11 June 2007
  June 11, 2007

0611-2007f - FOREIGN PRESS REVIEW (FPR) - ‘Relevant news, views, comments and analyses from all around the world for informed debate’ Compiled by Şanlı Bahadır Koç U.S. / Britain / Turkey / Magazines / Think-tanks / Blogs / Misc /Books / Quickread / Numbers / Reports - FPR Table - Subscribe to FPR

H1 Washington Post Military Envisions Longer Stay in Iraq Officials anticipate a small "post-occupation" troop presence that would remain in Iraq for years. "The United State should leave Iraq more intelligently than it entered." Officials see the presence having four major components: about 20,000 troops responsible for securing the Iraqi government and assisting Iraqi forces; 10,000 troops to train the Iraqi military and police; a "small but significant" special-operations unit to fight al-Qaida in Iraq; and more than 10,000 troops to deal with logistics and supply. Even if opponents of the war get their way, a total pullout from Iraq would take almost a year to execute.

DISPATCH: ISRAEL Where Failure's Just the Ticket By Aluf Benn JERUSALEM Something is rotten in the state of Israel. "The lone democracy in the Middle East," as we Israelis proudly call our country, is stumbling from crisis to crisis, and the one that underpins them all is a crisis of leadership.

Improvised Explosive Defeat? By David Ignatius

New York Times U.S. Arming Sunnis in Iraq to Battle Old Qaeda Allies Commanders are arming groups that have promised to fight militants who have been their allies in the past.

Iraq’s Parliament Leaders Agree to Remove Speaker

Editorial Pakistan’s Dictator The Bush administration needs to distance itself from Gen. Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.

The State of Iraq: An Update by JASON CAMPBELL, MICHAEL O’HANLON and AMY UNIKEWICZ Our latest chart of leading indicators doesn’t offer a bright picture on the American and Iraqi troop surge in Iraq.

Financial Times Putin calls for new financial world order The Russian president called for an overhaul of the world’s financial and trade institutions to reflect the growing economic power of emerging market countries – including Russia.

Editorial Putin’s proposal nears the target Vladimir Putin’s proposed compromise with the US on missile defence may not have been a serious offer, but it is significant all the same.

Bush urges Kosovo independence

Los Angeles Times Iran's crackdown on dissidents intensifies In April, the government targeted people in incorrect clothing. Since then, the campaign has widened.

Al Qaeda's new enemy -- Iraqis

By Frederick W. Kagan U.S. efforts and terrorist atrocities are turning areas that were once insurgency hotbeds against the group.

Ha’aretz Bar’el Does Syrian President Bashar Assad mean business, or is he still a 42-year-old kid? Syrian war games Best indeed to prepare for war For those who claim Assad is preparing for war cannot seriously go on to argue that the Syrian leader needs peace to prepare Syria for that war. He is well prepared as it is

Guardian Bush: independence for Kosovo George Bush says he has made up his mind that Kosovo should be an independent country, throwing down the gauntlet to Russia.

Sarkozy's party poised for big win
French right headed for landslide victory after first round of voting

Sunday Telegraph Who wasn't invited to Angela's party?

The German chancellor wanted to be the hostess with the mostest at the G8 summit, explains Niall Ferguson. Only one guest spoilt the party.

Christian Science Monitor

Opinion: Show Russia more respect Iran won't be a threat to Europe for a long time, so there's no need for antimissile defense on Russia's doorstep. By Patrick Lang

Echoes of Vietnam -- Especially From the Press - Robert McFarlane, WSJ

IHT G-8 fails to agree on Kosovo Sarkozy, attending his first G-8 summit meeting, surprised leaders when he called for a delay in granting Kosovo independence from Serbia.

FT Financial Times Putin calls for new financial world order The Russian president called for an overhaul of the world’s financial and trade institutions to reflect the growing economic power of emerging market countries – including Russia.

Editorial Putin’s proposal nears the target Vladimir Putin’s proposed compromise with the US on missile defence may not have been a serious offer, but it is significant all the same.

Bush urges Kosovo independence Bush said the UN should grant independence quickly to the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo, and if Russia continued to block it the West would act.

US senator backs military strike on Iran

COMMENT: Indigestion Politicians are to have another go at drafting institutional reforms to make the EU more effective, more transparent and more democratic – a difficult job. By Quentin Peel

Helena Cobban Condi Rice's "Uniquely American Realism"

The Nation Politics: A Permanent Military Empire

Powell wouldn't invade Iraq again with current knowledge

Mortimer B. Zuckerman Recommends Holding Off on a Peace Plan in the Middle East

Daily Star Washington's democracy and freedom rhetoric is richer than its policies

A Palestinian view: It's either the occupation or peace
By Ghassan Khatib

Geopolitical Diary: Kosovo Divides the International Community

US Papers Sunday: Withdrawing to Stay

H2 Excerpts: 'A Silent Revolution'
Wall Street Journal Turkey's Foreign Minister Discusses Political Change

IHT Turkey voices frustration at being snubbed by the EU Ankara may scale back its contribution to EU peacekeeping missions

Nathan Gardels Turkish Crisis: The Biggest Test Since 9/11 (HuffingtonPost.com)

Kurdish Violence Strains Turk-US Relations DefenseNews.com

Turkey: America’s only Honorable Exit from Iraq American Chronicle

A Darkening In the North Newsweek

The Times 14 wounded by Istanbul bomb A small bomb left outside a clothing shop in Istanbul injured 14 people, shattering shop windows but resulting in no deaths

[Yorum - Prof. Dr. Muhammed Nureddin] Madde madde sınırötesi harekatın sakıncaları

Iraq: The Kurdish Wildcard
U.S. Politics Today

Lagendijk, 'Türkiye için en büyük tehlike K.Irak bataklığına saplanmaktır'

'AKP kazanırsa darbe olabilir'

Security vs. rights: Turkey faces anti-terror fight dilemma

Türkiye'nin sınır ötesi harekâtı Irak siyasetini zorlar ABDULLAH RIBHİ

İran, Türkiye'yi yanına çekmek için Kürt kozunu kullanıyor

Kürtlerin bağımsızlık emelleri yine harcanabilir

WSJ Harekât kararı için çok erken

Turkey: A struggle between the old and new centers?

The spiral of violence over northern Iraq by IBRAHIM AL-MARASHI*

Iraq to Turkey: Stop Shelling North Iraq

AP Small Bomb Wounds 14 in Istanbul

Google News Kurdish Kurdish Media

Nota veren Bağdat'tan 'PKK için görüşmeye hazırız' mesajı

Bir PKK'lının itirafı

Bir yarbay bir binbaşı şehit

Kerkük referandumu ertelenmemeli

Şırnak’ta patlama: 3 şehit

Zebari'den Ankara'ya diyalog çağrısı

Zebari: Görüşmeye hazırız

Osmaniye’de 10 kilo C-4 ele geçirildi

Üniversiteli bombacılar

İlnur Çevik Iraq and US have to see the realities

Necati Doğru Bizim ordu haritalarını bozuyor!

