2 January 2008
  January 02, 2008

010208f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 FT An Ottoman warning for indebted America Niall Ferguson on empires past and present. As in the 1870s the balance of financial power is shifting. Then, the move was from the ancient oriental empires (not only the Ottoman but also the Persian and Chinese) to western Europe. Today the shift is from the US – and other western financial centres – to the autocracies of the Middle East and east Asia.

Foreign Policy A World Without Islam Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Ask the Author: Graham Fuller

Analysis: Military slew Bhutto -- sources By CLAUDE SALHANI
UPI Contributing Editor Bhutto was assassinated on orders of lower- and middle-level officers of the Pakistani army and air force ,according to various intelligence sources, including members of India's counterintelligence service

UPI. Walker's World: A non-boring 2008 By MARTIN WALKER Americans may be forgiven for thinking that this new year will be dominated by their intriguing and hard-fought Presidential election, but the rest of the world is likely to focus instead on financial crisis, climate change and the meltdown of the only Muslim nuclear power.

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

What about Pakistan’s Nukes? – Graham Allison, Newsweek

ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT Syria's foreign politics France gives up on Syria, over Lebanon

Military Use of Unmanned Aircraft Soars... US military's reliance on drones rises to more than 500,000 hours in the air.

IHT Russia goes its own way By RAY TAKEYH AND NIKOLAS GVOSDEV In its dealings with Tehran, Moscow will no longer acquiesce to an agenda set by Washington.

Washington Post The World Needs You, America

» Moisés Naím| A yearning for U.S. leadership will reshape world politics over the next few years.

False Messiah of Pakistan Early Warning | The U.S. needs to forge a different future in Pakistan and stop looking to Musharraf as a savior.

The Times Elections Q&A: what is a caucus? Delegate-picking – everything you need to know but were afraid to ask

The Powers of Petrocracy - Fouad Ajami (U.S. News)

General Petraeus on Iraq Progress - Ralph Peters, New York Post

NYT What’s Your Consumption Factor? By JARED DIAMONDThe world has serious consumption problems, but we can solve them if we choose to do

Iran is banking on Russia
GulfNews Amir Taheri

Not Such a Bad Year After All - Anatole Kaletsky, Times of London

Can Musharraf Survive? – Ron Moreau, Newsweek

YaleGlobal After Bhutto, Pakistan on EdgeAhmed Rashid

Foreign Policy What America Must Do: Reza Aslan

Bilgiler geçici olarak kullanılabilir değil.

Guest Op-Ed: US Foreign Policy; the Principle of Non-Intervention

Midlevel Officers Show Enterprise in Iraq – Greg Jaffe, Wall Street Journal

Surge 101: Lessons from Iraq – Michael Barone, National Review

Yedioth Ahronoth Learn from US mistakes America’s Iraq, Pakistan failures should prompt reassessment of Hamas policy Efraim Halevy

We won’t win in Gaza IDF hasn’t won a war in 30 years; notion that Gaza reoccupation will lead to victory false

DEBKAfile Reports: Iran exploits Pakistan turmoil for nuclear and diplomatic momentum – with no fear of sanctions

Foreign Policy The List: New Year’s Resolutions for World Leaders

Christian Science Monitor

Israeli-Palestinian fatalities drop, but other issues persist In its year-end report, the leading Israeli human rights organization B'tselem noted a roughly 50 percent reduction in fatalities.

Does a safer Iraq mean more US troops can exit? Service member fatalities fell to 21 in December, compared with 126 in May

Eight Possibilities Heading into '08 - Investor's Business Daily

Helena Cobban INSS studies on 33-day war, and the next one?

Juan Cole: Top 10 Challenges Facing the US in the Middle East, 2008

Brookings Assassination Aftermath

Stephen Cohen,

NPR Assessing Iran's Nuclear Goals

FT Economists Survey The results in full

Guardian 2008 will be a year of decision - and survival depends on getting it right
Jonathan Freedland: The entire planet will be affected by the choice of the US electorate. But if he acts boldly, Brown's fate is in his own hands

Wall Street Journal What We Want in a President Ruthlessness is important when it comes to foreign enemies. Charity is essential for domestic opponents. By LAWRENCE B. LINDSEY

Lowy Institute World order under stress: issues & initiatives Download item (246KB PDF)

Independent 2008: The year a new superpower is born

New cultural revolution arrives on a wave of creativity and confidence

Leading article: A strong currency and a powerful Continent

FT Europe’s urgent need for reform Economic outsiders, be they immigrants, the unemployed or newly established businesses, must be given more opportunities to inject fresh dynamism into the eurozone economy

Prepare for a global economic downturn but not a disaster This is not really a ‘subprime’ or ‘credit’ crisis, but a banking crisis, and history has taught us that banking crises do not simply go away, writes Wolfgang Munchau. It will probably linger on for most of the year and may get worse before it gets better

The Destabilization of Pakistan Michel Chossudovsky

RFE/RLNow Comes The Dirty Work The 800-page "Russian Doctrine" sets out a model that resembles neither Tsarist Russia nor the Soviet Union. Instead, it has more in common with Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal in the 1930s

Iran/Azerbaijan: Faith, Oil, And Power Threaten Historic 'Brotherhood' In this village 45 kilometers outside Baku, the capital's boulevards crammed with boutiques give way to a labyrinth of winding, dusty streets. Instead of billboards advertising Gucci fashions or SUVs, there are political slogans daubed in paint on the village's sandstone walls, some praising Ayatollah Khomeini, others proclaiming "Death To America and Israel."

