0831-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Washington Post Thinking Beyond Maliki By Charles Krauthammer Still On Track In Basra By Des Browne and David Miliband, Recent weeks have brought a lot of misplaced criticism of the United Kingdom's role in southern Iraq. It is time to set the record straight. IAEA: Iran Cooperating In Nuclear Investigation Pentagon Challenges GAO's Report on Iraq Petraeus Insists Surge Working McClatchy Divided Pentagon: No Single Iraq Report Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: A Glimpse of the Petraeus Report American Conservative How to Win in Iraq by William S. Lind Daily Star Here's why the US might not attack Iran Los Angeles Times Iraqi security forces given mixed marks An upcoming report is positive about Iraq's army but says its police ranks are rife with sectarian bias. US says ready to step back into Basra as British pull out Djerejian More Poor Policy: Special Designation of Revolutionary Guards Guardian MoD denies deal over withdrawal from Basra Global food crisis looms as fertile land stripped by climate change . 'Ignorance, need and greed' depleting soil . Experts warn competition will lead to conflict. IHT Our twin worlds of Mars and Venus Different political cultures and historical experiences have created radically opposed attitudes between Europe and America toward conflict in today's world. Sarkozy tells France to accept globalization - but in a French way Christian Science Monitor US and Iran spar ahead of Iraq report The US says it is worried about Iranian support for insurgents in Iraq. Separately, the IAEA reported that Iran's progress on nuclear enrichment is slow. CFR Political Crunch Time in Iraq Newsweek Behind Allawi's Bid for Power Iraqi Shiite Heir Steps Into a Tough Role By: Alexandra Zavis | Los Angeles Times Ammar Hakim is far from the secular, Western-educated men whom U.S. policymakers hoped would govern this land once Saddam Hussein was toppled. He wears the black turban of those who claim to be descended from the prophet Muhammad and was educated in the Shiite seminaries of Iran. New York Times Panel Will Urge Broad Overhaul of Iraqi Police An independent commission is expected to recommend remaking the Iraqi police force to purge it of corruption and militants suspected of complicity in sectarian killings. Shiite’s Tale: How Gulf With Sunnis Widened For Shatha al-Musawi, a Shiite member of Parliament, the urge to reconcile is being blacked out by distrust, disappointment and visceral anger. Editorial More Realism, Less Spin In Vietnam, as in Iraq, American presidents and military leaders went to great lengths to pretend that victory was at hand when nothing could be farther from the truth. America's Golden Years? By: Mark L. Haas | The Boston Globe The Economist French foreign policy Running fast, but where is he going? The world economy Rocky terrain ahead How much will the credit crunch hurt the world economy? Iran's Elite Mixes Thugs and Opportunists - Amir Taheri The Nation: Secret Report: Corruption is "Norm" Within Iraqi Government FT Basra to Helmand: into the fire As casualties mount – faster in Afghanistan than Iraq – army chiefs want Gordon Brown to choose his war, says Philip Stephens Editorial Isolating Teheran America needs to preserve international unity and step up sanctions against Iran through multilateral channels White House Pushes Back on Iraq Report US Papers Fri: Revamping Iraqi Cops -- Again The Times The future of Pakistan takes shape It's hard to think of Pakistan as a country of warring factions when its leadership rotates through London Bronwen Maddox The Economist The internet Who's afraid of Google? The world's internet superpower faces testing times Google Inside the Googleplex It is rare for a company to dominate its industry while claiming not to be motivated by money. Google does. But it has yet to face a crisis Time The Case for National Service (Cover Story / Nation) In a changing society facing all manner of new challenges, volunteers are helping bind America together. Why the U.S. and the next President should make a new commitment to national service Intimidation In Tehran (The Well / World) On the eve of leaving Iran, a reporter reflects on this summer's crackdown on dress and behavior--and on her family's and friends' dreams for an easier future Asia Times A hidden menace in Bush's words on Iran Armed and ready for Iran Daily Star Editorial Ahmadinejad's bombast puts his country at risk Weekly Standard The Iran Dossier Outsourcing the Case for War Bush Puts Iran in Crosshairs The Iraq Moment Approaches for Rudy and Mitt - Peter Beinart, Time Getting Vietnam Right - Mark Moyar, The American Spectator