Kurdistan Holds On to Stability NPR

Why this man caused so much panic among Kurds warlords? And why ...

CHP, Kuzey Irak için toplantı hazırlığında

Günlük heyecanlarla ulusal mesele çözülmez

Turkey running out of patience with PKK terror

DTP’li bağımsızlardan 7’sine veto

"Kuzey Irak'a müdahale talihsiz bir gelişme olur"

'Cenazede ayrımcılık kanıma dokunuyor'

‘Yunanistan K. Irak’ta konsolosluk açacak’

Can verip yatıyor

PKK Tuceli'de yol kesti FLAŞ

Irak'ın notası dünya basınında

El Sadr Türkiye'yi tehdit etti

El Sadr: Operasyona sessiz kalmayız

Kongre üyesinden Türkiye'ye PKK desteği

Teröre karşı en güzel cevap Hakkâri'den geldi Bombalara inat

Hükümet Genelkurmay'la Irak'ı görüştü

MHP: "Orduya yol ver, yapamıyorsan çekil"

Köprüyü bombalayacaklardı

İzmir'de patlayıcı yerleştiren 2 zanlıya suçüstü

Zebari calls for dialogue, Sadr vows to defend Kurds

Gabar’da operasyon

Ben yandım başka canlar yanmasın

E-80 Karayolunda roketatarlı saldırı

Macit YUSUF AKP'ye rağmen Türk askeri geliyor...

Mehmet Metiner Teröre bin lanet!

Şii lider Sadr'dan Türkiye'ye tehdit

Irak Türkmen cephesi lideri Ergeç'e saldırı

Yarbay Melih Gülova Şırnak'ı kendisi istemişti

Lagendijk: PKK terörü aşırı aptalca

'K.Irak'a asker değil işadamı gönderin'

ITC lideri Ergeç'e suikast girişimi

'PKK saldırılarını Clinton ateşledi'

Tatvan'da teröre lanet mitingi

PKK, özel time roketle saldırdı

Zebari, Türkiye'ye diyalog çağrısı yaptı

Sunday Telegraph Kurds accused of siding with the Sunnis Shias say peacekeeping Kurds favour Sunnis

Balkanalysis.com Turkeys Parliamentary Elections and the Long-Debated Cross Border Operation into Iraq. 6/9/2007 (Balkanalysis.com). By Mehmet Kalyoncu

Tensions Grow in Northern Iraq Over Turkish Military Buildup

Yasemin Congar and Nedim Sener .
Yasemin Congar and Nedim Sener. Israel: Our Relation with Turkey is

Time Back to Kurdistan

Don't delay democracy in Kirkuk
Kurdistan Regional Government

Irak, terörle mücadele yerine nota verdi

ABD Türkiye'deki vatandaşlarını uyardı FLAŞ

Kirkuk Example Provides Hope Despite Terrorist Attacks, Commander Says

Şırnak'ta teröre lanet mitingi

Poll: Turks See US as Greatest Threat

Genelkurmay'dan İP'ye yalanlama: Çağrımızı, kendinize mal etmeyin

[HABER YORUM] Kitlesel refleksin ilk suistimali

Şehit yarbayın hazin öyküsü

Mümtaz Durmuş Alan Johnston'ı neden kaçırdı?

Ankara üzerinden Şam'a İsrail mesajı

ABD-İran uzlaşması zarar verir BARIŞ ADIBELLİ

1967 zaferi İsrail'in gözünü kör etti Tom Segev

Wolfowitz and Podhoretz: Jewish neocons and the idea of entitlementby CHRISTOPHER VASILLOPULOS, Ph.D*

Türkiye her şeye rağmen dini özgürlük örneği Michael Gerson

Erbil'de Yunan Konsolosluğu

Iran, Turkey enjoy more potentials

Google News Greece Cyprus Turkish Cypriot Press ABHaber

CEPS A little clarification, please, on the Union of the Mediterranean

'Sarkozy'nin muhalefeti dolayısıyla bir müzakere başlığı iptal edilebilir'

Talat: Rumların Komisyon'a başvurusu engelleniyor

Talat'tan 'Rum casusu var' iması

NATO: Tek sorun Türkiye değil

Kim kimi 'tehdit' ediyor Türkiye ve Yunanistan'da eşzamanlı yapılan ortak kamuoyu araştırmasında, Yunanlıların Türkiye'yi, Türklerin ise ABD'yi tehdit olarak gördüğü sonucu ortaya çıktı.

Komşuların kâbusları farklı
Yunanistan'da anket

Merkel Türkleri fişleyecek... Almanya AB’li olmayanın parmak izini alacak

Almanya'da yabancılara parmak izi avı

Türk kızı Aylin Spiegel'e kapak

Koçaryan, KEİ zirvesine bakanını gönderiyor

Türk-Yunan savaşı internette

Ata Atun Cyprus is the home of two nations, not one

Rum mahkemesinden Türkler aleyhine emsal karar çıktı

Fikret Ertan Gabala surprise

Gebele'nin önemi

Talat: "Rumlar tetikçi kullanıyor"

Belçika'ya Türkiye karşıtı başbakan

Belçika’da 30 Türk vekil yarışacak

Belçika'da 36 Türk aday

Ferai Tınç Fransız seçimlerinde sol ve kadınlar

[ANALYSIS] Turkey struggles to reform foreigner work permit law

Nabi Yağcı Baskın Oran olayı

Baskın Oran: an academic unwillingly turned politician

Avukatı: Gülen'in aracı gazetecisi yok, fikirlerini bizzat kendisi söyler

SUNDAY'S ZAMAN Said Nursi and Risale-i Nur in light of current developments by SÜLEYMAN SARGIN

BBC 11 Haziran 2007 Basın Özeti

Bir zamanlar bir Kapadokya kasabası

Abdülhamid arşivi gün yüzüne çıktı

Can Dündar İkarus'un düşüşü

Güldemir’i kaybettik

Beni aşk kadını diye tarif etmezler

Nazlı Ilıcak

Harvard'lıyım ama modern muhafazakarım

Yüksel Söylemez Secrets of Leadership

Piyasaları etkileyecek senaryolar
Yiğit Bulut

İbrahim Öztürk Ekonomide yeni haberlere doğru...

Asım Erdilek Working time around the world and in Turkey

Ercan Kumcu Euro adayları zorlanıyor

Erdal Sağlam Ekonomi seçime kadar dış piyasalara bağlı

23 Temmuz'dan sonra Mahfi Eğilmez

Salih Neftçi Gelişmeler birbiri üstüne geliyor...

İstikrarda en büyük düşüş Türkiye'de

2007 küçük dalgaların yılı mı?

Dış dünyaya yolculuk Fatih Özatay

Güçlülerin büyük zaafı! Uğur Civelek

Geçen hafta açıklanan makro veriler arasında bir gezinti Fatih Özatay

Asaf Savaş Akat Nisanda dış denge

Deniz Gökçe Bütçe bozulacak mı?

Deniz Gökçe
Kafayı kaldıralım ve bakalım!

