0929-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 From Prospect, Mission Accomplished – With most Sunni factions now seeking a deal, the big questions in Iraq have been resolved positively. The country remains one, it has embraced democracy and avoided all-out civil war. What violence remains is largely local and criminal. Bartle Bull Washington Post Democrats May Keep Iraq Policy Party's presidential front-runners unlikely to rapidly alter Bush's vision for U.S. in region Senate Dems' Chances to Alter Iraq Strategy Fading Iraqi PM Al-Maliki Criticizes U.S. Senate Proposal Security May Trump Ethnicity in Kirkuk By: Borzou Daragahi | Los Angeles Times Russia, China delay new sanctions on Tehran Agree to consider further action in November Prospect In search of British values 1 In July, Gordon Brown published a green paper called "The Governance of Britain." The final section said that we need to be clearer about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be British. It proposed "to work with the public to develop a British statement of values." We asked 50 writers and intellectuals to give us their thoughts on this statement and what should inform it Ha’aretz – Editorial: Should we come to terms with a nuclear Iran? Perkovich: "ElBaradei and Iran have won this round" Samore, Fitzpatrick on Iran [1] The audio for the event is online. The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by John J Mearsheimer and Stephen M Walt makes Geoffrey Wheatcroft wonder when an alliance becomes a liability Time Why the Dollar Is a 98-lb. Weakling Does a falling greenback mean the end is near for the U.S.? No, but change is coming, and it won't be pretty Inflating a Little Man The neoconservatives want you to think Ahmadinejad is another Hitler. That's dishonest, and plumps for war by Joe Klein Asia Times A massive wrench in Putin's works Turkmenistan, the energy-rich gas powerhouse of Central Asia, was all but in Moscow's pocket, having agreed to allow Russia almost exclusive access to its vast reserves and exports. Russian President Vladimir Putin was poised to deal a death blow to Western plans to bring Turkmen gas to the European market bypassing Russian territory. Almost overnight, Turkmenistan appears to be responding to desperate US and European Union moves to recover lost ground. With Iran and China pulling in other directions, the great game has taken a dramatic twist. - M K Bhadrakumar Strategic Studies Institute Turkmenistan and Central Asia after Niyazov by Dr. Stephen J. Blank Full Paper (PDF; 381 KB) The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion Source: RAND Corporation Summary (PDF; 97 KB) Financial Times Dollar sinks as gold hits 27-year highInvestors ignore inflation data The war on error Even after Iraq, the US is unlikely to be cured of its taste for the Big Idea, says Gideon Rachman SCOWCROFT: RISKS TO MIDEAST OIL MORE DANGEROUS THAN TERRORISM Yedioth Ahronoth Basher Assad - The Lesser Evil - Guy Bechor Columbia Journalism Review The Israel Lobby Doesn't Control the Media - Gal Beckerman Yedioth Ahronoth Who really rules Israel? Jews' state controlled by four informal networks, not by government, Gabriel Sheffer writes This new struggle for power: An interview with Martin Indyk on assessing American foreign policy in the Middle East. Washington Institute Syria's Strategic Weapons Programs - Michael Eisenstadt Can’t Win with ‘Em, Can’t Go To War without ‘Em: Private Military Contractors and Counterinsurgency Washington Institute Pushback or Progress? Arab Regimes Respond to Democracy's Challenge American and Iranian Public Opinion: The Quest for Common Grounds Source: Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (via RAND Corporation) Full Document (PDF; 195 KB) Blotter