14 July 2008
  July 14, 2008

071408f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - Subscribe to FPR FPR Table - H4 NYT WP GU H7 ME Isr H10 CSM IHT Eur FSU Asia H13 Times WSJ FT LAT H16 USP DT Ind H19 Mil Int Ter Wonk H21 Misc

H1 New York Times My Plan for Iraq By BARACK OBAMA The United States should withdraw from Iraq, but responsibly. On my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war.

U.S. Considers Increasing Pace of Iraq Pullout The Bush administration is considering the withdrawal of additional forces starting in September, as the need for troops in Afghanistan becomes more pressing.

Drowning in Riches By KENNETH M. POLLACK

The Middle East may be experiencing an economic boom, but the way that the rising revenues are being spent will more likely worsen the region’s instability over time.

9 Americans Die in Afghan Attack The attack was the worst against Americans in Afghanistan in three years and illustrated the growing threat of Taliban militants and their associates

The United States should withdraw from Iraq, but responsibly.

Washington Post U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces Long-Term Agreement Will Fall to Next President

Bye-Bye, Bush Doctrine By Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier, And McCain and Obama shouldn't be so eager to formulate ones of their own.

Editorial The Mullahs Say Maybe

Missiles fly as Tehran toys with an international offer of negotiations about its nuclear program.

Jitters Over Iran By Jim Hoagland, At the strong urging of the Bush administration, Israel has pulled back from threatening to bomb Iran's nuclear enrichment program and has joined the U.S.-led effort to give coercive diplomacy with Tehran a (time-limited) chance.

An Army That Learns By David Ignatius, The U.S. Army has done something remarkable in its new history of the disastrous first 18 months of the American occupation of Iraq: It has conducted a rigorous self-critique of how bad decisions were made, so that the Army won't make them again.

Christian Science Monitor U.S. and Iraq near a 'bridge' deal on status of U.S. troops By the end of July, they hope to finalize a deal that would map out the role and "time horizon" for US troops in the country.

• 'US Military Hoped for Virtually Unlimited Freedom of Action in Iraq', National Security Archive

'Another Way with Iran' by Jon Alterman, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Stratfor Quarterly Forecast: Third Quarter 2008

Uzi Mahnaimi / Times of London: President George W Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran

Iraq denies Israeli fighter claims

Tom Barnett KnoxNews KnoxNews.

From The Wilson Quarterly, the Atlantic and Pacific now dominate the world’s politics and trade, but the Indian Ocean is emerging as a new locus of power that increasingly unites China, India, the Middle East, and Africa.

Asia Times Bush outfoxed in the Iraqi sands A combination of Iraqi Shi'ite political opposition and Iranian diplomacy, embodied in Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's demand for a timetable for complete United States military withdrawal from Iraq, signals the almost certain defeat of the George W Bush administration's aim of establishing a long-term military presence in Iraq. - Gareth Porter

Guardian Britain's backing Obama: Democrat beats McCain by five votes to one Poll lead may have as much to do with high profile and recognition factor as it does policies

Nine US troops die in Taliban assault Nato-led effort to subdue insurgents suffers one of its heaviest blows since 2001 invasion

At last, a true moderniser in Moscow. Why punish him? Jonathan Steele: Despite western howls of suspicion, Medvedev is Russia's first post-Soviet leader. It would be lunacy to kick him into the cold

Love tops agenda at 'Club Med'

Olmert, Abbas and Assad among line-up at summit that commits to 'peace, stability and security'

Independent Bush to hasten Iraq troop withdrawal in bid to help McCain win White House

USIP Mullahs, Money, and Militias: How Iran Exerts its Influence in the Middle East

Download USIP’s conflict transformation measurement framework (PDF | 190KB)

The Observer The heretic

Investigation: How Al-Qaeda's mastermind turned his back on terror. By Lawrence Wright

The heretic - part two

The heretic - part three

The world is waiting to love America again Editorial: What of Britain? With Obama's election, the notion of a political 'special relationship' will fade

Daily Star Europe and the US differ significantly on democratization By Waleed Sadi

We may be nearing the truth on neo-liberal failure By Joseph E. Stiglitz

The US-Iran game is just getting serious By Rami G. Khouri

EU success requires a retuned Franco-German engine By Ulrike Guerot

Sunday Times Iraq ready to oust US from green zone The green zone of Baghdad may soon be handed over to Iraqi control if the increasingly assertive government gets its way

Exclusive:Bush lobbyist in ‘cash for access’ row Access offered to key figures, including Cheney and Rice, in return for donations to Bush library

Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran As the government in Tehran tests new missiles, America believes that only a show of force can deter President Ahmadinejad

Europe faces Russian nuclear threat Experts believe that President Medvedev could aim nuclear weapons at western Europe for the first time since the cold war

Sanctions are a war waged by cowards Nothing is more arrogant than a powerful nation’s belief in the efficacy of all it does

Simon Jenkins

This recession could easily tip into a depression The experience of the 1930s makes me think that the present downturn will be relatively long and difficult William Rees-Mogg

Financial Times Contested Caucasus: Abkhazia enters ring A post-Soviet ‘frozen conflict’ is heating up as Moscow steps up its support for the enclave

Los Angeles Times New Saudi Arabia university will have a Western feel

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology will feature coed classes, a curriculum in English and other touches seen as dangerous liberalism by Islamic fundamentalists

Iraq's Complicated Oil Fields
The Washington Independent

H2 Ömer Taşpınar Washington ve Ergenekon

Ali H Aslan İncirlik sendromu ve Ergenekon

LA Times Attackers of U.S. Consulate in Turkey shared a bleak background Their profiles are similar to those of young men involved in Al Qaeda-inspired attacks: uneducated, poor, not known to be devout until they met a charismatic 'elder brother

US warily eyes Turkish political turmoil

Müthiş iddia ! The Sunday Times gazetesinin iddiasına göre İsrail’in savaş planında İran’ı vurmak için Türk hava sahasını kullanmak da var

