0831-2006f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analysis from all around the world’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç Subscribe to FPR --- U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports | ||||||
H1 CSIS Iranian Nuclear Weapons? Options for Sanctions and Military Strikes -Anthony H. Cordesman & Khalid R. Al-Rodhan Washington Times U.S. military sees Iran's nuke bomb 5 years away The U.S. military is operating under the assumption that Iran is five to eight years away from being able to build its first nuclear weapon, a time span that explains a general lack of urgency within the Bush administration to use air strikes to disable Tehran's atomic program. KR Bush faces an uphill battle to impose sanctions on Iran
USIP Crisis in Lebanon: Is Peacekeeping Possible?
IHT Bush has a job to do President George W. Bush now has an opportunity to bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to an end.
Al Hayat The 'Peoples' of Iraq Zuheir Kseibati - A day might come when Maliki, brave as he is in defending the reconciliation project, tells the Iraqis that the home-grown conflict with terrorism is a only a conflict over the borders of federal divisions. Then it would be the time to classify the 'peoples' of Iraq, to divide the country and share the loot.
Weekly Standard Return of the Tribes The resistance to globalization runs deep.
Director of National Intelligence -Intelligence Community Directives and Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums
Washington Institute The Damascus-Hizballah Axis: Bashar al-Asad’s Vision of a New Middle East
Making the Lebanon Ceasefire Work: Security Requirements and Implications for an International Force
Nelson Report on Iran 07:25 PM
New York Times The High Price of Friendship By PATRICIA WEITSMAN Once the United States emerges from Iraq, we would do well to re-examine our growing reliance on coalition warfare.
U.S. Drafts List of Sanctions as Iran Ignores Deadline Sanctions the U.S. is seeking could start with restrictions on Iran’s imports of nuclear material, but the plan faces a high hurdle at the U.N.
Bush Shifting Public Focus to Terrorism and Iraq War
Guardian US: we'll be out of Iraq in a year General predicts US exit date amid unbridled savagery across Iraq.
Washington Post How We're Losing the War Despite Some Notable Achievements, New Thinking Is Needed on the Home Front and AbroadBy John Lehman, Are we killing, capturing, or deterring jihadists faster than they are being produced? The answer is an emphatic no.
PostGlobal Should it be a goal of the US to reduce that hostility and, if so, what's the best way to do it?
Benny Morris on “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”
Guardian US: we'll be out of Iraq in a year General predicts US exit date amid unbridled savagery across Iraq.
APSA papers1 2006 / Political Research Online
Power Sharing and Democratic Governance in Divided Societies
The Future of Transatlantic Security Relations
In a new Carnegie Paper, Islam, Militarism, and the 2007–2008 Elections in Pakistan, Visiting Scholar Frédéric Grare argues that for the military and Musharraf, the elections will be about consolidating their hold on power while maintaining a facade of democracy.
Heritage Foundation Penalize Iran for Defying the U.N. Security Council's Nuclear Deadline by James Phillips Push for sanctions in the Security Council and out of the U.N. framework.
Independent What If...? An alternative history of the world
Washington Realist America: A Crippled Superpower?
Djerejian Unity, Then and Now
H14 Financial Times COMMENT: The west must stop meddling in Iran's affairs For Iranians, democracy is not a new idea but an ongoing struggle. Iran can do without lectures on the importance of democracy from the US and others, writes Scheherazade Daneshkhu.
UN nuclear deadline leaves Iran's leader with a challenge that may define his rule
COMMENT: Why Asia needs a more active market in ideas The region has no shortage of think-tanks. But most produce pedestrian work that often fails to grapple with - or answer - the hard questions, writes Guy de Jonquières.
| H2 Guardian – Leader - Toughing out terror Turks are robust enough to react calmly to the threats from a breakaway Kurdish group to turn the country into "hell" in an attempt to scare away foreign tourists and damage the economy.
Der Spiegel Turkey Struggles to Find Effective Anti- Terror Strategy More than two decades into the fight, Turkey is as far from victory as ever. By Annette Grossbongardt in Istanbul
State's Fried Discusses PKK-Sponsored Terrorism in Turkey
FT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Comprehension test for EU and Turkey
Independent Adrian Hamilton: You can't blame Kurdish terror on Islamic 'fascists'
Sabah Bin yıldır birlikte yaşayan aileyiz KDP lideri Barzani, "Türkiye ile ilişkiler nasıl" sorusuna bu cevabı verdi: Biz kardeşiz. Kardeşler arasında sorun yaşanmaz.
