0908-2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analysis from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç Subscribe to FPR --- U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports | ||||||
H1 Washington Post Iraq: A Civil War We Can Still Win By Charles Krauthammer Iraq's government must defend itself against Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Otherwise, the civil war is unwinnable and our withdrawal inevitable.
Tehran's Two Worlds Veering Between Conciliation and Confrontation By David Ignatius
Wanted: Global Teamwork on Terrorism By Jim Hoagland
Brookings Assessing the Aftermath: The Middle East After the Israel-Hizballah War Read the full transcript (PDF—119kb)
CFR.org 9/11 Anniversary Issue Guide
Pyrrhus on the Potomac: How America's Post-9/11 Wars Have Undermined US Security PDA Financial Times COMMENT: The west must address the roots of Islamic struggleIf the current strategy does not attack the grounds for desperation and humiliation, this fight can never be won, writes Harlan Ullman, senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Quentin Peel How Annan kept complex package from unravelling COMMENT: We have become rich countries of poor people Globalisation can make many worse off, writes Joseph Stiglitz
Russia and China ‘stay committed’ on Tehran
NATO seeks reinforcement in Afghanistan
Ha’aretz Rah-rah, Rudy! By Shmuel Rosner Eight experts on Israel-U.S. relations, American politics and American foreign policy rank the 2008 presidential candidates and try to determine which of them will be best for Israel. The panel's first answer: Giuliani.
Payvand The Neoconservatives' Strategy for Regime Change in Iran ... Propaganda, Ethnic Unrest, Godwin's Law, and Finding Iranian Curveball, Ahmad Chalabi, and Iyad Allawi
NYT Editorial Lebanon’s Other Border More must be done to police Lebanon’s border with Syria, the main route for Hezbollah’s arms.
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The Central Truth We are in trouble in Iraq now not because of what the “fringes” believe, but because of what the center has been willing to tolerate. (see full text here A Question For Tom)
Al Jazeera Shows Tape of bin Laden and Planners of 9/11
French Opposition Backs Lebanon Role; Military Has Doubts
Guardian Making globalisation work Joseph Stiglitz: Economic globalisation has outpaced the globalisation of politics and mindsets. It's time for change
The Economist Globalisation Joe has another go
PINR "Washington's Hard Line on Iran May Cause a New Transatlantic Rift" Full text of report
New Republic Why the torture of enemy combatants is morally and strategically wrong
Asia Times Sistani and the end of Islam Warning that he "no longer has power to save Iraq from civil war", Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has withdrawn from politics. But the "moderating influence" Sistani is purported to have had on the chaos in US-occupied Iraq is overblown, and the shift in Shi'ite alliance to the Iranian-controlled warlord Muqtada al-Sadr reflects how desperate Muslims are to save their faith.
Heritage Foundation The Dragon Looks West: China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by Ariel Cohen
The Economist Leader - Climate change The heat is on
A survey of climate change The heat is on
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni - Dış Basında Türkiye - Google News Turkey - Turquie- Türkei - Kurdish Media - FPR Archive - Quickread - Google News - Iraq -Iran - Syria – Kurdish - Greece - Azerbaijan Cyprus – - Israel - BBC Turkish 0700 -TurcoPundit - Stratfor Mideastwire.com
"Human Intelligence Collector Operations," Field Manual FM 2-22.3, September 2006 (11 MB PDF file). Foreign Direct Investment in China: Reward or Remedy?
| H2 IHT Spurned by the West, Turkey looks eastward Turkey's strategic and political value are being neglected by its supposed Western partners.
FT Success of Turkey talks 'vital to whole world'
Der Spiegel TERRORISM IN TURKEY Who's Bombing Tourists? The "Kurdistan People's Congress," or PKK, has condemned the recent terrorist attacks on civilian targets and denied that it has anything to do with the perpetrators. The party's imprisoned leader, Abdullah Öcalan, is now talking cease-fire, but the government refuses to listen.
The Nation Ottoman Ghosts
Al Ahram Grave matters Talk of national reconciliation continues, as does the killing
Şiilerden Irak'ın bölünmesi için teklif!
