0630-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Breaking new ground BY HENRY A. KISSINGER THE war in Iraq is approaching a kind of self-imposed climax. American Interest On Forgetting the Obvious by Robert Kaplan It is obvious that a military can only fight well on behalf of a society in which it believes. But a society which believes that little is worth fighting for cannot, in the end, field an effective military. Obvious as this is, we seem to have forgotten it. (repeat) Guardian Will it have to get worse? Iraq's prospects look increasingly bleak, but dividing the country on ethnic and sectarian lines will cause more problems than it solves Car bombs come to London Police are desperately hunting a suspected al-Qaida inspired terrorist cell following the discovery of two "Iraqi style" car bombs. BBC Police hunting London car bombers Police are analysing CCTV images as they hunt the people who planted two car bombs in London's West End. Washington Institute Gaza: The Next Terrorist Safe Haven? Asia Times US, Iran: Taking talks to the next level Pressure is mounting to move the nascent US-Iran talks from a strict focus on Iraq to the next level. Supporters speak of sustained, strategic dialogue. At the same time, momentum for stricter sanctions against Tehran is receding among key European countries. Thus the stage is set for a real breakthrough. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi IraqSlogger Iraqi Papers Sat: A Government Without Sunnis US Papers Saturday: Blood and Politics New York Times London Finds Linked Bombs, a Qaeda Tactic Two Mercedes sedans filled with gasoline, nails and gas canisters had been parked near Piccadilly Circus in the bustling West End Editorial Observer: Mr. Bush Gets Another Look Into Mr. Putin’s Eyes By CARLA ANNE ROBBINS The Russian president arrives Sunday at the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport — the only foreign leader to get such an invitation from this President Bush. NEWS ANALYSIS; A Reversal of Fortune for Bush’s Political Capital Madame Secretary New York Times TWICE AS GOOD Condoleezza Rice and Her Path to Power Washington Post Israel Faced With Tough Calls New military, political and human questions surface after Hamas takeover of Gaza Strip Weekly Standard Richard Lugar, Meet David Kilcullen Thoughtful analysis of the war is in short supply in Washington.
The New Strategy in Iraq
Orderly Humiliation The moderates think they've found a 'responsible' way out of Iraq. Changing Realities in the Region Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention A 6-page policy paper dealing with recent developments in the Middle East National Review An Alternative Reading of the Muslim World - David Pryce-Jones Boston Globe Editorial Iran regime drowning in oil NYT Book Review'The Bottom Billion' By PAUL COLLIER | H2 Guardian Turkey warns of plans to invade northern Iraq · Call for US to move against Kurdish guerrillas · PKK behind bombings in Ankara, say authorities Türkiye'den sınırötesi uyarısı McClatchy Armenian genocide resolution again moving through House Turkey aspires to milit technology For the first time ever, there are no US bidders for a major Turkish arms contract, signaling serious snags in one of OxAn TURKEY: AKP has solid Islamic electoral base Iraqi Kurdish Leader Vows to Defend Against Turkish Attacks Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring Helikopter krizi kapıda Uzmanlara göre, terörle mücadelede helikopter sıkıntısı yaşanabilir. Sebep; Cobra'ların yıpranması yeni helikopterlerin teslimatının ise 2015'i bulması. Terörle mücadelenin vazgeçilmez unsurlarından olan taarruz helikopterleri alarm veriyor. ... Mahir Kaynak Terörle mücadele İlnur Çevik Keeping the pressure up on the Iraqi Kurds If attacked, how would our government react? Türkmenlerden sonra Iraklı Kürtler de Amerika'ya lobi çıkarması yaptı Şırnak'ta terör örgütü PKK'nın roketatar deposu ele geçirildi Sosyalist Enternasyonal'de Turkmen Front delegation in New York, wants special status for Kirkuk Orhan Doğan'ın son mesajı: Kanı durduranın önünde eğiliriz Cenaze alınırken gerginlik Dün hayatını kaybeden eski DEP Milletvekili Orhan Doğan bugün Şırnak'ın Cizre ilçesinde toprağa verilecek. Derya SAZAK Orhan Doğan'ın ölümü Baykal'dan Talabani'ye karşı "terör" konuşması Baykal konuşurken salonu terk ettiler Al-Qa'Idah Brigades in Kurdistan Denies Closure of Bases