1230-2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR | ||
H1 Independent Robert Fisk: A dictator created then destroyed by America Iraq: A Nation Soaked in Blood Tears Itself Apart by Patrick Cockburn Stratfor Iraq: What to Expect After Saddam Hussein's Execution Financial Times COMMENT: America stays out of Iran, Scotland stays in the UK and investors endure a bumpy ride Our pundits and specialists had a better than fair result in predicting the shape and outcome of the events of 2006. As for 2007, therefore, we invited them to play what is still a game of roulette a shade more ambitiously, or even recklessly. Editorial A good year ahead for the global economy End of Another Year in Iraq Riverbend McClatchy Analysts doubt Bush will benefit from Saddam's pending execution UPI Analysis: Saddam's execution badly timed NYT Justice, but No Reckoning By NAJMALDIN KARIM It is a great shame that Saddam Hussein will not be held accountable for all of his crimes, and a far greater tragedy that he was allowed, sometimes with American complicity, to commit them in the first place. Poll: 90% of Iraqis Say Worse Off Than Before Invasion Pentagon Maps Plans for Iraq Surge Few New Ideas in Army's Surge Options for Iraq Military Poll: More Troops Unhappy With Bush’s Course in Iraq Juan Cole on the top ten Iraq myths for 2006. Juan Cole Saddam: The death of a dictator NYT Obituary The Defiant Despot Oppressed Iraq for More Than 30 Years Analysts Doubt Bush Will Benefit From Saddam's Execution National Interest The Sanctions, According to Iran WP China Offers Glimpse of Rationale Behind Its Military Policies Daily Star Israel's dominance may be going into slow reversal By Rami G. Khouri Strategic Studies Institute Learning from Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy Dr. Steven Metz Guardian 2007: there may be trouble ahead Robert B Reich With the dollar declining and Iraq in chaos, the next 12 months will bring bad news for nearly everyone. Here are my predictions. Is this digital democracy, or a new tyranny of cyberspace? Slavoj Zizek: The hype of freedom on the web masks both disparities of power and the dangers of blurring real and virtual identities. Ha’aretz – The Livni Plan FM Tzipi Livni believes she is qualified to serve as the future prime minister of Israel. Forward Book: Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War A review of Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change by Scott Ritter. Escalation In Iraq Is Not The Answer - Senator Barack Obama
IHT News Analysis: New Year ushering in Germany's star turn Instead of creating a long and unrealistic list of diplomatic action, Chancellor Angela Merkel has tried to lower expectations by focusing on a few issues. News Analysis: Moscow bites the hand of an allyFor the Russian energy monopoly Gazprom, 2006 ended as it began — in a dispute over prices and control of a pipeline in a neighboring country that is threatening the smooth flow of natural gas to Europe. In a new twist, the increase was levied this time on a Russian ally, Belarus. | H2 NYT Editorial Obstacles in Turkey’s Path It’s up to the European Union to mend the Cyprus divide and clear the way for a dispassionate recognition of Turkey’s vital role in Europe. IHT Spotlight: Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of TurkeyAs debate swirls about admitting Turkey to the European Union, the prime minister is focusing on getting the economy ready for the big day, when, and if, it comes. Ankara’nın diplomasi trafiği yoğun Armenian genocide issue may top US-Turkish troubles in 2007 AB günü: 10 Ocak İktidar, 10 Ocak'ta toplanarak AB yolunda 2013'e kadarki yol haritasını ve reform paketini belirleyecek. Babacan, 'Reformlar hızlanacak' dedi 10 Ocak'ta AB seferberliği başlatıyoruz FİKRİ AKYÜZ Taha Akyol'un konuğu Ahmet Davutoğlu idi.. Zeynep Göğüş AB’ye tepki yılı 2007'de Enerji Erdoğan'ın Lübnan ziyareti gerilimi aşmak için fırsat When the customers of a Gaziantep store are from Aleppo Şahin Alpay Saddam ve ölüm cezası Turkish Nur students give away free beef to Mindanao poor on Eid ... Prof. Dr. AYDIN AYAYDIN Türkiye, Avrupa'nın en yakın, en ucuz enerji koridoru Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media ŞAHİN ALPAY - Saddam ve ölüm cezası Kerkük bölgesi fiilen bağımsız, ancak bir Kürd devleti hala bir düş Turkish FM Sees Less Risk of Iraq Breaking Up [Yorum - Dr.Davut Şahiner] Ölüsü ABD'ye daha da pahalıya patlayabilir! MAHMUT ÖVÜR Açlık sınırında yaşamak! Sadi SOMUNCUOĞLU Apo’nun “Aydıncıkları” A report from Turkey: A history lesson KurdishMedia Sami KOHEN Gözler Bağdat'ta... PKK'ya bomba taşıyanlara 40 yıl hapis Gül: Iraq meetings in Turkey should not be provocative 'Türkiye 2007' projesi Parris'e emanet Establishment of a Centre for Kurdish Studies at the University of Exeter Teröristbaşı Öcalan için yeni suç duyurusu Elekdağ'ın yorumları Murat Belge Berlin, KKTC ile ticareti kolaylaştırmak istiyor Rehn welcomes Turkish Cypriot move in dispute with Greek Cypriots Rumlar'dan KKTC'ye elektrik şantajı The Times After Saddam Iraq, and especially its Sunni community, has a chance to move on LA Times So long to 'our' tyrant By Andrew Cockburn | H3 Gül Teröre karşı her şey! 