Exclusive: First Images of Controversial Blackwater Incident Iraqis, Arabs, and a Norwegian all hate the Biden plan Helena Cobban The fate of the Bushites' "demagogratization" project in the Middle East 'Why We're Winning Now in Iraq: Anbar's citizens needed protection before they would give their "hearts and minds,"' BY FREDERICK W. KAGAN, Wall Street Journal An Interview With Bill Clinton - Al Hunt, Bloomberg TV | H2 Wall Street Journal COMMENTARY: THE WEEKEND INTERVIEW Iraq's Maliki calls for a united front against terrorism. Turkey's Erdogan is ambivalent about Ataturk's legacy. Charlie Rose Show Comment On: A conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Recep ... Holbrooke Beni Amerika anladı, Türkiye anlamadı Turkey/Iraq: Counterterrorism Cooperation US Department of State Bryza: Osmanlı ruhu canlandırılmalı ANLAŞMANIN TAM METNİ İÇİN TIKLAYIN Güvenlik anlaşması 'Türkiye Uzlaştırıcı Rol Oynayabilir' 'Terörün Zemininde Din Değil Yoksulluk Var' Terörizme karşı 'zoraki' işbirliği Holbrooke: Türkiye’den daha önemli bir ülke yok NYT 'Other Colors: Essays and a Story' By ORHAN PAMUK Reviewed by PICO IYER A collection of nonfiction (and one story) from the Turkish writer and Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk. Turkey, Iraq Sign Deal on Kurdish Rebels The Associated Press
Turkey-Iraq agree security pact BBC News Azerbaijan to start building $4b refinery in Turkey in 2008 Tehran Times, NYT Iraq and Turkey sign pact to combat Kurdish rebels Former US defense secretaries also warn Pelosi Mehmetçiğe Darfur yolu göründü Matt Bryza'dan Osmanlı mesajları BM Güvenlik Konseyi geçici üyeliği için destek istedi Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring [NEWS ANALYSIS] Turkey-Iraq deal forms legal basis to fight PKK Ankara’da yoğun kayıp silah trafiği Amerikalı müfettişler Blackwater'ı adres gösterdi Turkey, Iraq sign terrorism deal but no hot pursuit clause Erdoğan: PKK'nın elinde ABD malı tank var Öcalan'ın kardeşi: PKK, Avrupa'da bitti Alman Vakfı destekli 'Kürt Konferansı' Güneri CIVAOĞLU PKK'nın tankları Abdülhamit Bilici Bölünmeye Iraklı nasıl bakıyor? Beril Dedeoğlu Turkey-Israel: Again? Irak sınırında tank ve topçu tatbikatı Turkey, Iraq Sign Counterterrorism Pact 'Terörle anılmaktan rahatsızız bölgede güzel şeyler de oluyor' Iraqi President Party's Official Says PKK Not Terrorist Organization Al-Jazeera Program Discusses Iraqi-Turkish Security Agreement Al-Jazeera Interviews Senior PUK Official on Iraq-Turkey Security Agreement Iraqi Kurdish Islamic Union Local Leader Discusses Support, Media TURKISH OFFICIALS ACCUSE BARZANI OF PREVENTING “HOT PURSUIT” BEING INCLUDED IN ANTI-PKK AGREEMENT Iraqi Kurdish Official Discusses Obstacles to Settlement in Disputed Areas Iraqi Kurdish Paper Discusses Use of Tribes to Fight Al-Qa'Idah Iraqi Kurdistan President Briefs Parliament, Urges Iran, Turkey to Stop Shelling Kürdistan bölgesi ekonomisini inşa çabasında Security May Trump Ethnicity in Kirkuk By: Borzou Daragahi | Los Angeles Times Türkiye-Irak anlaşmasına Kürtler tepkili Murat Çelik Sıcak takip yok ama... Yusuf KANLI 'Türkiye'de Kürtler azınlık değil' Kürtler bastırdı sıcak takip kaldı Zebari: PKK'yı Irak'tan çıkarmam DTP'den orduya hakaret DTP'li Demirtaş, “9 gencin üzerine 10 bin kişilik orduyu Erdoğan’ın talimatıyla gönderiyorlar" dedi Tunceli ve Şırnak'ta operasyon Turkey warm on US using border for exit Turkey Leader Says US Should Set Iraq Exit Timeline (Update1) İlnur Çevik The inevitable is happening in Iraq Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber EU says has no position on headscarf debate in Turkey AB, başörtüsü yasağını desteklemiyor Clinton'dan övgü: Dünyanın en başarılı politikacısı Erdoğan, BM Genel Kurulu'nda konuştu: Terör bir insanlık suçudur