0531-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Washington Post Time for 'Plan B-H' in Iraq? By David Ignatius The Baker-Hamilton plan now seems to be official White House policy. Better late than never. Endgame Ahead By David S. Broder The end of the war is coming into view -- and sooner than President Bush and Vice President Cheney may wish. WSJ Can the Iraq 'Surge' Be Salvaged? A resurgence of violence and attacks on U.S. troops, coupled with little to no progress on crucial Iraqi political goals, is spurring discussion about whether the current strategy in Iraq can succeed. OpinionJournal Federation BY NORMAN PODHORETZ From Commentary: I hope and pray that President Bush will bomb Iran. Ha’aretz – PM mulls resuming Syria peace talks via 3rd party Gov't source: Serious assessment underway; Olmert in closed meeting: Price of peace with Syria is clear Peretz: Israel must accept Saudi plan as starting point for talks Asia Times The Cold War: Fears of an unfinished victoryAll too many experts and observers are looking for the old Cold War to re-emerge - yet they do not properly consider how the components of this era are being updated and restyled by both the East and the West and employed in a neo-cold war that is already proving its dangers. - W Joseph Stroupe Strength in Numbers for Globalization's Critics Environmentalists, churches, trade unions – globalization's opponents have many faces. But they have one thing in common: They want to limit the power of corporations and make sure people have a greater say Boston Globe Back to the endgame in Iraq (By Roger Owen) Christian Science Monitor A new/old idea for Palestinian peace Jordan is quietly discussing closer ties - even some form of official union - with the Palestinian West Bank. New York Times Jihadist Groups Fill a Palestinian Power Vacuum Islamist groups are vying for influence in Gaza in a race to fill the security vacuum created by fighting between Fatah and Hamas. Editorial A Clean Start at the World Bank Robert Zoellick is just about everything Paul Wolfowitz was not At the Edge of Revolution: Does Pakistan Have a Khomeini World Politics Review RFE/RL CIS: Is South Caucasus 'Region' An Artificial Construct? BBC Under pressure Bush's Killer CFR The Role of the United Nations General Assembly Guardian Fortress America's gatekeepers need to remember: first impressions count Timothy Garton Ash: The US tightening of entry requirements is understandable, but it must not be at the cost of its welcoming reputation. Internal conflict and paralysis is corroding our credibility Don't ignore the warnings Richard Norton-Taylor Russia has signalled that is not only prepared to use the energy weapon, but military weapons too. A new and dangerous arms race is on the cards. Iraq—the Coming GOP Collapse? Rich Lowry / National Review: Was talking to an influential Republican strategist who thinks if Iraq looks the way it does now in September, Bush will lose about 25 Senate Republicans on a bill with some sort of timetable for withdrawal. US Papers Thursday: Forget Sovereignty? Slate Bush's Failed Campaign To Rebrand America: The administration believes public relations is a synonym for diplomacy.
Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea Diplomats: Iran Hinted at Suspension Counterinsurgency Intelligence in a “Long War”: The British Experience in Northern Ireland Training Troops to Defeat IEDs Pentagon Concedes 'Tough' May in Iraq Rice to Israel: Don't Push Syria Peace Assessing the Iraq Surge By: Harlan Ullman | The Washington Times First, a clear-cut chain of command that cuts across all relevant U.S. agencies engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan must be established. Second, every effort must be made to ensure that Gen. Petraeus' September story is factually accurate, rigorously analytical and contains alternative courses of action on the basis of future success, failure or lack of data on which to pass judgment. Third, an effective drug control plan for Afghanistan is needed now. Outside View: Buildup, not surge Washington Times Shifting gears on Iraq? The administration's latest policy changes toward the Iraq war signal a gradual repositioning in anticipation of a shift in strategy by 2008. Washington Quarterly India and Iran: New Delhi’s Balancing Act IHT Decent Policy, Needs Work By: David Shambaugh | International Herald Tribune While U.S. relations with Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Russia under President George W. Bush all receive poor to mixed reviews, Asia policy must be considered a net success. Russia worried over UN plans for Kosovo independenceForeign ministers from the Group of 8 countries clashed after Russia warned that the independence of Kosovo from Serbia could encourage separatist movements in two Georgian regions. Georgia: NATO by Way of BMD By: Federico Bordonaro | ISN Security Watch As Tbilisi extends its hand to the US and the latter's missile defense plans, some analysts believe it is also signaling its NATO aspirations. The Times Iraq holds breath before vital summer The next few months are critical to Iraq. Now politics has to catch up with security Roland Watson Washington Times Big ideas for the 2008 race The Brookings Institution has created a special project designed to inject ideas into the national debate. Financial Times Editorial Zoellick at the World Bank The Americans and Europeans have, like the Bourbons, learnt nothing and forgotten nothing. COMMENT: Cash and the candidacy A wide-open field and the arrival of a ‘tsunami Tuesday’ of party primaries are helping turn the US presidential campaign into a contest fought by fundraisers Rising tensions overshadow US-Russian talks President Vladimir Putin is to visit the US for talks with President George W. Bush, amid arguably the most serious strain in relations between Washington and Moscow since the Soviet era. | H2 Turkey: Preparing to Strike Across the Border? Stratfor Iraq Papers Thur: Turkey Preparing to Invade? Morgan Stanley Turkey Brinkmanship on Turkish Border? - IraqSlogger Turkish Army Build - Up Fuels Anxiety on Iraq Border World Politics Review | The Religious-Secular Divide and the Battle for Turkey's Future The World’s Softest Military Coup: A la Turca Turkey masses troops at border with Kurdish IraqDebate is raging over whether to stage a cross-border offensive against Kurdish rebel bases. U.S. sees no unusual troop movements in Turkey near Iraqi border Kuzey Irak'taki engel ABD MUHAMMED HARRUB - The Price of Independence: $1 Billion Darbe türbandan iyi olabilir mi? Green: K. Irak'a girmek zekice olmaz Rehn: AK Parti'nin gizli ajandası yok Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media Bir siyasal ironi: Kürdlere empati önermek [INSIDE NOTHERN IRAQ-2] Iraqi Kurdistan Officials Deny US Bases to be Opened in Kurdistan Region Kürt liderlerin diyalog çağrısına kırmızı ışık YILMAZ ÖZDİL Ne işiniz var Irak'ta saçmalamayın... ABD: Sınırdaki hareketler normal North Kurdistan and the PKK issue İran: "Türkiye sınırında 10 teröristi öldürdük" ABD televizyonunda açık ‘PKK propagandası’ Reports Say 12 Killed In Clash Near Iran-Turkey Border Iraqi Kurds take charge of own security US Transfers Three Provinces to KRG Control “ABD'ye umut verildiyse Bölükbaşı vermiştirö Savcı: Trende silah var füze yok Celikkol hears much talk but no hope of action in Baghdad Kurds refuse any constitutional amendments impinging on pluralism ... Tensions rise as Turkish tanks move to Iraq border ‘Do not sing in Kurdish, leave the stage’ Kurds reject delay of Article 140 Preserving the Kurdish Language PM Barzani thanks multinational forces at security handover ceremony Oasis of peace in Iraqi Kurdistan "Bingöl'de devrilen trende füze yok" Diyarbakır Kilisesi'ne saldırı hazırlığı: 6 gözaltı YAVUZ DONAT Tunceli'de operasyon, 3 PKK'lı öldürüldü Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Mediterranean project vs. EU: An illusion or reality for Turkey? For or against the European Union and the US? The parties decide AB: Sınır ötesi, Türkiye'ye çok zarar verir Mutafyan: Suriye’de 1.5 milyon Ermeni öldü Bilderberg İstanbul'da Sezer urges OIC to ease sanctions in northern Cyprus Louis Michel: Adaylıktan dönüş yok Turkey negotiates with Gazprom to get Nabucco going, minister says OPIC won’t support Kars-Tbilisi-Baku railway construction Turkey: 'Mediterranean Union' No EU Alternative Avrupa basını: Sert adam U dönüşü yaptı Fransa, AB'nin sınırlarını yarım asırdan beri tartışıyor For or against the European Union and the US? The parties decide Genelkurmay'dan uluslararası sempozyum Ve Rakel ve Delal ve Sera ve Nora ve Nare ve Arat ve Maral ve, ve, ve Kemal Derviş: The underdogs' candidate C. Cem Oğuz "Türkiye'nin nüfusu sanılandan az" Wolfowitz, Kissinger to attend the Bilderberg meeting Seçim ekonomisinin davul