in Iran - Website Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 28 June 07 Iraqi Kurdish Paper on Halabja's Reaction to "Chemical Ali" Sentence Iraqi Kurdish Article Says Kirkuk Should Be Independent Federal Region ICG has ties with Turkish ultra-nationalist party Nechirvan Barzani’s term as PM may end by the end of the year Bakanlık 'gübre uyarısı'nı dikkate aldı Baykal'dan Kürt liderlere tavır İrfan ÜLKÜ Mossad şefinin itirafı Çukurca'da mayın döşeyen imam değil Sadi SOMUNCUOĞLU Şüpheli pakette bomba düzeneği 29 Haziran 2007 Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber "En sıkı katılım kriterleri Türkiye'ye" Rehn 'Demokrasi kriterini Türkiye belirliyor' Servet Yıldırım Partiler AKP’yi AB ile vurmaya çalışıyor Mensur Akgün Seçim sonrasının gündemi Abdülhamit Bilici Avrupa ne diyor, ne yapıyor? Ankara'dan Berlin'e Göç Yasası tepkisi: Bu, insan hakları ihlali Alternatives challenge Turkey's energy corridor - Turkish Daily News Jun 30, 2007 Atina'dan Türkiye'nin sert tepkisine yanıt Yunan polisinin 'utanç görüntüleri' komşuyu karıştırdı Güncellenen AB terör listesinde bir Yunan örgütü Nabi Yağcı Tarihin kötüye kullanımı ile yüzleşmek Risk of Islamist backlash if EU shuns Turkey, says Rehn Beril Dedeoğlu The EU factor in Turkey’s elections Ata Atun Is there a shadow hanging over Cyprus membership? SI questions CHP's commitment to democracy Unakıtan: Bizden önceki hükümetler AB'nin kapısına yaklaşamıyordu A new breath to the Alliance of Civilizations, is it possible? Yunan gazeteciye "Büyükanıt" uyarısı ABD'de Büyükanıt'a 'Diktatör' diyen Yunan gazeteciye ikinci uyarı Hüseyin M.YUSUF KKTC uçurumun kenarında... Ankara’da Papulyas rahatsızlığı Greek police confronted by 'videos of shame'... Bir de belgeselini çektiler! Belçika'da Fehriye Erdal ile birlikte yargılanan terör örgütü DHKP-C'nin sözcüsü Bahar Kimyongür için insan hakları örgütleri belgesel film çekti. Filmde terör örgütü üyesi özgürlük savaşçısı gibi gösteriliyor. KÜRŞAT BUMİNBild (bile) bu kadarına cesaret edebilir mi? Dışişleri'nden 'yemek' açıklaması 'İçimdeki sansürcü' ASELSAN hedefi tam 12'den vurdu Illegal construction contained for the first time 51 klasörü bir gecede inceleyen savcı Sezgin Kanmaz'a terfi gibi tayin Ayşe Önal Milli Gladio 'Yüzbaşıdan sonra binbaşı' Ümraniye bombalarının Hrant Dink cinayetiyle bağlantısı olabilir Dink Suikasti Suçlanan komutan: Suikast ihbarını benden gizlediler Dink davası 2 Temmuz'da başlıyor Vatanseverler Kuvvetler Güçbirliği'ne baskın: 18 gözaltı Ümraniye baskını: Emekli binbaşı tutuklandı | H3 Tezkere için Meclis'in toplanması gündemde Operasyonu ne önler? Murat Yetkin Gül: Dört-beş oluşum var, irtibatları kuvvetli Gül Sivil silahsız siyaset belgesi Gül: "Harekat planı detayına kadar hazır" Fikret BİLA Askerin ihtiyaç duyduğu yetki Anayasa'yı bir defa delmekle... Ruşen Çakır El Kaideci Türkler hakkında dersler Jandarma, geçen ay, sınırsız telefon dinleme yetkisi istemiş Sabah Vicdanın sesi Hakkâri'de 11 yıl önceki 4 faili meçhul cinayetin sırlarını istihbaratçı albayın kendi isteğiyle anlattığı ortaya çıktı. Meral TAMER Yoksullar topluca AKP'ye oy verecek En saçma senaryo Hudson Enstitüsü'ndeki senaryo tartışmaları sürerken terörist başı Abdullah Öcalan'dan da 'şok' edici iddialar geldi. İmralı'da avukatlarıyla görüşen Öcalan, 1996 yılında 'devletin bir kesiminin' 'Biz gerekli şartları sağlayacağız, siz halledersiniz' diyerek DYP Genel Başkanı Tansu Çiller'i ... Barçın Yinanç Karadeniz'de ABD'ye karşı Türk-Rus dayanışması [Yorum - Dr. İbrahim Kalın] AK Parti üçüncü yol hareketi olabilir mi? MGK’ya ilk kez kadın genel sekreter adayı Valilikten skandal yazı Hakkari Valiliği'nden şok yazı ! "Şemdinli'ye keşfe gelirseniz can güvenliğinizi sağlayamayız" Cengiz Çandar Amerikalı 'neo-con'-Türk 'neo-İttihatçı' izdivacı Babacan 'Anlaşma operasyonla ilgili değildi' Bakalım ne olacak? M.Ali Kışlalı MUHARREM SARIKAYA Asker ne istiyor? Salih Neftçi Anketler... Ve... Seçim sonuçları Orta sınıfın yükselişi Meclis'te de sürecek Açık İstihbarat Zeyno ve Yasemin'e Washington Soruları Hudson Toplantısı Köstebeği : Henri Barkey Dink cinayetinde müfettişler ayrı telden Trabzon'da ortak inceleme yapan Mülkiye ve Jandarma müfettişleri uzlaşamadı. Raporda Mülkiyeliler jandarmayı inandırıcı bulmadı, Jandarma da polis için 'kusurlu' dedi Şahin Alpay İsveçli sosyal demokrat gözüyle AB, AKP ve CHP Abdülhamit Bilici What Europe says at odds with its actions İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Taha Kıvanç İlhan Bey ve Mr. Bush Fehmi Koru Bu ne sevgisizlik! ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Seçimler sonrası kaostan çıkış… İlter Türkmen Parti programları (2) Semih İDİZ Sevgisiz ülke sevimsiz ülke olur Güngör URAS Hiçbir ülkeyi sevmiyoruz ABD'nin ahlaki sorumluluğu NAZLI ILICAK Müflis tüccarın eski defterleri! M Ali Birand Okuyunca başka, görünce bambaşka… Yalçın Doğan Erdoğan o gazeteye açıklama gönderir mi Emin Çölaşan Fark! Gökçe Aytulu Türk siyasetinde sağ sol karışınca seçim vaatlerini Uzan belirledi Atilla Yayla and the Emperor’s latest clothes Mustafa Akyol The unarmed coup by MÜMTAZ’ER TÜRKÖNE* [Yorum - Doç.Dr. Bekir Berat Özipek] Demokratikleşmede sınıfta kalanlar kim? [Yorum - M. Naci Bostancı] Derin milliyetçilik Ludvigsson: Bu anlayıştaki bir partiyle aynı platformda bulunmak istemiyorum Sosyalistlerden CHP'ye gözaltı ERGUN BABAHAN Avrupa ırkçılığı HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Eski aylar yıldız olmazken Özdemir İnce Baskın Oran’ın baskın harekátı Demokrasi iradesi Murat Belge Can Ataklı Meğer Meclis’i unutmuşlar Şakir Süter Baykal, “özgürlük” demokrasi ve MHP Asker kimi konuşuyor? Koç Kim iktidara gelirse gelsin öncelik AB'ye üyelik ve Kürt sorunu Erdoğan'dan MHP'lilere çağrı: CHP'ye yedek parça olmayın Çiller Muhaliflere ’Bekleyin’ dedi Mustafa Mutlu Ağar: ‘AKP’nin başörtüsü istismarını bitireceğiz’ Engin Ardıç Uzlaşma safsatası Seçimin bütçeye faturası ağır oldu Mustaf Özyürek 'Mücadelemizi gölgeledi' Zenginler AK Parti'ye gitti; bize garip gureba kaldı Mehmet Kamış Padişahımız efendimiz, cumhuriyetimizi koruyor Ege Cansen Verilmiş sadakamız varmış Yiğt Bulut Aşağıdaki olayların akşını okuyun, sonra bir soru soralım ‘Turkish economy has learned much from crises’ Faiz dışı fazla tartışması Taner Berksoy HSBC: Seçim sonucu piyasaları yükseltir TÜİK dış ticaret istatistiklerini açıkladı Dış borçta özel sektörün payı arttı ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM Ekonomide gazeteciliğin kaderi! Erdal Sağlam Yıl sonu enflasyon yüksek çıkacak Asaf Savaş Akat Bütçenin ekonomi politiği Deniz Gökçe Enerji tüketiminde desen değişiyor! |
H4 New York Times London Finds Linked Bombs, a Qaeda Tactic Two Mercedes sedans filled with gasoline, nails and gas canisters had been parked near Piccadilly Circus in the bustling West End Editorial Observer: Mr. Bush Gets Another Look Into Mr. Putin’s Eyes By CARLA ANNE ROBBINS The Russian president arrives Sunday at the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport — the only foreign leader to get such an invitation from this President Bush. NEWS ANALYSIS; A Reversal of Fortune for Bush’s Political Capital Taliban Spreading, Pakistani President Is Warned Gen. Pervez Musharraf was told that without “swift and decisive action,” militancy could engulf the country. In Shift, Justices Agree to Review Detainees’ Case By WILLIAM GLABERSON The Supreme Court agreed to hear Guantánamo detainees’ claims of a right to challenge their detention in American courts. Israel’s Deal Over Rape Charges Is Criticized as President Resigns As Unrest Rises, China Broadens Workers’ Rights A new law strengthens protections amid increasing signs of restiveness among tens of millions of migrant laborers The Break-In That History Forgot By EGIL KROGH I finally realized that what had gone wrong in the Nixon White House was a meltdown in personal integrity. Editorial The Grand Collapse The immigration bill’s defeat thwarted the possibility of progress on border security, stricter employment laws and an orderly future flow of workers. | H5 Washington Post Israel Faced With Tough Calls New military, political and human questions surface after Hamas takeover of Gaza Strip. Democrats Plan a Press on Iraq Majority party seeks to regain momentum after demise of immigration bill, other key initiatives Double Bombing Averted in U.K. Police disarm rigged cars in London's theater district, triggering security alerts worldwide Supreme Court to Weigh Detainees' Legal Rights In reversal, justices agree to consider whether Guantanamo prisoners have been unfairly barred from federal courts by White House and Congress The Cheney Vice Presidency National reporter Barton Gellman discusses the Post series about how Dick Cheney built one of the most powerful vice presidencies in U.S. history. Transcript A Case