Petrol Ofisi’nin rafineri başvurusuna ret

H3 ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ Irak'a girmek kaçınılmaz oluyor

Ali H Aslan [WASHINGTON] ABD'den sınır ötesi sinyalleri

Gül O gün karargáhta her şeyi göze aldık

Erdoğan Cumhurbaşkanını aynen seçeceğiz

Sezer’den sert mesaj

ASLI AYDINTAŞBAŞ "Irak'a girelim!" naraları

Basın açıklaması Demokrasiyi savunanları terör destekçisi gibi gösteren bildiri memleketin hayrına değil. Asker, kamu yönetimiyle ilgili açıklamalar yayımlamamalı Tarhan Erdem

Murat Yetkin Baykal PKK için Irak'a 'Suriye modeli'

Şamil Tayyar Baykal’ı fena işletmişler

Ahmet Hakan AKP zorda

Dağdaki terör 100 James Bond'la biter Sıkıyönetim PKK'ya yarar
Dr. Sedat Laçiner

Yasemin CONGAR AB'nin önemi

Ruşen Çakır AKP’ye muhalefetin ana odağı olarak TSK

Ruşen Çakır| Prof. Şerif Mardin: “Yalnız İslamcıları itham etmek doğru olmaz”

Erhan Göksel: Asker sokaktan iktidarı etkilemek istiyor

Metehan Demir İşte sınır ötesinden son anda dönülen o gece

Serdar Akinan Medyada oksijen miktarını düşüren bir basınç var

Yaman TÖRÜNER Yolu kim temizliyor?

İncirlik'in kullanımına ilişkin kararname hükümette

Genelkurmay ne istiyor? İsmet Berkan

Selçuk Gültaşlı [BRÜKSEL] Avrupa ve Türkiye'nin neo-mürtecileri

'Hikmet Abi' seçimden sonra 'çetin' geliyor

Yılmaz Bu seçim her şeye gebe

ABD'ye önce nota, sonra İncirlik izni

AKP'li Çömez: ABD ile İncirlik pazarlığı yapılmalı

PKK 12 noktadan sızıyor

Bilal Çetin Irak’a “Suriye modeli” niye uygulanamıyor?

AKP'nin sosyal demokratı konuştu

Cengiz Çandar

Merkez sağ ve büyük sermaye
Haluk Şahin

Seçime savaş ertelemesi mi?
Altan Öymen

Uncivil society under a jealous god
Mustafa Akyol

Ertuğ Yaşar AKP ekonomide başarılı mı

Genelkurmay terör konusunda haklıdır Hasan Celal Güzel

Genelkurmay'dan miting açıklaması

Bakırköy'de patlama

Mehmet BARLAS Türk medyasında bir 'Ufuk Güldemir Olayı' yaşandı...

Geçici Aday Listeleri

Ankara, 'Füze kalkanı Türkiye'ye kurulsun' önerisinden rahatsız

Türkiye'de kimlik çelişkisi yaşanıyor ÖMER TAŞPINAR

Ömer Taşpınar The republic of fear

Semih İDİZ Putin'in tahriki

İç Basında Türk Dış Politikası

Dış Basında Türkiye-AB İlişkileri - Dış Basında Güncel Türkiye Bülteni

Dış Basında Irak BBC Turkish 0700

VOA TSİ 06:30 Dış Basında Türkiye Turkish Press Review Google News Turkey Turquie Türkei TurcoPundit

Taha Kıvanç Trende parti kaybettirme

Fehmi Koru Kapitalistler akıllı mı?

YASİN AKTAY “ABD Türkiye'yi Irak'ta istiyor...”

KORAY DÜZGÖRENBir ülke nasıl ve neden militarize edilir?

Taha AKYOL Atatürk, efsane ve gerçek (3)


Can Ataklı Cumhurbaşkanı artık el koymalı

Gülay Göktürk Kuşatma altında

Ertuğrul Özkök

Ahmet Hakan Şeker gibi bir imamın izinde

M Ali Birand

Cüneyt Ülsever İnsanlar ve sorular

Enis Berberoğlu Top mermisi diplomasisi


MÜSİAD'dan askerin çağrısına itiraz

Seçime savaş ertelemesi mi?
Altan Öymen

METEHAN DEMİR Ağar'ın haberi olmadan DP listeleri yolda değişti mi?

Ağar: AKP - DP koalisyonu olmaz

ERDAL ŞAFAK Kuzey Irak ve ötesi

Bülent Keneş Meet Turkey’s new administrative portal: www.tsk.mil.tr

Şahin Alpay The ‘new middle class’ and democracy in Turkey

KÜRŞAT BUMİN Hükümetten beklediklerimiz

Mehmet Y Yılmaz Sivillerin, sivilleşme ihtiyacı

Oktay Ekşi Lidervekilliği...

MUHARREM SARIKAYA Kıratı kıranlar...

Ekrem Dumanlı Terörle mücadele böyle olmaz!

Hüseyin Gülerce Subay düşmanlığı

Nasuhi Güngör CHP-MHP-DTP koalisyonu

[MONDAY TALK] ‘Democracy, not secularism, is in danger,’ says Özdalga

Turkish army is not the 'bully' of the neighborhood (Yusuf KANLI )

Serdar Akinan Mumcu’ya veda ederken...

Mustafa Ünal Erkan Mumcu seçimlere niye girmedi?

Güneri CIVAOĞLU Sağda birlik nasıl olurdu?

Derya SAZAK Seçim ertelenir mi?

YAVUZ DONAT 22 Temmuz raporu

[Sivil toplum örgütleri ne kadar sivil-4] Kitlesel refleks terörün ekmeğine yağ sürer

Ali Bulaç Merkez nedir?

A Turan Alkan Seçimlerin anlamına dair bir eleştiri

Ali Ünal Terör-sınır ötesi harekât-seçimler

Mehmet Tezkan Yarbayı da şehit verdik.. Erdoğan şehitlerin cenazesine gidecek mi?

Can Ataklı Erdoğan neden teğet geçiyor anlamıyor musunuz?

Arslan BULUT
Yabancılar, AKP'yi neden destekliyor

Sabahattin ÖNKİBAR
Demokrat Parti barajı aşabilir mi?

Fikret BİLA Gönül: 'Bir millet olduğumuzu göstermeliyiz'

Seçim demek, liste kavgası demek

Engin Ardıç Büyük sermayeyi destekliyorum!

İhsan Yılmaz The real threat to national security

Doğu Ergil Unnerving developments

'Kitlesel refleks' isteğine medya mesafeli yaklaştı

[İZLENİM] MHP yola çıktı: Şehitler ölmez, vatan bölünmez

KÜRŞAT BUMİN Elden geçmesi gereken bir 'site'

Tufan Türenç ’Hedef muasır medeniyetler’ diyenlerin Türkiyesi

Emin Çölaşan Subaylar nerede imiş!!!

MHP decides to change EU policy

Şakir Süter Mağdur oyları

AKP'li Ergin: Cumhurbaşkanını 400 milletvekiliyle seçeceğiz

Hilmi Yavuz İki merkez partili sisteme doğru

Ali Bulaç Sağ'da ve Sol'da çapraz transferler

Ardan Zentürk Teksas’ın bağımsızlığını isteyenin başına ne geldi...