Assessing Iran's New Fighter Aircraft
Slate Today's Papers Wikipedia antiwar.com technorati
Hoş bulduk Abdullah Murat Yetkin
Alman bakandan Türkiye’ye Avrupa Birliği yolunda kararlı destek mesajı
Babacan’dan serzeniş, Rehn’den uyarı
Brüksel'de 'Ek Protokol' pazarlığı
AB'den ek protokol için siyasi teklif yok
Babacan: Kıbrıs’ta kırmızı çizgimiz var
''Kıbrıs'ta hiçbir alternatifi dışlamıyoruz''
AB Haber Alman gazetlerinde AP Türkiye raporu...
Bernard Bot:’’Türkiye Kıbrıslı Rumlar ile ilişkilerini normalleştirmek zorunda’’
Turkey's EU aspirations shouldn't be dampened Ilnur Cevik
'Tezkere, huysuz Erdoğan'ın zaferi'
Ankara'nın PKK koordinatörü Edip Başer
Arslan TEKİN Edip Başer Paşa koordinatörlüğü reddetmelidir!
PKK’nın Irak’taki partisine darbe
Kürtler bir daha düşünsün ABDURRAHMAN EL RAŞİD
Dünya nasıl hazırlanmıştı? M.Ali Kışlalı
Kurdistan discovery may tempt oil majors
Tek asker bile gidemez NATO’nun Türkiye’den Afganistan'a muharip birlik göndermesini istendiği haberleri Ankara’da geniş yankı buldu.
Türk askerine Afganistan yolu gözüküyor mu?
Kuzey Kore'den Suriye'ye radar
Yasin Doğan Tezkere için teşekkür İsrail'den değil Lübnan'dan geldi
'İncirlik'te 750 ton asbest var' iddiası
BEHİÇ KILIÇ Kuzey Irak'a girmeyi hangi vekiller önledi
Ardan Zentürk Askeri diplomaside kullanmak...
İKV, AP raporunun üslubunu beğenmedi
Davayı kaybeden Rumlar temyiz telaşında
‘Liman krizinden kaçınmak için iki ayımız var’
ABD Senatosu’ndan Ermeni lobisine darbe
'PKK bayrağı asıldı' iddiaları Akyazı'yı karıştırdı
sayıları 25 milyon olan Kürtler...
Kurdistan discovery may tempt oil majors
'Erdoğan'ın sözü incitici bir gaf'
Kültürlerarası diyalog çağrısı
Tamer Korkmaz İki Adet Fikri Takip
Radikal İfade özgürlüğünü uyum yasaları da sağlayamadı
Mehmet Tezkan Meclis Başkanı Başbakan’a cevap vermeli
Nasuhi Güngör Nükleer güç ve İran
BM Güvenlik Konseyi geçici üyeleri, oylarını satıyor
| H3 Milliyet ABD, PKK'ya göz yumuyor Namık Durukan
Vatan Adım adım Çankaya Erdoğan, daha önce yuvarlak sözlerle geçiştirdiği cumhurbaşkanlığı hedefi için artık açık konuşuyor
PKK’nın kilit ismi K. Irak’ta kaçırıldı
Mehmet Metiner Kerkük ve 'Ker-Kürt' densizliği!..
Büyükanıt ‘Afganistan’a asker göndermeyiz’
Financial Times: Türkiye, tezkereyle üç stratejik kazanç elde etti
Dışişleri'nde Lübnan'a asker gönderme zirvesi İlk askeri heyet yarın gidiyor
Cengiz Çandar Tüm yazıları Kamuoyu Batı’dan uzaklaşırken; Lübnan’da Batı’yla randevu...
Bosna gibi Lübnan'a da asker 'koşullu' gidecek
Vicdan ile real politik arasında Lübnan Erdal Güven
Slow pace of reform in Turkey and the European Parliament's morons
Fikret BİLA Org. Cömert: Güneydoğu insanı devletle barıştırılmalı
Ertuğrul Özkök Eğer gerçek demokrat Türk iseniz
M Ali Birand Ali bey, hadi artık kendinizi gösterin…
Arslan BULUT Türkiye adına İsrail ile esrarengiz ilişkiler
Güneri CIVAOĞLU Bir bilenle...
Sami KOHEN Kamuoyu neden öyle bakıyor?
Budalalık ve sonuçları Haluk Şahin
All parties should stand behind Lebanon decision Semih İdiz
Eyüp Can Hazineyi tezkere mi hareket...
'Barış Gücü' kavgası Murat Belge
Hüseyin Gülerce Tezkerenin sonrası...