zurnası Mehmet Şimşek Büyük paraları bırakıp geldim Seyfettin Gürsel OECD ile büyüme ve enflasyon üzerine Yaman TÖRÜNER Koltuk mu değiştirdi? Yiğit Bulut İbrahim Öztürk Turkey: New stability or old inertia? Taha AKYOL Cumhuriyet ve ekonomi MELİHA OKUR Ercan Kumcu Sığ sularda çapayı boşluyoruz Erdal Sağlam Siyaset düzelmezse ekonomi büyümeyecek Hurşit GÜNEŞ İbrahim Öztürk Halk dalkavukluğu krizden başka ne getirdi? Ne olacak bu dövizin hali? Özel tasarruflar neden azalıyor? Volkan Akı DP’nin ekonomi programında Tevfik Altınok imzası var | H3 Anayasa değişikliğinde 2. tur bugün Anayasa referandumu olmalı mı, olmamalı mı? İsmet Berkan Kör dövüşü Gündüz Aktan Tuğcu "Başbakan saygı sınırını aştı" Baykal: Bu, hukuka karşı terördür Yalçın Doğan Amerikalı koordinatör istifa eşiğinde Gizli dosyadan Atabeyler'e beraat çıktı Kulislerdeki iddia: 'Şener aday olmuyor' Ruşen Çakır Bir El Kaide eksikti! Semih İDİZ İşleri bu noktaya getiren Amerika 10 gerekçe yüzünden Ankara ikna olmadı Bilal Çetin Kuzey Irak’a askeri operasyon mu? 'Türkiye-Irak sınırı yeniden çizilmeli' Fatih Çekirge Barzani'nin gizli planı Hasan CEMAL AKP seçimi kazanır da, yine Gül derse... 762 Kanas Uzaktan kumandalı bombanın patlatılmasıyla raydan çıkan ’55555’ sayılı yük treninde, havan mermisi, patlayıcı ve atış rampasının yanı sıra 762 tane de uzun menzilli suikast tüfeği Kanas bulundu. Silah ve patlayıcı bulunan sandıkların üzerinde İngilizce yazı olması dikkat çekti. Yükün İran’ın başkenti Tahran’dan yüklendiği ve Suriye’de bir firmaya gönderildiği belirtildi. Devlet lisesinde gizli mescit müdür eşliğinde toplu namaz ABD: Türk ordusunun faaliyeti normal Cengiz Çandar AKP’nin yeni vitrini... Kim sağcı, kim solcu? Hasan Celal Güzel Genelkurmay, Dışişleri ve ABD Bilderberg önlemi El Kaide'nin uyuyan hücresine operasyon [Kuzey Irak'ta Son Durum - Bejan Matur] Kerkük'ü görseniz ağlarsınız! Iraq, ahoy? BURAK BEKDİL Yusuf KANLI Shall we enter northern Iraq? İlnur Çevik Turkey needs serious work on Iraq policy Nuray Mert - 'İncirlik kapatılsın' İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Fehmi Koru Yanlış başka bir yanlışla önlenemez ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU İBRAHİM KARAGÜL NAZLI ILICAK Muhtıra Türkiye'ye itibar kaybettirdi Ertuğrul Özkök Benim dönemimde de bir ihlal oldu Ahmet Hakan Aykırı analize devam: Erdoğan mı, Gül mü? M Ali Birand ABD’nin gözlemesi için F-16 gerekmez HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM İbrahim Kalın From airspace to political space Hüseyin Gülerce Harp, ülke için felâkettir Ekrem Dumanlı Zoraki nikâh Mümtazer Türköne Yol haritası! MAHMUT ÖVÜR Fay hattı üzerinde siyaset! Şahin Alpay AKP'de merkeze doğru bir adım daha EMRE AKÖZ Demode orta sınıflar Haysiyetli bir Alevi AKP’ye oy vermez Serdar Turgut Günay AKP için kazançtır
Cüneyt Ülsever Mesut Yılmaz, DP’ye zarar verir Ekrem Dumanlı In Turkey conspiracy theories actually hold because… (2) Türk-Amerikan ilişkilerini sabote etmek isteyenler var Güneri CIVAOĞLU Demokrasi benim Murat Çelik Önemli teknik detaylar What chance does the new DP have for success? by Prof. BİROL AKGÜN* Mehmet Tezkan Erdoğan artık tek başına Cumhurbaşkanı seçemeyeceğini biliyor.. O yüzden öfkeli.. Reforma ne zaman yöneliriz? İhsan Dağı A pro-Russian Turkish general? Güler Kömürcü Asaf Savaş Akat İdris Küçükömer’in mirası Yeni seçmen kütükleri Tarhan Erdem Sabancı: Seçim tarihiyle Türkiye normalleşiyor Funda Özkan Engin Ardıç Ardan Zentürk Washington’da esen hava: ‘Türkiye’yi kaybediyoruz...’ Oktay Ekşi Gelsin 301’inci madde Bekir Coşkun Zemin kaypak... [Yorum - M. Naci Bostancı] Terörün mesajını reddetmek Tuğcu: Hedef gösterildik suç duyurusu yolda Hadi Uluengin Dört yıl önce dört yıl sonra Şükrü Küçükşahin Değerleri ile AKP’deler Kanadoğlu: Paket Anayasa'ya aykırı Mustafa Erdoğan Darbeye ‘gerek’ var mı? Baykal: "367 olmazsa paket reddedilmiş sayılır" Can Ataklı Meğer demokrasiyi hiç hazmetmemiş Şakir Süter |