Mahir Kaynak Ne yapmalı?

Çılgın, yılgın, kızgın Türkler

Şakir Süter
Şehitler ve siyaset

Emniyet, seçim güvenliğine kilitlendi

Erdoğan: Şehit cenazelerinin siyasî arenaya çevrilmesine izin vermeyin

Muhtıraya doyamamak Murat Belge

Eser Karakaş ‘Çarpık düşünce’, ‘Tehlikeli yaklaşım’ düzeyi

Şener: Siyaseti bırakmadım, ara da vermedim

Şükrü Küçükşahin Bahçeli’nin ’kayıtsızlık eğrisi’ kozu

Mustafa Erdoğan Gidişat iyi değil!

Sami Selçuk Yargısal (adli) yanılgılar üzerine de hukukçuları sınıflandıranlar olmuştur

Ahmet Kekeç Hain hesap

Eser Karakaş Çılgınlık ve akıl

Cem Vakfı: AKP'ye itibar etmeyeceğiz

Yılmaz Mumcu’nun yapacağı iyilik çekip gitmesidir

[Sivil toplum örgütleri ne kadar sivil-3] Sözde sivil örgütler otoriter tek parti özlemi içinde!

İhsan Dağı Are you aware of the danger, businessmen?

Mehmet BARLAS Bireysel ego şişirmeyi ulusalcı ideolojiler kolektif hale getirirse...

From Istanbul to Van, shock due to lists (Gila Benmayor )

Yavuz Baydar Terror is the key player in elections

Ağar bölgesel dengeleri gözetti

YSK 33 bağımsıza vize vermedi

Yılmaz: Erkan Mumcu çekip gitmeli

İsmail Küçükkaya
Karadeniz’in hırçın siyaseti

Sezer Gereken adım atılacak

Hasan DEMİR ABD kimin stratejik ortağı!

OKUR TEMSİLCİSİ Gazeteci ve siyaset

Şener to work for two universities at once

Yazıcıoğlu Bağımsızlardan grup kurup 'millî merkez' inşa edeceğiz

AKP gelirse darbe olmaz

H4 New York Times U.S. Arming Sunnis in Iraq to Battle Old Qaeda Allies Commanders are arming groups that have promised to fight militants who have been their allies in the past.

Iraq’s Parliament Leaders Agree to Remove Speaker

Editorial Pakistan’s Dictator The Bush administration needs to distance itself from Gen. Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan.

The State of Iraq: An Update by JASON CAMPBELL, MICHAEL O’HANLON and AMY UNIKEWICZ Our latest chart of leading indicators doesn’t offer a bright picture on the American and Iraqi troop surge in Iraq.

THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Israel Discovers Oil Countries and companies that empower their individuals to imagine and act quickly on their imagination are going to thrive.

The Guidebook for Taking a Life The set of rules — a kind of jihad etiquette — that seek to guide and justify the killing that militants do is growing more complex.

Tear Down That Myth

By JAMES MANN Two fundamentally different perspectives have emerged around Ronald Reagan’s “tear down this wall” speech. Both are wrong.

Musharraf Rescinds Media Regulations After Public Outcry

Sarkozy’s Party Heads Toward Huge Legislative Majority in France

Iraq’s Parliament Leaders Agree to Remove Speaker

Israeli Airstrikes, Aiming at Militants, Hit Gaza City

Sporadic Fighting Continues in Lebanon Refugee Camp

Editorial The Democrats Lag on Warming Unless Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders step forward, the issue of global warming may well wind up in worse shape than it was under the Republicans.

Mr. Murdoch and The Journal Will The Wall Street Journal survive if Rupert Murdoch persuades the Bancroft family to sell Dow Jones?

Romney’s Run Has Mormons Wary of Scrutiny For many Mormons, Mitt Romney’s bid for president is both a proud sign of progress and a cause of trepidation.

PAUL KRUGMAN Authentic? Never Mind Today, it seems, politics is all about seeming authentic. But what does authenticity mean?

H5 Washington Post Military Envisions Longer Stay in Iraq Officials anticipate a small "post-occupation" troop presence that would remain in Iraq for years. "The United State should leave Iraq more intelligently than it entered."

DISPATCH: ISRAEL Where Failure's Just the Ticket By Aluf Benn JERUSALEM Something is rotten in the state of Israel. "The lone democracy in the Middle East," as we Israelis proudly call our country, is stumbling from crisis to crisis, and the one that underpins them all is a crisis of leadership.

Improvised Explosive Defeat? By David Ignatius The photographs gathered by The Post each month in a gallery called Faces of the Fallen are haunting. The soldiers are so young, enlisted men and women mostly, usually dressed in the uniforms they wore in Iraq and Afghanistan. What's striking is that most of them were killed by roadside bombs known...

Tribal Coalition in Anbar Said to Be Crumbling U.S.-Backed Group Has Fought Al-Qaeda in Iraq

America's Secret Obsession By Ted Gup Our country is on the brink of becoming a secretocracy, a place where the right to know is being replaced by the need to know.

Fading Echoes in Tiananmen Square By Jim Hoagland

Legislative Elections Give Boost To Sarkozy French Back Goal Of Major Changes

Albania Welcomes Bush With Enthusiasm, Affection

Reception Contrasts With Week's Protests

New French Political Cry: Liberté, Egalité, Diversité Minorities Run for Parliament in Record Numbers Minorities Make Waves In French Politics French minorities are redefining the political debate and taking on the rigid powers of one of the least diverse governments in Europe.

Bush Is Losing Credibility On Democracy, Activists Say Governments Appear Quicker to Challenge U.S. Rebukes

How to Be A Dissident President A Chance for Bush To Live Up to His WordsBy Jackson Diehl,

CIA Plans Cutbacks, Limits on Contractor Staffing

Powell Calls for Closure of Military Prison at Guantanamo

Editorial A Duty to the Displaced The United States should do more for Iraqi refugees.

Editorial The Generals' Blunder Another junta stumbles, this time in Thailand. THAILAND'S ARMY made a serious mistake last September when it launched a coup to remove the democratically elected government of Thaksin Shinawatra. For the following nine months it has demonstrated -- again -- why rule by the military doesn't work. And now it has compounded its original error.

Editorial Getting to No Senators from both parties torpedoed the immigration compromise. Here's who will pay the price.

The Party of Economic Seriousness By Sebastian Mallaby, The collapse of the immigration bill last week holds a political lesson. It isn't just Democrats who flunk Globalization 101. Indeed, Democrats may be supplanting Republicans as the grown-ups on this issue.

Standing by the Wrong Guy By Robert D. Novak Just when it seemed George W. Bush's sinking prestige with his Republican base had bottomed out, his stock hit new lows.

The Sole Survivor A Navy Seal, Injured and Alone, Was Saved By Afghans' Embrace and Comrades' Valor

Dozen Top Legal Scholars Line Up for Libby Appeal

H6 Guardian Bush: independence for Kosovo George Bush says he has made up his mind that Kosovo should be an independent country, throwing down the gauntlet to Russia.