Ruşen Çakır Yeniden liberal-İslamcı ittifakı
Globe and Mail Iraqi Kurdistan offers Washington no easy choices
PKK Koordinatörü Türkiye'ye geliyor Boston Globe The true Iraq appeasers (By Peter W. Galbraith)
Ambassador Peter Galbraith Talks About His Book "The End of Iraq"
Slate Today's Papers Wikipedia antiwar.com technorati
Başbuğ Her adımı baştan öldürmemek lazım
"Türkiye ile ABD PKK konusunda aynı çizgide değil"
[HABER ANALİZ] Lübnan oylamasında parmak takibi yapılacak
Lüzum, hudut, şümul ve zamanı hükümetin kararı
SOLİ ÖZEL General, kabzımal ve diğerleri
ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Teröre anlamlı cevap
Ertuğrul Özkök Paşalar kucaklaşır mı
Komutanlar ve izlenimler Hasan Celal Güzel
Arslan BULUT Kıvrıkoğlu, Büyükanıt ve PKK Koordinatörü Joseph Ralston
Mümtazer Türköne Ülke güvenliği için: Hamaset yerine yönetişim
Eser Karakaş Askerin rolü, üniter devlet ve Cumhuriyet’in temel nitelikleri
Büyükanıt'la yeni dönem İsmet Berkan
Hasan CEMAL Çekiçle çivi, askerle rolü!
Turkey to buy 30 F16s - air force chief
EMRE AKÖZ 'Andıç' hazırlayana dur!
Fikret BİLA Baykal: Asıl risk dinler savaşına bulaşmak
Derdimiz ne? (2) Gündüz Aktan
Zionism and the crisis of Turkish-American relations Christopher VASILLOPULOS
AKP yönetiminin tezkere baskısı
İlk talimat Deniz Kuvvetleri'ne Arınç'la tezkere takvimini görüştü
Güler Kömürcü Retçilerin sayısı ve Paşa beklentileri
İsmail Küçükkaya
Lübnan'a 'AKP müfrezesi' gitsin
Towards a harsh regular report for Turkey
Can Dündar Gül ile Babacan niye soğuk?
ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Mahpus toplum ve mahpus siyaset
Yalçın Doğan Karşı oy yazısı fikir verdi Türkiye milletvekilliği üzerine.
Süheyl Batum ‘Yeni bir seçim sistemi’ derken
Şükrü Küçükşahin İhtiyaç yeni parti değil, bütünleşme
Ülkücüler, 26 yıl sonra 12 Eylül’le hesaplaşıyor
| H3 Hürriyet 600 asker gidecek Lübnan’a ’Barış Tugayı’ olarak bilinen 28. Mekanize Piyade Tugayı’ndan 600 askerin gönderilmesi planlanıyor. Bölgeyi tanıyan uzmanların eğitiminden geçirilen askerler ’Bosna Modeli’nde olduğu gibi öncelikle halkın ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacaklar. Askerlerimize 1 firkateyn, 2 sahil güvenlik botu eşlik edecek.
Vatan 1 korvet, 1 fırkateyn: İlk etapta 290 asker
Murat Yetkin PKK'ya karşı iki özel düzenleme TSK'nın en seçkin birliklerinden Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı yeniden yapılandırıldı. Hakkâri'de yeni bir tümen oluşturuldu
Cengiz Çandar Tüm yazıları Türkiye’nin “stratejik kararı” ve “Bremen Mızıkacıları”...
Mehmet Ali Birand Kürtler sessiz mi kalacaklar?
Mehmet Tezkan PKK aslında Kürt halkının düşmanı..
Daily Telegraph: Çözüm Kandil Dağı'nı işgal Yabancı basın: Bombalar çok riskli Appointment Special Envoy for Countering the PKK
Semih İDİZ Sezer'in Talabani politikası yanlış
Taha AKYOL Terör ve bir arada yaşamak
Cüneyt Ülsever Emperyal devlet olmak ne demek?
South ahoy! Burak BEKDİL Turkey may lose credit if it does not send peacekeepers under Resolution 1701, but it will probably gain nothing if it does.