Heritage Achieving Change: What We Can Learn from Margaret Thatcher

H2 BBC Testing times After a turbulent year, 2008 will test Turkey's ability to reform


PostGlobal 2007, Turkey???s Breaking Point » Mustafa Domanic | I worry that 2007 will prove to be the breaking point in modern Turkey's history.

Turkey – U.S. Cooperation – Tulin Daloglu, Washington Times

Report: Al-Qaeda Planning Attacks on Israeli Targets in Turkey

'El Kaide Türkiye'ye sızıyor' iddiası

'Al-Hayat': Turkey mediating between Israel, Syria

'Türkiye, Suriye ve İsrail arasında arabuluculuk yapıyor'

Kürdlerin hiçbir zaman kendi devletleri olmadı

Guardian Arrival of euro boosts Cyprus peace hopes Europe's increasingly strong common currency reaches this fractured corner of the Levant

Turkey and Indonesia Muslim Success Stories Economic Upturn in Egypt

Irak operasyondan önce bilgi istedi

Google News KurdishMedia Kurdish Kurdish Aspect BBC Monitoring

Kürdlerin hiçbir zaman kendi devletleri olmadı

DTP 'demokratik cumhuriyet' diyor

Doğu Ergil Kurds threaten to break from coalition government in Baghdad

Talabani Calls on Turkey's Kurds to Support Erdogan Government

Mağaralardan büyük kaçış

Uyuşturucu trafiğini PKK yönlendiriyor

Genelkurmay: PKK operasyonunda yüklü miktarda uyuşturucu ele geçirildi

Undermining Kurdish Alliance Would be a Mistake

PKK'yı ortadan kaldıracak şey silah değil SEMİR AVAD

Suriye'ye kaçarken Mehmetçik'e yakalandılar

PKK'dan kundaklama itirafı: Araçları biz yaktık

2007'de 745 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

500 kg amonyum nitrat bulundu

Peace Parliament: Solve Kurdish Question in 2008

El Temimi: ” Irak hükümeti Kürt halkını ödüllendirmeli…”

PKK'lılar, sığınakları terk ediyor

Iraqi Kurdistan Region Minister Resigns Over Article 140 Delay

Iraqi President Defends PM Over Article 140 Issue

Uzman komandolar hazır

Operasyon reformlarla desteklenirse PKK biter

Iraqi MPs Comment on Accord Between Kurds and Islamic Party

Türk uçakları Kandil'de keşif uçuşu yaptı

Iraqi Kurdish Press Highlights 31 Dec 07

Iran cuts gas exports to Turkey

UPDATE 4-Iran reduces gas exports to Turkey after Turkmen cut | Markets | Reuters

[Fbis] OSC: Iranian Official Says Gas Problems Will Be Resolved 'By Tomorrow Morning'

Genelkurmay Başkanlığı: Diyarbakır'da uyuşturucu da ele geçirildi

Araç yakan 72 kişi yakalandı

MOBESE'ye yakalandılar

Telsizden yakalandılar

US Forces Detain Kirkuk-Area Mayor

Dağdaki PKK'lıyı 'Roj TV' ele verdi

PKK’s plot to turn new year celebrations into carnage foiled

Milletvekilinin otomobiliyle eroin pazarlığı

PKK sığınağında 550 kilo amonyum nitrat bulundu

Birecik'te PKK üyesi 4 kişi sınırdan geçmeye çalışırken yakalandı

Syria Frees Six Kurds Detained Over Turkey Protest

Şehidin tazminatı için PKK’lılara icra takibi


Dolara karşı ortak fetva!

Televizyonlara uyarı: PKK'nın propagandasına alet olmayın

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

Guardian Arrival of euro boosts Cyprus peace hopes Europe's increasingly strong common currency reaches this fractured corner of the Levant

Rum lider: "Yeni alternatiflerimiz var"

2008 will be decision year for Cyprus problem Cyprus Mail,

Talat 3 Ocak'ta Ankara'ya geliyor

'Çipura değil, hükümranlık'

Özdemir İnce Karanlık kıta Avrupa

Yeni AB dönem başkanı 'Türk' dostu

Kıbrıs ve Malta'da Euro dönemi

Euro'ya geçişin iki adanın ekonomilerini pekiştirmesi umuluyor

Academician responds to Armenian parliament demands

Saadet Oruç Bir yılın karnesi Gelen, gideni aratacak

Kıbrıslı Rumlar 'enosis'i gerçekleştirdi

Profesyonel orduda ikinci adım

Şamil Tayyar Kasten adam öldürmek ve sürpriz astsubay tanık

'Kurtlar'ı şikâyet etmiş

'Diziyi seyredince öldürmek istedim'

Cemil İpekçi: ''Türban serbest kalana kadar defile yapmayacağım''

Petrol Şeyhleri'nin yerini Bor Beyleri alacak

Dikkat! İlaçlar artık devletten

Güngör URAS Bedava gazete "Pek yakında Türkiye'de !"

Burak Erdoğan'ın gemisine 'anayasal hak' açıklaması

İslami basın bölündü!