Sarkozy's party poised for big win
French right headed for landslide victory after first round of voting.

Wealth gap grows across EU
Europe's rich regions begin to resent continent's subsidy culture.

Leader Time to build bridges Europe: In private, Gordon Brown has been assuring pro-European admirers that his government will be much more committed to the European Union than his record at the Treasury suggests.

A dispatch from the frontline

Ajmal Masroor Jun 10 07, 01:00pm: What I experienced on my visit to Israel and the West Bank was worse than I could have imagined.

A new place in the sun

Nikolai Chavdarov Jun 09 07, 01:00pm: Bulgaria is now the third largest real estate destination for British investors - should this be a cause for local concern?

1967: The settlers' story

Seth Freedman Jun 09 07, 11:00am: Jewish settlers in the occupied territories are often seen as religious zealots - but many of them are not.

We still haven't found what we're looking for Larry Elliott: With little new aid and a lot of familiar rhetoric, the G8's promises look empty.

The US is clamping down on illegal migrants, but it relies on their labour Gary Younge: After Colorado passed tougher anti-immigrant laws last year, migrant labourers fled and crops rotted

Belgian PM loses vote after two terms
Verhofstadt drummed out of office in general election likely to produce new coalition led by Christian Democrats.

MP recieves death threat after comments on Khamenei
Outspoken MP suggests Iran's supreme leader is a weaker figure than the late Ayatollah Khomeini.

Israeli bombers strike Gaza after kidnap attempt · Palestinian gunmen planned to snatch soldier · One shot dead after attack on unmanned watchtower

Iraqi government threatens arrest for leaders of striking oil workers

The Observer MI6 probes UK nuclear link to Iran British company is caught in an apparent attempt to sell black-market weapons-grade uranium to Iran.

Leader Reasons to be cheerful in the G8 gloom When they met two years ago at Gleneagles, leaders of the G8 pledged $50bn in development aid for Africa.

What does it mean to be British?
As a new study demands we celebrate 'where we live' to combat social division, is there any way to define a nation's values? Report by Ned Temko, Jo Revill and Amelia Hill.

A squalid deal that cost our reputation
Will Hutton: Until we establish the full facts of the BAE affair, Britain is in no position to lecture others.

To boycott or not - the new Israeli question
Pressure for sanctions on Israeli goods is widening. Forty years after the Six-Day War, unions, academics and journalists are locked in furious debate about the tactic. Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor, reports.

H7 Newsweek The World’s Water Shortage

Our Latest Man In Baghdad - Melinda Liu, Newsweek

Washington Times Progress at the G-8 On the two front-burner issues at the Group of Eight Summit this past week in Germany -- global warming and U.S.-Russian tensions over a proposed missile-defense system -- President Bush played his hand well and came away with two victories for American interests.

Al-Qaeda’s Shadowy Presence in India?

The US – Iran – Syria triangle

Newsweek Bandar and the $2 Billion Question

From Prospect, what Luttwak didn't say: Edward Luttwak is right that the Middle East is not important enough to fight over. That's why the US should withdraw from Iraq and stop providing aid to Israel.

A review of Killing Mr. Lebanon: The Assassination of Rafik Hariri and Its Impact on the Middle East by Nicholas Blanford; Hezbollah: A Short History by Augustus Richard Norton; Hizbullah: The Story from Within by Naim Qassem; Everyday Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam Among Palestinians in Lebanon by Bernard Rougier. Here's an open letter by 139 writers, including scholars of Iran and the Middle East, protesting the detention of Halef Esfandiari by the Iraninan government.

Colin Powell gave Obama foreign-policy advice

H8 IraqSlogger Google News Iraq Iran Syria Mideastwire.com - NPR Iraq stratfor

US Papers Monday: What "Anbar Model"?

Iran warns US: your Mideast bases in our range

Senator Lieberman advocates military strike on Iran

Powell wouldn't invade Iraq again with current knowledge

Israel: Military Option on Table Concerning Iran

Mahdi Army Makes a Final Push to Control Southwest Baghdad

A Neo-Conservative International Targets Iran

US Gives Police Powers to Iraqi Insurgents

US Said to Be Planning Long-Term Presence in Iraq

US Struggles With Baghdad Sectarian Turf Wars

Iraq Bridge Collapse After Bombing Traps GIs

Richardson Urges Total Iraq Withdrawal

Iranians confirm fourth US arrest
Iran confirms it is holding a fourth Iranian American, academic Ali Shakeri, on suspicion of spying.

AL Awsat Our Defeat and Their Revolution : Sayyed Wild Abah

40 Years: The Real Stigma : Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed

BBC Cairo campus veil ban struck down A Egyptian court says the American University of Cairo cannot ban the Islamic face covering from its campus.

Commentary: Lebanon's political tsunami

Iraqis Get No Comment on 50-Year Occupation
by Joshua Holland and Raed Jarrar

H9 Ha’aretz Bar’el Does Syrian President Bashar Assad mean business, or is he still a 42-year-old kid? Syrian war games Best indeed to prepare for war For those who claim Assad is preparing for war cannot seriously go on to argue that the Syrian leader needs peace to prepare Syria for that war. He is well prepared as it is

Assad ignored Israeli message; PM's aides divided over whether Syria wants talks

Gideon Levy: Israel is full of little blue-and-white Ahmadinejads

Peres: Damascus not yet ready for fresh peace negotiations

Hezbollah's Palestinian predicament

Syrian opposition member: Make peace with people, not Assad 17:57

Hezbollah's dilemma If Lebanon's army tackles the refugee camps, maybe it can defend against Israel too.

Israel successfully launches Ofek-7 military spy satellite

Yedioth Ahronoth Iran expands nuke program

Islamic Republic assembled more than 2,000 centrifuges at Natanz plant, diplomats say

Israel Wants Peace but Opposes Terrorism - Shimon Peres, Daily Star

Before ceding the Golan Heights/ Gold

A case of Arab chutzpa/ Navon Arab-Israelis not a separate nation and cannot expect to be treated as such

US college snubs Finkelstein

Anti-Zionist academic's application for tenure at DePaul University in Chicago turned down

Joe Lieberman calls on US to launch a strike on Iran

Koch's Comments: How the mighty have fallen
One day, 3 of 4 "New York Times" editorials struck me as mean-spirited, lacking balance, just plain dumb.

State Dept. Spokesman: US Opposes Renewed Israel-Syria Talks

40 years ago: Attack on the Liberty

Joint US-Israeli Military Exercises Begin

Daily Alert.orgMiddle East Progress - EJC Israeli Press Review Google News Israel - Palestine

Poll: Most Palestinians depressed by violence More than nine in 10 Palestinians show signs of depression caused by despair over violence between Hamas and Fatah gunmen and the apparent demise of the Palestinian unity government, according to a West Bank pollster.