Yusuf KANLI September syndrome
Ralston, terör örgütü PKK ile görüşmeyecek
ABD kararlı, yeni temsilci PKK ile » görüşmeyecek
AKP'nin Lübnan kararı yeni Ortadoğu ve İran'la ilgili SAAD MUHYU
Asker gönderME Nuray Mert
Şahin Alpay İsrail eleştirisi ve anti-semitizm
ABHaber Olli Rehn:"Kıbrıs'ın birleştirilmesi sürecinde ilerleme herkesin çıkarınadır" (Orjinal metin) Kramer:''Türkiye’nin Lübnan’a asker göndermesi AB’deki karşıtlarının ellerindeki bazı kozları alır'' EUobserver.com MEPs prepare critical report on Turkey Papadopulos, DİKO liderliğini bırakıyor
Papadopulos liderliği bırakıyor
BM ve AB, Kıbrıslı liderlere ‘çözüm mutabakatını uygulayın’ çağrısı yaptı
Erivan ile gayri resmi diplomasi
İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni - Dış Basında Türkiye - Google News Turkey - Turquie- Türkei - Kurdish Media - FPR Archive - Quickread - Google News - Iraq -Iran - Syria – Kurdish - Greece - Azerbaijan Cyprus – - Israel - BBC Turkish 0700 -TurcoPundit - Stratfor Mideastwire.com
İBRAHİM KARAGÜL Siyasi suikastler cenneti!
Oktay Ekşi İşin aslını konuşalım...
Lale SIVGIN İktidar hep kale arkasındaydı
Nuh Gönültaş Gel tezkere gel bitsin bu gurbet!
Ömer Lütfi Mete Şahin, kahin ve hain
Ahmet Hakan Mücahit Perinçek
Serdar Turgut Doğu Perinçek ve Mao
Kendimizi anlatmaya çalışıyoruz TÜSİAD’la da görüşeceğiz
Sınav 2007'de Mahfi Eğilmez
Enflasyon beklentilerine ne ölçüde güvenebiliriz? Fatih Özatay
Gazi Erçel IMF’de oy gücümüz artıyor
IMF'de yeni paylar
Dan Drezner You try changing the distribution of power in the IMF!!
MÜSİAD: Körfez'de 1 trilyon dolarlık iş var
Memur meydanlara Hükümetin önerdiği zam oranını kabul etmeyen sendikalar eylem yapacak
Yargıtay ‘basın abartabilir’ derken, üyeleri kendileriyle ilgili her habere dava açıyor
Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu'nun stratejisi FİKRET ŞENSES Türk yapımı roket sistemi ‘Kasırga’ya büyük ilgi Rizgari DTP’li başkan paşanın odasından kovuldu
Türk silahlı güçleri Kürdistan’da ’yeniden yapılanıyor’
Gazi: iyi bir çözüm, tüm tarafların katılacağı diplomatik bir çözümdür
Mazlumder: Alçaklık sadece Kürtlere değil Türklere de yakışmaz Soma: Iraq's new paper tiger | ||||
H4 New York Times The High Price of Friendship By PATRICIA WEITSMAN Once the United States emerges from Iraq, we would do well to re-examine our growing reliance on coalition warfare.
U.S. Drafts List of Sanctions as Iran Ignores Deadline Sanctions the U.S. is seeking could start with restrictions on Iran’s imports of nuclear material, but the plan faces a high hurdle at the U.N.
Bush Shifting Public Focus to Terrorism and Iraq War
Editorial Stars in Their Eyes There should be an honest assessment of whether the United States missile defense system has any chance of working and how much more will have to be spent before it does.
DAVID BROOKS A Guide for the Perplexed To understand why the scandal surrounding the outing of the C.I.A. agent Valerie Plame has fizzled, there are four things you must remember about your political class. (full text here Bamboozled Brooks)
Violence Grows, Killing 52 Iraqis, in Face of Security PlanBy DAMIEN CAVE In the deadliest of several attacks, a bomb inside a vendor’s cart exploded in the Shorja market, the oldest and largest bazaar in Baghdad, killing at least 24 civilians.
| H5 Washington Post How We're Losing the War Despite Some Notable Achievements, New Thinking Is Needed on the Home Front and AbroadBy John Lehman, Are we killing, capturing, or deterring jihadists faster than they are being produced? The answer is an emphatic no.
PostGlobal Should it be a goal of the US to reduce that hostility and, if so, what's the best way to do it?