'Biz terörü durdurmakla ilgili her şeyi yaparız' diyen Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah Gül, 'Buna Kandil operasyonu dahil mi?' sorusuna, 'Her şey dahil' karşılığını verdi ‘US will receive most blame if Iraq breaks up’ ERDAL ŞAFAK Kandil'de randevu Cengiz Çandar İyi bir “tahminci”den 2007 Tahmini... Enis Berberoğlu PKK, Çankaya Savaşı’nı fırsat bilecek tahmini 2008 yılbaşı için erken yazı BAHADIR KALEAĞASI Abdülhamit Bilici Iraklı Kürtler neden Amerika'ya kızdı? Semih İDİZ Türkiye'nin geleceği hiçbir zaman tümüyle Avrupa'ya bağlı olmadı İlter Türkmen 2007’den korkmalı mı? Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Kıbrıs, nehrin doğal akışı ve 'taksim' Genelkurmay: Kıbrıs olmazsa olmazımız Genelkurmay’ın gelecek ayki Silahlı Kuvvetler dergisinde Kıbrıs’ın jeostratejik ve jeopolitik önemiyle ilgili 20 sayfalık bir yazıda Türkiye’nin hem ulusal güvenlik, hem de enerji yollarının ve ticaretin kontrolü açısından Kıbrıs adasından vazgeçemeyeceği detaylı bir şekilde anlatılıyor İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit Kendi anketinde AKP'nin oyu yüzde 30 Kim yapacak? (3) Gündüz Aktan Fikret BİLA Ağar, Baykal gibi düşünmüyor Taha AKYOL Çankaya uğruna hukuk krizi İsmail Küçükkaya Başbakan’a karşı çıkmanın dayanılmaz hafifliği Gül: Çankaya'ya çıkanın siyasi deneyimi olmalı Bu iddia tutarsa ölene kadar Sezer! 'Meclis cumhurbaşkanı seçiminin ilk turunda 367 kişiyle toplanmalı' tezini Anayasa Mahkemesi de benimserse Köşk'e yeni birinin çıkması imkânsızlaşır! Zırva tevil götürmez İsmet Berkan 'Komplocu akıl' boş durmuyor 2007'de demokrasimiz Haluk Şahin Cengiz Çandar Bugün yazıları NAZLI ILICAK Anayasa Mahkemesi bu yükü taşıyabilir mi? Ömer Lütfi Mete İngiliz kaşığıyla basın rüşveti Amaca yönelik nabız yoklama Deniz Gökçe Dünya 2007 sonu özeti! Ege Cansen Yılın karnesi: Ekonomi 2.6’yla sınıfı geçti Kerem Alkin Türkiye ekonomisinin 2007 senaryoları Altaylı POAŞ panikle meydan okuyor |
H4 New York Times Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity Justice, but No Reckoning By NAJMALDIN KARIM It is a great shame that Saddam Hussein will not be held accountable for all of his crimes, and a far greater tragedy that he was allowed, sometimes with American complicity, to commit them in the first place. Joy of Capture Muted at End What could have been a triumphal bookend to the American invasion of Iraq has instead been dampened by the grim reality of conditions on the ground there. Obituary The Defiant Despot Oppressed Iraq for More Than 30 Years US and Iraq Dispute Role of Iranians but Free Them How Much Should Be Shown of a Hanging? Network Executives Wonder and Wait Iraqis Consider Fate of Hussein's Body Turkmen Exile Urges Interim President to Step Down Somalis Split as Fighting Halts and Hint of Insurgency Looms Russia Gas Standoff With Belarus Intensifies World Briefing | Europe: Georgia: Breakaway Region Puts Military on Alert | H5 Washington Post Saddam Hussein Is Put to Death Former Iraqi President Hanged Before Dawn in Baghdad to Divided Reaction U.S. Toll in Dec. Is Highest of '06 Saddam's Arc Ends In Ignominy Over more than two decades of authoritarian rule, Hussein led his nation from modernity to ruin Iraq Expels 2 Iranians Detained by U.S. American Defense Official Calls Release 'Obviously Troubling' China Offers Glimpse of Rationale Behind Its Military Policies We Can't Ignore Iraq's Refugees By Edward M. Kennedy Fate of Saddam's Body Remains Unclear PostGlobal: Is China Colonizing Africa? | H6 Guardian Saddam Hussein executed Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging in Iraq. Is this digital democracy, or a new tyranny of cyberspace? Slavoj Zizek: The hype of freedom on the web masks both disparities of power and the dangers of blurring real and virtual identities. 