Ulusal Kanal'a karapara incelemesi

Türk Ocakları'ndan Çetin Doğan raporu: Görevden alınmalı

Şehit aileleri, kendileri için bağışlanan paraları bekliyor

Denizler de BBG evi gibi izlenecek

Police catch mastermind behind planned priest attack

2 Ocak 2008 Basın Özeti

H3 Ruşen Çakır PKK’nın tasfiyesi o kadar kolay değil

Bush, Gül'ü gecikmeden ağırılamak istemiş


Taha AKYOL Kürt meselesi, kökler

Fikret BİLA Beklentiyi yüksek tutmanın sakıncaları

Metehan Demir ABD'ye 4 yıldızlı ziyaret

Cevdet Aşkın Bush-Gül görüşmesinde sınır ötesine 'ince ayar' Ankara emin, Barzani keyifsiz, PKK tedirgin

Baykal "Irak'ta işgalle yapılan Türkiye'de anayasa ile yapılacak"

Nur Vergin AKP, en az 10 yıl daha iktidarda kalır!

2008'de neler yapılmalı? Hasan Celal Güzel

PKK itirafçısından şok sözler

Enis Berberoğlu Kürt Hamas’ı kurulur mu?

İlter Türkmen Oyunun kuralı

Serdar Akinan Başbakan şerefsiz mi?

MUHARREM SARIKAYA Olasılık planlaması...

Esas büyük tehlike!.. Avni Özgürel

PKK'yı Erdoğan siyaseti bitirir

Mehmet Metiner Kuzey Irak izlenimleri II

Kuzey Irak izlenimleri III

Yeni yılda da devam

Türkiye'nin 2008 ufkunda ne var?
Murat Yetkin

PKK'ya mutlu son M.Ali Kışlalı

What Erdoğan offered Bush in return for aerial incursions into northern Iraqby CENAP ÇAKMAK*

Nur Vergin Başörtülü kadın kimdi?

Derviş’i Baykal’a rakip etme planı

Nasuhi Güngör Tartışılmayan bir Irak raporu

[2007'NİN NOT DEFTERİ] Türkiye, önce diplomaside kazandı sonra askerî operasyon düzenledi

PKK yılbaşını kan gölüne çevirecekti

Sami KOHEN Zorluklar ve fırsatlar yılı

Sami KOHEN Bilin bakalım 2008'de ne olacak?

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu Turkey-US relations face danger of collateral damage

Abdülhamit Bilici Üç sorun, üç sonuç

Mustafa Ünal 2008, yeni anayasaya gebe

PKK silah bırakınca... Türker Alkan

Government to expand its foreign policy zone

Cumhurbaşkanı Gül hükümetten geleni onayladı

Türkler 2008 yılından daha umutlu

Derin PKK kundaklıyor; hedefler bilinçli seçiliyor

Şahin Alpay Demokrasiye erken mi geçildi?

Mahkeme söz istiyor Murat Yetkin

Nüfus 2050'de 100 milyonu geçecek

Cengiz Çandar

Bilal Çetin 2007�den 2008�e değişenler, değişmeyenler...

Birand Ermeni Tasarısı yine kapımızı çalacak

Emin Pazarcı Üçlü ittifak

Ahmet Taşgetiren En kritik yıl

Gülay Göktürk Zamanı gelmiş bir fikir

Sebahattin Önkibar Talabani'nin dehşet sözleri yeni Kürt stratejisidir!

Güler Kömürcü 2008: Ekonomik kriz ve istihbarat savaşları yılı mı?

Mustafa Akyol Laiklik bazen despotluk da olabilir

789 TERÖRİST ETKİSİZ HALE GETİRİLDİ Teröre 2007'de büyük darbe

Basın Açıklaması / 01

550 kilogram amonyum nitrat ele geçirildi

Terör örgütünün liderleri kaçırılacak

Hasan CEMAL Bize ilişmeyen haksızlığa karşı sessizlik...

Hasan CEMAL YÖK Başkanı'ndan Genelkurmay Başkanı'na...

2008 hedefi; AB ve sivil anayasa

2007 Milliyet'le böyle geçti

[2007'NİN NOT DEFTERİ] Türkiye, cinayetleri ve terörü konuştu

[2007'NİN NOT DEFTERİ] 367'yle gerilen siyaseti sandık rahatlattı

Köşk’e gelen bütün yasaları onayladı

Davutoğlu dış politikayı CNN Türk'te değerlendirecek

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Günlük Haftalık - Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700 VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç İstanbul ve emlâk avcısı yabancılar

Fehmi Koru Eski defteri kapatırken... Ekonomide umutlanabilir miyiz?

ALİ BAYRAMOĞLU Kendisini en temiz, en beyaz, en haklı sanan "kesim"in 2008 falı


Geçmişi toprağa gömmek…

Godiva milliyetçiliği İsmet Berkan

İBRAHİM KARAGÜLBu dosya aydınlanırsa yer yerinden oynar!

M. Ali BİRAND Çok güzel bir yıl geçireceğiz

Yavuz Baydar Gestures in 2007 give some clues for 2008

Eyüp Can Taha Akyol’un değişimi

Yeni yıl nasıl olsun? İsmet Berkan

İlnur Çevik 2008 will be tough year for the Turks

Ekrem Dumanlı "En iyisi siz kalın, biz gidelim..."

İsmail Küçükkaya İhmal edilen konuların yılı

Serdar Turgut İyi bir yıl

Ali Bulaç

Ertuğrul Özkök Arkadaşım bunu söylerse

Ahmet Hakan Bir İslami yılbaşı gecesinden notlar

Ruhat Mengi

Aydınların kutuplaşmaya katkısı...