CSIS The Terrorist Attack on the US Consulate in Istanbul

Der Spiegel Atomic Turkey: Nuclear Power in the Earthquake Zone

Iraqi, Turkish Officials Discuss Turkish Premier's Visit to Iraq

Al Hayat The Turkish Dictionary Ghassan Charbel

Man Arrested After Attack in Istanbul Is Charged

IPI’dan Türkiye’ye ‘Ergenekon’ takibi

What The Russian Archives Say About The Armenian Claims

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası Dış Basında Türkiye - BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey TurcoPundit

Google News Fırat News Agency KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect Dış Basında Irak BBC Monitoring Inter-national

SOLİ ÖZEL Bağdat seferi

Victimization and forgiveness in solving Kurdish problem

Expectations high for planned Kurdish-language broadcasting

Hizbullah’tan ’Kürt’ PKK’dan ’Alevi’ çıkışı

"Frieden oder Freiheit", Joost Hiltermann in Le Monde Diplomatique

Iraqi Kurds Need Tougher Stance for Settling Disputes With Baghdad - Article

Iran, Iraqi Kurdistan Review Expansion of Ties

Normalization to boost Turkey, Iraq trade to $30 bln

Şırnak ve Tunceli’de 3 asker şehit oldu

DTP iddiası:Saçları kazıtıldı

Kurdistan National Congress Leader Interviewed By Iraqi Kurdish Paper

Erdoğan’s icebreaking visit to Baghdad by SAMİR SALHA*

Kerkuk problem and the Article 140: Defining Alternatives

Kurdish rebels say abducted Germans in good health

Cevdet Aşkın

Iran and Turkey: Towards a Patch-up?
Asian Tribune

The logic of Islamist terror Mustafa AKYOL

İran'ın füzeleri: Şahinlerden Şahaplara

Gülay Göktürk Irak’ta Türk Bayramı

HAKAN ALBAYRAK Hani "1 Mart" dünyanın sonuydu?

Diyanet’in 'Hizbullah atağı'

Terör örgütünün etkin olduğu bölgelere imam takviyesi yapılacak, Kuran kursları artırılacak

Christians targeted in northern Iraq

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights (in Arabic) 12 Jul 08

Turkish Columnist Views Results of Premier's Visit to Iraq

PKK’ya Almanya ve İsviçre’den kıskaç

Merkel: PKK şantajına boğun eğmeyiz

Güvenli Irak'la ticaret 25 milyar dolara ulaşır

The logic of Islamist terror
Mustafa AKYOL

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Robert Pape] 'İntihar terörünü İslam'la bağdaştırmak saçmalık'

Strong Turkish-Iraqi axis emerges

Karar demokrasiye uygun olmalı

'Olmayan devletle anlaşma yapılmaz'

Turkey's Kurdish Party Offers to Mediate Over Kidnapped Germans

Tüzmen: "Zengin Irak, zengin Türkiye demek"

The Kurds and American Neo-Imperialism

Man charged in attack on US consulate in Turkey

Bu da yeni kartal yuvası

US sets up camp for MKO defectors


Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights (in Arabic) 10 Jul 08

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık

Kadri Gürsel Bu gidiş, güzel gidiş

Semih İdiz Sarkozy’yi Erdoğan ve Beşar kurtardı

ERDAL ŞAFAK Türkiye kompleksi

Ferai Tınç Sarkozy’yi Esad ve Erdoğan kurtardı

Sarkozy'den Erdoğan'a müzakereler sürecek garantisi

Sarko’dan AKP desteği

Şahin Alpay A Swedish witness to the ‘silent revolution’: Turkey decoded

Türkiye’de darbe olursa Rusya ne yapar? SUAT TAŞPINAR

German-Turkish conference focuses on integration

Erdoğan'ın KKTC çıkarması

Turkey, France seal EU détente at Euro-Mediterranean summit

BM Kıbrıs Özel Temsilciliğine Downer

[Haber Yorum] Türkiye, Akdeniz'de pasif kalmamalı

Turkey, US are strategic allies in all fields, US official says

Turkish Energy Minister Receives US Envoy to Discuss Energy Issues

Erdoğan'dan Sarkozy'ye: Basın aracılığı ile konuşmayalım

Obama, ‘soykırım’ dedirtemedi

Andres Finkel Euro-Kemalism

Keşke Gül maça gitse

ABD'li şirketin gözü Karadeniz petrolünde

Komutan gitti, it dalaşı başladı

İstanbul, savaşta Hiroşima olacaktı

Başbakan Erdoğan, liderlere konuştu

Erdoğan'dan Paris'te Ortadoğu barışı diplomasisi

Erdoğan-Sarkozy kapatma davasını konuştu

Karadeniz'e petrol için sondaj 2009'da

Akdeniz Birliği'nde sekreterya sorunu

Akdeniz İçin Birlik Zirvesi Paris'te başladı

İsviçre'den PKK'ya kıskaç: milletvekili yakın takipte

Hedo Okur Tuncay Nihat Altintop

UNESCO report creates worry over İstanbul 2010

From Here to Paternity
Wall Street Journal "Enlightenment": Novelist Maureen Freely tracks the lives of a handful of friends in Istanbul, half of them Turkish and half American.

Instant weekend... Antalya

H3 İddianamede ne var, ne yok?

Ergenekon iddianamesini ‘sulandırma planı’ hazır!

Ergenekon görevdeki subaylara uzandı

Teslim olmazsa işlem yapılacak

Bakışsız bir kedi kara

Başkonsolosluk önündeki saldırıda 'derin' şüphe

’Altın askerime çamur atıyorlar’

5. İşte Erdoğan’ın önündeki anket

Ergenekon'un gölgesinde son seçim anketi

Darbe girişimine askerî değil, sivil mahkeme bakar

Naklen Ergenekon

Eruygur’un resmi sponsoru

Yüksek yargıya paşa brifingi

‘Generallerden elini çek, yanındaki mafyaya bak’

Hilmi Özkök’e suikast ihbarını hatırlamadı!