H4 New York Times Jihadist Groups Fill a Palestinian Power Vacuum Islamist groups are vying for influence in Gaza in a race to fill the security vacuum created by fighting between Fatah and Hamas. Bush’s Nominee Has New Agenda for Bank Editorial A Clean Start at the World Bank Robert Zoellick is just about everything Paul Wolfowitz was not. U.N. Approves Court to Prosecute Hariri Killing British Academics’ Union Endorses Israel Boycott Bush Requests $30 Billion to Fight AIDS 7 NATO Soldiers Killed in Crash of a Helicopter in Afghanistan Rice Clashes With Russian on Kosovo and Missiles Stir in G.O.P. as Ex-Senator Moves to Run Former Senator Fred D. Thompson could shake up a field of candidates that has failed to strike a chord with the Republican base. What I Think About Evolution I believe wholeheartedly that there cannot be any contradiction between faith and reason | H5 Washington Post Time for 'Plan B-H' in Iraq? By David Ignatius The Baker-Hamilton plan now seems to be official White House policy. Better late than never. Endgame Ahead By David S. Broder The end of the war is coming into view -- and sooner than President Bush and Vice President Cheney may wish. Editorial A World Bank Choice Robert Zoellick is well qualified to take over a troubled institution Rice, Russian Clash Over Kosovo Plan, Missile Shield Disputes Could Overshadow Approaching G-8 Meeting U.N. Council Backs Tribunal For Lebanon Beirut Braces for Unrest After Vote To Pursue Assassins of Former Premier Bush Reaches to Putin as Relations Continue to Slide Obama and Romney Lay Out Positions on Iraq and Beyond Both Seek Growth Of U.S. Military U.S. Hunts for 5 Britons Abducted in Iraq Officials Suspect Shiite Militiamen; Sadr City Residents Tell of Troops Raiding Bush AIDS Plan Gets Bipartisan Praise Boeing Unit Sued Over CIA Flights ACLU: Firm Flew Terrorist Suspects By George F. Will, Today's political argument is about the meaning of, and the tension between, two important political goals -- freedom and equality. A Gem Worth Saving By Matt Pottinger, Dear Shareholders of Dow Jones & Co.: The Wall Street Journal is a vital national resource. Don't let Rupert Murdoch have it. | H6 Guardian Fortress America's gatekeepers need to remember: first impressions count Timothy Garton Ash: The US tightening of entry requirements is understandable, but it must not be at the cost of its welcoming reputation. Internal conflict and paralysis is corroding our credibility Don't ignore the warnings Richard Norton-Taylor May 30 07, 09:30pm: Russia has signalled that is not only prepared to use the energy weapon, but military weapons too. A new and dangerous arms race is on the cards.Book shines light on Pakistan military's '£10bn empire' · Business interests range from cement to cornflakes Leader Might of the militias Talk to foreigners and we will view you as a spy, Iran warns academicsLecturers told not to travel to conferences abroad. Ideas cannot be killed Fidel Castro: I am not the first person whose death George Bush has anticipated, nor will I be the last. We had the very best of intentions Richard Perle: I failed to convince the Hay audience with my defence of US foreign policy. 'We are a taxi service with guns' US pledges $30bn to fight Aids UN votes to set up Hariri tribunal Peres to run for president of Israel |
H7 Assessing the Iraq Surge By: Harlan Ullman | The Washington Times First, a clear-cut chain of command that cuts across all relevant U.S. agencies engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan must be established. Second, every effort must be made to ensure that Gen. Petraeus' September story is factually accurate, rigorously analytical and contains alternative courses of action on the basis of future success, failure or lack of data on which to pass judgment. Third, an effective drug control plan for Afghanistan is needed now. Outside View: Buildup, not surge Washington Times Shifting gears on Iraq? The administration's latest policy changes toward the Iraq war signal a gradual repositioning in anticipation of a shift in strategy by 2008. 'Axis of Evil' update Nuclear arms in "axis of evil" states underscores the need for a realistic appraisal and the dangers of a moralistic approach to foreign policy. Washington Quarterly India and Iran: New Delhi’s Balancing Act Straightening out US foreign aid programs Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists World: Amnesty International Answers Critics Of Report Dems Wimp Out on Bush & Prewar Intelligence by David Corn | H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea Diplomats: Iran Hinted at Suspension BBC Under pressure UN approves Hariri murder court At the Edge of Revolution: Does Pakistan Have a Khomeini World Politics Review The colossus of Baghdad | H9 Ha’aretz – PM mulls resuming Syria peace talks via 3rd party Gov't source: Serious assessment underway; Olmert in closed meeting: Price