Holbrooke, tartışmaları bitirdi: Türkiye, İran da değil Malezya da 'Yunan hükümeti itibar kaybetti' Ermeni tasarısı bir kayıp verdi Stoiber,Türkiye'nin üyeliğine karşı Babacan'dan Rehn'e AB haritası sitemi Düzeltme-Özel-AP Temas Grubu’nda görüş ayrılığı Turkish Cypriot Official Expects More Active Stand From UK At Atun Erdoğan’s visit to US: Start of a new era Papadopoulos confident Syria will not recognize KKTC despite ferry row The Art of Denial: Turkey’s evolving denials of the Armenian Genocide THE ARMENIAN POLICY OF TURKEY REFLECTS ON ITS SOUTH-CAUCASIAN POLICY Hrant Dink cinayetini polis de bekliyormuş! Erhan Tuncel, Dink cinayetinden yarım saat sonra polisle konuşmuş; işte dehşet ifadeler Türbanlı okula Milli Eğitim soruşturması Cumhurbaşkanı Gül'den şehit ailelerine iftar yemeği Rupert Murdoch ile ikinci görüşme Yunanistan türban sorununu çözdü RTÜK Başkanı’nın 3 yıl hapsi isteniyor Damarları tıkanan Çakıcı anjiyo olacak 'Kuran kursu' açılışına AKP'lilerden çıkarma Polislerin 'bayrak davası' başladı Gül kendisini seçenleri davet etti Erdoğan’ın yolu yine Murdoch’la kesişti Serdar Turgut Susuzluk tehlikesi Isn't Orhan Pamuk smart enough? Celebrating Rumi's 800th Birthday Village life one take on the Turkish dream - CNN.com Bowing out | H3 Polisin dehşet diyaloğu Dink cinayetinden iki saat kadar sonra polis M.Z., 'muhbir'i Erhan Tuncel'i arıyor. Tuncel'in 'Öldü mü' sorusuna polisin yanıtı: 'Tabii canım, tek fark (katil) kaçmayacaktı, bu kaçmış.' İşte o konuşma Taha AKYOL Muhafazakâr liberal ittifak Semih İDİZ ABD'nin baskısı Türkiye'yi zorlayabilir Cengiz Çandar 'Sıcak takip' olmadı; 'kağıt üzerinde' anlaşma verelim Anlaşmadan Türkiye kazançlı çıktı Yalçın Doğan Sıcak takipte skandal yenilgi ERDAL ŞAFAK Haydi canım sen de Sadi Somuncuoğlu ABD bölücü terörle mücadele etmez... O halde?.. HAKAN ALBAYRAK Kürt Yönetimi'yle kucaklaşmak Tuhaf bir görevden almaTMSF, Sabah gazetesinin Ankara temsilcisini görevden aldı. Aydıntaşbaş kararı iş arkadaşlarından öğrendi Malezya değil, Dubai yakın! Fikret BİLA Sencer Hoca'ya göre Malezya değil, Dubai M. Ali BİRAND Başörtülüler eskiden neredeydiler? Ece TEMELKURAN Siyasal İslam adım adım gelirken biz uyuyorduk Ege Cansen Bu kış şeriat gelebilir Korkanların asıl korkusu Haluk Şahin 'Türkiye idare edilir' Hasan CEMAL Cehennem çukurunda politika! Toptan 'Anayasa için uzlaşma yeri Meclis' Özbudun: İki taslak aynı Yargıtay'ın sivil anayasa için 4 kırmızı çizgisi var Mensur Akgün Dış politikada ince ayar şart Şamil Tayyar Ertuğrul Özkök’ün büyük yemini Ruşen Çakır “Türkiye Hollanda olur mu?” Vamık Volkan Türkiye’de kadınların özgürlüğü tehlikede! Why are women frightened? The Islamic case for a secular state (I) Mustafa AKYOL Ali Bulaç Farklı dinî hayatlar Ahmet Taşgetiren “Türkiye'nin bu yanını ne yapmalı?” [Yorum - Eser Karakaş] Anayasa, iktisat ve somut öneriler İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç Hangi 'mahalle baskısı' yahu! Fehmi Koru Medyatik takımlar ALİ BAYRAMOĞLUMahalle baskısı değil mahalle çetesi… KÜRŞAT BUMİNTSK ve kavramlar dünyası Yılmaz Polat Fethullah Gülen ve ılımlı islam Ertuğrul Özkök 22 Temmuz'da kral mı seçtik Enis Berberoğlu ABD gezisinin kenar süsleri Oktay Ekşi Stratejik ortağımız Mehmet Y Yılmaz Laik ülkenin lideri Sular berraklaşırken M.Ali Kışlalı Cemaat ve birey Murat Belge Mehmet BARLAS Hep aynı şeyleri yazmak gerçekten bunaltıcı bir süreçtir Serdar Turgut Muasır medeniyet Can Ataklı AKP bu korkuyla nereye kadar? Nuh Gönültaş Demokrasinin önündeki en büyük engel Hürriyet Gazetesi’dir - ERGUN BABAHAN Kritik bir dönemeç EMRE AKÖZ Aradığım cevabı nihayet buldum İlter Türkmen Malezya’nın keşfi! Hadi Uluengin Komutan’ın konuşması Zeynep Göğüş Büyük mahalle Nabi Yağcı Cumhuriyet halktan nasıl kopartıldı HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Yüz