BBC So near but so far
Palestinian exiles in Jordan long for homes lost in 1967 war

AIPAC Spy Trial Delayed Once Again

Gunmen in Gaza fire on PM's home

H10 Christian Science Monitor

Opinion: Show Russia more respect Iran won't be a threat to Europe for a long time, so there's no need for antimissile defense on Russia's doorstep. By Patrick Lang

Expecting a fight, Gates makes switch on Joint Chiefs

The Defense secretary's pick to chair his top advisory body is a Navy admiral known for managerial prowess.

With an agenda of hope, Iraqi media mogul funds the arts

Publisher Fakhri Karim is using his influence and wealth to fuel a cultural revival in Iraq.

Unlikely popular heroes of Pakistan's opposition: lawyers Thousands of lawyers have taken to the streets to protest Musharraf's controversial dismissal of the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

Why Albania embraces Bush

The largely Muslim country, one of Europe's poorest, sees the visit Sunday by President Bush as a reward for its support of the war on terror.

ASIA “Every single American president since Nixon has, in one way or another, either ignored or quietly given up on the issue of Chinese democracy”... more»

From Policy Review, a review of Will the Boat Sink in the Water? The Life of China’s Peasants by Chen Guidi and Wu Chuntao; and a review of The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression by James Mann. Karl Marx is back in China, and the philosopher is arguably bigger than ever. A review of Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World by Margaret MacMillan; and Washington's China: The National Security World, the Cold War, and the Origins of Globalism by James Peck. As threat documents go, the latest version of the Pentagon's annual report, "Military Power of the People's Republic of China", released last month, is actually a fairly reassuring document.

United States-Japan 2007 Investment Initiative Report (PDF; 422 KB)
Source: U.S. Department of State

H11 IHT G-8 fails to agree on Kosovo Sarkozy, attending his first G-8 summit meeting, surprised leaders when he called for a delay in granting Kosovo independence from Serbia.

Roger Cohen: Is the United States safer?
Undiluted Bush-bashing alone will not deliver the White House to the Democrats.

French overwhelmingly favor president's camp in parliamentary vote

EUROPE European press review

Bush greeted as hero in Albania

BBC Bush ends Europe tour in Bulgaria George W Bush is in Bulgaria on the final leg of his Europe tour, with Kosovo and missile defence high on the agenda

Sarkozy party 'set for landslide'
Projections suggest President Sarkozy's party is set for a big win after the first round of France's parliamentary poll.

International and regional migration intentions in Europe



Report: Putin not ruling out 2012 presidential run...

Google News Azerbaijan

Kasparov leads demonstration against Putin's rule

Escape from Moscow Mart Laar Jun 10 07, 11:00am: The west seems to lack up-to-date knowledge about Moldova. Can Europe's poorest country ever achieve real independence from Russia?

OxAn CENTRAL ASIA/RUSSIA: Moscow solidifies its grip on gas

H13 The Times World markets are at crunch point We are approaching a watershed at which global financial conditions are shifting to a new and more unpredictable dynamic

Gary Duncan

Rush to opt out risks EU farce Negotiations on Europe's future at Tony Blair’s final summit are being threatened by demands for opt-outs from EU laws

Germany’s naked EU chief faces Wolfowitz charges over his ‘friend’

Musharraf backs down on curbs after protests After mass protests and criticism from the international community, Musharraf withdrew proposed curbs on Pakistan's media

Bush bowled over by hero’s welcome President Bush arrived in Albania to the kind of international reception American politicians dream of but rarely experience

‘Blue wave’ sweeps Sarkozy to poll victory Sarkozy is on course to win full control of French power after voters sent his party into the lead in parliamentary elections

Leader Lest Anyone Forget

Western relations with the Islamic world are based on shared humanity

Taleban fail in attempt on Karzai’s life

Sunday Times How much hypocrisy can we take? The government has defied international anti-corruption treaties and impeded justice Simon Jenkins

How worried should the West be?

Angered by western 'imperialism' and emboldened by soaring oil riches, the Russian bear is growling again

Putin and Blair rule nuclear la-la land President Putin had a moment of self-deceiving nostalgia last week, and he wasn't alone Michael Portillo

Leader Hope for the planet

It would be wrong to dismiss the G8 gathering as a photo opportunity, a real breakthrough was made

Bush says 'time is now' for independent Kosovo

Iran threatens Gulf blitz if US hits nuclear plants

Hezbollah ‘has stockpiled rockets’ on Israeli border

Wall Street Journal

H14 Financial Times Putin calls for new financial world order The Russian president called for an overhaul of the world’s financial and trade institutions to reflect the growing economic power of emerging market countries – including Russia.

Editorial Putin’s proposal nears the target Vladimir Putin’s proposed compromise with the US on missile defence may not have been a serious offer, but it is significant all the same.

Bush urges Kosovo independence Bush said the UN should grant independence quickly to the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo, and if Russia continued to block it the West would act.

US senator backs military strike on Iran Joe Lieberman, an outspoken Congress hawk, proposed that the US bomb Iran to stop alleged support for Iraqi militia

Ukraine hits out at Russian ‘danger’ Russian political interference and the lack of transparency around energy supplies threaten Ukraine as it struggles with turmoil, the head of the security services has warned.

Israel's indefatigable statesman If the Knesset elects Shimon Peres as state president this week, Israel's elder statesman will be 91 at the end of his seven-year term, a daunting prospect for a mere...

COMMENT: Indigestion Politicians are to have another go at drafting institutional reforms to make the EU more effective, more transparent and more democratic – a difficult job. By Quentin Peel

Editorial Biofuel befuddled Global economic growth will boost demand for energy, and if Opec wants that demand to be met by oil, it should stop making threats and build new capacity.

COMMENT: Do not get too excited by Germany's recovery Wolfgang Munchau believes that while the German economy is clearly not as weak as it appeared a few years ago, it is not nearly as good as it appears today.

COMMENT: Conversations with God and America By Edward Luce,

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: EU governments are stepping off the streetcar

Editorial A late developer India’s governments have been lamentably slow to come to terms with the mass urbanisation that accompanies all industrial revolutions. An ambitious plan government to involve property developers in the modernisation of a vast slum in Mumbai therefore marks a welcome change of direction.

Sarkozy set for big majority in parliament UMP party wins estimated 46 per cent

Belgian premier accepts election defeat Belgium was poised for a new, Christian-Democrat-led government after Guy Verhofstadt, the centre-right prime minister, conceded defeat in the general election

COMMENT: Why the Journal should not be sold to Murdoch The WSJ is not threatened with disappearance but instead with inclusion in the most dynamic media empire, argues Martin Wolf.

COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL: Capitol Hill eyes on Murdoch

H15 Los Angeles Times Iran's crackdown on dissidents intensifies In April, the government targeted people in incorrect clothing. Since then, the campaign has widened.

U.S. relies on Sudan for intelligence in Iraq The nation accused of aiding the killings in Darfur provides spies in Iraq and gets access in Washington

Powell: It's time to close Guantanamo

Al Qaeda's new enemy -- Iraqis

By Frederick W. Kagan U.S. efforts and terrorist atrocities are turning areas that were once insurgency hotbeds against the group.