Iraq: the dissonance effect, Paul Rogers William Arkin Sustainable Military Development
| H2 The Economist Turkish politics The next battle AK party faces more conflict with the generals over a new constitution 10:25 Economist: Gül ve asker arasında ufukta yeni bir sürtüşme var CER What Europeans Think About Turkey and Why Katinka Barysch [Yorum - Hugh Pope] Şimdi, destek olma sırası Avrupa'da The Missing Player in Gulf Security By: Lenore G. Martin | The Boston Globe Washington already has a strategically located NATO ally in the region: Turkey. Unfortunately, the administration's policies are pushing Turkey toward Iran Guardian Turkey's about turn Maureen Freely: The election of Abdullah Gül is proof that the Turkish military's old ways of doing business are no longer reliable or effective. Fears for the future Ilana Bet-El Turkey is changing from a secular state to a new hybrid combining modernity and tradition: but secularists won't give up their freedoms easily. Secular Turks will settle for nothing less than a truly liberal society Jerusalem Post Editorial Facing up to the past To denounce the Armenian Genocide is not to denounce Turkey as a country or its current government. Washington Note American Jewish Community Grappling with Armenian Genocide Amerika'ya 1915 uyarısı: Ermeni tasarısı geçerse ilişkilerimiz etkilenir US Must Not Neglect Turkey By Arthur I. Cyr A change of constitution in Turkey? Gül'ün Zaferi Fransa'da Nasıl Yorumlandı? Bernard Lewis: 'İslam dünyası değişiyor' BBC Controversial chief Turkey's archaic authoritarian model crumbling Toronto Star AKP not in love but certainly more understanding of Israel ‘Yeni kabine laiklerle AKP’lilerin karısımı’ Şensoy: Ermeni tasarısı geçerse ilişkiler etkilenir Wider Effects Of Turkey's New Leadership Editorial: New Turkish President Yeni Hükümet Dünya Basınında- Erdoğan ve Gül'ün sınavı sürüyor AB projesi yeniden canlanacak Turkey’s army lost presidency battle, war not over Modernising Turkey Khaleej Times, BY HASAN KÖSEBALABAN Vast scope in Turkey for investors from the Gulf Gulf Times, By Egemen Bagis Secularism at home, secularism in the world Tony Fitzgerald "Abdullah Gül: A test of maturity" Is Turkey Facing an "Islamist" Future? A New Kind of Secularism Afganistan’a Atatürk gibi bir lider gerek Şensoy warns Israel could be hurt by genocide debate Türkiye Gül'le yeni bir çağa girecek Sophie Shihab - Birlik isterken ülkeyi ayırıyor Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Başbuğ: PKK'ya terör örgütü demiyorlar, nasıl davet edebiliriz? Mümtazer Türköne "Bölücülük" DTP'den terörist ailelerine taziye ziyareti DTP'den 30 Ağustos'ta 'PKK' mesajı DTP'nin 30 Ağustos mesajında PKK vurgusu! Pentagon probes if US arms for Iraq diverted to Turkey - Yahoo! News Turks Claim US Weapons Reach Rebel Kurds Afganistan'da çalışan 5 Türk rehin alındı 'Kimyasal silah kulanıldı' tartışması Bayramda askeri kızdıracak mesaj Büyükanıt’tan DTP’ye yanıt; Bunlar palavra ben teröristleri muhatap almam Iraq says Iran still shelling its soil despite protest Iraq making progress ahead of key reports, Zebari says Pentagon confirms US weapons ended up in PKK hands PKK'ya giden silahlara soruşturma Hawlati: Iran would not stop bombing border regions of Kurdistan KurdishMedia.com - View Article Iraqi Kurdistan Hospitals Declare Emergency After Cholera Cases Nearly 140 Illegal Migrants Captured in Northwestern Turkey Almanya İran'a silah ticaretini yasakladı ABD: "Bazı silahlar PKK'nın eline geçmiş" Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber France names problem areas of Turkey-EU talks "Türkiye yakında AB'li olur" AB'nin kamuoyu yoklamaları kurumu Eurobarometre tarafından yapılan kapsamlı bir araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, AB'liler, "yakın