yıl önce yüz yıl sonra NAZLI ILICAK Onlar "Mahşer'in 5 atlısı" değil MAHMUT ÖVÜR CHP'de 'taşeron' siyasetçiler! YAVUZ DONAT Yüzde 47 "güç" mü, yoksa "yük" mü? Başörtüsü ve toplumsal cinsiyet ayrımcılığı [Yorum - M. Naci Bostancı] Mardin hocadaki 'biz' (I) Hrant Dink ve gazetecilik Özdemir İnce Liberalizm, demokrasi ideolojisiz Anayasa Ali Saydam Oral Çalışlar CHP'den Ne Olur? CHP'de kıran kırana başkanlık mücadelesi yapılıyor İsmail Küçükkaya Ayşe Önal Malezya Türkiye Olur mu? Mehmet Altan Irak, İran, Ortadoğu... Erdal Sağlam Bankacılığın sorunu yönetici maaşı olamaz Ne olacak bu doların hali Taner Berksoy Yaman TÖRÜNER IMF artık açık oynuyor Deniz Gökçe Bir kere daha faiz Metin MÜNİR Petkim'de Kazaklara finansman şoku Güven Sak Herkes Greenspan’i makrocu sanırken o aslınd... Volkan Akı US giant AES enters Turkey energy market |
H4 New York Times At Climate Meeting, Bush Does Not Specify Goals President Bush said Friday that major carbon-emitting nations should all set goals for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, but did not specify what those goals should be. State Dept. Starts Third Review of Private Security in Iraq Two Different Accounts of Deadly Airstrike in Baghdad Pakistan Court Clears Musharraf’s Path to Election Day Editorial See No Evil, Speak No Truth China’s rulers need to know that the world is watching to see whether it will use its influence to stop the killing in Myanmar Still Out in the Cold Rhetorically, President Bush has moved forward on global warming. In terms of substance, he remains as isolated as ever. | H5 Washington Post Democrats May Keep Iraq Policy Party's presidential front-runners unlikely to rapidly alter Bush's vision for U.S. in region Senate Dems' Chances to Alter Iraq Strategy Fading Iraqi PM Al-Maliki Criticizes U.S. Senate Proposal Witnesses Insist Iraqis Did Not Fire on Guards Five observers of Sept. 16 shooting involving Blackwater USA claim its personnel shot at civilians and Iraqi police without provocation Editorial Mr. Bush Gets Warmer But the president still resists mandatory limits on global carbon emissions Lessons From an Anbar Sheik » Sterling Jensen | As a former interpreter for Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, a Sunni sheik recently killed by a car bomb in Ramadi, I am disturbed by the way some in Washington are misinterpreting his life and efforts. Read More Muzzling in Islam's Name » Paul Marshall| Some of the world's most repressive governments are using a controversy over a Swedish cartoon to provide legitimacy for their campaigns to suppress their critics. Read More Mr. Bush Gets Warmer (Editorial More Heat, Less Light » Bill McKibben| President Bush's conference on climate change shows the dangers of playing politics with nature. Editorial Right on Torture Hillary Clinton spells out the only acceptable policy -- and the president's responsibility. The Saffron Olympics The slaughtered monks of Burma will haunt China. | H6 GuardianThanks a million, Ayn Rand, for setting the greedy free Matthew Yglesias Sep 28 07, 06:30pm: Saddam Hussain may have accepted an offer of exile in 2003, rather than clinging on. But President Bush was intent on war to intimidate other upstarts. Europeans angry after Bush climate speech 'charade' · US isolated as China and India refuse support · President claims he can lead world on emissions Junta regains control Fewer protesters willing to brave regime's military crackdown. Nato chief says Taliban could regain territory Brian Beutler Sep 28 07, 09:30pm: Plenty of big names attended the Clinton Global Initiative this week. But I can't tell you what they talked about Nick Fraser Sep 29 07, 09:00am: Why democracy? An imperfect system of government, but the best we've got? That, among other questions, is what our project tries to answer. A 2007 election would be expedient, vain and immoral Sarkozy, the new Blair Soumaya Ghannoushi: The French president longs to play the newly vacant, thankless role of Washington's sidekick on the world stage. |