I Never Made By Christina Shelton, What I did and didn't tell former CIA Director George Tenet in 2002 about the connections between al-Qaeda and Iraq -- and what he put in his book. Iraqis Join U.S. in Fight on Al-Qaeda The Real Obstacle to Peace: Genocidal Jihad - Saul Singer PostGlobal Marshall Plan for Palestine | H6 Guardian Car bombs come to London Police are desperately hunting a suspected al-Qaida inspired terrorist cell following the discovery of two "Iraqi style" car bombs. Favoured tool of Iraqi insurgents, Kashmir separatists - and al-Qaida 1 million homeless in Pakistan Is it a bird? A plane? No, it's the Quartet's fifth horseman Leader His first big test The city will not sleep Brown's new beginning is just what Labour needs Martin Kettle: It's early days, of course, but the clampdown on spin and an empowered cabinet point to a bright new phase for the party. |
H7 Weekly Standard Richard Lugar, Meet David Kilcullen
The New Strategy in Iraq
Orderly Humiliation The moderates think they've found a 'responsible' way out of Iraq. Changing Realities in the Region Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention A 6-page policy paper dealing with recent developments in the Middle East National Review An Alternative Reading of the Muslim World - David Pryce-Jones Boston Globe Editorial Iran regime drowning in oil Daily Star When in doubt, the world dislikes America The Iranian nuclear crisis will not end anytime soon By A.F. Al Hajj Let Iraq burn, but don't leave the scene of the fire By David Ignatius Al Awsat How the Middle East Imposed Itself on Sarkozy : Amir Taheri Washington Times A new strategy for Iran Iran's history, culture, and constitutional experience provide fertile soil for a regime change in 2007. The impending food fight Like the end of cheap energy, is the era of cheap food also finally over? From The Nation, a review of L'Iran : Naissance d'une république islamique by Yann Richard; Iran: A People Interrupted by Hamid Dabashi; Britain and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906-1911 by Mansour Bonakdarian; Conversations in Tehran by Jean-Daniel Lafond and Fred A. Reed; and Reading 'Legitimation Crisis' in Tehran: Iran and the Future of Liberalism by Danny Postel Persian Gulf Fact Sheet Source: Energy Information Administration Culture, Politics and the Rushdie Row By: Caroline Tosh | ISN Security Watch Some have called the UK's knighting of controversial author Salman Rushdie ill-timed, ill-considered and politically motivated, while others feel that freedom of speech should allow for rewards for a brilliant career. | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor Ambush Caps Bloodiest Months for US Experts caution U.S. on alliance with Iraqi tribes No evidence ties al Qaida to recent bombing of a Shiite shrine CBS: 77 Percent Believe Iraq War Going Poorly Al Hayat From Blair to Brown - What Will Change? Patrick Seale - Blair's restricted brief is to help the Palestinian Authority develop honest and effective government institutions - no doubt with the aim of making it an acceptable partner for Israel. Blair comes to the job with considerable negative baggage. Talk of deals with Syria and Iran and its consequences for American interests Raghida Dergham - Many scenarios are competing in what has come to be called the hot summer that is coming to the Middle East, carrying with it all kinds of wars, direct and by proxy, between armies and militias and mercenaries. Has Egypt Changed Its Stance on Gaza Events? Mohamed Salah - It is no secret that some people believe Egypt has changed its stance towards the Palestinian Authority and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas and has started to adopt Hamas' point of view. Asia Times The rise and rise of Hamas Islam's authority deficit: Don't count on state-sponsored greybeards to silence all awkward voices The Botched End of a Thug By: Hanny Megally and Miranda Sissons | The Daily Star Ali Hassan al-Majid represented all that was foul in Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Majid was Hussein's first cousin, a brutal and ruthless enforcer who personally directed many of the regime's most notorious crimes. From March 1987 until April 1989, Majid controlled all government agencies in the Kurdish north, including the military. BBC US-led raids 'kill 26' in Baghdad American-led forces kill 26 militants in a series of