Ahmet Hakan Dinle Başbakan
Ferai Tınç O dinlemiyor biz duyuyoruz
Koray Düzgören Analar meseleye el koyuyor: “Çocuklarımız neden ölüyor?”
İbrahim Kalın 11 Eylül’ün beşinci yılı: Muhasebe zamanı (1)
İbrahim Karagül Gelin Türkiye'yi bu pis işten kurtaralım!
Mehmet Y Yılmaz Yine söyleyeyim: Başbakan yan gelip yatmasın!
Yusuf KANLI Just a matter of priority
Özdemir İnce Avrupa Birliği konusunda...
Mustafa Ünal Yargıtay Başkanı’nın laiklik uyarısı
Aydın 'Laik devletin resmi dini olmaz'
Nuh Gönültaş Laiklik tarif edilirse rejimin sihri bozulur!
Etyen Mahçupyan Demokratlık bir tür tutarsızlık mı?
Gülay Göktürk Çokkültürcülük
Beklentiler dalgalanıyor!
Hurşit GÜNEŞ 2006 büyüme öngörüsü tutabilir
Güngör URAS İşçiler 75 milyar dolar gönderdi
Seyfettin Gürsel Dış açık alarmı
Faik ÖZTRAK Enflasyon düştü, faiz düşer mi?
Ercan Kumcu Gelişmekte olan piyasalarda durum
Akaryakıt cezası Müsteşar beyin içine sinmemiş!
İstihdam modeli doğru seçilse herkes üniversiteye gitmek zorunda kalmaz
Şakir Süter Kızılay, emin ellerde
'Makarnalı sol' darbe ortalığı karıştırdı
Ahmet Kekeç Süper NATO’dan para alan yazar...
Güler Kömürcü 'Türkiye'yi ayağa kaldıracağım'
Çakıcı ‘İstiyorlarsa ipimi çeksinler’
Kurdish films are the favorite of the festivals By Devrim Kilic
Zaman İdamı istenen genelkurmay başkanının tarihî notları
| ||||
H4 New York Times Editorial Lebanon’s Other Border More must be done to police Lebanon’s border with Syria, the main route for Hezbollah’s arms.
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN The Central Truth We are in trouble in Iraq now not because of what the “fringes” believe, but because of what the center has been willing to tolerate.
Al Jazeera Shows Tape of bin Laden and Planners of 9/11
French Opposition Backs Lebanon Role; Military Has Doubts
Interrogation Methods Rejected by Military Win Bush’s Support Many harsh interrogation techniques would be made lawful by legislation put forward by the Bush administration.
Blair to Give Up Post as Premier Within One Year
Another Tilt in the Uneasy Partnership Atop Britain’s Governing Party
NATO Struggles to Tame Taliban
Iraq Takes Over Command of Armed Forces
Fall in Deaths in Baghdad Not as Steep as Predicted
Danish Investigators Fear Evidence Is Insufficient to Hold 5 Suspects in Possible Bombing Plot | H5 Washington Post Iraq: A Civil War We Can Still Win By Charles Krauthammer Iraq's government must defend itself against Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. Otherwise, the civil war is unwinnable and our withdrawal inevitable.
Tehran's Two Worlds Veering Between Conciliation and Confrontation By David Ignatius
Wanted: Global Teamwork on Terrorism By Jim Hoagland NATO Calls for More Troops in Afghanistan Commander Gen. James L. Jones acknowledges that officers were surprised by the fight being mounted by resurgent Taliban militia. Vanished Towers, Vanished Leadership By E.J. Dionne Jr
'Values' We Have to Hide Abroad By Eugene Robinson If the secret prisons where U.S. agents interrogated "high-value" terrorism suspects with "alternative" techniques are so legitimate and legal, if they're so fully consistent with American values and traditions, then why are they overseas?
Video Shows Bin Laden With 9/11 Planners
Body Count in Baghdad Nearly Triples Morgue's Revised Toll for August Undermines Claims by Leaders of Steep Drop in Violence
Army Faces Rising Number of Roadside Bombs in Iraq
Israel Lifts Blockade of Air Access To Lebanon But Navy Will Continue Its Patrols of Coastline
Bush's Detainee Plan Is Criticized Military Lawyers and Senators Say Proposed Rules for Evidence Are Unfair
Bush Calls For Greater Wiretap Authority President Says Power Is Needed for Threat
Long Debate Preceded Decision on Detainees
Confirmation of CIA Prisons Leaves Europeans Mistrustful
Armitage Says He Was Source of CIA Leak He Says He Did Not Know Covert Status
Blair Says He Will Step Down Within 12 Months Editorial | H6 Guardian Making globalisation work Joseph Stiglitz: Economic globalisation has outpaced the globalisation of politics and mindsets. It's time for change.