H7 Washington Institute Syria's Strategic Weapons Programs - Michael Eisenstadt From Prospect, with most Sunni factions now seeking a deal, the big questions in Iraq have been resolved positively. The country remains one, it has embraced democracy and avoided all-out civil war. What violence remains is largely local and criminal. Syria: Challenges and Opportunities View the online edition U.S. agrees to delay on new Iranian sanctions Al Hayat The Bush Administration, Between Iranian Strike and Palestinian Autumn Raghida Dergham - Qatar played a role in establishing a back channel of contact between Syria and Israel. It gives advice to the Syrian leadership and relays impressions and messages from Israel and leading US figures. Many Syrian decisions take their headings from the Qatari compass. Asia Times Unveiling men in the Arab worldWhile Islamic clerics debate minutiae such as breast-feeding, or whether actors portraying a wedded couple are really "married" or not under Islamic law, or vent their fury at Danish cartoons, they are ignoring larger, more meaningful issues such as the invisible veil of ignorance worn by men. The veil not only blinds them; more important, it also diminishes Islam in others' eyes. - Sami Moubayed US frets over Iran's 'strategic dominance'The Bush administration believes the recent increase in rocket attacks by Shi'ite forces in Iraq represents an effort by Tehran to put pressure on the US to accept Iranian influence there, and that only by reducing Iranian influence through military action can the US avert Iranian "strategic dominance" in the region. - Gareth Porter 'Combat Outpost Shocker:' The base that could spark Iran conflict Al Ahram Contemporary Islamist Movements Bound to a Mummified Past - Salah Eissa Moment The Roadblock to Arab Democracy - Joshua Muravchik A Kinder, Gentler Islam? - Zvi Bar'el (Ha'aretz) NY Sun Israel Lobby's Pull Pales Next to Evil Saudi Input - Youssef Ibrahim U.S.: The Financial Costs of Warfare By: Peter Buxbaum | ISN Security Watch Chaos and Unity in a Fragmented Iraq By: Roger Owen | The Boston Globe Eric Alterman The Coming 'Stab in the Back' Campaign | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor US Papers Sat: Few Iraq Options for Next Prez Iraq Papers Sat: Kurds Support Senate Plan Iraqi Establishment Rejects US Senate Resolution Al-Maliki: A Disaster for Iraq and the Region Iraqi Premier Discusses Iran, Militias, Al-Qa'Idah in Interview Baghdad rejects US Senate plant to carve up Iraq BBC Monitoring Quotes From Middle East Arabic Press for 28 September 07 Mideast meeting plan big at U.N. The Middle East meeting to be convened by the White House in November dominated U.N. discussions yesterday as tensions and hopes flamed anew. Make It Happen: Visualize Peace By: Uri Dromi | Miami Herald Mystery of the Season By: Trudy Rubin | Miami Herald The Politics of Assassination By: Ramzy Baroud | The Japan Times Time Access Denied (Commentary) The Threat of al-Qaeda and its Allies in Lebanon - Shaul Shay (BESA Center for Strategic Studies-Bar-Ilan University) Iran Building Secret Underground Nuclear Facility (VOA News) 'Al-Qaeda figure' killed in Iraq The US military says it has killed a senior al-Qaeda figure in an air strike in Iraq, naming him as Abu Osama al-Tunisi. Radical Syrian cleric 'shot dead' A Syrian cleric suspected of recruiting foreign militants to fight in Iraq is shot dead in Aleppo, his aides say. | H9 Ha’aretz – Editorial: Should we come to terms with a nuclear Iran? Benn Proud