of peace with Syria is clear Olmert exploring third-party talks with Damascus Peretz: Israel must accept Saudi plan as starting point for talks Haniyeh: PA gov't wants truce, ball now in Israel's court Yitzhak Laor: Shin Bet wants democracy for Jews only Report: Shin Bet, police severly tortured Palestinian suspects Dovish Groups Mull Mega-Merger In Bid To Build Peace Powerhouse Daily Alert.org – Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel - Palestine The Economist Is Wrong - Sever Plocker (Ynet News) Ya'alon: No Peace Until Arabs Recognize Israel – A review of The Power of Israel in the United States by James Petras. UPI Analysis: Uncertainty in Israel primaries Jerusalem Post Home Front Command to get public ready for 'all-out war' Senior officer: It doesn't make a difference where the threat comes from, so we're getting ready for a range of possibilities Analysis: Changing Israel's anti-boycott strategy Maybe it's because we all have become used to the idea that the British elite simply don't like us. The Soviets' Six Day War |
H10 Christian Science Monitor A new/old idea for Palestinian peace Jordan is quietly discussing closer ties - even some form of official union - with the Palestinian West Bank. Why so few bomb-safe military trucks in Iraq? No one has been killed riding in the 31,000-pound 'Cougar.' But only a few hundred are in service. Sympathy for Islamists on Pipeline would extend Iran's reach US is concerned that revenues would boost Iran's nuclear program Europe, Japan, US, and developing nations are divided over how to handle greenhouse-gas emissions. Tasks for next World Bank chief: heal rifts, tackle poverty Bush taps Robert Zoellick, a veteran of both Wall Street and Washington, to replace Wolfowitz at the World Bank. Defeating Afghanistan's drug fix ASIA China: Hegemonic Threat of Just Another Sputnik? By: William Pesek | Bloomberg Asia Times A warning shot for China's markets The Chinese markets gave their instant verdict on an overnight increase in stamp duty for securities transactions by plunging more than 6% on Wednesday. Normal business is expected to resume soon, once the news is fully digested. But if the bull again starts to run too far and too fast, the authorities can be expected to bring out a much bigger stick. - John Ng From Japan Focus, Reins of Liberation: An article on geopolitics and ethnopolitics of China, Central Asia and the Asia Pacific. Washington Quarterly The Tenuous Hold of China Inc. in Africa Bates Gill and James Reilly Pax Asia-Pacifica? East Asian Integration and Its Implications for the United States Joshua Kurlantzick America’s Grand Design in Asia Balancing Interests and Values: India’s Struggle with Democracy Promotion C. Raja Mohan Is India, or Will it Be, a Responsible International Stakeholder? Xenia Dormandy The Dragon and the Elephant: Chinese-Indian Relations in the 21st Century Jing-dong Yuan What are the High-Probability Challenges to Continued High Growth in China? As African Presence Grows, China Should Become a Better Stakeholder By: Richard Weitz | World Politics Review From Defense News, an essay on US and Chinese nuclear and missile development, and the risk of accidental nuclear war. | H11 IHT Decent Policy, Needs Work By: David Shambaugh | International Herald Tribune While U.S. relations with Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Russia under President George W. Bush all receive poor to mixed reviews, Asia policy must be considered a net success. Russia worried over UN plans for Kosovo independenceForeign ministers from the Group of 8 countries clashed after Russia warned that the independence of Kosovo from Serbia could encourage separatist movements in two Georgian regions. The follies of Bush's Iran policy The Bush administration should put an end to its misguided policy of "helping" the cause of democracy in Iran. Roger Cohen: Bearish politics, bullish markets EUROPE European press review Political Crises Abound in Eastern Europe By: Walter Mayr, Marion Kraske and Jan Puhl | Der Spiegel | H12 RFE/RL CIS: Is South Caucasus 'Region' An Artificial Construct? Russia: Gazprom's Hones Its Strategy On Ukraine Google News Azerbaijan Georgia: NATO by Way of BMD By: Federico Bordonaro | ISN Security Watch As Tbilisi extends its hand to the US and the latter's missile defense plans, some analysts believe it is also signaling its NATO aspirations. EurasiaNet Azerbaijan: Building Bridges for President Aliyev’s Re-Election? BY MINA MURADOVA AND KHAZRI BAKINSKY EDM MANAS AGREEMENT UNDER REVIEW