gelecekte AB'ye üye olacak ülkeler" sıralamasında Türkiye'yi başa çıkardı. AB'deki Liberal Demokratlar Kıbrıs için 'tanıma' formülünü tartışacak Zeynel Lüle İkinci devre başlıyor Tartışmalı fotoğraflar Alman subaya ait Le Monde: Sarkozy, Merkel'leşti Nicole Pope EU revisited AKP 'Avrupalı laik devlet'e doğru ilerliyor Erivan, Gül döneminde normalleşme bekliyor Barroso: 'I welcome Sarkozy's commitment to Europe' Le Figaro Trajedi komediye dönüştü Ülkeyi kavuran yangınlar sonrası 16 Eylül seçimini düşünen Karamanlis yardım için kesenin ağzını açınca Mora'da bankalar istilaya uğradı. İsteyen istediği paraları aldı Türklere karşı ırkçılık AB raporunda European Press Review: Gül Should Get A Fair Chance Turkey's president avoids confrontation with army Euronews ADL’nin derdi ‘cici’ görünmek mi? Trabzon polisinin Dink cinayetinde ihmali yokmuş Hayal’in avukatına TİT tehdidi Suçlanan polislere soruşturma yok Ece TEMELKURAN Başörtüsünün gözleri-3 Olcay Hanım'dan ders alabilirsiniz Etyen Mahçupyan Why are CEOs illiterate? Bir kadın ne zaman sürtüktür? Leylâ Pervİzat - Meslektaş Emin M.Ali Kışlalı 'Gülen uçakta, Türkiye'ye dönüyor' iddiası heyecan yarattı İnternet siteli ilk cumhurbaşkanı | Daha fazla özgürlük daha fazla demokrasi Gov’t priorities: democracy and economy Kriz zamanla soğumaya mı bırakıldı? Murat Yetkin Ali H Aslan Turkish foreign policy in the new era Ruşen Çakır Yeni kabinedeki sürprizler, dengeler Türk İslamı nasıl modernleşti? MUSTAFA AKYOL 'Türkiye'de İslam'ı bu kadar ılımlı hale getiren Kemalizm'in ta kendisi' argümanı doğru değil. Zaten Kemalist politikaların hedefi 'modern İslam' yaratmak değil, İslam'ın hiçbir rol oynamadığı bir toplum kurmaktır. Türkiye'deki radikal İslamcı hareketler Kemalizm'e tepki olarak doğdu Fikret BİLA Kara Kuvvetleri'nin bahçesinden izlenimler CHP az konuşacak Baykal, 'Gerilimlerin faturasını bize çıkarırlar. Daha az konuşalım' dedi Baykal Kuşkumuz sürüyor dikkatle izleyeceğiz Ahmet Hakan 8 yeni bakanın alamet-i farikası M Ali Birand Askerin tepkisi korkuttu… Şamil Tayyar Krizden çıkış yolu Nuh Yılmaz Gül’ün cumhurbaşkanlığı memnuniyetle karşılandı Nazım Ekren'in koordinatörlüğü lafta kalabilir NAZLI ILICAK Nezaketsizlik Nuray Başaran Köşk'ün yürütme adına önemini 7 yıl içinde daha iyi anladık Güven Sak Baskıcı kaynana tribi ve siyasette normalleşme Protokolcü gözüyle 'GATA töreni' Cengiz Çandar 'Yola devam' ve 'AB’ye taarruz' hükümeti [NEWS ANALYSIS] Gov’t avoids rocking the boat in military relations MUHARREM SARIKAYA "Kontrollü kriz dönemi..." Mustafa Akyol A president of the people, for the people, by the people Lider nedir, ne değildir? İsmet Berkan Yeni hükümeti bekleyen acil sorunlar (2) Yeni Bakanlar Kurulu üzerine Serdar Akinan Büyük uzlaşı çatırdıyor... Serdar Turgut İkinci cumhuriyet Taha Kıvanç Gazeteci değil, barda piyanist... Fehmi Koru Yeni hükümetin öncelikleri ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Gözümüz siyasetin üzerinde… Ali Bulaç Cumhurbaşkanı ve tarafları Mehmet Tezkan Bu iktidarın avans süresi ne kadar? Fatih Çekirge Uğurlamada eş farkı Hasan CEMAL Duygusal değil rasyonel olan... Eser Karakaş Milli iradeyi kurucu ilkeler mi evrensel hukuk mu sınırlayacak? Nasuhi Güngör TSK toplumu tanıyor mu? Can Dündar Karşı olduğu Batı'yla İngiltere'de tanıştı 60. Hükümet'te görev dağılımı açıklandı 3. Erdoğan'dan Bahçeli'ye şaşırtan teklif Arslan Bulut Milletin MHP'ye yüklediği görev neydi? Bilal Çetin Daha fazla özgürlük, daha yüksek refah Ertuğrul Özkök Suada'da düş kırıklığı Hüseyin Gülerce Sorunlu medya, sorumlu medya... Anayasa'daki egemenlik tanımı değişiyor Egemenlikte uluslararası sözleşme kriteri Referandum yetkisi Meclis'e devrediliyor Ahmet Sever, Gül'ün başdanışmanı oldu Gül, Köşk'te dış politika için hazırlık yapıyor KORAY DÜZGÖREN Mesele sadece saygısızlık olsa… Gül to make appointments to various critical posts Ankara media bureaus enthusiastic about new face of presidential palace Interpreting Gül's inaugural speech Alevis win case on religious education İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Turkey’s struggle for democratization taken to Çankaya Palace Gül ponders his presidential team Çankaya’ya ilk atama Ahmet Sever Org.Büyükanıt: Hain emellere izin vermeyiz Mustafa Ünal Yeni kabine