to be a politician Olmert understands that his ability to advance diplomatic moves depends not on public opinion, but on a political majority. Hamas: 50,000 gunmen are ready to fight IDF, defend Gaza Strip Report: CIA stalls publication of records on use of ex-Nazi spies Would Barghouti's release save Fatah? Russian Neo-Nazis follow tactics of Al-Qaeda Islamists Can Be Defeated - Moshe Ya'alon (Ynet News) Basher Assad - The Lesser Evil - Guy Bechor Columbia Journalism Review The Israel Lobby Doesn't Control the Media - Gal Beckerman Yedioth Ahronoth Who really rules Israel? Jews' state controlled by four informal networks, not by government, Gabriel Sheffer writes Jerusalem Post Security and Defense: Shooting for 'interoperability' Condoleezza Rice: Architect or implementer? Jibril: Israel will attack Syria soon Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine FT Palestinians’ return scarred by Lebanese war With instability going through Lebanon, officials emphasise the importance of preventing the emergence of new militant strongholds inside Palestinian refugee camps From TLS, a review of Hannah Arendt’s The Jewish Writings; and should understanding necessitate forgiveness? A look back to the 1964 review of Arendt’s book on the Eichmann trial. From Habitus, an interview with Emil Fackenheim on An Epitaph for German Judaism: From Halle to Jerusalem; an interview with Gunther Grass and Imre Kertesz on parallel lives; and an interview with Siona Benjamin on Jews, America, art and the transcultural revolution. |
H10 Christian Science Monitor This new struggle for power: An interview with Martin Indyk on assessing American foreign policy in the Middle East. From Forward, Martin van Creveld on why the world can live with a nuclear Iran. An interview with Seymour Hersh on Bush, Iran and the challenges to journalism. Russia, China delay new sanctions on Tehran Agree to consider further action in November BBC Iran sanctions decision delayed A decision on imposing tougher UN sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme is delayed until November. Storms ahead Lost credibility Clearing a hurdle ASIA Explaining China’s Low Consumption: The Neglected Role of Household Income Ft Editorial African scramble Like brides told too often that they are ugly, African countries are flattered by their new suitor – but they should beware China’s advances Anthony Lake: CHINA'S 19TH CENTURY MERCANTILE POLICY TOWARD AFRICA SHOULD CHANGE Boston Globe The junta's enablers in Beijing BURMA'S MILITARY junta has been showing its true colors this week, firing automatic weapons at peaceful demonstrators and raiding monasteries to beat and kill Buddhist monks. But the junta's criminal disdain for human rights has also cast a harsh light on China, the principal commercial partner, strategic ally, and diplomatic protector of the junta. | H11 IHT What they're saying in Anbar Recent survey data indicates the weakness of George W.Bush's claims of success in Iraq; dissatisfaction and anti-Americanism are still rife in Iraq's Sunni heartland. Czech doubts on radar plan highlight skepticism about U.S. policies abroad U.S. political strategists help shape Ukraine parliamentary campaign EUROPE European press review Sarkozy, the New Blair By: Soumaya Ghannoushi | The Guardian Sarkozy Is Pretty Much a Gaullist on the Middle East By: Eric Rouleau | The Daily Star Serbian and Kosovar Leaders Meet on Kosovo Future By: Elitsa Vucheva | EU Observer FT Bosnia breakthrough on police reform Rival Muslim and Serb leaders deal on police reform could open the way for a a pre-accession agreement with the European Union early next year Sarkozy’s snubs irritate his PM Four months after the new French president rewarded his loyal campaign manager with the office