Violence in Iraq Kills 60 As Market, Recruits Hit U.S. Troops, Shiite Militia Fight in Eastern Baghdad
Early Warning Rumsfeld's Enemy: It's Us
Israel Rebuffs U.N. on Blockade Annan Says Lifting Lebanon Restrictions Would Help Cease-Fire
Bush's Blunt Rhetoric Signals New Thrust
| H6 Guardian US: we'll be out of Iraq in a year General predicts US exit date amid unbridled savagery across Iraq.
No role for British forces in Iraq
Labour will lose the next election if it isn't brave enough to ditch Blair now Neal Lawson: The party conference is the prime minister's last chance to do the right thing and announce his timetable for departure. Hizbullah's victory has transformed the Middle East George Galloway: The defeat of the regional superpower could yet open the way to a wider settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Cluster bombing 'immoral' UN humanitarian chief says civilians in Lebanon are still being killed daily. Peril UK troops face in Afghanistan 'was underplayed' · MoD admits difficulties of task were not conveyed Ministers say 24/7 news demands 3,200 press officers Politics: The government defends a huge increase in press officers in a decade, blaming 24/7 news culture. Scheme to limit east Europeans
Caracas bids to build homes on golfing greens · Mayor seeks compulsory purchase of elite courses | ||||
H7 Boston Globe Blinded by a concept (By George Soros) THE FAILURE OF Israel to subdue Hezbollah demonstrates the many weaknesses of the war-on-terror concept. One of those weaknesses is that even if the targets are terrorists, the victims are often innocent civilians, and their suffering reinforces the terrorist cause.
Democracy Arsenal The Danger and Promise of Democracy Promotion OpenDemocracy What next? Lebanon exposes US failure, Israeli weakness, and danger of wider war. Now, global patriots must think European, says Anthony Barnett
On top of the worldKofi Annan's successor will be Asian, a man - and chosen in secret. By next time, the UN rules must change, says David Mepham
An interview with former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy on the war in Lebanon and who won and who lost.
Asia Times Iran's time to talk is over Ahmadinejad has challenged Bush to a debate on world affairs. It's not going to happen. Also, and much more significant, what is not likely to happen is that the US and its international partners will call for dialogue with, rather than punitive action against, Iran over its nuclear program. Yet this is the only way out. - Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Behind the plan to bomb Iran The neo-conservatives' militarization of US foreign policy stems largely from the fact that they operate on behalf of two immensely powerful special interests - the military-industrial complex and the Israeli lobby. The latter, though, is the junior partner in this unspoken alliance: the merchants of arms call the shots. - Ismael Hossein-zadeh
KR Bush faces an uphill battle to impose sanctions on Iran
AEI How Oil Lubricates Our Enemies By Victor Davis Hanson
PINR "Falling Home Prices Could Trigger a U.S. and Global Recession" Full text of report | H8 BBC Iran nuclear deadline to expire A deadline for Iran to suspend uranium enrichment expires on Thursday, with UN powers mulling possible sanctions.
Lebanon 'desperate for new funds' Aid agencies plead for generous pledges as donors gather in Sweden to discuss Lebanese reconstruction. Donors looking to rebuild Lebanon Annan's tough Mid-East challenge
SyriaComment "What do Sunnis intend for Alawis following Regime change?" by Khudr
Daily Star Expect chaos if Siniora's Cabinet falls
Al Awsat The Courage of Nasrallah : Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed
Lebanon: Reconstruction and Rivalry
Asia Times Doubts whether Bush is good for Israel Influential voices within the US Jewish community are questioning the Bush administration's hardline positions on the Middle East, arguing that they harm, rather than protect, Israel's interests. Most of all, they want to see Washington talk to Syria. - Jim Lobe
The first chapter from Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
Washington Institute The Damascus-Hizballah Axis: Bashar al-Asad’s Vision of a New Middle East
Making the Lebanon Ceasefire Work: Security Requirements and Implications for an International Force
Austin Bay From Hezbollah to Hezbollost | H9 Ha’aretz - Print Edition
War? No way From now on every government will have to take into account that a substantial and influential part of public opinion does not consider any number of lives lost to be acceptable. In such an atmosphere, with headlines counting the dead each day, every war is a predetermined defeat.