Mehmet BARLAS 'Cumhuriyetin kazanımları'na sadece AK Parti mi saygılı olmalı? ERGUN BABAHAN Zirvede küslük olur mu? MAHMUT ÖVÜR İyi 'tasarlanmış' bir hükümet! YAVUZ DONAT Adını koyalım: Gerilim! YASEMİN TAŞKIN Gerilim Murat Belge Bülent Keneş Turkey’s struggle for democratization taken to Çankaya Palace [Yorum - Yard. Doç. Dr. Adnan Küçük] Yeni dönemin anlamı Ali Bulaç Democracy in right direction Berat Özipek Asker gerginlik çıkarırsa sorun yok mu Atatürk'ten Büyükanıt'a Hakkı Devrim Alacakaranlıkta Haluk Şahin Genelkurmay’a rağmen Milli Eğitim yine Çelik’e emanet Hakan Aygün AKP’nin artık “inner circle”ı yok... Emin Pazarcı Asker tavır koyunca... Mehmet Altan Başbakan’a bir öneri Kapalı devir teslime Bahçeli’den tepki CHP'li vekil 'boykot'a isyan etti: Halka karşı durulmaz Nazım Ekren'in koordinatörlüğü lafta kalabilir Hurşit GÜNEŞ Enflasyon düşmeyebilir? Bu iki bakana dikkat! Uğur Gürses ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Sanayi bu yapıyla nereye gider? Ekonomi yönetimini neler bekliyor? Ertuğ Yaşar İlk 100 gün New ministers please industrialists Yiğit Bulut Dünya nereye gidiyor? Hangi yatırım aracı ideal? |
H4 New York Times Panel Will Urge Broad Overhaul of Iraqi Police An independent commission is expected to recommend remaking the Iraqi police force to purge it of corruption and militants suspected of complicity in sectarian killings. Shiite’s Tale: How Gulf With Sunnis Widened For Shatha al-Musawi, a Shiite member of Parliament, the urge to reconcile is being blacked out by distrust, disappointment and visceral anger. Editorial More Realism, Less Spin In Vietnam, as in Iraq, American presidents and military leaders went to great lengths to pretend that victory was at hand when nothing could be farther from the truth. Musharraf’s Aides Deny a Deal With Bhutto Rights Group Accuses Hezbollah of Indiscriminate Attacks on Civilians in Israel War Syria Says It Will Require Visas for Some Iraqi Refugees Sarkozy Urges French to Play ‘the Game of Globalization’ Greeks Crowd Into Banks, Seeking Cash After Fires Report on Iran’s Nuclear Activity Exposes Split Fears of Mob Feud Lead to Arrest of 32 in Italy U.S. Says Company Bribed Officers for Work in Iraq The company paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to American contracting officers in efforts to win more than $11 million in contracts. Abandoned at the Border By JOSEPH P. HOAR It is shameful that more than four years into the war in Iraq, Iraqis working at our embassy cannot count on the United States to protect them. | H5 Washington Post Thinking Beyond Maliki By Charles Krauthammer Still On Track In Basra By Des Browne and David Miliband, Recent weeks have brought a lot of misplaced criticism of the United Kingdom's role in southern Iraq. It is time to set the record straight. IAEA: Iran Cooperating In Nuclear Investigation Pentagon Challenges GAO's Report on Iraq A Season of Hope in Iraq By Michael Gerson China Replaces 5 Senior Officials Soviet Stockpiles Of Chemical Arms Closer to Demise U.S.-Funded Plant Could Open in '08 Editorial Russia's Murder Mystery Who would have hired the gangsters, police and FSB officer accused of killing a crusading journalist? Inspectors Find Decade-Old Iraqi Chemical Gas in U.N. Office | H6 Guardian MoD denies deal over withdrawal from Basra Global food crisis looms as fertile land stripped by climate change . 'Ignorance, need and greed' depleting soil . Experts warn competition will lead to conflict. There is an eerie familiarity to this 100-year-old pact Geoffrey Wheatcroft: Relations were strained ahead of the 1907 Anglo-Russian convention, and the sore points were Persia and Afghanistan. US failing to meet most benchmarks in Iraq, says study Sinking together? Tariq Ali: President Musharraf is isolated and unpopular, but the notion that Bhutto can deal with the Taliban more effectively is risible. Iran's siege mentality Liam Fox : A recent visit to Tehran illustrated the repercussions of intransigent thinking and the inability to engage with criticism. Ewen MacAskill: The string of Republican scandals and sense of political drift is reminiscent of the Conservative party's sleazy meltdown in the 1990s. A serious setback for Pakistan Kamran Nazeer It is difficult to see how a deal between Benazir Bhutto and Pervez Musharraf could be a positive development for the country. Pakistan power struggle grows Brazil shines a light on its dark years · State catalogues atrocities during dictatorship · Victims' relatives join president at book launch |