raids in a Shia stronghold in Baghdad, the US military says. Jun 29 IA# 366 - Cartoons in the Arab Press on the Hamas Takeover in Gaza | H9 Ha’aretz - Bradley Burston: Hamas as the new Israel Ban: UN Resolution 1701 has been breached Rosner The afternoon plans of Bush, Blair and Olmert Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine Washington Institute Gaza: The Next Terrorist Safe Haven?The Hamas coup in Gaza raises the risk that individual Palestinians will be drawn to global jihadist ideology and that foreign terrorists will establish operations there. Matthew Levitt writes. Fatah, in Disarray, Torn by Mutual Recriminations - Four Reasons Why Blair Is the Perfect Envoy - Anshel Pfeffer (Jerusalem Post) BBC Gaza 'prison' UK's Jewish foreign secretary has sparse ME record Security and Defense: The 'Taliban' of Gaza Yedioth Ban presses Syria over arms Regretting the Gaza pullout/Haetzni NY Sun Blair's Mission: Impossible - Youssef Ibrahim Keeping Hamas Away from the West Bank – Don't Expect Palestinian-Israeli Peace Anytime Soon - Yossi Alpher JCPA Advice for Blair: Stop Patronizing the Palestinians - Gerald M. Steinberg View from South Africa: Israel Is More Like the ANC - Warren Goldstein (Jerusalem Post) It's Best to Ignore the Middle East - Edward N. Luttwak A review of Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation by Eyal Weizman. Our second biggest mistake in the Middle East: A review of Hamas: Unwritten Chapters by Azzam Tamimi; Where Now for Palestine: The Demise of the Two-State Solution; and Failing Peace: Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict by Sara Roy. A review of Everyday Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam Among Palestinians in Lebanon by Bernard Rougier. Blair on the Way to Peacemaking By: Frida Ghitis | Miami Herald |
H10 Christian Science Monitor Consequences of a Graying World By: Jonathan Grant and Stijn Hoorens | The Christian Science Monitor While attention is focused on efforts to make the world go green, the world is also changing dramatically because it is going gray. People over age 65 are starting to outnumber those under 16 in many countries. ASIA China and India: Cooperation and Competition Chatham House An 11-page paper outlining the complex relationship between India and China Democracy Can Wait While Asia's Economies Boom By: William Pesek | Bloomberg News Given China's 11 percent growth and rising global stature, it's doubtful many officials in Beijing regret ignoring the United States' democracy-is-best message. What may be surprising, though, is how China's un-American views on democracy are gaining favor in Asia. Asia Times China looks on at the US-India lockstep CHAN AKYA Deja-Wu Hope for Six-Party Talks Lives By: Ralph Cossa | The Japan Times Unrest in the Provinces By: Wilson John | The Washington Times Pollution Dangers Cast Shadow over 2008 Olympics By: Hilmar Schmundt | Der Spiegel | H11 IHT Poland demands that EU reopen talks on voting rights President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, said some adjustments to the treaty could be discussed but "nothing that would contradict the agreement that was unanimously obtained." Russia most concerned with itself in the battle for human rightsIn diplomatic circles, Russia is trying to weaken the supervision of international human rights, as it seeks policies that aid the country's own self interests. EUROPE European press review EUROPA - Eurostat - Eurostat: Document Details sw3d How mobile are highly qualified human resources in science and technology? Electricity prices for EU households and industrial consumers on 1 January 2007 BBC Space juggernaut CER Why Europeans don’t have babies | H12 RFE/RL Asia Times A pipeline into the heart of Europe Russian President Vladimir Putin, a published expert in judo, has used his skills to throw the US off balance in the competition for energy. In the past few weeks he has defeated all Western-backed projects to bring gas from Central Asia into Europe, and now he is aiming at the Balkans. As any judo expert can confirm, brute force is not required. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. - M K Bhadrakumar Eurasianet Tehran Conference Fails Again to Demarcate the Caspian Sea Google News Azerbaijan Russia: how can a country be so rich and yet have dreadful health care, a declining population, and a corrupt political system with almost no opposition?... more» U.S. - Russian Relations: The Kennebunkport Agenda (PDF; 234 KB) Georgia's Breakaway Region Puts Troops on High Alert EDM FOR SERBS IN KOSOVO, NATO GOES FROM VILLAIN TO PROTECTOR