H16 American Politics

Better to be Hamlet than President George Doubt is a virtue, JFK told students 45 years ago. Without it we have the tragic bluster and empty optimism of political culture today.

The national audition By Ronald Brownstein Changes to the nomination process have locked the 2008 candidates into a marathon that ends in a sprint.

AP-IPSOS: Fred Thompson Shakes Up GOP Race...

Red Nation, Blue Nation - Michael Barone, US News and World Report

The New War on Hillary - Jonathan Darman & Mark Hosenball, Newsweek

Can Rudy Win the Nomination? - Matthew Continetti, Weekly Standard

realclearpoliticsABC’s The Note US News Political Bulletin

Early Bird GovExec Swamp Gas Swamp Sunrise Daybook

NYT The Poverty Platform By MATT BAI John Edwards says Americans should care more about economic injustice. Can he turn the plight of the poor into a winning campaign issue?

Hispanic Voters Gain New Clout With Democrats The immigration battle and the new presidential primary schedule have amplified the influence of Hispanic voters.

Grass Roots Roared and Immigration Plan Collapsed

Alter: Best Ideas for Fixing America? Listen to Gore, Bradley

2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: McCain reaching out to Christian conservative base

Peter Pace's Political Gaming on Libby and Gays Ends His Reign

H17 Daily Telegraph Europe's leaders should do like Bush The elected US president should be expected to listen to a single audience - the one at home, argues Janet Daley. Europe's leaders should follow his example.

US to set options for Iraq withdrawalAmerica's top representatives in Iraq will set out the range of military options, including withdrawal, in a report to Congress.

Guantanamo should be closed, says Powell

Bush calls for speedy decision on Kosovo

Tap-dancing around phone tapping MI5 believes its officers have better things to do than spend weeks transcribing phone conversations, most of which will prove nothing in court, writes Philip Johnston.

Tolerating bribery If the Saudi Arabia arms bribery claims were true, the Prime Minister would be guilty of a Machiavellian disregard for morality and conniving in the breaking of his own law

Sunday Telegraph Who wasn't invited to Angela's party?

The German chancellor wanted to be the hostess with the mostest at the G8 summit, explains Niall Ferguson. Only one guest spoilt the party.

Saudi Arabia: our vital ally By Sir Andrew Green

America considers Putin's ideas on bases George Bush has asked his advisers to assess how Russian proposals can be incorporated into US plans to locate an anti-missile defence system in eastern Europe.

We did it their way Saudi Arabia's super-rich royal princes seem to be a mix of pious Muslims and decadent playboys, but their distinctive approach to doing business is giving Britain a headache.

Dilemma for Brown as Blair plans EU deal Labour has been plunged into a bruising referendum row after Tony Blair secretly agreed the blueprint for a new European treaty - presenting prime minister-in-waiting Gordon Brown with his first big dilemma.

Leader Britain must vote on this 'treaty' When Tony Blair signs the new European constitution, breaking his commitment to having a referendum, he will claim that the document is just a "treaty". This is utterly false, as he and his Cabinet know very well.

I blame myself for our downfall in Iraq Former American army torturer lays bare the traumatic effects of American interrogation

H18 Independent The wrath of 2007: America's great drought America is facing its worst summer drought since the Dust Bowl years of the Great Depression.

Ex-Navy chief 'took private legal advice on Iraq' The head of the Royal Navy at the time of the Iraq invasion was so worried about the legality of the conflict that he sought his own private legal advice on it.

Stephen King: Protectionism by West would be a tragedy

Malcolm Rifkind: If we ignore Pakistan, we won't solve Afghanistan

Bush feted in Albania as he calls for independence for Kosovo

Independent on Sunday Worse than Chernobyl: 'dirty timebomb' ticking in a rusting Russian nuclear dump threatens Europe

So is the world a better place after the G8 summit? The answer might surprise you George Bush's usual attempts at stalling any significant action over climate change in Heiligendamm were weakened by the Blair-Merkel-Sarkozy united front

Leading article: We need leaders fit for a climate of change

General who helped redraw the borders of Israel says road map to peace is a lie

Robert Fisk: Lies and outrages... would you believe it?

Syria facing Iraqi refugee crisis

Bribery team probing BAE case alleges UK dirty tricks Staff at the world's anti-bribery watchdog claim they were targets of a British-led "dirty tricks" campaign after they began investigating the Government's decision to halt an official inquiry into secret payments to a Saudi prince

What happened to childhood? How we are failing the young A major study of British children obtained by the 'IoS' before its submission to the UN, makes disturbing reading

H19Military Intelligence Terrorism

Al-Qaeda's New African Alliance Watched

For the dedicated jihadi, killing kids and innocent bystanders with that bomb is okay. But you may have to ask mom and dad for permission... more»

A review of Spy Wars: Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games by Tennent H. Bagley (and more).

From The Situationist, an article on the situation of Interrogation and Marketing. Top government officials from several countries gathered in Italy in late May to discuss torture and rendition. In the background loomed the knowledge that CIA officers may soon be put to trial for seizing a terror suspect in Milan in 2003. If the Bush administration forces the CIA to drop "tough" interrogation techniques like waterboarding, the agency will probably fall back on a brutal method that leaves no physical marks. A review of Five Years of My Life: A Report from Guantánamo by Murat Kurnaz and Helmut Kuhn, and a review of Bad Men: Guantánamo Bay and the Secret Prisons by Clive Stafford Smith. What kind of process is due detainees? Benjamin Wittes on terrorism, the military, and the courts. The introduction to Liberty Under Attack, published by The Century Foundation.

H20 Slate

Should We Globalize Labor Too? By JASON DePARLE These days, capital and goods cross borders with ease. Lant Pritchett says that if the developing world’s workers could do the same, everyone would benefit

Larry Summers’s Evolution The former Treasury secretary is having second thoughts about how to make globalization work for the middle class.

Calculating America's Wealth: How Are We Doing? A calculator for comparing salaries among different demographic groups in America.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State, 2006
Souce: Bureau of Economic Analysis Full Release (PDF; 184 KB)
+ Highlights (PDF; 110 KB)
+ Tables (xls; 84 KB)

From Daedalus, a special issue on Aging, including Chris Wilson (IIASA): The century ahead; Henry Aaron (Brookings): Longer life spans: boon or burden?; Sarah Harper (Oxford): Mature societies: planning for our future selves; Paul Baltes (Virginia): Facing our limits: human dignity in the very old; Linda Partridge (UCL): Of worms, mice & men: altering rates of aging; Hillard Kaplan (New Mexico): The life course of a skill-intensive foraging species; Dennis Selkoe (Harvard): The aging mind: deciphering Alzheimer's disease & its antecedents; Caleb Finch (USC): Aging, inflammation & the body electric; an essay by Kenneth Clark on The artist grows old; Jagadeesh Gokhale (Cato) and Kent Smetters (Penn): Measuring Social Security's financial outlook within an aging society; and Lisa Berkman and M. Maria Glymour (Harvard): How society shapes aging: the centrality of variability.