of prime minister tensions have emerged between the two men Mardell's Euroblog | H12 RFE/RL Strategic Studies Institute Turkmenistan and Central Asia after Niyazov Turkmenistan, a key natural gas producer in Central Asia is undergoing a transition from the sultanistic regime of President Sapirmurat Niyazov to some other form of rule. It also is being courted by all the major powers in Central Asian politics. This monograph examines the domestic dynamics of succession here and in Central Asia and the entwined international rivalry or great game for energy access and influence over regional security in Central Asia. by Dr. Stephen J. Blank Asia Times A massive wrench in Putin's works Turkmenistan, the energy-rich gas powerhouse of Central Asia, was all but in Moscow's pocket, having agreed to allow Russia almost exclusive access to its vast reserves and exports. Russian President Vladimir Putin was poised to deal a death blow to Western plans to bring Turkmen gas to the European market bypassing Russian territory. Almost overnight, Turkmenistan appears to be responding to desperate US and European Union moves to recover lost ground. With Iran and China pulling in other directions, the great game has taken a dramatic twist. - M K Bhadrakumar BBC Huge rally against Georgia leader Thousands protest against the government in Georgia's capital - the country's largest such rally since 2003. FT Arrest of Okruashvili sparks outrage in Georgia Thousands protest in Tbilisi over the arrest of the former defence minister who has accused President Mikheil Saakashvili of corruption and plotting to murder an opponent An Inside Track to Putin's Kremlin By: Max Delany | The Moscow Times Russia Goes Out of Its Way to Shield Iran Again By: Sergey Strokan | Kommersant Google News Azerbaijan The Wrong Question By: Samuel Charap | International Herald Tribune Divided lives |
H13 The Times Bush rejects mandatory limits on emissions To the dismay of European representatives, President Bush said the world's polluters should cut emissions - voluntarily Musharraf wins right to fight election Pakistan's Supreme Court has ruled that President Musharraf can stand for re-election without having to give up his military role Don’t be fooled by sickly Mama Gordon Brown is a crafty, unimaginative politician: a bully with a big ego, a yellow streak and nothing to say Wall Street Journal THE WORLD ECONOMY may be able to cope with oil at $100 a barrel if prices rise gradually and inflation is moderate. The Long Arm of Iran White House Pushes Sea Treaty By: David R. Sands | The Washington Times | H14 Financial Times Dollar sinks as gold hits 27-year highInvestors ignore inflation data The war on error Even after Iraq, the US is unlikely to be cured of its taste for the Big Idea, says Gideon RachmanIran given new deadline on nuclear issue The world’s big powers have given Iran a new deadline of late November to rein back its nuclear programme or face heightened sanctions LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Iran to the rescue Lunch with the FT: Naomi Klein ’The Shock Doctrine’ argues that capitalism plays on people’s fears Nuclear fears fuel Iranian house boom The US subprime mortgage crisis may be gripping world markets but in Iran it is a distant worry as property prices and rents have been rocketing Believe it or not Do not attribute to conspiracy what you can ascribe to cock-up. But then, as part of the liberal media so often accused of secret plotting, we would say that, wouldn’t we? Strauss-Kahn vows to revive IMF Appointment underlines continuing controversy Venezuela and Iran re-affirm anti-US bond Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad’s third visit to Venezuela has sparked renewed doubts about the strengthening relationship between two of the US’s most savage critics The French president’s impulsive new strategy may see him win America only to lose Europe, writes John Thornhill The fast reaction time of modern-day activism is a source of its appeal and of considerable danger, writes Christopher Caldwell | H15 Los Angeles Times Editorial The Bollinger/Ahmadinejad farce Rosa Brooks If the Columbia University president were to introduce Bush the way he did the Iranian president, that would be an act of free-speech bravery. |