Konuşma sırası savcıda

‘Saldırıyı bütün mahalle biliyordu’

İşte Şener’in yeni oluşumu

İntihar saldırısının ardında ne var

Saldırıya katılmasını istemişler

Ergenekon iddianamesinde 20 gizli tanık

Partimi Ergenekon'un içine çekmek istediler

Demokratikleşme çıkmaz!

Siyaset bilimci ve Radikal gazetesi yazarı Nuray Mert, Ergenekon operasyonunu değerlendirdi...

Darbe iddialarına askeri değil, sivil mahkeme bakar

Sırada Türkiye'deki İsrail hedefleri vardı

Büyük Otağ' projesi start alıyor

‘Türkiye’yi yöneten 50 kişi’

Dink raporu: İstihbarat birimlerinin iletişim zafiyeti

‘Babam yaşasaydı eğer Erdoğan’a el verirdi ama kulağını da çekerdi’

CHP: Emekli subaylar kuşku yaratmamalı

Savcının 'çok gizli' üç tanığı kim?

İddianamede Hizbullah ve İBDA-C bağlantısı

Hizbullah ve İBDA-C de iddianamede

‘Tanık Koruma’ üç hafta önce kuruldu

Org. Yaşar Büyükanıt'ı Eruygur mu karaladı?

Askeri değil sivil bakar

Canlı kalkan olmuş

’Savcıya soruşturmayı reddeden karar iptal edilsin’ başvurusu

Ergenekon’un tam 17 gizli tanığı var

Mesut Yılmaz bana 'İslam saldırgan bir din' dedi

Karargahta konuşulanlar

Hilmi Özkök'ten 'Havet' taktiği

Davalar rövanş

1 zanlı tutuklandı

Seçmen, demokrasi dışı müdahalelere prim vermiyor

Fikri Sağlar'dan Ergenekon için ilginç öneri

İşte F-Tipi evliliğin hikáyesi

Ayışığı ve Sarıkız darbe planları çarşamba günü Meclis'e geliyor

Hurşit Tolon’dan mesaj var

İlk testten memnun

Son Dakika Milliyet Hürriyet Zaman

Cengiz Çandar

Ahmet Taşgetiren

Ruşen - Çakır Gül, Erdoğan ve diğerleri El Kaide ile yüzleşmeyi daha fazla erteleyemezler -- Saldırı Ergenekon kokmuyor, çünkü...

Taha Akyol İddianamede ne var, ne yok?

Fikret Bila Obama, ‘soykırım’ dedirtemedi

Hasan Cemal

Murat Yetkin Özkök’ün yemeğini evden getirdiği günler

İsmet Berkan Resim daha da belirginleşti Maksat üzüm yemek değil bağcıyı dövmek mi?

Fehmi Koru Yandı gülüm keten helva Bakışsız bir kedi kara

Taha Kıvanç Sefertası taşıyan komutan

Hüseyin Gülerce Aydın Doğan'ın açıklaması

Şamil Tayyar Ergenekon’u çökerten isimler

Ömer Taşpınar Ergenekon and ‘the banality of evil’

Mehmet Altan MİT’in Ergenekon listesi...

Mustafa Karaalioğlu Avukatlar ve savcılar

Ardan Zentürk Tağmaç-Özkök hattı...

Eser Karakaş Bu kriz bir fırsata dönüşmeli

Nasuhi Güngör İstanbul saldırısı ve din tartışmaları

Ercan Çitlioğlu: Konsolosluk saldırısı devşirme militan işi

Mustafa Akyol İslam adına terör

Serdar Akinan Ruhlarınızı nasıl yıkayacağız sizin?

Ragıp Duran: Egemen medya iktidara yapışan kene gibidir

İsmail Küçükkaya
Türkiye’nin rotası...

Ali Bayramoğlu

Yasemin Çongar

Ertuğrul Özkök

Komitacılık ve ‘Harbiyeli aldanmaz’ duygusu


Osman Ulagay Ampule pervane ‘aydınlar’

Ahmet Hakan Abartma bacım Hilmi Paşa putu yıkılsın

M Ali Birand

Fatih Çekirge Askeri mahkeme olacak mı

Şükrü Küçükşahin Sevdim bu Ergenekon soruşturmasını

Tufan Türenç Kitle gazeteciliğinden militan gazeteciliğe

Cüneyt Ülsever İddianame nihayet açıklanacak

Enis Berberoğlu Bir caddeden 8 kez çöp toplanan kent

Oktay Ekşi Ağızdaki bakla

Özdemir İnce CHP muhalefeti

Mehmet Y Yılmaz Bugünün Türkiye’sinde solcu olmak

Seyfettin Gürsel Ordu-siyaset ilişkisinde dört temel çıkmazımız

Ekrem Dumanlı Ergenekon: Yeni bir çıkış yolu

Bülent Korucu Turnusol kâğıdı olarak Ergenekon

Ali Bulaç Dindarlar ve demokrasi

İhsan Yılmaz Post-Ergenekon Turkey

Doğu Ergil Rationale for the coups

İhsan Dağı Note: Anti-democratic forces are also anti-Western

Solcuların kafası her yerde karışık...


Kürşat Bumin Bu noktaya nasıl geldik

[CAFE CAPITAL] Constitutional Court’s error to be rectified by people

Sabahattin Önkibar TSK'da hesaplaşma görüntüsü!


'Hayali' Bağlantılar!

Tehdit altında olan cumhuriyet değil, 12 Eylül rejimi

Ergenekon tutuklamaları geçici bir ittifakı gösteriyor


8. 'Nihat Genç kına yaksın'

Bülent KENEŞ Critical day

ERDAL ŞAFAK Türkiye kompleksi

ENGİN ARDIÇ Bereket heriflerde muhayyile yok birader! Bizim oğlan okumasın, dersaneci olsun

ERGUN BABAHAN Selanik, tarih ve Türkiye

Ömer Lütfi MeteAydınlanma İmanı (III)

Mehmet Metiner Darbeciye ‘hürriyet kahramanı’ denmez!


Umur Talu

HASAN BÜLENT KAHRAMAN Yanlış sivilliğin zoru


MEHMET BARLAS AK Parti "Batıcı" olunca mı CHP treni raydan çıktı... Abdüllatif Şener çete değil bir siyasi parti kuruyor...