H13 The Times A trail of terror stretching 200 years It might be thought that with the rise of Islamism, secular terrorism has died out. It's far from the truth John Gray Nightclub bomb alert issued two weeks ago Nightclubs across Britain were warned they could be terrorist targets ahead of a double car bomb attack in London Poles throw EU treaty out of the window Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Polish Prime Minister, stunned Brussels by declaring his determination to renegotiate the compromise Leader More than Vigilance The Government must look anew at the laws to defeat terrorism Bush attempt to defuse Russia tension It is hoped an informal meeting at the Bush family’s holiday home with President Putin will improve US-Russian relations Inquest opens into 'spy' billionaire's death Egyptian press highlight similarities with London deaths of two other Egyptians - both with security service connections Just change. That’d be a change New administrations always do arrive in a cloud of abstract verbiage, their sails momentarily puffed Matthew Parris Wall Street Journal On Letting Go | H14 Financial Times FT WEEKEND MAGAZINE - FRONTIERS: Will to win Why do big, powerful countries with strong militaries sometimes lose wars to small countries with weak ones? ‘Lobster summit’ a chance to cool tensions Monday’s summit between George W. Bush and President Vladimir Putin in Kenne-bunkport, Maine, follows months of escalating tensions WORLD NEWS: 'Pulse of Iran' sounds a warning for president MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT: Oil price gains new strength as supplies fall Europeans weigh names to succeed Rato Speculation over who might succeed IMF chief COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Is this goodbye to 'Stalinist' Brown or only au revoir? Be sceptical about whether the shift in tone is sustainable: Brown is the dominant figure in his cabinet, writes James Blitz. Bosnia ‘must move beyond Dayton accords’ The time has come for Bosnia-Herzegovina to move beyond the rigid 1995 Dayton peace treaty and strive for ”political normalisation” with a reformed constitution, says the country’s new international overseer who is to take charge next week WORLD NEWS: Iran close to India-Pakistan gas deal COMMENT: Experience can be a drawback If Obama’s experience reveals more competence, Clinton’s reveals more resilience, writes Christopher Caldwell. Undercover Economist: Tote that vote Political betting offers opportunities for both electoral hanky-panky and easy money For richer, for poorer Income inequality within a country can make those at the bottom feel poorer, no matter how high their absolute income, writes Chrystia Freeland. US Supreme Court in U-turn on Gitmo LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: This 'threat to national security' is all in the mind Bad week for Bush as allies melt away As President George W. Bush told the story of Cory Endlich, a 23-year-old from Ohio, who died in Iraq this month, his voice cracked and his chin quivered. EU trade chief to rebut Sarkozy in Paris Peter Mandelson will tell the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry that competition is not a ‘dirty word’ in a line-by-line rebuttal of the French president’s views Brown’s take on business The new government should play an active role in business. But business often flourishes with less involvement and Mr Brown should sometimes take a back seat. The chief of General Electric tells Chrystia Freeland why he’s happy to ‘sell his butt off’ to would-be recruits. Hong Kong today Ten years on, life in Hong Kong under Chinese sovereignty seems reassuringly similar to the way it was under British colonial rule. But MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT: Heady Asian party shows no signs of abating | H15 Los Angeles Times Immigrants aren't the ugly Americans Rosa Brooks: Dear newcomers: American culture in high doses can be hazardous to your health. 'Legacy of Ashes' looks at the consequences of the U.S.' ineffectual spying Editorial |