H7 America's Golden Years? By: Mark L. Haas | The Boston Globe Iran's Elite Mixes Thugs and Opportunists - Amir Taheri Headless Oil Industry Faces Crisis By: Kimia Sanati | Inter Press Service Iran’s key oil industry could plunge into crisis, oil experts have warned, if President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad does not urgently appoint a replacement for Seyed Kazem Vaziri Hamaneh who was sacked as oil minister two weeks ago in a major cabinet reshuffle. The Missing Player in Gulf Security By: Lenore G. Martin | The Boston Globe The Bush administration recently proposed to sell $20 billion in sophisticated weaponry to the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council. This move spotlights the need for allied support for US efforts to counter Iran's threats to Gulf security. Time Why Bush's Mideast Arms Deals are "Dangerous" Threats without borders Addressing a gathering of some 200 French ambassadors gathered at the Elysee Palace last Monday, President Nicolas Sarkozy stressed the urgency of what he called "The first challenge" facing the West: How to prevent a confrontation with Islam. Trinkets and Treasure: China Tames the U.S. By: Julian Delasantellis | Asia Times From Prospect, Leaving Baghdad The al-Hayalis were set to join the hundreds of thousands of middle-class families who have fled Iraq since the invasion. Just before their departure, calamity struck From The American Conservative, The Surge That Failed: Six months of Bush’s new strategy hasn’t made Iraq safer or more stable. Washington Times Editorial Promising Iraq developments It's clear that things have been changing for the better in Iraq in recent months. Petraeus' pivotal report Perhaps we are entering new historical terrain, where a commanding general's pivotal strategic gambit is a media event | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor BBC Iran accepts fresh nuclear plan Tehran has agreed to a plan to clear up questions on its nuclear programme, the UN's nuclear watchdog says. Risky move Al-Sadr Official Denies Suspending Operations Against "Occupation" in Iraq Iraq 'fails to meet key targets' Iraq has met only three of 18 targets being used to measure its progress, a US watchdog is said to have concluded. Sunnis turn on al Qaeda over marriages Iraq's Sunni tribes began turning against al Qaeda when the largely foreign-run terrorist organization tried to arrange forced marriages with local women to secure their foothold in the country, according to a top counterterrorism adviser to the U.S. coalition in Iraq. South of Baghdad, U.S. troops find fatigue, frustration Iraq protests Iranian attacks in Kurdish region BBC Monitoring Quotes From Middle East Arabic Press for 30 Aug 07 Jordan Supports Iraqi Leaders' Agreement BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Iraqi Press 30 Aug 07 Syrian Foreign Minister Invited to NAM Meeting in Tehran BBC Monitoring Pan-Arab TV Headlines 30 Aug 07 Syrian Cabinet Discusses Redistribution of Subsidies, Oil Prices Jordanian Spokesman on Price Controls, Elections, Syria Ties, Other Issues Jordan-Egypt Summit to Be Held in Cairo 4 September Iraqi Vice-President Says Oil Bill to Win "Easy Majority", Other Reports Dangerous Iraq chemicals found stored at UN in NYC... | H9 Ha’aretz - Editorial: Israel must not behave like a terrorist organization They're talking. Who's listening? Yedioth Ahronoth Wake up, diplomats Foreign Ministry mustn't allow ‘peace industry’ dictate terms for summit, Eytan Bentsur says UN summit: Boycott Israel Jerusalem Post Exclusive: Where Bush went wrong, by Sharansky Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Peace Deal Requires Hamas ISA Blocking Bush Policy: Preventing the formation of a terror state Senior Israeli Official Confirms Russian Role in Tension With Syria BBC Monitoring Quotes From Israel's Hebrew Press 30 Aug 07 BBC Monitoring Headlines, Quotes From Palestinian Press 30 Aug 07 Hamas' Islamic Model of Governance in Gaza – Editorial (Asharq al-Awsat-UK) Ultra-observant Jews press trade with Gaza Israel faces pressure from ultra-observant Jewish communities to ease a blockade of the Gaza Strip so they can import food and thus remain faithful to the tradition of not growing or consuming food cultivated on Jewish land once every seven years Israel and Palestine Still campaigning for co-existence |