MAHMUT ÖVÜR 'Yönetenlere hain diyenler darbe de yapar’

YAVUZ DONAT 1- Seçimden sonraki ilk Patalya toplantısı 1- Milli Egemenlik Hareketi

Mustafa Mutlu

Mehmet Tezkan

Can Ataklı

Okay Gönensin

Okay Gönensin



Ercan Kumcu Kazanımların bazıları geri veriliyor İhtiyari programın uygulaması da ihtiyari olabilir

Erdal Sağlam Merkez Bankası üzerine tehlikeli oyunlar

IMF hükümetin kararını bekliyor

Erdoğan-Sarkozy kapatma davasını konuştu

Güngör Uras Para kazanmayı bırak, para getirmeye bak!

Cari açığa aldıran yok

Deniz Gökçe
Carry Trade, ABD Resesyonu ve Osman Ulagay!

Asaf Savaş Akat

İlk çeyrekte Türkiye’nin dış borcu

H4 New York Times My Plan for Iraq By BARACK OBAMA The United States should withdraw from Iraq, but responsibly. On my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war.

U.S. Considers Increasing Pace of Iraq Pullout The Bush administration is considering the withdrawal of additional forces starting in September, as the need for troops in Afghanistan becomes more pressing.

Drowning in Riches By KENNETH M. POLLACK

The Middle East may be experiencing an economic boom, but the way that the rising revenues are being spent will more likely worsen the region’s instability over time.

9 Americans Die in Afghan Attack The attack was the worst against Americans in Afghanistan in three years and illustrated the growing threat of Taliban militants and their associates

The United States should withdraw from Iraq, but responsibly.

ROGER COHEN Scandinavia's Scarred Mr. Dialogue Norway, a NATO ally, insists on engagement with enemies and has kept channels open to Hamas and Syria. It believes the United States and the West have lost opportunities by shunning them.

Government as the Big Lender


For millions of Americans, the government has morphed from lender of last resort into effectively the only lender.

Sarkozy Helps to Bring Syria Out of Isolation

Man Arrested After Attack in Istanbul Is Charged

Treasury Acts to Save Mortgage Giants The announcement of a plan to inject billions of dollars in loans and investments was intended to show the government would stand behind the beleaguered companies. Text of Paulson Statement (ustreas.gov)

PAUL KRUGMAN Fannie, Freddie and You While Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are problematic institutions, they aren’t responsible for the mess we’re in.


McCain’s Conservative Model? Roosevelt (Theodore) In an interview, Senator John McCain called for a government that is frugal but more active than many conservatives might prefer.

Transcript: The Times Interviews John McCain

FRANK RICH The Real-Life ‘24’ of Summer 2008 Are we safe? As Al Qaeda and the Taliban surge this summer, that single question is even more urgent than the moral and legal issues attending torture.

MAUREEN DOWD No Ice Cream, Senator? Was Barack Obama irritated that he had exposed his daughters to a television interview or that his kids exposed more delicious details about his finicky, abstemious tastes?

Dissident’s Tale of Epic Escape From Iran’s Vise Free after years in Iranian prisons, a well-known dissident provides a rare window on Iran under its ruling clerics.

Why Darfur Still Bleeds By NEIL MacFARQUHAR Peacekeepers face tough logistics. And there’s no peace to keep.

Posturing and Abdication

While George W. Bush no longer denies the science of climate change, he still insists on putting the concerns of industry over the needs of the planet.

2,691 Decisions After 30 years of This v. That, the Supreme Court still poses its conundrum of continuity and change.

Long Protected by Washington, Fannie and Freddie Ballooned

What’s Next in the Law? The Unalienable Rights of Chimps

If apes are given the right to humane treatment, it just might become harder to deny that same right to their human cousins.


The Character of Optimism

I’ll remember Tony Snow more for his character than his career.

H5 Washington Post U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces Long-Term Agreement Will Fall to Next President

Bye-Bye, Bush Doctrine By Derek Chollet and James Goldgeier, And McCain and Obama shouldn't be so eager to formulate ones of their own.

Editorial The Mullahs Say Maybe

Missiles fly as Tehran toys with an international offer of negotiations about its nuclear program.

Jitters Over Iran By Jim Hoagland, At the strong urging of the Bush administration, Israel has pulled back from threatening to bomb Iran's nuclear enrichment program and has joined the U.S.-led effort to give coercive diplomacy with Tehran a (time-limited) chance.

An Army That Learns By David Ignatius, The U.S. Army has done something remarkable in its new history of the disastrous first 18 months of the American occupation of Iraq: It has conducted a rigorous self-critique of how bad decisions were made, so that the Army won't make them again.

Terms of (Dis)Engagement

» Jackson Diehl| How Obama could adjust his Iraq withdrawal plan without disappointing his base.

Back in the USSR?

» Leon Aron| There are troubling similarities between today's Russia and Leonid Brezhnev's Soviet Union.

Oil Paranoia » Robert D. Novak | Speculation is not a major contributor to the oil spike.

Strong Buy » Sebastian Mallaby

| The best shot at taming Fannie and Freddie is to bring them into the goverment.

McCain Math »

Editorial | His plan to balance the budget by 2013 won't work.

Oil's Weird Week Steven Mufson | Prices slide $10, then rebound. Airlines cry foul. Analysts warn of a bubble. What do you think?

ANALYSIS Recent Bush Victories Smell of Compromise Lately, President Employs a Little-Used Tool

Overstating Our Fears By Glenn L. Carle, Our leaders exaggerate the threat we face from small, miserable men like Osama Bin Laden.

Clashes Erupt in Pakistan's NW; Adm. Mullen Makes Surprise Visit

An Electric Moment By Andrew S. Grove, Increasing our reliance on electricity may help us decrease our reliance on oil.

One Cannot Choose but Wonder

By Chris Cillizza, With the national party conventions less than two months away, the speculation over who John McCain and Barack Obama will pick as their seconds in command is heating up. The Fix's top five picks (5 being least likely to be chosen, 1 the most) for each party are below.