H16 American Politics New Yorker Mr. Independent by George Packer Who benefits if Michael Bloomberg runs. CFr Democratic Debate Transcript, Washington, DC realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp | H17 Daily Telegraph Al-Qa'eda hunt after London bombs found Huge manhunt underway for a group of suspected al-Qa'eda terrorists after two car bombs were planted in central London. Leader The terrorist threat is as real as ever Today's terrorists are slick and resourceful; their defeat is Mr Brown's first responsibility Blair won't have power to mediate The US has made clear that Tony Blair will have no power to mediate peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians in his new role as a Middle East envoy. The new PM has achieved a dramatic upswing in Labour's fortunes in his first days in office and could win a snap general election, according to a new poll. Brown must stand up for British interests By agreeing to a referendum on the EU Reform Treaty, Gordon Brown has a real opportunity to show that he responds to popular sentiment, while distancing himself from the Blair era of spin, says Ruth Lea. | H18 Independent London on the edge Chaos in the capital after police prevent massive car-bomb attacks on packed West End nightclubs Leading article: A bomb, a war and a government signalling a change of course Brown completes government of 'all talents' with team of outsiders Gordon Brown has appointed Admiral Sir Alan West, the former head of the Royal Navy, as a security minister at the Home Office as he appointed a string of "outsiders" to his government team Bush looks to his father to mend relations with Putin Robert Fisk: 'Abu Henry' and the mysterious silence Ambitious plan for a new Africa: Welcome to the U.S.A (that's the United States of Africa) Prosperity, growth but no vote: Hong Kong's decade under Chinese rule |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism Stratfor London's Crude Incendiary Device Terror Plot Involves Islamic Extremists; Police Have 'Crystal Clear' Picture of Suspect What Tenet knew 'Legacy of Ashes' looks at the consequences of the U.S.' ineffectual spying NSC SPECIAL / Strategy from broad perspective needed ( 2/ 2) Defense Lobbying Goes Underground Sentinels of Afghan Democracy: The Afghan National Army RSIS This 35-page Singaporean working paper describes the current state and ablity of the Afghan National Army Pakistan: The Army RSIS Bob Hormats talks about his book, The Price of Liberty: Paying for America's Wars. A review of The Pentagon: A History by Steve Vogel. | H20 Slate 'Step Change' Needed on Climate Change Green to gold. It’s such a nice idea, Keynes might have felt. And, of course, as Richard Nixon said, we’re all Keynesians now... more» Five years later: Media Perceptions from 2002 to 2007 (Word; 344 KB) Annual Energy Review 2006 U.S. net international investment position at yearend 2006 The International Nexus between Energy and Climate Change | H21 80 Online Resources for Book Lovers David Weisbach (Chicago): What Does Happiness Research Tell Us About Happiness? Clive James on how there are lots of reasons to be cheerful about the world, many the result of human creativity - the difficulty is remembering not to be miserable. Darrin McMahon on Nanoseconds of Happiness: You're going to love your iPhone, until the next gizmo calls. Can happiness be quantified? An article on number-crunching satisfaction and desire. Michael Dirda reviews Passions and Tempers: A History of the Humours by Noga Arikha (and more From New Statesman, a review of Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia by John Gray. Searchonomics & the Future of Search If The Da Vinci Code came out of a chapter in Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum, and if Mr. Eco's other best seller, The Name of the Rose, itself came out of an eightpage Borges story, might each Borges story be no more than a thriller in kernel? From TNR, Mark Lilla reviews Alexis de Tocqueville: A Life by Hugh Brogan. From Telos, Russell Berman on Intellectuals and Power, and an article on the inspiring power of the shy thinker: Richard Rorty. From Forward, a look at What Rorty Wrought. 'I have a new hero and her name is Mika Brzezinski' Richard Adams on the fallout after MSNBC newsreader Mika Brzezinski refused to read her segment's lead news item on Paris Hilton. |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran – Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik |
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