H10 Christian Science Monitor US and Iran spar ahead of Iraq report The US says it is worried about Iranian support for insurgents in Iraq. Separately, the IAEA reported that Iran's progress on nuclear enrichment is slow. Historic fall in home prices The decline, the biggest in the US since World War II, is deepening. As Chávez gains Latin American stature, analysts wonder about implications for US Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has become increasingly involved in the affairs of his Latin American neighbors, often as a direct challenge to the US. THE MONITOR'S VIEW Global warming - who pays and when? Opinion: Federal Reserve should resist tinkeringThe Fed played a part in igniting the conflagration it's now trying to smother. ASIA India’s 200 million-strong middle class is the most economically dynamic group on the planet. It is largely indifferent to social reform... more» Malaysia marks 50 years as nation Thousands of people join celebrations in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, to mark 50 years of nationhood. The Economist The world economy Rocky terrain ahead Reforming Afghanistan’s Police International Crisis Group Collective Self-Defense and Collective Security: What the Differences Mean for Japan By: Craig Martin | The Japan Times Debate in Japan must differentiate "collective self-defense" from "collective security." Each has a precise meaning in international law. Musharraf Fights for His Job By: Simon Robinson | Time A Moment of Truth in Pakistan By: Benazir Bhutto | Los Angeles Times Sharif names Pakistan return date Pakistan's ex-PM Nawaz Sharif will return home on 10 September to challenge President Pervez Musharraf. Indonesian Intelligence Service's Day in Court May Lead to Reform of Agency By: Fabio Scarpello | World Politics Review Karzai Blasts West Over Opium Policy By: Aunohita Mojumdar, Alex Barker, and James Blitz | Financial Times Beijing's finance chief sacked in corruption case China's finance minister sacked as Communist Party investigates the sex lives of senior officials. | H11 IHT Our twin worlds of Mars and Venus Different political cultures and historical experiences have created radically opposed attitudes between Europe and America toward conflict in today's world. Sarkozy tells France to accept globalization - but in a French way Sarkozy breaks the mold Eastern Europe faces generation crisis Kosovo leader vows to declare independence if talks fail Pakistan's moment of truth No time for threats A second chance for Japan's leader EUROPE European press review Greeks angry, confused over fires Many locals say arsonists started the deadly fires that have swept the country in the past week. New Muslim cartoon protests grow Fears grew of a new confrontation over a sketch by a Swedish artist portraying the prophet Mohammed as a dog. Peripheries and borders in a post-western Europe: Europe is taking not just a post-national form, but also a post-western shape. Highly qualified workers in science and technology Give Up on Kosovo, President Tells Serbs By: Nebi Qena | The Associated Press French use baguette as stick to beat Sarkozy over prices · Bread becomes focus of anger at cost of living Forest fires in Europe A combustible mixture ETA's new method : abducting tourists | H12 RFE/RL OSCE Says Would Like 'Accommodation' On CFE Treaty Google News Azerbaijan Russia's Very Hostile Takeovers By: Uwe Klussman | Der Spiegel From Russia With $3 Billion: Another Putin Opponent May Have Fled to London By: Luke Harding | The Guardian Deciding the IMF's Future By: Martin Gilman | The Moscow Times Ruble Rumble By: Judy Shelton | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) American fighter jets scrambled to intercept Russian bombers earlier this month near the island of Guam. It was the first time since the