2007: there may be trouble ahead Robert B Reich Dec 29 06, 06:17pm: With the dollar declining and Iraq in chaos, the next 12 months will bring bad news for nearly everyone. Here are my predictions. We can't just blame our lack of trust on Tony Blair's 'lies' Martin Kettle: Whether it's about politicians, the media or Europe, our levels of mistrust have become a serious national problem. A dangerous equivocation Conor Foley When serious intellectuals seem to endorse the use of torture, it is really time to worry about the future of human rights.International lawlessness Salim Lone: The US-backed invasion of Somalia to topple its Islamists is a dangerous, illegal act of aggression. Defying the critics The IMF, in its annual health-check, has just described Gordon Brown's management of the economy as 'impressive' - not a word it bandies around The country bleeds on Iraq again dominated the global news agenda in 2006, but the crisis in Darfur has raged on unabated and under-covered. Lustrous China looking fragile Shanghai's stock market, flooded with new money, shot to the top of the world league this year, posting a gain of 72.7% in 2006. |
H7 Forward Book: Israel, Lobby Pushing Iran War A review of Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change by Scott Ritter. CFR Rose: Global Affairs in 2006 Escalation In Iraq Is Not The Answer - Senator Barack Obama
Daily Star Israel's dominance may be going into slow reversal UPI Outside View: Iraq's many wars BBC Mixed report Michael J Totten Hezbollah's Christian Allies Justin Raimondo 12/29/2006 Helena Cobban Saddam's execution and the tragedy of Iraq | H8 Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq BBC What next for Iraq? UPI Analysis: Saddam's execution badly timed Deadliest month for US troops in Iraq: Count nears 3,000
Juan Cole on the top ten Iraq myths for 2006. Somali PM: Ethiopian Troops Will Remain McClatchy Reporter returns to Baghdad to find it far different - and worse off Daily Star Lebanese need to understand that democracy is not a free ride | H9 Ha’aretz – The Livni Plan FM Tzipi Livni believes she is qualified to serve as the future prime minister of Israel. Daily Alert.org - EJC Israeli Press Review – Google News Israel – Jerusalem Post Politics: 10 to watch in 2007 [ GIL HOFFMAN Yedioth Ahronoth Money Israel's new God Money quietly replaces security as country's most prominent concern Aviad Kleinberg says From Counterpunch, Norman Finkelstein on the ludicrous attacks on Jimmy Carter's book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid. From Forward, the old antisemitic stereotype of Jews obsessing about money has been re-energized of late in several pop-culture venues. But is this image really all that antisemitic? And Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun, has indicated that he is looking to redirect his magazine’s energies away from Israel and toward a greater focus on interfaith matters |
H10 Christian Science Monitor ASIA | H11 IHT News Analysis: New Year ushering in Germany's star turn Instead of creating a long and unrealistic list of diplomatic action, Chancellor Angela Merkel has tried to lower expectations by focusing on a few issues. News Analysis: Moscow bites the hand of an allyFor the Russian energy monopoly Gazprom, 2006 ended as it began — in a dispute over prices and control of a pipeline in a neighboring country that is threatening the smooth flow of natural gas to Europe. In a new twist, the increase was levied this time on a Russian ally, Belarus. EUROPE BBC Can Merkel fix it? Washington Times Dissolution in Europe's future? Trading Up: Reforming the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme IPPR | H12 RFE/RL Going Head To Head With Gazprom As the New Year approaches, Minsk finds itself exactly where Kyiv was last year -- in Gazprom's sights Google News Azerbaijan BBC Tensions rise in Belarus gas row Belarus and Russia trade accusations of blackmail as a New Year deadline for a gas shutdown looms. |
H13 The Times After Saddam Iraq, and especially its Sunni community, has a chance to move on Tim Hames Saddam spent decades seeking to divide Europeans from Americans. His death will continue that policy Goodbye 2006 A year that showed why a shrinking globe is not always a safer one EU welcomes members (but not their mafias) Wall Street Journal Gentlemen, Start Your Plug-Ins How does 500 mpg sound to you? | H14 Financial Times COMMENT: America stays out of Iran, Scotland stays in the UK and investors endure a bumpy ride Our pundits and specialists had a better than fair result in predicting the shape and outcome of the events of 2006. As for 2007, therefore, we invited them to play what is