M Ali Birand

Cüneyt Ülsever Pakistan nasıl kurtulur? 2008’de dünya! (I)

Hüsnü Mahalli Pakistan gerçekleri - 2

Ali Bulaç Türkiye'den Pakistan

Butto sonrası için üç senaryo

Oktay Ekşi Nereden başlamalı? Bizim de günahımız var

Tufan Türenç 2008 çelişkilerle dolu bir yıl olacak

ERDAL ŞAFAK Asli ve tali



Umur Talu


NAZLI ILICAK 2007'nin "en"leri


YAVUZ DONAT Acı tebessüm

Ankara 2008'de çok 'sıcak' olacak

Tahminlerimi açıklamayacağım
Mahfi Eğilmez

ABDURRAHMAN YILDIRIM2008 ya toparlanma ya düşme yılı

Doğalgaz fiyatına konutta % 7.4, sanayide % 6.5 zam

Ertürk'ün Türkiye analizi ve TMSF deneyimi kitaplaşıyor

Ercan Kumcu 2008’in rotasını IMF ile ilişkiler belirler Ücret ayarlamaları

Ege Cansen Ezber bozma lüksümüz olmadığı yadsınamaz

Erdal Sağlam Umutların korunduğu bir yıl olsun

İBRAHİM KAHVECİ Borçlanarak tüketimimiz artıyor, ama…

İBRAHİM KAHVECİ 2008'de piyasaya yön verecek fiyatlar (dolar)

Sunny LCD TV'yi getiriyor, tüplüyü Mısır'a götürüyor

Hurşit GÜNEŞ 2008 ekonomide mutluluk getirecek mi?

İ.Hüseyin Yıldız 2008’ e bakış

Sosyal güvenlik açıkları Mustafa Aysan

Küreselleşme ve kurumsallaşma! Uğur Gürses

İbrahim öztürk Toward new momentum in economics: facts and figures for Turkey

2008'de dünya ekonomisi Metin Ercan

Osman ULAGAY ABD'de resesyon, dünyada yavaşlama

Güngör URAS 2008, Sayın R.T. Erdoğan'a bağlı

Privatization and IPO winds to blow faster in 2008

Seçim ve küresel ısınma büyümeyi vurdu, ’kötümser’ler haklı mı çıktı

H4 New York Times Days of Rage in Pakistan Leave Lingering Cloud of Uncertainty The mood in Karachi, Pakistan, was reflected by its citizens, who ushered in a new year under a thick shroud of rage and uncertainty

Edwards Calls for Quick Pullout of Troops Training Iraqi Forces John Edwards has staked out a position that would lead to a more rapid and complete troop withdrawal from Iraq than his principal rivals.

What’s Your Consumption Factor? By JARED DIAMONDThe world has serious consumption problems, but we can solve them if we choose to do
Stonewalled by the C.I.A. By THOMAS H. KEAN and LEE H. HAMILTON What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform the 9/11 commission to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront America.

30 Dead in Baghdad’s Worst Attack in Months

U.S. Isn’t Ready to Accept Pakistan’s Initial Findings

Editorial The One Environmental Issue It is not yet clear to what extent Americans are willing to grapple with the implications of any serious strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Economy and the New Year Americans don’t need more denial. They need an unvarnished appraisal of the nation’s economy. Only then is there real hope for starting to turn things around.

U.S. Diplomat and Driver Are Shot Dead in Sudan

Editorial: Looking at America

H5 Washington Post The World Needs You, America

» Moisés Naím| A yearning for U.S. leadership will reshape world politics over the next few years.

False Messiah of Pakistan Early Warning | The U.S. needs to forge a different future in Pakistan and stop looking to Musharraf as a savior.

Pakistani Opposition Weighs Street Protests Panel Yet to Set New Date For Elections That Could Further Weaken Musharraf

Suicide Blast at Baghdad Funeral of Bomb Victim Kills Dozens

Georgia's Ex-Leader Puts In Final Spurt On Comeback Trail Saakashvili Had Resigned Presidency After Criticism of Crackdown on Protests


The Future Pakistan Deserves By Muhammad Nawaz Sharif

Bhutto Doctors Cite Pressure for Silence Doctors who tried to save Benazir Bhutto's life say Pakistani authorities have pressured them to keep quiet.

Musharraf's Allies Want Vote Delayed: Elections Could Be Moved to February

Two Benazir Bhuttos By Anne Applebaum,

The Mendacity of Hope What We Want to Believe About Obama By Richard Cohen

The Dimensions Of the Bubble

» Robert J. Samuelson| How the size of the housing crisis is related to the size of your house.

