play? Bush appears to be playing down the importance of the US in the process, but some experts see a need for an active outside arbiter. Where to find progress in Iraq Baghdad shouldn't be the country's only bellwether. A Marine proposal under discussion this week would redeploy troops from Iraq. Bali climate summit: a test of the world's resolve At next week's meeting in Indonesia, more than 100 nations will gather to work on a new emissions pact. ASIA Three Wise Men in the East By: Jean Pisani-Ferry | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) FT Modest progress at the Beijing summit By focusing on specific trade and exchange rate problems, China and the EU have created mechanisms that may stop their relationship deteriorating WORLD NEWS: US-Sino naval relations the main victim of China's ill-aimed shot across the bows India and its Neighbours: Do Economic Interests Have the Potential to Build Peace? CFR Guang: China and the United States ‘Do Not Have Strategic Conflicts’ in Africa Mark Hertsgaard The standoff between the US and China over carbon emissions recalls the nuclear arms race. We need a Gorbachev of climate change to break the stalemate Playing Roulette in Pakistan | H11 IHT Roger Cohen: Of oil and death By ROGER COHEN Chavez is too shrewd to sever his U.S. lifeline, but Venezuelans should stop him now.
Though deadlocked, sides agree to avoid violence over Kosovo Merkel defends German foreign policy focused on human rights A Cold War institution that's lost its bearingsRussia is using the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as its political playground EUROPE European press review CEPS Does Europe Need a New Missile Defence System? Europe's Defence and Its New Security Strategy No Security: A look at how Britain is failing in its most basic duty to its citizens. The EU Must Stand Firm on Bosnia How Many Divisions Have the Europeans? | H12 RFE/RL Putin Can't Run for Third Term as Loophole Closes By: Henry Meyer and Sebastian Allison | Bloomberg News Unmasking President Putin's Grandiose Myth By: Anders Aslund | The Moscow Times Russia's outstanding achievement is that its gross domestic product has increased six fold from $200 billion in 1999 to $1.2 trillion this year, but this is primarily a result of the market reforms undertaken in the 1990s. Russia Lashes Out at the U.S. for Stepping Back By: Sergey Strokan | Kommersant Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in the United States as he came to take part in a Middle East forum in Annapolis and accused America of making “a step backwards” in the bilateral relations BBC 'St Petersburg clan' Russia’s Potemkin election, Shaun Walker Google News Azerbaijan The Soviet Union was once the best-read country in the world, but these days Russians prefer reality TV. Silencing the Critics By: Katrina Vanden Heuvel | International Herald Tribune The Russian Parliament's intellectual giants: Peculiar doctoral theses have supposedly helped Russian politicians improve their images — a paper by President Putin raises questions. | ||
H13 The Times Bush’s peace summit comes at the right moment Kosovo deadlock puts Balkans on the brink The threat of war in the Balkans loomed after the collapse of talks between Serbs and Albanians over Kosovo's future Is the financial world about to collapse? You'd think so if you listened to the financiers Anatole Kaletsky Palestinian violence brings Bush a reality checkViolent protests in the West Bank and Gaza came as President Bush held further talks with Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas The Pakistan President has resigned as army chief, setting the country back on the path to civilian democratic rule Wall Street Journal Citi of Arabia Inside Pakistan's Drive to Guard A-Bombs Pakistan's nuclear-security web involves a battery of checks aimed at rooting out human foibles that might lead one to betray national secrets. But the new program probes most deeply into degrees of religious fervor. In Sharif, Saudis See Influence Saudi Arabia surprised the U.S. by returning ex-Prime Minister Sharif to Pakistan Sunday, an official said. Musharraf had tried to block the move. Syriana By: Michael Young | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) | H14 Financial Times US takes ownership of peace process The accord George W. Bush read out this week makes clear the US president’s role as honest broker COMMENT: Be thankful for canny Arab wealth The Gulf states are buying in expertise in the form of expatriate professionals from consulting and financial firms. It makes sense for the Gulf governments to invest their financial holdings into a variety of assets and to take risk, writes John Gapper COMMENT: Bosnia's future is crucial to greater Europe It can expect to join EU, says Tomas Valasek Clan with a planWhile the ex-KGB occupants of the Kremlin find ways to retain influence, voters are content with the stability