Rosner - Get ready for the Democrats The midterm election campaign committee is scheduled to meet next week and throw the Democrats in high gear, which will probably lead them to victory. They can expect to take over the House of Representatives for the first time after a decade of Republican control.
Iran at the mike Hassan Nasrallah's surprising speech Sunday will almost definitely save Prime Minister Ehud Olmert from a government probe. Defense Minister Amir Peretz and Chief of Staff Dan Halutz may also breathe a certain sigh of relief.
Italy: World won't tolerate Syrian arms shipments to Hezbollah
Jerusalem Post US would consider Israeli request for military aid US official rejects claim that US knew of war in advance, says wider ground invasion improved Israel's standing in UN
Empty threat or Syrian pressure for Golan negotiations
Benny Morris on “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”
New Republic The Return of Walt and Mearsheimer by Martin Peretz
Soul Mate by Yoav Fromer Is Ehud Olmert Lyndon Johnson all over again?
Yedioth Ahronoth Iran's nuclear menace Alon Ben-Meir
'I inherited tough situation' At award ceremony in Herzliya, Defense Minister Amir Peretz explicitly criticizes his predecessor Shaul Mofaz. Referring to war, he says: In spite of my inexperience, I firmly deal with difficult situation left by experienced ones
DEBKAfile Exclusive: The most burning issue on the mind of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in his talks in Jerusalem was not Lebanon – but Iran More...
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H10 Christian Science Monitor
A remarkable global phenomenon is being obscured by headlines about the Middle East: The ancient scourge of war has disappeared, at least in the sense of one government's army doing battle with another
Der Spiegel TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING The Curse of Natural Resources Many countries with enormous reserves of oil, gas or precious metals, are plagued with disproportionate poverty, corruption and mismanagement. Would the people in Nigeria, Congo or Russia be better off without their natural gifts?
Dan Dreznner Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Trade Strategy: Free Versus Fair. | H11 IHT Bush has a job to do President George W. Bush now has an opportunity to bring the Arab-Israeli conflict to an end.
A double standard at the UN Through prudent diplomacy backed by stringent IAEA inspections, the Security Council can still ensure that Iran will remain free of nuclear weapons.
When the world wanted to help America Lessons from Hurricane Katrina could contribute to more effective American and global crisis response; these examples of international goodwill should inspire American leadership and action.
Washington Times A reality check for Europe Taking the lead in Lebanon
OpenDemocracy France's hesitant strengthFrench caution over troop deployment in Lebanon reflects military responsibility not political cowardice, says Patrice de Beer
| H12 RFE/RL Iran: Examining Tehran's Nuclear Progress How does the recently inaugurated heavy-water plant tie into Iran's overall nuclear program and does it mean Iran is closer to making a nuclear bomb?
Iraqi Forces Need 12-18 Months, Says General Iraqi forces may be ready to assume responsibility for security in Iraq in as little as a year, says the top U.S. commander in the country
From Azerbaijan, whether struggling to find educational materials for children or teaching adults how to read, the Lezgi are trying to keep their identity alive.
New Republic Past Imperfect by Daniel Widome Why Japan's neighbors secretly love the Yasukuni Shrine.
Ukrainian Jews do well on top-100 list
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H13 The Times Leader Stage two The next political steps for Lebanon and Israel
The men in grey suits are at the door. Blair must say now when he is going Tony Blair's judgment is now so erratic that he may not be willing to cede power gracefully at all
Rebels and riots haunt Musharraf The uprising in the southwest of Pakistan could be the beginning of the end for President Musharraf
WSJ | H14 Financial Times COMMENT: The west must stop meddling in Iran's affairs For Iranians, democracy is not a new idea but an ongoing struggle. Iran can do without lectures on the importance of democracy from the US and others, writes Scheherazade Daneshkhu.
UN nuclear deadline leaves Iran's leader with a challenge that may define his rule
EU to continue talks with Tehran despite passing of UN deadline
UN condemns Israeli strategy as ‘immoral’
COMMENT: Bush's love of India will outlast himThe burgeoning US-India relationship reached a high point early this year when Mr Bush visited New Delhi for the first time and concluded an unprecedented deal, writes Edward Luce
COMMENT: Why Asia needs a more active market in ideas The region has no shortage of think-tanks. But most produce pedestrian work that often fails to grapple with - or answer - the hard questions, writes Guy de Jonquières.