H21 Communism destroyed millions of lives, but its critics are now branded “neocons.” Why has the left’s poisoned love affair with it endured? Robert Service wonders... more»

Americans believe all people in their land of plenty are created equal and have a right to a spacious freedom – that produces unequal outcomes... more»

Shouldn’t all educated persons be instructed in the great religious and secular traditions, as well as their greatest books? Atheism is not enough... more»

Richard Rorty, American thinker of unusual depth and originality, is dead at the age of 75... more» ... more»

Final Sopranos predictions

Bada bing: Sopranos leave without an ending

Why might some waiters earn more than new chefs? Why might it be illegal to use a cellphone but not to eat a Big Mac while driving? This is not dismal science... more»

Napoleon to Iraq, and still going strong Alan Rusbridger This is the 50,000th edition of the Guardian. We will have to wait 14 more years to celebrate the paper's double century. But 50,000 is significant enough a milestone to pause and reflect on where we came from and where we are going.

Leaving Tony Soprano's world THERE HAS never been anything quite like "The Sopranos." The series that David Chase created for HBO has retrieved something of the experience newspaper readers once savored, back when great novels by Dickens, Dostoyevsky, or Balzac appeared in weekly installments.

Call to ban exams for under-16s
· Damning verdict on testing culture
· Pupils under 'intolerable' stress

The Sopranos is over. So go see a therapist Critics grieve for the show hailed as TV's pinnacle ... but will Tony survive?

The Universe, expanding beyond all understanding: Our successors, whoever and wherever they are, may have no way of finding out about the Big Bang and the expanding universe.

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AKP bir seçim daha kazanırsa burası FC olur 4 Ocak 2010
ABD bu işin neresinde? 29 Aralık 2009
Türkiye-Ermenistan Protokolü Üzerine Düşünceler 3 Eylül 2009
"Obama’nın Savaşı":AfPak Üzerine Notlar 20 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Ardından 17 Nisan 2009
Obama’nın Türkiye Gezisi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 19 Mart 2009
ABD ve Orta Doğu Barış Süreci Mart 2009
Obama’nın “Kırkı Çıkarken” Mart 2009

ABD-PKK “İlişkisi” Üzerine Notlar Şubat 2009
Mahşerin Üç Atlısı: Ross, Holbrooke ve Mitchell 5 Şubat 2009
SOFA ABD için Irak’ta “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Ocak 2009
Obama Döneminde ABD ve Asya 15 Ocak 2009
Obama’nın Güvenlik Kabinesi Üzerine Notlar 4 Aralık 2008
Yeni ABD Başkanı Obama ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri 6 Kasım 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimlerinin Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerine Muhtemel Etkileri 30 Ekim 2008
ABD Başkanlık Seçimleri Ekim 2008
Obama’nın Biden’ı Tercihinin Bir Tahlili 26 Ağustos 2008
Amerikan Sağı Üzerine Notlar Ağustos 2008
Gürcistan Krizi, ABD ve Türkiye 11 Ağustos 2008
Obama'nın Dış Gezisi 29 Temmuz 2008
Başkan Bush’un Avrupa Gezisi ve Transatlantik İlişkileri 18 Haziran 2008
ABD Seçimleri (ppt) - 10 Haziran 2008
"Sessiz Tsunami": Global Gıda Krizi (ppt) - 29 Nisan 2008
Amiral Fallon'un İstifası 13 Mart 2008
ABD ve PKK İlişkisi Üzerine Notlar 22 Kasım 2007
“İçeride Liberal, Dışarıda Şahin”: K. Irak’a Harekat Üzerine Notlar 25 Ekimy 2007
K.Irak'a Ekonomik Müeyyideler Üzerine Sorular 25 Ekimy 2007
Irak "Hamle"sinin Muhasebesi Eylül 2007
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri - Yeni Dönemin Gündemi Eylül 2007
ABD, K. Irak ve Türkiye Üzerine Notlar ve Sorular Haziran 2007
ABD ve Orta Doğu: "Müflis mirasyedi" mi "stratejik deha" mı? Mayıs 2007
Recommendations for Strengthening U.S.-Turkish Relations February 26, 2007
ABD'nin Irak'taki Seçenekleri Ocak 2007
'Topal Ördek'le İki Yıl Daha: 2006 Kongre Seçimleri Aralık 2006
U.S.: Empire, Gulliver or the “First Among Unequals” (ppt) - ASAM 2023 Conference - October 2006
Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde “İkinci Bahar” mı, “Sonun Başlangıcı” mı? Stratejik Analiz - Haziran 2006 -
Irak’ta Direnişin ve İşgalin Gölgesinde Demokrasi Deneyi Avrasya Dosyası - İslam ve Demokrasi Özel Sayısı
Gurur ve Önyargı: ABD İran Gerginliği ve Türkiye Stratejik Analiz Nisan 2006 - (pdf)
Arzın Merkezine Seyahat: ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi - Journey to the Center of the World: U.S. National Security Council Avrasya Dosyası 2005
Dört Tarz-ı Siyaset: Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri ve Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Washington Ziyareti Temmuz 2005
11 Eylül’den Sonra Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri: Eski Dostlar mı Eskimeyen Dostlar mı? Avrasya Dosyası - 2005
“Dört Yıl Daha”: Yeni Bush Yönetimi ve Dünya Aralık 2004
2004’ten 2005’e Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Aralık 2004
Türkiye, Iraklı Kürtler ve Statükonun Meşruiyeti Nisan 2004 - eksik
Askerî Alanda Devrim: Askerî Bir Senfoni Ocak 2004
Çirkin Amerikalı’ ile ‘Güven Bunalımı’: ‘Süleymaniye Krizi ve Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Temmuz 2003 - ( pdf )
The Middle East: A Land of Opportunity and Peril for Turkey - May 2003
Türk-Amerikan İlişkileri Üzerine Notlar: Ataerkil Yapıdan Tüccar Mantığına mı? Mayıs 2003
Türkiye, ABD ve Irak Harekâtı: Hayır Diyebilen Türkiye? - Şubat 2003
Değişim, ‘Sense of Proportion’ ve Tarihin Yararları ile Sınırları Üzerine Nisan 2003
ABD Güvenlik Politikalarında Güç Kullanımı ve Caydırıcılık Ağustos 2002
“Yalnız Kovboy” ya da “Eşit Olmayanlar Arasında Birinci”: ABD Dış Politikasında Tektaraflılık-Çoktaraflılık Tartışmaları Mart 2002
İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin: ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikaları Ocak 2002
Unilateralism corrupts, absolute unilateralism corrupts absolutely Turkish News, May 21, 2002
ABD ve Afganistan: Çıkış Var mı? Kasım 2001
Realism and Change
Crime and Punishment - Deterrence and its Failure in Theory and Practice 2001
“Tüketebileceğimizden Daha Fazla Değişim” ya da Eskimeyen Dünya Düzeni Ekim 2001
“ABD-AB İlişkilerinde Metal Yorgunluğu” Haziran 2001
It never rains circa. 1991.

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