Bin Laden video with 9/11 plotters
Nato commander appeals for aid
Public apologies but private deal
European watchdog calls for clampdown on CIA UK is urged to take lead in monitoring agents · Scathing attack on Bush, 'the King John of USA'
While Blair limps on, the danger remains for Brown and the party Jackie Ashley: It was emphatically not a plot but an instinct for self-preservation that lay behind this week's political drama.
Brown's poisoned inheritance Peter Wilby: Tony Blair has left it too late to go, leaving Gordon Brown a warring party and a sullen electorate.
Leader A contest, not a coronation
How Brown would mark his entrance The weekend's 9/11 horror-fest will do Osama bin Laden's work for him Bush and Bin Laden locked in an embrace Geoorge Bush's latest tactical switch has raised suspicions that Republicans are once again resorting to the politics of fear, says Simon Tisdall. This is more about national pride than nuclear weapons Simon Tisdall: President Ahmedinejad's main political resource is not Khomeini's legacy but Iranians' reaction to 200 years of subjugation.
Book of revelations David Corn: As details about the lead-up to the Iraq war are revealed, it's time to ask how much political resonance they really have.
Leader Bush's dirty secret Not many people will have been taken aback by George Bush's admission that the CIA has been secretly holding suspected terrorists at "black sites" across the world.
We are no longer all Americans Mai Yamani The carnage of 9/11 appalled Muslims as much as anyone else. Why did America squander that good will?
Anti-semitism is back Denis MacShane Our parliamentary report finds that many British citizens who happen to be born Jewish face unacceptable harassment, intimidation and assault.
Time for a rethink Conor Foley What is the west trying to achieve in Afghanistan?
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The attacks on the United States were neither a clash of civilizations nor an unqualified success for al Qaeda. They were, however, a clash of policy that continues to this day. As al Qaeda struggles to strike again, the United States wrestles with a confused war on terror that won’t end until Americans are forced to choose between Medicare and missiles. |
Foreign Policy
We were told the world would never be the same. But did 9/11 actually alter the state of global affairs? For all the sound and fury, the world looks much like it did on September 10. |
New Republic Bush Lies About Torture by Spencer Ackerman U.S. knew about Ramzi bin Al Shibh before anyone was tortured.
Weekly Standard The Syria Problem Until it's resolved, there will be no peace in Lebanon.
H8 Asia Times Sistani and the end of Islam Warning that he "no longer has power to save Iraq from civil war", Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has withdrawn from politics. But the "moderating influence" Sistani is purported to have had on the chaos in US-occupied Iraq is overblown, and the shift in Shi'ite alliance to the Iranian-controlled warlord Muqtada al-Sadr reflects how desperate Muslims are to save their faith.
A joker in the Shi'ite pack Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Mahmud al-Hasani is at odds with everybody, including Sunnis, the Americans, Iranians and other Shi'ites, especially Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and Muqtada al-Sadr. All the same, Hasani is making a big power play, and he has to be taken seriously. - Sami Moubayed
Iraq Takes Control of Military From U.S....
PBS U.S. General in Iraq Discusses Handover of Military Forces
Analysis: Hezbollah's road to recovery
BBC Nato to review Afghan challenge Nato chiefs discuss sending more troops to Afghanistan, where a British general says fighting is worse than in Iraq.
Bin Laden '9/11 video' broadcast Al-Jazeera TV broadcasts what it says is unseen footage of Osama Bin Laden meeting 9/11 hijackers.
Khatami defends Ahmadinejad, Iran's nuke plans
U.S. officials urge nations' discretion on CIA prisons
Prospects for Political Reform in Kuwait: An Analysis of Recent Events Arab Reform Initiative
H9 Ha’aretz - Print Edition Tony Blair to tell Olmert: Progress in PA talks vital
Schiff What did Machiavelli say? We Israelis would be wise not to treat our army officers with ingratitude, even if they erred and faltered.