H6 Guardian Britain has too many flaws to lecture about democracy
Simon Jenkins: Hectoring phone calls from a post-imperial nanny won't help Kenya or Pakistan create stable and prosperous societies

2008 will be a year of decision - and survival depends on getting it right
Jonathan Freedland: The entire planet will be affected by the choice of the US electorate. But if he acts boldly, Brown's fate is in his own hands

How Britain became party to a crime that may have killed a million people

George Monbiot: Not having a written constitution allowed Blair and his advisers to go to war without reference to parliament or the public

Death toll in Arab-Israeli conflict fell in 2007 Israeli and Palestinian death toll in the Middle East conflict dropped last year but human rights abuses continued

Rivalries tear at Benazir's legacy

Son Bilawal should not have been made party leader, says clan chief Mumtaz Bhutto

The elections must go ahead Hassan Abbas: Pakistan's history is full of cover-ups and Bhutto's murder is no exception. Without credible elections the country will continue its slide into chaos

Assassins' chronicle Edward Pearce Jan 01 08, 04:00pm: Political killings have a long history, but it's often difficult to predict what effect they will have

Hunting Bhutto's killer

Paul Cruickshank Finding those who murdered the Pakistani opposition leader will prove difficult for a government that allowed extremism to fester

Ten steps to a better world

Sunder Katwala Britain and Europe need to be more than spectators in 2008, and resolve to make this a year of new ideas in international politics

The finger on the trigger

Anita Inder Singh December 31, 2007 2:00 PM The reason Pakistan's democracy is so fragile is that an unholy alliance of the army and Islamist terrorists is ranged against it

H7 Pakistani elections postponed

Pakistan backtracks on claim sunroof took Bhutto's life

Bhutto report: Musharraf planned to fix elections

Did Qaeda Allies in Pak Government Help Slay Bhutto?

Boston Globe Editorial Speak subtly to Pakistan

[Fbis] OSC: Pakistan: Urdu Press Roundup on Bilawal Bhutto as New PPP Chief

[Fbis] OSC: FYI -- Pakistan Media Behavior 1 Jan

[Fbis] OSC: Pakistan: Editorial Urges Govt To Control Violence To Avoid Economic Setback fbis at techweb.rfa.org

[Fbis] OSC: Pakistan Editorial Says Bhutto Killing Compels More Indian Vigilance on Militancy fbis at techweb.rfa.org

[Fbis] OSC: Pakistan Editorial: US To 'Reconsider' Musharraf Effectiveness In War on Terror

The Future Pakistan Deserves – Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Washington Post

‘Loss of a Very Great Lady' – Harlan Ullman, Washington Times

Darkness Closes in on Pakistan – Piers Akerman, Sydney Daily Telegraph

The U.S. Is Impotent With Pakistan - Patrick Buchanan, Creators

Bhutto Killing Caps West’s Year of Failure – Gabor Steingart, Der Spiegel

The True Colors of Benazir Bhutto – Imaduddin Ahmed, Boston Globe

[Fbis] OSC: Indian Editorial Urges Pakistan To Contain Fundamentalists To Avert Civil War fbis

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

Iraqi Health Ministry: 16,232 Iraqi Civilians Killed in 2007 Violence

Petraeus Struts in 'Safe' Suburb, Takes Credit for Relative Calm

Edwards Calls for Quick Pullout of US Troops in Iraq

Amnesty Bill Sent to Iraq's Parliament Speaker

BBC Iraq suicide bomber hits funeral A suicide bomber kills 30 people at the funeral of a bomb victim as new data suggest a fall in Iraq violence

Gulf states form common market
A common market of the six states of the Gulf Co-operation Council comes into existence on 1 January.

DEBKAfile Reports: Iran exploits Pakistan turmoil for nuclear and diplomatic momentum – with no fear of sanctions

Hamidi on Franco-Syrian Relations and Lebanon

MERIA Islamist Groups in Lebanon - Gary C. Gambill

Al Hayat The End of an Arab Year: A Country without a President and a Nation without an Impact Mohammed Salah - The Arab summit scheduled to take place next March in Damascus will not be different from all the former summits and it is unlikely that solutions will be put forth for all the Arab dilemmas. It is also unlikely that a new era will set off, wherein the Arabs will be involved in solving their problems.

The International Court is Coming Quicker than Everyone Thinks Raghida Dergham - The message that will be issued by the Security Council when it discusses and measure is clear: Damascus has been obstructing things and trying to impose a methodical vacuum on the institutions of the Lebanese state. It’s now time to be held accountable. The international court is coming, sooner than many people think.

From Boston Review, half a man: Notes on gender apartheid in Iran.

[Fbis] OSC: Iran's Deputy FM: Turkmen Gas Cuts to Iran Not Related to Prices

H9 Ha’aretz Dramatic Drop in Terror Fatalities in 2007

Olmert: Israel Won't Take Security Risks Until PA Tackles Terror

Olmert, Bush and Abbas to hold three-way summit in J'lem

Hudna is no solutionIn light of the continued targeting of Israeli communities with rocket fire, and the ongoing smuggling, Israel must employ a tough policy and keep up its effort against a strengthening of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Jerusalem Post Has Israel given up on reciprocity? [ ZALMAN SHOVAL

J'lem official: Egypt has been working against us for years Says motive is "to show us who is boss;" rhetoric escalates after harsh Cairo response to controversy over Gaza smuggling.

Editorial Sarkozy's bold shift

Some term severing of ties with Syria as "failure" of French policy.

Egypt, Iran moving towards normalization

Deconstructing Israeli bureaucracy


It's not personal, it's war[ CAROLINE GLICK

How to Pressure for Peace - Saul Singer (Jerusalem Post)

Yedioth Ahronoth Learn from US mistakes America’s Iraq, Pakistan failures should prompt reassessment of Hamas policy Efraim Halevy

We won’t win in Gaza IDF hasn’t won a war in 30 years; notion that Gaza reoccupation will lead to victory false

Israelis, stop complaining!