Shanghai, a Star in Eclipse China's Sparkling Economic Hub Outshone by Dour Olympic Host Beijing

Accord in North Korea Talks

Nations Approve Nuclear Inspections but Still Lack Timetable

H6 Guardian Britain's backing Obama: Democrat beats McCain by five votes to one Poll lead may have as much to do with high profile and recognition factor as it does policies

Nine US troops die in Taliban assault Nato-led effort to subdue insurgents suffers one of its heaviest blows since 2001 invasion

At last, a true moderniser in Moscow. Why punish him? Jonathan Steele: Despite western howls of suspicion, Medvedev is Russia's first post-Soviet leader. It would be lunacy to kick him into the cold

Love tops agenda at 'Club Med'

Olmert, Abbas and Assad among line-up at summit that commits to 'peace, stability and security'

If he flips, he will flop Editorial: If Britons elected American presidents, Barack Obama would have no worries

Brown wants eight new nuclear plants New stations part of a 'nuclear renaissance' as oil price fears and climate change push agenda

Fed launches rescue plan for stricken Freddie and Fannie

FTSE at lowest level since October 2005 as dealers seek rescue deal for US's largest mortgage lenders

The Observer The heretic

Investigation: How Al-Qaeda's mastermind turned his back on terror. By Lawrence Wright

The heretic - part two

The heretic - part three

The world is waiting to love America again Editorial: What of Britain? With Obama's election, the notion of a political 'special relationship' will fade

Succour for Mugabe is shameful

Editorial: The decision by China and Russia to veto UN sanctions against the regime of Robert Mugabe has raised fresh concerns about the role of the Security Council

US elections: Hunt is on for a female Veep The way is open for women to join the candidates as vice-presidential running mates and vote-winners

'This prosecution will endanger the people we wish to defend in Sudan'

Julie Flint and Alex de Waal: President Bashir is about to be accused of war crimes in Darfur by the International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor. But going after him is a mistake

On the fêtes turn Sarkozy's fate

Andrew Hussey: This is the turning-point in the year when all French people reflect on the past 12 months


Pentagon Fights Peace Majorities in US and Iraq - Tom Hayden, The Nation

Finding a silver lining in the Iraq cloud

IF THERE is ever a TV series about the American adventure in Iraq it might be called "Unintended Consequences Gone Wild." The war strategically weakened the United States, strengthened Iran, undermined democracy promotion, and gave Al Qaeda and the Taliban time to regroup - and that would just be season one. But the latest episode, the unintended Iraqi consensus opposing ... (By Daniel Levy and Michael Wahid Hanna, Boston Globe)

Al Awsat Low Expectations and the New Lebanese Government : Tariq Alhomayed

A Very Tangled Web : Amir Taheri

Daily Star Europe and the US differ significantly on democratization
By Waleed Sadi

We may be nearing the truth on neo-liberal failure By Joseph E. Stiglitz

The US-Iran game is just getting serious By Rami G. Khouri

EU success requires a retuned Franco-German engine By Ulrike Guerot

The Rise of the Rest: How the Ascent of Russia and China Affects Global Business and Security

CSIS International Economic Policy in a Globalized World

We're Not Leaving Iraq - American Enterprise Institute

Iran and the Problem of Evil

Iran's Nuclear Program: Status

Mediterranean Summit: Between French Hopes and Arab Realities
Arab Reform Bulletin

BBC Staying or going?

Iraqi leaders face dilemma over future of US troops

Demand for Oil Will Only Increase as Populations Continue to Grow
Source: Negative Population Growth The End of Fossil Fuels Part 1. How Long the Twilight?
+ The End of Fossil Fuels Part 2: Twilight or Dawn?
+ The New American Century?

Saudi Arabia: Domestic Workers Face Harsh Abuses
Source: Human Rights Watch

ICC: Good Progress Amid Missteps in First Five Years
Source: Human Rights Watch

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq

US Unlikely to Leave Iraq Anytime Soon

Newfound Iraqi Confidence Pleases, Worries US

U.S., Iraq Scale Down Negotiations Over Forces

Nouri al-Maliki ready to oust US from Iraq green zone

U.S. considers increasing pace of Iraq pullout

Newly formed Mediterranean union wants to rid Mideast of WMDs

Iraq's oil ministry set to sign deals for new refineries

Sadr's Militia May Live to Fight Again

Iran Would Allow US Diplomatic Office

Iraqi Official Denies US, Iraq Abandoning Troop Deal

Syria's Assad Says Peace With Israel Possible Within Two Years

Ahmadinejad Says He Met 'Occupying Commander' in Iraq

Iranian Press Menu 13 July 08

Syrian Leader Calls "Potential" Ties With Israel "Normal" Not "Normalization"

Imam's arrest fuels Shia rivalry

Sleiman and Assad agree to exchange embassies

WORLD NEWS: Assad makes remarkable comeback with Paris trip

British government 'to pull troops out of Iraq by mid-2009'...

H9 Ha’aretz Syria sources to Haaretz: We'll grant no goodwill gestures to weak Olmert Israel, Turkey seek formula that would bring U.S. into negotiations to push Syria to agree to direct talks

Report: U.S. official says Israel has 'amber light' for Iran strike

Attacking Iran to get the world's attention?

Now is the time to talk

U.S. pressures Israel: No bombing of Iran (WTR)

Did Mossad chief Meir Dagan pay a visit to the White House? (WTR)

Zvi Bar'el: France is a friend of the Arabs because U.S. is a friend of Israel

Obama: I used 'poor phrasing' in undivided Jerusalem remark U.S. presidential hopeful says meant to state in AIPAC speech that J'lem should be cohesive, coherent

Tehran slams McCain for saying cigarettes could be used to kill Iranians

PM aide: Israel has no intention of giving Hezbollah Shaba

Prevent the next disgrace

Jerusalem Post Advice for Assad
The Mediterranean conference offers the Syrian president a chance to achieve an historic breakthrough.