Schiff Analysis: Ground forces vs. air force
Tom Sefev The September 11 enigma
Editorial The fate of a supportive leader The lesson Israel must learn from Blair is that it cannot afford to lose its friends.
Marcus Awful days When all the inquiries are over, when all the conclusions have been reached, we may find ourselves back at square one - with Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak. We need new blood.
Rethinking Jewish American deterrence
Al Awsat Keep Hamas in Power : Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed
H10 Christian Science Monitor Baghdad morgue tally triples August deaths US still stands by claims of 'significant reduction' in violent deaths in Iraq.
On border, Pakistan backs off from Taliban Deal with Islamist rebels is the latest in a foreign policy that swings between aggression and optimism
Israel lifts air and sea blockade of Lebanon The gesture is major step in Lebanese effort to rebuild after 34-day war.
The president moves to shore up his war-on-terror credentials
His speeches this week signal that Republicans will use the terrorism issue for the third election in a row.
CSM At election time, Republicans may be in trouble By Daniel Schorr
Asia Times Pakistan: Hello al-Qaeda, goodbye America The truce announced this week between the Pakistani Taliban and Islamabad is only part of the story. Pakistan has also agreed to release from custody a number of important al-Qaeda-linked suspects, as well as keep its hands off such figures not yet captured. Islamabad, eyeing a return to its playground in a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, is breaking free from Uncle Sam's clutches. - Syed Saleem Shahzad
H11 IHT Don't take sides, Europe Europe must re-engage in the Middle East to reverse the growing cycle of tension and violence.
NATO falling short, general says
Spurned by the West, Turkey looks eastward Turkey's strategic and political value are being neglected by its supposed Western partners.
European reaction split Reaction in Europe to the transfer of 14 top terror suspects to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, has been sharply mixed.
So far, a profound disappointment Though it looked promising on paper, in practice the new UN Human Rights Council has sadly proved to be much the same as the discredited Commission on Human Rights that it replaced.
Der Spiegel Making the Case for German Military Missions Abroad
Lebanon has formally requested the German navy to patrol its coastline as part of the UN cease-fire plan between Israel and Hezbollah. But just because Germany won't be sending ground troops doesn't make the mission any less controversial back in Berlin.
The Economist Charlemagne Europe's tentative reformers
The Swedish model Admire the best, forget the rest
Weekly Standard "Der Terror Ist Da" Germany wakes up, sort of.
1936 and All That
Why the Spanish Civil War is like Iraq, and vice versa.
H12 RFE/RL Ukraine, Azerbaijan Discuss Oil Pipeline
Georgia: Former Minister's Allies Accused Of Plotting Coup
World: Freedom House Ranks Most Repressive Countries
EurasiaNet Central Asian Leaders Seek to Improve Regional Cooperation
H13 The Times Leader Return of the Taleban A power vacuum is forming in Central Asia
More weapons needed to defeat Taleban
Pakistan admits that terror gangs find sanctuary in border hideouts
Democrats sense they are winning the battle for US hearts and minds Polls show that 75 per cent of voters are angry about the direction of their country
Gerard Baker First task for the next prime minister: make sure foreign policy is right behind America
Leader Making it work Blair and Brown reach the right end by a ridiculously damaging route
Why sorry may be the hardest word for Japan's next leader Shizo Abe risks enraging his Asian neighbours by suggesting that he will be the first Japanese PM not to embrace the country's official apology for the war
WSJ Interrogation and Intelligence
What we learned from KSM and friends.
Anti-Judaism Is anti-Judaism now enjoying a broader revival? It would seem so. By WILLIAM KRISTOL
The Price of Failure Terrorism, and the war in Afghanistan.
H14 Financial Times Red Cross to see alleged 9/11 plotter
Editorial Bush has learnt no lessons about torture
Editorial Wounded Blair must set an early exit date
COMMENT: The west must address the roots of Islamic struggleIf the current strategy does not attack the grounds for desperation and humiliation, this fight can never be won, writes Harlan Ullman, senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Quentin Peel How Annan kept complex package from unravelling
US 'risks playing into hardliners' hands in Russia'
Berlin yet to endorse warships off coast
Pakistan ‘not involved’ in Afghan insurgency
Cypriot police quiz 'Syria arms' ship
Bulgaria PM rejects fears on its EU membership
H15 Los Angeles Times Analogy vs. Analogy Tired comparisons of Baghdad to Saigon, and Ahmadinejad to Hitler, lack historical perspective.