H16 American Politics John McCain: Constitution Established a 'Christian Nation' realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | H17 Daily Telegraph | H18 Independent Fury as Musharraf clears way to stand for election Revealed: Saddam 'ready to walk away for $1bn' Huge protests in Tbilisi demand election after corruption claims Talks on Kosovo's future are historic opportunity, say Serbs Bush's voluntary targets for emissions fail to win support Robert Fisk: Dinner in Beirut, and a lesson in courage Leading Article: Peaceful defiance meets brute force in the duel for democracy in Burma Eurozone lending rates hit 6-year high, despite ECB's best efforts |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism The Knowledge Matrix Approach to Intelligence Fusion Can’t Win with ‘Em, Can’t Go To War without ‘Em: Private Military Contractors and Counterinsurgency Pentagon OKs New Blackwater Contract Pentagon Raises Bar of Intelligence-Sharing IT'S A HIT! Missile Defense Test Successful... CFR A Conversation with Robert S. Mueller III (Audio) War outsourcing boom (Claude Salhani) When WMD meets Office Space: A review of Curveball: Spies, Lies, and the Con Man Who Caused a War by Bob Drogin. What happens to private contractors who kill Iraqis? Maybe nothing. Soldiers for Rent: An article on the private contractors fighting America’s wars (and more). Making a killing: Who will mete out justice for America's merchants of death? The Osprey: A Flying Shame (Cover Story / The Well) | H20 Slate From Democracy Now!, Alan Greenspan and Naomi Klein debate the Iraq war, Bush's tax cuts, economic populism, and crony capitalism. Klein reviews Greenspan’s The Age of Turbulence. What drives Naomi Klein? He critique of "disaster capitalism" will echo around the world -– but its roots lie in a scandal close to her Canadian home. Every catastrophe is an opportunity: More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more on The Shock Doctrine. [The latest issue of Bookforum includes a review of The Shock Doctrine.] Does Klein oversimplify the connections between globalization and war? From the Brown Journal of World Affairs (registration required), an interview with Daron Acemoglu on globalization and inequality; and an interview with Kenneth Rogoff on adapting to globalization; and an interview with Michael Hardt on welcoming the Multitude. Perspectives on U.S. Competitiveness in Science and Technology White House Declares Science Priorities for FY 2009 | H21 The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness (PDF; 1.2 MB) Divorced From Reality By BETSEY STEVENSON and JUSTIN WOLFERS The facts are that divorce is down, and today’s marriages are more stable than they have been in decades. From Harvard Magazine, getting it right on the rig: Manhood reconsidered Where books rebuild lives A mobile library serves as a source of inspiration for homeless people Sarkozy's 'love letter' intrigues France Are sunspots prime suspects in global warming? Climate-change 'optimists' say complex natural cycles may be at the heart of global warming. In praise of ... Philip Roth Coppola robbed of 15 years of computer work |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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