PM to Assad: Don't delay direct talks

Let's help out the bad, but less mad


'Alternatives' to logic won't work


Yedioth Ahronoth 'Deal possible within 2 years'
Assad says it could take from six months to two years to reach Israel-Syria peace agreement if both sides agree to face-to-face talks; adds he did not shake hands with PM Olmert in Paris because 'we're not looking for symbols'

Surgical strike on Olmert/ Barnea

End the embarrassment

Hanoch Daum calls on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to do the right thing and step down

Daily Alert.orgHebrew Press Editorials (2008) - Middle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

From TNR, Josie Delap and Robert Lane Greene on the Arab world vs. Barack Obama

how Islam and Christianity have dealt differently with their Jewish roots—and what that means for anti-Semitism today

Israeli Perspectives on the Palestine Refugee Issue Chatham House A 12-page briefing paper giving an Israeli perspective on the Palestine refugee issue

The Past as Prelude? Negotiating the Palestinian Refugee Issue Chatham House

Birthright program sends young Jews to Israel on group trips, free of charge

Israeli PM says peace deal with Palestinians closer than ever

Daily Star Why the Gaza cease-fire might hold
By Paul Scham

Israel 'close' to Mid-East deal

Israeli and Palestinian leaders express their optimism for peace at a summit of EU and Mediterranean leaders in Paris.

Israel-Hezbollah swap 'this week' A planned prisoner exchange between Israel and Hezbollah will take place on Wednesday, Israeli officials say.

American / Isreali Dual Citizens in the American Government

H10 Christian Science Monitor U.S. and Iraq near a 'bridge' deal on status of U.S. troops By the end of July, they hope to finalize a deal that would map out the role and "time horizon" for US troops in the country.

Energy-addicted U.S. can learn a lot from Europe We still chill buildings as if they're housing penguins.

Sudan to ICC: Darfur violence may increase if you indict President Bashir Sudan called for an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers Sunday as word spread that the International Criminal Court may indict President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes.

'I'm joining the military' shouldn't be a jaw-dropper Giving back to the nation isn't about where you stand on war.

Mortgage giants falter Trouble at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have broad impact.


From The Wilson Quarterly, the Atlantic and Pacific now dominate the world’s politics and trade, but the Indian Ocean is emerging as a new locus of power that increasingly unites China, India, the Middle East, and Africa.

Carnegie China's Economic Rise—Fact and Fiction

Spending Bill Suggests Long US Afghan Stay

Mullen Visit Feeds Pakistani Worry of US Attack

Insurgents kill nine U.S. troops in Afghanistan, official says

Reporters’ Guide to Covering the Beijing Olympics (PDF: 2.2 MB)Source: Human Rights Watch

Afghan Paper Urges Chief of US Forces in Middle East to Pressure Pakistan

Afghanistan's 'sons of the soil' rise up With the Taliban proving increasingly difficult to defeat militarily, and with the Western coalition reluctant to negotiate with any Taliban or al-Qaeda radicals, an uneasy stalemate has been reached in Afghanistan. Pakistan sees this as an opportunity to regain its position as a key player in the affairs of its neighbor by elevating moderate "sons of the soil" Taliban as the people to negotiate with. This is already happening in Pakistan's tribal areas. - Syed Saleem Shahzad

China's army still getting to know itself Some 2,500 years of practicing military philosopher Sun Tzu's creed of "Know the enemy and know yourself" have not been wasted on China. The People's Liberation Army still has an active program of self-evaluation and is well aware of its strengths and weaknesses, especially in relation to the military might of the United States

Middle Kingdom deciphered
Smoke and Mirrors by Pallavi Aiyar
This nuanced analysis from the first and only Chinese-speaking Indian foreign correspondent to reside in China deciphers the Middle Kingdom in a witty and illuminative account that has flashes of a classic. Aiyar soaks into Chinese culture, society, economics and politics and reaps rich rewards by capturing what every author dreams of - the essence of the subject matter. - Sreeram Chaulia

H11 IHT Bold Mediterranean summit opens diplomatic doors

The leaders of 43 nations inaugurated a new Union for the Mediterranean that is designed to bring the northern and southern countries that ring the sea closer together.

Sarkozy helps to bring Syria out of isolation French President Nicolas Sarkozy's "Union for the Mediterranean," represented an end to the diplomatic isolation of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, who has long been ostracized by the West.

Man arrested after attack in Istanbul is charged One of the suspects detained in connection with the attack on the United States Consulate in Istanbul was formally charged with membership in an illegal organization.

Merkel ally opposes Obama speech in Berlin

A former guerrilla who wants to lead his country again Ramush Haradinaj, who was prime minister of UN-administered Kosovo for 100 days before surrendering to The Hague in March 2005, vows to once again lead the newborn country.

EUROPE European press review

Carnegie The European Union and the Start of the French Presidency

EU Trade Policy: Approaching a Crossroads Chatham House

Europe and the Mediterranean: Eyeing Other Shores
Chatham House

Extended Governance: The European Union's Policies towards it's Neighbours

CFR A Mediterranean Rendezvous

CEPS The logic of leaving oil in the ground

France's Broken Social Model - Jurgen Reinhoudt, RealClearPolitics

Russian Oil Slows After U.S. Pact, Czechs Say

Mediterranean union is launched

French President Nicolas Sarkozy launches a Union for the Mediterranean, aimed at ending Mid-East conflict.

Mardell's Europe

Sarkozy diplomacy bears fruit with joint plans for Med

France rejects veiled Muslim wife A French court denies citizenship to a Muslim woman, saying her practice of "radical" Islam is incompatible with French values


Taking on Russia's Ubiquitous Bribery

Newly elected president Dmitry Medvedev pledges to introduce new anti-corruption legislation as part of a broad campaign to reduce bribery

Two New Russia and Eurasia Program Publications

Google News Azerbaijan


Armenia: Getting Serious About Corruption? Armenian leaders have pledged that they will wage an all-out fight against corruption, but some observers doubt how far that fight can actually go, and to what extent politics drives the campaign.