Based on impressive 2007 figures, we have many reasons to celebrate, Yair Lapid says

'Shalit deal to bolster Hamas'
Fatah officials say release of Islamist group MPs as part of deal for kidnapped IDF soldier will undermine Palestinian President Abbas. Hamas: Israel not ruling out release of PFLP leader behind Ze'evi's murder

BBC Year of Palestine?
The chances of fruitful negotiations on Middle East peace.

Jerusalem diary
How much can you tell about a person from their bookshelves?

The division of Jerusalem could be inevitable under a future Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, Ehud Olmert said.

DEBKAfile: Hamas averages 8.2 missiles a day in 2007, steps up Iran-Syrian-backed preparations for full-scale war. Israel improves terror-preventive performance

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Egypt Warns Israel of Diplomatic Reprisals

Christian Science Monitor

Israeli-Palestinian fatalities drop, but other issues persist In its year-end report, the leading Israeli human rights organization B'tselem noted a roughly 50 percent reduction in fatalities.

Boston Globe Israel: The Overlooked Issues of 2007 - H.D.S. Greenway

Economic Growth Rate in Israel Is Double the OECD Average

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Israeli-Palestinian fatalities drop, but other issues persist In its year-end report, the leading Israeli human rights organization B'tselem noted a roughly 50 percent reduction in fatalities.

Does a safer Iraq mean more US troops can exit? Service member fatalities fell to 21 in December, compared with 126 in May.

Global elections watch: All eyes on U.S. race Who would foreigners like to see at the helm of the world's superpower – a Republican or Democrat?

New Year's 2008

Reflections on the best of 2007 and trends to watch for in the coming year.


Independent 2008: The year a new superpower is born

New cultural revolution arrives on a wave of creativity and confidence

China's New Military Elite

Cheng Li and Scott W. Harold,
China Security Vol. 3 No. 4

FT WORLD NEWS: Japan relishes chance to test diplomatic leadership

NYT Losing an Edge, Japanese Envy India’s Schools Suffering a crisis of confidence these days about its ability to compete with its emerging Asian rivals, Japan is in the midst of a growing craze for Indian education.

What America Must Do: Yang Jianli

Let a Hundred Flowers Be Crushed The precarious lives of China's dissidents.

Some China firms avoid U.S. technology transfer licenses...

H11 IHT The overriding environmental issue

The Democrats in the 2008 presidential campaign are calling for a transformation in the way America uses energy. The Republicans do not go much further than conceding that climate change could be a problem.

Russia goes its own way

By RAY TAKEYH AND NIKOLAS GVOSDEV In its dealings with Tehran, Moscow will no longer acquiesce to an agenda set by Washington.

Slovenia begins EU presidency

Britain plans to defy order to close offices in Russia

French smoking ban: The end of a way of life?

By CORINNE MAIER Will the new prohibition be respected? Some respond with a hearty 'We'll see.'

EUROPE European press review

BBC Cyprus and Malta adopt the euro

Slovenian task
Small Alpine state takes on big job of running EU business

A crack in the glass ceiling? Yvonne Roberts: Norway wants 40% of directors on boards to be female - or the company pays a penalty. Is this the way forward?

Slovenia in the spotlight

Ian Bancroft Jan 01 08, 05:00pm: Can Slovenia, during its presidency of the EU, help to steer Europe and the Balkans towards a solution of the Kosovo problem?

France: Cars Set on Fire on New Year’s Eve

H12 RFE/RLNow Comes The Dirty Work The 800-page "Russian Doctrine" sets out a model that resembles neither Tsarist Russia nor the Soviet Union. Instead, it has more in common with Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal in the 1930s

Iran/Azerbaijan: Faith, Oil, And Power Threaten Historic 'Brotherhood' In this village 45 kilometers outside Baku, the capital's boulevards crammed with boutiques give way to a labyrinth of winding, dusty streets. Instead of billboards advertising Gucci fashions or SUVs, there are political slogans daubed in paint on the village's sandstone walls, some praising Ayatollah Khomeini, others proclaiming "Death To America and Israel."

Iranian Report: Most Important Outcome Of 9/11 – Rise In Central Asia's Status In US Foreign Policy

Google News Azerbaijan

[Fbis] OSC: Russian TV channel taken off air in Azerbaijan

H13 The Times The man to push Putin aside Dmitri Medvedev is no stooge. In fact the world will see a new Russia when he becomes President Giles Whittell

The Democratic Choice

The head says Clinton. The heart hails Obama. Head or heart?

Family feuds threaten Bhutto’s will for party

A mobile text for everyone What links Kenya, Benazir Bhutto, the EU and Gordon Brown? Two clues: private property and the rule of law

Stephen Pollard

Save the world and keep eating those spudsWhen the UN dedicates a year to a cause it captures the global imagination. Remember 2005, the International Year of Microcredit?

Damian Whitworth

Top economist says America could plunge into...

Wall Street Journal What We Want in a President
Ruthlessness is important when it comes to foreign enemies. Charity is essential for domestic opponents.

Pakistan to Delay Vote

Pakistan plans to postpone crucial national elections originally scheduled for next week, raising fears of a violent reaction by Bhutto supporters and protests from other opposition parties.

Epochal Battle Set for '08 The Iowa caucuses will kick off a milestone campaign year that promises a new political course for America. So far, Obama among the Democrats and Mike Huckabee among the Republicans appear to have benefited most from the public's desire to shake things up.