they offer Lebanese rivals turn to army chief Politicians from the ruling anti-Syrian March 14 bloc reverse their position on General Suleiman, army chief, making him the frontrunner for Lebanon’s vacant presidency Disdain on both sides of security barrier Jews and Arabs in neighbouring communities share a mistrust of the peace talks COMMENT: Musharraf must leave office, not just the army Military is no longer a support, says Jo Johnson COMMENT: Foreign state funds should be offered a safe harbour George Kleinfeld on benefit of international standard Modest progress at the Beijing summit By focusing on specific trade and exchange rate problems, China and the EU have created mechanisms that may stop their relationship deteriorating France burns again After a Paris suburb was again set ablaze by rioters, the government got tough on what it regarded as criminality masquerading as protest Saudis hold 200 suspected militants Saudi Arabia says it has detained more than 200 suspected militants, including a cell that had been planning an attack on an installation in an oil-rich eastern province Markets rebound as Fed hints at rate cut Stocks surged after Federal Reserve vice-chairman Don Kohn dropped what investors saw as a clear hint that the US central bank was ready to cut interest rates again next month unless market conditions improve | EditorialSummit surpasses low expectations The Middle East peace talks at Annapolis weren't expected to be productive. But the 'joint understanding' is, at least, a start By Laura King | 7:55 p.m. A date for lifting emergency rule could come Thursday, when Musharraf is sworn in to a new term as civilian president Grooming the Next Ahmad Chalabi By: Alan Weisman | Los Angeles Times Give Venezuela Credit By: Angelo Rivero | Los Angeles Times | ||
H16 American Politics G.O.P. Rivals Trade Jabs in Debate The Republican candidates confronted each other in testy encounters that reflected the wide-open nature of the race in the final sprint toward the Iowa caucuses. STUDY: IMMIGRANT POPULATION HIGHEST SINCE 1920S... Election basics realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | The power of organised labour in France is declining. If Nicholas Sarkozy continues to keep his nerve, the president should prevail in this struggle. Cameron: Army must halt Russia threat Western forces, which could include British troops, must be sent into the Balkans to prevent Russia sparking a new European war, according to David Cameron | H18 Independent Former Nato military chief appointed Middle East envoy President George Bush and Israeli and Palestinian leaders ceremonially launched their new drive for Middle East peace yesterday, as Washington appointed a former supreme commander of Nato to head efforts to improve security relations between the foes. Robert Fisk: A different venue, but the pious claims and promises are the same Adrian Hamilton: Annapolis's sole purpose is to serve the Bush agenda Johann Hari: The plot to rig the 2008 US election Musharraf yields to pressure and stands down as head of army Leading article: An imperfect election may offer the best hope Kosovo's future uncertain as talks collapse Hamish McRae: Why Europe matters more to the UK economy than Asia or the Middle East | ||
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism Rapid rise seen in internet's role in espionage More than 100 countries are believed to be using the internet for espionage, says McAfee, the information technology security company, in a report released today... New SIPRI/SPITS report: United Nations Arms Embargoes From TAC, a cover story on hired guns: While the volunteer Army struggles, the business of war booms. From Wired, a look at how technology almost lost the war: In Iraq, the critical networks are social, not electronic Recruiting: A new Army campaign hopes to appeal to parents. Some New DoD Intelligence Policy Directives sarkozy was ex-mossad secret agent Analysis: New Internet security threats - A new survey of Internet security threats says the biggest problem faced by U.S. companies and government agencies is the growing sophistication of cyber-criminals and spies, who are making increasing use of highly targeted social engineering techniques known as "spear phishing" and exploiting holes in custom-built Web sites. | H20 Slate Spaced Shuttle Diplomacy Why did it take so long to get to Annapolis? | H21 Can Amazon save the e-book? The online retailer takes a crack at selling a portable book-reading gadget. Literature after books: The coming of the ebook is likely to reshape both how we read, and how we write. A look at Gideon Rachman’s six worst England football experiences Sport police Google: Plugging the Internet into clean power Google said this week it would invest $100 million in renewable energy sources. | ||
Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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