H13 The Times

Nine US soldiers killed in attack on base Nine US soldiers killed in attack on base

Sunday Times Iraq ready to oust US from green zone The green zone of Baghdad may soon be handed over to Iraqi control if the increasingly assertive government gets its way

Exclusive:Bush lobbyist in ‘cash for access’ row Access offered to key figures, including Cheney and Rice, in return for donations to Bush library

Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran As the government in Tehran tests new missiles, America believes that only a show of force can deter President Ahmadinejad

Europe faces Russian nuclear threat Experts believe that President Medvedev could aim nuclear weapons at western Europe for the first time since the cold war

Sanctions are a war waged by cowards Nothing is more arrogant than a powerful nation’s belief in the efficacy of all it does

Simon Jenkins

This recession could easily tip into a depression The experience of the 1930s makes me think that the present downturn will be relatively long and difficult

William Rees-Mogg

Is society really broken? David Cameron's rhetoric about the social fabric is unduly pessimistic and could lead him to the wrong solutions to crime and poverty

Club Med

A new Atlantic right rediscovers society The British way of life is as crucial to British success as any economics or government programme

Oil and credit woes fuel long summer of discontent

Wall Street Journal Foreign Courts Take Aim at Our Free Speech
By Arlen Specter And Joe Lieberman Terror suspects are now working to undermine the First Amendment.

Escape From Iran
Reclaiming freedom, dignity and the value of life. Review & Outlook

U.S. Bolsters Fannie, FreddieThe U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve sought to shore up confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with a plan that placed the federal government firmly behind the mortgage giants. The move also calls for a provision to give the Fed a "consultative role" in setting capital requirements and other standards for the lenders

H14 Financial Times Contested Caucasus: Abkhazia enters ring A post-Soviet ‘frozen conflict’ is heating up as Moscow steps up its support for the enclave

Breakthrough for Syria and Lebanon in Paris The European Union and its Mediterranean neighbours launched a new platform for their relationship on Sunday at a summit boosted by a promise from Lebanon and Syria to open embassies in each other’s capital

Georgia urges more pressure on Russia Mikheil Saakashvili, the Georgian president, appeals for western support at the ‘highest level’ in Tbilisi’s worsening dispute with Moscow over Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Ireland weighs up options over EU crisis Dublin moves to address the crisis thrown up by Irish rejection of the EU’s Lisbon reform treaty by commissioning an opinion poll to find out why its citizens voted as they did

German government and Barack Obama’s campaign team seek to settle a dispute over his plan to give a speech in Berlin as part of a tour of the Middle East and Europe

Rescue plan for US mortgage giants In a dramatic effort to quell the crisis surrounding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the US government on Sunday night announced that it will seek unlimited authority from Congress to lend money to the troubled mortgage groups and invest in their equity

US allies to press Obama over Iran Presidential candidate to tour Europe and Mideast

Barack Obama is coming to town Europe’s leaders must convince the Democratic presidential candidate that on the major issues confronting the world, the region is united and wants to go on mattering

WORLD NEWS: Assad makes remarkable comeback with Paris trip

Nine US soldiers killed in Afghanistan An assault by insurgents on an Afghan army and Nato outpost in north-eastern Afghanistan results into one of the worst days for foreign troops casualties since 2001

FT REPORT - AEROSPACE 2008: Eurofighter numbers are up in the air as partners put cost cuts in their sights

Olmert hits back on graft investigation The battle between Israel’s prime minister and police and prosecutors sharpened as one of his lawyers accused the authorities of trying to ‘ruin’ the country’s elected leader

White House hopeful on Iraq troops deal The White House said it remained hopeful of striking a deal with the Iraqi government over the future status of US forces in the country but failed to deny reports it had abandoned efforts to negotiate a long-term agreement

The wrong tools to tackle rising inflation In the long run, waiting for cheap alternative energies is right, but without a short-term answer we may never get there, writes Wolfgang Münchau

Guarantees for America’s guarantors Fannie and Freddie’s doom has been foretold countless times – and yet, at the same time, has been regarded as unthinkable. Now the question is, will they survive, writes Clive Crook

Hot money poses risks to China’s stability As it grows clear the country must revalue its currency, more and more people are bringing cash in, say Michael Pettis and Logan Wright

H15 Los Angeles Times New Saudi Arabia university will have a Western feel

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology will feature coed classes, a curriculum in English and other touches seen as dangerous liberalism by Islamic fundamentalists

Iraq's public-sector employees get a salary boost

But will it be enough to bring back the many professionals who have fled the country?

43 nations to seek Middle East free of WMDs


Hezbollah and allies get key ministries in Lebanon's new Cabinet

Hezbollah wages on-air war against U.S. The militant group's Al Manar TV channel, accessible throughout the Middle East and online, uses its programs to criticize American policies daily

Hezbollah and allies get key ministries in Lebanon's new Cabinet

North Korea agrees to dismantle reactor by October, grant inspections

U.S. announces rescue plan for Fannie, Freddie

The government seeks to provide financial backup to the battered firms amid rising home loan defaults.

H16 American Politics

Los Angeles Times:
Obama, McCain agree on many once-divisive issues

Gallup: Gallup Daily: Obama Maintains Advantage

The Times Interviews John McCain

Frank Rich / New York Times:

The Real-Life ‘24’ of Summer 2008

Ryan Lizza / New Yorker:

MAKING IT — How Chicago shaped Obama.

Barack Obama doesn't rule out Hillary Clinton for vice president

John McCain 'technology illiterate' doesn't email or use internet

From Christianity Today, a review of The Scandal of Evangelical Politics: Why Are Christians Missing the Chance to Really Change the World? by Ronald J. Sider;

Promises to Keep

By MATT BAI When Barack Obama and John McCain vow to be reformers, what do they mean

Ewen MacAskill / Guardian:
Cash pours in for John McCain

McCain's Conservative Model? Roosevelt (Theodore)

Fueling VP speculation, Obama heading to Iraq with Hagel, Reed

Polls: Obama ahead by eight

NEWSWEEK: McCain, Obama in Dead Heat...