still a game of roulette a shade more ambitiously, or even recklessly. Editorial A good year ahead for the global economy Execution unlikely to have lasting impact Obituary: Saddam Hussein Dictator brought untold suffering to Iraq as he pursued ambition to lead Arab world MIDDLE EAST: Doubts shroud the fairness of dictator's trial MIDDLE EAST: Shia cast shadow over man who escaped ambush Bucharest, Sofia party as opinions harden in west Gazprom raises the stakes over Belarus Cheney faces troubled new year FT MONEY: A few clouds over sunshine properties | H15 Los Angeles Times The case for Iran M. JAVAD ZARIF is the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations. No big deal Editorial: Years ago, Saddam Hussein's execution would have been a big deal. Now he's dead, and we're still at war in Iraq. So long to 'our' tyrant By Andrew Cockburn AMONG THE MANY ironies of Saddam Hussein's execution is that, although his death seems certain to boost sectarian bloodletting between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq, he always posed as an Iraqi and Arab nationalist who could unite the rivalrous sects in his country — an attribute that initially recommended him to Washington. Former leader takes trove of secrets to grave - Analysis: Seeking a historical turning point |
H16 American Politics McClatchy Democratic majority to focus on 3-pronged plan Ready For President Who Isn't a White Male? - E. Goodman, Boston Globe Lame Duck Bush Entering Rougher Waters - USA Today A Kickoff for John Edwards 2.0 - Perry Bacon, Jr., Time Edwards, Now Seasoned, Elbows His Way Into the Field From Commentary, an essay on Jews, Muslims, and the Democrats; and is conservatism finished? realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec | H17 Daily Telegraph Hanging Saddam won't bring peace to his troubled country The best that can be hoped for from Saddam's demise is that it gives the Iraqi government the confidence to tackle and defeat the insurgency in a manner that has hitherto been lacking, argues Con Coughlin. LEADER Justice takes its course In the agonising aftermath of totalitarian rule in Iraq, two processes have given ground for hope. The first has been the advance of democracy in place of clan-based gangsterism, the second has been the pursuit and prosecution of Saddam Hussein. | H18 Independent Robert Fisk: A dictator created then destroyed by America Leading article: An execution that will do nothing to quell the violence on Iraq's streets Robert Fisk: Football and violence go together |
H19Military Intelligence Terrorism Strategic Studies Institute Learning from Iraq: Counterinsurgency in American Strategy Dr. Steven Metz Congressional Research Service China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues
| H20 Slate The Ugly Truth About Gerald Ford - Christopher Hitchens How President Ford managed to go soft on Iraqi Baathists, Indonesian fascists, Soviet Communists, and the shah … in just two years. The American Right achieved its political dominance in Washington over the past quarter century with the help of more than $3 billion spent by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily propaganda organ, The Washington Times, according to a 21-year veteran of the newspaper. The introduction to The Soulful Science: What Economists Really Do and Why It Matters. Google and Microsoft are racing to provide computer users with a virtual world tour. Who will be the first to offer its readers a 3-D map of the globe? | H21 The Englishman: a silent mass of contradictions, mysteries, and enigmas. Unless he is silent because he has nothing interesting to say... more» The proliferation of languages is an accident: a single original tongue morphed into 6,000 when different groups of people emerged. Now they are becoming one again... more» NYT Ghosts in the Machine By DEBORAH BLUM When scientists wrote in a recent issue of the journal Nature that they could induce phantom effects — the sensation of being haunted by a shadowy figure — by stimulating the brain with electricity, it made perfect neurological sense. Readers digest What were your best literary discoveries of the year? Here is a selection of your recommendations |
Google News / Slate Today's Papers / memeorandum / antiwar.com - political theory Arts & Letters Daily / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story | truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs Stratfor | Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden - IraqSlogger | PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,