In Science, Facts Often Frustrate
By David P. Barash Scientists base their work on reality, but 'reality' can be elusive
Americans and Europeans Share the Same Fears
Al-Jazeera Shows Video of 9/11 Hijackers Meeting
Senate Republicans Say `No' to a Vote on Rumsfeld
FT COMMENT: Why Blair faces Thatcher's tormentIf Blair has lost control of events, so too has Brown. The prime minister may feel emboldened to encourage an open contest for the leadership, writes Philip Stephens.
Editorial A dour chancellor might be a dour prime minister.
IMF warns over boom in commodity prices
Bolton position in jeopardy
Total defies US with vow to continue Iran oil drive
H16 CBS Armitage On CIA Leak: 'I Screwed Up'...
Armitage reveals that he was a source in Plame leak
Bill Clinton: Fix or pull ABC 9/11 docudrama Writer admits 'improvised' scenes; FBI consultant quit show; 'Internet myth.'
New Republic Liberals, Terrorism, and Iraq by Michael Kazin Only liberals can win the war on terror, if only they could just agree on Iraq.
NYT PAUL KRUGMAN Whining Over Discontent We are, finally, having a national discussion about inequality, and right-wing commentators are in full panic mode.
The Economist Lexington Paleocon Pat
US News CIA speech reflects Cheney-Rice rift
NRO THE EDITORS: As we approach another national election in which the War on Terror looms front and center, the president has thrown down the gauntlet. “Wartime Choices”
realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec - Blogometer
The Observer The myth of fair elections in America
Observer: Paul Harris finds the US electoral process has worsened since the debacle of the Republican victory in 2000
H17 Daily Telegraph In this divorce, Tony just wants to stop Gordon getting custody All trust between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor has long since vanished. There has been an irretrievable breakdown and the sooner they admit this to us the better, writes Andrew Gimson.
Why I remain loyal to Tony Blair
If Mr Blair wants to come and canvass for me in Rotherham in 2009 or 2010, I expect he will get a warmer welcome and thank you from a Britain of which Notting Hill knows nothing than today's headlines suggest, says Denis MacShane.
Mastermind of 9/11 had 'Heathrow' plot
The Big Question: He may be the subject of a new opera, but is Gaddafi still a global pariah?
H19 "Human Intelligence Collector Operations," Field Manual FM 2-22.3, September 2006 (11 MB PDF file).
See also "Department of Defense Detainee Program," DoD Directive 2310.01E, September 5, 2006.
"Summary of the High Value Terrorist Detainee Program" (pdf), ODNI, September 6.
ODNI "biographies" of the 14 detainees.
BBC Terror suspects
Profiles of the 14 men sent from secret CIA jails to Guantanamo
CSIS Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development -Anthony H. Cordesman & Martin Kleiber
Heritage Foundation Maintaining Momentum on U.S.-India Civil Nuclear Deal by Lisa Curtis and Baker Spring
Catastrophic Disasters
Government Accountability Office
This 147-page US report offers findings and recommendations for improving readiness to respond to a catastrophic disaster
Post-9/11 Aviation Security
Council on Foreign Relations
· H20 Slate
Harold Bloom, Hanif Kureishi, Jane Smiley, and others respond.
How life has changed in the Gaza Strip.
Günter Grass Discusses His SS PastIn a public reading of his controversial autobiography, Günter Grass talked for the first time in front of a live audience about why he took so long to reveal serving in the SS. But are we any the wiser?
In 1950, U.S. soldiers massacred tens of thousands of innocent people in the North Korean city of Sinchon, including burning 300 women and children alive. Or maybe not... more»
H21 AMAZON Launches TV, Movie Service...
"Okay, fine, we admit it" -- the Weekly Standard reconsiders, as imagined by Vanity Fair.
WSJ 'Pretexting' Scams Are a Growing Threat Pretexting -- or posing as a consumer to get data on that person -- is a growing problem for phone companies and consumers, as private investigators and data-mining companies engage in the practice.
Blogs - memeorandum - Slate's Today's Blogs - political theory/ Blogometer - Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Thomas P.M. Barnett - democracy arsenal - - William Arkin -
Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note -
PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad - Passport - Syria Comment - David Corn - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - Matt Yglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,