N. Gregory Mankiw / New York Times: What if the Candidates Pandered to Economists?

Will the Real Obama Please Stand? - Michael Goodwin, NY Daily News

Maureen Dowd / New York Times:

No Ice Cream, Senator? — Barack Obama may make it to the Rose Garden, but he'll still be an orchid. For all his attempts to act like a sturdy American perennial, he's a genuine hothouse flower, and everything he is and does is cultivated.

realclearpolitics memeorandum ABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

Stephen Payne: a hotshot lobbyist who can get you into White House — A lobbyist offered access to Dick Cheney and other US leaders in return for a donation to the Bush library

Are Democrats and Republicans finally agreeing on a new economic philosophy?

61 flip-flops and counting: Here's a list of clear 180-degree switches by John McCain on the biggest issues of the day

GOP Doesn't Know How to Attack Obama - David Broder, Washington Post

Conservatives Still Uninspired - Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard

H17 Daily Telegraph Uniting the Med Nicolas Sarkozy's plan for a "Mediterranean Union" is geographically ambitious, but politically modest.

Bill scuppers Hillary's VP plans Bill Clinton seen as liability to wife as Obama running mate.

China's £4.5 billion scramble for Africa Modern-day drive to buy up continent's mineral wealth.

Sarkozy urges peace at 'Club Med' Nicolas Sarkozy scored a diplomatic coup by gathering 42 leaders, and some foes, to launch his Union for the Mediterranean

The poor can't worry about global warming You can be the party of the environment or you can be the party of the poor, but you can't be both - at least not at the same time, says Janet Daley.

Sunday Telegraph Pawns on the Russian chessboard Over the past eight years, Russia has recovered both confidence and capability, says Edward Lucas. But to do what?

Globalisation is a bonus

Jim O'Neill, chief economist of Goldman Sachs, urges Britain to resist a retreat into insular protectionism

Pawns on the Russian chessboard Over the past eight years, Russia has recovered both confidence and capability, says Edward Lucas. But to do what?

H18 Independent Bush to hasten Iraq troop withdrawal in bid to help McCain win White House

Sadr's militia may live to fight again

Sarkozy revels in Club Med 'bringer of peace' role A gargantuan summit of European and Middle Eastern leaders in Paris has produced a series of breakthroughs and diplomatic coups for the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Brown sets 'no limit' on number of reactors to be built Gordon Brown is to fast-track the building of at least eight nuclear power stations to cut Britain's dependence on oil following its dramatic rise in price.

H19 Military Intelligence Terrorism

Andrew Bacevich goes Inside Rumsfeld's Pentagon;

18 Months in Iraq the Army Won't Forget - David Ignatius, Washington Post

Al-Qaeda's Heretic - Lawrence Wright, The Guardian

Glenn Greenwald / Salon:
Torture and the rule of law

H20 Slate The World Needs More Speculators Stop demonizing the investors who are betting heavily on oil prices. Tim Harford

The organisation of denial: Conservative think tanks and environmental scepticism
Source: Environmental Politics

A Replication Study of Alan Blinder’s “How Many U.S. Jobs Might Be Offshorable?” (PDF; 654 KB)
Source: Harvard Business School Working Papers

From Counterpunch, are there really oil wars?

From Ethics & International Affairs, Campbell Craig (Southampton): The Resurgent Idea of World Government

From Harvard Magazine, an article on the causes and consequences of the wide—and growing—gap between rich and poor.

The World’s 10 Youngest Leaders


From Scientific American, a cover story on the migration history of humans: DNA study traces human origins across the continents (and more and more).

Here's the full text of The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory for the the Behavioral Sciences and the full text of A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and its Evolution, by Herbert Gintis

With Age Comes Happiness Contrary to stereotypes, studies suggest that elderly Americans are happier than younger ones

The web is the most conservative force on Earth: Charles Leadbeater on how digital technology has made us a society of mass archivers.

internet and its enemies: A chorus of Cassandras claim that the internet is ruining our brains; Christian Lorentzen clicks through the evidence

here's Walter Benjamin’s last, unpublished report to Max Horkheimer on the literary situation in France.

From Counterpunch, are there really oil wars?

Sane sanitation We all produce a rich resource in our homes and then spend millions of dollars to throw it away. A new philosophy says there are smarter ways to think about waste. (By Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow, Boston Globe)

Killer Work Ethic Death from too much work is so commonplace in Japan there is a word for it, karoshi, yet the government largely fails to set overtime limits as the rules remain vague and weakly enforced

Richard J. Bishirjian (Yorktown): Why I Am a Conservative.

The Spirit of '78 By Kenneth S. Baer, Everyone's talking about 1968, but to understand 2008, you only have to look back 30 years.

When Human Rights Extend to Nonhumans Should apes be treated like people? Which apes? Which people?

Believing is seeing By ERROL MORRIS Digitally altered photographs can easily fool the eye but they often leave telltale footprints that allow them to be unmasked as forgeries

Web 2.0: The Future of Collaborative Government
Source: Deloitte LLP Attachments
Chart 1: Big Ideas (796 KB)
Chart; 1-page PDF
Chart 2: Future of Collaborative Government (1252 KB)
Chart; 1-page PDF
Chart 3: Web 2:0 - Implementation (1408 KB)
Chart; 1-page PDF
Chart 4: Web 2.0 (1321 KB)
Chart; 1-page PDF
Closing the Gap on Transformation (1925 KB)
Presentation; 18-page PDF
Grass Roots Government and Web 2.0 (44 KB)
Presentation; 10-page PDF

Google News Slate Today's Papers SWJ Blog Media Roundup CFR Daily Brief CFR Daily Opinion Roundup memeorandum antiwar.com book forum FBIS University Channel DocuTicker Arts & Letters Daily PolicyPointers cursor raw story fora.tv

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
“Zafer İlan Et ve Kaç:” ABD ve Afganistan’dan “Sorumluca” Çekilmenin Mantığı 23 Haziran 2011
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Türkiye Beşar’a Ne Demeli? Suriye'de “52 Cuma” Reformsuz Geçmez 20 Nisan 2011
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“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
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Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
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"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
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Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
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ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
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ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
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'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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