Eight Possibilities Heading into '08 - Investor's Business Daily

Not an Annus Horribilus for Americans - Irwin Stelzer, Weekly Standard

H14 Financial Times US deaths in Iraq hit four-year low Reported deaths of US troops in December totalled 22, the lowest since February 2004, but a recent suicide bombing that killed 28 people underscores that violence remains

Economists Survey The results in full
Q1: What are the 3 main risks to economic stability in 2008?
Q2: How does the credit squeeze change the job of central banks?
Q3: How deep will the correction be in the housing market?
Q4: How far is it possible to ignore short-term inflationary pressures?
Q5: What needs to be donw with the public finances?
Q6: Are emerging economies the next global bubble?
Q7: To what extent will the US election affect the world economy?
Q8: Where will Northern Rock be this time next year?
2007 survey

An Ottoman warning for indebted America Niall Ferguson on empires past and present

Europe’s urgent need for reform Economic outsiders, be they immigrants, the unemployed or newly established businesses, must be given more opportunities to inject fresh dynamism into the eurozone economy

Prepare for a global economic downturn but not a disaster This is not really a ‘subprime’ or ‘credit’ crisis, but a banking crisis, and history has taught us that banking crises do not simply go away, writes Wolfgang Munchau. It will probably linger on for most of the year and may get worse before it gets better

Markets in review in 2007

WORLD NEWS: Trade policy comes under the spotlight

ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FOR 2008: Turbulence fuels drop in confidence

Eight killed in Gaza clashes Scores of people were injured in two days of fighting between the Islamist Hamas group and their Fatah opponents

H15 Los Angeles Times


Iraq deaths surged, fell in 2007For civilians and U.S. troops, the year was the deadliest of the war. But the figures last month continued a steep decline.

H16 American Politics Poll Shows Obama With 7-Point Lead In Iowa Contest

Des Moines Register Poll Huckabee 32, Romney 26 Obama 32,Clinton 25,Edwards24

Elections Q&A: what is a caucus?

In Iowa, being second choice could be the key

IOWA AND NEW HAMPSHIRE An Odd Couple With Big Influence

A Tale of Political Dirty Tricks Makes the Case for Election Reform By ADAM COHEN Allen Raymond’s tell-all book, “How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative,” should be a wake-up call.

Independent Voters May Give Obama Edge in Iowa

LA Times Republican base splintering The party has become so divided by the primary campaign that some leaders fear a fight that may hobble the eventual nominee

How Raucous Is the Caucus?


Deign or Reign?

So it comes down to this: Will Queen Hillary reign? Will Prince Barack deign? And who is owed more?

Ron Paul: an absolute faith in free markets and less government

What If Iowa Settles Nothing for the Democrats? - Adam Nagourney, NYT

Obama's Elusive Campaign Message - Walter Shapiro, Salon

Romney's Road to Nowhere - David Brooks, New York Times

A promise of unpredictability

,By Joseph J. Ellis

New Iowa Poll: Obama widens lead over Clinton

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas The Swamp

Iowa will be the end for some
The presidential aspirations of a number of candidates will soon be extinguished
Clinton and Obama raise $100m
A Clinton operative plays operator

The year when nothing happened

Matthew Yglesias: The year that was: The Democratic takeover of Congress promised a progressive agenda - and the result was inaction

Kucinich urges supporters to back Obama in Iowa

H17 Daily Telegraph Democracy mustn't wait in Pakistan

If a terrorist act can derail the long overdue return of Pakistan to democracy, local warlords will draw their own conclusions.

If only we could vote for next US president There was a time when still being married to Bill Clinton was deemed an asset, observes Simon Heffer. But Mrs Clinton has evoked memories of her husband's equivocations.

Let's hope there's no crash ahead

There are few voices, if any, forecasting an early 1990s-style crash, writes Ruth Lea. That is because few commentators are expecting an out-and-out recession.

H18 Independent 2008: The year a new superpower is born

New cultural revolution arrives on a wave of creativity and confidence

Leading article: A strong currency and a powerful Continent

Euro gains more ground in global battle for supremacy

Adrian Hamilton: Can America win back the world's respect?

Mary Dejevsky: Maybe we set too much store by democracy

Bhutto succession will split the party, says tribe leader

Bhutto had 'proof' of plan to rig election

Pakistan 'could be another Somalia'

Obama seizes the lead from Clinton on eve of first poll

The Great Divide: Israel's forbidden road

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Military Use of Unmanned Aircraft Soars... US military's reliance on drones rises to more than 500,000 hours in the air.

Well Done, Soldiers - General George Casey Jr., New York Daily News

Key Pentagon Strategist 'Thinks Like a Gangster,' Plots Global War on Terror

On the Issues: Military Readiness

Peter Singer,

Privacy Rights Eroded in US, EU

World's Top Surveillance Societies — Updated with link Find

H20 Slate Slate reads the Elisabeth Bumiller's new Condi biography so you don't have to (and more and more and more).

More on Dangerous Nation by Robert Kagan.