Editorial Rumsfeld's confusion Donald Rumsfeld can seem peculiarly friendless. Calling for the American defence secretary's resignation is a popular sport for everyone from retired generals to...
Allies balk at more troops for Afghanistan
COMMENT AND ANALYSIS: Double trouble: how political purges are remaking Poland The Kaczynski brothers have created a climate of concern – if not of fear – that is giving rise to new political divides within the EU’s biggest eastern state, write Jan Cienski and Stefan Wagstyl.
| H15 Los Angeles Times Editorial | ||||
H16 KR Democrats thinking ahead to possible victory this fall
realclearpolitics – ABC’s The Note - Early Bird GovExec - Blogometer
Former State Dept. Official Admits Role as CIA Leak Source
The Powell-Armitage-Wilkerson cabal
| H17 Daily Telegraph Hopes of peace recede There is a huge discrepancy between the UN's ideal settlement in Lebanon and the reality that there is likely to be further fighting.
How Gordon sees the world
World according to Premier Brown by Mark Leonard, The Sun
Weekly Standard The Origins of British Jihad The problem--Deobandism--comes from Pakistan.
| H18 Independent What If...? An alternative history of the world
Pressure for ban on cluster bombs as Israel is accused of targeting civilians
Hamish McRae: Americans are in for tough times, even if the Fed won't (yet) say it | ||||
H19 SecrecyNews The policy infrastructure of U.S. intelligence community is defined by directives issued by the Director of National Intelligence on everything from security policy to roles and missions to relations with Congress. The new system of policy statements, known as Intelligence Community Directives (ICDs), is the successor to the former Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs). The new ICDs are gradually supplementing, modifying or replacing the existing DCIDs. The DNI has also issued a series of Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums (ICPMs), which are initial statements of policy that have not yet been formalized as an ICD. Several ICDs and ICPMs have recently been released by the Office of the DNI in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Federation of American Scientists.They cover such topics as open source intelligence, personnel security, the role of the IC analytic ombudsman, the roles of the various Deputy Directors of National Intelligence, and the use of portable electronic devices in secure facilities. Congressional Research Service "Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law," updated August 11, 2006. "U.S. Nuclear Weapons: Changes in Policy and Force Structure," updated August 10, 2006. "NATO in Afghanistan: A Test of the Transatlantic Alliance," August 22, 2006. Reporting Unauthorized Media Disclosures of Classified NSA/CSS Information," NSA/CSS Policy 1-27, 20 March 2006.
| H20 Slate war stories Donald Rumsfeld's ghastly speech. The secretary's ghastly speech to the American Legion.
Gelding the Ally:Our chief public diplomat insults Hamid Karzai.
· Naguib Mahfouz:Remembering one of Egypt's first great novelists.
· Bob Dylan's Make-Out Album:The romantic—and spectacular—Modern Times.
Pentagon shakes up its policy office
KR War, natural disasters driving the push for smarter robots Like the four horsemen of the apocalypse, war, terrorism, crime and disaster are driving the development and deployment of fresh armies of robots. Their sponsors hope they can get over the serious problems and weaknesses that have limited their usefulness in the past.
| H21 Google offers digitised Dante and online Hugo Books: Free downloads of classics anger publishers
Google Book Search allows full PDF downloads
Yalçın Granit İbrahim mi Ginobili mi?
The first chapter from Expert Political Judgment: How Good is It? How Can We Know? by Philip E. Tetlock.
It takes more than two people to make a marriage Response: A wedding is not about just one loving relationship - it's part of a larger, vital social network, says Tom Burns.
Plutonic realism Francis Sedgemore It turns out that Pluto isn't a planet after all. What does that mean for our horoscopes? Naguib Mahfouz Obituary: Nobel prize winning novelist who brought Arabic fiction to the western world. Patience, routine and humility Issandr El Amrani Author Naguib Mahfouz was a master of humour and irony whose observations of life in Egypt were strikingly accurate.
Meeting Mahfouz
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Blogs - memeorandum - Slate's Today's Blogs - political theory/ Blogometer - Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Thomas P.M. Barnett - democracy arsenal - - William Arkin - | Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad - Passport - Syria Comment - David Corn - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - Matt Yglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong | CounterterrorismBlog / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan -armscontrolwonk - Arts & Letters Daily/ |
ABD dış politikası, Orta Doğu, Türkiye ve Ötesi
Şanlı Bahadır Koç,