end of the Cold War that the Kremlin sought to provoke a U.S. response. It likely will not be the last. Now We Can Ignore the Elections in Peace By: Boris Kagarlitsky | The Moscow Times As Russian politicians return from their summer recess, they are preparing for the latest battle -- the campaign season for Russia's State Duma elections. Russia’s ours, Armine Ishkanian Boston Globe Putin's politicized prosecutor AMERICANS anxious about what can happen when prosecutors are subject to political manipulation need only consider the announcement Monday by Russia's chief prosecutor that 10 suspects have been arrested for the murder last October of the independent journalist Anna Politkovskaya, a fierce critic of Kremlin abuses in Chechnya The Red Star of the Pacific: The Forgotten Player is Back ASPI Armenian Ex-President Mulls Dramatic Comeback |
H13 The Times The future of Pakistan takes shape It's hard to think of Pakistan as a country of warring factions when its leadership rotates through London Bronwen Maddox The showpiece city that beat al-Qaeda A US ‘martyr’ is hailed in the Sunni Triangle for restoring peace to a town where soldiers now fight only water leaks We are pushing to save the Darfuris In the coming months, we commit as leaders to redouble our efforts to make progress in Darfur Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy Haditha leader faces US military hearing A hearing begins today to decide whether a US Marine accused of murdering 18 people in Iraq should be court-martialled Wall Street Journal US credit crisis likened to Great Depression Mortgage provider describes lending conditions as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. | H14 Financial Times Basra to Helmand: into the fire As casualties mount – faster in Afghanistan than Iraq – army chiefs want Gordon Brown to choose his war, says Philip Stephens Editorial Isolating Teheran America needs to preserve international unity and step up sanctions against Iran through multilateral channels Doubts over Iranian nuclear claims Less progress than expected on project Editorial The scramble for power in Pakistan Musharraf is part of the problem, not the solution, which requires an open contest, not the stitch-up he is negotiating with Bhutto West Bank policy not aiding peace, says UN Moscow warns EU on ‘unfair’ energy plan Reaction verges on ‘near hysteria’ White House rejects Iraq 'failures' The president’s capacity to compromise is unlimited as long as he looks like the winner, writes Zaki Laïdi That a professional German army is not seen as a threat by other European nations is a great achievement. It should not be feared at home either Sarkozy ‘proposes’ strategy for Suez The fate of one of Europe’s biggest energy deals is hanging in the balance after France’s president demanded that Suez focus on the energy sector if it wanted to pursue its proposed merger with state-owned Gaz de France The real mistake was excessively slow tightening, which helped promote exuberance, writes John Calverley What is misleading is the transfer to whole economies of concepts relevant to individual businesses or regions, writes Samuel Brittan ANALYSIS: Migrant money opens up another passage to India ‘Micro-geographies’ based on regional patterns of resettlement are helping to shape remittance flows in Latin America | H15 Los Angeles Times Iraqi security forces given mixed marks An upcoming report is positive about Iraq's army but says its police ranks are rife with sectarian bias. Iraqi Shiite Heir Steps Into a Tough Role By: Alexandra Zavis | Los Angeles Times |
H16 American Politics realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp The jinx of the north Sarah Churchwell: Clinton and Obama are doomed to failure in a presidential race, for they are not from the south. How Republicans are cruising to defeat Larry Craig's lavatory incident is the latest in a spate of revelations of sexual misconduct by Republicans Analysis: the first jolt to the Clinton campaign Question marks over a major donor to Hillary Clinton's campaign are the first challenge to her smooth progress so far Rise and Shine on Democrats: How the ABC, CBS and NBC Morning Shows Are Promoting Democrats on the Road to the White House Is the