From The National Interest, Daniel Drezner (Tufts): Foreign Policy Goes Glam;

H21 Dreams are much more likely to be shaped by events of the past week than any childhood trauma... more»

Apocalyptic worst-case thinking, a legacy of 2007, will thrive in the years ahead, says Frank Furedi – unless we rediscover a sense of human purpose... more»

PublicDomainReprints.org - Reprinting public domain books
Free service that can take any public domain book from Internet Archive or Google Book Search, and make it available in print via Lulu. Over 1.7 million books available

What have you changed your mind about, and why? John Brockman’s Edge put the question to over a hundred scientists and scholars... more»

The pseudonymous blogger “Jon Swift” asked a wide array of the bloggers in blogland to self-select their favorite post of 2007. He’s compiled the links and posted them, with summaries, on his site.

'Surge' in clichés

From Business Week, a special report on the best & worst products, peoples and trends 2007.

RIP: protest films, e-porn and bimbos Jonah Goldberg

From The Observer, from student rag to literary riches: Launched in 1979 under the inspired "lunacy" of Bill Buford, Granta magazine became the home of vital new writing and launched the careers of some of our greatest novelists, and as it celebrates its 100th issue, editors past and present how a tiny Cambridge journal rose to conquer the literary world

“I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be,” said Cary Grant, “and I finally became that person. Or he became me. Or we met at some point”... more»

MP3s for the masses

Tech Blog: Amazon is giving consumers what they really want – music without restrictions on their use of it

Google News / Slate Today's Papers/ SWJ Blog / The Ag memeorandum / antiwar.com - book forum / Media Roundup / University Channel / DocuTicker / Arts & Letters Daily/ PolicyPointers / cursor / realclearpolitics / Drudge Report| raw story OpinionSource truthout / Dayan Current Contents / Blogometer - Wikipedia technorati / Slate's Today's Blogs ABC’s The Note / eurointelligence

IraqSlogger Global Power Barometer Juan Cole - Kevin Drum - Gideon Rachman - Belgravia Dispatch - washington realist - Tom Barnett - democracy arsenal - - Josh Marshall - Daniel Drezner - Laura Rozen - the washington note - David Corn - SyriaComment - William Arkin - Phil Carter - Helena Cobban - MatthewYglesias - Oxblog - Brad DeLong - coming anarchy / Wonkette William Arkin Tom Hayden -

PostGlobal - AmericaAbroad -The Corner - Passport - huffingtonpost / Pajamas Media / Open University / nytcolumns CounterterrorismBlog Today in Iraq / OutSide the Beltway - InstaPundit - winds of change Kausfiles - Becker Posner-andrewsullivan.com - Registan - armscontrolwonk - IsraPundit Regime Change Iran Martin Kramer - Dani Rodrik

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Ankara ve Güneydeki Riskler 29 Aralık 2011
İslamcı Dalga Üzerine 5 Aralık 2011
Ankara’ya Suriye ile İlgili Bazı Tahlil, Tahmin, Uyarı ve Öneriler 2 Kasım 2011
İran ile İlgili Son Amerikan İddiaları ve Türkiye 16 Ekim 2011
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Türk Dış Politika Gündemine Dair 7 Kısa Not 6 Eylül 2011
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“Demokratikleştiremediklerimizden misiniz?”: Orta Doğu’daki Değişim Dalgasının Neden, Şekil ve Olası Sonuçları 10 Şubat 2011
Analiz Üzerine Notlar 14 Ocak 2011
Wikileaks Üzerine Notlar ve Yorumlar 23 Aralık 2010
Enerji ve Güvenliği Üzerine Notlar 29 Kasım 2010
Amerikan Travması ve Kongre Seçimleri 23 Kasım 2010
Füze Savunması Üzerine 20 Soru ve 5 Seçenek 20 Ekim 2010
Obama Ekibinde Yaprak Dökümü - Beyaz Saray’dan Kaçış mı? 12 Ekim 2010
"Kürt Devleti" Üzerine Notlar ve Çeşitlemeler 23 Eylül 2010
Mullen’ın Ankara Ziyareti 7 Eylül 2010
ABD’nin Afganistan’daki Seçenekleri 24 Ağustos 2010
Financial Times Haberinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Düşündürttükleri 18 Ağustos 2010
İsrail-ABD-İran-Türkiye Dörtgeni 26 Temmuz 2010
Bay Netanyahu Washington’a Gitti: Böyle mi Olacaktı, Obama? 16 Temmuz 2010
Stratejik Dehlizlerde Derinlik Sarhoşluğu: Bir AKP Dış Politikası Eleştirisi Temmuz 2010
Rus Casusluk Olayı: "John Le Carre mi, Austin Powers mı?" 5 Temmuz 2010
“Mahalleye Hoş Geldin”:Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’da İlk Günü 02 Haziran 2010
Nükleer Takas: “Savaşı Bitiren Anlaşma” mı, “Acem Oyunu” mu? 20 Mayıs 2010
ABD Irak’tan Çekilirken Riskler ve Hesaplar 1 Mayıs 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Normalleşme” Sancıları 22 Nisan 2010
Obama’nın Nükleer Cazibe Taarruzu: Bardağın Üçte Biri Dolu 9 Nisan 2010
ABD-İsrail İlişkilerinde “Tektonik Kayma” mı? 5 Nisan 2010
Irak Seçimleri: Sonun Başlangıcı, Başlangıcın Sonu 19 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010
Ermeni Karar Tasarısı Üzerine Notlar, Yorumlar ve Öneriler 8 Mart 2010 (word)
Bütçe Açığı ve Amerikan Gerilemesinin Ekonomi Politiği 19 Şubat 2010
Cemaat-skeptic 6 Ocak 2010
AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
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Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
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Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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