Nazarbaev Finds an Ally By: Vladimir Solovyev and Alexander Sidorov | Kommersant Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov completed a two-day state visit to Kazakhstan yesterday. In Astana, his visit was taken as an important step toward Kazakh President Noursultan Nazarbaev's long-time dream of union of Central Asian states. After Nazarbayev: The Dictator, His Daughter, and a Dynasty at War By: Anne Penketh | The Independent Kazakhstan: Trouble Within the First Family BBC Ukraine MPs deadlocked over poll Ukraine's parliament misses a deadline to approve early elections to end a two-month political stalemate. |
H13 The Times Iraq holds breath before vital summer The next few months are critical to Iraq. Now politics has to catch up with security Roland Watson Taleban destroy Chinook killing 7 Nato troops The attack, claimed by the Islamist organisation, represents a major blow for the US-UK force in southern Afghanistan Afghans blame Nato, the invited peacekeeper, for civilian deaths Tories try to steal centreground while Blair is away The Tories’ calculation is that, despite Iraq, Blair was unbeatable - which is not the case for Brown World Bank’s belated saviour Two years late, Zoellick will take over an institution that is suffering from low internal morale and divided leadership Taking Stock China’s attempt to deflate an investment bubble has wider political implications Wall Street Journal Zoellick's Clean-Up Duty Helping Iraq's Refugees 'Re-Arming' Europe My Chinese Jailers By: Rebiya Kadeer | The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) | H14 Financial Times Editorial Zoellick at the World Bank The Americans and Europeans have, like the Bourbons, learnt nothing and forgotten nothing. COMMENT: Cash and the candidacy A wide-open field and the arrival of a ‘tsunami Tuesday’ of party primaries are helping turn the US presidential campaign into a contest fought by fundraisers COMMENT: Good ideas and utter incompetence The US electorate is eager to repudiate the Bush presidency. But is it his ideas they want to reject or the way he failed to implement them, asks Clive Crook. Rising tensions overshadow US-Russian talks President Vladimir Putin is to visit the US for talks with President George W. Bush, amid arguably the most serious strain in relations between Washington and Moscow since the Soviet era. WORLD NEWS: Reluctant player prepares to step on to world stage NATIONAL NEWS: Jewish groups vow to overturn boycott of Israeli universities Editorial Boycotting Israel Gesture politics are rarely edifying. At times, though, they are downright stupid. US and Russia makea poor showing in peace rankings A new study ranking 121 countries according to how peaceful they are puts Russia in the bottom five and the US below Yemen in the bottom 30. Troops seal off Sadr City inhunt for Britons IRAQ ABDUCTION Shia militia suspected UN sets up tribunal over Hariri killing Britain closer to arms deal with Libya WORLD NEWS: Boeing arm faces lawsuit over CIA prisoners Sarkozy intervenes in French parliament poll Nicolas Sarkozy became the first president in 20 years to intervene in his party’s campaign for parliamentary seats, fronting a rally billed as a non-partisan “republican meeting” but explicitly aimed at boosting the UMP’s score in next month’s legislative elections. France and Spain set to agree on EU treaty Spain is expected to back French proposals for a “mini” European Union treaty Israelis carry out West Bank ‘execution’ An Israeli undercover squad shot dead an off-duty Palestinian security man at point-blank range during a daylight raid on Ramallah in what Mustafa Barghouti, Palestinian information minister present at the scene, described as an extrajudicial execution. WORLD NEWS: Senate bill would allow US to intervene in currency markets FRONT PAGE - FIRST SECTION: China and India in raceto the moon WORLD NEWS: Berezovsky's bold defiance WORLD NEWS: Zoellick appeals to staff to put strife behind them Paris pressed France's new agriculture minister will today warn Brussels that her country's farmers cannot be sacrificed for a world trade deal, but she faces mounting pressure to... COMMENT: Just relax about China's stock markets International investors have begun to fear the potential global fallout from Shanghai’s excesses. They should stop, writes Geoff Dyer. COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Why there is no going back to old Japan The suicides that have shaken Shinzo Abe’s administration are the death throes of Japan’s out-dated post-war system, writes David Pilling. | H15 Los Angeles Times Panel set in Hariri prosecution U.N. tentatively links Syrian officials to the slaying of Lebanon's former prime minister EditorialChallenging China on genocide Economic sanctions on Sudanese businesses and individuals are a good effort, but real change must come from Sudan's biggest oil customer. |