president imploding? His aides are jumping ship, his inner circle is torn apart by feuds and his orders are being ignored. Bush has 17 months left in the White House, but he is now a rudderless leader. Getting Immigration Right Larry Craig is Just the Beginning | H17 Daily Telegraph Why China is trying to colonise Africa China's economic domain in Africa is stirring deep resentment. The wonder is that it has happened so quickly, and where the scramble will end, writes David Blair. Pervez Musharraf 's battle for survival Militant Islam poses just as big a threat to Pakistan as it does to countries in the West, suggests Con Coughlin. Leader Nicolas Sarkozy makes a stand The French president has launched the second phase of his economic reforms while enjoying wide popularity; that will be maintained only if it is seen to bear fruit. White people 'a minority by 2027' Birmingham to see white inhabitants a minority in 20 years. Tory blow in polls fuels election speculation Poll shows Cameron could face a landslide defeat if a snap general election is called. Report finds that US tactics in Iraq 'are not working' The US Congress report found that only three out of 18 political and security benchmarks set by the Bush administration had been met | H18 Independent Cholera spreads in Iraq as health services collapse Brown urged to call autumn poll to quell referendum calls Gordon Brown is being urged to call a snap election this autumn in an attempt to defuse a row over Europe which threatens to divide Labour. |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism From The American Interest, Edward N. Luttwak on Why Weapons Are So Expensive: Though computers constantly get cheaper and more powerful, new high-tech weapons end up costing more and more. What's wrong with the U.S. military? So a new industry was born, known in the trade as "Intelligence Support Systems", complete with its own annual conference. If you’re in Dubai next February, drop by. Homeland Insecurity: Anti-terrorism efforts vary from the marginally effective to the utterly pointless. Tal Afar SWAT After Abu Ghraib James Cockayne (IPA): The Global Reorganization of Legitimate Violence: Military Entrepreneurs and the Private Face of International Humanitarian Law. Death at a Distance: The US Air War Investigating an Outsourced War | H20 Slate What's the Big Secret? Continuing the conversation. Price, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness By Caleb Stegall Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future by Bill McKibben Choosing More Time for Students: The What, Why, and How of Expanded Learning Determinants of Direct Democracy Diabetes -- Darwinism in our time? By Greg Critser Cases of Type 2 diabetes are rising. Simple steps can help fight the disease. | H21 Free will cannot be located in the brain, boiled down, and graphed. It’s an active, lived process that includes the human ability to interrogate nature.... more» By MICHAEL D. LEMONICK Humans have a habit of getting hooked on harmful things. New research reveals why, and opens the door to a cure The Economist The internet Who's afraid of Google? The world's internet superpower faces testing times Google Inside the Googleplex It is rare for a company to dominate its industry while claiming not to be motivated by money. Google does. But it has yet to face a crisis Capital punishment in America Revenge begins to seem less sweet Americans are losing their appetite for the death penalty. Texas is the exception The New International Division of Cultural Labor and Global Hollywood From The American Spectator, a review of Counterpoints: Twenty-Five Years of The New Criterion on Culture and the Arts, ed. Roger Kimball and Hilton Kramer; and Roger Scruton on Art, Beauty, and Judgment. Global Warming's Next Victim: Wheat At I.B.M., a Vacation Anytime, or Maybe None I.B.M. is probably the largest company to do away with tracking vacation. DAVID BROOKS Go West, Old Man Am I going to spend every August of my declining years sitting on broiling sands feeling inferior to the lifeguards? In fact, probably. How the rich keep the poor in their place |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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