H16 American Politics Washington Times Big ideas for the 2008 race The Brookings Institution has created a special project designed to inject ideas into the national debate. Washington Quarterly How the Right Was Knocked Off Balance and How It Can Recover Gideon Rachman Iraq—the Coming GOP Collapse? Rich Lowry / National Review: Was talking to an influential Republican strategist who thinks if Iraq looks the way it does now in September, Bush will lose about 25 Senate Republicans on a bill with some sort of timetable for withdrawal. BBC Primary power realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note – US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas Swamp Sunrise Daybook LA Times The Dems' healthcare flip Ronald Brownstein: Candidates are embracing reforms the Democratic Party has run away from since Clinton's health insurance failure. Why? | H17 Daily Telegraph Al-Qa'eda prepares for a new wave of terror Bin Laden and his lieutenants have regrouped and are extending their influence across the globe, British officials believe Missile shield tension brings Putin to US President George W Bush has invited his Russian counterpart to the US in a last-ditch attempt to improve East-West relations. Leader Al-Qa'eda's ambitions It is a bitter irony that al-Qa'eda appears to have shifted its headquarters across the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Britons' captors may demand swap Five could be used to free hundreds of Shia prisoners. UN court to try al-Hariri murder suspects The UN Security Council has approved a resolution to establish a special court to prosecute suspects in the murder of Lebanon's former prime minister. Far From the End of the United Kingdom By: Tom McCabe | The Japan Times | H18 Independent |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism Educing Information — Interrogation: Science and Art — Foundations for the Future (PDF; 2.04 MB) Source: Intelligence Science Board/National Defense Intelligence College (via Federation of American Scientists) Guantanamo Saudi 'kills himself' A Saudi Arabian prisoner at Guantanamo Bay apparently commits suicide, the US military says. Bee-ware mines! Missile tests are a success, official says U.S. at center of spats on missile shield, climate | H20 Slate Bush's Failed Campaign To Rebrand America: The administration believes public relations is a synonym for diplomacy. Economic survey of the United States 2007 Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Executive Summary available for free; full document available for purchase. UN Environment Programme 2006 Annual Report 87 pages; PDF.,, The Day After By: Pamela Cox | The Miami Herald | H21 many critics, US embassies are like the US itself: remote, foreboding and impenetrable. From 3:AM, The Last Revolution in Town: An interview with Christopher Hitchens on the death of that other religion: liberalism A review of Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. An interview with Thomas Mallon, author of Mrs. Paine’s Garage and the Murder of John F. Kennedy. Wikipedia aims to take on Google The phenomenally successful online encyclopaedia has plans for a search engine to rival Google by the end of this year. Table-style computer tipped as next big thing Microsoft hopes £5,000 coffee table bristling with technology could be the next big step forward. Developers to demolish Asia's biggest shantytown Mumbai shantytown to be demolished and replaced with free homes for the city's poor. |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / Editorialist / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory Arts & Letters Daily / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence | IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran |
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